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    1. Recurring DC who I'm married to (3)

      by , 06-12-2015 at 07:50 PM
      This is the third dream in which the DC implied to be my dream-world husband appears. Note that in previous dreams, I had not felt repulsed by him. In this dream, and every one involving him since, his age has changed from in his 30s to in his 50s.

      I am walking through the gardens of a mental institution with my mother. The day is pleasant and sunny, the flowers are more realistic-looking and less overblown and lurid than they usually are in my dreams. We walk through a tunnel of trees towards the entrance of the institution, talking about my marriage. My mother outright condemns my choice of partner, in particular the age gap between us (I am 20, he is in his late 30s). I, thinking about my marriage, am more concerned about the difficult relationship between my husband and I, than I am about the age difference.

      We come to the entrance, there are two cars with chauffeurs waiting outside. The double doors open, and my husband runs out. I am startled by how he has aged, he is now in his early 50s although I am still 20, and haven’t aged. He runs over to me, making a fuss of me, bowing repeatedly and kissing my hand. I am disgusted by his behaviour: embarrassed because he’s making a scene in front of my mother and all the orderlies and I have to stand there and take it to be polite, and anxious because I know he’s only pretending to be respectful towards me and I’m wondering what he’ll do when we’re alone.

      My mother is driven away in the first car. The institution staff go back inside, and I watch the doors close as my 50-something husband kisses and bites my neck and whispers threats in my ear. I let him get into the car first (it’s a red car). I take my time about getting into the car with him, watching him watching me through the window. The dream ends shortly after I get in the car.

      This is the forum post in which I mentioned this series of dreams: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...m-married.html
    2. Brain out of sync, aging twice and four day-surgery

      by , 09-12-2014 at 04:05 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Brain out of sync, aging twice and four day-surgery (Non-lucid)


      Nightmares are extremely odd and uncommon for me, and I am always lucid. And no ~Dreamer~ I am not afraid of doctors or anything like that!! Was just a random nightmare, hehehe.

      It seems I was not feeling well and I was taken to the local hospital for a complete checkup, but I was taking in a plane, during this time, the dream was in third person while the plane took off and I was taken to the hospital. For some reason, they gave me a shot with anesthesia and the dream faded until a few seconds later, now in first person, I was getting out of the plane, landing after the checkup. I noticed that there was another plane, a bigger plane that had a lot of medical emergency stuff:

      Ignore the people, there were medical things, but the plane was thick like this one.

      My wife was very sad and apparently, I was told that I aged twice as fast as other people and that I would need to have robotic joints everywhere and needed surgery asap. It was going to be a surgery that would last four days.

      My mom was also there and she was upset with me
      (like I was to be blamed) and she told me, "I cannot get why you left brain has to be so much out of sync from your right brain." (what the #$#$% means that... LOL.) It seems that they were saying goodbye to me and they were hiding more stuff.

      I told my mom, "Come on, what is really going on. I am an empath, you know it, I know more is going on." And she replied me with, "Empath or not, after this you wont be able to even talk, so who care..."

      After that, I woke up scared.
    3. Srey us busy, bikini,

      by , 11-13-2012 at 10:42 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      This was the second dream that night....
      I was friend with a girl that I believe was Srey. I think I fancied her, but she was not very interested as I felt. Once I went to meet up with here at a Ponton Bar. This was a place like somewhere in Hawaii, nice, wooden bar on the water. Srey and some other people were diving and I could see them in the water. But I also noticed some sharks swimming around. I think someone got bitten when they come out of the water. The bar inside was dark as if not used.

      Next, I went to see Srey to a shopping mall where she was working in a little shop. I was there and she had a female friend there. We were talking what we doing this weekend, and she told me that she is really busy, even without me asking her out or anything. I saw her calendar, and a red bar as it was filling up on the weekend days.

      Later I walk on a street and meet this friend of Srey. She stops me and asks me if I cold help her to get refund for her bikini that she bought on the market. I remember asking her whether she worn them at all. They didnt want to take it back from her. We went with her to a big warehouse where all sorts of stuff was sold from vietnamese and other sellers. I dont know what happened after....

      ***At some point in the dream I was going through my hair and tried to make it spiky at the back. I then felt that there is way too little hair on my crown area. I look in to the mirror and saw that the hair at the back of my head is too long to keep it spiky, and how ridiculous it looked. But I also saw that I had only patches of hair left on my crown. Also the skin on that area was all red and with dry pieces of skin. I got quite scared of how quickly it progressed!!I was actually thinking, whether I should cut my hair short like Martin. I was there deciding what to do!! I should have realised it was a dream, or do reality check!!! Next time I will
      Then I see Richard Bandler. I look at his hair, he has just a little left. Then I see a video of him from the time when he was young! He has head full of thick, curly hair! I think, shit!! If this is how he changed, than we all be like this. And then I start to think about life, how quickly it passes and when one gets old, its too late for anything. We should enjoy our life when we can. I start considering to go and travel, to see the world, even for the price of not developing great carrier...... ***

      Next, I am PA for some guy that plays computer games all the time. He lives in a room in some kind of complex of flats, but the place is very empty and simple. He sits in the corner and plays on his phone. I notice that he is playing ASPHALT like I do. Next I see as if I was in the game. He shows me how to do different tricks. He has the best car in the game, its black, Lamburgini style. He uses big black rock and pushes them in to the way of others so they crash. He also waits, facing the opponents with car and when they run him over, his car is like a jump, and propels them to some kind of blue tunnel, where are concrete block to which they crash. I think, how smart it is.

      Then, as if in the game, I am standing by the race track and walk on the side a little, near some gas station. I stand there by the railing and watch across the scenery. Then 3 guys came near by, and start talking about me (as I think). They talk about my back and posture, how bad it is and how I am sloughing. I notice that, it shocks me!! How bad my posture must be, and I slowly adjust my posture again so that they wont notice.
    4. 6 Dreams and Fragment (December 7, 2011)

      by , 12-08-2011 at 07:21 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Document Fragment

      I'm not really sure what was happening. I would fall asleep, dream that I was reading some sort of document and then wake up not long after. This repeated about 5 times and was very boring.

      Slow Down

      It was the middle of the night and I was standing by the street near one Loudonville's parks. I was standing next to a parked car waiting for someone. It wasn't long before some man and some woman appeared right behind me. We all get in the car and the lady is driving, the man is in the passenger seat, and I'm sitting in the back. As we're driving, the lady starts speeding faster and faster. I asked her to slow down, but she ignored me. Then we come across a steep hill with a sharp turn at the bottom. Asking her to slow down soon turns into yelling, but all they could say is "we're fine." As we aproached the corner I closed my eyes and braced myself for a crash.

      After I opened my eyes, the car was parked in a driveway and I fell out of the vehicle. As we went inside the house I couldn't stop repeating "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." To finish the dream, we all sat on the couch and watched Looney Tunes.

      Trailer Park Walkabout

      It was the middle of the day (yay) and I met a teenager named Kevin. I was then with a grouop of 5 other teenagers and we all went to a trailer park to get ice cream. For some reason the ice cream guy kept running from us, so I had to chase him for a while. After looting the ice cream cart, we walked around for a while talking and telling jokes. We came to a creepy part where everyone just stared at us with grim faces. The road finally led us to a cliff with lake at the bottom. I threw a pipe bomb into the lake for no real reason at all other than to see it explode. Not much else happened.

      Let Me Swing

      I was on a playground at sunset, playing on a swing set. As I was swinging, there was a kid behind me that kept bugging me to play with him. I told him know several times because I knew it wouldn't end well. He repeatedly began to call me a toad. I ignored him and just kept swinging. This made him mad and he somehow pushed me off the swing when I was high up. I landed on the ground and did a pk roll to break my fall. He then called me a lotus and I woke up.

      Zombie Princess

      It was morning and I was inside a castle courtyard. I met a princess who was overly ambitious about finding an ancient shrine. She then runs off into the wilderness to go look for it. It confused me too much to care until the king told me to go save her. So my opinion didn't really matterh here and I was forced to fallow her. Tracking her eventually led me to a cave that descended deep into the ground. When I caught up with her, she had already found the shrine. Its power had transformed her into an evil soulless zombie. As she started to grow bigger and more powerful, I ran off to find a relic she had mentioned before. I came across a treasure chest and dug through it until I found some sort of cross made of blue crystal. I pressed it against her and she kind of vaporized in a bright light...

      Forgot to Pay

      It was the middle of the day and I was at a restaurant in Loudonville. I had ordered waffles and pancakes. I happily ate them and they tasted more delicous than I could have imagined. I then left the restaurant and waved goodbye. As I walked down the sidewalk I stopped for a moment. "Waaaaiiit! I forgot to pay for my pancakes." I ran back to the restaurant, but when I got there the waitress pushed me over to a table with my family. I reluctantly sat down to join them. Most of my family was there plus Ginny from Harry Potter. I don't remember much of the rest of the dream because I felt like ignoring them.

      Gameboy Kid

      I think I was 10 years old in this dream or something. I was in a car with a woman and her kid who was of similar age. Maybe I was recently adopted. The kid had like 20 gameboys in his backpack and kept talking about his games all the way to walmart. Not much happened at walmart except the kid bought 10 more gameboys and a Latin language game. We then drove back home and the kid kept talking about his 10 identical gameboys the whole way.

      The next thing I remember is sitting in a room with the 2 of them and I'm suddenly 5 years old now. There was also a baby there who I played with toy blocks and car with me. Then the woman suddenly wanted to throw up, so I ran and got her a bucket. As she was busy with that, I sat down in front of the tv to watch Loony Tunes.

    5. The Psychic Chicken

      by , 03-12-1978 at 06:32 PM
      Morning of March 12, 1978. Sunday.

      Perhaps one of the strangest dreams relating to our chicken farm in Cubitis related to my father getting a very old rooster (I believe from the Hearns farm, possibly by Tony N due to fear of it) that was so old, he was different to other chickens in that his comb - four rows wide - went all the way down and along his back from his head (and actually seemed to be growing from his back like a sort of avian stegosaurus). There were also lizard-like attributes relative to his eyes and feet, his feet being of a more diverse scaly structure, more like a lizard’s than a chicken’s. Over time, though, his comb gets smaller (and of two rows instead of four), and he appears to somehow grow younger over time. We notice that our other chickens seem to be getting older (or aging too quickly) and becoming ill at times, a few dying. My dream continues until the rooster’s comb is only a single one on his head. We later see him as a chick, and finally…he turns into an egg, absorbing too much energy from the other chickens with his “special ability” that he had somehow attained from growing so old. He does not seem to be able to affect humans or other animals in this way, though. My father hides the egg somewhere, away from the other chickens. Nothing happens after that. I wonder if the process will begin again when he hatches, but I also wonder if there will still be people later on (when he becomes very old again). At one point, a private detective from another state (Kentucky, I think) investigates.

      I think any “meaning” in this dream, if any, may relate to the approaching event of moving back to Wisconsin (though I was still in Florida at this time) and sort of wishing I had more control over time (as I was beginning to see much less of my friends, as more people were moving from the area and I had also left school).

      As with much of my online dream journal, this is the original dream journal title from this time period even concerning the misnomer - as the word “psychic” is not the correct description, perhaps more along the lines of “psychic vampire” at best. I think I mainly used it for a tentative comedic mood or association even though the dream itself was very eerie and not really relevant to the typical usage of the word “psychic”.