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    1. First lucid after a dryspell

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:45 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I've had several weeks on no lucids. Even tonight my recall for the first two dreams was poor. But I finally had a lucid:

      I had a false awakening to find Hugh outside playing games. I hear him playing and also tap dancing. Then he comes in and reads a note from my sister about giving me a hug. He hugs me. I think, "Am I dreaming?" I say it aloud twice. I look at the clock and it's 40:28. I'm dreaming! I become lucid. I kick Hugh out of my room, literal, and he sails off defying gravity. I used the commands "stability" and "clarity" to stabilize the dream. I look at my hands and feel my dream body. Then I meet Hugh on the balcony and ask if he has Sidal's phone number (mistake, I know). He dials and hands me the phone. I wait while it rings, then silence. It's like someone picked up but says nothing. I'm so focused on listening and the emotion of the situation that I loose the dream scene and I wake up.
    2. Stay Lucid

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:19 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was so tired last night after dance and stuff, which probably accounts for the lack of detailed dream recall.

      I was standing in the middle of a square room with white walls. It was pretty empty, but there was something like a television on one wall. I became lucid and tried to ground myself in the dream, but I already felt the lucidity waning. "Stay lucid," I said to myself, but it faded.

      I again realized I was dreaming after a few moments of walking around the room, but again lost it, even when stopping and really stabilizing and trying to think as much as I could.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:32 AM by 28408

      Tags: lucid, poor, recall, school
      lucid , dream fragment
    3. One vivid recall.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:09 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      I only really had one vivid dream recalled from last night and I had a little fragment that I still remember. I'm not going to bother writing that one down but I will post the dream.

      I'm working at brew and grow and I'm handling the front counter while Julie is working in back. The computer isn't working so I'm small talking a customer while I stall for time. I also notice that the light switch is not working either. So it's kinda dark.

      The dude kinda looks like a real customer. He's white and probably thirty with brown hair and a beard and goatee. While we are small talking I'm making myself lunch which is chicken alfredo though it's out of some sort of powdered packet.

      I look back at the computer and type in some sort of command as the screen is all black and if mostly stays that way. Julie must have said something funny to me because the customer says that what she and I have is special. I think it's ridiculous that he'd say that as I am married and also because I can tell he is jealous and I don't want him going nuts on me.
      So as I'm going through my routine (reality checks throughout the day, random stops to just "feel and look" around me, WBTB) I decided to add on a "day journal" of sorts to help me clear my head everynight as well as incubate some ideas for me to dream about and realize I'm lucid. Plus: it'll be a good way to get my creative writing back into the swing of things.
      non-lucid , side notes
    4. Radiation Jacket

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:53 AM
      I am walking behind a girl with brown hair, a little shorter than me and I am seeing myself in third person. I am wearing a mod-ish three peice suit, dark and pinstriped. It is made of the same material as a raincoat might be.
      The girl asks what it is for and I say it is for radiation.
      She asks from what.
      I say from the culture. She asks if it works and I say no, not at all.

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 04:54 AM by 34818 (Misspelled Title)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Fragments

      by , 09-02-2010 at 03:34 AM

      Carpark, coke, scotch

      Win on Pokie (slot) machine in an empty pub. apocalypse. country. driving


      Sorry, keywords are all I have until my recall improves
    6. Visiting a Cult

      by , 09-02-2010 at 03:22 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I exit my old house and start off at a good jog through my neighborhood. I set an excellent pace, and it feels as if the scenery is flying by without me slowing down or getting fatigued. I pass along an avenue with heavy woods to both sides and come out in a more rural area. I see a church building to the side, and I pull into it to rest. Several attractive girls invite me to stay for the service, so I do. The preacher, their father, is incredibly charismatic, but I soon realize he's spouting nonsense about aliens and other science-fiction style crazies. I leave, but not before I'm forced to take their book, which has a purple cover and a hypnotic spiral on the front.

      After I arrive back home, I start to read the book. As soon as I open it, an invisible force projects from the pages and forces me flying backwards! I realize that if I turn the book, I can use this force to actually fly, and I buzz around my house and backyard for a few moments. I then figure that this is a bad sign, so I manage to fling the book away and land hard. I then rip the book into several pieces and place it in a compost pile.
    7. More fragments

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:48 AM
      I felt most of these were not even worth writing down at the time but forced myself to anyways.

      I saw Rebecca at some point, at the university, and she was talking about a get-together which I would inevitably miss since I'm leaving next week.

      I have something about languages written down. It must have been languages I didn't know--perhaps Greek was included, since I installed a Greek keyboard on my computer so I'll be able to type math equations more easily.

      I played some starcraft 1. That's right, the original. And not surprisingly, I was getting very frustrated because my micro was horrible and I was getting harassed like mad. Afterwards some guy, who used to be in the CIA, was telling me about war and what not. I think he said a few things about WWII. It made me curious, after I thought about it again. Maybe he was supposed to be my grandpa? Though he was far too German-looking for that to be right.
    8. Let's consider this my first DJ entry...

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:23 AM
      For the online DJ system, that is. I have two books filled to about 350 pages total thus far and it's been a long time since I shared any :l so here we go, I'll start by retelling some of the ones you all have missed out on:

      The New House

      My family hears word of my Aunt Brenda buying a new place a couple hours from where she used to live. Invited, we pack up via time lapse imagery and begin our 3 three hour drive out of our way to meet the new house. They'd only moved in yesterday, and hadn't even come close to exploring all 50+ different rooms in the house. It was a mansion that somewhat reminded me of the manor from the Resident Evil 1 in size and complexity. However upon entering, the place seemed much unlike that mansion in RE1, for it was clean, tidy, and welcoming.

      After the expected greetings and whatnot with my Aunt and cousins, I naturally follow my oldest cousin, Dale, to his new room. I complimented his TV, which was a forty inch plasma with crystal clear picture. Dale corrected me, saying that it was his computer screen. Amused by this, I took advantage by watching youtube videos on it for what should have been hours. Soon, I went downstairs for dinner; apparently, I had missed the tour of the house from what they had explored thus far. Supper consisted of great homemade stuff.

      After dinner I was shown to my room, (there was just a transition to the moment my Aunt opened the door for me) and I immediately collapsed on the cozy bed. A brief lurch forward in time, a few hours. I hear crying, and then a brief scream. The door to my room opens and then slams. Heart racing. I contemplate and idealize what could possibly be happening, but I can't summon a reasonable conclusion. Determined to convince myself it was just the wind, I forced myself to try to sleep for the rest of the night.

      In the morning I went downstairs to see if anyone was up yet. There was nobody. There was a paper note on the fridge that hadn't been there the day before, which read, "The small room with the small door handle-- we don't go there!"

      I paced until everyone was downstairs and awake. We ate. Dale had a friend over as well as the friend's mother. Dale and his friend would just sit staring hypnotically at the computer screen, waiting for his mother to speak to which he would immediately reply with an aggravated "Shut up." and grimace, possibly swearing under his breath in anger.

      I said I was going to the bathroom, so I walked downstairs and turned a few corners and found it. Upon opening the door, the tap erupted violently without any of the handles being turned around the faucet. So, I went upstairs to find the other bathroom, ignoring the impulse to ask where it is. I walk through the room of my other cousin, Marina, which was sort of like a dual entrance-way room (a door on either end). I also notice another cousin of mine, Pam, was crashed on the bed. I emerge into a small hallway from her room, and immediately hear reverberating footsteps at a fast pace, sounding quite close. The door behind me slammed shut. I was completely alone in the narrow corridor; I could feel no human presence.

      It was illuminated with a nostalgic sunlight, deep and warm and hard on the eyes. There were three doors along the wall beside me. The door on the left had a shuddering handle. Hearing my heartbeat echo in my ears, pulsing madly and loudly, I open the handle out of overpowering curiosity. The sound of a thousand dying screams at once all hit me in one concentrated outburst, windy. Visions of decaying corpses, mutilated half-deads, and the tortured all dance around my peripherals. In the back of my mind I have an image of fingernails, rotten and overgrown, peeling slowly off the fingers of these leathery people, and it headaches me greatly. I slam the door shut. It immediately opens again as soon as I shut it, and the room looks fine. An old record player sits in the corner, spitting out some distorted jazz out of the brass trumpet. I close the door, my heart thumping being more vivid than ever.

      As I look over to the sunlit windows I see a shadow moving underneath them, along the floors, and quickly away from me. At this moment for some reason I realize that there are no lights installed in this part of the house. I walk to the end of the hallway and look both ways. The hallway becomes darker, the carpet rusty, the whole atmosphere dirty like that of an old cheap motel hallway, even the smells. I turn my back and return to Marina's room. The bedsheets were torn off and Pam was gone. As I made to leave, out of the corner of my eye, I see multicoloured toe socks peeking out from under the bed-- Pam was under the bed.

      I leave the room, but as I step away from the door I see a terribly vivid image in front of me. It was a woman with greasy and dirty gray hair, accompanied with a rotting gray face with cracks alongside, tearing away at the remaining skin on her face (not a lot). She was wearing a silver night-gown. Stains of red here and there, and many puke stains, particularly down her middle. She ignored me, fell to her knees without acknowledging me, and screamed the same scream I had heard only last night. She got up and glided away, sobbing to herself.

      I ran downstairs, turned a corner to find my Aunt and a few other people crowded around the bathroom door downstairs. The other things that had been in there before were gone, and now was a urinal, which was also backing up.

      We left the house, assuming, never to return.
    9. Dreams from a couple nights ago

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:10 AM

      I was playing cello and there were two figures (male I think) to the sides of me, and I also was seeing myself from in front of me (as if I was looking into a mirror. When I finished, they were remarking that I looked scared, like a child that lacked confidence. For some reason I was able to look at myself at the cello, and it seemed like my lower body, specifically my legs, showed that I was not confident.

      Another part I was at a restaurant, and had a steak meal, and there was someone there with me as well. As I was cutting into the steak, it wasn't that tender, and when I took a bite it tasted dry. I thought this was weird and I tried eating more of it and it was all dry.

      Another part I was at my house, and a friend was with me, as well as my mom and sisters. The mood was calm, and then I eventually moved to the basement and to the back porch. I was about to turn on the TV, I got a remote, and the door was mostly closed. Then I started to hear one of my sisters and my mom start to argue about something, and slightly scream. This was not surprising, but also sad at the same time.

      I was also in the upper floor of this tavern, on this main street of this village. I started to hear a train approaching, and I heard it honk its horn and the horns said "Yyyooouuuu". I was then outside this float right outside the front of the tavern on the street, in front of the float. I saw a couple people I know in the music department, and they were smiling and I told them about the "Yoooouuuu" sound of the train. The train said it to me, and I was confused because trains don't do that. My friends were not paying attention or interested about this, but seemed to be listening. If I would've questioned it more I might've gotten lucid.

      There was also a time in between dreams where I was in this pale-white-ish green ish haze, and I was thinking that I was in a dream and why I had not realized it earlier. There was also a outline, or some structure I was seeing but couldn't make out any detail. It seemed as though I would wake up because the dream seemed faded.
    10. Me?? A photographer of Models??

      by , 09-02-2010 at 12:52 AM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Sept.1
      Time: 7:02 am

      Description: I woke up right after these dreams ended, and was trying to WBTB. That failed, but the dreams were interesting.

      Dream 1: I am right by the offices behind the old 7 Eleven in my neighbor. Right at the edge of the field. I can't remember what I was doing, but I had someone with me and we were walking towards the New Subdivision. I had my phone out and was trying to watch what seemed like Paranormal Activity. Walking through the grass we pass a patch of grass that had ember coals on it. They were still red, as if just lit. Continuing with our walk, I am talking about something. I see a van driving in reverse in the field. I wonder why, but I don't question it to much. We are at the beginning of the first court. Can't remember anything else.

      Dream 2: At Subway, in the kitchen or what looked like it. I am a photographer who hired a couple of people for pictures. I sign a contract without looking at it. They take a couple of pictures, and decide to go to lunch. They give me some money to spend on anything I want. I get frustrated that they won't listen to me. They come back and I rip their contracts up and tell them to leave. The dream ends.

      After being awoken by my mom. Around 1pm.

      Dream 3: I am at Subway about to close. I choose to clean, while a coworker chooses to do front. She doesn't do anything but my job. The lights go out and I notice the front isn't done. So I start doing stuff and everybody leaves. I put the food away, and am awoken by mom again, yelling at me to get up.
    11. 02/09/2010

      by , 09-02-2010 at 12:45 AM (Ferret's Lucid Dream Journal)
      Gone Fishin

      I started out driving the farm truck with my dad. We were driving around then for some reason the lane I turned into had oncoming traffic! I should have realised this as a dream sign because the way the road was it was my side of the road. I had to drive onto the curb and down a ramp. Now I was on a lower side to the main highway we were supposed to be on. We tried finding a way back up to the main road but all the exits were blocked by trucks or the ramp going up to the road had turned into rubble. I left dad standing their and walked around the side to a building. There were some people that seemed familiar. They were in a covered shed that their boat came into the side of but it was really flash and was their house as well. They wanted me to pick a random co-ordinate between 1,179 or something. I think I chose 139,160 or something like that. Damn its hard to remember numbers! They seemed pretty happy. Dad came back and I could see out of the opening of the shed they had put bait up in a trail all the way from their boat to way out around the docks. It looked like they had a net or heaps of small lines of hooks along the trail. They werent getting any fish and thats why they wanted my co-ordinates. Then we all sat down as it got a bit later in the afternoon and now these people had changed to family friends that I knew. I did an RC and realised I was dreaming. I did it pretty casualy and the family friend asked me if I was into dreaming and that sorta stuff. I looked at him pretty funny anf then he said I jkust saw you do that RC, are you into LDing? I was like hahaha yea. Then told the group, mum was here now and she asked if I could make her lucid. I went over and told her to make an extra finger pop out of her hand. I willed the finger to pop out and she got really excited. Thats when the dream started to fade.

      Drizzt's Reflection

      I kept dead still from my last dream and slipped right back into the one I was just in. I saw the friends kids we were with then knew I was far enough in to do an RC. I already knew I was dreaming but this stabilized it and I turned to enter a room by myself. There was a huge mirror on the other side of the room. I could see myself in it and said out loud "I am Drizzt!" and imagined black skin. Instantly I went into a kind of crouched form. I could see in the reflection I had black skin and a black set of hard leather armor.

      I looked really tough and felt the hard armor over my chest. I went up closer to the mirror and when I got closer I saw that it looked like I had pretty average face paint on. That was kinda gay but the armor was really amazing. I pulled out my two magical scimitars.

      The magic on them looked just like this but the blades looks like plastic blades that had been painted and the paint starting to peel off. I jumped off out the large window into a small corn field patch. The corn was different heights and never taller than your head. I tried running really fast through the corn and then over to my left towards a small hill. At the base of the hill was a creek that was set down about a meter from the ground. I jumped high and cleared it. Then all of a sudden a huge dog like creature came sprinting down the hill towards me. I pulled my scimitars which were now made of steel and looked a lot more deadly. With two small strikes I cut it in the face and throat and it stumbled to the ground. I jumped back across the creek and went down the drop a little bit. I was tryuing to jump back up and heard another dog coming. I jumped up and readied myself as the dog charged me down. I sidestepped at the last possible moment and cut down sideways, slicing the front of its face off. Then a third came running, I easily dispatched it and made my way back into the corn were I woke up.
      Tags: drizzt, fishing
    12. Wave 34: Break

      by , 09-01-2010 at 11:55 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      This is my break Back into LD tonight
      side notes
    13. Finally I did something!!!:D:D

      by , 09-01-2010 at 08:13 PM
      Took a nap and in my dream I was sittin in my room playin some starcraft 2. An unknown guest was accompanying me and I didnt find it at all awkward that I could see a clone of myself standing in a nearby chair. This guest picked that chair up with my form still standing in it and walked out of the room. And I was like wtf... This is a dream! So I looked at my hands and they looked like they were boiling!! I contained my excitement and tried a few more reality checks. Really looking at my hands I realize now perfectly how the dream world interprets hands. I pressed the fingers of my right hand thru my left hand and the skin on the back of my left hand protruded. I held my nose and could not breathe. Finally I got up and started to explore while rubbing my hands. In this false house, I walked into the hallway and found my sister in a chair. We talked a little and I left her to find my parents. They were sharing a chair watching a movie under a fort of blankets that obscured their faces. I was trying to tell everyone I was in a dream because I was so excited and didnt consider that they werent real. I started losing my dream I felt so i looked at my hands and rubbed them together more

      Finally I decided to experiment so I went outside and went into the street and jumped. I jumped nearly 6 feet in the air and my fall was slow. I was so excited! I did that a few more times and jumped over an incoming car. An annoying neighbor kid was throwing rocks at me throughout this time and I just took notice of him, so I gave him this look like I was going to beat him and he dropped his rocks and ran down the street as I decided it would be fun to use my superior dream-speed to overtake him. I focused on running very fast and It didn't seem like it worked. I felt my feet and legs moving faster than normal and it felt like a was hovering an inch or so off the ground, but I was going only a normal running speed. I even looked down at my feet and there were blue flashes as my legs twirled quickly. The shadow made my legs look 'sonicesque'.

      I got to the kids house as the garage door slammed shut and I decided to jump head first through the thin metal. I popped right through the other side leaving a big hole of bent metal. The door inside was open and I judged that his dad was going to come out with some sort of gun soon and I realized my fun here was over, so I jumped through the garage and got stuck in the hole I made. I squeezed myself out as the metal gave and standing in the driveway I tried to fly away.

      I didn't fly however, though I hovered higher and higher focusing at a cloud. Then I looked down at the neighborhood as it faded away. The kids dad burst through a door in the roof of their house holding a double-headed flyswatter as big as he was. He faded out because I was getting higher. It felt as if I was standing and the world was slowly descending from my feet.

      Then I woke up!! And I was like hell yeah!
    14. Faces

      by , 09-01-2010 at 06:10 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      So I done another WBTB last night. I don't really do that many so I should really do a bit more! The ones I've done have always resulted in LDs, even though It's a bit clouded. I was attempting to WILD but I fell asleep, next time I'll stay up a little longer.

      This was a dream fragment. It's waaaaay too late to recall it all but I do remember a bit of it, so I'll record it anyways


      I'm in my room. I know it's a dream, but things are cloudy and my thoughts are scattered. I'm acting on instinct and feelings instead of thinking things through. I head over to my window and jump through it, landing in my front garden instead of the back. I look around, as usual it's night time in the dream. As I lift my body from the ground, I wonder why people find doing things in dreams is so difficult. I shoot fire from my hands and fly to a roof. I want to conjure up Asher.

      I hold my hands out in front of me, slightly upwards. I look away and think of him, then look back. My hands are resting gently on a boys face, but it's the wrong person. I ignore him and try again. The same boy comes up, which frustrates me. I jump from the roof, and fly towards the stars.

      I didn't wake up at that point, I see a brief image of running from something but I must have lost lucidity.

      Something I find wierd is that I can do mostly what I want in my dreams, it's just that things aren't clear, and I don't feel like myself. So I'm focusing on making my dreams more vivid so I'm more lucid than I am currently becoming. I'm going to WBTB/try to WILD more often too .
      lucid , dream fragment
    15. Wishbone and the werid hyoptiatic toys

      by , 09-01-2010 at 05:21 PM
      At first I was dreaming of Wishbone and his owner and their friends-(Joe, Sam and Daniel-in this dream were in college). They were in the Dean's office (?) and convinced him to give them some bagels (or donughts?) and than late Wanda appered for no reason and the next thing I know I was at a mechian garage.
      ************************************************** *****************
      Next there were 4 girls. I saw through the eyes of the foruth girl-(who was the odd one out). The other 3 were rich kids. Two of the three rich kids lived in fancy smancy aparments. The third girl her dad was a mechian, but her family lived in a maision. Something werid was going on in the third girl's house. Her toys seem to be hyoptiatic toys and leds any of her guests to werid parts of the house. But the moring after the toys do that -we are back in bed. There was a letter that said to beware of a blue-eyed and blond hair person.
      lucid , nightmare , memorable