comment dream lucid Falling asleep approx. 5 I vaguely remember having a FA in the first cycle. Awakening, can’t sleep because I am not feeling well. Time approx. 7. Taking ibuprofen to be able to sleep. Double FA I was sleeping in a long room with a bed. Then I was examining the room because I didn’t like something about it. I wake up in our bedroom. There is a wide blue ribbon hanging in our window, decorating the curtains. At first, I remember the long room - I am not there anymore - and I realize I woke up from a dream. Then I realize what the blue ribbon means. R wakes up too, also notices the ribbon and is confused. I tell him that it is a FA. Jokingly, because it is not real, I start to bite him like trying to eat him. But he screams like it’s real, so it isn’t funny. I want to “correct” the false awakening, focus as much as I can and wake up for real. Time approx 9. I don’t like the stupidly wasted opportunity but I can tell that my baseline awareness tonight is high and I am confident there will be another lucid dream later. Our cat starts doing noise, wanting to be let out of her room. Then she gets quiet and every time I feel like falling asleep, she starts again. The cat problem R went to solve the cat problem (blocking the door so she can’t scratch them and/or letting her out). R and I are again in the long room, there is another bed this time and two more people - a well known politician and his wife. Then there is some police activity going on and someone related to IT, there is a capable young IT guy doing something. I wake up from the dream because the cat makes noise again!!! How is that possible, when I remember R… ok, that was a dream. But I am confused for a while. Then I tell R, who also isn’t sleeping, to go and do it for real. Time 10:55 I try to WILD but R next to me can’t sleep and I feel too distracted by him tossing and turning. Then I (almost) fall asleep but I wake up because I can hear his frustration - he says I was snoring. This happens once more. I don’t feel like sleeping but I know I can’t really tell… I am getting seriously frustrated because heightened awareness means nothing when I can’t fall asleep deeply enough to be dreaming. Seeing squares I am with my mother, in a room that resembles the long room from previous dreams but there is no bed this time. There are two windows, I peek through the blinds to look outside. I don’t see much the weather is bad and the visibility low. I try the second window, there should be mountains visible but I don’t see anything and my vision is bad, like there are square gaps. I sit behind a table with my mother and parts of my vision are still like pixellated, with some squares gray, which surely isn’t normal. I tell my mother that I think this could be a dream and she strokes my hand, looking pleased that I figured it out. I am not 100% sure yet, more like 99% sure. I get up and run towards a distant door, focusing on how it feels and quickly getting 100% sure. As everything around me gets slightly blurry, I slow down. As I reach the door, I decide to pass through it just because I know I can. It works like in the previous dream, the door open in the middle to let me pass through, like a double door. I do it once more with another door. I am outside and there is a black basketball player, looking like Michael Jordan, practicing shooting. I take the ball from him to try it too. We are very far from the basket but this is a dream, so certainly I can throw further than I would in reality. I try it but the ball doesn’t go far enough and it veers off to the right. I don’t feel like I want to try again. I stop for a moment. What am I doing? Don’t I have some goals? I finally remember I wanted to try creating a teleport portal and going to Prague. I go back inside, to the area between the two doors, to be alone and without distractions. I create a portal with my hands, as I planned it and imagined it. No visuals of the portal but that doesn’t mean anything. I spin around to give it something more. Then I try to go through the portal, thinking “Prague”. It doesn’t work. Again, I don’t feel like trying again. I go back to the main room, which now isn’t a small room but a big hall. There is a stall with some cakes. I just take some with my hand, ignoring the seller. I make a mess out of her cake display but whatever. As I go towards the main entrance to the hall, I try to eat the cake but it doesn’t have much taste and there is too much buttercream. I wake up. Time 12:34 I slept more after this but I don’t remember any additional dreams.
Sunday is my WILD night. 10:35 five minutes WBTB, then WILD attempt but I wasn’t in the right mindset, I had problems with both concentrating and falling asleep. After some time, I went to sleep normally (setting the intent for watching for the dream and my favourite “if I see something = dream”) but had problems falling asleep. Non-lucid I am running from someone, I think it’s my brother, but I don’t remember why. I try to be smart - choose a different direction than he expects and changing direction often. I am running through some town, keeping my pace. Then I get to some kind of club, I am in a room and there are people. They are hanging six persons, they all already have the rope around their neck and they are told the sentence. I think they are traitors. But in the last second, the execution is stopped and they let them go, it is like a learning experience for them. I really like the club. They meet every week and I think I want to visit again next week to become a member. They leave and I am alone in the room. There is a huge duvet, filling a large part of the room. My brother appears and I try to hide in the corner, behind the duvet. He can see only the top of my head but he notices. I try to tell him something and I tell him about that club. Then there is a woman on a mattress. I don’t know why but I think she’s evil. Getting lucid I suddenly notice that I am doing something, seeing something and not trying to fall asleep anymore. Obviously, I am already sleeping and dreaming. And I can see that this isn’t some shaky half-dream, this is perfectly stable. Time to have fun. I want to leave the club room but the evil woman is still there, holding my hand and preventing me from leaving. With my other hand, I reach behind me, like trying to reach for something that could be used as a weapon. I can’t see anything in my hand but I try anyway and stab her. It works, she looks hit and in pain, holding her stomach. To be sure, I stab her again (and it works again, although slightly less this time) and I leave the room, entering a corridor. I go down the corridor, I walk very quickly, much more quickly than humanly possible. I don’t worry about the stability of the dream at all but when things get slightly blurry from my speed, I slow down and touch the wall. I notice that I wear gloves and can’t feel much but it doesn’t matter. Doing magic The corridor gets wider and I want to do my goal - magic. I want to do two spells, inspired by the books I am reading at the moment. For the first spell, I use the word “Lux” and a simple gesture with my hand, it should result in a werelight hovering above my palm. I try it for the first time but I still have the gloves, so I take them off. I try for the second time, nothing, for the third and fourth time, nothing. I remember that the hero in my book had to practice this for a long time, I probably just need more practice too. For the second spell, I try “Impello” which is basically telekinesis. I use it on a small ball and it levitates approx. one meter above the ground. I realize I have to use my willpower to keep it floating and to guide it, it isn’t just the word and the gesture. More magic and Jedi mind control I have a memory gap here. I took everything too quickly, locations shifted quickly and I don’t remember all details. I remember trying the impello spell again. This time, I shouted the word and focused on the gesture with my hand. I moved a ball (or something else, bigger?) up, then to a side, and then I lost control or overdid it a bit and it flew with a great speed maybe twenty or thirty metres from me, falling on the heads of some DCs. I found it funny. I guess I need more practice with this too. I also remember trying some Jedi mind control and the moving the hand thing on some DC but I don’t remember why. He said “these tricks” but did what I wanted. Flying I am on the stairs of my school and I think I could fly, maybe jumping from the top landing. But I am not sure. Then I am in a large hall, it is a mall or a marketplace with a roof. I want to jump from somewhere but all higher spots and the upper floor with a gallery are not accessible. So I try the superman style, with my hand up. It works and I can touch the ceiling but then I look down and it’s like in those cartoons, I am looking down for a second or two and then I start falling. I fall on my legs and partially on my hands too, cushioning the fall, the impact is a little bit hard but ok. I try again but this time it’s different, it’s like I am teleported to the ceiling and I levitate there like no gravity exists and I can examine a chipboard tile in the ceiling. I can remove it but decide to stop damaging the building and get back down on the floor - I am there instantly. I am not sure how much time I have left but I suppress the thought. Surely, I have plenty of time. No reason to think otherwise. Passing through a wall… or a gate The next goal on my list is passing through a wall. I don’t like the walls around but there are big doors, more like a gate and it is closed. Good enough. I try to pass through the gate and I can feel its solidity. I tell myself “there is no wall… or gate” and continue the movement. I don’t pass through but the gate opens like it was never closed and I am on the other side. Eating There is another hall, this time with many small shops and stalls. I am running out of ideas on what to do… I know, I want to eat some food. I go around the stalls but it’s all just clothing. Then there is a table with packages of tights or some underwear and among them jars of pickled gherkins. I casually open one of the jars (a woman DC with a kid, standing nearby, throws an offended look at me but I don’t care) and take the longest gherkin. I continue to walk and bite a piece of the gherkin. It tastes as it should but it’s also weird, like eating a gherkin first thing in the morning, just after brushing your teeth. Very sour and somewhat off, I don’t like it. I want to find something better. There is a small shop with vegetables. I walk in, seeing some carrots (small, raw, and dirty) and potatoes. It is very small there, there’s a fat middle aged woman shopkeeper, a counter and space for maybe two people. I can see they have some salads behind the counter and I decide to get some. I remember the discussion I recently read online about “can I get” vs “may I have” and choose the proper version “May I have a small salad” (in English, which isn’t my native language but I use it in dreams often because I live in an English-speaking country). The shopkeeper nods and asks me something which I have problems understanding. She wants to know if I want something else. I say “No, just the salad.” She asks if I want ketchup with it. I say “maybe some dressing” but this time, she doesn’t understand me, so I say “just the salad”. While she is putting grated carrot and something else into a small plastic cup, I notice there are some cakes too. I would prefer them over the salad but too late. A big fat man appears behind me and I don’t like it because he blocks my exit and my plan to take the salad and leave without paying could fail. The shopkeeper puts the cup on the counter and asks for money. I know I don’t have any but try to find some in my pocket anyway. Nothing. I want to leave but the shopkeeper and the fat man are angry. The vegetable in the cup changes into water with red sugar and starts to boil. I know I am doing this but it wasn’t my intention to do it. It’s like my magic has got out of control because I am in an uncomfortable situation. I squeeze around the fat man and I tell them that they should be grateful to me for showing them such an interesting magic trick. They are confused. I walk out and wake up. My heart is racing.
10pm screens off, took melotonin, dreamleaf supplement, and about one tablespoon of raw honey and MCT oil. 10:30pm in bed, meditation, dream yoga visualization practice, mantra: breathing in, I remember my dreams, breathing out, Lucid Dream TONIGHT. 3:30am WBTB, only long enough to take galantamine, second DreamLeaf pill, and go back to sleep My first memorable dream, I was at a friend's house, and he had told me he had broken up with his girlfriend two days prior, and we started fooling around a little, but his roommate woke up and heard us and shamed him for hooking up with me so soon after his breakup. He left, saying he should stay with a friend since this was a bad idea, and I kept trying to assure everyone that it was okay, this is only a dream! But I wasn't entirely sure, so I started trying to check to make sure, at which point I fell head first off the bed into an almost black area where all I could see was the floor, and I was alone. The patterns on the wood floor were moving, and I bounced around strangely, and even though I was alone at this point I said SEE, this IS a dream! But with nothing around me, and several failed attempts to summon a portal midair, I tried to phase my hand through the floor. This is the first time I've successfully manipulated a LD! I put my hand to the floor, thought about how it would feel to phase through it, and blamo! I pushed the rest of my body through, looking for a wilderness dreamscape to forage for food in (task of the month!). I get to another empty, warehouse like area, and my sister Anna is there, pointing to a structure that I climbed, leading to an outdoor area. There was woods and grass but also a bar with several bowls of berries and other foods; I open a jar at the far right of the table, and although there are gnats flying around it, I pick a large chocolate chip cookie from the jar, and begin to eat it. Delicious. I wake up. I don't move, and allow myself to fall back asleep. I reenter the dream world. I'm in an area with several shops, it's raining. I know I'm in a dream, and I'm walking around (rather awkwardly) looking for a door or other portal. A little girl is following me. I hold out my arms and feel the raindrops hit my skin, my arms are red. I rub my hands together for stability. I find a shop with large windows, press my hand against it, then through it, and then step through. In this room are several tables with members of my family, and on the wall is a picture from my sister Tina's wedding. I feel deep love. I look back to the window, and see my reflection. For the first time, I'm able to change my appearance in front of a mirror. I guess I was hoping to go to the Land of Oz, so I try to make myself look like Dorothy. It doesn't exactly work, and I revert back to my normal reflection. Good effort. As I begin to walk through the window to look for Oz, my cat jumps on my bed and wakes me up. When I finally get back to sleep, after writing down notes to remember the previous 3 dreams, I'm somewhere with bad guys, and they're looking for me. I'm able to use telekinesis to throw them around, but from behind a wall, so I don't actually see this but rather experience it as a puppeteer would. I wake up when one of them finds me. I've never had MULTIPLE LD's in one night, or managed to do a DEILD. Very happy with my progress! Side note: does anyone else dream about writing in their DJ and wake up to realize they didn't jot down any notes? This keeps happening to me. I also seem to remember hearing sounds as if someone was on my roof, thinking it was real, then realizing it was just HH and that this was the in between dream state.
I was on the beach, but there was this Cul-de-sac of ocean water that reached further inland than the rest of it. Around the perimeter of the water was a near continuous boardwalk, and level with the perimeter of the boardwalk was a near continuous row of shops, venues, living quarters, and a hotel. All the buildings were beautiful, with large windows and white stucco exteriors. Their interiors were lavish yet tasteful. There were long planters and potted plants all over the place, filled with tropical plants and flowers. The waters were like crystal, with beautiful, vibrant sea-life. I pitched a little tent in one of the areas where the boardwalk met a dock that was closer to water level, then I went on to explore this community. I spent a great deal of time swimming, as well as sampling many scrumptious pastries from the local bakery.
DJ Log: March 15, 2011 – ~5:30AM (USA Eastern) Text color legend: • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I am composing a musical piece in real-time on an interactive video drafting table by arranging various pieces of food on top of the table. The table is a large flat-screen TV with thin wooden slats arranged in an 8 by 16 matrix to hold the food in place. Pieces of fruit represent the vocal sections and different pieces of meat are the musical elements. Pork chops, hamburgers, and hot dogs make up the beat sequence and bacon is a bass line. To create unique bass lines, I bend and fold slices of bacon into various shapes, press them onto a hot skillet to make them hold their shape, and then place them on the table to create different synthesizer bass lines. Every piece I add changes or adds something to the musical loop. If I find that a piece of food does not create the desired sound, I eat it and select a new piece. There is a large folding table full of all kinds of food to use in making music. The music I am creating has a hard psy-trance beat and growly bass lines, accompanied by happy, childish vocal lines.
Updated 05-30-2016 at 04:33 AM by 36447 (spelling)