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    1. Retail, Performance Anxiety

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:07 PM


      This wasn't much of a dream. I'm working somewhere that seems like a mix between the school bookstore and PacSun. I have some 3/4 length sleeve hoodies to hang somewhere but they don't seem to fit with the theme of the displays on the walls. There are cabinets that have like small banners around the center of them with names of what goes in the cabinet sort of by theme. Upon closer inspection, it seems that it's a toy store theme and the things that belong in the walls are legos and various video games. But it's clothes hanging up there instead. In fact, one cabinet had VCU tye-dyed hoodies with patches on them of various alcoholic beverages. If I could draw, these were amazing sweatshirts.

      Then, of course, I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't remember what happened on the way to the bathroom, just that I woke up and went to the bathroom.

      Performance Anxiety

      This was from Sunday. I'm in the bathroom and there are people in my stall waiting for me to go to the bathroom and I can't go! Which isn't really that weird because I hardly ever actually *go* to the bathroom in my dreams.
      Tags: bathroom, retail
    2. Covert Ops

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:05 PM

      Covert Ops

      I don't know how I got where I was, but I was driving and I ended up in a parking lot in front of a Circuit City. It was dark out. Kind of rainy. I parked my car in the front row where there were only a few cars in the parking lot. But I didn't go into Circuit City, I went next door to an abandoned building. I kept checking around to see if anyone was watching me. I get to the abandoned building and it's like warehouse huge inside. I look around and find a stairway leading down. I go downstairs and find it's a secret hideout... for who I don't know. All I remember seeing is a tv and someone playing video games. Then someone else tries to hand me a Nintendo DS game. It's a Mario game and I open the box to find that the cartridge is the size of a digital camera memory card. I hand it back to whoever it was that gave it to me and left.

      I am outside looking for my car and there are tons more cars in the parking lot now. It's still dark and now it's pouring down rain. I see a car that I think is mine, but the license plate isn't mine, so I keep looking. I finally find my car and get in and leave the parking lot. I feel like I'm being followed so I morph my car into a bike. So now I'm riding my bike in the rain and I'm at a stop light. I see along the sides of the road there are lasers that can detect movement. There is a cop behind me and I turn right so I can try to shake him. I hop my bike over the motion detector laser and keep riding down a dark alley. The cop follows me, then I see another cop coming at me head-on. I skid out to the right and into a hole in a chain link fence and hide behind a dumpster.

      Then someone comes up to me and congratulates me on getting away from the cops. I now feel like I'm in third person and writing this as a novel. In my head I can hear myself narrating saying something like, "what they didn't know was that I was pregnant with another man's child." Apparently I was being picked up at a check point by my "boyfriend" and his mother. Bizarre!
    3. Spanish Market, Andrea's First Lucid

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:02 PM

      Spanish Market

      I'm logging this late, so I don't remember a whole lot about this even though it was pretty neat when I first woke up. I'm at like a tourist market looking at stuff on this table that people had for sale. I'm speaking in Spanish to a guy who's selling something that is I think a variety of drugs to enhance sex. We're laughing about them because I say something like I can't believe people believe this stuff will actually work and he says he can't either, stupid tourists! I ask him where I can find the game that has to do with the rings that I saw dangling from the power lines that were next to the road that I walked down to get to the market. He tells me to keep walking to see some other vendor in another tent.

      I get to this tent and all I see is a box of flags of different countries... but not full sized, more like that little toy that has a wound up paper on the end of a stick that you flip out and it just retracts the paper... I think it's called a Chinese yo-yo. I pull one out and unravel it and it's a flag from a combination of Canada and Spain. The other flags were made up of different combinations of countries. I remember them being very expensive.

      I kept walking and found a scene where a woman was throwing stones into a barrel outside of a house. There was a group of people watching. Something made me think that her doing this was not a good thing. It occurred to me that the more she did this, the more something bad was happening inside the house. I decided to pick up stones and throw them at the stones that she was throwing to knock them out of the way of getting into the barrel. It must not have worked because a girl came out of the door of the house covered in what I think was soup. I immediately went up to her and took her by the hand and rescued her away.

      I woke up at about 4 in the morning and went to the bathroom and decided it was too cold, so I turned up the heat. At that point, Andrea started to have trouble sleeping. I know this because at 6 she woke me up and said, "I think I just had a lucid dream!"

      Andrea's First Lucid Dream

      She's running around VCU looking for me. Then she realizes that she's barefoot. She looks down at her feet and feels that she's in grass. She can feel all the blades of grass under her feet. She remembered me saying that when I become lucid I try to look at my hands to stabilize. She could feel the excitement building and her heart racing at realizing that she was dreaming, so she went to look at her hands. She brought her hands up from her sides and she felt like they were going in slow motion. She stabilized and decided it was time to fly! So she crouched down like Neo in the Matrix and shot up into the air. She went up into the atmosphere through all the layers of the atmosphere and could feel herself going through them all. She decided she was up too high and went back down to Earth. On the way down she could see her sister and her mom. Her sister said to her that she found some sparkly shoes she wanted her to see. So Andrea jumped up onto her sister's shoulders and ran her fingers through her sister's hair. She could feel all the hair running through her fingers. So her sister took her to where the shoes were, but all Andrea saw were sparkly tank tops. She went to go look for shoes, but then she woke up. She said what woke her up was her heart-rate increasing. She said it was really an amazing experience. I'm SO excited for her!!!!
      Tags: rescue, sex, spanish
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Another Snake Dream, Adoption?

      by , 09-02-2010 at 12:58 PM

      Another Snake Dream

      What I remember is being in a huge field planting trees. Tons and tons of trees. Like I'm starting an arbor with some people. I keep taking these skinny baby Bradford Pear trees off a truck and bringing them to be planted two by two, with one in each hand. The next thing I know, I'm at what seems to be the house of the property I was working on. I was about to go out the back door when I notice the deck had been sealed recently and I shouldn't go out there. Right as I realize this, a woman yells at me to not go on the deck. Then I look at her, then back outside, and the sky opens up and starts to pour rain on everything. I look around the backyard and I see a HUGE moose out there. I shut the doors to the deck as fast as I can because I'm afraid the moose will get in the house.

      I must have made it to the garage somehow because that's where I end up and I'm looking for something. Instead of whatever I'm looking for, I find an angry snake. He's about half as long as I am tall and I catch him somehow and grab him by the head and shut his mouth so he won't bite me. I call for help and someone comes over and I tell him to get a shovel and cut the snake in half in the middle of him. So the guy that came to my rescue does this and then I tell him to cut the head of the snake off the top half. He does this, too. I don't remember anything after that.


      I remember being in someone's garage (again?? another garage scene in the same night??) and I'm flipping through a packet of papers reading what looks like a contract. I eventually sign it and the next thing I know I have a little girl who's about eight or nine years old who's ready to go home with me. I can't remember what she looked like or anything, but I remember feeling like she was my child. (which is weird because I don't really want kids!! what's even more strange is I woke up with a Kylie Minogue song in my head: Cruise Control)
    5. Hotel Bathroom, Professor Training

      by , 09-02-2010 at 12:55 PM

      Hotel Bathroom

      I'm in a hotel room with some nondescript dream friends when they all get the idea that it's time to go to Islands of Adventure in Orlando, FL. They all start getting ready and I tell them that I'm already ready. Then at the last minute I decide that if I'm going out, I'd better shave my legs. So I go into the bathroom to actually *go* to the bathroom and I end up standing up while I'm still peeing and getting it on my foot. Then I look at the floor to see that the toilet is leaking and there is water all over the floor by the toilet and the sink and the bathtub. I must have told someone to call the front desk because someone in a french maid outfit comes in to inspect the leak. At this point, I'm in the *other* bathtub standing up shaving my legs. (In my hotel bathroom dreams, they are usually huge with multiple fixtures like this.) I'm completely naked, but I don't care that the maid is seeing my goodies. I may even be showing off a little. Then someone yells that they're leaving and I'm so mad that they're going without me.

      Professor Training

      I'm at a university somewhere and I'm talking to my Spanish professor, Dr. Sims. He's an older man with thinning grey hair and a not so small nose and glasses. I tell him I'm on my way to my office which is in this building over here, and I point it out to him. He made a joke about something the building and we part ways and I walk to my "office." I open the door to my office and it's a huge lecture hall with kids in it and a professor conducting a class. The professor looks my age.

      I walk in and look for my name on the walls above the sections of students and find it and go up to the top level of the lecture hall. I walk across a row of people and sit down to find that Dr. Sims is right behind me. We start talking, but I don't know what about. Then the professor who is teaching is explaining something about the three "C's" of something and then she dismisses class. I walk down and out of the room and find myself attending a seminar for new professors. I sit with a group of people who I've just met and one guy gets up and leaves. He comes back and presents me with a nice Cross pen and says I'm his new best friend. Then someone mentions that we have to take a physical education class "so we can be healthier than and look better than the students." I see my friend Jesse and he says he has to take some class for phys ed that he doesn't like, and I said, "what about golf? you love golf!" and he looks up and says, "yeah, I do!" then the crowd begins to disperse.
    6. 2 Sep: jumping through lucid dreams+ false awakening

      by , 09-02-2010 at 12:16 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT – Sleep

      Adventure in Southeast Asia
      I am in an exotic country, like maybe India and I feel both the weather and the socio-political scene is unstable. I am staying at this colonial style house that was lent by a friend. We both live in the west and she stays away from this house for months in a row. There had been intense rains and since I was coming to here she wanted me to check if everything was ok and not flooded. It was ok, but intense raining started all over, so I could not guarantee it would stay that way.
      There’s also a lot of commotion on the streets and I decide to take the van just outside the gate of the property, ready to leave at any time, just in case something goes wrong and things heat up.
      I am also being spied on and followed and I already spotted this guy always looking over my shoulder wherever I go.

      3:40 GMT

      Some other dreamer’s house and memories?
      I am lying in bed, with my laptop and I am checking dream journals and replying to some. I found this guy who found out he is dreaming about some house for some time and he suspects it is the house of some other dreamer. I also find out I have dreamt a few times about his own house or more precisely, some surroundings around his house - it's on top of a mountain or hill and there's a road going there with a little tunnek trhought the mountain.
      I am going trough this when I hear some noise. I look around and my room isn’t really my room. I am at this big house, I don’t know of whom. I go out of the room and the noise seems to come from the kitchen which is one or 2 doors on the left. The house is rectangular, with a large hallway in the middle, crossing the house from one side to the other.
      Everything is absolutely dark but there’s some clarity coming from under the kitchen’s door. I wonder if there’s someone inside, open the door and after all it is also dark. I assume the light was some reflection, maybe from the moonlight.
      When I decide to go back to the room, I suddenly watch this scene as if hovering on a different plane/dimension: a guy is coming down the hallway from the room (just as I did), because he heard some noise in the kitchen. But unlike me, he is surprised by a room mate coming out of the kitchen. He says something like “Damn, you scared me. I didn’t know you were back tonight.” But the other guy was in an incredible bad mood and told him something in the line of “sod-off”. Then the scene fades and I continue down the hallway, back to the room.

      Then I am falling asleep in the dream, when the room door opens and I jump up with fright. This time it is my boyfriend P. and I also wonder “I thought you were not coming back tonight!” - I thought I was already awake and he was real, because in RL he was actually not sleeping at home this night.Then I really woke up amidst some confusion.

      5:00 GMT

      Messing up a palace with crumbles
      I’m sitting in an armchair of a palace, eating breakfast cereals from the package and wondering what I’m doing there. Maybe it’s from some friend’s grandparents or something. I look around and think “Hmm, maybe I should explore this place a little bit.” Then a maid appears, looks surprised to see me there doing that – not the behaviour you’d expect of someone living in a palace. I feel embarrassed of the mess I made with crumbles on the chair. I say I’m sorry and promise to clean up later, but she refuses, after all that’s her job so she just moves me away to the side and cleans up the mess. Ok, ok. I get it. I pack my cereals and move on. I am decided to explore the palace but all sorts of distractions cross my path. For example, this lady close to the entrance door wants to know if I remember if she paid the entrance or something like that. I don’t know what she’s talking, but I say I don’t remember, so she gives me money to pay... whatever.

      Mirror portal
      I am in front of the mirror above the sink in my bathroom. I realise I am dreaming and I sink my hand in the mirror. It was even more clear than usual. I decide instead of plunging there to take some liquid mirror with my hand and play with it. I drop it in the sink and try to solidify it there, but I don’t succeed, it stays liquid. Everything is getting dark and I feel I am loosing lucidity so I focus on the mirror that now transforms into a screen. For a moment I feel my face on my bed and realise I'm sleeping belly down, but manage to hold on the faint dream.
      There’s only darkness around and this screen in the middle. On the screen there is a lady in uniform asking me where do I want to go. It looks like a flight company commercial or an interactive help post at an airport. I even laugh saying to myself the lady looks a flight attendant from Lufthansa (german company). I really don’t know where to go and while I think, all sorts of images of places but also just flashlights and patterns succeed on the screen at amazing speed but also amazing clarity. Then a map of the world appears and I am asked where I want to go. Stupidly the first idea that occurs to me is Germany (because of the Lufthansa connection) and I am sucked into the screen. But I can’t hold it steady and I wake up in my bed (or so it seems).

      False awakening
      I open my eyes, I’m in my bedroom, it’s early morning. Some light already coming in. I look around feeling disappointed with the previous lucid experience. And then I realise my bedroom’s door is open. I always close it to sleep, or else the cat will bite my feet all night. I get up to close the door and check if the cat is inside or outside, but I find it all too strange. I mean, not the room, everything looks just like it should, but the door open when I am pretty sure I closed it last time I woke up and went to the toilet... I decide to reality check and I sink my hand on the wall. Great! I am still dreaming!

      Entering Nighthawk's dream
      Still in my false bedroom I face the mirror on my wardrobe and decide to continue from there. I like using mirrors as portals, so I think again where I want to go in front of the mirror: from frivolous things to really important things I decide for the frivolous, mostly because I am still training so I have to take it easy. So I decide to go visit Nighthwak. I jump in the mirror, dwell in the voidness for a while and find myself in a lab. What went wrong? But then I see him there. He looks younger and I realise it must be one of his memories, from the university. He saw me eventually and he looked interested in exploring my presence in his dream. He signalled for me to wait a little while, but when he returned it wasn’t really him anymore and I sensed I had lost the connection and was just projecting. The lab was now an open air space, so I decided to move on, since this experience was no longer working.

      Trying to escape a collapsing dream
      I am walking around in this open air space that looks more and more like a park, with ponds, little bridges over canals, suspended gardens. I am thinking about where to go next and decide I must sit and do some meditation to go back on tracks – in terms of focusing on the really important things to do. But this dream here is kind of collapsing – maybe because it wasn’t mine? The bridges started moving and now end up in the middle of nowhere in the air, two gargoyles in stone detach from this stone balcony and attack me. I feel I need to get out really fast or I will wake up. No mirror around so I think about jumping in the water of the pond. But instead of mirror-like it is now murky, I see strange creatures swimming around, crocodile-like. I don’t feel so attracted to jump on it. Now the murky waters are rising and I’m losing ground. I climb to some brick wall and decide to jump from there to the floor and hope for the best.

      End of the adventure
      It worked. As I fell on the grass, I sank and landed on some other dream. I was somewhere in the Middle East. Also in a garden. All was shining in warm colours, red and orange, really beautiful and in the end of this garden there was this beautiful and amazing mosque, also reddish. I was stunned with the scenario and thinking that I could sit there. That’s when I saw a group of angry men pointing at me, running in my direction. That’s when I realised I had landed over this kind of big stone or wall, which apparently was sacred for them, or the whole garden was and he fact I’m sitting up there it is extremely offensive to them. As they approach me and start bringing me down from where I was, I ask forgiveness but I am still smiling, commenting with them that their mosque is really something special. They think I’m crazy. Then I realize I have to jump again but they just don’t allow me to do that. I have men grabbing my arms, others grabbing my legs, I can’t move. Shit, I have to develop a method to jump without really jumping, just with thought. And I really need to build a place to go just sit, because dreams are crowded with monsters and armies and just plain distractions to get us away from our objectives.

      7:00 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:40 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. 1 Sep: Dates and attempt to lucidify dream companions

      by , 09-02-2010 at 10:53 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – Sleep

      No dreams recalled

      1:30 GMT

      Late to a movie and cloned cat
      I’m with my cousin C. on her car on the way to the movies. It’s late evening and we’re already late. She is speeding and I don’t feel comfortable. I ask her to slow down. Then we really get too late and she ends up dropping me home, no movies.
      When I arrive home my cat is now two cats, although the same one. He/they are on top of the table in the living room. Then I notice the window is open and run to shut it – the cat might fall 3 floors if he decides to go for a walk. Then the table is also wobbly and I fear it breaks, so I just grab the cat – only one, the other copy runs away.

      2:30 GMT

      Stone house
      I am seeing this old stone house with Riverstone and Nighthawk. An old guy shows us the property. I don’t know what we’re doing there. The old man then leaves for a while and we start exploring every inch. Nighthawk opens a squeaky, mouldy wardrobe and finds a really old scrapbook. He invites me to sit down and look at it, as I always like this kind of stuff. So we sit down on a small dusty sofa and we start turning the pages. I really didn’t pay much attention to what is was inside. I was more focused on the body heat from the guy by my side, if you know what I mean. Then someone screams with a loud pitch voice through a small window just above our heads. I am cool, no reaction, but Nighthawk freaked out. He gets up abruptly and goes out grumpy. We approach him, making a bit fun of the situation but he is really not in a good mood. I really hate seeing him like that, looses all the charm, so I go out through an opposite door, leading to a terrace. I see the area around for the first time. It’s amazing. There’s a river way down there and a path at my right leading to other part of the village where we are. I then become lucid and instinctively fly down to this road to explore. I look to the sky and the landscape around and I am awed with the brightness and white light that permeates it. But then I look up again to the house, and there are the guys still on the other terrace looking now to me, maybe wondering how I got down there so fast. I realise they are not DC's but are actually sharing a dream with me so I decide not to go explore the dream but to go back and try to lucidify them both – would be awesome!
      I fly back and enter the house through the door I came out from. They are inside now. I tell them to go sit that I have something to tell them. They look curious and excited. They go out to that second terrace where I haven’t yet been. They sit at a wooden bench on this terrace. The landscape here is also breathtaking. Everything looks so damn real. For a moment I am in doubt if I am still dreaming – what if this is actually real and I say it’s a dream and they will mock me forever? So I do a reality check, just to be sure. I look at my hands. They look normal, besides being a bit more red than normal. But something goes wrong! “Oh no! I am waking up!” So, I woke up and despite my efforts, I couldn’t come back...

      Starting life over and love in the hay stack
      For some reason I am Rory from the Gilmore Girls and I fell on water with some other person. It’s night on some port and the situation is dangerous, although I never feel I am in danger. My mom Lorelai is looking for me, screaming for help, but I’m just there and I can get out of water whenever I want. I just decide not to. I think how convenient that everybody thinks I’m dead. This way I can be free and start all over somewhere else.
      So I leave myself be taken by the current to a place more down river. I get out and there’s a big storage house, with lots of big machines and I’m not Rory anymore, I’m myself. Then I see police coming. I think they are looking for me but no, there’s some other guy, a criminal, also coming to hide here. What are the chances? I try to hide but realize there’s no time and they will see me. So I decide to lead them to the guy, this way distracting their attention from me. I do so, the guy is arrested and they are so thankful, they don’t ask me any question. I lay down on some hay stack and rest for the night.
      Later on, it’s morning and I wake up with the sound of voices. There’s a group of people talking by the door and I spot Nighthawk among these people. Coming from the other dream? He comes to me, holds me, seduces me and asks me if I want to be his girl. I’m delighted and I play along. We’re all mushy mushy, I am enjoying it a lot, but then the dream transforms.

      High speed skating and a wild hog
      I find myself inside a car, in the driver’s seat. The car is parked on a steep hill and the break fails, so it starts sliding backwards. Yaics, I have to stop it but can’t find the break! I almost hit this group of people walking their dogs, but move the wheel barely missing them, until I finally break. I get out of the car and I go half-lucid. I don’t know where I am and why I went there from this other so pleasant dream, so I decide to have some fun. I put some inline skates and slide down the rest of the hill at high speed. I am having so much fun, I scream of contentment. I pass through a group of youngsters who is sitting on the floor meditating. I feel a bit bad for disturbing them and almost killing them, actually. I remember the face of one black girl in great detail.
      The hill ends at the gates of some park. I am trying to see what this park is when a girl with a wild hog on a leash passes by me. I am like “wow” and is everybody else around who is both afraid and fascinated with this scene. People gather around the girl and the wild hog at the gate and I can’t come in. Then a couple asks me if I know if the copy house in front is open or definitely closed. I have no clue but just by looking at it, it looks like it’s not open for a long time. I suggest they look somewhere else.

      5:10 GMT

      Fetish with traffic
      There’s this two couples who like to make love in the traffic. So while one couple drives, the other is usually on the back seat doing it. But the police has already caught them a bunch of times so they came up with this truck with a cabin made of glass walls that you can see to outside but not to the inside and they have a bed there and all – really elaborate stuff just for this fetish thing they have. I am watching them having their way from inside this cabin they are driven along a highway and across a bridge. Weird stuff. I swear I have no fetish of this kind. It reminded me the movie Crash.

      Romantic walk becomes crappy
      I find Nighthawk again and we’re in the middle of some park. It’s already late evening. I invite him to walk with me, hand in hand and try to find a quiet comfy place to sit and nestle. The walk is being quite nice but then it starts to rain. I don’t care, it is not wetting me, it’s just dream rain. But he doesn’t believe that, he is getting soaked and gets really annoyed. Tells me he wants to leave. Oh boy. Ok, let’s go. We find his mom outside the park and they decide to go have dinner at a restaurant. The dream started to suck.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:45 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Stepping back into learning to lucid dream

      by , 09-02-2010 at 10:36 AM
      My first lucid dream was about 4 to 6 years ago. I have the book Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming and I find it quite useful. I have had fewer than 100 lucid dreams and perhaps fewer than 20, with less lucidity than I can have and they weren't very long.

      So here I sit, early in the morning before going to bed again and attempting to lucid dream again because I want to develop my lucid dreaming skills (and it's a fun and neat experience, too). Four or six years is enough time to wait until going in depth with lucid dreaming, right?
      side notes
    9. Lost and Found

      by , 09-02-2010 at 09:56 AM
      Date: 2/09/10
      I was in a kind of forest area with Laura, James and my Dad. We were walking on a narrow track. We stopped when we reached a short wire fence that was about waist height. Behind the fence were several black and white kittens. We worked out that there were enough kittens for every person in my family to have one with an extra kitten left over. My Dad took 5 kittens and put them in a box leaving the extra kitten behind. My brother wanted to keep the 6th Kitten but I said that he wasn't responsible enough and that I should keep it. So I went back and picked it up and decided to name her Misty. We walked back to our house (our old house in reality) where my Mum had put dinner on the table. We locked 5 cats under the stairs leaving them food, water and a bed. I kept Misty on my lap as we ate but she was scared and struggled. Eventually she escaped from me but I didn't go after her straight away. When my Dad pointed out she was gone I leapt up and started searching for her. I eventually found her on a couch in the family room (which was full of boxes and furniture for moving). I picked her up and she eventually stopped struggling and relaxed in my arms.
      I was chasing after two girls in a busy pedestrian city. We pressed the crossing-the-road button and waited for the green man to light up. The buildings around us were impossibly tall. Soon the girls started to run yelling something at each other. They stopped waiting for the lights so that they could cross the road but just ran across. Eventually we arrived at a tall building. We entered the lobby where there were only a few people. In the middle of the room were 6 seats, back to back in groups of 3. To our left was the front desk and then some election voting booths just beside that. The girls desperately wanted to go up the stairs to see someone but they were not allowed to go. They stole 2 movie tickets off a mother and her son who were sitting in the chair, neither of them seemed to care very much. The girls then tried to go up the stairs with the tickets but the hotel manager was watching and instead they went to the election booths and pretended to package the tickets up to send to someone.

      My other dream is fragmented:
      I was walking along a footpath and to my left, riding beside me was an extremely tall biker. She had a purple helmet. I looked up at her and saw she was eating a jar of applesauce with a spoon. I pointed it out and she just laughed, smiling sheepishly.

      Updated 09-03-2010 at 01:27 AM by 36142

    10. 31 Aug: a fairy tale, old memories and mix of kitsch and surreal

      by , 09-02-2010 at 09:43 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:45 GMT - Sleep

      I am going to the subway. Apparently I don’t want to pay and try to enter anyway, but I have no choice but to go to the ticket machine and buy one. Then I slide it through the validation machine and it is rejected several times. I am getting pissed off and when it finally opens up I run to the train. Then I realise I’m on the wrong side and jump to the tracks to get the train that is about to close the doors and leave on the other platform. I manage not to get killed and I get into the train.

      A fairy tale
      I am this poor shepherdess girl but beautiful like no other. All men, from all walks of life, want me and desire me. The latest one trying to conquer me is this rich sheik offering me a palace and riches. He says I’ll be the first and most important lady of his harem. Yeah, yeah, but I decline. They keep coming but I am in love with this other poor working guy. He is so brave and all but because I’ve been courted by so many princes and rich guys he just decided I’m too good for him and he chickens out. So one day I decide to launch a challenge – the one who takes all my sheep to sell somewhere far away in an exotic land and having to cross all sort of dangerous places and experiences, will be the one I’ll marry. I’m totally convinced he will manage and all the other rich guys in their palaces have no chance. But then I also wonder: did I do the right thing? I mean, the other guys are just city dwellers but they have the resources and this guy just has his passion and his guts... Oh well, let’s hope for the best.

      0:30 GMT

      Breakfast outside
      The beginning is fuzzy. I was entering this lobby of a building that looked either a clinic or an office building. There’s a desk in front and some columns. I contour them and realise it is a circular corridor around this desk, along which there are doors leading somewhere. There’s also this sliding window-door leading to an interior terrace/garden. I have no clue what I am doing here. [gap]
      Then the next scene seems to be in the outside terrace/garden. There are long tables with food on it. People are having breakfast there and I decide to join and eat something to. I find no place to seat but just grab some food. Strangely there are fried fish and other fried salty foods. I’m not used to that, I always eat fruits or muesli. I find a plate of “pataniscas” (a Portuguese dish that actually originated the Japanese vegetables “tempura”) and I grab one. I circulate around the tables looking for some more treats.

      Laser show on a corn field and compassion for a heart broke
      I’m now on the outside of this big building, looks like a huge barn or maybe it is the inn from previous dream. Now the long tables and long benches are in front of it and I’m sitting in one, turned to a corn field just in front. There’s a lot of chatting and laughter and I realise just close to me is my prep school sweetheart M. I am aware he just looks like when he was a kid and I know I am no longer a kid. Although I don’t become fully lucid, I know this is not real. He is just playing an old scene that happened with us. Because I’m not paying attention to him, he is also ignoring me but I see that he wants desperately to talk to me. So there is something that triggers general amusement and makes him look to my side and he uses the opportunity to smile at me and start conversation. I feel so much compassion for him. I feel “Gosh, poor guy, the suffering he went through those days just to get my attention.” I really loved him, I really did. But for some really complex reasons I said no when he later asked me to be his girl. This breaks my heart even more when I look at him there, so innocent. I feel no other emotions but compassion for him and some sadness that I can’t go back and tell him it was all so unnecessary, that he was loved, that he was free and that he didn’t need me.
      At this point I shut him off from the dream and look to the corn field thinking how nice would be to see some UFOs in the sky, or making a crop circle or whatever. So then I see this lights moving around in the field and get excited. But then the lights forms the shape of doves and I realise it’s just some laser show projected on the corn wall. It’s cool but not what I had in mind.

      Hill on fire, random stuff and the fairy’s house
      Now it is daylight and warm. I’m also in the countryside, but I recognize it as some hills not far from my childhood home. I see red flames behind the hill in front of me. A fire! I want to see it closer and help whatever way I can to end it. I am with my mom and other people, but the others don’t care and keep moving on. My mom is the only one joining me.
      I find firemen but the main fire is still far. Just a few patches of burning grass here and there and I grab some wet towel and starting extinguishing these little fires. As I go uphill I encounter a playground full of children and I wonder how it wasn’t yet evacuated. I keep going up and now I find a big white tent and inside is my aunt Lisa fighting a small fire to. I help her and keep moving up. Then I find a precinct where some festival is taking place and once again I wonder why aren’t people being evacuated. There are some reporters looking for someone to interview and I hardly manage to escape them. “MY god, there’s a huge fire raging just behind this! Does nobody know?” On some other tent there are a few fat guys eating and watching a movie about pig farms. They are discussing how useful it is to cut the pig’s nose. I see the images of that and I feel disgusted - like, what else are these guys going to come up with to inflict pain on the animals? I interrupt their lunch and tell them what I think. They are completely caught by surprise and think that I must be crazy.
      I get out from the back of the tent and I find myself in a house. Tiny, with dirty corridor and I see this guy looking at me with very unfriendly. I have to find and exit fast. I find this interior yard and try to get out of there – I’ll have to climb the wall. So I start climbing and it’s not really a plain wall, it’s more like a very steep hill, with rocks, concrete blocks, all sort of pipes and wires... Then a couple joins me in the escape – it’s the guy’s wife and her “friend”.
      When I arrive on the top, I am on top of a cliff looking over large planes. To my left though, there is an even higher ground. There are a few stairs that I climb and then I’m on this patio in front of a very cute house with vases of flowers. It’s lovely. I recognise it as the fairy’s house! I remember being there before and I feel very emotional.

      2:20 GMT

      Stalking Björk
      I’m with my mom eating breakfast in an Inn and watching TV. There’s a story playing about this polish (?) guy who is in Portugal shooting a movie with Björk. They interview her and she looks so cute: By coincidence they are interviewing them at his home, which apparently is close to where I am with my mom. I am a huge fan so when we’re driving around during the day my mom keeps an eye of every house trying to spot the one of this guy. I think that’s stupid, but then she spots it behind some bushes. She turns right to that street. I see kids playing in the front yard a lady coming out of the garage and they do look polish or something like it. I really feel uncomfortable – what are we doing exactly?
      So we go back to the Inn. After a few days we are cycling around with a friend in a funny bike for 3 people. I spot a group of strange people and I think I saw Björk disguised in the middle of them. Whoever that was, they had fun when they saw us biking. I thought I was going to sop with the stalking.
      I pass a crossroad and stop on the side of the road for a while. Coincidently again, a car stops and a bunch of girls, two of them my old friends from school, Lic and Patty. They want directions to somewhere and I tell them we’re on vacation in the area but we also don’t know much about the surrounding places. We have a quick chat and I come back to the Inn.

      4:50 GMT

      Dutch people and stray animals
      Maybe still on the same village as before, I’m walking around with mom and some friend of hers. We pass by a sports club, but it is dutch. There are these board on the wall with names and dates and my mom asks me what it is and I explain it looks like football matches. I get bored and ask to leave. So we keep walking and find an entrance to a residential with restaurant, followed by an entrance to a farm. All seems to be of the same dutch people.
      Then I see my father. What is he doing here? Apparently some work related to the dogs and cats in the area. He tells me of how many pets are abandoned by people in this area but also that there’s a shift in people’s mind because there’s also an increase in people who report the cases of their neighbours who do it.
      Later we’re on the road, I guess to go home.

      Crystal out of my nose
      Then a dream fragment. I was cleaning my nose and a huge crystal comes out of it – nice. Then I make some health recommendations to someone.

      6:00 GMT

      Family reunion
      I am at home and my uncle F. and his wife are there too. I am ironing clothes and I hear them talking about absolutely ignorant things and I say to them something like the market and capitalism being a total illusion and that for them to be happy they had to completely let go of that illusion and just be free. I say it is something basic and obvious and not a matter for discussion, but they don’t buy it. Oh well. I later go to the toilet to find out that one of the walls is now half destroyed. I am told someone fell agains the wall and I think “wow, should be a really heavy person”. I touch it and it ends falling apart completely. So, no toilet.

      Space research institute
      Then I’m visiting this centre, it looks like a research institute or a university. I’m on this big room with guys sitting at desks and prototypes everywhere. There’s a really interesting movie playing on a computer screen and I sit down watching it. It is a mix of Blade Runner and Star Wars, but supposedly refers to real life. They are talking about this Death Star that is in orbit on our planet – really? Apparently it is pointed to or being commanded by the White House - this part was not clear.
      Then I realise I’m sitting at this guy’s desk and he comes in and looks at me like “What are you doing here?” But I don’t say a word, I just sit in another chair and try not to get in his way. Then a group of students come and grab chairs and also come to watch this film. They all look at me like I don’t belong there and I know I don’t, but I’m having fun, so just let me be! Then a door opens behind us – there’s a toilet there – and a totally naked guy comes out of it. People find it bizarre, but not enough to stop him or cover him. He is complaining that he can’t shit, that he has a serious case of constipation and I find all this hilarious. I follow him and then I understand what’s going on. He was trying to save his marriage but he caught his wife cheating on him with this colleague from the institute and just freaked out. Now he is a bit nuts. Eventually he even crosses with his wife on the hallway and she is chatting with her lover when she sees her naked husband. I feel pity for this guy. Probably a brilliant mind that flipped.

      7:45 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 01:05 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. First Lucid!!!

      by , 09-02-2010 at 09:42 AM
      Date: 1/09/10
      Method: DILD
      I woke up and I was in my bed, a dim light was on below me and it was night time. I thought that maybe I was in a dream, so I pinched my nose - I could still breathe. I got excited and jumped out of bed however I could not seem to leave my house. I tried flying but that didn't work. Instead I made a few portals all in a row on a blue mattress leaning against the wall. The portals were all geometric shapes (circle, square, star etc.) and I looked through some of them before deciding on going through the heart shaped one. The other portals disappeared and I grabbed the edges of the heart shaped portal and stretched it bigger then stepped through.

      The portal took me outside and it was now day time. The sky was REALLY blue with just a few clouds. I was walking up the hill outside my house with my Dad. We continued walking through the Estate and finally we reached an empty lot which had been turned into a bush-like camping area. My sister, brother and Mum were already there and starting a barbecue.

      I was in my room - it was daytime. Instead of a wall though to close off my room there was an open divider leading into another room. It looked a lot like my old classrooms in primary school. Two classes of students (approximately grade 6) were sitting on the floor as Mrs. M and Mr C (my grade 6 teachers) taught the class. I sat next to my beanbag sort of bored...

      Updated 09-03-2010 at 01:26 AM by 36142

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. First LD since joining (short)

      by , 09-02-2010 at 08:13 AM
      I was doing WBTB for the first time in my life, and I first had some trouble falling asleep. I was focused though. After a while of lying in bed it seemed my thoughts had wandered off, so I thought again, "lucid dreaming, that was the point here". BAM! I was in my room, knowing I was dreaming I first got really excited, so in fear of waking up from this I held on to chairs, tables, etc. I went downstairs, rubbing my hands. I was constantly thinking of what to do with this lucidity. I noticed my vision was a bit foggy, and to clear it up I imagined it all came from me wearing glasses, which I suddenly did. I went outside and took the glasses off. I touched the ground for a little bit, just to stay lucid. Then I started thinking about what to do. Fly? I tried to levitate, but was too excited, and lost focus. Woke up instead.

      Couldn't have been more than 3-5 minutes at most, but it was success at first try of WBTB, less than a week since I started writing down dreams and making an effort, so I'm more than happy!

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 08:44 AM by 35951

    13. Lovely sexual exploits and Animal Rights Action Hero!

      by , 09-02-2010 at 08:10 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      02-09-10 I was having sex with a previous one night stand, very vivid imagery and sensation. Become lucid halfway through, by noticing some actual physical changes in my body ^^, but have no influence or dream control whatsoever. She loved it and wanted more. (Many details omitted, as I am not sure I would break any age policies or something)
      I was sitting outside on a porch of some description, a lot of my family was there. I notice a strange cocoon like figure right next to me. I study this intensely and I can't quite make out if it is a butterfly or some sort of bird egg, it is beautiful nonetheless. As I watch it, having previously helped it in some way, hatch I see a duckling come out of it. I put my hand towards it as I do not see its mother around. It walks onto my hand, I see another couple of ducklings hatch, including the mother just around a corner. I put down the duckling, but after a while a dog, named Blicher, picks it up and starts chewing it. I quickly grab its mouth and attempt to force open its jaws, but fail the first time. The second time I manage to get it to spit out the duckling, but it is all chewed up. I start beating the living crap out of the dog, wanting it to learn. Blicher learns after I have had its head close to the other birds, but then there is another dog, Zica, to deal with, together they manage to kill 3/5 ducklings before I decide to escort the remaining 2 to the water. In the pond they are joined by more birds and I put my hand out to one of them, it seems like they are growing and maturing right in front of me. It comes and start nipping at my hand, it doesn't seem like it is afraid and I become suspicious as I know I have just seen this little duckling hatch.

      I am in an old institution of some description, it is being used as a means to kill animals, and I discover this as the dream plays out. More precisely I discover it as I am petting a cat and it starts dying in my hand and I notice a strange flower collar around its neck. I know that these flowers are killing the cat and I quickly get them off, I wondered why the cat had been so cuddly, now I realise it had been dying. I become alarmed, I have to check on the other animals, we quickly discover that these collars have been in use all over the institution on all sorts of animals.

      In the mean time there is a second storyline playing out in this dream involving a fanatical preacher from Sweden who is gaining wide population support against the EU (Insu, as it was spelled in the dream, he meant EU though). Sweden had a law, a law I in the beginning knows nothing about (and for that matter I do not think that Sweden has such a law ^^) that is being forbidden by the EU, and this blonde blue eyed preacher (oh yes, he turns out to be a dick ^^) is advocating EU out of Sweden.

      The stories merge, as the preacher is leading a rebellion against the government representatives, in this case I am one of these, or maybe I am connected to a different activist organisation, not quite sure. I am heading back to the institution driving up a road by the sea. There are loads of rebels that want to keep the institution the way it is, which now both include killing animals as well as having a dungeon to have sex with 15 year old girls, whether they want to or not. Thinking that this is more of a maturity question as some 15 year old women might be ready to consent, I am horrified to learn that the preacher is advocating that the girls should have no say, “because they are not old enough to think for themselves” and just oblige in having sex with adults.
      I honestly don't know how he raised so much support for himself. Anyways enough covering my ass through moral considerations.

      I am driving up the road making sure I use the car taking out as many rebels as possible, I am disturbingly satisfied to see them leave blood on the front window. As we get to the institution the car breaks down and my cousin starts fixing it, he asks me to do it while he deals with the rebels. I yell at him “you just go back to fixing that car right now!” as I summon a rage and starts heading towards the rebels. Actually now it is morel ike a toy car than an actual car, but who is counting. Here I discover that some friends that were with us in the first parts of the dream has gone rebel now, 2 sisters and their mother. The mother is injured and the oldest sister is kicking and screaming about preserving their way of life. The little sister sneaks of while I make a futile attempt at explaining the all sorts of wrongs going on in the place. I notice the little sister is gone and I head back up towards the main doors. I manage to get to the little sister, I grab her hand and she is not scared of me, we know each other. I tell her “every time one person goes through that door, they kill a little tiger” (think I am referring to a cat here) the little girl gets scared and drops my hand. I notice the older sister pull back to her mum, I bring down the kid and I now hear the older sister telling her mum why they should stay on our side. I look her deep in the eye to see if it was my stunt at explaining it very bluntly to the young one, or a genuine understanding that has manifested this change. It is understanding and I thank her deeply almost getting tears to my eyes as I look into her eyes.
    14. Creating PSI balls.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Creating PSI balls. (Non-lucid)


      Two dreams tonight. Most fragmented.


      I was outdoors with other psychic folks. We were practicing to create PSI balls and PSI shields. One of the psychics congratulated me because I had it. I felt I actually created the PSI ball and I woke up feeling great.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Practice my psychic abilities in the lucid.
      dream fragment
    15. Online meeting

      by , 09-02-2010 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Online meeting (Non-lucid)


      Two dreams tonight. Most fragmented.


      I was invoicing to charge one business for all my work. I received an e-mail about a online meeting asap. I felt mad because it was without notice. The e-mail was very long.
      I was told I was going to get paid a 300% extra after 90 days. I was going to call to join the meeting but I could already hear the meeting. I took my ear plugs and got started.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Head for a ToTY
      dream fragment