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    1. Castle in the Mist

      by , 11-29-2017 at 01:01 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 11-28

      Castle in the Mist

      I am with my mother. We are standing on a ridge overlooking a valley. My brother lives somewhere out there. I find this distressing, because when I look out over the valley all I can see is smoke. I’m not sure if there was a fire or if it is pollution. I am thinking my brother John is in danger. We need to get to John. I am looking for a way down into the valley. It seems everything is closed due to current conditions. No one wants to listen when I say my brother is down there. Then I find a way to get closer. I’m not sure if the situation changes or if the dream changes, but now I find myself on a crowded trail headed towards a castle on a hill. My brother did not ever live in a castle. It appears to be a tourist attraction. There still seems to be a large amount of pollution around it. The castle is shrouded in smog and it is hard to see from a distance. I still take pictures with my phone, even though it is little more than a silhouette. I am with some people. I’m not sure who, maybe my mother, maybe MoSh, I’m not sure. Maybe other tourists. The procession approaching the castle is quite slow. That is to be expected with a tourist attraction. There are also people talking along the way, giving information about the castle. There is a lot of talk about it being haunted. It is announced that there are four guest rooms or dormitories in the castle, and anyone who has the nerve to stay in them can do so. I don’t think anyone wants to admit there are scared, but no one steps up to find out about renting the rooms.

      As we approach the pollution seems a lot more malevolent. I am wearing my usual Assassin’s robes, and that is something I turn out to be glad of as we get closer to the castle. I see swarms of bugs in the sky. But when we get closer to them, it turns out they’re not just flies. It is a swarm of flying bugs of some kind. They look like small flying slugs or something. Slimy and fat and they look malignant. They look like they shouldn’t be able to fly because they are too big. They are swarming around everyone, and trying to get close to them. I see some people are having problems with the things trying to get into their clothes, mouths, noses, and ears. I’m not squeamish about bugs, but that is grossing me out. So I pull my hood all the way forward and then pull the edges of it together over my face. I can barely see where I’m going, but the bugs don’t seem to be able to find any access. We pass through the bugs in a relatively short amount of time and then I am able to open up my hood again. Now we are closer to the castle and can see it better. I take some more pictures of it. I have heard someone say that we shouldn’t take pictures, but that is one of the main reasons I came… I seem to have forgotten about John. I am wondering if this means it is fake, and they’re afraid people will be able to identify their tricks. But the feeling of malevolence I sense pretty much dismisses the idea. I take more pictures, ignoring the people saying that we are not supposed to. I know that photographs sometimes reveal things that the human I cannot see.

      As we head away from the castle, I find a pile of silver coins. They aren’t worth much, but they seem like a good souvenir. I am thinking I might be able to identify some aura or energy around them once they are separated from the malevolent source. I pick up a couple of silver coins about the size of silver dollars and slip them into my pocket when no one is looking. I’m sure I am not supposed to do that. We return through a visitor center, but now the museum displays are twisted and strange. There are now images of torture and death instead of articles of ghost sightings. The people are weird her. Almost everyone is having sex. They’re doing it everywhere. Everyone is in various stages of undress, and they are in various groupings having vigorous sex. I have no idea why they all decided to fornicate in the halls and on the streets. I think it has something to do with the haunted castle. I am feeling no urge to take off my robes, however. A couple people approach me as if they are interested in doing so, but in spite of what I think might be a demonic cause, they are not interested in doing it by force. When I turn them down, they just move onto the next willing participant and go at it. I hurry through this area along with several other people that seem unaffected. We soon make it past those areas. I look back at the castle in the distance, it appears much further away than it should be now. It is once again shrouded in smog. I wake up here.
    2. Hot guys fighting

      by , 01-15-2014 at 04:01 PM
      I remember being somewhere outdoors and there being an evil hot guy and a hot good guy. The good guy was my boyfriend and i remember i kept kissing him. You k now when someone is about to say something but you shut them up with a kiss? Well something like that. I remember i was doing that because he kept telling me i couldn't crown me and him as the queen and king of whatever party we were at so i kissed him to shut him up and then asked him " Were you saying something?". Then he shut up. Then i was taking a walk and the hot evil guy picked me up bridal style and was carrying me away. Then he challenged my boyfriend to a sword fight like in the old days and who ever wins gets me. Then i don't remember what happened

      But also i remember having a dream later that night about me being in a hotel and i was resurrecting a doll into a real girl. Then after that i remember eating and there was a huge open bouffett and there was a lot of amazing food. I remember i was really creeped out. It had an over all creepy vibe to it. Also i remember there was a lot of pollution they were throwing in the water so i went up to the thing collecting pollution and i made sure it didn't go in the water. Then i don't really remember much.
    3. Demon Dogs

      by , 11-21-2013 at 11:16 PM
      Original entry on March 18, 2008:

      So first I dreamed about this one river, and it was very very polluted, and these guys decided to go fishing. Only they found this one invisible island. At first it seemed like a really wonderful, idyllic place, and this nice old lady invited them inside.

      Note: if a "nice old lady" invites you ANYWHERE, it's a good idea not to go. In fact, run really fast in the opposite direction.

      Anyway, so of course they listened to her, and they went into this house and down these stairs into this, like, underground mansion thing. Which seemed really great and everything at first, but then they started to notice discrepencies in stuff that they didn't notice at first. The woman had a pet dog, like a big mastiff, only it seemed a little strange sometimes, like it couldn't quite fit entirely inside of its form. Like sometimes the walls would flicker, or there'd be stains where there shouldn't be, or the furniture or the stuff hanging in the closet would seem really weird for a second, that sort of thing. Then one of them made the mistake of looking behind the shower curtain and there were a bunch of skinned bodies hanging there. So all of the sudden the illusion fell away and they realized that they were in a structure made entirely of bones and decomposing bodies and other stuff like that, the remains of people and animals and stuff. She'd fed some of them to her "dog", which was actually this huge demonlike thing. So anyway, she turned out to be a pretty ooglay monster thing herself, and chased them. They jumped into the river and managed to get to their village. The mayor, who was a woman, and looked strangely... well, familiar... led an expedition to the island with a bunch of big tough guys, only when they got there the place was deserted and all of the bones and stuff were dried up.

      Ok, dream number two, there's this really busy police office and they're trying to catch this one serial killer dude who's responsible for a bunch of really gruesome murders. But well the police office is really busy, and they're very overworked and everything. They get this call from this one woman who seems to sort of be freaking out, there's a bunch of growling and snarling in the background that sounds like really pissed off dogs, and she's asking them to send people over. The cops are like, "We're really busy and we'll send animal control, ok?" and then they hang up before she can say anything. So the woman's stranded on the bed with her two kids, and she DOES own a doberman, only it's sort of dead right now because she's being attacked by evil vicious snarling demon-babies. And one of them goes after her kid so she winds up wrestling with it and it sinks its teeth into her arm.
      So the cops are looking at this newspaper clipping later on, and the headline is "Woman And Children Found Dead In Bedroom, Eaten". And they chalk it up to this serial-killer who's been going around. They just can't seem to catch the guy.
    4. 01/25/12: The Magic of Pokemon

      by , 01-26-2012 at 12:13 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      School of Magic
      I am in a large building with a group of people, we are there for a class. The instructor is a man I don't recognize, and he is teaching us about magical energy. The school seems to be some form of Hogwarts. The room we are in is a sort of auditorium. The instructor fires a blast of magical energy into a designated target at one end of the room. He says it is time for everyone else to show what they can do. A lot of the other students don't seem to know how to create the energy blast. I hear a woman's voice through some kind of speaker system. She is standing up on a balcony looking down on us. She says she will vaporize the lot of us if the instructor doesn't come up there and face her like a man. He clearly doesn't want to but decides he has no choice.

      He goes through a door that leads up to the balcony from behind. I follow him, and several other students come along as well. A couple of them are saying I need to stay out of that, let them deal with their own problems. I ignore them and we get to the top of the ramp. There is a room off the balcony where the woman and the instructor are facing off. They both fire a beam of energy at each other, the energy intercepts in the middle… but hers is clearly stronger. I get closer to them and I focus on drawing some of that energy out of her attack and into me. Her energy beam actually curves off and heads into me, allowing the instructor's energy beam to get through and hit her. It was apparently a stunning spell of some kind as she is knocked unconscious. Now everyone is staring at me in amazement. I am feeling quite energized. Everyone seems speechless.

      Card Depression
      I am in a card shop that is in a large mall. I go into the shop and start looking around at the various things on the shelves. Most of it is too expensive for me to buy, but I am enjoying just looking. I wonder if I might be able to jack something small… maybe just a pack of cards or something. I glance around and I don't see anyone looking, I grab a pack of Pokémon cards and slip it into my purse. I feel I have done enough stealing here. I look around a bit more and I see there is a gaming room in the back. I go in there and people are comparing their Pokémon cards. Hey! I have Pokémon cards! I see the others are using their cards to summon real Pokémon. Cool! I open my pack of cards and I find I got two cards with Pokémon on them. The rest of them are assorted effect cards and other stuff I don't know what it is. The two cards with Pokémon on them is a Pikachu and an Espeon. I summon both of the Pokémon and they join a few others that were summoned by a couple other people in the room. All of the Pokémon are playing with each other. One of the others wants to have a match between them… my Pikachu indicates he is not interested, my Espeon seems to be trying not to laugh.

      So my Pokémon follow me out of the card shop and into the mall. I wander through the mall for a while. I leave the mall and find there isn't really a parking lot, but there is a lake there. There is also a large dump truck pouring trash into the lake. The trash turns the water black. I tell them to stop doing that, they're poisoning the lake. A man driving asks why that should matter. Pikachu zaps the truck with a bolt of lightning, Espeon telekinetically throws the truck into the air where it disappears from sight. I look at the lake, there are dead animals floating in the water. I find that sight to be so depressing… I am wondering what I can do, and what good will it do if no one even cares? Pikachu and Espeon seem to be trying to cheer me up, but it doesn't help.
    5. The Beginning...

      by , 01-12-2012 at 08:31 AM (My brain and I)

      Okay, so as I haven't kept an online dream journal and I'm new here, I figure I may as well archive my most memorable dreams, as a way of settling in and letting you guys get to know me a bit. Here I'll post some of the more standout dreams from my book over the past few years until now; I have a terrible habit of writing them down for a couple of weeks and then stopping for months.

      I've vowed this year to write down as many as I can, so with any luck this will be an almost daily updated little space.

      I hope you enjoy this insight into the weird workings of my mind and possibly even gain a little bit of understanding of your own! I'd love to hear from you.

      Without further ado;

      6th April, 2010

      We were playing the weirdest 'game' ever - it basically involved standing on this abusive, glowing red square and sliding around on it while it made you feel uncomfortable. After we succeeded we asked an elderly woman if it was, in fact, possible to get to Hong Kong. She said yes.

      Attempting to get there (I imagine, as I have no sense as to how we ended up where we did) we found ourselves on a small island. It was extremely polluted and you couldn't see anything beyond the waves. About eight others were there and we were all looking at the stars and searching for magic mushrooms.*
      We went up and down hills picking shrooms, but only ate these little orange squishy things.

      After that we tried to sleep on the beach and wait for the sunrise. Which never came.

      Once the tide rose, hundreds of people were suddenly there also mushroom hunting. The Dude, from The Big Lebowski, led us around for a while under these awesome old piers and caves and through water and stuff.

      *I don't do, nor have I ever done magic mushrooms but they often feature in my dreams and are always extremely "magical" in their appearance (flourescing, swirly etc.)
      I love dreaming about them!

      Updated 01-12-2012 at 11:07 AM by 52392

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Contaminated Reservoir

      by , 01-04-1998 at 07:04 AM
      Morning of January 4, 1998. Sunday.

      I am near a water reservoir in an unfamiliar location which has apparently been contaminated by army tanks and jeeps somehow ending up in it (though I am not sure of how this had happened). A man who reminds me of Bill Gates (and who may be him) starts warning people about this situation and says that people could start dying. However, the problem is supposedly being solved (in a seemingly timely manner) by putting large plastic tarpaulins over the inside walls of the reservoir (though that does not seem logical as I do not think water could properly filter through them). I help with the task and it is seemingly working. In an additional dream or offset of this sequence, I am dancing and chanting in a very positive and cheerful mood (commonly recurring).

      In dreams, water has been validated for me to represent sleep. The condition of water in a dream relates directly to the dynamics of sleep in real time. Water getting lower over time represents the natural waking transition, a scene which has occurred at least once virtually every night for the past fifty years. In this case, during the waking transition, there is even the additional tarpaulin association (dream sign) with bed sheets. Translated directly: “The water is contaminated by the presence of army tanks and jeeps in it though using tarpaulins to line the reservoir will filter the water” becomes, “Sleep is presently somewhat restless with conflicting thoughts towards waking but by relaxing more within comfortable clean sheets a bit longer, sleep will be better.”