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    1. Sept 1 2010 - Escape

      by , 09-01-2010 at 05:19 PM (Mah Journal)
      The first dream was in a large foresty setting, a lot like the ranch. There was some woman chasing me and trying to catch me. The catch was that I seemed to be a vampire, or some sort of supernatural being, and I could easily outdo her. It's kinda funny because I was actually scared of her too.

      At first I just kept trying to outrun here. Then there was a huge mass of trees, and a trail in it. I grabbed onto one of the thin-trunked trees and started climbing. The tree wasn't very high at all, maybe only a person or two higher than me, but it was enough so that the woman couldn't catch me. She caught up to me, and just stood at the bottom of the tree, staring at me with hatred.

      I resumed my flight from her and jumped from tree to tree. It was quite fun despite my genuine fear of her. Eventually I ended up in this wooden building with huge cages of trees and leaves and branches tucked into them. Apparently it was the supply room for some guy who was supposed to be the "fire maker" and make all the fires on the property.

      I quickly went to one of the cages and tore open a hole in the metal. I climbed my way through various pieces of tree and just sat in the middle of it. It was slightly stuffy and hard to breathe. I calmed myself and hoped that somehow the giant hole would go unnoticed.

      Eventually these two random guys joined me. I don't know who or what they might have been, but they seemed to be running away from this woman as well. They cleared out the inside of the cage thing so that it was like a room. They set up a bed for themselves. That's all I remember of that dream.


      I was on some icy mountain or something. I had a car with me, and my opponents who seemed to be MA and her sister, and maybe KA too, had a car as well. We were casting spells or something, trying to defeat each other. It was very WC3 like. All I remember is hopping into one of the cars and speeding away. The others pursued me, pretty much beat me at whatever the goal was, but I wouldn't give up. I ended up driving over this large, steep hill that had wood on it. I drove around and tried to evade them, but the dream ended.


      I remember being on a beach with just about the whole class. The waves were getting really high, and we were worried that it would flood. The beach was small and surrounded by a fence, and we couldn't go anywhere. We just stood at the opposite end of the water and hoped that we would be safe. Then JO and JA climbed the fence and landed in a backyard that was behind us. The backyard was in a little dip in the land. They still couldn't get out, but at least it was farther away. But at the same time, there was a dip, so it would be easily flooded there too. That's all I remember.


      I was at some little cottage with some people. KA and V were there. I wanted to show V some things I had crafted. I went to a little room and searched for them so I could take them to him. Then I found some drawing of some kind of "princess-ish" horse, the kind that you would draw when you're a four year old little girl. The funny thing was that I somehow knew that it was some kind of drawing done when I was four-years-old, but yet it was done so amazingly well. It looked so realistic. It was white with a golden-colored mane and some other random ornaments. That dream ended there.


      In my final dream, I was watching a little restaurant. One of the people was Manwell from Fawlty Towers. The owners of the restaurant were trying to get him some sort of special bread from the store beside them. It was some kind of oil fat whole wheat bread or something. Finally Manwell went to that store, and totally ordered the wrong thing. That was the end of it.
    2. August 2010 summary

      by , 09-01-2010 at 04:08 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Despite starting my foray into the world of lucid dreaming in the late second week of August, it's already felt like a long road--though I'm already looking forward to a lifetime of practice. There have been some early encouraging successful results, but they are tempered by rocky outcomes towards the end of the month.

      General Dream Content (This Month)
      Number of new dream journal entries: 17
      Number of documented dream sequences/fragments: 23
      Number of lucid realizations: 3 (13%)
      Number of significant lucid dreams: 1 (4.3%)

      General Dream Content (Total)
      Total documented dream sequences/fragments: 23
      Total lucid dreams: 1 (4.3%)

      Dream Signs (This Month)
      Total identified dream signs: 37
      Action: 7 (18.9%)
      Context: 16 (43.2%)
      Form: 8 (21.6%)
      Awareness: 6 (16.2%)
      0810-0811: Aw+1
      0814: C+1, F+2
      0813-0814: Ac+1, C+2, Aw+1
      0815: Ac+1, C+2, Aw+1
      0818-0819: Ac+1, C+2, F+2
      0819-0820: Ac+1, C+1, F+1, Aw+1
      0821-0822: Ac+1, C+1
      0822-0823: Ac+1, C+1, F+1
      0824-0825: Aw+1
      0827: C+1, F+1
      0828-0829: C+1, F+1, Aw+1
      0829: C+1
      0829-0830: C+1
      0831: Ac+1
      0831-0901: C+2, Aw+1
      Dream Signs (Total)
      Total identified dream signs: 37
      Action: 7 (18.9%)
      Context: 16 (43.2%)
      Form: 8 (21.6%)
      Awareness: 6 (16.2%)

      Dream Sign Associated Lucid Triggers
      Number of lucid realizations: 3
      Action: 2 (66.7%)
      Context: 1 (33.3%)
      0821-0822: Ac+1
      0829: C+1
      0831-0901: Ac+1
      Analysis: It's no surprise that the most common dream sign is unusual contexts. These often manifest as unusual situations, but also include a reasonable setting but an unusual sequence events therein. This highlights a definite need to be able to identify unusual situations for reality checking. It is, however, notable that Action-type dream signs seem to have more reliably triggered lucid dreams (if 2 out of 3 can be considered reliable); it's interesting that 2 out of the 3 lucid realizations involved my wife saying or doing something that I thought was highly unusual.

      Other notes: I've been playing with different sleep mantras, trying to find a combination that helps. The initial one (which I'll list here shortly, it'll be the first one) helped a lot with dream recall, so I'm a little reluctant to drop it over concerns that it might dampen my recall; I'm also concerned that switching them every few nights might be dampening their effectiveness. I've been having trouble finding one for other aspects of dreaming that have the same subconscious impact. Here are some that I've tried:
      "I will wake from my dreams and completely remember them."
      "I will remember to realize that I'm dreaming."
      "Tonight in my sleep I will dream."
      In recent nights I've tried to combine them into one, long chain mantra (tried #3>#1>2 at first, but later found that #3>#2>#1 makes more sense), but it's been difficult and hasn't brought on noticeable differences. I would try to fall back on the first one when I got deep enough into sleep to not be able to concentrate on stringing three sentences together.
      Last night I tried something new (and got a partial lucid to show for it):
      Short and to the point, and I suspect it'll be easier to impact into my subconscious.

      I'd like to end by commenting on some observations I'd had with regards to the last few lucid realizations. I've noticed in dreams that during a nose pinch reality check, the sensation is such that I'm still able to breath but it feels as though my nose is a little bit stuffy/congested. During my second lucid realization I attempted to hold focus by keeping my nose pinched and breathing; as it dissolved back into reality I noticed that the sensation of breathing from the lucid dream matched up with the sensations of natural breathing in reality. So I wonder if the success of this reality check is related to or contingent upon clear, breathable nasal passages.

      Updated 09-03-2010 at 05:25 AM by 35086 (Completion)

      side notes
    3. Introduction

      by , 09-01-2010 at 04:08 PM
      Welcome to my Dream Journal. I used to have vivid dreams all the time and sometimes I would have lucids. Then I had the HSC and then work so I ended up putting this on the topshelf. Until now !! My dream recall is absolutely terrible so keeping a DJ is a necessity for me if I want to start Lucid Dreaming again. I will be updating this online journal semi-weekly from my physical journal. As a sidenote I will also be attempting to become a polyphasic sleeper from Monday next week.
      Cheers, Adam.
    4. From making games with chalk to UFO's

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:44 PM
      Ok so I went a WHOLE day without sleep so I decided to catch up yesterday and this morning. It was a long and stressful day (not going into details) but never the less I had woken up many times and gone back to sleep to give myself tons of dreams. Most are fragmented but some I remember with detail. All are non-lucid.

      First: I was in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere with someone who i dont know their name but seemed familiar. I had a idea for a new game. I had chalk in my hand and i ran around in circles forming spirals and I couldnt touch the lines or i had to circle around and form another spiral... then I had like 6 spirals and i could cut over across them by the centers of the spirals... i dont know how else to explain that.. lol...

      Second: I was in a office and it was my office I had nothing to do and i was bored sitting there at my desk. I went down the hall to this black ladys office and walked in. She seemed really busy and I had asked her if there was anything I could do and she replied oh my god I am so busy and I need a break. Then she showed me what she was doing. It was multiplying 12800 times 700 and problems like that... She walked out and I saw a calculator ... well it formed a error cause the problem was too large to fit... so i began to do it on the laptop next to me. Then i got up walked down the hall way to the end... I opened the door infront of me and it was a small room overlooking a intersection in a woods... there were several people there... in the room with me. I explained to them it would be awesome if we put a drag racing tree on top of the roof and we could have the cars drag race.

      Third: I was in a car going over a bridge. I was looking out the side of the car and spotted 2 UFO's in the sky slowly coming down near the water and hovering over the water very close I could see the UFO's sway and balance. We continued to drive across the bridge and stopped on the other side...I could see people or aliens inside the ship through the glass I got out and a stealth bomber was taking off near me at a runway and I watched it go into the sky and disappear in the sun and reappear as it turned... it was skinny and like a bird. I then walked into what seemed to be a building waiting room. There was a grandfather and his grandson sitting in there talking about the UFO's I saw and was saying they were run by the government and they were picking up submarines. The UFO's cloaked the submarines and they hung underneath the UFO's... that is what they said anyway.
    5. Skinks and Birth Control

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:20 PM
      Dream date: 8/31/10

      : Before bed, had a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich, as suggested by member (Fuentesico). Also had some sake.

      Dream Fragments

      -I was walking down the street with someone (can't remember who), and saw Sebastion, a big black talking cat from a youtube video I saw recently, walking by. I said hello, and he just sort of gave me an attitude and kept walking.

      -I kept walking and came across a stand with cats available for adoption. peaked behind the stand, and they also had some mice, and a couple human babies mixed in..al of them just rolling around on the floor of the adoption stand. For a better look, she put all the creature in their own clear plastic cups, and strung the cups together on a string and handed it to me. I went through a few series of these (each string had about 15 cups on it)...I'm not sure if I was looking for a cat or a human baby at that point.

      -I was at the local industrial club, and the dj was playing good music, but I had to keep telling him to turn it up, since you could barely hear it.

      -I had a container full of dead skinks ( a type of lizard). I ate 2 of them, because supposedly they were a form of birth control. The girl that sold them originally was selling them 2 for $5, but changed it to $500 for 5 months worth. Right before I woke up, I was trying to give the skinks back to her, and one of them got out and caught on fire.

      (The rest of the night was mostly filled with anxiety, with the wedding coming up in a few months.)

      *As a note, I'm not pregnant...
    6. The factory

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:16 PM (The Midnight Train)
      My parents are angry at me for something but I don't remember what.
      I am in front of the factory and one of the employees with a blue apron is offering me something to eat. I believe that I refused. I walk up the stair to the two tables where at one an employee who I kind of like is sitting. As there is a pool of water near the tables when I walk past there the water spills on to her t-shirt. She does not get angry but then I try to wash it off for her with a hose and make her t-shirt even wetter. She now stands up and yells at me. I am embarrassed and leave as there are other employees watching. For some reason this is an exciting thing to happen for the employees and they text those inside the building. When I enter the big hall where normally it's a factory, people are eating and giggling at me. As I walk past Rebecca-2 and another employee, they giggle and leave the table. The hall is very spacious and has white regtangular pillars. I see my parents eating at two tables and also Abi-1. I quickly hide under a bench/sofa which is the seating for one table because my parents are still angry. My Dad comes around and sees me there so I come out of hiding.
      So I ask, "Why are you guys eating at two tables?" By the way they are eating Isarn food.
      "There are too many vegetables."

      Updated 09-14-2010 at 04:40 PM by 35484

      Tags: a-1, crush, dad, factory, isarn, mom, r-2
    7. dream within dream

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:14 PM
      My dad asked me if i wanted to go dirt bike riding. I agreed to go and then we left for the hills. When we arrived at the spot there was a bunch of other people and my dad dropped me of saying hed b right back. I met some kids and i had a dub on me so one of them rolled a blunt for me. We went over to the smoke spot an burned the blunt. I started thinking about dirt bike riding and i imagiend my dad telling me a story about some crazy kid who died on a dirt bike goin 70 mph on a bumpy dessert. I remorsed then awaoke from my dreeam in a dream nd saw myself sitting back on a couch playing some atv game on on x box. I tried to find my favorite racing song but couldnt find it. I said fuck it and whent on a near by computer and logged onto face book. A friend chatted me and said that it wasnt them and it was someone else. I was confused and signed of and on several times. Later in the dream a ton of friends were going to the prom and i remember being at my friends house with my sis her friends nd my friends. everyone was getting ready except for me. I rmemberd thinking about how fat girls never got dates either to proms and realized none of my sisters friends were fat. I started thinking of two male dogs and how they didnt need to wory bout this shit cause there dogs and they just do there thing. As the bus left i hopped with all my friends. When we arrived we were at some intersection getting ready to transfer to another bus, my friend matt kept saying mattie come on we gotta go. But then his broter on the other bus yelled get back on the other bus. I was caught in te middle of the insterscetion and didnt no what to do. I quickly ran to the airport and said fuck it. I later found my mom and she explained the brother was jealous. I agreed and woke up soon after
    8. Several Non-Lucids

      by , 09-01-2010 at 02:10 PM (Images In The Night)
      for all of them
      Lucidity- 0

      Was playing a special ops mission from MW2 with my friend. We were in the game.

      On a boat while a kid was tubing. The kid was kinda fat.

      From the movie "The Onion", the Rich black kid in Africa. I was hanging with him and a friend. Then we fought people with guns. Turns out ours only had blanks.

      Running up a hill of concrete. Slipped on the side and fell back down almost in the lake.

      On a boat again. A woman catches a fish that has a mask on it. Mask looks like one from avatar. That the na'vi have on when flying.
    9. 9/1/10

      by , 09-01-2010 at 02:09 PM
      candy tried to make fun of a cashier by asking her out. she asked to see candy's hair(it was in a towel) and whenshe showed it was curly she siad sure. candy was taken aback and flustered so they made arrangments for a date.

      about matt. we were a couple, tried to sleep in the same bed with my mom in the room but there were too many hangers on the bed.
    10. Hostager turned Hostagee

      by , 09-01-2010 at 01:16 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 30, 2010 - Lucid - 3/5

      I actually don't remember too much about this part.... other than I was in a group with 5 other people. This one bleach blond dude was threatening to kill us. But someone suggests, "Why don't we just kill you, by crushing you?"

      We all gather round him and back him into a corner. The idea was to use body weight, but he kept getting smaller. And we were having troubles getting us all in there. Eventually, people backed off. I said something like, "Guys, you don't exactly crush kidnappers to death by giving them room..."

      There's a guy in the corner that looks like Darren, but I don't "see" him as Darren in the dream, he points out, "Look at how small your kidnapper is now?"

      I look down. He's about 2 feet tall and still going. I'm not worried about him anymore. I look back over at "not-Darren" And said something about, "Well, at least this has nothing to do with lucidity... or wait.... it does..." Darren smiles and everyone vanishes. "Darren?!" I turned around. No one. "Darren, can I see you?" Nothing. Ughhh. There was a door in the corner of the room. Lets go see what's inside it. Maybe it'll take me to Darren.

      I opened the door and it was a closet... with shelves full of grungy urinals and assorted white small appliances. "Ugh!" I exclaimed. I shut the door again, and opened it. Now it was just white appliances with this interesting looking one in the middle... what is tha - Door shut again. I opened it again with an, "Oh," as the appliances had all changed again.

      "Okay enough with this, it's wasting the dream," I thought. "What was my goal?" Problems with memory. I racked my mind. "I need to get Danny's help in meeting my brother. Well, we already know I'm having troubles summoning people... maybe I'll have better luck on the moon." Why the moon?! I dunno. I thought about the prayer room at the Silver Millennium castle. That room holds a lot of power, perhaps it will grant me what I need. I noticed a small version of the pillar of the prayer room, now in this room. "Please grant me the power to make it to the moon," I asked it. It vanished.

      I looked over at this window. It wasn't large and a bit high up the wall. I pulled myself to thought, "This will be easy," and pushed my head through the glass. The rest of me followed suit very quickly, and I pushed off the side of the building to fly! I angled myself a bit, trying to find the right positioning to make this a fast flight.

      I was entering the clouds when I hear a, "Hey!!" call from behind me. I look around and I see this black tiled roof. "Why is there a row of townhouses in the middle of the ocean?" I thought. No matter. I pulled myself onto the ledge and turned around. The distraction caught up to me and it was Julia! (Julia is my best friend who also wants to dream share with me. She lives 7 hours ahead of me in time zones, so I'm really looking forward to if this will work... it may well prove that dream plane time and physical time slept need not apply... as she and I will rarely be asleep at the same time)

      "Julia! It's a good thing you caught up to me here! Once we were past this cloud covering (I played with the clouds that we were standing in, on this rooftop) we'd be in space!" I told her.

      "Or would we?" She asked.

      "What do you mean?" I asked her.

      "Well, you can tell how far up you are by a simple test," she says. She took off her backpack and tossed it in the air. It floated back down to her. She then hovered off the roof and threw her backpack into the ocean, below. It took a moment but the water came funneling back up and splashed her.

      "I hope you didn't need anything in there," I said, laughing at her.

      "Meh," she shrugged.

      "Let's move on," I said. But as soon as I jumped back into the air, the dream faded away. I laid perfectly still on my bed, trying to daydream and reenter the scene, but it was gone
      Tags: darren
    11. A few weeks ago

      by , 09-01-2010 at 01:11 PM
      I had a very cool but strange dream within a dream.

      I am going to see Inception again with my girlfriend Angela. People at the theater keep talking during the movie, and I can't pay attention, so I decide to go to sleep. I wake up dreaming that I'm in an art gallery. I walk around for a little, and see one very strange artist who makes me realize I am dreaming! I freak out and wake up - back in the previous dream. So weird.
    12. Soap opera dream and false awakening

      by , 09-01-2010 at 01:10 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 29, 2010

      I was having an AMC dream. JR discovered Annie was sleeping with some politician dude. They were getting it on in a car. JR discovered them and had got upset, but this part of the dream faded.

      False awakening. I "woke up" in bed. I spent a moment lying there and recalling the dream. I was also quite surprised I had fallen asleep again. I didn't even feel it coming.

      Edited for TMI content...

      I wondered about the possibility of this being a false awakening. I then noticed that, consciously, I did feel different. Fairly positive now that I'm dreaming, I thought to myself, "Only one way to check, and that's to get out of bed!"

      As I slowly rolled over and got out of bed, I marveled about the fact that this really did feel like I was moving my real body. I began to question whether I was truly dreaming or not. I rather felt that getting out of bed would feel floaty, especially since in lucids, I don't normally feel gravity and weighty. This felt exactly like real life. Future note, WILDs may feel exactly like this. Especially when I think I'm awake...

      Anyways, I was thinking a lot about this whole "Am I moving a dream body or my real body?" thing, and I heard a voice in the back of my mind, "Don't over think it, or you WILL wake up too much and move your real body." This voice sounded female, to my surprise (I usually expect Danny to tell me these things). It was probably myself; but in the past, Janine (my first DG, before Danny) often sounded like me... I wonder if this was her, again?

      I didn't spend too much time looking around the room. But I did notice that the bedroom door, positioning of the bed and my endtable were all as they should be. This made me question, again, whether I was lucid or awake. I looked at the clock on my endtable. The numbers should have been a dead give-away. I could barely read the clock... it looked tired-eye bleary and I couldn't really make out any numbers. I concentrated harder. Does that say 4:41 or 4:48? I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It says 4:48. "I don't have to get up until 5:30," I reminded myself. "This is perfect, I can sleep longer!"

      Completely forgetting about the false awakening, I crawl back in bed beside Jack. I noticed he was awake and reading something on his phone. We had a short discussion about him not staying up this late and my alarm rang.

      Alright, so even if I hadn't gotten distracted, it's not like I could've done much with the lucidity, anyways. My guess is, this all happened just before 5:30, waking time. Maybe about 5:25, but this whole scene felt a bit shorter than 5 minutes. Still, this is a great note for future WILDs... I guess this is considered an INRALD (I'm Not Really Awake Lucid Dream)... I thought I was pretty good at determining lucidity by how it feels alone... and normal DILDs, I think that still holds true. But this whole new foray into INRALDing and WILDing... when I honestly think I'm awake, it really, really does feel like I'm awake! Further proof that I REALLY need to RC upon waking up...
    13. Failed to recall

      by , 09-01-2010 at 12:38 PM
    14. Night of 8/31-9/1

      by , 09-01-2010 at 12:21 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Had another lucid-for-a-few-moments-but-lost-it episode.

      It started with a longer sequence for which I only remember some. I was with a few people whom I suspect were my parents (at least one of them was my dad) and we were in a car going to what was some kind of mall/fast food restaurant combination--it had a drive through window. We ordered and picked up...something, but we forgot to order something we needed so I got out to go into the store and get it while they circled back around to pick me up. When I came out, as I got into the car my dad asked, "Do you know what 'los loco lobos' means?" to which I replied, "The crazy dog."

      Cut to me sitting in a theater watching some romance movie. It featured an Asian couple from New York City. The only part of the movie I can remember was a segment where the girl went into this long-winded monologue about how her boyfriend was so awesome because he had all these manly, rugged qualities because he was such a "Minnesota man", which I recall thinking was outrageously stupid because they were both from New York City.

      Cut once more to me in bed; I would wake up, my wife would tell me something, and then I'd go back to sleep. This would happen over and over. At some point she woke me up and started reciting sappy lines from the romantic movie from before, and when she did so I thought, "Oh god, I'm in a nightmare now!" semi-jokingly, then did a nose pinch reality check which failed. Had a quick "Yeah!" moment, then got up quickly (thus far I'd been thinking my last lucid slipped away because I stayed laying down) to get to work. My wife was now babbling incoherently, trying to get my attention so I waved her away since I was planning to clear out my apartment as a start to environmental control practice. I started to head to the front door of my apartment to turn on the light (since it was still dark in the room), but the dream dissolved to awakening. Reality check passed; lost it again quickly unfortunately.

      It's nice that I'm still getting lucids and that they seem to be occurring with a little more frequency, but I need to find some way to stabilize them.
    15. Medieval writings and a magic orca

      by , 09-01-2010 at 11:15 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in my old bedreeom at my parents house sometime in the early 90s. I appear as I did when I was about 14 or 15 or so. It is nighttime and the sun has not quite yet begun to rise. I can hear my mom and dad stirring in thier bedroom down the hall. Because I like to sleep in and afraid that my dad will try to get me at the same time he does (which is something he did throughout my whole teenage life) I get up and quietly close the door to my room.

      Even though I have the intention of going back to sleep I turn the light on for some reason and see that my bed is now covered in many books. Many are on Medieval folklore or literature but there is one book about how to write stories. I sit down on my bed and open it up to a section that is like a 'choose your own adventure' and also has many ideas for names. On the wall running parallel to my bed a vision or hallucination is projected of how my thoughts and imagination are processing the information of the book.

      The dimensions of my room suddenly change and it is much larger than before with a much higher ceiling. An orca whale appears and starts swimming around the air of my room like it was in water. Somehow I know that this orca is magic and also my animal companion.

      Reading more of the book I learn in the dream how to write fantastic stories and when I am done and put the book down I don't even need to use paper or writing implements because I can just project the images from my imagination onto the walls or floor of my bedroom and the images become real. Somehow I know that my magic orca is helping me do this but I don't know how to explain exactly in what ways.

      Because I have so many ideas in my head the scenes change quickly until one catches my eye. At first I cannot tell what it is. Projected on the floor of my bedroom something appears to be moving quickly under the water of a seagrass enclosed, shallow river channel along a Medieval looking countryside. It takes a few moments for me to recognize the creature but I finally realize that it is a beluga whale. My orca companion becomes excited and begins swimming around the room rather exuberantly.

      I take a picture of the beluga scene for my orca companion with my imagination powers and my friend seens happy to float over my shoulder and look at the postcard sized image for a while, though for some reason he seems rather sad all of a sudden. The beluga in the projected scene seems to realize this somehow and starts blowing bubbles.

      One bubble is very big and the orca swims towards it, shrinking insize as he goes, until he is small enough to fit inside of it. As soon as he goes inside of the bubble both the orca and the bubble disappear along with the scene that had been projected on my floor.

      At first I am confused and unable to make the scene reappear. Then I notice that the postcard sized image has changed and now shows both the beluga and the orca swimming happily in the shallow river channel rather than the beluga alone. I somehow know that my orca is now with a friend and this makes me happy.

      The dream ends there.