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    1. my first ld

      by , 04-29-2014 at 06:39 AM
      This is an easy one for me because I could also feel in it. (Feel is used in terms of pressure and not like hot, cold, or pain for this dream.)

      I was about 6(irl) when I had my first LD. I went to bed like normal but I woke up again. The first thing I saw was my intestines wrapped around the other end of the spike that I was impaled on. It was to dark to see much of anything else but I could hear other things around me. I could make out what looked like other people on them also. This would not have been that bad but I could feel myself slipping farther down the spike and I could feel my intestines getting caught/ pulled out. I decided to try to climb off of it. As I started to climb I noticed that my hands felt wet and I could smell the blood. I almost made it to the top when I lost my grip and fell farther down the spike. I had to pull myself together to climb back up again. It was harder climbing down once I got off and when I touched the ground I woke up.
      Tags: first ld
      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. seperate room method

      by , 04-29-2014 at 06:22 AM
      Hello. I figured I would post some of my old dreams that I took control of after getting tired of them. May be these methods will help some of you to.

      I was having a nightmare (LD) that I was running away from something but it kept on getting me and then the dream would reset. After about 5 times of this I decided I didn't want to do this anymore. I closed my eyes and concentrated on making a door appear next to me. After a little bit of concentrating I opened my eyes and went through the door. In here was a completely blank "room" where I began to make anything I wanted. I started small with some friends then a roller-coaster and eventually ended up playing quittage (I was in like middle school). I used this method to help with a lot of nightmares when I was little.
    3. Remembering 2

      by , 04-29-2014 at 06:15 AM
      Remembering went so good, but today I couldn't remember my dream. =(

      I think I know what caused it, it was because I was upset/extremely stressed. In my mind I thought I was calmed down, but I probably wasn't.

      Well I hope I remember my dream tomorrow.
      side notes
    4. idah lucid

      by , 04-29-2014 at 05:11 AM
      i just remember a portion of my dream vaguely being lucid. I was just walking around like o shit this is a dream. i tried to think of stuff to do but couldnt come up with any ideas. eventually i lost lucidness.so yea next time just center in lucidness and dont fuck around
    5. Make Coffee

      by , 04-29-2014 at 02:31 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #309 - FILD/DEILD - 5:41AM

      I awaken from some dream where I was trying to find my car. I remember to try FILD but for some reason I interlocked my fingers and placed my hands on my chest. I used only the index finger of my right hand to tap. I am not sure if FILD worked as an anchor or if I was already set up to DEILD but it was only a few seconds before I felt vibes. My hands became extremely uncomfortable and with effort I pushed my hands out in front of me and slowly got out of bed. I think of goals but the dream is super unstable so I begin rubbing my hands as I wander around.

      I find myself in the kitchen and there is a woman who looks a lot like my wife's boss. She's wanting me to make coffee. I am not sure if she told me to do it or if I just knew that's what she wanted, but that's what I began doing. I told myself to just play along and go for the ride while I wait for stability. Basically, I was fully lucid but I gave up most of the dream control and just watched the scene play out.

      I have some sort of stove top peculator and electric coffee maker hybrid on the stove. I fumble with a filter and the grounds. I pull up the water and realize I am loading a metallic carafe. I quickly switch to a glass one. She's already trying to get a cup of coffee but it's just starting. I say something about it being super strong but she can just add some hot water to dilute it. Suddenly, the dream fades out and I partially awaken.

      I go back into DEILD mode and the vibrations start right away. I decide to wait a little while hoping the dream will come to me without my having to struggle so much to stabilize. Sadly, I quickly lose lucidity and have a false awakening.

      I am in bed but I am doing either a podcast or a radio show. I only hear the audio but I am having a conversation with the woman from my kitchen and some man that sounds a lot like John B. Wells. The woman was talking about her version of the dream. She says there was so much poop on the floor and I was having a hard time keeping up with her coffee drinking. I figure the poop part was only in her version but the coffee making was a connection. I shout out, “COFFEE! THAT'S A HIT!” The man starts talking over me but I jump in again, “SHARED DREAMING! WE DID IT! THAT'S A HIT!” I calm down a bit now. “Wouldn't you say that we were in the same dream?”
      The woman says something like she thinks maybe it was but she's not sure.
      I ask, “Will you do me a favor? Write it all down in detail and...”
      The man starts talking over me again asking the woman some unrelated question. She replies to him totally ignoring me.
      I become desperate. I feel like this was a signification dream exchange and they aren't seeing it. I beg, “Guys... PLEASE.” The dream fades and I wake up.

      Updated 04-29-2014 at 02:33 AM by 5967

    6. 4/30

      by , 04-29-2014 at 02:16 AM
      Regular= Non-lucid Bold=Lucid

      I am coming down from the cafeteria, to the band room, only to see that we are eating at a Taco Bell inside the school. I sit down and talk with my friends, noticed in particular my girlfriend and Joe(freind) Then, my youth pastor, who sometimes comes to our lunch and talks to us kids says come outside were doing something different. So we all go outside and it's like sunset. This really annoying sub says you guys can't go out more than 100 meters from the school because it's late. So everybody goes inside except for a few. I stay out with 2 friends and hang. Then the lights go out. I try to get in the door but nobody is inside. Then I hear a snarl. A stray dog is baring its teeth and looking straight at me. I think, this is a dream! I try to stop the dog with dream control but I can't. It charges me jumps and just like hits the force field. Then I go inside, but I wake up sleeping in the office chair mumbling stuff in a lull like, " gotta remember this is a dream!" Then I think oh yeah I'm dreaming. A kid pokes out from my stairwell and says hi and I ignore him. I just immerse myself in my house, Feeling the blankets and walls and carpet. The I go in the kitchen and see a whole bunch of pills. I think to myself, if I take these pills I will turn into a centaur. But right as I'm about to take it my brother jumps out and scares me. I lose lucidity. Then I go and have this weird feeling that I need to write my dream down even though I was just lucid. While righting it down I couldn't think and I had another false awakening. Then I really woke up.

      Notes: my third lucid dream so I'm really excited! I stabilized and almost used dream control... But that false awakening was weird. I've had them before but I just like woke up still thinking I was in that place and muttering I need to remember this is a dream.
    7. Old Dreams: Lunatic Test Facility

      by , 04-28-2014 at 10:31 PM
      Note: This is a part of a much longer dream, but this is the only part I can remember clearly.

      The dream follows on from me and a group of people I don't know escaping a prison facility. We escape into a large mainly metal city, which has a very steam punk/futuristic look to it, with rusty brown buildings and smoke coming from vents etc. we are in orange jumpsuits, and are running from guards in black armour.
      Note: I can kind of draw, so I will probably add sketches/illustrate these dreams at a later date.
      After running away form a while I get separated from these two guys, and i make my way for quite a while, I manage to find a sort of futuristic police station and commandeer a flying ship (too hard to explain what it looked like) as I fly this ship away to rescue my friends, it transforms into a high tech steam punk glove that looks like a pointed foam finger, which I use to direct my flight over the city.
      I land and lose the glove, as I find my friends chained in a line with other prisoners, who have been caught and beat up pretty bad.
      I am caught as well and herded into a room where we are sorted into two groups, one group go to a normal prison because they were employed and had family.
      I saw one of my friends from school was wearing a black jumpsuit who had obviously switched sides to work with the guards.

      My group were to be sent to a lunatic asylum/test facility because we were unemployed and had no family that would miss us. We enter this facility and it actually looks pretty good, sort of like a luxury resort. I meet a girl from my old school and we start having a conversation about her favorite musician.
      Then a woman walks in and orders everyone to get on the floor and put their hands on their head, adding that the first to do so would get $500. I comply, as does my friend, but there is a girl who is arguing and resisting the woman and the guards. The woman counts down from 3 and the guard executes her on the spot with a syringe filled with clear liquid.
      Then we are told to sit in these seats, in rows like at a cinema. They were large, dark red and surprisingly comfortable.
      I notice some more of my friends, all from different times in my life. I am called down to the front along with 5 or 6 other guys for the first experiment.

      We gathered in a circle and we each held on to a large syringe in the middle filled with clear liquid. We were told to try force the syringe needle into the person opposite us, we all start pushing, and it's clear one guy is weaker than the rest as we target him.
      The syringe punctures his neck, and I think he died from that. Then there was a second part of the experiment; we were told one of us will try to use the syringe again, this meant we had to decide whether or not to let go, because if we did, we could get injected. I take responsibility and make everyone else let go.
      One guy is sweating and repeatedly glancing at the needle, so I break it off and put it in a bag, handing it to the guy in charge, feeling triumphant.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 10:28 PM by 68996

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. Fighting

      by , 04-28-2014 at 10:17 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      So when I was about 9, me and my friends always used to bully my neighbor (really mean I know. I regret it) but anyways, he still lives in the same house, I just live one road behind him, so in my dream, me and his brother were playing, then we started fighting. I beat him up really good and he went home. Crying. Then I woke up and I was writing in my dream journal about my dream, then I actually woke up.
    9. Old Dreams: Mission Impossible X

      by , 04-28-2014 at 10:00 PM
      I was in a luxurious hotel/building of some kind, with wood paneled walls and red/purple carpets. I am with a rag tag group of friends, old and new, from completely different places and times.
      We were surrounded by a lot of military leaders and important people both from films/TV shows I had watched and from real life, such as Obama and other people who I knew were important.
      Suddenly the dream is chaos as a number of assassinations start to take place; I see a group of these high ranking officials step into an elevator to plummet to their deaths, purple smoke fills the room and there are bodyguards and spies pulling out guns and starting a shoot out.

      Me and my friends also pull out firearms and join in, covering behind a sort of lobby like desk. One of my friends shouted "Why can't we all be friends" then a man in a grey suit who I know is my ally, grabs another guy and jumps out the window, I grab a grey cushioned, steel frame chair and jump out after him (hoping to use the chair to break my fall I guess) we plummet a huge distance before landing, the chair crumples under me and I survive, but I feel like i have broken my ribs.

      Looking around I have landed in a sunny park with people riding bikes/relaxing, I look back and see the building I jumped from, a huge grey tower block, with small windows. I can see the window from which I jumped.
      Somehow I end up in a doctors office at a high tech lab called "Black Villain", probably for my ribs. I remember seeing a pale blue poster on the wall, advertising "Carbonatate" Headphones. I also see the doctors clipboard, which has a drawing of a ball, with a line across to a man who seems to be fist pumping, I can tell this is supposed to represent him in good health.
    10. Different Times and Different Places

      by , 04-28-2014 at 07:04 PM
      Morning of April 28, 2014. Monday.

      There are three dreams in which there are no seriously more unusual or bizarre aspects as is sometimes the case. Still, they all take place in “wrong” locations relative to now as well as where people had actually been in the past in some cases.

      In one, my wife and I are living back at Clayfield in our first apartment. There are a few mixed stacks of mostly plastic-coated place mats, photographs, and maps (I think more place mats than anything else). There are so many, I put some under the bed to go through later. My wife has a stack of smaller “screens” (tapestry canvases) for craft work of some kind. I do not want to get everything mixed up, but technically, it already is. The photographs, mostly black and white, seem to show scenes of people standing around in urban areas; mostly city sidewalks, from possibly New York in the 1930s. The place mats have a slightly different image on each one, but which appears to be the deck of a pirate ship in most cases with not that many features other than a row of small cannons on some. My wife goes out into the hallway from the kitchen and I start calling her because I am concerned about the strange people in the other apartments. I yell fairly loud but am not sure if she hears me.

      Another dream involves some sort of video conference with my brother in the USA (Dennis). At the same time as the video conference, which seems related to some sort of party or holiday celebration, he is sending questions that seem of a forum thread in structure, but answering them himself (instead of allowing the others to) with various rude comments. Instead of computer print, however, it seems to appear more like handwriting. People in my wife’s family and their spouses are the ones at the actual location. We are at Clayfield again. The main scene involves a couple girls standing around talking (Bonnie and Kathy, I think). They have stringed wooden beads hanging all about their hair and when they nod or turn their head, there is a loud clacking noise.

      In the final dream, my wife and I are living on Loomis Street (in my sister’s old house) though she has never been to the USA. We are having a nice evening, but then all the lights suddenly go off, which seems a bit ominous (rather than just being like a common power outage). I get the idea that it may be because someone cut off our power so that they could then rob us (assuming that there was a burglar alarm, as well as the dark disorienting us - but realistically, we would know our way around in our own house far more than a burglar, especially in the dark). I check outside and someone with an axe appears near the front door. Somehow, I manage to get the axe and keep swinging at “him” (I assume). However, I use the blunt back of the axe so that I do not accidentally chop his head off. Most of the time I miss his head, but he still just stands there. Eventually, uninjured, he seemingly goes to rob the house next door and seems to have the axe back again somehow.

      A little later (I think there is some sort of distorted or incongruous “reset” at this point), I look south to the house next door and see someone walking around in the small front yard, which I believe is the same person. The person comes back over to our house and I feel there may be more trouble. My wife is calling the police at this point. It seems to be a younger slightly chubby male with short reddish hair and freckles. However, the person eventually seems to be Karen S (but thirty years or more younger, possibly only from about fifteen to eighteen or so, I am not sure) with rather short hair, who supposedly lives there with her parents (and I assume, her younger brother). In reality, she had never been to Wisconsin let alone lived in that house. The lights are on next door in every room (but I am not sure anyone had been home due to Karen needing to break into the place), so I know our power is off either on purpose or by a blown fuse. It seems strange because the person originally seemed taller than me and slightly muscular, but Karen is actually much shorter than average. She had been carrying a large axe, but does not seem threatening for the most part.

      I find out (from her claims) that Karen had been supposedly trying to get into her house through some odd means that is not that clear or does not make much sense, as she said she had lost her keys; something about turning off an alarm and then getting in by breaking a window, but I am not quite sure why our electricity was cut off. Also, she was mostly just standing around or pacing about in the front yard and not seeming to attempt to actually get in that house in any way (being mostly only in the area between the sidewalk and house and never near the front door itself). She is seated on her knees on the floor near our front door and I tell my wife to tell the police that they do not have to come to the house (and somehow I hear the officer talking loudly and clearly over the telephone and seeming annoyed), but for some reason, Karen wants to be arrested, which makes no sense. She is talking about “losing her graffiti” and cries a bit about the wrong things she has done and how no one ever cared about her as she was growing up and going to school, which seems an excuse to be (or pointlessly act like) a juvenile delinquent. (None of this relates to anything real in any way, including any event in the past.) I try to make her less worried, but she insists on being “difficult” - and she says that she deserves all the trouble because of losing her keys and more to do with graffiti. (I get the impression that she is a graffiti artist, which almost seems like a high school class or college course at that point.) Time passes, and the police never show up. I look out into the streets a few times. Everything is dark and quiet.
    11. Your creative because of me.

      by , 04-28-2014 at 06:02 PM
      *I am riding in the car with Lama Dorjee's wife and kid. On the way back to where everybody was at, Lama Dojee's wife said that she is responsible to for bring out my creativity. I thought in my head no it's not, its because of me. Later in the dream I knocked over these lights out of anger. I thought I can't do this, this is horrible karma. I then I started to fix what I have broken. Dr. John made a comment to me that made me upset and offended. Later on in the dream he said sorry to me because he could clearly see I was upset. I didn't accept the apology by saying I don't care. (Strange I would never act like this is real life.)
    12. Poker Online

      by , 04-28-2014 at 02:11 PM
      Very boring dream, playing poker online all night long, but then having the players in presence in my living room.
      No words or chats, just playing an infinite sequence in this deep tournament, where I had my cards under my glass table and in order to play I had to touch the screen over the cards.
      My cards were very bad all the time and the only winnings were stealing the blinds.
      And yet I got to reach the final table with a ninja and a cobra.
      I remember the last two very vivid hands, where these unknown people beat my straigh with flush, and soon after my full house with a four of a kind! Very stressfull and I woke up very tired!
    13. Dream Control

      by , 04-28-2014 at 02:10 PM
      Dedicated this LD to shooting lightning out of my hands, played some Force Unleashed 2 for the inspiration:

      My Dad walks up and tells me he's going to try me in court with my aunt as the prosecutor for waking my sister up. He tries to grab me and take me to the courthouse. I’m trying to tell him I didn’t do shit, but when he grabbed me I thought there was no way it could be real. I looked around and thought, “Yea… definitely a dream.” As soon as I become lucid my Dad basically becomes a vegetable and I walk out my front door. I take off flying pretty damn fast and my neighborhood disappears and the scene transitions to a city. I start weaving through skyscrapers and try to shoot lightning at these buildings, but it doesn’t work. I start screaming lightning and some shoots out of my fingertips, burning holes and shattering this building’s windows. I keep screaming lightning and as I’m wrecking these windows, lightning is bursting out of some clouds in the distance. I land because I get bored of shooting a little bit out of my fingertips like Darth Sidious. I want to shoot giant waves of it out of my palms, I guess kind of like a DBZ thing. I fly to this alley and look at my right hand and flex. A small blue light materializes and I shot at a random shed. After a few more tries the blast of lightning doesn’t increase, and I wake up, stay still, and pull of a DEILD. I enter back in my room, phase out my room wall and drop down outside of my house. I fly up into space and shoot more lightning there. I look back at Earth, temporarily wake up so I remained still and pulled off another DEILD. I started in my room, went out into the upstairs loft and phased through the second story window. I drop like 30 stories and land in a metropolis. I’m standing outside this skyscraper then charge up and shoot more lightning. The blast is still relatively small, so I’m pretty frustrated. Out of nowhere this old man starts talking to me. As I talk back I realize I’m losing lucidity so I walk away from him and start screaming clarity, focus, and more lucidity. I look down a street lined with buildings and start to charge my lightning. This time the blue lights fill the entire palm of my hands. When I shoot it, the lightning fills the entire street and extends out of view. I’m really excited when at least 100 angry DCs start running down this street after me. I try to blast them with a wave of lightning but it has no effect so I take off running. I escape and make a mental note that I need to work on eliminating hostile DCs with lightning, or hopefully other tricks I learn. I woke up for real feeling pretty satisfied for completing a personal goal.
    14. no dream, Apr 28

      by , 04-28-2014 at 01:11 PM
      Date: Apr 28
      Sleep Length: 5h

      Note: I don't expect much recall the next few days due to substances that decrease recall.
      Therefore I might try CAT.
      side notes
    15. Sucking on M's Big Lucius Boobies

      by , 04-28-2014 at 11:51 AM
      Me and M are on the floor in front of the big cupboard in a parent bedroom with a big bed. She's on her back and im lying on my stomach.I take off her top and let those big boobies bounce out.I start sucking on her titties and started sucking hard on her nipples.Her nipples got real hard in my mouth and she looked like she was really enjoying it. D was in the corridor so he could turn the corner and find us but I didn't stop and she didn't want me to. I carried on sucking on her hard nipples as she carried on smiling and moaning.
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