non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my old bedroom, checking if the windows of the balcony are well shut as a storm is coming. My cat Yéti insists in following me into the balcony although I try to shut the door behind, so he doesn't. I feel like the balcony might be blown away by the strong winds. Then my cat Buda manages to slid in and climb to the top shelves. Then he becomes a real boy, my son. I insist he must come down. Other neigbors come to their windows to check on what's going on. Then he jumps or falls down from the shelf and by consequence out of the window I had not yet been able to close. I scream and the neighbors are in shock. I go down to the street but I don't see any body. I manage to find his jacket. He finally appears, alive but full of pain, with a broken ankle and looking confused. He doesn't want to go to a doctor, but I call an ambulance.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At home with Riverstone, someone else and my dog Hachi. Strangely there is a balcony or deck over a cliff and we are chilling on lounge chairs. It reminds me of when I lounged in my parents balcony before they closed it. But this one is dangerous as there are no guard railings. I don't feel afraid, I am actually feeling totally happy as I never felt. I am even doing nudism and feeling comfortable in my naked body in the wind like I never felt before. I am walking down a corridor and it gets very dark, I feel like I am dropping out of the dream and I become lucid. I don't try to fight it, so I just free fall in the dark void with no expectation of what comes next. I just try to see the void as the nature of my mind and not be afraid of the referencelessness. I stop falling for some seconds and then I fall again, but I never try to control the outcome. Then finally it stops and I am in some dark room. At some party in a garden with a view over a city. I spot some bush with berries and I grab some to eat, but then find huge catterpillars in a gelatinous cocoon on the plant and it looks both awesome and disgusting. I show it to my mom. Then feel an itch in my hand and notice a big alergic reaction for having touched the berries and the slime of the cayterpillars. I rush to wash my hands. My mom is running a bakery but when I visit it, she is not there and I find strange that she left everything unfinished or out of place, like a cake half eaten on a table. I eat it, But she comes back soon and says one of her friends needs a ride somewhere and asks me if I can do it. It is inconvenient, but I offer to do it. He is going to a funeral. My dad offers to comes with me. Turns out that side by side with this funeral is also going on a funeral for my friend Nelson and I am shocked to find out this way that he died. For saving costs and the environment, the bodies are rapidly decomposed via a chemical process and in the end all that is left is a little biodegradable container with some liquid. Because both deceased expressed not wanting it to go anywhere, they just dispose of them both into some trash container and I am a bit upset. I wanted to pay homage to my friend some other way.
30th May 2021 Fragment: In my bedroom at the old home. It's daytime, maybe early morning, based on the shadows and it's sunny based on the bounced light. I'm looking outside as if from the edge of the balcony but I think I'm actually not on the balcony. I'm talking to someone, maybe dad. I see a big sea turtle (an adult could probably sit comfortably on its shell) crawling towards our building on the cul-de-sac road below. I think to myself about how this happens from time to time. Notes: - I barely managed to recall this and only because of some random association, though not sure what that was anymore. - My dream self believed this type of sighting to be completely normal, hence the thought I had to myself in the dream. - Of my conscious recall between the ages of three and five (?) we had a relatively small pet turtle, living in some vivarium in what was the living room and which later became my bedroom. Oddly, I feel some sort of emotion writing about it, but I hardly remember any interaction with that pet turtle and I don't even remember how or if it passed away. I don't recall ever touching it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Student protests in Coimbra. They invade shops. I am at one of those shops with a friend. They want to lock us in with the owner. I protest and they say I have to join them if I wanna stay free. At vacation, on some hotel by the sea. it has balconies literally over the water. A shark jumps out of the water and lands on a balcony and tries to attack me. But I get out of the way and someone else picks the animal by the tail and throws it back into the water. I go to the souvenir shop, feel like buying something but wonder "why waste money"? Anyway I find nothing that I might want. Driving through a scenic road by the side of a river. See some car crashed against a wall. Then I see a dog getting in front of my car and I also almost crash. I turn quickly but encounter another dog ahead. This time I lose control of the car, which flies over the river and lands on other side. The dogs, kindly jump on the water and swim to go save me. People I know come looking for me and organize a rescue. I say I am fine and that the dogs saved me and they are the ones who should be rescued not me, hoping someone will adopt them.
It was my first night home for the Christmas break. I wish I could remember this dream better, as it seemed to be fairly eventful and reached new areas of strangeness. I think there is a contest having to do with a train or a railroad station or something of the like. It may be old western times. There are many people I know and celebrities participating in this contest. It seems that the participants are being eliminated quickly, but there is one of them who has yet to compete, and who I have great faith in. This of course is Sting, my favorite song writer. IRL, I read his memoir “Broken Music” over the summer. It influenced me greatly, and I have this connection to him. That connection was evident in the dream; though I’m not sure he acknowledged it. I cannot remember the outcome of this contest. But there are two other instances of this dream that I remember. One of them is me, in a hotel room, high above the ground, in a bright white room. I look out at the balcony. I think there is an ocean. That’s all I can really remember. The other is me receiving fellatio from this brunette girl who bears a resemblance to someone I met briefly about a year ago. Though all goes as it should, several times I think, it is strangely dissatisfying. I remember feeling rather pleased with the state of affairs, as was she, but I do not think I felt anything orgasmic or really significant, as I normally would in this situation. I can remember so clearly the pictures from these dreams, which only makes me long to remember the circumstances and sequences of events.
I recall only a brief, blurry fragment. It was a sunny and warm day, I was standing on some balcony or something, looking at some fields.
I got up because I couldn't sleep, and I went out to the balcony. I was several stories up, and the balcony looked out over a grassy lawn, on the far side of which lights twinkled from the windows of other apartment buildings. To my left, I could see more lights from the night skyline of the city. I was surprised at how dark the sky still was, though full of brilliant stars. Wasn't it almost morning? I remembered that I had gotten up for a while and didn't go back to bed until the sky was starting to lighten. (That part was true.) Shouldn't the sun be rising by now? For some reason I felt strangely tempted to jump off the balcony to see if I could fly, which made me wonder if I might actually be dreaming. But I realized that would be a terrible test, because if I was wrong, well... I didn't think it could be possible that I was dreaming, because I was sure that ever since I had gone back to bed, I had lain there unable to sleep. How could I be dreaming if I hadn't gone to sleep first? I'd better do a test anyway, just to be sure. I reached out my left hand and tried to invoke a ball of glowing white light in the air above it. Nothing happened. Oh well, I must be awake after all... was my last thought before I woke up. In retrospect, it was a terrible choice of RC, but the only one that occurred to me at the time. Waking up was confusing at first—hadn't I just been suffering from insomnia? But if I had been dreaming all along (and only now did I notice the profound discrepancies with WL: that I have no such balcony, and moreover live in a completely different kind of building with a completely different kind of view), then I must have been asleep the whole time, only dreaming of insomnia.
I suddenly became lucid during a regular dream when I looked down and noticed my hands looked strange. I was in a house... again. This time I didn't feel trapped, but I felt hopeless and unable to do anything, with no dream control at all. I walked through the house, intending to go outside, but then out of the corner of my eye I saw a square hole cut into the wooden floor. It was just big enough to climb down, and it seemed to radiate evil and darkness, with a staircase going down it... so I went down it. It seems I have this weird fearlessness in my dreams that I fail at in real life. I think its my determination to find what I want, like I'm so sick and tired of my lucids not working that I've stopped giving a fuck about nightmare things. They're only in my way, after all. As I walked down the stairs to the bottom, I turned the corner and the first thing I saw was a spider web with crazy things in it, like the big black scribble I remembered seeing on a nightmare creature in a dream a few weeks ago. I kept walking, down a huge wide hallway that was dusty with a hard packed dirt floor. It was dark but I could see a little in the distance. There was a tall, lanky grey alien standing a little bit ahead of me, and he moved closer, blinking in and out, without actually moving his body. When he finally got to me, I was just like FUCK YOU and slapped out my hand, and he turned transparent and faded away. I continued walking. I was looking for Seru to come break me free, but I was frustrated that I couldn't find him and he wasn't showing up when I called. Then I felt my dream fading and I returned to my waking body, but I lay perfectly still and attempted to re-enter the dream. As I lay there, I went into sleep paralysis while waiting which just kept going and going until I finally gave up. But when I opened my eyes and sat up, I found I was back in the dream. It was super unstable though, so I focused on my surroundings, feeling things and noticing the sounds and smells... dank and musty. I was touching a metal bar or table and it was cold and hard. I continued down the hallway and came to an opening that was on the right side of the hallway. It was some kind of balcony open to the evening sky and the sun was going down. The ground outside was almost pitch black but the sun was bathing the balcony in a nice orange glow. But I couldn't get off it and go outside. I turned around toward the hallway and looked down it and figured I'd just sit and wait for Seru since that always seems to work. Arrogant domineering asshole, always wanting to be the initiator in any situation... Just then I saw some sunlight breaking through the hallway ceiling, illuminating it with rays of light and, and he was standing far down at the end of the hallway. He moved towards me but I couldn't see his face then, because it was in the shadow. When he came close, he jumped into the air and flew past me quickly, through the balcony into the evening sky. I jumped up and flew after him, breaking through the house and off the balcony as well. I flew behind him for a while, even though he was going pretty damn fast and I had a hard time catching up to him. But I was able to slowly catch up and fall in beside him... I was afraid he'd look over at me and have some creepy nightmarish face since I'd found him in the nightmare basement, but once I was parallel with him, he looked over at me with a smile and he looked regular. I guess moods and setting doesn't have any effect on a dream guide. I was so damn happy that he broke me out of the house again that I reached over and kissed him... it was a really vivid kiss, and felt real. Which was weird, because I can still imagine the feeling. When I did that, he stopped and wrapped his arms around me (what a sweetie. still an arrogant asshole though) We did some fun pervy things, but then I remembered I wanted to ask him something, so I asked if he really was my dream guide or if the last time I asked him was just a fluke. He reassured me that he was, but then he stopped and gave me a strange look, and I realized the dream was fading away again. Never got to finish my pervy stuff. Pityyyyyy.
Oct. 31, 2014 I went inside a dorm. I was hiding from some... teens? I talked to a person there. Before that, I was in my unit in the upper floors. Balcony. A woman appeared. A warning of war or battle. Something or someone hits the wall of the balcony from outside. An intruder. The woman disappears. I went back in the room. I have to escape. There was an elevator, but it was too slow. I decided to take the stairs. The elevator opens; it's empty. I was inside a dorm. Hiding. Worried. I talked to a woman there. From the second floor, I was in the upper floor when I saw some teens outside approach. I think the woman said they were the ones after me. I think we're on a border of some sort. I went outside on the other side through the window. I stood on some extensions, about 4 meters off the ground, and I wasn't afraid. I saw a teen pass by the window but didn't see me. The woman was talking to them. When I felt it safe, I climbed down. I hid behind some trees or stuff and observed the ones who are supposedly after me. NOTES: - I've been doing 9 purification breathing, guru yoga, dakini visualization and focusing on lotus with A on the throat for about a few days by this time. I must say, I seem to remember dreams better.
Non-lucid dream, but still pretty.. ..interesting. Prelude: I've had a crush on Robert Carlyle since I was about 13 (he would have been 38 at the time) and have only recently admitted publicly that I do. [Dream] I'm in a supermarket, working as a cashier. Suddenly Robert Carlyle is brought in, in handcuffs, as he had stolen something in another store. They didn't have any room to keep him, so he was sat down right next to me. We exchanged a few looks, but he was really pissed off. I just continued my work. -time gap- My work day ends and I'm told to escort Robert to prison, which I reluctantly do. Out of freaking nowhere a massive vampier vs humans fight breaks out in the prison, and I'm fighting alongside Sam Winchester (one of the main characters in "Supernatural"). The vampires have found a way to chemically freeze humans (you know, for conservation) and threaten to freeze everyone. (Funfact: they call it Vitrification) Sam and some other guy sacrifice themselves to be frozen so the rest of us have a fighting chance. The floor in front of them turns to ice, they step on it and freeze from their shoes up to their hair. It looks incredibly painful, but we have to fight the vampires so I sneak my way up to the balcony from which the vampires were looking on. The entire floor below is now ice and I start pushing them off of the balcony and onto the frozen floor, where they freeze just like the humans. Victorious, I stand up, turn around, and there is Robert Carlyle again, looking at me with sadness in his eyes. It hits me like a brick: he's a vampire too. A new one, I'd say, as the top of his head is missing (remember that scene at the end of KILL BILL? The one where O-ren Ishii is standing there with the very top of her head chopped off? Yeah, that's how Bobby looked.). I look back at him and shake my head. "You really need to get your head checked." I tell him. He half-smiles but it disappears soon as we both know what he has to do now.. [end dream] Luckily for me, nothing happened next, but that feeling of understanding and sadness is still with me. In case anyone didn't grasp it, he was supposed to kill me at the end, as I was the only remaining non-vampire. As I lay awake afterwards, I did imagine that there was another way: conversion. If he had me converted into a vampire, we both could have lived. But in the dream, it didn't occur to either of us, apparently.
Updated 08-11-2014 at 02:12 PM by 51317
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I fell asleep slowly, keeping my awareness, and the plunge was so subtle, that I wasn't sure when I was already asleep or not and both worlds overlapped for a while. I was clearly already visioning a dream world, but every time I moved my hands to do a RC, I was still moving my "real" hands and not the dream hands. It took me a while to finalize the transition. And when I did, I still wasn't sure in what level of reality I was, because I got up from my dream bed and went to a balcony and clearly the world outside was a very large city and not my hometown, but it was so realistic in all its details and sensations, that I chickened at the thought of flying away from the balcony. I decided to do one more RC just to be on the safe side and not kill myself. When I was absolutely sure, then I flew away over a 10-lane highway and for fun, landed on top of a big truck and surfed it. I had no clear goal with the dream, so I let the story unfold. My stunts attract some attention and I gather a group of misfits and adventurers who follow me as their leader. We become a rebel group on this futuristic mad max style world. Some day I meet a guy I don't fully trust, but he is a bad-ass with some skills and I spend some time with him, to see if he fits in our group. We hijack trucks with materials we can use, but we never hurt anybody. But he attacks a truck with a family and kills the parents of a kid and almost shoots the kid. Needless to say, I kick his ass and make sure he never hurts anyone again. Then I adopt the scared kid and take him to our base. We live in a semi-underground tunnel complex on the outskirts of the suburbs. I love this kid very much and make sure he grows up nicely and in a peaceful environment. I guess he brings me into maternal mode, because I do much less adventures outside and have become more home-based. I even have a date with a guy and a friend helps me pick up a dress to go out that evening. I leave the kid with a lady who is not human. Her head is hairless and instead is covered in a thick brownish skin with round protuberances of different sizes. But she is the most trustworthy person around, very calm and serene. This guy I'm going out with, he's like the Hulk, big and green. The babysitter suggest I should wear a green outfit to match, but I disagree, he might think I'm mocking him.
Our guests woke me up again, I spent about an hour trying to fall asleep, my mind was way too awake, and when I finally fell asleep I got into some WILD/OBE thing where I couldn’t move much. Total sleep time: 6 hrs HI dreamlet1: Some woman, her face was colored black with something like tar. She lives in the woods, in a hole under the trees. A scary story begins about the holes in the woods. HI dreamlet2: I am an unknown street most likely in my home town, have different hairstyle Dream3 WILD/OBE: I am in my hometown again, in front of me are my guests. I am looking at my hands, some blue pink ghost like double layer is also visible. My hands quickly stretch out, a familiar feeling, they stretch into infinity, space bends and the whole of me is quickly sucked forward. I also feel my dream body detaching. A short moment of darkness follows and then I find myself on our old balcony. It is dark, there is some light perhaps from the moon. I immediately notice my position and feel my dream body. Instead of my feet being on the floor of the balcony, my midsection is where the floor is and my feet are below it. Don’t feel the floor, I notice that my position and state is somewhat similar to when I sometimes meditate – I am physically sitting, but feel the rest of my body is standing. I decide not to pay too much attention to that because I have to stabilize. I run my fingers over the surface of the balcony, very realistic. Everything is rather clear, but I can’t move my legs. I try to but I can’t. I decide that perhaps I should give my dream body some more time to adapt to the dream. I start rubbing my hands, now my elbows barely move! I decide to wait a bit, but black out for a second, then I am back to the dream still no improvement. I force my limbs to move, and I can feel a great force on them preventing them from moving. I try touching the wall again with my fingertips, but it doesn’t help. I look to my side, towards the end of the balcony and see many plants there, it looks like a small jungle, it is dark and there is a dark hole between the plants. Now, it is definitely not the time to expect something scary to come out of there, I tell myself. I try to be indifferent about it. I then notice that a song is playing “give me my love, give me my love”, a nice song, but then it gets stuck, the same part plays over and over again. I wake up. Comments and Analysis: I was worried after waking up that I have finally managed to mess myself up and instead of having normal LDs, the more time I spend in the void, the more aware I become of my falling asleep and will begin to get stuck more in the middle. I really hope not! Now, I feel relaxed about the situation, but am sure I will be getting more experiences where I would need to remain calm. The stretching hands and being pulled forward (not just the two bodies separating) experience plus ghost like layer is something I have seen before and I kind of relate to OBE types of experiences (if these can be differentiated from WILD). I can only say it is a different feeling altogether. Such continuous dream paralysis is not something completely new, but the only memories I have of it are when I was a very young. I don’t remember getting stuck in the middle of a floor ever. Some explantion why this happened: I am thinking that the longer time spent in WBTB, the more my mind is aware of my physical body. If I WBTB for 5 min, then I would transition to the dream much faster. An alternative explanation is that I am being increasingly aware of the void and this somehow affects me. Future strategy: I really have to write a few key words on a piece of paper so that I don’t forget. 1. Patience and detachment. I didn’t panic today, but the situation could have been different. 2. Rubbing hands 3. Try zooming into something else or 4. Try floating up?
Updated 04-23-2013 at 04:53 PM by 61764
Dream recall from today's nap. Was going to find something to do TOTM but dream ended too unexpectedly. As was in my bed, going for WILD attempt, headphones were behaving weird. Eventually i fall asleep and wake up in my bed, and i know that i am dreaming, there are like ten hands holding me and i am not able to move much, and then somebody materializes in the air and falls onto me. I wake up, but forget to do an RC, family was trying to distract me but i decide not to move much and attempt to WILD again. I wake up, knowing that i am dreaming again, and i take off headphones to confirm it and yes, i can hear binaurals. I get up and get a weird feeling like somebody tries really hard to wake me up. I stay calm and rub hands, soon the feeling goes away. Interestingly the room is very dark, but it's the daytime outside. I go to the balcony door, it's closed. I ram it a couple of times like i did previously when it was closed, and it opens. I fly outside and i feel wings, i fly straight and on the way i accidentally manage to go into third person view somehow for a second, I think about it and then recall that i wanted to take a look at wings. I reach some kind of park, with a small river, and in flight i decide to try going into third person view on purpose this time. I manage to do it but for some reason i couldn't hold it for long enough to look in detail, though i recall wings being somewhat greenish, also they looked weird and i didn't figured out what type of wings that was. I continue flying around and surprise random DCs, then i am flying below some kind of tent, flight was slow for some reason, and i decide to try to do transformation into a dragon once again. I concentrate on visualizing it but accidentally close eyes, i get some weird sensation, like i am becoming longer or something but then dream fades out before i can open eyes. I wake up, then in few seconds i wake up properly.
Updated 04-03-2013 at 04:45 AM by 59854 (Fixed color tags)
I am in school (in Cuba), in A college or something like a university. There is going to be a test about physics, but I reason that I have not attended all the classes and I'm not ready. I am approached by girl in a short green dress and we exchanged a few words that I do not remember. Then she walks toward a kind of balcony with brown slabs but no balcony railings. It is a colonial building and the height is like a multi-story building. I went out to the balcony and the height gives me vertigo. I warn the girl to leave the balcony but she does not listen. Suddenly the scene changes for no reason and I see myself approaching the facade of a house. There is a door and two windows and I realize I'm dreaming, but I wake up immediately.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening (...) I am at the edge of a balcony, slightly aware I'm dreaming and making considerations about lucid dreams. I am not afraid of the height because I know I can fly or hover and will not hit the floor if I fall. But that's not enough. I realize that I need not to be afraid of hitting the floor, because there is no floor. I make an effort to become fully lucid to do an experiment. I let my body lean forward and just let go of all fears and all doubts. My body goes through the dream balcony and I free fall. I only feel the uncomfortable sensation in the stomach, of falling in the void, for about 2 seconds and then its gone. I see the ground closer and closer but I also go through it and then I'm free falling in the darkness. I don't make any effort to stop it, I let go completely. After a while, the falling sensation stops by itself and I find myself being laid out gently on a grassy patch under a tree at nightime. I feel peace and I feel like meditating. I decide to get up and do a walking meditation. I try to visualize a Buddha against the night sky. I can't. Instead I see a white light that starts from a point and expands into the shape of an angel like figure. From it I hear a "hello". The light shines brighter and I hear again "Hello, [my name]!". I recognize the voice of my guru. I don't just recognize his voice, I feel him! Hard to explain the entirety of what happens in these few moments. I feel overwhelmed. I wake up.