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    1. 9/21/14 - ninja turtle paper towels

      by , 09-21-2014 at 06:25 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I am at my old house, while walking up the street towards my house I see a new roll of paper towels on the side walk. I look to the house nearest and see no one but here scuffing in their garage. I turned back to the paper towels and realize there are colorful things printed on them, so I pick it up and unroll some of it to see what is on it. Each single paper towel has the face of one of the teen age mutant ninja turtles on it with the eye part cut out so kids could use it as a shitty mask. I want to wear one so bad, so I keep unrolling it until I find the one with the blue mask, and after like ten paper towels length I find the blue one, but then I realized I was wearing a shitty cotton ninja turtle top that look like their body and it has red bracelets, and I got irritated because now I can't wear the blue mask because I have the red masked ones body so I found the red mask and ripped it off the roll and put it to my face and it stayed there somehow. Then I ran up into my yard and into my house where the bathroom has been re-arranged for some reason and has all new stuff like the toilet. For some reason the toilet can twist in place like as if a computer chair had no wheels but the seat part could still go in circles. After messing around with all the new bathroom stuff I went into the garage were some man kept rushing me to get ready faster because I have to get back to school before the bell rings, but my paper towel got messed up so I told him to wait which annoyed him, then I ran back into the street where the paper towels were but they weren't there anymore so I came back and had to repair my mask and somehow I did and it looked brand new. Then I wore it to school and I was boss as shit.
    2. Ninja Power, and Hailey

      by , 12-11-2012 at 10:43 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm training with a woman, and she's working on moves to mimic Chun Li. She show's me everything except for her lighting legs attacks. I told her she needed to nail that first, and tried doing it, but she was mixing it up...like making a combo out of it. It was good in a way, but some of the attacks she used were hurting her in the process. I told her that she'd probably be better off using her instep, and showed her a combo using one. Then I jumped up and used the same combo while gliding to the ground, and finishing it off with a few back flips.

      Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm Raphael, and someone just started yelling that Shredder was showing up. The ground started shaking and we could feel them burrowing holes underneath us. We had a whole bunch of civilians with us so we had to get them to safety first. I, on the other hand wanted to head straight to the Technodrome and fight whoever, because I was tired of running. Eventually we come up to this gap with a rope, and I navigate it pretty easily, and Donatello, stretches his arm across the gap and Michelangelo straddle it and scooted across. "You can't tell me that doesn't look like incest", I shouted while trying to figure out where he got that new power. The dream ended.

      I'm at a random house, and I think I'm leaving the military. So is Hailey. She said she was heading out at a certain time, so I decided to go with her and say my goodbyes at the airport. I hear the phone ring, and I head to the living room. My pops is in there, and I hear him say that I'm asleep. "Do I look like I'm asleep"? Then he says to the person on the phone, "oh he's heading off with some girl...here, you wanna talk to him?".

      I pick up the phone and it's my grandmother. She's giving me the business about running off with women, and I'm trying to explain that I've know Haily for years, and it's not like that. I told her I found her attractive, but we're just friends. I get outside, and Hailey is waiting out there. She says hi to me (I think I told her that she wasn't even around) and then my grandmother starts asking me who's voice is that. Hailey gets out of her SUV and heads in my house. She's looking rarely amazing.

      My grandmother shows up, and she wants me to go off with her. I end up getting in some other SUV with some family members, and we get to this expensive looking place...all I'm thinking about is ordering a drink to get my mind off of this mess. She tells me to eat some bread and I do, and I'm kinda pissed cause it's more like a huge pastry.
      Tags: hailey, tmnt
    3. Playgrounds, Movies, Thieving, Surgery and Missions

      by , 07-03-2012 at 04:18 AM (The D-Log)
      Damn. Three nights of lucid dreams in a row. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

      So to start this entry out I need to lay down some knowledge. Usually when I go lucid, it's after I wake up for a minute or two and go back to sleep. So basically an improper WBTB. This night, however, I decided to do a full blown WBTB. Went to sleep around 11:30 and set an alarm for 5:45. Unfortunately, I woke up at about 2:30 for some reason which caused me not to have any before 5:45. Anyways, I woke up when the alarm went off, stayed awake for 12 minutes and went back to sleep. I became lucid right away. (Also, I was repeating to myself "Become lucid right away" in my head as I was falling asleep.)


      As I open my dream eyes, I am greeted to the sight of my old elementary school's playground. There were only a couple kids near me. More interestingly, there were floating balls of light that disappeared after a few seconds. I decided to walk over to the big concrete rain shelter and ask a DC what time it was. I found a young adult male and asked him. He said it was 5:20 in Thursday. I asked him to repeat himself but he just kind of waved me away. I walked around the shelter and started hearing some interesting whispers from DCs. They were saying that Chloë Grace Moretz was hanging around the playground. (Which makes some kind of sense because the last thing I was doing before I went to sleep was watching Hugo. I found out where she was and decided to go say hi. I got over to her but then the goddamn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came out of NOWHERE and tripped me. I flew into a crowd of children, got all embarrassed and woke up.


      I fall back asleep. I'm on a movie set. There is a large wooden door. I go through it. Through the door, Marlon Brando is sitting at a desk dressed as Vito Corleone. I walk through the set and find myself in the back alley of a city neighborhood. I go up to a house. I find that it has a hidden door. For some reason, I was scared to go in. So I turn around and go up into a modern looking house.

      I'm greeted to the sight of the two guys from American Pickers looking for stuff to steal. (I know. I dream about movie and tv stars too much) I try to convince them that they aren't thieves and they don't have to do this but they ignored me. Eventually, they find an old wooden box. They open the box to find a broken baseball bat. Signed by Babe Ruth. They flip out but suddenly a car pulls in the driveway. They try to make a break for it but are caught by the people who were in the vehicle, a young straight couple. I get thrown out by the angry couple.

      I am on a city street. It was day time while I was in the house but now it is night. I get approached by a scuzzy looking man. He tells me I need liver surgery and I am presented with what can only be described as a holographic, touchable GTA Map screen. He points out different clinics tell me which are the most expensive and cheapest. I ask him about one of the cheaper ones. He says I COULD go there. If I don't mind having my liver replaced with garbage. I head to the clinic but apparently changed my mind and turned around. Boom. I get hit by an ambulance. Ha Ha fucking HA.

      I get revived and dropped off at a hospital. Suddenly, a mission marker pops up in my FOV and I start to dash along the sidewalk to it. I pass my theaters with neon lights and pissed off looking hookers. I turn to go down an alley but then wake up.

      Shorter dreams but easier to get lucid. Hmmm. Gonna stick with WBTB for a while.
    4. Gun Showdown, Melanieb and TMNT, Selling My Soul, Killing a Dragon

      by , 04-15-2012 at 01:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Gun Showdown (Non-lucid)


      I'm in spectator mode, and apparently, I'm in an Old Western type of universe. I can't remember much though, except one dream character was facing several men after him.

      I think he was the sheriff or something, and after some shooting, she managed to kill all the men except one.

      The enemy had a weird looking shotgun, and was going to charge after him, and the sheriff was about to shoot him, but he saw that the enemy was only getting closer to see if the last guy the sheriff killed was really dead or not.

      He warned the sheriff that he's really in for it now, and the sheriff just looks at him with widened eyes, and then turns back to normal.
      Melanieb and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a cave, and I swear I feel Melanieb's presence later on in this dream. I think I remember all the characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles being there as well.

      I think we're preparing to fight a bunch of random monsters that will come inside the cave to try and attack us and some other people. The monsters come in, and I get closer to whatever DC I thought represented Melanieb.

      She was saying something that appeared like it was from a hardcore comic scene or something. What she said was along the lines of this:

      "Fight for your country, Mississippi!" while the character on her profile from Galaxy Quest was portrayed in silhouette, and I saw the character in side view opening her mouth as if she was tired from all the fighting.

      I don't think I remember myself fighting anyone at all, just watching....
      Selling my Soul (Non-lucid)


      I'm not even sure about soul thing, it was all just a sudden rush to me!

      I'm inside a random building, and it feels like it's a mall, but I'm not too sure on that.

      In the middle of the building there are these light brown tiles on the floor, and it seems that the edges of it before looking at the other tiles stacked next to them are separating.

      There are these screws that are connecting these tiles together, and they are slowly twisting, meaning that once they come off, either the tiles in the middle will come off, or the ones further away will come off.

      I wasn't really bothered with this, until I was popped the question where I was asked that if I sold my soul, they would prevent the floor from falling down or something.

      I'm wondering why I'm the one being picked and asked that question, but the character talking to me, that I can barely remember, started to get serious and said,




      "Okay! Okay! I accept!"

      I expected some weird crap to happen, seeing as I was willing to give/sell my soul to some random character, but nothing bad happened. The place I'm in lights up more, and a large group of dream characters that look like a lot of people I've seen in waking life recently come in.

      The whole environment turns into this lecture kind of setting with black wooden chairs with metal legs to sit on. I walk a little quickly to the back seeing as seats were being filled up pretty quickly. I think some people were even singing for a few seconds.

      Then there's a blonde female who is the lecturer, and she looks a lot like the IA of the Chemistry 112 class I have. She's wearing a some kind of hoodie jacket, probably aqua blue or a slight dark of blue.

      She's talking about how many hours students usually spend studying? And I believe she puts up on a large projector screen that it was 1.3 hours.

      I think I laugh a little bit, feeling as if she's redirecting this towards me or something.

      I can't remember anything else from that.
      Killing a Dragon (Non-lucid)


      I'm in this weird desert type of area, it feels like I'm in a cave, and the lighting is pretty high for a cave setting. There's this thing that's swarming in the ground, and it's some kind of gold-ish dragon with some shades of brown under its body.

      I throw some grenades at the floor, and even on the dragon when it appeared. I was standing on top of the dragon a few times, and it didn't even do anything to me, I just thought it was.

      It seemed I had an infinite supply of grenades, so I just kept throwing them on the dragon while I'm on it or off of it. Then I had the feeling that I could use some kind of black bow because I swore I used one before in a previous dream, or even this dream, but I can't remember too well.

      I try to imagine holding the bow in my hand with the arrow, but nothing works, so instead of just staying still and trying to summon a bow, I just kept using my infinite supply of grenades on the dragon.

      After a while, there's like three golden wooden triangular blocks that appear, and I'm presuming that's the dragon's health, so I'm nearly there in killing it.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Updated 04-15-2012 at 05:04 PM by 47756

    5. 02/15/2011 & 02/17/2011 - "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine", Fragments

      by , 03-18-2011 at 11:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine"

      I was one of the Ninja Turtles, trekking through an enormous house. There was some kind of scenario going on, and I had to figure out how to get passed a certain point - though I can't remember exactly what the situation was. I remember going down an embankment, into a basement or something, and getting a phone call. The phone call was from us - the Ninja Turtles - from the future. We called back in time to ourselves to tell us how to gain some super-human powers. I believe that I was Leo, and Don was with me, while on the phone talking to ourselves. By the end of the conversation, I had 'learned' telekinesis and levitation. Don learned levitation and I think something else. That last part of that scenario I remember is rushing back into battle, with our new-found powers.

      Later on, I was no longer one of the Turtles (though I still get the feeling it was the same dream), but was myself again, tossing a football around with some friends, on an enormous field. While we were playing, the field turned to murky water, and we continued to play on, about waist-deep. (I've actually played mud volleyball, in a pit like this. I've played football in the mud, but this was actually in a water-filled pit, so I'm guessing the volleyball experience is what inspired this dream.) Apparently, with the water came the wildlife. There were these fish swimming around in the dark water, along-side us. At first, a few of us thought they might have been pirhana, but they weren't. I remember reaching down and grabbing one of the fish with my bare hands, and tossing it across the swampy field like a football. Someone on the other end caught it, and they tossed it to someone else. I remember G and G (V) being out in the crowd somewhere. I ended up talking to them, sometime after the game.

      More time passed, and I was now back at my house. Some girl had come by - either CC or R - looking for bud. I'd gotten her money and went to get some for her but, while I was waiting in the car, outside the dealer's house, an undercover cop car pulled up behind us. I was riding with someone else, and the cop went around to his (the driver) side first. When he went around in that direction, I tossed what bud I had out the window on my side. The cop saw me do it, and started taking pictures. I don't remember if he actually saw the bag or not. They brought a dog in, though, and the last thing I remember is being taken inside (I think just inside the house we were waiting at) for questioning.

      Dream Fragment One:
      I was walking around my high school, with two girls. Somehow, we'd gotten tipped off that there was a bomb in the building, which was going to detonate within a matter of seconds. Immediately panicked, I became lucid. Though I knew it was a dream, I really wasn't looking forward to getting caught in the upcoming explosion, so I grabbed the two girls' hands and flew up through the roof to escape the blast.

      That's all I remember.

      Dream Fragment Two:
      I was in a truck with Joe (At least, I think it was Joe), and we were in some high-speed chase. The only thing I remember is going way out into the sticks, on a muddy trail.

      Dream Fragment Three:
      I was chasing some guy who looked like Will Smith. We were both on bicycles, and I was tailing him all around town because he had stolen his from someone. I remember following him into a Wal-Mart parking lot, and then into the building. I never ended up catching him, though.

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 03:23 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment