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    1. I'm getting bored.............

      by , 05-09-2015 at 11:03 PM
      Just a side note to let others know that I've still been getting lucid and paying attention to my dreams. The last time i slept i had a dream i was in a Mario kart world playing in the waterfall lucid and some other things happened but yeah, not interested in writing it. I haven't even been interested in dream views lately. Feels like i'm slowly drifting away. Not even the member's i usually check out are posting. Its kind of disappointing but its okay. Things change and so do people's circumstances. ^ w ^" At least I haven't abandoned the senseless banter section. haha

      Updated 05-09-2015 at 11:33 PM by 67570

      side notes
    2. Drones + Smallpox + Bed Monsters (NLD + FA-DILD + DILD)

      by , 05-09-2015 at 09:55 PM
      Ritual: It was a great night for dreaming, probably because I went to bed so much earlier than usual, though I've also been especially attentive to my RCs for the last couple days. I went to bed a little before midnight, and I'm also currently on the East Coast, so the clock was three hours ahead of my usual time zone. My sleep was punctuated with the usual half-dozen wakings, though I didn't do any specific night practices other than try to pay attention to the transitions between sleeping and waking, and in this I was not persistant or prompt enough to pull off a WILD or a DEILD. But by around 6am I woke up from the first DILD, spent until 7:30am writing it down, then went back to bed and lucked into a second one.

      NLD, "Drones": I'm standing by a floor-to-ceiling, wall-length window in a big hotel suite, looking out over the curve of a bay. From the height we must be somewhere between the 20th and 30th floor, and to the right I can see another tall building, or perhaps an extension of the same hotel, following the curve of the beach. Ahead and to the left is the flat horizon of the sea. It would be a pleasant view if it weren't for all the drones hovering in our field of vision, each one carrying a sign with a single word on it, white block letters on a black background. The words seem to be completely random.

      "It's like some dystopian future," I comment to Peter Dinklage, who is standing to my left. I muse about what it would be like if the drones were weaponized, and turned on us like machines tend to do in science fiction. Though a chilling thought, they are awkwardly constructed without any armoring, and look like they would be easy to shoot down.

      Then I notice that although they are not armed with guns, each drone is fitted with a camera, which is just as bad in some ways. Are they conducting mass surveillance on us? The cameras are all pointed directly at us. As I watch, a see a few drones of a different type fly in very close. They are not carrying signs, and they are disk-shaped, topped with a transparent dome through which we can see tiny people inside operating them. The pilots can't be human: even though I am standing next to a dwarf, they are much smaller than him, the size of babies, but with adult features and pointed ears. One of them waves at us, and Peter Dinklage says something like, "This is really disturbing."

      FA-DILD, "Smallpox": Shortly after this I have the sense of waking up, though it is not a typical FA; I do not find myself in bed. I feel like I am standing in the same spot, in the same room, only awake now. Everyone else who was in the room a moment ago is gone, and there is no longer any impression of a view. The light has changed, becoming greyer and dimmer: it felt like late afternoon a moment ago, now it feels like early morning.

      At once I notice that something is wrong with my body: a dense network of small patchy blisters is completely covering my skin. I look at myself in third person, as though in a mirror, and see them everywhere: covering my face, my chest, my arms, every patch of visible skin is mottled with these raised lesions. I know exactly what they are, too, I've seen them before in historical pictures: these are smallpox pustules, apparently in an early stage, since they are slightly lighter than my natural skin color and haven't scabbed or opened yet.

      Immediately my rational mind rejects the scenario: didn't I get vaccinated for this? I realize I don't specifically remember getting a smallpox vaccine, but... isn't that because smallpox is extinct? I can't recall the details but I'm sure I remembered hearing that. Surely it's not making a comeback, like measles, because of all these anti-vaccers? But that can't be right—if smallpox were coming back then vaccinations for it would have become available, and I'd have been first in line.

      This can't be happening. I try to will away the pustules but nothing changes. I remain unconvinced. This can't be happening, it must be a dream. If I can levitate, I will know it is a dream: I put my mind to it and though I do not levitate properly, I can feel that gravity is definitely different from waking life. So it is a dream! Okay, that's what I thought. Thank goodness I don't really have smallpox. Now I just need to fix my appearance.

      I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror, trying to will my skin smooth again. The pustules are stubbornly persistant, but a lock of hair turns white and I decide to transform the rest of it for fun. It instantly turns stark white, but the texture remains smooth and silky. This gives me the idea to turn my skin jet black, like that of a drow elf. I concentrate and most of it transforms, but there are still pale patches on my forehead and upper cheeks, and when I look down at my legs, they are a streaky grey that is fading out toward the ankles, more like body paint than skin pigment.

      On the bright side, changing the color of my skin finally got rid of the pustules, leaving it smooth again. Now I just want to even out the color, but the pale patches resist my initial attempts to darken them through will alone. I try to use my hands, as though spreading pigment over the resistant areas, and this helps a bit, but it is not an easy fix. As I peer closer into the mirror during this process, I notice that my eyes are solid black. I can't remember if this was the correct color for drow eyes, but I really like the effect. By the time I complete the skin transformation, my hair has faded from snow white to a yellower bone white, and this looks better and more natural with the jet black eyes and skin.

      During this process my hair has been going through stylistic variations, always long and straight, but hanging down in different ways, and smeared with substances like blood or oil. I figure this makes sense for drow fashion, since living underground they probably don't bathe all that often, making hair treatments like oil very practical, whereas the bloody streaks look impressively gruesome. Although my skin won't stay pure black, it doesn't fully revert to its natural shade either, but retains traces of color, like streaky orange-browns on a muted blue base, while the hair stays yellowish-white.

      WBTB: I woke up and spent over an hour writing the report of the last dream, but afterwards it was still early enough to go back to bed. Although I was not sleepy, it was a pleasantly lazy morning, and I enjoyed drifting in hypnagogic imagery. There was a period of ambiguity where it became increasingly difficulty to tell if I was having waking or dreaming experiences, and then I slipped again into full dream.

      DILD, "Bed Monsters": I was wandering through the large house belonging to my in-laws where I am currently staying, and I had lost count of the number of bedrooms... there had to be more than twenty. Just how big was this place? At that moment I realized, no, of course it is not so big in waking life, it is because I am dreaming that the size has been exaggerated. Dreaming, eh? Wasn't there something I had meant to do, if I found myself dreaming in a bedroom? Suddenly I recalled this month's TOTM, to make friends with the monster under your bed. Oh! I should get back to the room where I'd been sleeping! I dashed back so quickly I was afraid I would destabilize the dream, but luckily it stayed intact.

      I peered under the bed but it was a pleasant open space. It looked like there were a few banal things stored under there, but nothing looked sinister or monstrous. I felt around for something to work with, and my hand closed around a small plush object, which I withdrew and examined closely. It was a small brown teddy bear, only five inches long, with a plump, pear-shaped body and tiny beady eyes. There was a lighter brown oval around the bit of stiching that served as a nose. I was impressed with the detail with which I could perceive it, but had no idea how was I supposed to "make friends" with it. It seemed totally inert, a harmless stuffed animal. I set it on the thick folds of the comforter piled on the bed. "Dance!" I commanded. It just sat there. "Dance!" I tried a few more times, but it remained inaminate.

      I walked around to the other side of the bed, setting down the teddy bear on a dresser. I turned away for a moment, and when I looked again it had changed: now it was a sort of bell-shaped plastic structure hanging from the ceiling by a string. I couldn't tell what its purpose was, but it still appeared to be an inert object.

      It occurred to me that I had been walking around and standing right next to the bed completely heedless of the space underneath. If there really were monsters under there, I'd have to watch out for my ankles! I wondered if this was the problem, that I didn't really have any lingering childhood fear of monsters under the bed. Perhaps I should try again with more intent.

      I bent down and looked under the bed from this side, trying to keep the idea of monsters in mind. I still didn't see much under there: it was a light and airy space, just like in waking life, completely different from the overstuffed space under my bed at home. But I did see a scrap of cloth within arm's reach, so pulled it out. It turned out to be a little crocheted cat, only about three inches long, white with some orange spots. I guessed it must have been made by a total amateur. The body seemed floppy like it was unstuffed, and as I turned it over in my hands, I discovered that it was actually crocheted in a single flat piece with the four little legs sticking out horizontally, so only when it was folded in half along the back did it look plausibly like a cat. The head was the only piece that appeared to have been crocheted with any semblance of three-dimensionality. As I studied it closely, I saw tiny points of bright green contrasting with the dominant the white and orange: there was a little green tuft on the trip of the tail, and projecting from the head was a narrow appendange like the antenna of a cartoon alien, also topped with a green point.

      However, this object also showed no sign of motion or life, so it would be hard to say I was "making friends" with it. But then my eye caught a glimpse of orange fur near my feet: my cat had appeared! I wasn't surprised that she had turned up: when thinking about the task in waking life, I had reasoned that she really was the monster under my bed. Though I adopted her when she was about five months old (the best guess of the shelter) she had been living in a feral state before that, and even after five years of comfortable indoor living she still has the edgy instincts of a street cat: she hisses at the slightest provocation, and holes up under the bed for hours whenever a stranger is in the house.

      I knelt down to ruffle her long, soft fur, which felt totally life-like, but I noticed the color was off. In the dream she was calico, with big orange patches, but I remembered that she was a tabby in waking life. I wondered if she could qualify as my dream bed monster—though right now she was acting very pleasant and relaxed, and I figured it probably wouldn't count because I had already made friends with her in WL.

      Yet again I peeked under the bed, and this time at last I found the perfect candidate for my experiment. I felt that it was connected somehow with the tame cat at my feet, as though all her feral qualities had separated into a different animal. This one had a tortoise-shell coat, all the same colors as a calico but in smaller, more mingled patches. Although the fur resembled that of a cat, the body suggested another animal entirely, with a narrower head and tapering snout. I was pretty sure it was a fox. Best of all, it was already hissing and snarling at me! This was the monster I had been looking for!

      Now all I had to do was make friends with it. I began calling to it in the cooing, overly affectionate voice I might use with my cat. "Come here... lovely sweetie... lovely sweetie. I have treats for you my love... treats for you my love." The animal reacted as any feral creature would, holding its ground and continuing to hiss and snarl. I could see the tension locked into its body, poised for fight or flight. I reasoned that since it was a dream monster, the best approach would be to hug it, but that wasn't obviously wasn't going to be possible while it was still under the bed. I needed to draw it out first.

      I reached under the bed and the animal snapped at the air and threatened to bite me. I considered drawing my hand back for a different approach but decided to let it go ahead and bite, inspired by that wonderful scene in Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind where Nausicaa tames the fox-squirrel by remaining calm and patient when it bites her finger. Plus, since it was a dream I didn't have to worry about physical harm. So I kept reaching toward the animal until it bit down on the middle of my left index finger. The pain was surprisingly clear and sharp, but easily manageable. I kept thinking of that scene from Nausicaa and projecting similar expectations on this situation. I felt the animal relax enough to take a few steps closer to me, but it had not yet emerged from under the bed when the dream abruptly faded. Intriguingly, even after I had fully transitioned to wakefulness, I could still feel a distinct itch in the second joint of my left index finger where the animal had bitten me.

      uncontrollable things in lucid state-nausicaalarge1.jpg

      Updated 05-10-2015 at 04:09 AM by 34973

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails uncontrollable things in lucid state-tetonausicaa01.jpg  
    3. Night of May 8 2015

      by , 05-09-2015 at 08:22 PM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      I didn't try MILD tonight. Could only remember some a portion of my dreams.

      Space Favor

      I was in this vessel and I was in space. I remember being with someone and this person really wanted me to go back to earth and assemble something. I can't remember what this thing was but the scene changed and I was in this very old-time time similar to the Elizabethan era. I recall a carriage going down and lots of markets. I went to this place and was assembling the thing. I ran into a major problem, which wasn't my fault, and couldn't fix it. So I decided to go to further lengths by making something similar. For the record, I'm not even sure if I was assembling something, though I probably was because I remember the thing he asked me involving wheels, but I know I was doing him a favor and I couldn't finish it. I was transported back to the vessel and the guy looked pleased. I went somewhere else and my view changed to 3rd person where a man suddenly appeared in the same room as the guy and he said, "have you still not noticed it?" The guy replied with no and the mysterious man answered with, "he couldn't complete the thing he was asking you so he deliberately pushed himself to help you out!" It was something along those lines, at least. The guy was surprised and I can't remember what happens from here.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. [09-05-2015]

      by , 05-09-2015 at 04:06 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The fall of civilisation

      A huge disaster killed many people and made all the governments to cease in existence. Survivors grouped together and made their own, small towns to start anew. I was a lone wanderer. I travelled a long way and stopped at a fortifications made by society of farmers.

      I spent a few days there, and people were upset about me. I noticed that one of the farmers had trouble, and he was preparing his rifle. I asked him about that, and he told me that he has problems with wolves. I decided to help him, and readied my own weapon - a small, one gun made out of copper. It's magazine could hold only one bullet.

      When the night time came, we moved to the fields. Wolves jumped out, and we started to shoot them. When I noticed that I used my whole ammo, I jumped straight into the group and wrestled with them. After a while we killed all of them.

      The farmer asked me if everything is ok. I looked at my legs and saw blood spilling out of many deep bites. I told him that everything is right. We moved back to farmers city. It was nearing midnight. The farmer told me to wait for news from the local rulers.

      I decided to not wait for him, and went away. I walked slowly, and when the morning came I spotted another city on the way. It was ruled by bandits, that weren't hostile towards me. I left my one bullet gun with guards, and went inside to see what I can find there.
    5. Shadow Manei (#206)

      by , 05-09-2015 at 02:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I haven't posted in like a week. Foul recall everywhere. Anyways, I had a decent lucid come out of nowhere last night.

      Some dream about space pirates who we were fighting. They had caputred our ship and imprisoned us in this big black fortress base on an ice planet. I remember getting into one of the gun turrets and destroying these fuel silos that caused the whole base to start burning.

      Our ship managed to escape. It was this big zepplin-looking thing with all of these little white triangle shaped planes attached to the outside. They started to detach from our main ship and attack the pirate base.

      -(Unintentional) WBTB-

      I was with S on my university campus. We were walking around when someone approached us claiming to be Manei, though she was short and had blonde hair. We kind of brushed her off at first but she started following us. We started to run away from her and went into the men's restroom. She even followed us in there.

      "Dude, is this girl seriously trying to get with me?"

      "Doubt it. She's been chasing me for years, why should she start going for you all of the sudden?"


      I was outside running along the parking lot. It was a bright, clear summer day. (Contrasting the nightmare that was about to unfold.) The DC appeared again.

      "Come with me, I have everything Manei has, I'm even good at archery!"

      "The real Manei doesn't know archery..."

      This was the first time I looked closely at her face. One eye had nothing in it, was just white. Her teeth were yellow and rotten, and wrinkles galore. (I know you're not supposed to judge based on looks, but-...ughh)

      There was some legitimate explanation that I had from the real Manei that this was like an aspect of herself that she had created to separate out some of her flaws and insecurities.

      I started to walk off.

      "You're doing a really bad job of impersonating her with that skin... If you did your homework you would know she has black hair and darker skin."

      I saw her head spin around her neck. When it came back around it looked really disturbing. She had a sort of mask of her face, but it sagged in places, notably around the eyes. Her hair color changed, and her skin tone got darker, but didn't quite match the mask.

      I also sensed her energy. It was weak, but it was dark and rancid.

      "Now, you won't hurt a face like this will you..."

      "I've had enough of this!"

      I jumped into the air and started flying. I remember seeing my red fire jet this time. (Hey, where were you last time?) Wind began to form a tornado around me, blowing some leaves around me. I manipulated the winds and picked up a couple of cars from the parking lot and got ready to throw them at her. I also made an air shield around me.

      Her mask blew off, revealing her original face. I remember she tried to throw these little throwing stars at me. I dodged a few of them. (The wind sheild didn't block them.) One of them hit me in the shoulder though, but I didn't feel anything. I fought back by throwing one of the cars, but she jumped out of the way and threw another throwing star.

      "Leave my dreams and never come back!"

      I sent the other three cars down on her, one after the other. Three direct hits. I saw her get crushed, but when I threw them aside, no body. I lost the dream due to emotion (I was mad) and woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Dragon Armageddon

      by , 05-09-2015 at 11:09 AM
      Morning of May 9, 2015. Saturday.

      This dream was brought on by anger and frustration as well as a stress headache. For the second day in a row, on the weekend, totally thoughtless workers involved in the National Broadband Network annoyed and stressed out my family by parking next to our house at about six in the morning and playing their radio (of continuous amplified arrhythmic babbling of the announcers with unnatural undertones) and gossiping loudly near our windows for about nine hours. They seemed to only be involved in actual work about ten percent of the time. I have always considered that the surreal level of disrespect, mindlessness, and oppression by the government, authority (including any agency or business authority), and infrastructure, is too bizarre and purposeless to be real, and is actually something I have aligned with other elements of the unexplained and which I consider part of the mysteries I have contemplated since early childhood. Having this view has never gotten me into any trouble because I have never acted upon it, as there is no reason to. It is the problem of humanity itself. I consider myself far luckier than many people, though being with augmented senses and awareness makes it difficult to be near many types of people for the most part, primarily because there is little I can relate to concerning much of the general populace.

      My dream gives me the “gift” of destroying much of humanity, though only those who feel they can do anything they want to someone without repercussions or answering for their impositions. It starts out when I begin to grow fangs in the manner of a typical vampire, though there is no in-dream association with vampires. I am aware of the need to protect my family as well. I transform into a large dragon at times and let all of my anger out onto the world. I breathe fire in my human form at times, with enough power to wipe out an entire city block, mostly only in business and industrial areas. I am aware of an intensely loud and low-pitched growling (with various overtones, some even musical) coming from my presence at certain points. It is very clear audio. Normally, any speaking or sounds I make are fairly loud and clear in dreams, but this is extraordinarily forceful, almost like a sound as present and far-reaching as the totality of the world’s sounds itself, and with seemingly at least three different layers of audio events continuing as my dream fades.

      It is curious that I dreamt of being a dragon, as I usually associate dragons with chaos, darkness, and disease (lung cancer associated with breathing fire as well as an event of my rare sleep apnea causing my first dream of a dragon) as well as extinction (connection with dinosaurs and the dinosaur age) and purposelessness (in being a mythological form). Of course, the dragon is also associated with evil in the Christian sense, but I have never held much interest in that idea - though in my dream it seems the opposite; it seemed to be a positive life-affirming “judgement” (from God or perhaps humanity itself) rather than the supposed “Devil”. Without the oppressors and the people who feel their thoughtless (and usually pointless, such as loud radios) impositions mean nothing, life is more enjoyable and harmonious. However, people who feel their oppressive acts should be self-controlled (or regulated if they are too stupid to understand) oddly feel as if their “rights” are being violated somehow. Astounding, really, but human nature, apparently.

      One of the reasons why I cannot understand how a person, especially someone who is supposed to be working in an infrastructure-related job, could have the courage to play a loud car radio near someone’s house early in the morning, or anytime for that matter let alone for hours after, is that I cannot remotely imagine doing something this insane and risky from my own perspective. Why? Because I know how I feel when this happens, including the real risk it generates (as people have been attacked or killed over similar acts - though this can be acted out in a dream with no repercussions of course). I could not even began to imagine doing the imposing and thoughtless things to people that I have experienced continuously throughout my life by certain other types of people.

      Updated 09-25-2015 at 09:08 PM by 1390

    7. Play 51 DA + DILD

      by , 05-09-2015 at 08:14 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      My brother, I and a unfamiliar woman with red hair were all playing a uncommon game involving a toy bear. The stranger was the closest to the toy bear. It had appear she tied the toy bear with a string to the bucket and would pretend to be the bear by screaming for help. My brother seem fine with this as she continue to call for help. I decided to steal the bear from her and told her help is here, no need to worry. I threw away the toy bear and did not think much of it.

      The unfamiliar woman had become very angry. She somehow had control of the electricity as all the lights in the bedroom went out. She proceeded to grab my brother and then stole the only car we had and force him inside. I stare at them through the window in till I watch the entire car leave. I got off from the bed and tried to turn on the lights but it would not come on. I then went out to the living room and attempted to turn them on but nothing.

      I went back in to father room and decided to see if I was dreaming. I check my fingers but they were all cleared, I then did a nose check and I could breathe through it. I then become lucid and quickly enter the kitchen to phase right through the back door. Instead of sliding right through it my face was slam against it. Quite realistic I thought to myself, I open the unlock back door and with little effort partly close it.

      I then darted up the hill and can confirm it was night. There was a grocery store near here, but then I heard something making a lot of noise. I decided to check what could be causing it. I found two people near the store with one girl dancing to music on her headphones. I think she was yelling the lyrics out loud. I decided to grab her hand and started spinning her in till she was almost like a helicopter choppers. I then let go of her and watch spun up in the air in till she hit the ground.

      A man in a grey suit had just witness what has happened. And yelled what are you doing? And ask if she was alright? I saw a near by tunnel of some sort and decided to walk to it. Once inside it appear to be sort of like a casino. I must've been the arcade section as there were many games alike. My eyes caught a glimpse of a couple of bodies space out in corners and some underneath the gaming machines. I continue walking more in till I saw a glowing arrowed sign tunnel.

      It look like fun but I decided to continue checking out what kind of games the arcade was featuring. As I continue to observe it, I am woken up by an outside noise. Lucidity Time: 3 minutes

      Updated 05-09-2015 at 08:39 AM by 67903

    8. Night of May 7 2015

      by , 05-09-2015 at 05:20 AM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Aaahhh.. I'm writing so late. Tonight I recall having lots of natural awakenings but not doing anything in them. Also, I can only remember some fragments of dreams which I want to keep to myself.