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    1. My first WILD? or OBE..Not sure

      by , 04-30-2014 at 10:52 PM
      I just experienced my first WILD or OBE. I was trying to take a nap for about an hour when I suddenly had those scary vibrations running through my body. iI kept myself cam and instead of fighting them like I always do I felt my body go into paralysis. It was not as scary as I thought it would be, just letting go. Not a long time after that , I felt as though I were being pulled by my right hand up towards the ceiling. I couldn't open my eyes at this point (throughout the entire experience I could barely open them, I felt very weak) but I knew I was still laying on my side. As my arm was being pulled upwards I had the sensation of being picked up under the shoulders and I was placed in the opposite direction on the bed. It all had a very muddled quality to it, I remember opening my eyes and, my knees were on the floor and my upper body was laying on the bed, it turned into some kind of dream within a dream and my lucidity was momentarily lost to a dream.

      My room essentially looked the same but there were things on the side of my bed that crackled like a plastic bag when i stepped on it. The dream I fell into was babysitting Elliot and I was throwing him up in the air and suddenly a man was behind me putting duct tape on my and his mouth. I remember then being back in my room not yet awake, though I thought I was, and trying to remember how to write this down, I was in front of my closet and I had what felt like tunnel vision, I could barely see anything and I had the sensation at one point that someone/ something else was in the room with me and that did end up scaring me into trying to move my physical body. I think thats when I realized I was still in bed and tried to really wake myself up. It is very difficult trying to pull your body out of the paralysis stage, I know it is nothing to be scared of but I'm not sure if I will ever feel completed at ease in that state. It was a very interesting experience..I'm not sure what I was expecting but that certainly was not it.
    2. 04/30/14

      by , 04-30-2014 at 10:32 PM
      I had a dream last night.

      I was home, where I live now. Everything was very bright and had vibrant colors. While I did leave the house, most of the dream that I remember takes place at my house. This guy that I know and don't particularly like is my neighbor in the dream and has a english bulldog. The bull don't comes to my house and I play with him. My two cats are no where in the dream and I cuddle with the bull dog in my room and there is sunlight everywhere. We were resting but then the dog must go home when he hears his owner (jesse) call for him. I follow the dog outside and Jesse is at the bottom of my porch waiting on his dog. I sit on my top step waiting for them to leave. In stead of leaving, Jesse sits on the bottom step and asks why I don't like him. I only shrug and he tells me that I wasn't very welcoming to him either and that he was only treating me the way I treated him.

      There was other stuff that happens but that was the bulk of what i can remember. It seems that my dream is my conscious scolding me for disliking someone I barely know.
    3. 3 Wise DCs

      by , 04-30-2014 at 10:17 PM
      Pre pre: turmeric

      Wbtb: had 1/3 latte, was more sleepy, so the ld was more stable, but tasks less accessible.

      A dream starts with some scenario going while I'm in my bed in ex-bedroom trying to fall asleep. A moment of the usual confusion as I'm uncertain in the darkness which hands I'm moving. I think I'm moving my real hands because I can touch some of the furniture next to the bed. Then decide to make the dream appear, get up and expect to be able to move in the dream scene, which builds now fully around me. With slightly more confidence I go to the other room, where I examine the furniture layout. Contrary to my expectations the room seems very orderly, and nothing stands out to point out this is a dream. It looks suspiciously realistic and as if this is happening now. Then I have a look at the sofa and see dad and bf relaxing on the opposite sides.

      I remember I wanted to do the easter egg task again. This time, I decide to just think of it rather than use hand summon to make the egg appear, then look to my side. There is a weird looking plant which is decorated with eggs. I pick a purple colored egg from the plant and remind myself to break it. Yet, the egg feels hollow and light and I'm afraid there won't be anything inside. I hold it for a while trying to make it a bit heavier and fill it with something to see. The egg remains light and I now worry that if I don't hurry up, these mental efforts will make it transform to something else, so go ahead and break it. The initial impression is that there is nothing inside, but as I examine the small pieces of egg shell fallen in, I notice there are a number of miniature banknotes inside the egg. I make a mental note for the journal.

      The DCs change positions and now it's mom, dad and bf sitting on the couch and I start asking them questions. Unlike other of my conversations with DCs, these three can actually speak, forming entire complex sentences more or less answering my questions. I believe I have finally come across smart DCs. Unfortunately, I was unable to recall the most of the things they said, and had not been very prepared to ask them more questions either. This is what I remember.

      My first thought is to wonder if it's possible those to be the real people I know, where we are all dreaming this here and now. I have some intuition that this isn't the case, but then wonder if it could be that all of us are engaged in this conversation in a different time (like the past or maybe the future), so I ask the DCs about that. My mom's DC starts to explain something about animals having the ability to do something similar to what we are doing now, but humans have lost this ability. I want them to continue explaining and ask them more questions I can't recall. The only gibberish moment happens when I focus too much on the speech and try to apply extra understanding to it. If I casually listen, they continue with their explanations.

      The DCs change to other male DCs I don't know, they continue being smart and I feel close to them as if meeting friends I haven't seen for a long time. The conversation continues and I ask one of the guys something about the dream. He makes a remark that long dreams like this can be especially tiresome for some of the participants as if referring to himself. I'm out of ideas for questions, so try to remember the other tasks but the very strong effort to access this hard to reach memory causes the dream the completely collapse and me to wake up.

      I do a mental review and still tired continue sleeping.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 10:36 PM by 61764

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , task of the month
    4. Drug Cartel Virtual Reality

      by , 04-30-2014 at 09:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am vacationing somewhere in the Caribbean when some man steals my wallet. Another man tells me that he knows that man is working for a drug cartel and knows where I can go to find him. What followed was a long chase across several islands utilizing planes and boats. We eventually cornered the man at this unassuming resort where the man who had been helping me explained that they were actually part of the same drug cartel.
      The thief gives me my wallet back and states that this was actually just a plot to get me here. The resort manager opens a secret trapdoor behind the desk and leads me into this basement area. Once down there, he explains that this is not a drug cartel at all, but rather an international secret project to develop the first virtual reality simulation.

      There is this girl with a robotic arm who has supposedly built the first prototype of the machine. The machine is huge, and I did not get a good look at all of it. But what I do recall was the room where you entered the virtual reality. It was a concrete room (because we were in a basement, duh) with wires and tubes running everywhere. There were four metal chairs, and there was a large chrome disc mounted on the front wall of the room. Several wires are clipped onto the outside.
      And of course, I have to be their test subject, that being the reason they lured me all the way out here. So I sit down, and they place this small nose-breather thing onto me with this blue fluid running through it. Supposedly, it is supposed to help stabilize the VR link. robot arm girl fires it up and a beam fires out of the silver disc.
      The room begins to distort and change. When its done, all i can see is the four metal chairs sitting in a black void. Two people phase into the other chairs and explain that they are agents sent in after me; the machine malfunctioned and locked me in. It also altered my perception of time, and now with every second we experience, an hour goes by. They let me out. I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:00 PM by 53527

    5. 00:00 Wednesday 2014-04-30

      by , 04-30-2014 at 06:39 PM
      22:45 bedtime

      00:00 Wednesday 2014-04-30


      + in a rectangular bathroom, there's a narrow (1-inch) sloping channel running along the entire length of the long wall into the bathtub, there's nothing else in the room, suddenly there's a flushing sound and water squirts strongly out of a hole in the wall at the top of the channel and down the channel into the bathtub, I think this is water from a toilet flushing, I look at it expecting to see a yellowish color but it's clear water, I think I would not want to be in that bathtub when such a flush occurs. This was quite vivid, I both see and hear the water clearly.

      + in a bedroom with some girls there's one on the bed, some standing around, I keep closing the door to the hallway so we can get down to business, but someone keeps opening the door, this happens several times and I'm frustrated

      + construction of a bathroom, I wonder who's going to carry away the rotten wood, me or the workers

      + in a large area, it's an indoor ski jumping rink with lots of little ramps, some smaller, some really huge jumps which I want to avoid, the snow is slushy like from a snow cone, I look down to my feet and position my skis for a run, the bindings are like crocs and I have bare feet (skiing: minor dream sign, I've seen sandals bindings with bare feet before)

      + I'm trying to remember if I still hold some <company> stock, I can't recall if I'd sold it or not, I keep trying to remember, I need to sell it to raise money.

      Tried SSILD, WILD, couldn't get back to sleep. Saw lots of HI. At one point I felt the beginnings of a body buzz and felt my dream hands starting to drift but this got me excited and I woke up
    6. Apr 30: creating levitating boats and trees

      by , 04-30-2014 at 04:53 PM
      Note: I would normally separate dream (1) into 2 dreams, but they're kinda connected, because in both dreams there was a voice which told me I can summon things by expecting them to appear

      Date: Apr 30
      Sleep length: 7.5h
      Techniques: DILD
      Dream Summary:
      (1) I was located at the middle of an ocean. There was no land around me, I basically didn't have a body in this dream, my eyes just levitated above the water. I heard a voice telling me to imagine a ship. It was the voice of a teacher. I started to see a ship. It was long, very white and clean, with some red stripes. Then the voice said I should imagine that it's levitating... and of course it started levitating then. It started to look more like a train and less like a ship. And it started to turn into 2 ships, a (still) long one, and an almost spherical one.
      Then I was at a completely different location. I was in a forest, with big trees. The reason I'm merging those 2 locations into one dream is because I still heard the voice telling me what to imagine/expect. As if the voice was trying to tell me that anything I expect starts to exist. But I was too stupid to become aware of the situation. There was a row of people, and they all started trying to create big trees. I should have created one too, but I didn't want to, I just stood up and looked at the trees the other people have created. Some trees were beautiful, others were grey and almost looked like concrete. One tree was crooked and broken. Then I found I person I hate in wake life, li. The weird thing is, I get along with her in my dreams, as if we're friends. Maybe it's a message by my subconscious that I should give her a chance before judging her. The tree she has summoned was amazing. I laid down on the ground, it was very sunny and I looked up at her tree. I think I couldn't even see the top, it was huge. There were no branches either. The last thing I remember about this dream is being rather content and seeing her smiling.
      (2) This is only a fragment, really. I've been in a desert, or maybe somewhere else, but in any case it was pretty dry and warm/hot. There was an AV star, but I didn't find her attractive. She was about 40 or so, and she was on a swing. We were talking about something, but I don't remember the topic. I guess I woke up then
      Vividness/Awareness: 2/2
      Emotions: content
      Tags: levitating ship, small ship, forest, big trees, li, teacher;; AV star, swing, desert
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Cut Short Lucid, Nothing Interesting

      by , 04-30-2014 at 04:20 PM (Dreamer's Dream World ☾)
      (This was from 4/29/14)

      I had a lucid dream. Surprise. My twelfth one. But it was cut short > : ( I remember thinking I might be in a dream. Where I was at this time, I cannot remember too well. Someplace a bit dark maybe? I think someone was with me? My dad? Can't be sure. I think the dream was actually in third person before I became lucid, because I remember seeing myself and changing the perspective to first person. I remembered to do a reality check. When I did it, of course, it worked. I then constantly reminded myself I was dreaming and rubbed my hands together a lot. I remember my hands feeling so...real rubbing against each other. I think I might have bumped into someone and I could feel how real the clothing they were wearing felt. It was all very vivid, perhaps more than usual. This might be because of the binaural beats I listened to before bed, which was supposed to induce more realistic dreams. Anyways, I was in a store. This time, it looked more like a Target. It was all nice, clean and bright. I refused to let myself get distracted and ignored the dream characters in the store as much as I could. I walked around the store a lot, through different isles, passing different people. Some said hello or something like this to me. I would respond, but keep walking. I remember toy isles, electronics isles, hair product isles, It's amazing how close it was to Target. While I walked, I continued to rub my hands together and tell myself I was dreaming, trying to stabilise the dream the best I could and keep it together, and thought about what I should do. I remember shouting "100% clarity" and everything in the isle I was in became even sharper then it already was. I could especially see a difference in the tile bellow me. I actually said "Woah." outloud lol. I thought about my dream goals. I remember thinking it was kind of more difficult to remember once I was in a dream, but I forced myself to remember. I decided I would try to look for my dream guide again. I then thought about how I would do it. I think about just going up to a door, but then I remember what I did in my first lucid. I walked up to a DC and asked them to take me to him. I decide I will do this again. That is when I start losing the dream. I remember thinking "No. Not again." I remember being at a brown front desk area with bad lighting, running into someone, and the dream ended. My alarm interrupted my lucid and woke me up T^T

      Tags: lucid, short, target
    8. Repetitive, Vivid, and Odd

      by , 04-30-2014 at 03:59 PM
      I don't know what was lucid in these dreams and what wasn't. It's hard to tell anymore because I'm always exerting some control over my dreams now but it varies. Sometimes it seems I'm doing it a lot, sometimes I can't tell because its become so routine. My mind just runs in the backround like some unobtrusive computer program. Anyway, I recorded these dreams because of the intensity of my emotions and because one of them repeated itself 5 times in a row without me waking up. It's unusual due to the fact I I normally wake up before a dream repeats itself. It's like I was examining it, looking for clues like a detective. Anyway, without further delay here are my dreams.

      My first dream came with a strong feeling. I don't remember exactly what happened. I just remember being asked if my Commanding Officer ordered me to take a life or if I had to kill someone if I would do it. I was running away and down a street because I was afraid of what my mind was capable of, what I was capable of.

      The next dream kept repeating itself over and over, particularly two specific segments. A father is going on a long trip. He has a daughter who is beautiful. She has her long hair in a ponytail, she's a burnette, long, toned legs. The dad reasures her that friends will be coming by to check on her. She will be fine. They have a strong bond and love each other very much. This part also kept repeating; the dad tries cooking for his daughter but the the food gets messed up every time in some unique way. Once or twice I was also the father and the one cooking.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Hypermarket and headache

      by , 04-30-2014 at 02:44 PM
      I'm about to go shopping, but really unwillingly. My mum is trying to convince me that it will be funny, but I already know it won't be.
      My mood is really dark and when my mum announces she forgot the driving licence I get angrier and I say that I know she did it in purpose so I would drive the car.
      She laughs and I would want to crash the car against a tree, but I'm sure my mum would make me pay for it and I have no money.
      We reach the hypermarket. There are a lot of people and I try to say that I would stay in the car, so no one would steal the car.
      But my mum says she needs someone taller than her to reach some products and I follow her.
      The inside is more crowded and I got headache, but I don't say it, as everyone would think it's because I want to come back to the car.
      The cart start to be full, but people, and not only my mum, keep to put all the sort of food and clothes in there, and it is really heavy to push now.
      I see a pharmacy, and as my mum says she forgets to buy a thing and goes back, I leave the cart and go to buy some paracetamol.
      Of course they try to sell me some other products, but I say no and so they make me pay double to punish me.
      When I come back to the cart, it is not there anymore as someone took it and put all the products away.
      I think that my mum will be mad at me, but she is not. She just takes another cart and we start again the buying. OMG! Nooooo...
      I'm absolutely mad at me for the mistake and I push the cart against a wall. The crash woke me up.
    10. Helicopter cars

      by , 04-30-2014 at 02:24 PM
      I was on a giant base up in the air. I was with several dc's all walking around looking at different cars. We decided we wanted to go some place and so a few Dc's got into the cars and trucks/suv's and drove off into the air but as they did helicopter proplers came out and they started to fly. The car i got into was higher than the rest but since there was so many of us we were very clustered. Several times we almost got hit by another driver but we got away just in time each time. We got closer to the ground and noticed that one of our landing gears was pretty rough so I got out and tried to fix it while we were still moving.
    11. Swimming pool

      , 04-30-2014 at 01:14 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 10pm - 4:50am

      DR 2:50
      1. I'm loading supplies for a day

      2. Watching myself on a video. I'm maybe 10 years old on the video and I'm playing outside. Running down the dirt hill, into the canal dug in the dirt. (We had places like this in my childhood next to my house and we used to love playing there). I'm wearing red shirt and as I run to the bottom, I fall and hit the side of the canal. I pick myself up and I'm OK.

      3. I'm around my childhood house. Somebody is there and we are talking about neighbors yard and his 2 trees that look like some famous people, pres. carter and some actor. The grass is lush, 1 foot tall, full of blooming wildflowers, all waving in the wind. It's beautiful. I tell somebody we used to play there.

      Young woman walks by, we say hi, and I'm told that's pres. carter's daughter. She tells us a fake name, as to stay anonymouse.

      4. 4:50am
      I'm at the swimming pool. Lots of very tall slides. Apparently there is an order in which you should go down and complete them all. When I come to the end, there is a girl and we talk. She says something about her being the fastest, and I'm not sure why, because it's not my nature, I challenge her to a competition.

      So I go to the first slide, then next. There is an attendant and I'm asking her which way to continue, if this is the right way, and she says yes, just go on. So I finish and now I'm standing in the line to the booth. The give the the guy in front of me piece of paper with some numbers. The give the same to me and they tell me to write down 12:13. That;s my time and apparently it's the record time, best finish time by far. Then I hear that some girl was bumped from the cover of the magazine she was suppose to be featured, and not it's gonna be me, because of the record. My friends are laughing, that now they gotta make me look all purty.
    12. Secret Cave Concert

      by , 04-30-2014 at 12:40 PM
      So I am with all my friends at the gathering in this big cavern, where this one band is playing. So I needed to walk out side (can't remember anything before this) and when I was back, I saw my girlfreind practicing bells in the snow. She sees me and says, "Check this out!" Then she plays a middle G, a high g,and middle E. It didn't sound that good. Her bells were blown out of glass and were colored blue and there was only one octave well kinda. Also there were no flats or sharps. I kinda think, hmmm is this a dream? I don't do a Reality check but I kinda have this sudden albeit murky awareness that this is a dream. Maybe it was the concentration it took to focus on the bells and what notes and whatnot. So I leave her there and go inside and when I go inside, she is again practicing inside, right next to the stage . I don't think anything of it and ask her if she wants to go sit down. She says yeah sure. And puts up her stuff and while she's carrying it away she says, "Thanks a lot, Trey," I think o gosh she's gonna hurt me now. I walk to our table and start whistling the tune from Zelda Ocarina of time. Then the stereo starts playing it. This assures me that this is a dream and makes me wanna do one of my tasks. So I sit down and think. What I write down on this post-it note I will become. But then oh that would be weird with all my friends here. Lol? So I tell them I'm going to the bathroom and one justs shakes their head at me. So I go through this one door and I think there is going to be a bathroom through this door and sure enough there was. I go to the mirror and see my reflection. Perfectly normal. So I try to change it. I try to change my hair color from dirty blond to black and it works. Then I just try to think of someone and see if the mirror looks like that. But I ended up looking like Adam Levine crossed with a hillbilly. Then everything in my dream went dark. I think o gosh the dreams over. I try to reeneter it but no luck. So I open my eyes and write my dream down. Then I realized, I could of tried a DEILD there's.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 12:42 PM by 68068 (Names)

    13. The Defacing of the Fake Dream Book

      by , 04-30-2014 at 12:28 PM
      Morning of April 30, 2014. Wednesday.

      I am back at the main library in La Crosse, though it seems a bit bigger than in reality. I find a table to sit at, at the southwestern corner. An unknown girl (high school or college), in blue jeans and a white top, on my left, says “hi” in a friendly manner and goes back to reading an orange hardcover book on chemistry, which has an embossed image of a water molecule on the cover but for some reason seems to have “familiar” circus poster motifs as well (such as the band of two-color alternating triangles) - yet it seems quite right in design and context somehow. The table (and perhaps the area itself) has a strange “ancient” atmosphere, like very old Sequoia trees in the back of my mind, or some such. The wood seems to have some sort of “electrical field” or “magic” of some kind, which seems to make a barely visible “aura” about it similar to the atmosphere of the planet. The girl seems to have read my mind and asks me what “Sequoia” means, which causes me to ponder if she is telepathic. I tell her that although some people claim it means “bird”, it actually means “pig in a pen”. She smiles and says, “Oh, I thought it meant pig with a pen”. I then am trying to work out if she is being obnoxious somehow, relating to the creator of the Cherokee alphabet, but do not respond, as she seems passive and cheerful (and nonthreatening).

      I end up looking farther back behind my left shoulder and see a very large black book called “10,000 Great Dreams” which strongly reminds me of the ridiculous fiasco in real life called “10,000 Dreams Interpreted” by Gustavus (which I used to read in real life as a boy and it was so absurd, pointless, and wrong for the most part, I laughed until I felt giddy). I pick up the book and take it over to the desk. Then I notice that it is not actually a regular book, but a large black and white harlequin mask with the pages behind the mask. The eyes seem to be emeralds at first, but then I notice they are just green jelly, which fall out in a couple small piles on the table. I note some strange simple “sayings” on each page, none of which make any real sense. I read several, but can only remember one clearly. It says, “You must open your doors to look out your windows”, and then something about cheddar cheese being the “root of all evil” (this may date back to the 1980s where I saw a piece of Swiss-cheese-like blackness with the diagonally rendered top and bottom of the slice representing a “demon” - I think it, that is, this new dream aspect, may also be related to an episode of the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” television series in the late 1990s or so where a man kept appearing in her dream with a slice of cheese and annoying her).

      Also come the wise words: “Hands are the feet of your arms.”

      Most of the “dreams” read like very short and boring mundane newspaper articles from a mainstream newspaper and with no diverse layers of insights or obscure (but meaningful) renderings as is common with dreams. Nothing visionary appears anywhere, either. Instead, a lot of it seems to have half-finished naïve political speeches or just one sentence at times. Only one, I remember enough to summarize it; it said something like “I was walking down the sidewalk and a girl on roller skates stole my wallet and I chased her and called her a b—- and threw rocks at everyone." I look over and notice that the aforementioned girl is wearing roller skates and her blue jeans have somehow transformed into white shorts but that does not seem to bother me. The "book cover” (mask) also has a red ribbon that seems to be connected as a silk “bookmark”. I pull on it, as it seems to be stuck between two pages near the back and realize the girl is “complaining” (moaning as if annoyed, rather) and it turns out to be a ribbon from her hair, which she retrieves. (I seem to firstly have been pulling her head down and over a bit via the apparently very long “bookmark” aka ribbon from that distance, but this is not the case at all; it just seems to have an odd physical effect, like some sort of “magnet” that makes her head move.) She soon does not mind, though, and in fact laughs about it and throws it back to me when I give it to her and we play a game of catch for about five or six rounds.

      An elderly librarian taps me painfully on the shoulder from my right and points to a sign that says “No garter tossing in the library” and then makes a typical “shhh!” gesture, and I feel embarrassed.

      Looking down, I notice that the mask has turned into a real flayed human face (in two vertical sections), which really makes me think if I should leave. The same librarian taps me again and points to another sign that reads in uppercase - “No defacing books in the library”. I realize that people may think that I am Ed Gein because of this, so I get up to leave and as I do, I notice that much of the material in the back of the “book” actually looks like a gossip column from a tabloid instead of relating to dreams. I can hear the librarian talking loudly to the authorities, many of them being fireman for some reason. “He was in there, throwing garters around, and suddenly tore off his face to make an artistic statement, just like Vincent Van Gogh!" The firemen then do a Keystone Cops routine around the library even though I am standing in plane sight.

      The girl taps me on the shoulder and whispers "you saved us all”. I notice that the harlequin mask/real face/book cover is actually two messy (and melting?) pieces of the creature from the movie “Mimic” (1997) which looks like a human face, but which is meant to fool people before they are eaten. It looks more and more like a pile of melted cheese such as on a pizza.

      The police come in and arrest the librarian for keeping a “fake” book in the library that was “written by a cockroach” (although in the movie, the creature is supposedly more like a cross between a termite and a praying mantis - though does look a lot like a giant cockroach in some scenes). Everyone is marched out of the library in an orderly fashion so that the library can be “fumigated” in case there are any more such books.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 06:51 AM by 1390 (Enhancement)

      Tags: book
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Dream Containing a Strange Dog!

      by , 04-30-2014 at 12:23 PM
      April 30, 2014: Used mantra “Tonight I will Lucid dream.” I am in a house which is “mine” but strange. It is configured more like the R**** home, with a landing at the base of the stairs leading to a front door with a glass storm door. The door is open, and through the glass storm door I can see Nina approaching. Glenn (her ex-husband) is upstairs behind me, unseen. When I open the door, our springer spaniel Lacey bolts out the door and begins chasing a large animal which turns out to be a badger. We all (Glenn, Nina, Lynne, myself) end up outside instead of inside, looking for Lacey and the badger, which escaped Lacey and disappeared into a sewer drain at the curb.

      It is a beautiful sunny day outside, so we remain on the front lawn. Lacey is nowhere to be seen. The “badger” re-appears and we pursue it through a maze of low bushes of a medium sized front garden. We all wonder and discuss how it could have gotten out of the sewer and into the garden unseen. When we finally get it out in the open and trapped between the four of us, the creature more or less surrenders to being captured. It is not a badger. Rather, it has morphed into a medium-sized dog, a type or breed I have never before seen. It has medium-long hair, mostly tan, with white and black also. The hair on the ears has tufts. It seems sufficiently tame when not being chased that I try reach out for its collar and to pet it around its neck to calm and console it.

      When I reach for the collar I find that the dog is wearing a department store style thin cardboard tag like you see on coats for sale. The tag is the color of a manila envelope. The black lettering indicates that the breeder is located in Honolulu, HI, but there is no name of any current owner. I speculate that we could find the owner through the breeder. According to the tag, the dog is a breed called a “FOMTO.” I wake.

      Updated 04-30-2014 at 06:50 PM by 68799

      Tags: badger, dog, dog breed
    15. Stick Insect Forest

      by , 04-30-2014 at 11:00 AM
      Night of April 30, 2014. Wednesday.

      Before it goes off into another (private) scenario, I am seemingly in the distant future in-dream, yet somehow my wife is much younger, or at least this “version” with long hair (down to her waist) and wearing two thin white pieces of cloth (top and bottom) that are apparently the fashion of this time period, as well as long white stockings.

      The house and yard (at our present home on W Street) looks mostly the same, but the grass is a bit greener (not much rain in reality).

      There is a sort of wooden platform, which is about chest-high and near the back porch, that is meant to be some sort of small garden or something similar, because there is about two inches of dirt up from the surface and what looks to be a wondrous “miniature forest”, but with mostly leafless trees (yet still somehow very beautiful in the evenness and positions). In a very strange and intense “flash” of bright scenery, I am aware that the miniature forest is actually made up of specially trained stick insects that are all standing on their front legs, head down, and doing elaborate “ballet movements” to simulate the appearance of wind.

      Somehow, this seems to relate to erotic energies, because it is similar to a dream of years ago where black caterpillars “stood on their head” along the tops of wooden fences (in front of several different houses and some on mailboxes), which seemed to relate to my dream’s sensual energies relative to other events.
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