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    1. Rescuing the wolf (almost lucid but not quite)

      by , 09-01-2019 at 10:19 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      This was an interesting dream because while I wasn't completely lucid, I was cognizant of the fact that I had control over what was going on. However, said realization wasn't because I knew I was dreaming. I just knew I had control, somehow; maybe because it took place in my fantasy world where I am somewhat of a demigod. ;D

      It was a weird combination of a story about a wolf, and the novel I'm currently working on. The wolf was getting hunted, imprisoned, and about to be killed. But he escaped. His plan was to flee in the middle of the night, but he slept until 7:42 AM and didn't flee until exactly then. Nonetheless it was still dark outside leading me to believe that it was winter. He fled to the woods. I managed to use my powers to teleport him deeper within the woods, and myself along with him. He found his lover, another wolf, there. Two characters from my novel were there, too, who were in love and promised to protect the two wolves. And other magical creatures formed a sort of barricade to protect them all.

      It was a heartwarming dream with potential to become an actual story with some tweaking/organization. The night was purple and black and orange, cartoony much like the lyric videos from Anna Blue and The Birthday Massacre. Very cool, stylized aesthetic! It's fun that my brain can do that lol.
    2. Freaky-deaky psycho dad

      by , 08-07-2018 at 05:02 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So my family in general is pretty cool. I get along with them fine for the most part, and none of them are psycho in any way. :p

      But last night I had this crazy nightmare that my dad was trying to imprison us and a bunch of other people, most of them strangers, in our house. I think he was going to kill us too or something. When he was half asleep, or drugged, or something, we were able to control him, so we instructed him to move the people out of our house, and we were planning to get out of there too before I woke up.

      He was deranged. Weird look in his eyes too. It was pretty freaky-deaky for sure. o____o

      Am I more prone to nightmares than the average person, or do most people experience this?
    3. Imprisoned

      by , 07-22-2018 at 03:26 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      All I have written down from last night was being imprisoned somewhere. I tried to get help and escape, but I came close to getting caught. I believe I woke up before I either got caught or got away.

      Got to start somewhere.
      Tags: imprisoned
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. Imprisoned

      by , 09-15-2014 at 06:28 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm at a party with Daryl. I feel like I've had this dream before.
      I'm after a cigarette. I get it off either Daryl or some other guy. I grab the cigarette and snap it in half. Daryl walks over to a female and asks if he can share her internet connection. She isn't too keen on doing so but decides to do it anyway. I soon realize that he doesn't need to borrow it off her, instead he can buy WiFi from here.

      I leave with Daryl and begin to smoke the half cigarette outside. My head starts to feel fried from the cigarette and I begin to act as if I've had a heavy trip or drunk. A security guard notices how I'm acting and questions me. I soon realize it's illegal to possess drugs. The guard grabs me and takes me away. We are now outside and head towards an area that has what looks like horse stables. I feel like I know what's going to happen to me, due to being here before. He puts me inside the stable and locks me away as if I'm in prison. There's a peep hole that I can open and close. I know I'm about to be torchered so I close the latch. The man comes to my stable and opens the peep hole. I see that he's holding a weapon. I look behind me and see that I have a choice of weapons I'm allowed to pick. I choose the knife, but soon realize it's not as big as I first thought. I think about the range of the knife knowing it sucks.

      There's two options on how to get out of the stable. 1 is to fight my way out or second is to control the dragon. With the dragon, I need to control its path and make sure I'm following the cloud. It's really hard considering the controls are weird. The controls are not WASD or arrows, it's random letters which make it hard to remember which is left,right etc. I think about going into the options section and try to change them to what I'm used too

      Dream Fragments

      1. I see Kayley and she's with a new baby. It's a girl and I think to myself that she now has 2 girls, but soon realize that I'm mistaken and know that her first was a boy, so it's perfect for her.

      2. I'm playing basketball and I'm trying to recreate a Micheal Jordan moment, which is attempting to score 5 points in 5 seconds.

      To start off I steal the ball off the opponent and score which takes under 1 second, but feels like 5 seconds. As I score I run back down to the other end of the court and leap into the air towards the back wall. I grab onto the back wall and hang from it. I do this to show off my athleticism.
      I now let go from hanging and run back towards the other end of the court but I notice that my shirt is too small for me.

      3. I'm playing Heroes of might and magic V. I'm trying to upgrade my soldiers but I can't seem to do it.
    5. Four separate dreams

      by , 03-11-2012 at 08:26 AM

      I'm at a large house in the countryside, a camping center. The others are mostly males between 20 and 30 years. For some reason I get locked in a barn with small group. The rest have something against us. I tell everyone I have a plan and light a candle. I escape trough a loose board in the wall. The candle is useless, it's daytime, and I blow it out. Then I go around the back, hiding behind things. I think someone sees me but they don't care. All the others have gather around a hill and are discussing some arrangements at the camp. They're talking about hiring a new handyman.


      There are some ethereal creatures and they are leaving this world trough a portal. I'm not one of them, I'm just watching. One stays behind for some reason. She has and emotional connection to this world. Another one comes, a male, and he finds her. He talks her into coming with him, but apparently this take years and in the meantime they fall in love. She still doesn't want to leave completely, but he tells her that they can come back ones in a while, but they can only live here for a thousand years at a time. I wonder how they could hide their identity if they live a thousand years.


      I'm returning home, walking by the road in a residential area. The houses don't look familiar, even though this should be my road. I notice the backside of my building on the other side of the block, I've taken the wrong road. I walk trough a yard to a back door. I briefly wonder if my keys will fit, since my apartment is actually on the other side, but I do get in. Something wrong on the first floor, there are people talking about it. I go up to my apartment. I'm interested in what the trouble was but decide to change my shoes before going back, I'm wearing hiking shoes and they are pretty heavy. There are things lying around in the apartment, I've left in a hurry, and I start cleaning them up.


      I'm in a gallery with small boutiques all around. There is a coffee place and a couple of clothing stores. I woman decides to buy something from a small bakery. I try to decide if I want to get something. There is a third person there, a man, who might know me, but not very well.