12/6/20 I am at a sort of camping house which is located in a campground I frequent. It is a common area that seems like slightly nicer than a large shed. It is run down but charming like a rustic 3rd world b&b. There are daily cleaners who tidy up the place and the shower always smells nice. At a certain point I am doing laundry in a common space just casually listening to the sounds of the machines and the outdoors. There are a few people who hang out in the common room/kitchen, it is familiar to me because I have spent a fair amount of time in this room. Other people have the same sense of ownership. They have special events which can be facilitated like communal meal time or paid tours of the grounds we are on. There may be lasertag? I gather it costs like ten bucks a night for a fold out bed in one of the rooms. It's not fancy but it's dry and warm. I live there for a while with friends from the campground. I meet amazing people and we form a sort of impromptu family unit. Alex's wedding Alex the French guy cooking and I become friends at the campground ground, we become best friends during the summer and while there he meets the love of his life. She is called Eve and just as wild as he is. They hit it off really well while at the campground and are always around each other. At a certain point he asks her to marry him. Very happy for them both I tell him I am ordained and would love to officiate the ceremony for them. Fast forward to the day of it is something slightly different. His grand idea is to entertain her and her friend in the middle of a street while musicians set up behind them in a mass of chairs and perform their favorite sonata flash mob style. She is meant not to see the group before they are set up so him and I are attempting to distract them while the musicians show up. I am the main distraction. I am playing an accordion for the first time, I really enjoy how it sounds and remember some of the notes I play while dancing with the accordion like a drunk street performer, I get some compliments on passing. Cars keep coming down the path and Alex is getting distraught because Eve and her friend see people coming in and setting up behind them though I think they try to pretend not to, to preserve the illusion of surprise. The road was supposed to be closed off but traffic keeps cutting through the parking lot driving past where we are, we move to only blocking one lane. Her and her friend finally notice something special going on so he abandons the surprise and decides to move to an open part of the parking lot with no road going through it. The location then turns into a large room like one of those strip mall churches with drop ceilings and tile floors. She knows what's happening now, but it's ok the magic is in the air, everyone is getting excited now. She is getting ready with her bride's maids and they all have a different bright neon colour on. She is all blue in a tight fitting dress with a Massive blue fohawk, her friends have on, red and green with their hair dyed respectively, with also matching awesome huge hairstyles. Alex has on a snazzy suit. It almost looks like a mix of period and futuristic style. There are lines of chairs people are filing in taking their seats little by little. Alex was sitting next to me waiting for the orchestra to all get there and set up along with guests. At a certain point he goes to the doorway to see his fiancé. I think of the tradition and what people will think of him seeing her before the ceremony but he doesn't seem to mind. He stands with his back to the doorway and she comes up and gives him a kiss on the cheek, I am standing close to him, they are both giddy. He glances to the side but doesn't see all of her. Things then begin to be quite chaotic. Not all of the orchestra is here yet, there is uncertainty if they will all show up. A long tuba flute player is in front of me blowing into his flute thing, obviously bored. The ones that are there are just casually tuning their instruments making that pre-show cacophony. The bride starts to freak out a little bit, getting nervous and pacing back and forth at the front of the room. Alex goes up to try to comfort her to no avail. I now have an open seat next to me. There is an older couple which walks in looking for a seat and asks me if the one next to me is open. I tell them that's the groom's seat but see many open seats behind me I motion towards. There is a rough not unattractive girl who walks in, and I point to a seat behind me as well. A guy she was flirting with earlier in the dream(at the campground maybe?) is sitting next to the open seat. She mentions 'well at least someone can carry me out of here if I get too drunk' and the guy quietly pumps a 'Yes' fist action. I also gather she has some kind of show she is popular for. Things are becoming more chaotic now as the couple begins to audibly fight at the front of the room. There is a great disagreement which neither party is seeing eye to eye. The band is all here but are waiting to start playing. As with the crowd, we are all just kind of looking at each other while we watch the obviously distraught couple attempting to make amends just prior to their wedding. I really feel bad for the couple, Alex is being proud and trying to make light of everything to calm her down. She is upset he is not understanding her, claiming his insincerity is not helping and she's kind of laugh crying at his attitude. She tries to get away as he's following her back and forth in front of the room. It is really hard to watch. People in the audience start to bicker at each other, making snide comments and generally escalating the situation. Things are really going downhill now. Everyone is standing up and multiple people in the audience are in arguments. Someone makes a comment to the girl with the show obviously trying to throw shade however she seems oblivious to the criticism. I finally interject and say something for the first time. 'I mean, we all have seen your show, so we know who you are, but have YOU seen your show?' People gasp and everything stops while people standing in a circle are all looking at her and I now. I continue 'Now don't get me wrong, I like you, and I'm sure many people here do too. But you should really watch your show. Because if you do that then you would actually See Yourself. Like see yourself how we see you, not just how you see you, and that's not a bad thing. It's just the perspective of seeing yourself the way other people do. That's why relationships are so important, it's a way for us to see each other through each other's eyes, and that's beautiful. That's what is so special about Alex and Eve, they see each other, because they love each other, and it's that completely unadulterated vision which bonds people in this way.' Everyone is silent but smiling, The couple is quietly hugging behind the circle of people, they are watching and listening with tears in their eyes while smiling and pressing themselves into each other. 'Its important to see who you really are, or at least to find someone who can really see you, so that you can see yourself, and love yourself, so that you can love each other' The dream fades with a warmth of compassion in the room though it is quiet after my voice.
Two nights ago I had a semi-lucid, I was in my mom's old house, my view traveled from her room down the hallway to my room. The room was a slightly dark and blurry so I brought my right hand in front of me and said "Clarity Now" while snapping my fingers, bringing the room into clarity and making it bright. I was seated on the floor and started to become aware that I was dreaming. I took my right hand and slowly pushed it through my left hand and it went straight through, unfortunately this did not send me into a full lucid dream. Last night I dreamt I was in a location that was located in Richmond but it was also shifting to different layouts too, it was closer to my apartment building. I was walking down the street which looked like the aisle of a Target or Walmart but the roof was open and the lighting was similar to being on the street at night. There were different sections where people were stopping off at, I stop at this sort of run down shop that in my mind is a bar. There are tables with people sitting at them, I see one guy with glasses and a plaid blue shirt on and I'm thinking this is someone from my work but he didn't see me so we didn't acknowledge each other, he's there with what I think is a tinder date. I'm sitting on a couch and I remember playing some sort of racing game on a TV, there was a bar to my left and a pool table in front of me. At the pool table is a group of girls, it was strange because they pulled their pants/underwear down to their ankles and were dancing to music playing, they had sort of teleported to the couch I was on and then were back at the pool table. I left the bar and wandered down a dark street, to the left of me was the Hof which is a rooftop bar, there was a crowd below and I heard PUP playing, to me it was around 1:45AM in the morning and they had just ended their set which was disappointing but I thought I had caught one of their songs. Eventually I'm with Liz and Aly and a few other people in the group, I tell them about the bar I was at and bring them to it. We were there for a little bit but that eventually ended. Next I was outside of Target near my hometown, a lot of people from my high school were in there. I was running into some of them in the parking lot including a friend Grace and when I called out to the person next to her it was not the person I thought, another person was in the car. I greeted other people I knew inside the Target, in my mind I had been looking for Liz but couldn't find her. I was eventually back on the sidewalk and it was people from my highschool walking past me going to their respective classes. I had long hair and I could see out of the right corner of my eye a family friend with a long hair too, I made a comment about how "the flow was back in style" or something, another older family friend walked by but he seemed indifferent when I said that to him too, I muttered something like "well that was a stupid comment" and walked back towards the Target. Inside was a class going on and I was sitting on the outside because there wasn't enough room inside, at some point the teachers comes out to me and asks me a question. I'm inside the Target which looks like an open lab, at some point I'm on the ground in a SP situation where I can't move a muscle but I can hear this electronic song in my head and thought Grant had made it. The dream is now outside at this town on the beach, I'm thinking something about family guy and being with those characters in rivers/sewers going through the town.
Ritual: WTB 2:30am, after a little over four hours of sleep I strap the vibrating alarm to my wrist, set for 35 minutes. When it goes off it wakes me very definitely. I lay still and try to DEILD but can feel that REMA is broken. Turn down vibration strength to minimum, note time at 7:20am, and try again... same result. Remove alarm and go to sleep normally. Next time I wake up, try again with better success... at the time thought it was DEILD but realize now it must have actually been a DILD because I was not in my WL bed, so it must have been FA rather than real waking. DILD-DEILD: I wake up and remember not to move. I am lying on my right side, but I am in a bed in my grandmother's house. Momentarily I wonder why I am there, but "remember" that I am visiting her. Oddly, in retrospect it feels like my lengthwise orientation—the directions my head and feet were respectively pointing—was also the opposite from how I sleep WL, and that the bed was on the opposite wall, sort of like the whole room was a mirror image of my WL bedroom. But since everything was in the same relative position to everything else, I'm not sure where that feeling came from. I try to DEILD and at first I'm convinced I'm physically moving but REMA seems intact so I relax and explore my sensory awareness. Finally I just start to rock back and forth, until I feel confident enough in my dream body to get out of bed. The door to the hall is open, and on the other side I can see the living room, lit up by a Christmas tree with beautiful golden lights. I know it is my grandmother's house in Texas and don't realize that she hasn't lived there for years. My awareness is fairly low all around and I don't recall my tasks either. Aimlessly I go outside and spontaneously a magnificent chestnut horse canters up to me, already saddled. I used to ride a lot in Texas so it is probably the result of mental association. I caress the shoulder of the horse and put my left foot in the stirrup, barely able to reach that high as the animal is quite tall. I start to pull myself up and into the saddle but I lose my balance and get "stuck" with my right leg halfway over. I waver there with my left leg in the stirrup and my right in mid-air, somehow unable to complete the movement. Finally I force it with an act of will and get astride the horse, but it doesn't feel right, the proportions are all wrong. The mental dissonance wakes me (although I am now convinced this too was an FA). FA(?): On waking, I review the dream and recognize my mental error in thinking that I had been visiting my grandmother's old house and that it was Christmas-time, but I thought I was at least correct in the position of the tree, and remembered seeing in that spot one year. Now that I am fully awake, I have my doubts even about this: my "remembered" layout of the house was all wrong, and I don't think I ever even visited at Christmas time. DILD-DEILD: I didn't think REMA had broken yet so I tried to DEILD again, and there were some ambiguous successes that I don't recall well (I still suspect the whole thing was a DILD, and that even most of the "transitions" occurred entirely within the dream state). At some point I am back in my WL house, and I open the front door to go outside. After the stunt on the horse I wonder if the door will impede my progress and, probably in response to my thought, I discover that after I open the first door panel there is still a second one to go through, but I try not to cause unnecessary obstacles for myself and go through the second door easily. It is very foggy in the front yard, and it is also a wide grassy area with scattered trees rather than a busy suburban street. The fog is making everything vague so I go for the tried and true, "Clarity now!" I shout it a few times and the dream responds, a bit sarcastically overdoing it. Now everything is too sharp, almost pixellated. I can see white and black birds with incredible definition in their pattern and plumage, but the focus is too sharp to look comfortably real. This is preferable to the earlier fogginess, however, so I go along with it. As so often, I start instinctively singing as I explore the landscape. My voice is somewhat annoying this time, high-pitched and overly sweet, and there's nothing especially beautiful or memorable about the melodies I'm coming up with. It sounds like the sort of singing you'd hear in a mediocre mid-century musical. But I stick with it, hoping I can use it to influence the dream. The landscape is pleasantly pastoral in all directions now. I am walking in an open meadow, and there are scattered trees here and there. I can't see any other figures, and I decide things would be more interesting if I could interact with a DC, so I decide to request one. I sing something about the "view," and then in the next line ask the dream to "send someone to talk to..." — and hesitate, having botched the lyrics. If I could end the with line "to you," it would have proper meter and rhyme, but obviously I wanted the DC to come talk "to me," so I tack the word "me" awkwardly onto the end of the line. It sounds so stupid that I break character and laugh at myself. I give up on the singing and make my request again with a simple act of will. This works much better, and at once I can see a woman—of a sort—approaching me. She has a human torso but the lower part of her body is that of a large serpent, like a naga, and she resembles Medusa in having snake-like strands instead of hair. While I contemplate her unusual appearance, a second such creature shows up at her side. The face of the second one is thinner, with high cheekbones, attractive even, and her snake-hair is asymmetrically coiffed like elaborate dreadlocks. I find her appearance so striking that I want to complement her. "I like your... arrangement." It comes out awkwardly because I realized mid-sentence that "hair" wasn't the right word and had to choose another one, but I'm not sure if she'll understand. "I mean your snakes," I explain hurriedly, hoping I'm not inadvertently being offensive by naming them as such. The naga I'm addressing studies me with a twisted expression, like she's not sure whether to be flattered or irritated. I converse with them for a few minutes but unfortunately I can't recall what we discussed. Then they ask me for a favor: will I go up that hill nearby and tell their father that they're working on the project? It sounds like an innocent request, but I sense that there is something sinister behind it. I suspect that this is a ploy to lure me into their encampment, where I will be taken captive. As I hesitate, pondering their motivations, I can actually feel the pressure of their minds against mine, like they are attempting to work a subtle enchantment to compel me to go. I lash back mentally, and they both recoil. Now the veneer of friendliness drops, and the two nagas become openly hostile. I don't feel like getting dragged into a fight, so I instinctively put an end to the situation. At the top of my voice I shout wordless syllables that sound like a whiplash or thunderclap—"Kuk-KAH!"—and clap my hands together at the same instant. The two nagas vanish into thin air. I am satisfied with how well that worked, but feel a faint pang of concern... I hope I didn't destroy them; I only meant to remove them from my presence! The dream ends at this point. I wake up and start report around 8:45am.
Today i dreamt i was in my brother's house, but in real it was my aunt's house i was on the bedroom where it is the tv and playstation. i brought gran turismo 7 and i wanted to tested it on my brother's ps4. i told him "Let's see if it work on ps3" so i opened the GT7 cover on the bed, and i noticed there was 2 CDS, GT7 and next to it, league of legends for PS3 (WTF?) So i tested the GT7 cd, on that league of legends slot since it was for PS3, i saw the gt7 cd was a bit bigger and a there was a swollen part on the cd my brother said "I also bought another computer to play far cry so you'll need a ps4 too" and i said "But you bought far cry with your own money, parents bought me GT7, of course you can buy your own things with your money. GT7 costed like €70" he said "jeez, €70 for that game..." and i asked him "Can i test GT7 in your ps4 please? i really want to!" he said "Alright" i looked at the TV screen, and saw a desert background with a red car zoomed on it, it was the part of choosing the car. we could ride it while we choosing it, my brother brought the car near a desert tree, and here it comes the wtf moment the car climbed the tree with it's strained hands and his tires. and i said the exactly "WTF?" and started laughing. then i asked my brother if i could get the pad, i wanted to play a little. i saw i could drive around europe. i went to spain first then came back to lisbon, it was way too fast travelling, with such a car. Dream elements: -gran turismo -ps4 -brother -aunt's house -league of legends Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 4 hours
Today i dreamt i was walking around a street, then i saw a soccer field made of concrete rock. I stared for a while, i saw fabio,daniela and tiago ferreira playing. then i sat on the floor and made a goal while rotating my body on the floor. I was happy to see them, i saw daniela using a black cap, i wanted to greet her with 2 kisses, and the guys with a handshake, but i just greeted them with a "hi" on that goal, there was a perpendicular one there was 1 at my right, tiago kicked the ball with so much power 2 times, and i said while kicking with too much power inside the goal. "Kick more man!" "with more power!" Dream elements: -Soccer field -Daniela -Fabio -tiago Technique used: MILD hours slept: 8 hours
Today i dreamt i was playing gran turismo, i was in nascar circuit, i had just entered in that online room. I was with a castrol NSX, by this time i was still on the boxes, i just wanted to hurry up to get the first place. When i got out of the boxes i just gave full throttle, and tried to slipstream for the 2nd place. who was in the first place was a same car as mine. i tried to overtake by outside first, i couldn't i hitted the wall, lucky i didn't spin up. then i catched slipstream again, then for some reason my opponent braked, and i took the inside. i kept going, i got through the finish line, and this time was the final lap, i had to hurry up to catch that 1st car, but he was way too far, i couldn't catch him and he won the race, he had a white car. Dream elements: -Gran turismo -castrol NSX Technique used: MILD hours slept: 4 hours
Today i dreamt i was in some kind of office, i did thumb reality check and it worked. i saw my thumb trespassing my hand although i didn't get lucid, i kept doing the reality check because i thought it was cool someone came in the office and i asked "Am i lucid?" then i did the thumb reality check in front of him and it worked but i said "This reality check works, but the others don't. So am i awake or dreaming?" for a few seconds my mind woke up on that dream, and i asked myself again "Am i wake up or dreaming?" Dream elements: -Reality check -office Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 8 hours
Updated 03-02-2014 at 12:48 AM by 62470
today i dreamt i was in a car, my brother was driving back to home and it was night. My brother was surprised to see such supercars in our country and that city. he said "Most of these cars are from girls" I looked the back seat mirror of the car and i counted like 5 lamborghinis, i was surprised as well. then i saw a subaru impreza coming after our car. and i said to my brother: "Look!, it's an impreza behind us" i was happy to see that car because it's my favourite car. i said again "It's not the impreza i like but it's still cool, i prefer the one that is in setubal (city i live in)" my brother said softly: "yeah, that one is cool" Dream elements: -Impreza -Lamborghinis -At night -brother -Castelo branco Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 8 hours
Today i dreamt i was on a top of a building, i had to reach the highest skies to become lucid. I launched out and started to fly above at a high speed, i wanted to be lucid no matter what. I thought to myself: "I have to fight the sky to become lucid, i'll become lucid no matter what!" But suddenly i started to feel i couldn't fly anymore, i was out of energy, so i started to fall down I noticed i had a energy limit for flying, so i landed on that building again. when i landed, something told me i had to found an eye to become lucid. I started to look for that eye in other places, but couldn't find it Dream elements: -Flying Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 8 hours
Today i dreamt i was in school bar, i saw a provador de roupa, then micaela entered there, i was excepting to see her coming naked through the curtains, but then she changed clothes so fast she just got inside that and then came out with new clothes she was with purple clothes she was pretending to be a witch. then i went to the 2nd hall of my school near the stationery shop. i sitted on a small white wall between the hall. then i got outside to the left door (if we see it by front) then the scenario changed, i went to a green space with many grass, i saw my natural sciences teacher she wa ssmiling at me, i looked around then i saw people lying down with a towel under them. they were having beach behavior, but i was in a green space. i looked back and saw micaela and other girl taking their clothes off and saw their bikini. i saw micaela'ss butt and i was kind of horny... (fuck this perv dreams already) Dream elements: -Micaela -natural sciences teacher -School Technique used: ---------- hours slept: 7 hours
Today i dreamt i was on the sitting room in my house, i was looking under the glass of the table, situated in the middle of the sitting room. I found a fairy tail game for PS4. and i thought to myself "Vitor will like this." i smiled then an image of aeriagames site came on my head. and i saw fairy tail on their site. Dream elements: -In my home -sitting room (of my home) -Fairy tail Technique used: ---------- hours slept: 7 hours
today i dreamt i was in some candy shop, it was at the peak of that city near the mountains, i was inside the shop and was seeing the seller having his business going well, many customers were inside, he was selling a lot of candies inside those boxes he was picking up which candies people would choose, i saw a blue candy tape. with many sugar, i thought to myself. "So delicious :p" "I also want to open a candy shop, so i can eat my own candies and sell to people of course :p" Dream elements: -candies Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 4 hours
Today i dreamt i was in my appartment hall, i was climbing up stairs trying to find money i crouched on the stairs and i found 1 euro, my mom was on stairs above me i showed her the coin and she said "So it finally was there" i was happy to find it, and i was looking for further more. i found 1 more coin. then i decided to go to the last floor, i climbed the stairs and stopped on the middle of the stairs and where it was the 2 doors, i looked above. then i did a reality check. it was the thumb-handed one. i saw my thumb and my other hand, slowly my thumb collapsed with my other hand, and i clearly saw it got through. and i said "I'm dreaming" Although i had no control, and my body wasn't on the dream environment either :/ Dream elements: -in my appartment hall -mom -1 euro Technique used: WBTB hours slept: 4 hours
Updated 02-22-2014 at 02:33 PM by 62470