Went to bed around 12AM. AI Dream Augmenter I'm in bed telling S about a dream I just had. I have recorded it on my phone through voice, and an AI program augments it with video and sound. It's playing an anime-esque intro about me as a ninja. I think it is hilarious and cant wait to record more dream with it. Game Night I'm at my current home, though it is mixed with my parent's house from northern Michigan. We are sitting by the doorwall on the ground ready to play a board game. It might have been snowing outside. D, my brother, and my sister were among the group. Some of my sister's friends may have been there too. D is standing nearby with a big bowl of goldfish crackers. The game pieces are mixed with another game. There are red, white, and off-white. The game was Risk. My sister says they were playing something last night, to explain why they are mixed up. We start to unsort the pieces. Grandma's Mafia I'm at a mixture of my Grandma P's past houses. This one feels more like a compound. Currently upstairs in the guest room getting ready for a shower. My Uncle J calls for me before I can get in. ... I'm out on the patio. It's sunny. There is a wooden file organizer, and there are dollars sorted into smaller sections of it. I think I see a $1000 bill. A black lanky man approaches and I'm worried he'll attack me. Turns out he's just here for payment. I now 'know' the backstory that my Grandma P runs some mafia operation. I direct the man to my Grandma, because I don't know how to pay him. My Grandma P shows up, gives him some money and walks him out. My brother and sister are here now. My Grandma P gives me a see-thru golden ball, and there is a sudden urgency to deliver it to a safety shed nearby. I run to the shed, make it past a closing metal door, then a sharp turn inside, and another timed door. Shed is barren and musty, but more brown and orange hues from the sun bleeding through. There is a conveyer belt running through the shed, but it goes through a wall. There is a tiny opening to the room where the ball needs to go, but I can't fit. ... I'm out in the yard below the patio with my brother and my sister. We're talking about the big reveal that Grandma has been a mafia boss this whole time, and Uncle J too. It has been generational too. We talk about that and look at the muddy yard in front of us where some kids are throwing footballs around. I reach a troubling conclusion that this mafia info explains my Mom's death, and that she had been innocent. I see here briefly as a ghost, and she seems relieved that I understand. I'm hit with an intense sadness and I fall to the ground for a minute. My sister notices and asks if I'm OK. I lie, saying everything is fine, and move along. We reach the underside of the patio and enter a garden area. I'm carrying some garden wireframes of dogs. Grandma P is there, and she shrugs off our concerns about the situation, as if we disapproved of her new bingo meetup or something of similar caliber. We move up the stairs leading to the patio deck, and I hear an incessant bee or bug buzzing at my ear. I start slapping my arm at it, not wanting to be stung. All recalled/recorded on waking around 9AM.
Updated 10-06-2023 at 06:44 PM by 99808
Sword Fight With Kid Me I'm at home, in the gameroom area, by the big round table. My past self is there. He looks maybe 8 or 9 years old. About the age when we went to Disneyworld. He says "Are you doing that dreaming stuff?" I tell him "Yep, trying to!" but I don't become lucid. Then we decide to have a sword fight. We're just imagining that we are holding swords. I take a few stabs at him, taking care to not accidently hit him with my arm. I chase him around the house a bit. At one point I sit down to rest and he remarks about how lazy I am. I say "Yeah, having a job will do that to you." ... There is a cat in a cat-carrier on the floor near the gaming table. I think to myself that I should let the cat out. I recall that the cat talked to me and asked me to release it, but I don't know if that actually happened within the dream. My sister's boyfriend N is there too. I let the cat out and tell N that he'll need to help me catch the cat later. He agrees. The cat saunters out lazily and lays down nearby. Totally chill. It seems satisfied that we helped it. I sit down by the fireplace near the cat. It splays its paws and I play with its footpads. My sister M is there, and they are talking about one of the third grade teachers from elementary school, Mr. A. I say "Oh! Is he still teaching?" M says that Mr. A used to call the place she sat the "Bitch-Chair". I think about how Mr. A was very perceptive, but don't say it. Recorded at 6AM, 66% through sleep cycle 5.
Updated 09-08-2023 at 06:27 PM by 99808
Messing with Brother A I'm with my family on vacation at a hotel. We have a german-shepherd dog. Somebody is in the shower, and my sister M and I are playing a prank on them. We are on the floor, where there is a slit that goes into the shower. There is button that will startle the person showering. It's probably my brother A in there. We press it, and get a satisfying *YELP* from the inside of the shower. There's also a button that will slide a fake turd in the shower from the side. We haven't pressed this one yet. Dream feels positive, makes me miss my sister. Later I'm heading to the bathroom, but the german shepherd is in the shower. I tell the dog to get out and he listens. We're getting ready to go somewhere as a family but it is just my brother, sister, and my dad.