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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. A girl and my Parents - 22-07-2013

      by , 07-22-2013 at 12:32 PM
      I was with two friends of mine (R/A) at a place.
      I believe it's a place in the woods near an old football field at my home town when I was a kid. It doesn't exists anymore.
      The conversation is getting more and more scientific. My friend A is using a tree leaf laid on the ground to prove some point of view.
      I'm getting pissed because they're just ignoring me.
      The scenario changes and I'm with a girl friend of mine (AV) hanging in some stairs.
      Then a girl appears.
      She's brunette with big eyes and long hairs. her face is blurry. She's wearing shorts.
      We started flirting instantly. I'm getting fascinated by her.
      (I know that this dream is much bigger. From now on there's A LOT of fragments I can't remember.) I'm at her house. Se has one younger and one older brother. Her father is there too.
      They don't really like me.
      I'm cooking for them now.
      I know I spent a lot of time with her. We talked for ages.
      It's raining a lot.
      I live at the end of the street.
      My mom, dad and some person I don't remember are sleeping there. They spent a lot of time at the Hospital for some reason I don't know.
      I woke them and offered some bread and soup I made. They were really happy.

      Updated 07-22-2013 at 12:35 PM by 64282

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Dream Fragments - 18-07-2013

      by , 07-22-2013 at 12:32 PM
      Blurry Award Night
      I was at this really weird open air place at night. It so hard to describe.
      An old acquaintance of mine (M.P) arrived and out of nowhere he started giving awards (!).
      There was other people there. A friend of mine was there and started talking to me about being unemployed. He then told a joke and everyone laughed.

      Weeding Party
      I was at what looked like a wedding party at open air. Empty tables, lots of grass. It was really beautiful.
      My mom and an aunt (A.) were there. They were cooking something we call russian salad.
      I ask them why they're cooking since the party was already over! Apparently cooking the leftovers is the only way for the owners to count the remaining food for billing purposes (!).
      I ask to a bartender if there is any croissant left. I'm having the impression I know this guy.
      I believe it's a guy i knew (Yellow). He tells me to wait a second while he's going to check.
      There's one from the day before and I still have to pay for it. I tell him I don't want it. He offers me for a big discount and I still don't want it. I ask if is everything good with him. We talk for a minute and I left.
      I walk to a place with some bars and coffees. I entered and left some of them.
      I was not alone. It's getting blurry.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 13-07-22 General Weirdness

      by , 07-22-2013 at 08:35 AM
      I saw a tall skyscraper in a dark city. Someone was told in a stern tone to leave immediately, and I knew this was "how the war started". I thought about "they" stood no chance against "them" as "they were too well hidden". Accompanying that thought, I saw flashes of some kind of bunker tucked away between some other military-looking structures out in the sticks (red rocky environment, reminiscent of Nevada).

      I was running on the asphalt road next to my old home, towards the Renault garages that used to be there. The layout was a little different, it looked a little like a park I was running through as I approached our garage from the west (in reality there is nothing to the west, just buildings). Either way, I was running very fast. So fast, I couldn't possibly corner and turn south. I had to make an extraordinary effort to slow down first. Then I continued running south. An old man (on a bike?) passed me, heading norh. He mumbled something. "What did I do this time?" I asked out loud. "I said: good day!". I felt a little bad I thought he insulted me, when all he wanted was to say hi.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 2013, July 21, (Sunday): Where was I? Where are you? Where have you been?

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:54 PM
      Please take this with a bit slower thought than you normally might, This was a very strange dream to me.

      Note: Before I had it, I let my dog go outside sometime between 4 AM and 5 AM and I fell asleep on the swing (With a coat and long pants on, Mostly so I wouldn't get bitten by mosquitoes and it also helped me not catch a cold) and I woke at about 5:40 and went back to bed. Then after the first dream I wrote here, I woke at about 7:14 AM.


      I just have to say, Wow; Where was I?

      Near the start of the dream I met some relatives I didn't realize were related to me; There was a man and I think his wife and child who may have been an infant. This is sounding pretty similar to some people who go to a church I attend! After that I met another me in my own room and he didn't look quite like me, I think he wore a coat that looked like the one I wore outside earlier while awake.

      Some time after that, Things started getting weirder, I think I went into a deeper dream level so to speak because I normally don't have dreams like this. I may have talked about switching places with this other me for some reason.

      Next, I recall going outside and the house was not quite the same as it is in waking life; There were more parts to the building on the back end of it and then I recall explaining to someone that the sun and moon didn't work in the same way where I was from. I also said to someone that I was from another dimension and I saw some people in the side yard including a neighbor I know who attends the same church as I do and also plays a musical instrument as I do, But he wasn't my neighbor and he didn't recognize me.

      Later, There was some structure in that side yard and a man was in a small shack-y room with the door cracked open. There was another door behind a man who I was talking to and after I looked away from him and looked back, He had no head but was standing there with a breathing apparatus! And after looking into the red sky (And there were no trees nearby as there are in waking life) I saw some weird things in it like red licorice candy clouds, If I could describe them as such but I don't think they were edible. I had enough at that point and said the Lord's prayer,

      "Our father who art in heaven,
      Hallowed be thy name.
      Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
      on earth as it is in heaven.
      Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
      as we forgive those who trespass against us.
      And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil
      For thine is the kingdom, And the power, And the glory forever.

      (Note: I did not say the prayer exactly like this. But, I said it with the same meaning. BTW, There's a saying which is "There are no atheists in a foxhole" And I can't say I was as faithful as I may have believed in the Bible in weeks prior to this dream.)

      Then, I thought I woke up and I was in the back end of my Dad's caravan with the back end open which was facing the house which is a bit odd given the driveway. I thought I was awake and I went back inside the house with my dog, Talked with my Father (My parent) and some time after that, I woke for real.

      At times in that dream I was wondering if I would ever wake up because it was so weird and unlike the waking world.

      Later, I went downstairs and slept on the couch until about 9:15 AM. Some of the next dream was as this:

      2: I think there was some selection of this next part, As if it was a movie with some people deciding what to do for/with this guy described below or a video game level selection screen. A man drove a big truck in a snowy mountain pass, Parked his truck away from the bridge which was small if I rememebr right, Went up to the bridge that was closed, His truck fell off the mountain and he jumped off the cliff where it fell and found wings in the air quite far away from the mountain and flew around in places including my living room.

      If you have not seen something like the first dream I described here, Can you relate? I didn't feel like I was at home, I'm not about to call it a lucid dream as I didn't "Have the powers of dreamland at my control", So to speak, But it felt like I was painfully aware I was not so close to home.

      Note: How did "Nightmare" and "Task of the Month" get selected? I don't recall clicking those, I clicked "Non-Lucid" And "Side Notes" And then those weren't selected. I took so long to write this that my login session had expired and I had to log in again, So that might have something to do with it. But, The first dream was unpleasant and I imagine it is a task of the month to not have another dream like this, This month. So I left those tags there and re-added the other ones.
    5. You're only hurting yourself

      by , 07-21-2013 at 06:07 PM
      Date: 20th July

      Pre bed: 200mg valerian, 100mg B6

      Dream quality and recall: Dreams were quite vivid today. Generally, I wasn't feeling very comfortable in bed and had lots of these drink then pee moments. Took short key notes with regards to non-lds. Daringly reviewed the ld in my head then went back for more but fell into normal sleep and woke up shortly after.


      Dr1: In a place I used to live, a crow flies in. I use a pc/tablet to chat with other people about it.

      Dr2: I am in an SUV and have to deal with some bad guys outside. After I do, extra stars are added to my profile. Martin Freeman (the Hobbit) is sitting to my right and thinks I don't deserve all the stars.

      Dr3: Back to school. As I enter the classroom everybody is preparing for a 7 page History + Grammar test. I am very pissed off at my friend for not telling me about the test. She replies that I still have time to prepare by learning all the answers in the break just before the test. I cannot possibly do that.

      DILD: As I made the mistake of not taking notes and then going back to bed after the ld, the beginning of this dream is gone from memory. All I remember is that there was something going on in the building and I am talking to someone I know, possibly another classmate by the feel of it. After the conversation in this very large building with open spaces, like a mall, I suddenly become lucid for no apparent reason. I can't contain my excitement, so start running around like crazy. It feels really good until I sense slight destabilization staring to take hold. That sobers me up and I think it is time to do tasks. My mind feels a bit foggy but I nevertheless recall one that I can execute here - punch a President.

      There are lots of DCs passing by and my first idea is to get Mr. Sarkozy to emerge from the crowd, so I quickly scan the DCs in front of me and expect him to appear. He doesn't, so I grab a random male DC and decide that I will turn him into Sarkozy. As soon as I concentrate on his face, his features begin to shift right in front of my eyes, which is extremely cool! His nose changes shape several times, until it is a close match to Sarkozy's nose. I also succeed with the ears. The DC reminds me of Sarkozy, but the eyes are not quite the same. I would say he is a 70 percent match. I punch him in the face and the moment I do, his features change again. Slightly annoyed that I cannot properly punch and maintain the view of the right person I punch him again and again, while trying to change his features back to those of Sarkozy. As I don't project too much feeling, this DC simply stays there, staring at me, some distress in his eyes. Interestingly, after punching him, I begin to feel strong pain in the area of my nose, as if I am the one that got punched. Not fully satisfied, I want to turn him into another politician, but before I can transform him the dream slips away.
      I quickly pass through the void and into my sleeping body. Bad moment to go back as I was feeling uncomfortable in the position in which I was sleepy.

      Updated 07-21-2013 at 06:20 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month
    6. Short impressions

      by , 07-21-2013 at 05:41 PM
      Date: 21 July

      Pre bed: Gingko, l-arginine

      Total sleep time: 6 hrs

      Dream quality and recall: My impression after using this combo tonight was that vividness of the dreams was extremely high. I couldn't recall the early dreams but after I woke up naturally after them, I thought "what is going on, this was so real". The dreams/fragments that I remember had a different feel (despite looking like the usual dream nonsense after reading) to them similarly to one of the other l-arginine trials. Very intriguing.

      I was looking forward to sleeping longer and going for a lucid, but was woken up and had to deal with some crap that can't be really dealt with.

      Fragment: I am watching a map of the world, but it is actually the real world. One thing that looks extremely interesting is how I see different winds/temperatures moving over the world.

      Fragment: I am talking to some German guys. Then I watch a screen with a discussion where half of the discussion is in French and the other one is in German. My username is mentioned as well.

      Dream: I am on the street in some city. It feels that this dream may be happening in France and slightly reminds me of the place in the dream about the art appreciator. My bf is queuing inside an embassy. People are sitting on my parents' furniture from years ago. I make remarks about his place having the same furniture as us. I want to reach my bf but the other women on the queue won't let me, I think this is typical. I joke that all people here have gathered to see my bf, when he is supposed to get naked for the procedure. It's his turn. There is a small boy trying to interact with us. (this reminds me of a small boy we saw yesterday, he was talking to himself)

      Dream: I am in a room (some deep strange feeling here), and see a friend of ours. She looks quite worried as she is supposed to meet her husband at the city center in few minutes but is not ready yet. Her husband gives her a call to ask where she is and she gets so emotional she starts crying. This whole scene is extremely vivid as I see her face in great detail, being influenced by the strong emotions. I try to console her and hug her, but she pushes me away. I am at loss.

      Dream: I am in an apartment with lots of guys, this skater guy from my past is there as well. If I am not mistaken, we first discuss lucidity blends, and I want to say that I use coke as the last ingredient, yet as my mom is also there, I am worried that she might understand the whole thing wrong and think I am taking drugs. Therefore I say "coca cola" but she still reacts as if I am admitting to a wrongful act. I don't want to discuss this in front of her.

      On the wall appear 3 posters that describe steps in some process, initially related to lucidity, but then it looks like this is the recipe to make ginger beer? There is also a screen next to the posters, but very soon it looks like it shows porn-related contents. I actually don't see anything of the kind, but know that it is an erotic movie that is playing and also on the posters. I feel embarrassed that I have put these things on the wall and family is coming in the room at the moment. My skater friend is not there anymore, but now there are lots of people gathered around a bench. One older guys looks extremely bad, he has some problems, and I try to calm him down, let him lie down on my lap.

      Fragment: I am wondering why I just saw my skater friend from the past in the dream (this feels like some kind of meditative analysis while asleep), I see his face and features, and conclude that because he looks so handsome I had something like a crush on him and feelings in the past, and this explains his appearance in the dream.

      Updated 07-21-2013 at 07:14 PM by 61764

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid , memorable
    7. I've Been Thinking About Bats a Lot Lately

      by , 07-21-2013 at 05:29 PM
      Well I don't remember much since I didn't get to really recall my dreams or write them down after I woke up and it's been a few hours since then, but,

      I'm in my kitchen and I open up a box or a bag, can't remember which, and take out a bat, which I had apparently ordered online. The bat looked like it was kind of a mix between a bug-eating bat and a fruit-eating bat. I get some sliced strawberries from the counter and feed them to it, "aw"ing and cooing at it the whole time I was feeding it. I knew I didn't have the equipment to care for a bat, so my plan was to order it, feed it and hold it for a while, and then send it back. My parents came in, and I expected them to get angry that I'd ordered a live animal without their permission, but they didn't really seem to care at all. At some point I lose track of the bat and find it drinking dirty water at the bottom of a dirty concrete hole in this weird, scary, concrete place, like a parking garage or something. I hold out my hand and coo at it until it comes and hangs from my hand, then I go back to the kitchen and use the fridge water dispenser to pour some clean water into my hand for it to drink.
      Tags: animal, animals, bat, bats
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 21st July 2013 Fragments and MiniLD

      by , 07-21-2013 at 12:28 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was walking around my room and suddenly gravity ceased to exists.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in bed and i was looking at jewel case of some CD or DVD, then i started watching some story involving some scientist having a possible choice of exchanging lives with some villain lady. Then there was some action on rooftops.
      Then i wake up and see jewel box again
      i am sure that it already happened and i am dreaming, i stand on all four and start transformation but dream fades out, i keep feeling it for a few seconds but then i wake up.
    9. A life-like LD <3

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:36 AM
      [COLOR="#008080"] I was somewhere in my school when I suddenly tell myself: Wow,What am

      I doing in school? It's summer! Then I proceed to do the nose RC but It doesn't work,I'm like: Come on,Work already! I'm

      sure this is a dream! Then I leaped in a guy's hands (A guy from my school apparently) and he just smiled(He is VERY

      tall).Then I do the hands RC and my hands just couldn't stay still but they my right hand wanted to go to the left and my

      left hand wanted to go to the right(That was totally a sign I was dreaming) . I don't know how I find myself in my house

      and I am on the computer,I'm like: Why am I wasting my time on the computer?It's a LD I have here! But I couldn't stop

      using it,Then after some minutes I guess , I stand up from the chair and look at the carpet from the ground,Nothing

      different except that it was more colorful(With colors like violet,pink,red) then I see my mom staying in the bed.I was going

      to the balcony and I tried to push my head through the window's glass but fail miserably,I even got a headache from

      that.Then I suddenly notice a mirror on that balcony(A little mirror that looks like a brush) and I look in it,Nothing different

      except that my hair was medium and I had some short straight bangs :| . Well then I tried to push my head again but

      realize I can't control the dream enough for that so I opened the window and I started to do some parkour things(Jumping and running

      around) till I got outside.My dream memory was pretty cool so I made a self-awareness potion appear it was in a red

      glass bottle and the cap was in a heart shape,After that I tried another one that was

      supposed to make me remember that LD,It was an orange glass bottle with an oval cap. I then drank the self awareness

      potion,it had a medication taste,When I drank the dream-recall potion,It had a orange juice taste and It was amazing *.*

      ,and then I wanted to go in the back of my apartment block when a random DC appears and tell me: Haha! You drank it! It

      has a heart medication taste right? I stared at her a bit then I gone in the back of my apartment block.I started to actually

      skip to the back of my apartment block and then I closed my eyes for a bit too long and I lose my dream,Somehow I got

      back in it exactly where I was. Well,I do the hands RC again and I find my little finger from my right hand chopped(No

      blood or shiz around it) I was like: Yeah,Yey! Then I gone in the back of my apartment block and suddenly remember to

      stabilize,I stabilize then somehow the dream becomes more clear. It suddenly got rainy and I was walking alone seeing a

      lot of people I don't know.While I was walking I kept trying to spawn HimChan from B.A.P but it didn't work.Then I hear a child screaming: OMG! THIS SHOP IS FULL OF CHOCOLATE AND THEY LET US EAT

      IT FREE! Then I was like: What? And then I ran super fast to that shop(almost instantly) and before I could get in I feel

      like I lose the dream but I did the spin technique and the fall on the back and I recover my dream. I then find myself in the

      house again and this time I wanted to go outside when I suddenly see my old friend and I scream at him: Wait! then I ran

      very fast at I glomped him and He was like: Woo! then I put my legs around his waist and then He's like: Wanna go

      somewhere else? And I told him: Mhm,alright. Then he tried to walk out of the hall when suddenly his mom appears and

      she says:Oh my god,What are you doing with that girl? Put her down! then they start to argue and then he throws me on

      the ground and I'm like: Alright,I'll just go now. Then I walk out and I gone back to the back of the apartment block and

      there's a weird weather (Some pinky-purplish sky) and I suddenly find myself at my happy place(A cool place in my

      dreams) Then there were some stairs and I tear up-stairs and say: Oh god,This is so awesome..It's more awesome than

      the last time I saw it.Then I sat on a bench up-stairs when my mom was down-stairs with 2 guys and then I don't

      remember what we talked about and I asked her why she keeps following me then she disappeared. Then I gone back to

      my apartment block and I wanted to play with wind a bit I tried to control but failed.Then I tried again on a bush and

      the leafs were wiggling.Then I gone back in the front of my apartment block and I see a car and I tell myself:

      Hey,Why not do a TOTM? The hug one seems interesting,I should also go on a beach and

      write my name.Then I remember I should also open random doors and see where they are going.Then I just see a car

      parking (It was a black car) and in that car there were 4 persons,a family I guess.The wife had short hair and an orange

      blouse and a black medium skirt and she had some high-heels and the husband had a midnight blue shirt,and the

      teenagers in the back had a black hair,pale skin and a red lipstick(And I guess some white eyes) they were twins.

      .I open the car's door and hug the female and she has no reaction.I was like: Uh-oh ,I thought she would have at least a

      Dafuq reaction. [COLOR="#FF0000"][/COLOR] Then she gets out of the car with her husband and they go away leaving me

      alone with the two twins.I get in the car and then one of the twin comes in the front chair and sits with me (Somehow I

      lost the 2nd twin,Oops) and then I ask the twin if she wants to go to McDonald's,Then she says: Yes! . Ok,So i started to

      drive on the left when I suddenly see a china town with a lot of lighting and games.I ask the twin: Is McDonald's in this

      way? She laughs a bit then she says: No,It's on the right. Then I drove on the right when suddenly someone washes the

      car and then I don't know what we are talking about and I play a game and then I lose it and a chinese guy gives me

      10000 points and 2 movie tickets.Then I tell that girl: Now that we have movie tickets,Let's go to a movie,They have

      McDonald's there. So I drove to the cinema and there is a tiny shop with McDonald's and then I keep imagining my dead

      classmate there (I had a dream about the same cinema and there was my dead classmate) We still couldn't buy a decent

      Happy Meal so I ran away angry. Then I don't know how we appeared in a room and it was a tiny room and that twin was

      like: Kiss me. I said: What?! then she wanted to kiss me so I pushed her away then mom came in and she was like: What

      the fuck are you doing?

      The end.[/COLOR]

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 06:04 PM by 61851

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , task of the month
    10. F**k da police!!

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:12 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [non-lucid]
      We (a group of police) were in a small parking area when a guy parks his black chopper behind a wooden pole, he appeard to be in a biker gang from what he was wearing, he also had a thick black helmet. We walked over to him as he got off the bike to talk to him or something.
      A female officer was talking to me about the harness I was wearing (I'm sat in my wheelchair) I think she asked if it was comfy in which I said yes (I said no in my mind) as to make it seem I'm ok.

      A police truck pulled up to the parking area, not sure.

      Notable Items & People:
      Chopper, wooden pole, female officer, black helmet
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 20th July 2013 Fragments

      by , 07-20-2013 at 11:22 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I was at some snowy place, like a base of some kind. I had to fight some enemies, and then i was talking with someone about bloody lab coat that we have found and then there was some professor dude that was distracting us, and a helicopter.

      Updated 07-21-2013 at 12:19 PM by 59854

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Bias-Free Line

      by , 07-20-2013 at 07:27 PM
      L.K means the K-th dream on the L-th day of good recall.


      I go to the bookstore/cafe area at my school. There's a card table set up as a desk in the ambient space to the left of the enterance. On the card table/desk thingy is a tablecloth with some writing on it that says "bias-free line." There is a huge line of students lined up here. They seem to be paying for their items at the desk instead of at the "usual spot," which, in my dream, happens to be a mirrored image of where it usually is: normally on the left-hand side, it's now on the right as you enter. I see Friend EH in the line. I ask what's going on. He tells me that this line is for people who want to buy items without being discriminated against or neglected my the workers.

      But the other line, the line for "biased service" is only a few people long. I decide to take my chances. The "bias-free" line is like 50 people long. I pick out some Mini M&Ms, and at the last minute I grab a pack of Sour Skittles. I am about to pay, but the lady who's standing there, ready to assist people in the "biased service" line, goes away as I walk up to the cash register. Seriously, lady?

      My annoying neighbors, in real life, start playing some loud, repetitive, bass-heavy music.
      I wake up.

      I had done RWI before going to sleep, but due to the annoying neighbors playing awful music at 9am,
      I forgot the rest of the dreams I'd had.

      I may have even been lucid. Who knows...?

      Updated 07-29-2013 at 12:43 PM by 63741

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Two fragments featuring my younger son

      by , 07-20-2013 at 11:58 AM
      My younger son and I were going on a field trip to a synagogue. And I was preparing a bagged lunch for us.

      My younger son in school was given the kind of rules that amounted to children should be seen not heard. Among others he was told that when everyone sings if he is under a certain age he is not supposed to sing. He was breaking or challenging these rules but in a respectful way. I was proud of him. His teacher did seem open to changing these rules recognizing his potential. Toward the end she was giving some sort of speech playing along with bringing attention to my son. This was in what looked like church. Actually the dream was a bit blurry on whether this was school or church, a bit like both.
      dream fragment
    14. Raider hairstyle

      by , 07-20-2013 at 06:54 AM
      I was dreaming that I was in a big formal dinner with loads of people, looked very much like a ball. I think me and a hanful of others were special guest and really important people, but I can't remember why.
      Anyway I was having a drink and talking to some random people when I bumped into a hairdresser. We talked for a while and he said he thought i would look gorgeous in a raider hairstyle. I asked what that meant and he said it was a hairstyle with long hair on one side and shorter, wavy hair on the other.

      I though about it and said I would rather not, I had been spending to much time growing my hair and would prefer to keep it as it is. After the dinner I tried google "raider hairstyle" but could not find it anywhere.

      That is all I can remember from last night. I am actually growing my hair, and in the dream I had as long hair as I want to have IRL.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Dream Bits: Rabbit/Chickens Take Over the World and Balloons and Car Accidents

      by , 07-20-2013 at 02:22 AM
      07-17-2013 -- Short but fun. I seem to be kind of hanging out at Robbie's house as a late teen, while there are a lot of wild little kids running around yelling and screaming, and somehow doing weird science stuff. One of them has somehow created a creature that is half-chicken and half-rabbit. It is really cute, but almost instantly reproduces, so there are more and more of the critters running around by the second.

      Robbie's younger sister (he doesn't have a younger sister AFAIK, but it wasn't Tina, his older sister) is keeping an eye on them. She is a sweet young woman, and kind of attractive. She is dressed in very loose shorts and a tank top and has her legs spread as she sits on the car hood in the garage, and I suddenly realise I can see her bush and her pussy lips. Nice view. But she's had enough of the craziness, so somehow vanishes all the chickens before she stalks off.

      There's now an older woman wandering through, trying to calm down the kids, and I find myself petting Black Lightning, my cat, even though she died almost a decade ago. I am thinking of leaving when I find a bee and a wasp flying around me, and before I can get away, each one stings me in one of my feet. Don't have to worry about it on the wasp, but I am trying to get a grip on the bee stinger to try and remove it.


      07-16-2013 -- I am standing on the corner of La Palma and Stanton when BM drives by in her new mobile home. Unfortunately she is not paying enough attention and lets somebody run into her, crunching part of her vehicle. Meanwhile, I have stopped by to see her, but she doesn't want to see me, and tells me she doesn't need me to do balloons anymore. There is a bit of a stuck up punk here that is challenging her to a contest to blow up a Mickey Mouse balloon, and when she pops it while trying to squeeze air into one of the ears he laughs at her, even though he did the same thing at the same point.

      After that, he tells her he has a balloon gig for her in an hour, if she is sure she can be ready on time, and she agrees, even though she has to go home, put on hr clown face and costume, and make it to the location of the gig in such a short time. So she is off at high speed, and more accidents are happening as she drives off, though I manage to avoid being in any of them.