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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Discussing about the soccer game - 18th to 19th febraury 2014

      by , 02-19-2014 at 08:34 PM
      Today i dreamt i was looking for a guy, it was sunny, i wanted to convince him
      that my team won, when i found him i told him. "There was a game between sevilla and Yukio"
      he was angry and told me there wasn't any soccer game among those teams.
      I said there was and told him yukio had won. he kept insisting.
      I got angry and went away.

      Dream elements:


      Technique used: ----------

      hours slept: 8 hours
    2. Walking Around a Lake

      by , 02-19-2014 at 04:18 PM (David's Dream Journal)
      I was walking with a group of people outdoors. I think Mum was leading the group, but I'm not too sure. I remember asking where Lake Taupo was, and suddenly it appeared to my right. It was big and it was quite choppy out on the water. This looked nothing like the real Lake Taupo in New Zealand. We walked around it for a while and I looked back to where we had come from. I saw some hills, and it was a clear day.
      dream fragment
    3. Call 911! [2/19/2014] (Dream Fragment)

      by , 02-19-2014 at 08:31 AM
      Dream Fragment: Call 911! (Non-lucid)


      We were in my old classroom. Someone sitting next to me was suddenly seriously hurt and bleeding and I started shouting repeatedly: "Call 911!" (Which is weird, because in my country it's not 911.)

      Updated 02-19-2014 at 12:53 PM by 67919

      dream fragment
    4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt [2/19/2014] (Dream Fragment)

      by , 02-19-2014 at 08:30 AM
      Dream Fragment: Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Non-lucid)


      I was watching "3rd rock from the moon" with someone and told that person that the one guy is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

      Updated 02-19-2014 at 10:20 AM by 67919

      dream fragment
    5. Buncha boring fragments

      by , 02-18-2014 at 02:13 PM (My smashed up joy ride of dreaming)
      I was driving at 130 mph trying to do a jump but then bam into a tree. Later I fell of a thing and got saved by video game characters.


      Failing at playing music even though Im actually really good at that. Then onto a white school bus with a magic door where you play emo games in your mind, hoping nobody finds out about your obsessions.
      dream fragment
    6. Fishing fragment

      by , 02-18-2014 at 12:44 AM
      Went on a fishing trip with my dad. He was on the shoreline and I was out in a canoe. I looked in the water and there were giant fish like muskies, salmon and humongous goldfish. But the water was pretty shallow oddly enough. As I got closer to them my dad would shout out that I was scaring them away but really it was his shouting that frightened them. Then I was standing and a fisher( the animal) started coming towards me. It was trying to bite me and I kicked it in the face. The water was gone at this point and my dad rushed over and let the fisher bite him. It was like slow motion as it sunk its fangs into him arm. He said that it was the only way it would go away. We got into a van and I was freaking out cause it gave my dad rabies. He said he needed to get a tetanus shot because it had the most chemicals to counteract the rabies.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Albino/Pink Animals

      by , 02-17-2014 at 10:59 PM
      Okay well I don't remember much because I woke up early and didn't write anything down ("I don't remember much" is quite a common phrase for me lately, huh?")

      I'm outside on my back porch and I see a ruby-throated hummingbird flying low near me. I carefully and slowly set down this small donut-bowl-shaped flower-fruit.. thing. The donut part has something like juice in it, and I nudge it carefully towards the bird. To my delight, it takes the bait and perches on the donut-bowl, leaning down to drink the juice. I watch for a little bit, but then I see a small, box-shaped turtle, and it's white with soft, bright, pastel pink. I'm delighted at finding such a strange-looking turtle that I've never seen before. I go to catch it, but then I think, the hummingbird will be gone soon, but the turtle won't be getting away too quickly. I should try to catch the hummingbird first, and then I could have two cool animals to show! So I slowly crouch down toward the hummingbird, then shoot my hand forward and grab it - I'm surprised that I actually managed to do it. Then I go and grab the turtle and go back to the back door to show my mom and dad (since I know my mom loves hummingbirds). When I get there and excitedly show them the animals, when I look at the hummingbird, it is also white and pink like the turtle. At the time, I think nothing of it, except that it's pretty and that I've seen nothing like it, so my mom is sure to like it.

      I know there's probably more I could remember if I tried, but I'm lazy, so I'll come back here and edit if a memory comes to me.
    8. Badger

      by , 02-17-2014 at 07:30 PM

      It's a couple of dream fragments from the same dream.

      My family is in Central Texas, but there's a river there. That never happens. There was a big rock in the middle, and my family is talking about how awesome it is to be back in America.
      An image with a Minecraft skeleton in the same river.
      There's a badger swimming i n the river.
      I'm in a cafe, picking badger hairs off a book.

      My mental manipulation to remember a dream worked!
    9. Untitled

      by , 02-16-2014 at 12:57 PM
      I am not going to go into detail, just don't much feel like it.

      First part of my dream occurred on a bus. I was talking to an old kid from public school and we kind of liked each other. Then he dated my old foster sister but he was rude to her but she loved him anyways.

      Then I was in a an adult math class where we were learning basic math skills. Everyone was writing down notes but I was memorizing the lectures that were actually about how to be a waiter. The teacher was a lesbian and she was hitting on me but I didn't mind cause she gave me good marks.

      There was a fragment about walking along a dark road with a ditch on the side, something about frogs I think.

      Updated 02-16-2014 at 01:04 PM by 67330

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    10. Project, family guy, teacher

      by , 02-15-2014 at 02:59 PM
      More fragments I really need to get my act together here!

      1. I was in a studio space working on an art project when people started coming into the room. I was ticked off cause I thought I had the space to myself. I was trying to get out a rolled up piece of paper from a metal cylindrical container that had lots of meter sticks and rulers sticking out of it. I was flailing my arms, knocking over everything around me but I could not manage to get the paper out, then this guy I remember from highschool comes over and he is pissed because I was making so much noise. He takes the container from me and with ease pulls out the paper and gives it to me. I am so mad because I felt like they shouldn't be angry cause I was in their first and they chose to come in to the room.

      2. Peter from family guy was in my house, maybe he was my dad but I don't think he was. Anyways he was angry cause someone ate his chocolate Popsicle and he was blaming it all on meg. I walked into the living room and told him that I ate it and tomorrow I would buy him another one. He went downstairs and I followed him. He was sitting on shelves and eating the Popsicles that he he hidden down there. I was like the son of a gun tricked me! And I confronted him and we had an eating competition. But I was eating something like a fruit roll up and we we're try to take the biggest bites to finish first. Peter won and I don't remember what happened after that.

      3. I was apart of a class and we were talking to the professor in a forest. Some kid mentioned that the prof should put his lectures online and that he should also be online to answer question. The prof was like "ya maybe I should just give you all the answers" in a sarcastic tone.
    11. Redoing a scientific paper

      by , 02-15-2014 at 01:48 PM
      I needed to redo a scientific paper. Mostly I needed to delete redundant parts, such as diagrams that started with a chemical / molecular composition of something, then something else, and ending on the same chemical/molecular composition. Trouble was that this pruning effort was the suggestion of someone we were working with, but while I agreed it was needed, I worried my boss would not like it. This someone else we worked with was saying that the current paper was written "so old school", also suggesting that we should not strive to directly and thoroughly answer the questions asked, but succinctly show our capabilities.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Rolling WILD

      by , 02-14-2014 at 06:40 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am in bed (unusual because I sleep on the floor with a foam pad) and feel like I'm about to enter a dream. My whole body starts rocking on its own, a lot of rotation. Buzzing calm sensation in my head. I fall off the bed due to the rocking, climb back in, and have bits of dreams appear to me, I feel them and see them. Dreams within the dream. In the bits of dreams, I know I'm dreaming, having just entered into them, but being so brief, don't do much with it.
    13. Missing!

      by , 02-14-2014 at 02:27 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)

      1. [Non-Lucid]

      We seem to be investigating the disappearance of a child, we are looking around his room and we find behind the cupboard a buzz light-year toy that is broken, the packaging is still with it and we notice a white peg glued on the back, we then assume the child got given the toy by some stranger who then followed him home, then abducted him in the night.

      I'm in my living room and were talking about the missing child, hes has been missing for a while, a woman standing across from me in an angry voice kinda shouting says "How is a child suppose to live this long in this weather" (Tornado force winds that are pounding the country at the moment).

      I now appear to be in a BMW of some sort, (there's some voice talking about these really old sweets coming from nowhere) I now have a bag of these old sweets so I grab 1 and I examine it, its multi-colored like tutti-frutti I guess, its rectangular and looks faded. They all look pretty similar, my mum is in the car with me and says "lets try one" so she bites one in half and I say "don't eat it all, I wanna try it" so she gives me the other half and then she goes to find a toilet.

      While shes gone I think about and imagine driving the car around to have some fun but I have no license and mum would probably be angry at me, also maybe I would get arrested.

      2. [Non-Lucid]

      Something about my Auntie


      Possible dream signs:
      Mum, Buzz Light-year, Auntie

      Updated 02-14-2014 at 04:08 PM by 63320

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. A Box of Stuff!

      by , 02-13-2014 at 12:41 PM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      I'm with Emily and we figured we were going to be in this place for a while so she got out this box that kinda resembled a Christmas calendar (it was green or pink), this box is full of stuff to mess with, I don't quite remember what but I seemed to be able to attach certain things (plastic shapes kinda), so I attached some stuff and I think I made her laugh at 1 point.

      I'm in a building and notice I had become some sort of bronze stick figure with a white face, my eyes and mouth were black and robotic like, I went off to find Emily to show her.

      2. [Non-Lucid]
      There's this king, and his son keeps wanting to get in trouble, so the son dresses up to become disguised, he keeps getting caught by the prosecutor, when the king finds out the prosecutor has caught him, he gives the prosecutor a kicking.

      A guy dressed as a ghost being pulled backwards across a field away from a forest, the costume gets ripped off his face see who it is.


      Possible dream signs:

      Emily, Ellie, Mum, Step dad, Dad

      (I may write my other dreams down later)
    15. Triangle!

      by , 02-12-2014 at 09:44 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [Non-Lucid]
      Keep seeing a Triangular pattern (3 triangles creating a bigger triangle) made of shiny glass on the floor in a pitch black room.

      Was quite mysterious.

      May have seen a wooden version of the triangle
      There may be someone with me
      I felt something
      non-lucid , dream fragment