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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Turtle truck

      by , 01-09-2014 at 01:52 PM
      I'm standing behind a white pickup truck holding a shovel. The tailgate is down and the back has about 100 turtles in it. I scoop one up with the shovel and it's about the same size as the metal part of the shovel. I set it down in the sand on the ground next to the truck.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Why Five Skulls?

      by , 01-09-2014 at 07:09 AM
      Morning of January 9, 2014. Thursday.

      This is fairly short in detail, but not that short a dream. Five of my friends from my school days have died (possibly at the same time), including males Steve W and Bill W. There may be only one female in the group - I am mostly only certain of two of the male identities (perhaps a third being John C, who swallowed a tack in fifth grade and he thought he was going to die, but nothing happened to him from that event). I am at a computer at my (seeming) home at one point - I think I am facing south, but it is an unfamiliar apartment. For some reason, my five friends are to be entombed in my house.

      I have a small “coffin”, possibly only about three or four feet long, yet somehow all five of the full skeletons fit in the one box longways (not sure why all five are supposed to be put together - they were not related in real life). There is a bit of sadness (not intense) and a vague thought regarding my own mortality. I am to store the “casket” near the computer desk. Logically, to be skeletons, either they had died some time ago (which does not seem to be the case) or some special method was used to both shrink and reduce them to only bone. I also am not even sure if they had been interred elsewhere for some time. This other character (unknown) just shows up and the theme unfolds.

      I do notice that their skulls seem a bit “too small” at one point, yet realistically, they were correct size in my dream on afterthought, yet somehow they all still fit full-body in the box. There does not seem to be any logical reason why I am to be the “caretaker” of their bones (other than perhaps that I am the only remaining living one alive of their age or group, or perhaps class regarding a certain grade - unsure). As of this writing, they are all still alive.

      In another dream, we are back living at Duffy Street and my father comes by with a few bags of groceries. For some reason, I am not alert to the implications of my dream. Then again, it could have actually been an older version of myself, as, in afterthought, I am not fully sure anymore. Maybe I will look in a mirror twenty years from now and check. The building seemed mirror-imaged (reversed east to west) to its actual design.

      Updated 01-31-2018 at 06:07 PM by 1390

      Tags: skull, skulls
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. First Dream Journal Entry

      by , 01-08-2014 at 11:51 AM
      All i can remember is a big pile say yay 1 metre high of clothing and undies at the end of my feet whilst in my bed... Pretty weird
      dream fragment
    4. Fragments

      by , 01-08-2014 at 06:43 AM
      I'm using a tea cup to catch rain that contains some kind of power.

      There's a very important (possibly sacred) torch that I was meant to do something with (I have a vague impression of something involving the sky) but, while standing at the edge of a cliff, I've managed to drop the torch, and I'm watching it fall into the waves and go out. "Oops."

      A group of five people in a car, on a road trip. They stop at a sushi place and one of them goes off to try to pick up a woman he saw outside. Two of the others say something, sheepish, about how they've been hitting the 'family' note a little too much on this trip, it must have freaked him out, and now he's proving to himself how unattached to them he is. They don't mind.

      There's a portrait, tall and very narrow, of a woman standing in front of a Buddhist grave marker. The woman who was the subject of the portrait is standing in front of the painting, looking at it. A strange reptile-like creature steps out of the painting of the grave, and I know this is her dead son.

      There's a memory gap - next fragment I remember clearly is in a dark space with three exits, an entrance to an afterlife, and the woman's talking with her son, who now looks more or less as he did in life - human - although there are shadows clinging to him in a shape suggesting a tail, and he's standing halfway in one of those three exits, with flames around his feet. They'd been saying something about how that exit's not for her, after she tried to hug him and he stopped her. She says, "Mommas hurt, darling. Men die." Then she vanishes.
    5. January, 06 2014 - January, 07 2014

      by , 01-07-2014 at 11:19 AM
      I like to listen to this one audio for lucid dreams on youtube when I fall asleep. Even though it hasn’t given me a lucid dream yet, it always helps dream of D and have good dreams.
      1. Mum and me are at D’s place. Somehow it doesn’t seem to be right. Suddenly D leaves and Mum tells me to put my shoes on and follow him, as I still have some stuff in his car he should give me. So put on some red slippers with sequins and follow him down the hallway. He wears this cremecolor sweater he wore on our first night out and his blue sunglasses. The main door is open so I can see him getting in his car. For some reason I don’t want him to see me and I turn to the left where there suddenly is a stairway (this doesn’t exist in reality). But D sees me anyway and gets out of the car to talk to me. I don’t recall the exact conversation but it was really positive and flirty. I was very happy.
      2. Something about D again
      3. Another dream but I forgot
      4. I'm on the bus with this girl, Regina, who used to go to school with me about 10 years ago. We talk and seem to be good friends. Suddenly we have to chance seats for some weird reason. My dad is in the back of the bus so we decide to sit with him. Mum is in the hospital? And he took time off from work to take care of me.

      I'm so happy at least in my dreams D and I still talk...
    6. A different house and a prom that never was

      by , 01-07-2014 at 08:49 AM
      Morning of January 7, 2014. Tuesday.

      My family and I seem to be living in a completely unfamiliar larger house in a rural area. Although the environment is not stressful, it still seems somewhat “off” in some ways. It does seem part of a larger one-storey apartment building at times - or two or three buildings very close together or partly connected. It is possible that aspects of this place will turn out to be related to a place we may live or visit (as with relatives) in the future, as that has often been the case in the past (with considerable detail) since earliest memory. There is a point at which I clean up a bit in a back room which seems to be some sort of immediate-outside-access utility room or ground-level open (on two-sides) porch. I pick up a few things and move some potted plants for the most part. There are at least two other older people in the area, a woman and a man (but not living together). Our living area seems to be the biggest, though. Not much happens. I remember a strange argument with an elderly lady that has something to do with getting (and having) more even when one does not want or need more. This is perhaps vaguely related to my wife’s mother, who always spent a bit extra to have a lot more vegetables and fruit, but which always sat around rotting and going to waste. She turned her entire lawns into gardens which then went to weeds and caused problems for the property owners. She even sent us a large box of bananas once (which my wife is allergic to) and they were rotting at the post office. Another time, she wanted to give my wife a large bag of bananas (that were already in a state of decay), but did not seem to know her own daughter’s health history (I guess because she was too busy fabricating it for hospitals and agencies). The idea of having a lot of something which you neither need nor want seems somewhat futile, but the woman in my dream seems to think that is “the” (right) way to live, apparently, an odd twist on “having enough”, I suppose. I feel sort of unusual trying to explain our situation to her (and how we do not want rotten food sitting around everywhere), but I am not sure if she sees me as intelligent.

      This, in part, may also relate somewhat to a local grocery store (the only one that does this, in fact, actually the only store I ever saw do this in my lifetime) that tries to sell fruits and vegetables in an advanced stage of rotting (set on shelves in larger plastic bags, often leaking), for not even that much of a markdown. Thus, that one whole side of the store sometimes smells really bad. Can you imagine carrying a large leaking bag of rotting grapes to the checkout and trying to maintain a casual, sane expression, because I cannot.

      The other dream related to going to what at first seems like a class reunion. However, I do not know anyone there and they are all much younger than me, so the “reunion” makes little sense. However, it may also be that the newer students are attending the reunion as a sort of courtesy or a celebration of the fact it has been serving the region for so long (as it seems members of the city council are there). There is some sort of yearbook which has very unusual writing in it, including some rather strange and rude paragraphs regarding male genitals (which loosely relates to a real-life event which I will describe at the end of this entry), which one younger male points out in a humorous sense. Time passes and I do not see anyone I actually know. However, it turns out that I am the prom “king” and am paired with LR - she was more like a nemesis in real life in my middle school years. However, I do not see her anywhere, either. I get a vague impression, though, that we will have to go up in front of everyone and that I will have to make a speech. I am not thrilled over the idea of standing up and making a speech, so I decide to leave just prior to when they are announcing the prom’s king and queen. Interestingly, my wife told me that she had been thinking of the movie “Carrie” (with no clues or recent history as such, or making any mention of it to me) which has a paranormal-related prom scene. These “funny” little connections (and seeming telepathy) happen all the time, even steadily after twenty years, sometimes even in a fully conscious state now.

      I never went to a high-school prom or class reunion in real life, although I did go to the eighth-grade prom (but not with LR) - and, though I was on two of the lists, did not win any of the titles thank goodness (one for “most talkative’, one for "best-looking”). In real life, at the eighth-grade prom, someone had put on a 45 of Chuck Berry’s “My Ding-a-ling” and the chaperone looked appalled, immediately taking off the record as everyone did a seemingly aggravated collective groan over the act.

      Updated 06-15-2015 at 04:32 PM by 1390 (Enhancement)

      Tags: prom
      dream fragment
    7. [LUCID] Time snapshots

      by , 01-06-2014 at 10:54 PM
      Side-note Lucid

      Time snapshots
      I'm driving in my car to go to my chiropractor. I realize it's still morning, and I don't have my appointment until early afternoon, but for some reason I don't turn around. I realize it's about ten thirty, and I know I have a conference call at eleven, so I just need to be sure not to miss it. I go through a light in the right lane which turns into a right-hand-only turn lane. I somehow end up letting the car coast to a stop. I'm really confused about what's going on. Two large trucks are to my left, also stopped. I remember there's an app on my phone that saves snapshots in time and lets me go back to them. I quickly pull it up and hit the Back button. With a sound like a timebug in World of Goo, I'm back at the last light, going through it. I know this is too late - I'm about to get stuck on the turn lane - so I hit the button again. Now I'm at the previous light, and I have time to switch lanes before I get stuck.

      I'm really excited about this. If I can rewind time yet still remember everything that happened, the possibilities are endless! I can read all the books I want, then rewind time so that the reading took no time at all! I can spend a long time solving a difficult problem, then rewind time and remember the solution. I try to think if there's a way to bring something back with me, a completed piece of work, but I don't know how that could be done. Maybe there's a way to time-proof a USB stick? I start to think about sleep - surely being awake for a long time would take its toll? - but then I reason I can sleep whenever and then rewind time to before I slept.

      I'm still driving. It's almost time for my appointment, so I can't turn around, but I'm still going to be pretty early. I'm on a two-lane road with lots of trees. Someone is trying to come out of a driveway on my left but waits for me to pass first. Now I'm walking into a strange structure. I'm in a short stairwell that's C shaped. The lighting is pretty dim. I start to walk up, then realize I'm still too early. I hear someone coming down and hurry out; I feel like I'd be embarrassed if I met them. Now I'm back outside walking down some steps. I pass a maintenance worker going the other way. I realize I'm wearing only my V-neck undershirt. He comments "nice neck." I'm a little embarrassed but I don't worry about it too much.

      Now I realize that I can undo this whole trip if I have a snapshot from before I left. I go to pull up the time snapshot app, but I find that I have a bunch installed and it takes a moment to figure out which is the one I'd been using earlier. I'm disappointed to see that it only has three snapshots. The main listing only shows the time the snapshot was taken and not the date; I have to click the triple-dot icon to get a details page. One seems to be some kind of default snapshot - the date is 1-1-00 - and I'm not going to touch that. The next has a very strange label that I don't understand. In trying to get details about it I somehow put it into Sharing mode. I have no idea what it means to share a time snapshot, but I wish I hadn't done it.

      Now I'm walking down a hallway in a building similar to the one I work in. Windows are floor to ceiling to my left, though there are occasional pillars and lots of moving boxes piled around. A wall is to my right, occasionally opening out into an office or other open area. I realize I'm now completely naked and don't have the phone any more. Oddly, I'm not embarrassed at all, more annoyed at myself. I have the feeling the phone is on my jeans on one of the piles of boxes further back in the hallway, but I'm not positive. I realize I have to get the phone: if I do, I can undo all of this. I turn around and start heading the other way. A couple of women come out of an office in front of me. I sidestep behind a pillar and use a hand to cover myself, nodding respectfully to them as they pass. Neither one takes any notice of me.

      After the women pass without comment, I realize this is a dream. I do a nose-pinch RC to further convince myself, and I'm not surprised to feel air moving through my closed nostrils. I immediately try to remember my current goals. I know that number one on the list is to look at and count my fingers. I hold up my right hand and look at it. I have five fingers, but when I hold them stretched out, my middle and ring fingers are at a very obtuse angle - a little further and they'd be pointed directly away from each other. I keep looking and my hand kind of blurs; now it looks almost as if my left and right hands are superimposed on top of each other. I can see a thumb and pointer sticking out of each side, and there's a jumble of fingers in the middle. When I bend my pointer, I see it moving on both sides of my hand. I wiggle another finger and see both copies wiggling. I had been hoping I'd get an extra finger that I'd have conscious control over. Oh well, maybe another time.

      I remember the next thing on the list was to try to become extra aware of my environment. To my left is what looks like a small section from a dollar store. Shelving units are filled with all kinds of junk. I decide to reapply the nose pinch (using my left hand) to help keep me focused, then start to look at the items on the shelves. The shelf nearest me has what look like baby bath toys. As I'm trying to slowly move my attention from one to another, I realize that I'm now holding my upper lip instead of my nose, so I readjust my fingers to once again hold my nose. I notice a couple of stacks of items on the shelf, and I realize they're shaking. I identify this as the dream not being as stable as it should be. I try to stare at them, willing them to stop shaking, but it doesn't work (in hindsight, focusing on them gave the vibrations more power; I should have just ignored them). I give up on it and keep walking along the corridor, coming out into a larger room. I get stuck with my eyes closed and I try to focus on breathing through my closed nose. After a few moments, the feeling of breathing through my nose changes subtly - more like my nose is stuffed
      - and I "realize" I've woken up so I can't breath through a pinched nose any more. I wake up for real moments later.

      I'm trying to do something for a group of women. Nothing I do makes them happy, and I'm starting to feel really frustrated.
    8. Bikers and Zombies

      by , 01-06-2014 at 09:24 PM
      This dream began with me in my front yard. 2 zombies walked by, dragging a body. For some reason, this didn't seem out of the ordinary to me at all. But then, some bikers moved in down the street from me. They were continuously shouting and fighting and shooting at each other. At one point, my mom and brother were leaving to go to the store and I had to go with them because I was scared the bikers would rob them. This is when the dream got weird. I went to go leave the yard when a mouse jumped down my shirt. I freaked out and shook around and it fell out, but it wasn't mouse, it was a hairpiece of some sort? Anyway, my mom then says: "Remember those zombies? All they had to do was take out that guys heart and brain and replace it with theirs and they'd be all good!" The three of us proceeded to laugh (for some reason) and then I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. January, 05 2014 - January, 06 2014

      by , 01-06-2014 at 06:35 PM
      Came back to my apartment after the Christmas holidays. This was my first night back at my place and I didn't sleep/dream well at all.
      1. dream: I'm driving a car and obviously I'm going way too fast as suddenly I'm being dragged out of the curve. This dragging sensation is so strong, that I wake up

      2. dream: A woman, I don't know her, presents me a greeting card with a stork on it. The stork looks weird and his beak is either missing or hidden. Later she asks me what a good reality check would be. And I tell her, well something was wrong with the stork. AND YET I DON'T DO A RC OR REALIZE I AM DREAMING!! She just shakes her head and says "I'll ask someone else. You don't know shit about lucid dreaming!"
      And that night she was right, I didn't realize shit
    10. January, 04 2014 - January, 05 2014

      by , 01-06-2014 at 06:31 PM
      Recently I keep dreaming of my grandmother. There is no real good reason for it, besides maybe the fact that she is giving my mother a really hard time right now.
      The only thing I remember is that I had two dreams that night and grandma was in both of them.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Comedy of Invasion

      by , 01-06-2014 at 05:03 PM (Lucid Time!)
      It's not really that funny. I promise.

      Part one:

      I am watching some move about a man who is in the military. He is asleep in the barracks, which looks pretty typical of military barracks. He wakes up from a dream/nightmare and decides to call his family over the phone.
      He begins talking with his wife, who apparently has just recently had a baby. But then the other men in the barracks (who are trying to sleep and are getting annoyed by this man talking) begin shooting some kind of tranquilizer darts from their beds to make him go back to sleep. Apparently this is some kind of rule in the barracks that if somebody is keeping you from sleep your allowed to tranquilize them.
      Despite being hit with over 20 of these darts the man actually keeps talking for a few minutes before the poison is actually able to knock him out. There is some rabble amongst the other men in the barracks and eventually they all just go back to sleep.
      The thing about this scene was that it was supposed to be funny somehow, but to me, I sort of felt bad for the man.
      My "camera" flies down to the end of the barracks and I end up in my own body. (Great, so I'm one of the soldiers now.) Also time goes by very fast while the camera moves. It is now about 5:50 in the morning and everyone is supposed to wake up at six.
      Knowing I don't want to be tranquilized like that other poor sap a few hours earlier, I just decide to lay in bed, and enjoy the feeling, not let anyone know that I am awake.
      Eventually 6:00 am rolled around and your stereotypical grumpy drill sergeant came in, woke everyone up and had us do jumping jacks to prepare for the day.

      Part two:

      I am in my town, but it looks like summertime rather than wintertime. (Here, In Michigan, it is the dead of winter.) I am making my way down the main street of our town when I see about a dozen spherical flying robots pass over me. All of the robots are white with a trio of glowing red eyes aligned horizontally across the front. On the sides there are two circular panels that can extend out and reveal a machine gun on either side of the robot.
      So the robots reveal their machine guns, break their formation, and begin terrorizing the town. Another dream character instructs me to run to the train depot. (Even though we don't have a train depot in our town in RL.)
      The other dream character explains to me that these robots are of alien origin. He says he know how to stop however. He takes out a communicator device and calls up his "superhero friends".
      His two superheroes show up. The first one is a man who seems to have super strength and flying ability. I see him fly into the air and grab one of the robots, then crush it. The second one is a woman who has martial arts abilities. She jumps in the air and kicks one of the robots so hard that it actually breaks in half.
      The superheroes get busy fighting, there are over 20 robots attacking my town. The man is continuing to explain something to me, but I am losing interest.

      Part Three:

      I am in the car with my mother. She is telling me that because there are alien robots attacking earth now, that militarized forces were offering some handsome financial benefits for anyone who joins.
      I sort of circle the idea of joining the army, listing mostly cons as my mom tries to convince me. We arrive at my house, but continue discussing this.
      Eventually my mom confesses that she already signed me up for a one-day "trial" for the army that is sort of like boot camp for a day. She says that if I like it, I can choose to stay in the army, but if not, I'm welcome to drop out after the first day and we can forget the whole thing happened. We both sorta know already that I'm not going to enjoy it and drop out after the first day.
      But then came the thing we couldn't decide on. In RL, I keep my hair long (though I'm a guy), and It's just my signature look. And in the army you have to shave. Er... no. I am not getting shaved if I am only going to be in the army for one day. And this is what we get into our big argument about. We fight about it for a few minutes and the dream ends.


      I was at school, in the cafeteria.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 07:48 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. You're kidding, right?

      by , 01-06-2014 at 09:06 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      So I dreamt that I was in the downstairs bathroom shapeshifting myself into stuff. I thought it was real life, so I thought, "AWESOME SHAPESHIFTING CAN'T WAIT TO DO STUFF." Out of habit, I did a reality check. The check itself worked perfectly, but I didn't care because FREAKING SHAPESHIFTING POWERS. So, not conscious enough to prolong the dream, I woke up a few minutes later and was disappointed.

      Updated 05-01-2017 at 12:18 AM by 67050

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Playing pool, not too cool

      , 01-05-2014 at 06:42 PM
      So I got plenty of sleep and really only had a small fragment of a dream in the morning. I didn't work on recall through out the night just kept trying to get back to sleep.

      I was playing pool with a DC and I was solids. I had a shot in the side pocket and I lined up with a couple different balls. I shot a white ball and a red ball and scratched. The DC I was playing with stacked the balls all on top of one another until they were about 6 or 8 high. He hit the stack and the balls went everywhere.

      Not a very cool dream.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. A Horrifying Amount of False Awakenings

      by , 01-05-2014 at 05:07 PM
      Note: I literally had about 20+ FA's last night, so I'm going to put down what I remember, from the ones I remember. Also, my "finger biting" RC is used for every single one of these.

      1. I woke up, RC'd and became lucid. For the first time ever, I remember to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, whihc is why this one lasted so long. I ran to my sister Karens room. Now, I've always wanted to fly in my dreams, but could never quite achieve it so I woke Karen up and asked her to take me and show me how to fly. She said okay and told me to get on her back. I did, and she took us out front and jumped down the steps. We glided over my front gate and onto the sidewalk, but she said it was too much weight to fly. So, I tried alone, and failed. Then, plan B came into play. Plan B, is sex. I remembered that I saw Karen's friend Melissa (who is smoking hot) sleeping in her room too, so I returned there. I rolled her over and began making out with her and kissing her in, uh, places you wouldn't usually kiss people, etc. but she kept pushing me away, which made me kinda mad. But, then I saw her other friend, alexus, and began eating her out.Unfortunately, I woke up. Or at least I thought I did.

      2. I was in my room, "awake" and I didn't RC, so this is the only one I wasn't fully lucid for. I just recall there being demons and what not in my room, messing with me and playing bass guitar, etc. I got horrified and ran to Karen's room and slept in there. Then I "woke up" again.

      3. I woke up in my room again, and I realized that that was impossible, because I slept in Karen's room. I RC'd and went lucid. It was then that I realized what was wrong. I was stuck in a loop of FA's. At this point, I thought it was pretty cool because I had more chances to do stuff. So, I headed downstairs to attempt flying again, but, in my kitchen, was Alice. Alice is quite possibly the hottest girl I know, so my mind was quickly changed about what to do. I asked her if I could see her iPhone and she let me. I started filming her on it and she kept laughing and telling me to stop. She ran to the bathroom and I followed her in and shut the door. I began eating her out as well, through her sweat pants and then turned her around, pulled her pants down and put my face in-between her butt cheeks and just sat there, in ecstasy. But, before anything could be done, I "woke up" yet again

      4. I was in my room, I Rc'd and was lucid. Now, at this point I was on the verge of crying because I felt as if I'd never wake up, and I even began trying to wake myself up to no avail. So, I figured if I'm stuck in my dream, I ought a have fun. So, I returned to Melissa and successfully had sex with her and it was awesome. I "woke up" again.

      This process went on for an unimaginable amount of time, but eventually I woke up, and looking back, it was actually very enjoyable. If this happens to you, don't be worried, because you'll waste a very long lucid dream, and whats the point in that? I went from fearing FA's, to loving them! Hope to have another like it soon!
    15. Dj13

      by , 01-05-2014 at 08:49 AM
      (Sleeping at Graham's)

      All I remember is graham telling me to let his dog nick into the room because he was at the door.

      I woke up then to go to the bathroom and he was asleep and nick wasn't around and realized it was a dream.

      In the morning I was having a dream but I can't remember it because I was suddenly grabbed on the left shoulder by a dream hand and shaken awake.