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    1. Night of Sunday 3/17/24

      by , 03-18-2024 at 03:51 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at my childhood home's basement with my brother and my friend D.
      There were some other people, maybe my sister's friends.
      They are talking about some back pain they are having.
      I remember that I have been working on that, and tell them that I have some stretches that might help.
      I start to demonstrate, but I can't get the movement quite right.
      One of the girls points to the window, and says my sister is coming.
      It's dramatic, like when Azula shows up in ATLA.
      I'm holding a goose-stuffed animal.
      Later at night time, I'm sleeping on a mattress up against the wall in the same room.
    2. Night of Thursday 10/5/23

      by , 10-06-2023 at 06:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12AM.

      AI Dream Augmenter
      I'm in bed telling S about a dream I just had.
      I have recorded it on my phone through voice, and an AI program augments it with video and sound.
      It's playing an anime-esque intro about me as a ninja.
      I think it is hilarious and cant wait to record more dream with it.

      Game Night
      I'm at my current home, though it is mixed with my parent's house from northern Michigan.
      We are sitting by the doorwall on the ground ready to play a board game. It might have been snowing outside.
      D, my brother, and my sister were among the group. Some of my sister's friends may have been there too.
      D is standing nearby with a big bowl of goldfish crackers.
      The game pieces are mixed with another game. There are red, white, and off-white. The game was Risk.
      My sister says they were playing something last night, to explain why they are mixed up.
      We start to unsort the pieces.

      Grandma's Mafia
      I'm at a mixture of my Grandma P's past houses. This one feels more like a compound.
      Currently upstairs in the guest room getting ready for a shower.
      My Uncle J calls for me before I can get in.
      I'm out on the patio. It's sunny.
      There is a wooden file organizer, and there are dollars sorted into smaller sections of it. I think I see a $1000 bill.
      A black lanky man approaches and I'm worried he'll attack me.
      Turns out he's just here for payment.
      I now 'know' the backstory that my Grandma P runs some mafia operation.
      I direct the man to my Grandma, because I don't know how to pay him.
      My Grandma P shows up, gives him some money and walks him out.
      My brother and sister are here now.
      My Grandma P gives me a see-thru golden ball, and there is a sudden urgency to deliver it to a safety shed nearby.
      I run to the shed, make it past a closing metal door, then a sharp turn inside, and another timed door.
      Shed is barren and musty, but more brown and orange hues from the sun bleeding through.
      There is a conveyer belt running through the shed, but it goes through a wall.
      There is a tiny opening to the room where the ball needs to go, but I can't fit.
      I'm out in the yard below the patio with my brother and my sister.
      We're talking about the big reveal that Grandma has been a mafia boss this whole time, and Uncle J too.
      It has been generational too. We talk about that and look at the muddy yard in front of us where some kids are throwing footballs around.
      I reach a troubling conclusion that this mafia info explains my Mom's death, and that she had been innocent.
      I see here briefly as a ghost, and she seems relieved that I understand.
      I'm hit with an intense sadness and I fall to the ground for a minute.
      My sister notices and asks if I'm OK. I lie, saying everything is fine, and move along.
      We reach the underside of the patio and enter a garden area.
      I'm carrying some garden wireframes of dogs.
      Grandma P is there, and she shrugs off our concerns about the situation, as if we disapproved of her new bingo meetup or something of similar caliber.
      We move up the stairs leading to the patio deck, and I hear an incessant bee or bug buzzing at my ear.
      I start slapping my arm at it, not wanting to be stung.

      All recalled/recorded on waking around 9AM.

      Updated 10-06-2023 at 06:44 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Night of Wednesday 10/4/23

      by , 10-05-2023 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30.

      The Hallway Theater
      I'm at my highschool between the P building and S building. It's snowing outside.
      I'm running late to English class. I'm concerned that I will be reprimanded for reading Harry Potter for my assignment because I have already read it.
      I reason that the choice is valid because my perspective will be different. I've gone through a lot of growth since the last time I've read it, political stance and puberty among those changes.
      I'm in an upstairs hallway that resembles S building, but it is much more narrow.
      Still running late to class.
      Hilary Clinton, wearing a blue suit, is power-walking behind me.
      I slow down and let her pass by, wanting to avoid an interaction.
      This tactic succeeds and I reach a dark section of the hallway.
      There are three rows of seats, split into two sections.
      It's some kind of Hallway Theater.
      My classmates are there so I sit down at the left section near the back.
      My friend D and a girl run by and I hear them say something indicating they are running late.
      "Ya'll need to get it together!" I say as they speed by.
      I get some laughs from the class for this.
      "Those are my best friends," I tell them, wanting to show I wasn't bullying random people.
      A couple people I was friends with in highschool (underclassmen from my senior year combination rackets class) S and possibly J, look back at me.
      I'm concerned that they are upset because I specified others as my 'best' friends, but they appear content.
      We're still in the Hallway Theater, but now there are VR headsets hanging from the ceiling.
      Classmates are putting them on so I do the same.
      There is a floating UI option for lives, and I set it to zero. It applies to the entire class.
      A pong game begins within a shared AR space, and somebody gets scored on.
      That person dies.
      Fear spreads and everyone starts taking the headsets off.
      Not wanting to allow anyone else to be killed by game, one person is ordered to keep playing so that nobody else gets scored on.
      Kris, Suzie, and Ralsei from Deltarune are in a VR-generated forest environment.
      The trees are massive and reach to the heavens.
      I'm playing this game as Kris. I think D and the girl may have been the other two.
      We are exploring as a team, and trying to eliminate other players.
      I set up an ambush and direct my team to sneak nearby.
      I creep my neck past a branch we are standing on and see two tanks.
      The tanks are the opposing players' avatars.
      I spring into action, and appropriate battle music plays.
      I transform into a woman in a military uniform wearing a beret and open fire on the tanks.

      Recorded around 8:30AM on waking.
    4. Night of Tuesday 9/12/23 (Comp Night 12)

      by , 09-13-2023 at 05:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30PM.

      Thirst at the Store
      I'm in a grocery store that looks like Fry's.
      Something in the store is chasing me, and I am getting ranked based on how well I can evade it.
      There is something standing on top of one of the pop-box displays.
      I'm thirsty and start looking for something cold.
      My girlfriend tells me that there are drinks in the cart, but I want something cold.
      Later I'm in a car outside with my girlfriend. I'm in what looks like the bank's withdrawal/deposit section, mixed with the pickup/dropoff area at the airport.
      It's dark and lit up by a few artificial lights.
      I'm paying for a black Buick car by putting money into the tube.
      The car reminds me of the one my Grandma P drives.

      Recorded at 5AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3.

      Getting to the Bottom
      I'm at my Grandma P's condo with my sister and my friend D.
      We're in sitting room by the den playing Super Smash Bros on the Temple stage. There normally isn't a TV in this room.
      I take D out of the game, and then chase my sister into "the pit" near the bottom of the stage (if you know, you know).
      I hit her with consecutive Down-A sword attacks as Link and she loses.
      Then we switch to a different game that my sister choses. The style is cyber-punky, vaguely reminding me of Mortal Kombat.
      The screen is split vertically into 4, but players can move between the splits to sabotage the others.
      This game's goal is to get to the bottom the fastest.

      Recorded at 7AM. Early in sleep cycle 5.

      Updated 09-13-2023 at 05:37 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Wednesday 9/6/23 (Comp Night 6)

      by , 09-07-2023 at 05:13 PM (Dreamlog)
      Riding the Mountains
      I'm in a parking lot, leaving a grocery store. It's day.
      There is a man in his car parked nearby talking on the phone. He's arguing with someone about the price of apples.
      I remember working hard to get the math right in my head, but it comes slowly.
      He says that there are six apples with six servings at six dollars each divided by twelve, or something similar.
      It's night now and I'm approaching my car.
      The building has changed from a grocery store to something that reminds me of my Dad's friend's home remodeling business.
      I enter my car and start it up.
      I see my Dad outside the car he says "The weather here could be storming or worse, and it doesn't even phase you! You've got your windows down all the time!"
      I remember thinking something along the lines of "It's really hot where I live, storms aren't exactly an issue" but I don't think I replied.
      I start to drive away, but I have problems actually leaving the parking lot.
      I can't seem to orient the car to face the proper direction.
      I drive down a path leading behind the building to try and find a place to turn around.
      I do find one and finally re-orient the car. I have to nick the side of my car on a nearby electrical box to achieve this.
      Now I'm progressing along the path I came, but it is different.
      It goes up where it didn't before into a mountainous region.
      There is rocky tan-colored mud that is causing the car to slip and slide.
      It starts to cake onto my car.
      My perspective zooms out, and I'm watching my car go through crazy jumps and maneuvers through the mountains.
      The car eventually crashes and flips, so I am sent back to the beginning.
      It repeats the course but lands on its wheels this time.
      My perspective shifts again. Now's I'm standing, and the car is a toy that I can pick up.
      I do so and walk the rest of the way up the red rocks on the mountain.
      My Dad is at the top laying in a bed. He is surprised that I made it up here.
      The room we are in reminds me of the sky room from the bottom of the narrow concrete hole from the Game Grumps dream on 9/2/23.

      Recorded at 4:55AM, just after sleep cycle 4.

      Dancing in the Store
      It's my birthday, and we are in my childhood bedroom. I'm on the far end of the room (If you turn right as you enter and go all the way).
      There is an electrical outlet and it has a bunch of game system minis daisy-chained together with USB wires and ports.
      I can recall at least a PlayStation 2, but there were more of them.
      My brother and my friend D are on the other side of the room.
      A third person at the party is setting up some game for us to watch him play.
      He has two tablets, the second one folds and is acting as a keyboard for a laptop, while the top tablet is the screen.
      There are some pillows and armchair-pillows on the floor and we are all settling in to watch him play whatever this game is.
      The room now resembles my Grandma P's sitting den. I'm laying on the floor and I'm the last one up.
      We are driving to the store to get a cake.
      I get up to join the rest of the group in the car.
      I'm in a big white van, the one we just road-tripped on to go to Denver a few weeks ago in waking life.
      I'm opening the side door, and asking the driver to slow down so I can close it easily.
      The driver ignores that request, so I jump out and try to slam it shut as best I can as I jump.
      I land in the grass in a neighborhood. It's a sunny day.
      I walk past a man having a yard-sale. He has a bunch of tables he is trying to sell.
      As I walk by he says "Hey there! Whaddya think?!"
      I tell him "They look great! But I'm not in the market."
      He accepts this answer but seems a little disappointed.
      I keep walking and enter another open garage.
      I feel a bit guilty at first for invading, but then I realize that the building is kitted-out to be a store anyway.
      There are shoes covering the walls with tiny labels with prices on them.
      I'm not lucid, but I decide that I want to find a cute girl and dance with her.
      I start to clear out an area at the back of the store, moving TVs, chairs, and other furniture.
      As I do this, a mousey-looking girl with glasses shows up and starts to watch me.
      I realize she is watching, so I make a show about lifting the heavy things easily, and throwing them such that they flip and land right-side up.
      When I'm done, I tell here "We're going to dance!" and she agrees.
      While I don't know anything about dancing in waking life, apparently dream-me knows at least the basics.
      We dance for a while, and then the girl decides to reward me by getting on her knees.
      The store has changed into a work area. There are some tables with PC setups on them, similar to a computer lab.
      There's not enough room to comfortably place my legs.
      I'm working at my designated spot, but I sneak to a nearby one that I like better.
      Later on the tables are gone but there is a long-table in the center of the room.
      It now resembles more of a conference room than a computer lab.
      There is a TV on the wall everyone is watching.
      Some major news is happening. Feels like a 9/11 scale event.
      Former President George W. Bush is at the table among the group.
      A little girl at the table says "Why can't we just call all the Presidents dumb?"
      George W. Bush replies "Well, there used to be less of them, and now there are more and they are all stupid!"
      Which doesn't make sense, but the spirit of what he's saying is that things were better under him, of course.

      Recorded at 6:39AM, just after sleep cycle 5.

      Updated 09-07-2023 at 05:16 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Bad Disguises

      by , 03-09-2023 at 05:20 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a house reminiscent of my girlfriend S' parents' house and my friend V's house. I'm hanging out with my friend J. There is a surprise visit from my friend D and my brother. A They are out on the patio. D is wearing a disguise, but I recognize him easily. It wasn't a particularly good disguise and it wasn't intended to be. More like a joke. D has a Galaxy Fold and is showing it off. He has a thin black cloth case on it. He has some gacha-games on it.

      I'm driving and something like a check-engine light came on. Genuinely unclear on whether this was reality or not because this type of thing happens all the time. My car was fine this morning so I think this was a dream...

      Updated 03-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. D's hunting trip

      by , 08-13-2011 at 02:11 PM (Type 1a: Dreams in Space)
      Fairly short dream, but more than a fragment.

      I was standing in the backyard of D's house, but it looked a little more like mine. We were talking, and he told me that he had a family hunting trip coming up soon (like they were going to go camping and hunt from there, or something). He said that he was dreading having to go, because he didn't like hunting. I remember saying something about he just had to learn to get over being bothered by it (not like me). by the side of the house next to the fence there was, appropriately, some dead small animal, and these really big bugs were buzzing around it. One in particular made a really loud strange buzzing noise. This bothered me because I had no clue what they were, so I walked towards the back of the house, and D followed. I said that I thought that hunting would be better if you used a bow instead of a gun (referring to the simple medieval-style bow, not the high-tech ones they have today). After that I remember we saw one of his cats (a black cat, though neither of his are black) lying on the small fishing boat (flipped over, aluminum flat-bottom, which would have been in my backyard); I went over to pet it, and I noticed a sprinkler was running behind the boat. That's the last I remember.
      Tags: friend d, hunting