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    1. 07-Nov-2016 - 2 ND-Little bear+C disturbs V ->DILD/OBE Meet myself as a child+ WILD Bear and Unicorn

      by , 11-10-2016 at 11:33 PM
      07-Nov-2016 - Amazing night: ND Little bear at S.St./Moda' videoclip + ND C disturbs VP ->DILD / OBE Meet myself as a child + WILD The bear and the unicorn

      ND - Little bear at S.St., Moda' videoclip
      1:30 AM

      I'm with dad and another person in S.St., where I lived when I was young (!!) This guy is telling us that a little brown bear lives among those small trees (!!!) After some walking, we get to a low wall; on the other side, well below us, there is an area with some bare trees, and I see the brown bear's little round ear (!!!); it's in a pack of dogs. I slide down, dad tries to help me, he manages to slow down my fall, I get to the bottom of the pit, then I quickly run up. This happens two times (!!)
      I am watching a Moda' videoclip, although the song is from some other singer, on a small monitor (plane?), I ask a girl some assistance.
      In the video, the singer is ironing a leather jacket and when he wears it, the iron is stucks in the middle of his back. I laugh incontrollably at this funny scene (!!)

      ND - C disturbs VP
      est.3:40 AM

      I am at company canteen, at a table with VP, C and SL. While talking, C disturbs VP in a weird way, and I am upset with him, more then VP herself. After he does that a couple of times, without any reaction fron her side, I realize I am dreaming !
      Memory slightly fails here - Most likely just after the realization, I have OBE

      OBE/LD - Meet myself as a child
      Unsettling details excluded
      My body is shaking lightly, I know I can exit. While rising up, I say "I am exiting, I am exiting !" My voice changes significantly.
      I am in my bedroom at S.St, where I was living as a kid. I move to another room, then come back to mine. I want to talk to child myself. I see a child in the bed from which I just risen, I ask him who he is, he answers R (my son), he's really him, looking like age 4.

      I turn around and try again, there is another person in the bed, I ask him his name, he answers X - my real name; I answer "Me too", then ask about his family name, he answers "Y" (my real family name), then he adds "Like you", I chuckle and say "Yes, like me"
      He's playing. I ask him if he's happy and if he likes what he's doing in his life right now.

      In the meantime an adult girl is with him (my wife ? my sister?) He answers, "Yes, but I'd like a party with A. bread !" - it does not make much sense. The girl adds the party could also be based on bread with Nutella.

      WILD - The bear and the unicorn
      6AM WILD
      I start from this morning little bear ND. This time I go down, and ride it. It's small, with soft brown hair. When I ask its name, answer is "Polar". I ride it through the naked trees I saw this morning, then in a city. I go into a bar, when I exit there are two indian temples in front of me, with rows of statues depicting sensual figures.

      We reach a small lake, more of a pond. I try to conjure some object behind me, but fail.
      Then I try manipulating the pond's water: first I make it rise, a lot of small vertical flows of separate water drops moving upwards.
      Then they "crystallize" in stone-like greek columns in regular rows. I wish them to break up, it happens, the water rains down back in the pond.

      Then I rotate my hands in the air, the water moves accordingly, building a fairly good-size water tornado over the lake.
      Wishing to see if that is effecting something else, I see a kind of "mirror" tornado on the ground, in the distance.
      I let the tornado water return to the pond.
      I am having fun, so I try something else. Moving my hand up and down, I create small waves in the lake.

      I decide attempting one of the TotY, the Unicorn. I want to summon one, but I only get a normal horse instead. Let's not give up. I wish a horn on its brow, and I get one, although it's fairly unimpressive. I must make a connection with another older LD, involving an unicorn with a paper horn.
      I see myself in a court hall, with a jury looking at my unicorn. Its horn is even falling apart, showing cardboard below.
      I say something to the animal, asking help, and a wonderful ivory horn appears ! The unicorn is white, shining of a bright light !
      It even gows bigger, and I stop it, otherwise I could not ride it.

      I ride it, then its name: -"Samantha". Oh, so yu are a girl. I drop, look below and confirm this is the case.
      I ask what of the two sub-tasks it prefers, answers it's peaceful so the portal. I guessed it =)
      I take my flaming sword from J1kM, make an oval hole in the air and look into it. Everything is dark red, unpleasant, but we step in, bear included.
      The scenery looks hellish, brown / dark red rocks, tree stumps, my vision kinda fading. I wish ourselves out.

      I am in the woods again and try another portal. I imagine a zipper midair, and open it following a rectangular pattern. I open it like a door and look inside.
      Oooh, it's a fairy tale world ! Much better ! We step in to find a place with rainbow-colored trees, normally colored grass and sky.
      We explore it a bit. To my right I see a sort of modern pipe with water drops flowing. I look closer, and when I move my gaze, I find myself in a public restroom, both walls covered in urinals. Ahem. I walk a bit and find an exit door on the left.
      After some more exploration, we find a waterfall going into a pond. It's normally colored, kinda boring, I look away and back at it, to find it rainbow colored now. Better !

      Dream jumps, I am at P, a mall close to my house, under the central dome. Many people there, and Samantha gently moves some of them out of the way, using its head / horn. We stop there, and I think it could be interesting to let my children meet the two animals, so I wish them there and they appear.

      Dream is already kinda fading.
      I introduce my kids to Polar and Samantha; after that, they just stay there without doing much. I sit both my kids on top of the unicorn and it makes them happy.
      Dream fades, I return control to my body, then slowly transition to wakefulness.

      It's almost 7AM, work alarm sounds after one minute !
    2. [10-11-2016: Rodents]

      by , 11-10-2016 at 11:08 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my backyard, it was a foggy but warm morning. I opened my car and a huge rat ran out of it, then started circling around the car. There were some other rodents too. I tried to catch the rat, but managed only to catch another rodent. It was a strange rat-dog combination with gray fur.
      Tags: backyard, car, rat, rodent
    3. A Secret Lost Park with Mechanical Animals

      by , 11-10-2016 at 05:10 PM
      Morning of November 10, 2016. Thursday.

      I am in a van being driven by my brother-in-law Bob. Most of my family members are with me in the back except for Lorenzo (middle son). Looking to my left, I see that an unfamiliar female passenger in another vehicle (probably a van as a car would be lower) somehow holds onto the top of the driver’s side window of Bob’s van, which I think is a very foolish thing to do. (This seems to be a preconscious factor, at least potentially, but the situation eventually fades.) The vehicle has four chubby and aggressive females, probably in their late thirties. My brother-in-law does not respond. I eventually yell at them. They soon drive on ahead.

      We eventually arrive at an unfamiliar shopping mall near a mountainous area. It now suddenly shifts to nighttime, around eight o'clock. I suddenly feel concerned that Lorenzo is not with us, as I feel he should not be left alone (at our house) for the two or so hours we will probably be here (seemingly for shopping and a movie). I decide to quickly fly back to make sure he is okay, though on one level, I feel silly about flying all the way back after just arriving here, as it apparently took a long time for Bob to drive out here. However, because a parking lot symbolizes liminal space (a higher state between dreaming and waking), I somehow get “stuck” right on the perimeter. I am flying but not making much forward progress (a very rare event for me, but I have rarely attempted flight over a parking lot in dreams). I almost manage to fly above the roof of a nearby house. Instead, I decide to teleport to my bed (false awakening) and I am glad I am now able to check on Lorenzo.

      Almost immediately, I am with Lorenzo and the rest of our family in the front yard in Cubitis. It now seems early afternoon. It seems there are several people trespassing, close to the bedroom windows. I get angry but my family and I end up leaving, walking southward (with no destination in mind). I shout several rude remarks back at them as well as making rude gestures. They do not seem intimidated. Curiously, they are mostly all seated on the ground in formal meditation positions, including an unknown toddler (male). I get the impression that the oldest male (about sixty), who is thin and wearing coveralls, had been working on a car, but I do not see a car anywhere.

      Soon, I am walking with Zsuzsanna and an unknown female with dark short hair. As we walk along, there is mention of the van event that occurred in the first part of my dream (as this female apparently had trouble with the four from the vehicle as well). I eventually enter a very subtle lucidity, but not active lucidity. This is where I am not lucid but manifest, mostly through pretense at first, the idea of a secret area to explore (commonly recurring since early childhood).

      Even though it is mostly an outside area, we come to floor-length curtains (subtle lucidity sign, akin to going onto a stage). Going through the beige curtains, we enter some sort of secret abandoned park with a zoo theme. I am at first somewhat startled by a male and female lion (just to my left and past a doorway we come out from), and I am concerned for a short time that they may jump over the fence. However I soon realize that they are animatronic animals that have not been maintained for a long time as some of the sections of fur are missing and metal and plastic can be seen through certain areas. We continue along a beautiful garden path. The sidewalk, always with a continuous hedge on each side, turns at ninety degree offsets fairly often, but is not really maze-like. Although I am aware of several other animatronic animals, I do not see them due to dense shrubbery. I feel very happy and relaxed.

      We somehow end up in a kitchen, which is a little like the one on Stadcor Street. I am, for a short time, aware of a group of people walking by outside the large windows, but I do not actually see them through the curtains. I only hear them and they seem cheerful. There are soon unusual implications in the immediate setting. I see the year 2002 on a small calendar magnet on the refrigerator as well as seeing it on a couple documents. Zsuzsanna and the other female do not seem to “realize” the implications. To me, based on seeing “2002”, it seems like we are in the present. I feel that there is a pretense that the park had been closed for many years even though the date (false assumption) reflects the present (and even though by dream implications we are fourteen years in the past). Still, I feel a sense of harmony and peace.

      Being in the kitchen in the last scene represents light hunger during sleep. A lion is often the coalescence factor (return to consciousness) as it can swallow the imaginary dream self (and is an association with “The Sleeping Gypsy” 1897 oil painting). The curtains were the same color as the lions, so this was a type of subliminal expectation, though the lions turned out to be mechanical (and not any sort of threat) in this case. My puzzling over the date and not knowing the present year is quite common in my dreams. The personified subconscious (dream self) has no concept or understanding of time in the majority of my non-lucid dreams. For example, I am often much younger or in a different or mixed up time period that combines different time periods. I do not like conflicts or conflict-related challenges in dreams, though the preconscious biologically needs to be aggressive to push the dreamer to activate waking (via RAS) even though coalescence consent (such as hugging a dream character as also has recurred since childhood) would be much better, though the personified subconscious (dream self) typically sees the preconscious state as a threat (especially when there is a subliminal desire to sleep longer), both with negative daybreak types (or end of the world events) and various forms that chase the dreamer, rather than allowing time to indulge in sustained dream exploration as here.

    4. slipped away

      by , 11-10-2016 at 05:02 PM
    5. 11/10/16 - Many Short Visions

      by , 11-10-2016 at 11:50 AM
      1. Pouring rain on a country dirt road, I could see the brilliant green grass and see the drops hitting the blades and moving them, smell the rain and hear the sounds of a stream as well.
      2. Oriental lady behind glass at a counter looking really aggravated at me and talking like she is mad in Chinese or some language I didn't know and the writing on the was all in Chinese. I chose to leave this one.
      3. A voice of an unknown man very loud and very professional said Lyotropic. That was random and left me curious to look that up. (Definition: A material is called lyotropic if it forms liquid crystal phases upon the addition of a solvent. Historically the term was used to describe materials composed of amphiphilic molecules.) Even after looking it up I am unsure of what it is.
      4. A mango is in front of me but I never ate one and I am not hungry, I remember getting a rash from a peel once so think I am allergic, I wish it to be peeled, and the mango skin falls off of it and lays beside it. I take a little bite, it is just ok. Not something I would go buy at the store lol. If it tastes anything like what I tasted but now I am curious so actually I may haha.
      5. A bacon burger and all of it's grease is in my hands and I am ready to bite it and think why am I eating this when I am not hungry at all? Never bit into it.
      6. See guys at work all gathered around and it appears they admiring someone's new car, but it is behind a tree and I can't get a good look at it.

      I don't know that I had a full dream at all last night. Restless sleep, couldn't get comfy. Up at 2 to let dogs out and never could fall back asleep.

      When I arrived at work about 6 guys in the parking lot talking to a guy who recently retired and was showing them his new Challenger. They were in a different part of the parking lot but that is pretty cool. Lots of amazing coincidences in my dreams to real life...

      Updated 11-11-2016 at 02:02 AM by 91609

    6. Forgot my dream again

      by , 11-10-2016 at 07:48 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I really need to start writing down my dream as the first thing in the morning.
      side notes
    7. almost forgotten Storm Megazord dream

      by , 11-10-2016 at 06:33 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      I start off at some kind of park like place and was riding on something. What ever it was it tipped over with me on it and now I'm hanging on to a small thing on a rope. I'm upside down and there was water below me. To make things harder I also had one of my Megazords in my hands and didn't want to end up dropping it into the water and losing it. I'm trying hard to get up as what ever it was I was on slowly gave away until I fell completely into the water. It is a pool and I'm swimming around in it and dropped my toy in it. At first it remained together but then it fell apart and the pieces sank down. I was just about to go under and get the pieces when suddenly I began to see at first dolphins swimming around me but then they turned into baby Killer whales (the black and white ones), blocking my view and crowding me. I suddenly became lucid and told the dream that I didn't not want these here and to get rid of them now.

      After that I find myself in another dream with my Lucidity lost. There is some kind of Music playing and sounded peaceful and verse less. The place was mostly dark and looked like it was in some kind of sewer place. The Storm Megazord was there and he had a monster cornered and because of the music I wanted him to get the monster. The zord charged at the unseen monster, grabbing it into its arms and then I woke up just as the Music playing from my Wii U ended.

      Updated 11-10-2016 at 06:34 AM by 13650 (Forgot the tags)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Campaigned for the last 2 days! Trump WON!

      by , 11-10-2016 at 01:20 AM
      I had so many pages up on my computer & multi-tasked & campaigned throughout the night & early morning. Then celebrated via online via FB. Exhausted & need rest. Off to bed again now.
      Tags: election
      side notes
    9. Fragment

      by , 11-10-2016 at 01:05 AM
      A man confronts me at my IRL home, having tracked me down, holding me responsible for something that happened long ago. I hear a memory of something he'd said to me then - "The rule of kings is over. We will take our place among free nations." The scene shifts to show the beginning of the thing he blames me for. A procession through a city, passing by a river, soldiers in silver-colored armor, rows and rows of lances in the sunlight, the king and myself in tall masked helmets and long robes, at the corner of my vision I'm aware of a ship moving along the river with sails and oars and something golden about it, and it's all a striking image, but I'm thinking of something like Cosa Nostra.
    10. [09-11-2016: Blurry fragment]

      by , 11-09-2016 at 11:08 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall only a brief, blurry fragment. It was a sunny and warm day, I was standing on some balcony or something, looking at some fields.
    11. 11-09 Fleeing from a monster army and a weird Florida road trip

      by , 11-09-2016 at 10:51 PM
      I was walking through a school. A campus, like college. I was walking through an auditorium kind of room, no bleachers, just a big room. They were playing some game. Someone called out to me, but I didn't really acknowledge them. I turned around and left after walking across the room. I knew a lady was following me to tell me something. She eventually caught up to me and talked to me about it. Then I was trying to change the back story of some characters in a pen and paper RPG in a modern setting. I wanted them to be able to know each other, so I decided that they all worked on the same military base. Then I went back to the auditorium, and saw an unnaturally tall human-looking guy. He was clearly a monster of some kind, but he was dressed a military officer. I didn't talk to that thing, but I left and pretty soon I was running to jump on a truck with some other people. Then we were being chased by a group of this almost vampire-like army. We were pretty much screwed, then I woke up.


      There was a road trip of some kind, Florida or something. I think we had a trailer. But the main part was a guy who was trying to load his trailer, but he was getting mad and throwing stuff around. You could tell it would all just fall over the way he was doing it. I offered to help him, and was being careful and making thing stack properly. Then he got bored and wanted to leave. I told him that he would have to pay me if he was going to leave, so we decided to go get something to eat and take a break. We were deciding what to drink, I had bananas and 7-Up, which sounded fine in the dream for some reason.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. 11-06 Sci Fi setting fragmen

      by , 11-09-2016 at 10:48 PM
      A yard, a shipyard or something, a sci-fi setting. We were fighting different kinds of robots and maybe some aliens. It had a Start Trek vibe to it. There was a shape shifter guy was gloating about having beaten us in some way. We didn't interact with him directly, but that was a scene with him just saying that he'd won. There was something negative going wrong. I'd done something wrong somehow and was driving around.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 11-03 Lots of unrelated things

      by , 11-09-2016 at 10:47 PM
      I was walking around a mall. I when to a restaurant. I eventually wen to a guitar store. I had a guitar and pieces kept falling off it an getting lost. A DC was losing parts of it. It was really frustrating. Then I was going for a walk through the place, it had a grocery store and a hospital. I was heading toward a bathroom, walking in a straight line, behind desks or over them. I was being a little bit rude I guess doing that. I sat down in a chair. Someone sat down next to me and we were talking. Then we were driving in a truck. It was snowy, and roads were dirt and mud. It was like an abandoned neighborhood with houses that were pretty far apart. They were falling apart, not longer a place anyone would live. But this was like a half a mile from the mall. I was getting dropped off and he showed me some space gun he had. Then I was looking at this glider thing attached to the back of the truck. It had a trim adjustment on the back, that was pushed all the way to one side. I somehow knew that it was the reason that the thing had not been flying straight.
    14. Kite or Bird? Self-Breaking Window?

      by , 11-09-2016 at 05:09 PM
      Morning of November 9, 2016. Wednesday.

      I find myself standing in an unknown mostly featureless room as I have just shifted into the beginning of my lucid dream. I mostly find myself gazing at the blue sky through a closed sash window. (I am not sure of directional orientation. If it is implied to be our bedroom window I would be looking west.) An unrealistically large bird, but otherwise the kind called a kite, is seemingly flying directly towards the window.

      Before the bird gets too close and crashes into the window, it slows down and becomes an actual white kite but is still moving down towards the window. Strangely though, the window still breaks (without the kite hitting it), glass flying inward, towards me. At this point, I experience the back spasm event and nearly go flying off our bed. (Ordinarily, back spasm dreams are a premonitory sequence where something seemingly jabs me in my back in physical hypnopompia, a recurring dream event from very early childhood. It does not seem as if this was the case this time, as the flying glass shards came from in front of me, although it was triggered by a sudden awareness of Zsuzsanna’s body behind mine as I was lightly sleeping on my right side. Still, the timing of the imagery was not correctly aligned with the physical event, which I find hilarious, like a movie that was incompetently dubbed.)

      A breaking window simply symbolizes dream cessation in real time (as does losing teeth, which also usually has no waking life meaning). (This metaphor is even used in the 1971 TV movie “The Deadly Dream”).

      The imagery in this dream has a thread of prescience. Zsuzsanna had checked out “Tommy” from the library, which features a longer scene near the end with Tommy on a white hang glider that looks very much like a large white kite. I had no way of knowing she would be checking it out at this time.

      Otherwise, kites, birds, airplanes, and virtually anything associated with flight or wings (including birds that cannot fly) are associated with the floating sensation typically experienced upon falling asleep. Over one in five of my dreams for over fifty years have had this dream state dynamic, but are always unique, and sometimes, as with this dream, contain literal prescience.

      The “back jab” event is based on biology, and only happens in a particular stage of sleeping or waking as a result of spontaneous neural energy. It is completely unrelated to real life dynamics, just as the hypnopompic kick is (although the hypnopompic kick is more pronounced when I do more walking on a particular day).

    15. Vote Trump

      by , 11-09-2016 at 04:09 PM
      That was the basis for the entire dream, and that will continue to be it, as I am now going to bed. It is 2 AM.

      Luckily the rest of my dream was about a different universally hated leader, Napoleon. Simon and I were at the location of his death on the bettlefield. We watched him be slain, and I tended to his wounds for a moment before Galen took him over. This Galen was so much more realistic than most of my dream characters ever are. He had these beautiful rants and his handshake was calloused. At one point long after the battle we were sitting on chairs in the night, looking up at the stars. They were extremely beautiful, being a figment of my dream, and I think if I was still reality checking on views I could have gone lucid. The end of this dream was pretty great. I was on a dance floor with Simon and Galen, and I had time travelled us back to the 80s. Everyone was doing the robot and I started dancing all loose like drake. The 80s people stared at me in disgust, but I just kept leaning back further and further. It was extremely fun to do, and I got into a way impossible limbo and kept dancing like I gave no fucks. Then I went forward on my toes, annoucing "this must be impossible". And then my alarm went off. The immediate moment before a lucid dream no doubt was upon me.