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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Keola's Super Hero Balloons

      by , 01-20-2014 at 12:37 AM
      A few weeks ago I had a dream and in it Keola asked me, "What balloons designs should I practice?" I said "super heroes!"

      When I woke up in the morning Keola was sitting in the living room twisting balloons. He had already made made spiderman, the hulk and was working on wolverine. That was really funny. I laughed and told him that I just had a dream about telling him to make superhero balloons.
    2. 1/19/2014 // dreamlog thought stream

      by , 01-19-2014 at 11:06 PM
      *mormons reading from bible together, one of them compliments me on how far I am

      *swordfights, our weapons are kind of not very sword like, more like random stuff we found laying around

      *bo-staff breaking hardened glass - there is a dresser in the middle of a large room. I have a staff, and easily break the right side of the dressers glass, but the left side is like bullet proof, or exceedingly hard. I whack it quite a few times, and then finally I start putting all my rage and strength into my blows and crack it. Finally I back up all the way to the wall behind me (about 4 or 5 steps) and run forward and slam it with a powerful thrust that penetrates the hardened glass. Whoohoo.

      *underwater movie, weird creature with googlyeyes and I ask if we are in 5D while watching it.

      *1 vs a lot of guys with spears in a hallway, I am trying to get this one guy to defeat the mass of spear wielders, and apparently I have much faith in him. But after he takes on the first guy, I see he needs better weapons.

      *reality breaking, able to see 'movie theatre' with new vantage from broken reality walls, parental like figures tell me something like this is a disaster, and me the optimistic says well at least we can see the theatre screen through the now broken reality walls, they still don't appreciate it.

      Thats all I can think of, this was NOT lucid.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 1/19/14 - clothes

      by , 01-19-2014 at 11:04 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in a mall with two people, some man and some woman. I see people being cleared out of the mall and everyone is panicking. Then the entire power grid goes down, and everyone is out of the building, but a security guard is skimming the area for people, me and the guy and girl decide to hide for some reason, we don't really have a plan, we just instinctively hide. Then we hear all the door getting locked up. The man walks off into a nearby store, and the girl and I start walking and you can see these victorian dresses in nearly all of the stores windows. She's swooning over different one's, I don;t care but point one out to her anyways, then she asks me to go get it for her, I tell her to go get it herself so she does. Then I feel a wall hit me from behind and I turn around and realize it's the end of the mall. I become overwhelmed with panic that it's almost too late and that I was supposed to grab something but I don't like anything there so I grab what looks like a black button up but when I turn it around it turns into a dress so I through it down and feel time counting down and I grab for this shirt up high but some man blocks me and stops me, and then we run but they get away without me and I'm stuck in a dark store.
    4. Sisters kid/ bar

      by , 01-19-2014 at 03:04 PM
      I was being lazy and didn't write my dream down when I should so I just remember two small fragments.

      My sister had a child who was seven years old I was so shocked cause I never saw her before. I wanted to get to know her and play with her. I tried to get into a butterfly costume to give her kisses( butterfly kisses) but it was to small and way too hot. So I I Just gave her regular ones. I gushed to my sister about how she had such a fantastic kid.

      I was sitting on a stool at a bar trying not to fall asleep. A lady at the front of the bar was supposed to be new entertainment. She got a bucket of vodka and a bucket of compost and mixers them together. She poured shots and the customers were supposed to see how much they could drink. I got really angry and told the manager that it was a health violation and that people could get sick. Some people drank it but most just left the bar.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Death Game, No Ragrets

      by , 01-19-2014 at 03:40 AM (LMR's Mental Adventures)
      If I have something that I think will help others with lucidity I'll post a link here, and I do a lot of lucidity research so I think I'l be posting link at least once week, hopefully. Here's a link that could help you with life overall and who couldn't use that? Meditation: 10 Tips on How to Do It and 5 Reasons Why You Should! - YouTube

      Dream 1: It's night time. I'm walking around with some friends I think it's one girl and two guys and my little brother. Me and the girl are partners, and the other two guys are partners. We've entered a game where you can die. (When I wake up I know that this dream is inspired from Hunter X Hunter) The game is continually at night, at some point I feel like we're at a house around a swamp, it's really smoky and you can't see far at all. We get out somehow and now it's daytime and I'm with my partner. The group got split up from some enemies and now I get the intense feeling that they'll pick us off 1 by 1. Then I look at my digital map, and one of the group member's light is flashing, it's orange or yellow and I immediately know that it's one of the two guys. I start to mentally freak out but maintain my outside composure so I won't worry my teammate. Just as I freak out his light returns to usual. I look over the field I'm in and use like telescopic vision to focus in on something horrible.
      My little brother is climbing a huge tree (which isn't odd IRL we used to do it a lot) and he's nearing the top (that would be odd we never get that high) as he balances himself on the point of the tree I perceive what he's attempting to do. I see a white bird flying around in front of him. He jumps towards the bird and it flies out of the way and now I'm watching with my mouth gaping as he's free falling towards death. I panic and out of fear I reach to try to catch him but instead I send a ball of water for him to safely land in, simultaneously I teleport to where he's falling. He lands in the ball of water safely. Whew..

      Dream 2: I'm at my grandma's house and I walk across the street into my old house. Their are a bunch of people with me, I think they might be my team from the last dream. I walk in and see a girl. I think we have something romantic beginning. Then I lie on the floor to put noodles in the microwave (?). While doing that a guy yells at me "You have to take action! You can't just wait for the nudes! YOU GOTTA GET THEM!" And I yell back "NO RAGRETS!!" And he yells with me "NO RAGRETTTSSSS!"

      Dream 1: I think that was inspired by a game in Hunter X Hunter and the brother thing was symbolizing how I don't have a close relationship with him but I'd still do anything for him, and that I find him really stupid.

      Dream 2: That I should stop waiting for romantic things to happen, not necessarily nudes but that was symbolizing trust I guess. No ragrets was my new year's resolution. It's a meme, I purposely spelled it "ragrets" instead of "regrets" just to add to the motivation.

      I'll be attempting to conquer WILD tonight using the "100%" tip, from that video. My usual problem is that I'm too lazy to get up and do anything to help with my WILD attempt, but tonight I'll get up and I'll write a DJ entry in my physical (and personal) DJ.

      Tonight's goal(s)!

      1) Succeed WILD, including writing in my dream journal and getting up to do something to help lucidity (maybe meditation or something).

      2) In the lucid dream, attempt to find Juroara, and fully stabilize the dream.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 1/17/14 - camission

      by , 01-18-2014 at 02:14 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: My moms cousin was using this website. I became interested and went to go check it out, it look suspicious to me in the back of my mind, it's red and black, but I continued on to create an account. During the process it fucked up and didn't create my account. I realized that this site was evil because it was called camission.com, ca- for calling, and commission. I meant if you sign up they do for you what you click for the price of your soul. I dodged a bullet, I almost joined the sight, and I went and tried to explain it to my mom and her cousin.
    7. 1/17/14 - crazy lady

      by , 01-18-2014 at 02:09 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream: I was riding fixie bike, I saw that I was coming up to this what looked to be a daycare center, there was this lady going berserk in front of it, there were police and she was saying there was a pervert or something trying to get the kids, then she pointed at me and said "theirs one", I laughed because I didn't take her seriously, but then she started chasing me and I thought it the worst thing for her to lay a finger on me so I sped my bike up but she was keeping up, in fact passing me, so I rode into a field of dead weeds and she too went in and was gaining on me, so I turned into a neighborhood that I knew well that eventually led to my house, but then I thought I shouldn't lead her anywhere near anything I know because she'll bring the cops there later, so I made a u turn as did she, and I went into the backyard some how of some house, and went into the house and shut the door behind me and locked it and there were a little boy a little girl and their mom was in the garage, i didn't want to get caught by her so I went straight out the front door, but i heard the crazy lady get through the back door so sped into other backyards and got away.
    8. The Deer Incident!

      by , 01-17-2014 at 03:07 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid] [Vivid]
      I'm in a place, there's a lot furniture scattered about (kinda like a storage warehouse) then appears a scared and possibly angry deer, my step-dad Neil is here and is trying to help the deer get out of this place - I am too scared of getting hurt to go near it and help D:. I see the deer approaching so I retreat upon this rather old fashioned rose red padded material chair with wooden arms, then randomly a kid talks to me.

      Now we are in our house in the kitchen/dining room with the deer, Neil falls over in a rather bad way and hits his head on the wooden laminate flooring...all goes quiet, then Neil says something and he keeps repeating this word over and over again as if he had some sort of concussion or brain damage, hes not moving and hasn't gotten up - my uncle david has been behind me the whole time it seems, he decides its time for him to go upstairs and wash his hair.

      I go into my room and dial 999 into my mobile and 2 options pop up on the screen both of which are not what I needed plus the interface goes all weird...I tried dialing for a second time and paramedic is now on the list so I hit that which I assume sent them a text message or something.

      I go back into the dining room and find my cousin Matt sat on the sofa across from Neil, I approach him and he has my mothers hair (this freaked me out a little), I asked..."where is Neil?"...Matt replied "I have hidden him"...I asked where then saw a pile of random Tupperware boxes in a pile where Neil is laying.

      Neil gets up (the Tupperware is gone) and I see his skull on the top of his head with blood on it then it was gone replaced with hair and skin as if it was never there. I told him I called the paramedic and he got angry while wobbling all over the place as he is kinda unstable, I here a vehicle park outside, it is an ambulance.

      Now me and my Uncle and I are in the ambulance with Neil, Me and David decide to leave so we climb over onto the front seat trying to not hit the pedals and open the front door, for some reason this ambulance is very tall so we had to climb down a rope to the ground to get out.

      A shallow river I had to cross.

      Updated 01-17-2014 at 08:25 PM by 63320

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    9. 1/16/14 - pregnant girl/yellow air

      by , 01-16-2014 at 10:25 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: I was in control of the body of this tall pregnant redhead with a sparkly red dress on with white platform boots who was chasing me saying her baby is mine and I couldn't catch me even though I was running in circles in a relatively small hotel lobby.

      Dream Fragment: This man walks up to me and takes off his glasses and this puke yellow foggy light comes from out of the lenses and booms into us and then we see all this weird shit but I'm still aware of the room around us and I slowly walk away from him because it's freaking me out, but he really wants me to look into the yellow air with him.
    10. Lucid Fragment

      by , 01-16-2014 at 08:24 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I had a lucid last night I don't remember the vast majority of the dream. I only recall a few key factors. One was I non-lucidly driving somewhere. I remember the speed limit was 50, but I was going about 25 because the entire road was covered in ice. I soon lost control and spun out multiple times.

      The next part I remember is actually becoming lucid. I was talking to someone or perhaps myself, can't quite remember. I mentioned the word dream in a sentence and became lucid. I then flew through the ceiling and investigated the area and thought about what I could do. I don't remember anything else from there very clearly.
    11. Not much

      by , 01-16-2014 at 12:04 AM
      -Walked in circles through school and my old house( specifically remembers a hill with an evergreen).
      -Wore no shoes so my feet were black people commented that I should be wearing running shoes but I refused.
      -Guy I went to public school was with me and I wanted to hold his hand and swing it as we walked.
      That's it
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. January 14, 2014

      by , 01-15-2014 at 06:02 PM (Strinky's Lucid Adventures)
      Conclusive Theory and Meaning Of Life, seriously :)-craig30f-2-web.jpg

      None. Today will be the first night I attempt lucidity. I will also be waking up to record my dreams as they come.

      1. I attended boarding school, and Daniel Craig was a teacher and headmaster. I competed with the other students for his favor, attempting to impress him with my intellect and maturity.

      It's sad how far I've fallen since being active on these forums in 2007. Back then, I got to where I could remember extensive details of multiple dreams, even without writing them down during the night. When I did write them down, I'd have several paragraphs for each dream. I intend to get back to that and better.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Hot guys fighting

      by , 01-15-2014 at 04:01 PM
      I remember being somewhere outdoors and there being an evil hot guy and a hot good guy. The good guy was my boyfriend and i remember i kept kissing him. You k now when someone is about to say something but you shut them up with a kiss? Well something like that. I remember i was doing that because he kept telling me i couldn't crown me and him as the queen and king of whatever party we were at so i kissed him to shut him up and then asked him " Were you saying something?". Then he shut up. Then i was taking a walk and the hot evil guy picked me up bridal style and was carrying me away. Then he challenged my boyfriend to a sword fight like in the old days and who ever wins gets me. Then i don't remember what happened

      But also i remember having a dream later that night about me being in a hotel and i was resurrecting a doll into a real girl. Then after that i remember eating and there was a huge open bouffett and there was a lot of amazing food. I remember i was really creeped out. It had an over all creepy vibe to it. Also i remember there was a lot of pollution they were throwing in the water so i went up to the thing collecting pollution and i made sure it didn't go in the water. Then i don't really remember much.
    14. Selecting a dream character in a reflection

      by , 01-15-2014 at 05:08 AM
      Not sure what the rest of the dream content was... moret memorable was looking in the reflect of a sliding door and deciding to summon a dream character. I flipped through 5 people in the reflection before I chose one to walk out of the reflection and be real.

      An epic and exhausting dream about an end of world apocalypse where I was constantly on the run from near miss death experiences... Dodging falling debris as earthquake brought down city sky scrapers. There was a cloud of strictnine (what ever that is?) that was toxic and was eating up the east of the city. It was fast spreading to me. I was in a car with other survivors and we were fleeing the cloud.

      Soon we came a cross a wide river and some of us gave up hope. I managed to cross the river with 5 others as the cloud killed everyone else on the other side of the river we crossed. We become cornered and 5 of the survivors take cyanide pills and suicide. I am left with a girl to meet our ends.

      As we are about to die we teleport to a kitchen where the girls mother is cooking something. The girl and I have a conversation, but suddenly I share the girls thoughts. She groans in despair, realising she has teleported back 7 years in her life to a time when she was locked in the house considered insane. I now share her mothers thoughts and what she see. She sees her daughter raving into thin air when talking to me.

      Surfing massive waves and eagerly walking with a fishing rod to the end of the pier to fish... but I get frustrated because I never get there and really want to catch a fish.
      lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    15. Fragments

      by , 01-15-2014 at 12:19 AM
      Dune-based, a Fremen leader has just died and everyone's chanting the name of someone they're choosing for the new Naib, a well-respected middle-aged man known for being level-headed. But they're interrupted by Paul and Jessica, performing some Bene Gesserit trick with light that makes them appear god-like, a move to take power over the Fremen. It works. I find it extremely distasteful.

      My IRL mother weighing a desire to give up physical possessions against the potential uses for the land she owns, and considering an apiary.

      A wrong number from an angry woman looking for a Melissa. (Not the one from the myths specifically, but still presumably inspired by the apiary bit.)

      I'm looking at a digital folder labeled 'Eric'; none of the files inside have anything to do with him.

      An earlier, lower-budget movie version of Barbarella.

      A variety of nautical references: ornaments shaped like ships, a trip to the beach and a mention of pirates.

      A painting of pale, black-haired elves with ravens on their shoulders, in a park.

      Two homeless men, one with a dog, the other a preacher standing on a wooden crate, arguing about Jesus and whether or not he spent a lifetime as a cat.

      "So ever shall be considered the gardens of Biblios."