non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a nudist swimming pool with my mom. We go take a shower before going to the pool and it's all genders mixed. Robert Mueller is taking a shower there. He is to friendly and gets to close and his penis touches me. I feel very uncomfortable but my mom seems to like him... until he kisses a younger guy that arrives and then she feels a bit shocked. He asks if we are ok with it. I say I am (now his dick touching me doesn't affect me much) but my mom is suggesting it isn't ok by her. We have a bunch of stuff to put in the lockers, but they are all taken. She decides to just leave stuff on the ground over a towel, but I go back because I think some one will steal it. I find a Chinese and an Indian or Pakistani dude putting prices on our stuff and trying to sell it. I have an argument with them, they get a bit scared, asks me for proof it is my stuff. I raise my voice and say I am ready to fight and they back of. (sorry for this sort of racist dream) In a nerd convention with Riverstone. We are sitting at a table, eating and drinking. I won some contest but it's because I followed a hint from him. Something about a quote that I guess it's from Star Wars. They call half a dozen winners to the front of the stage to hand the prizes (several electronic items). They are all marked with our names but someone used a marker that disappears on touch causing a chaos. Meanwhile, some Latin dude in a camouflage jumpsuit is walking among us, and someone yells he wants to kill someone. I look back and he has an electronic command in his hand and points it over all our heads to a nearby stand. There is an explosion. He is pinned down by people and some of us run to the stand to help whomever needs help but luckily everybody is ok. There were also some kittens on a box for adoption and even they are ok. I pick them up and kiss them gently. Then I meet Riverstone who had lost me in the chaos and is sick worried. Lisbon is very changed, lots of tourists, even more than nowadays. I am taking a tour under the theme of urban art. At the Anjos area, some guy spots me at a distance and starts yelling announcing me. I don't remember his face but I go check if it is someone I know. It is some guy from my activism days. And he was yelling at his friends, but a bunch of them has already left in a car. They get however suck in traffic not so far ahead, so they wave at me. They aged, some are fatter, other grew beards. The one guy left behind takes me to visit a girl who now works in a fancy restaurant of a famous chef. She looks like Guiomar. She shows me around, the chef is baking some cakes and I say I am hungry but are they vegetarian? The chef says no. Then my friends have some gifts for me that they say I must absolutely take: a kind of wooden centerpiece with colorful paintings. Then I get to see through the eyes of some guy who robbed a museum with some friends and he is now on a wheelchair. He wants to revisit the place and a friend says not to or they'll catch him, but he is not worried. They do catch him but he doesn't feel so bad about it. Asks what's in the menu in the prison. I think he actually wanted to be caught.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of hotel in the country, boars come down a road around the building and everybody goes see it through the windows. I want to take picture, but I get too late, think I only catch a glimpse. Meanwhile someone's walking a dog and the boars pass right by, peacefully. Go on the subway with some kid and another adult, we're doing some study and I need to ask people money for the purpose of whatever survey we're doing. We check the coins we got from people and some dude comes to rob us. I fight back, he steals my purse. I chase him, we fight. He says I gotta let go and throws the purse far away. I say I don't care about the money (it is very little) I just want to teach him a lesson. And I beat him really bad. On top of some building with acoustic resonance, it's made of metal structure. It makes a hum with some organic or digital noises. I have a security clearance for access to this building. I detect threats and detect something weird involving one lab where they do genetic stuff, but also some time related search. Some guy robbed a scientist carrying a new formula on a syringe he thought gave him superpowers, but instead it just ages him very fast. He freaks bout, tries to reverse time on the department of time travels. He opens a portal that has consequences for 2022: the economy will shift and poor will get rich, rich will get poor. The people in charge want to fix the interference, but it reaches public knowledge and the people don't want it changed. Live in a farm in the middle of nowhere. A couple of dudes on an helicopter with a large package dangling under, land and request asylum. I allow them in, but soon realize they are up to no good. I hear them sating they need to get rid of me, I tell them I don't care what they are really up to. They don't buy it. I say I need to take care of my chores and leave them, but one of them goes after me and sees that the farm is a façade for a secret military complex that I keep. I am actually an AI android or some kind of genetically improved super soldier. They get scared, they think they know what project this might be, they are military too maybe. I manage to dodge them and lock myself in a room making a plan for what to do with these two. Then I go to a flying car and simply leave, locking up the compound with them inside.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Working at a new office. Me and colleagues are in charge of setting up the furniture but we fail to comply with our boss suggestions. On top of that, I accidentally cut the electricity that goes to his table. Me and mom we moved to a new unsafe neighborhood. We are at the window and we watch a couple being mugged and the thieves taking their groceries. My mom says she also thinks she heard a girl asking for help at the parking lot nearby. We go check. we find signs that something appears to have been dragged through the ground but we don't see a soul. Then the thieves we saw before come by and I tell them to go away because I know martial arts. I have an umbrella and think about using it as weapon. They guys don't know if they believe me, so one approaches me and I strike. But I don't train for a while and I am afraid I might not keep going so well if they insist. Luckily they are convinced and they let me go unharmed. But my mom is frozen by fear and I basically have to drag her home.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Once again at my friend Zilla's home, actually her mom's. I go outside on the neighborhood for a walk and find lots of new shoes from a shop discarded by the dumpster. Some are still in the original boxes, but I will need bags to carry them with me. My friends, Zilla and Licas, they come by and we arrange to go get bags at home to rescue those shoes. At some point I am there guarding it so that no one else takes it and a couple of policemen comes ask me what I am doing. They think I am responsible for all those shoes on the ground and I could get a fine for it. But I explain what I am actually doing and ask if they can wait for my friends to come with bags. Later on a department store, a vintage thing, looks like it's the 1930's. I am with a friend, a cute curly blond lady. She sees another lady she dislikes, paying for some very luxurious towels and leaving them unattended at the cashier's balcony. In a moment of distraction of the cashier, she steals the towels and runs towards me, so we go away before anyone notices. I become accidentally involved. We head to an elevator and she acts all paranoid as we descend to the garage level. I actually think she might have gotten away with it. I feel like I'm in a Hitchcock movie. I go home by train. Unfortunately there must have been witnesses or something, because days later I receive a notification to pay for the towels she stole - they considered me accomplice - and they even charged me 9€ for a pen I took by mistake that I had used to sign a cheque. Some epic story, I think in China , but could be in Korea, Mongolia. This one felt a bit like a Bong Joon-ho movie. It was about some invaders, from another kingdom or tribe, and some people being driven out of their lands and persecuted. Their rulers are probably dead but there is a prince and a princess whom they believe are still alive but were captured. They escape through the mountains and reach an arid plateau. they are walking in two parallel lines along a path crossing the plateau, when their prince and princess appear at the end of the lines, running, looking beaten down. They rejoice, happy that they escaped. Unfortunately they were being followed by the enemy army, which is coming ready for an ambush. They have like a giant white sleeve-like trap they pull along the line of people, capturing them like fish in a net. I don't know how it is possible, but it works. And I am trapped with them.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 09:31 PM by 34880
I used to deliver newspapers when I was younger. I visited the city I used to live in and started doing an old route I used to have. I walked to the end of town and talked to a store owner. I asked him if he still got the paper after all these years. It was of my memory that he usually only got 1 paper and it was always there the next day. No customer ever bought the paper from him. He had to think for a moment, as the normal carrier would just drop the paper down on the counter and the store owner wouldn't think about it. He looked in his records and asked me for what reason he would ever need to cancel the paper delivery. I suggested possible cost, disinterest, lack of people borrowing/purchasing said paper, etc. He confirmed that he was indeed still subscribed. I took a paper out from my side pocket and handed it to him and went on my way. I then tried navigating through the route while reading what looked like a big atlas. It was supposed to be the guide to delivering this route, but it wasn't accurate. I ended up walking through a school as a shortcut around a large corner, but then I got lost. I was looking for 4th street, but I started seeing 8th, 9th, and then other random street names. I was lost. I went back to the school and exited the main entrance instead of the higher 3rd floor exit I did before. It seemed to put me on the right track. I was supposed to go West and I was going South. I was driving with my oldest brother down a road looking for my mom and older brother. We accidentally drove past them so we turned around. Their car seemed to vanish so we pulled into a nearby mall parking lot and went looking for them. I had the idea that she was going to a specific store to return a poor fitting dress. Eventually we found each other. We all then went inside the store again to retrace our steps and see how we had missed each other. When we returned back to the car the side door was left open. We then saw someone standing at the front passenger door snooping through our belongings. He was browsing through a wallet and had a phone in his hand. When we walked up to him he casually put the items down and was going to walk away but then I noticed he had a flash drive and another item of ours in his hand. I grabbed them away from him and he ran off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a video game based on the fnaf series. It was a hallway with 3(?) doors. One next to the player, one in front, and one in back guarded by the marionette. The marionette was mutated, it had like 2 or 3 heads and was very alive. I, as the player, had also chosen some sort of puppet mask to put on. I walked up to the beast and it did its jumpscare, but then it disappeared. I must have been the one to scare it off. I opened the door it was guarding and saw some moving pipes. It seemed like a time challenge. You must squeeze past the blue pipe before it presses against the roof and squishes whatever is between it. I slipped past with a partner of mine. There was two cots and a pillow. Underneath the pillow was a pillow case filled with goodies. We poured it out and inside were a whole lot of 'nilla wafers, chocolate sticks, a few other assorted candies, and dice. The dice were somewhat of a mix between normal dice and craps dice. they were medium sized, and rounded. There were 4 big piles separated by color. One blue, one red, one yellow, one green. I sat and wondered what it all meant until the next dream came 'round. I was exploring this city. It was the last of its kind, sort of like an easter egg in a video game, or a last bonus round of sorts. It took place after the main story line. The lore of this level was that all the inhabitants of the small city were "bottled up and stored away." Whatever that means.. I looked around and noticed people were vanished in an instant. Whatever tragedy had struck, it all happened very suddenly. There was an oven with time remaining on it. There was a meal cooking on a stove that was still warm. (Looked really good too! It was a big pot filled with cheese and small pepperoni squares from what I saw). Toast was popped up in the toaster. I walked around this store and had the idea to take whatever I wanted since nobody could stop me. I looked for a knife you'd see behind a display counter but I couldn't find any. The whole setting was both eerie and sad.
First dream I was in some kind of sewer complex. It was built of an old, rusted metal plates. I wanted to bring a revolution upon rats living there. These rats, and all the animals around were intelligent and could talk. I started making an empire, bringing them constitution and laws. Then I heard someone enter the sewer - agents of government already knew about my empire and tried to get me. There was also a lost kid with his teddy rabbit. I decided to get him and jump to lower sewers, which were mostly unexplored area. One of the agents, a redhead female (agent Scully?) chased us and fallen to lower sewers with us. Now we had to cooperate to get out of there. In the meanwhile, rat empire was falling apart, swollen by rebellion. Rats fought against each other, many skeletons fallen down to lower sewer, making a huge pile of bones. Suddenly I saw people in their houses, watching news. Animals were working in tv stations, there was a crocodile who showed the news. It was talking about weather and soccer championships. He also said that they planned a "2000 riddles audition", but pans changed due to championships. Then I found myself in some kind of administrative office. I was a humanoid badger wearing a trench coat. Office workers looked at me strangely. I heard knocking to the doors of office, it was probably my business partner. I opened the doors - there was another badger in trench coat. I went out of office, knocked to doors and came back inside. My partner got confused and said "You are inside a room, yet you enter it from the outside?" Then an office worker said "Being in two places at a time... Typical badger." I looked at my partner, he had huge sunglasses on. Second dream I was a thief, sneaking around the town. I was wanted by a city watch for my crimes. It was a sunny, warm day. As usual I was jumping on rooftops, escaping from guards. It was on a main street, which was a curve with upward slope, meeting with another quarter. Jumping from roofs of merchant buildings, I charged towards a huge roof in front of me - it belonged to city watch. Roof tiles around the streets were colorful. I climbed to the top of rooftop and thought about the first time o tried to climb up there. It was a sunny day, just like this one. I saw myself from third perspective. I was a great haired man wearing a black thief suit. I had three puppies with me that were sniffing around the shop, detecting gold for me. But this was an ambush and I had to run away from Le'Rauxe, as a sudden text appeared and said that this was name of city watch captain. Perspective changed, I could see everything normally. I quickly climbed up a roof and started jumping, getting as far as to the city watch roof. This if where I slipped and fallen down to guards. Last thoughts I had was about the puppies, I never met goldfinding dogs again.
First dream It was a dark night, I drove to a prom to my school. Others appeared shortly, but they were wearing casual or working clothes, and only I and another dude were wearing suits. There were huge snow drifts outside, we were wandering around a hall. Second dream I was a thief, sneaking around a train. I wanted to steal something from a lord that had his room in there. It was evening, electric lights inside the train made my job harder. After a while of wandering I sneaked inside a richly ornamented room with antique, expensive furniture and lots of valuables there. They were guarded by two guards - one in light armor and another in full plate armor. The former was easy to sneak upon and knock out with my blackjack, but I had troubles with the second one. Helmet protected him greatly and I couldn't knock him out. He tried to attack me with a huge maul, but I managed to escape. He didn't chased me. I waited some time and went back, trying to sneak around him, but his patrol route was highly annoying. I tried to hit him in the head again and hidden in the room. The armored man was searching for me, but I thought "Screw it." and drank an invisibility potion. I could freely move around the room. I sneaked to a shelf with many valuables and started stealing valuables and expensive alcohols. I didn't had enough place for everything, so I took a silver mirror in my mouth. A flash. Glass broke, but it didn't hurt me, it landed right in between my teeth so I took it out. Suddenly I found myself back at my house, reading something in the web. It was some kind of forum game. I realised that all I've seen was my imagination working when I was reading.
First fragment I was a thief, sneaking around a mansion and stealing gold. Second fragment I was standing on a balcony of a really high skyscraper. There were lots of people gathered around. I heard a speaker talking about some manifestations wandering the capital city. I've seen their tracks from the height. Dream I was in my school with my younger sister. We went to a grand hall where people were preparing for a big academy of some kind. We sat on the side, watching s they were dancing and singing really badly.
I managed to remember a dream I had the other night. In the dream, I was a guy. And I was working with my best friend (also a guy) on a particular job, although I don't completely remember what his part in it was. I was some kind of con man. I was trying to get into some sort of nobleman's quarters, for some reason. I remember he was kind of a shithead. The architecture of the place was very... Sorr of Tudor... With some fantasy elements thrown in. I got in... But he returned while I was there. I tried to go hide in another room, which was like a bathroom, but he knew I was there and sent guards after me. I jumped out the window, and managed to make my way down by jumping from stone window ledge to window ledge. But I got to a point where I couldn't, where it was just a sheer drop to the ground, and I was going to have to jump and hope I landed alright. I somehow made it, and I was in an area behind the mansion that wasn't quite a backyard. There was a sort of chicken wire fence and high grass. It kind of reminds me of the area behind an apartment complex where a friend used to live when I was little (I got into an argument with her there, in real life, about whether or not you can walk on rainbows. I was heavily in favor of "yes, you can". No rainbow in this dream, though, just me running away from guards. As for last night, I vaguely recall something about riding the bus. But that's it.
Last night I dreamed of fish in all shapes and sizes. I found some old aquariums that I had been neglecting: there were just a few inches of water in the bottom, and I worried that the fish might be close to suffocating. Worse still, on a shelf next to another aquarium I found two koi, one orange and one silver, that had completely dried out. I recalled making the discovery that they were happy living outside the tank for a few hours every day, but then one day I forgot to put them back in. That must have been months ago. Now the fish were completely hard and dry and basically mummified, and I realized guiltily that they were probably past reviving. I also had two very large fish, so big that if I kept them in my own tank, they would fill it completely and not have any room to swim. I decided to take them to the public aquarium, which had a room-sized tank that would give them plenty of space. They were each so big—around four or five feet long—that I needed a friend to help carry them, and we would have to make two separate trips. One of the fish was called a "Blue Rangit," with beautiful azure scales and long elegant reddish fins. The second was a plainer, silvery-tan fish called an "Alaskan Battlecod." As my friend and I carried the Blue Rangit through the city streets, a man on a motorcycle drove by and tried to grab it from us. He didn't succeed in getting it away from us, but a moment later, my friend noticed him talking to a female police officer. The cop then came over and accused us of stealing the fish from the man! Apparently that's the story he told her, and for some reason she was completely convinced by it. I tried to explain the situation, pointing out that the guy probably doesn't even know anything about the fish. Does he even know it is called a Blue Rangit? Well maybe he does, and that's why he's trying to steal it—they're quite rare—but does he even know what it's used for? I told her to go back and question him about it, and she would probably find him ignorant about the true nature of the fish. To make sure that the officer was well-informed when she did the questioning, so that she wouldn't fall for more of that man's lies, I explained that the Blue Rangit was used for lucid dreaming, and my other fish, the Alaskan Battlecod, was used for lucid dreaming and fish battles. I went on to tell the officer how I didn't have enough space for these fish in my aquarium at home, so I was taking them to the public aquarium. At this point she started telling me that I wasn't allowed to do that, and I woke up. Note: I don't have any fish in WL, but I suspect that I dreamed about them because this month's fish TOTM is the one I've been planning to work on first. It's cool how the dream was almost encouraging me to get lucid by connecting the fish with the idea of lucidity, but somehow I failed to completely pick up on this even as the words were coming out of my mouth!
I was sneaking inside a huge manor that was mafia's possession. The frontyard was highly secured, but I found a way through the fence, and moved closer to the front door. I entered the manor - the place was built with marble and ornamented with other expensive stones, crystals and other valuables. My mission wasn't to steal valuables, but to get something that is stored in the highest floor. Entrance hall opened to stairways to the right and left, but there were security guards there. I entered one of the offices, but one of the guards probably saw me, and alerted the others. I looked for a way out, and found a window. I smashed it, and looking up saw that I can climb to another window. I smashed the second window, but before climbing I had to remove parts of glass that could harm me. I went out of office to see if the alert is off, but coming back I saw that a guard DC appeared there. I jumped past him, and he disappeared. I moved something on the table, and a secret room opened. It looked like mafia had their private dungeon. Instead of exploring it, I jumped from the window and ran into boss' toilet. There was comfortable and expensive bathtub. Suddenly I took a toothbrush out of my pocket, took the toothpaste from boss' shelf and brushed my teeth. As I was about to go, another DC guard ran into the room and saw me. He made an alert while I ran for the street. Something was not right, people behaved weird. Every person on the street had some weapons. There was a granny with a Glock gun. They were swarming around me, trying to kill me. Suddenly I found myself on my frontyard. I thought "This must be a dream!" and everything became much more detailed and vivid. My senses have become stronger. I jumped over my fence, and ran to the mafia house. Instead of entering it, I tried to climb up the roof and enter it from the chimney, but there was a strange force field blocking my way to the roof. I jumped down, and entered the boss' toilet. A guard DC ran inside again. I made a gun gesture with my left hand, and when he entered, shot him in the leg. He have fallen on the floor, I shot him in artery and he bled to death quickly. But the way was not clear yet. Boss with his bodyguard entered the toilet. I shot down the bodyguard, but the Boss was resistant to my shots. I took body of the bodyguard on my back and feigned that I was him. It was heavy and really slowed me down. The Boss couldn't tell a difference. We moved out of the toilet and he told me "Look at that clock." He pointed at Big Ben clock tower in the distance. Somehow, I couldn't read the hour. He told "What's going to happen soon?" I changed my voice so it was similar to city guards from Thief: The dark project and said "Ummmm... MY BIRTHDAY!!!" I jumped like a happy little child. The boss facepalmed and gave me irritated look. Then he said "No, you moron! It's half past six!" Suddenly I have awakened, just a moment before my father appeared to wake me up.
I almost stole a Little Nemo stuffed animal from Family Fair then later in the dream i went into a tattoo shop and was in trouble for stealing a pipe. I didn't steal the Nemo though, i just ripped the tag off. There was also some sort of electronic display where i could delete the item, and i ended up doing that because i felt bad for almost stealing it. The office of the guy who got me in trouble in the tattoo shop was small and had a lot of chairs, the one i sat in was navy blue and had a lot of tears, the whole room was really messy. On one side of the tattoo shop was a LOT of bongs and pipes, in all different colors and shapes. A lot of orange and blue colored ones, lined along these long shelves on a wall of the shop.
Theft from the forges I entered a forge in an old village. Suddenly I realised that someone would steal something soon. I looked all around and saw an old man taking a huge anvil in his hands and going out. I took two axes out of my pockets and showed them to the man. Everyone in the building reacted, telling me to hide the weapons. I've done it and went away.
Dream - Lucid I was doing laundry at the house I grew up in, but the washing machine was in the middle of a room. I just needed to wash a pair of blue jeans and two other things. The two other things were white. I wanted to use bleach for some reason. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. A middle-aged lady then came up to me and showed me what to do. The wash cycle started. I hoped that my pants wouldn't get bleached out. I pictured them being completely bleached out. Then I was somewhere else, like an airport or a shopping mall, not sure which. I was sitting down somewhere at a high-top table, and this kid, a boy of about 9 or 10, came up to me and tried to plug something into my iPod. I took it away before he could. Wow, what a rude kid! Soon after, I discovered he was doing this to everyone. He was also telling some people he needed to charge his phone or iPod or something and that's why he needed to do it. In reality, he was trying to steal music and files off of people's devices. His mom was the middle-aged woman, and she had told him to do it. It was some kind of scheme. Then, I was at home with Dallas, though the apartment looked way different. I saw that there were some kittens there. What?? How did those get there? They were tiny and adorable, as kittens tend to be. I bent down to pet them, asking Dallas where they came from. I don't remember his response. They all looked different. I named off all the different types there were. The only one I remember is the last one, though, which was a Russian Blue-looking cat. The kittens also had cages. I saw them stacked in the bathroom. I think there were some in some of the cages as well. I then saw my cat, Belle, who hates everyone and everything (except me ). The mother cat, a fluffy, grayish cat, came up to Belle. I thought for sure they would fight, but Belle seemed to like her. I then saw Dallas trying to give the kittens to the lady from before. He had some kittens in his hand that he was trying to pass over to her. Apparently, the kittens were hers and they had gotten away from her. I came up to them and held back Dallas's hand from giving her the kittens. "No, you can't have them," I said, "I know what you were doing, you were trying to steal." She seemed taken aback, but I did not let her have those kittens. Who knows what she was trying to scheme with them, poor little babies. I then had all the kittens in the bathroom together. They were laying down in two lines. I counted them in twos. I came up with 12, but realized I missed two and got 14. 14 kittens! I was very surprised, since they were all from the same litter. That is a lot of kittens to be born to one cat at one time! I also had no idea how we were going to take care of these kittens. We were going to give them away anyway, but until then, I had no clue. I remember, at some point, making sure they had food and water. I saw the kibbles in a food dish, and the water in a white water bowl like the one I use IWL for my cat. I was using the food I give to Belle, my grown cat, because it's what we had. I said something to Dallas about how we needed to get kitten food. Then, something about work, but it was at Kohl's. Then something about this video game-type thing where you were in some virtual reality world where your face was projected onto this weird robotic-looking, floating body. It was something that I had to do. I was there with many others, and we were at a long conference table for some meeting. My brother was there too, and so was the lady. I hoped the lady didn't see me. I floated to the other side of the table. Then, I was talking to my friend Caitlin. She was telling me how her review went with our high school band director. She had gotten a 19 cent raise. We were in school still apparently, but were getting paid to be. It's hard to explain; it was weird. I pictured her in the office with him as he read off her review that determined how much of a raise she got. There was one thing that she said she got a lower score on. It was something about attending LSU, which she had no interest in doing so had made no effort to. She still got a "+5" out of a possible 15, so it didn't affect her too bad. I saw the +5 written in a blank spot to the left of the LSU question. I also saw her raise at the bottom of the page; she was now making $9 and some change. I was seeing it from the band director's POV. ~ I was walking home. I was walking downtown when it started to rain. It was slow at first. I could feel the drops very vividly. It then started to get steadier and a bit heavier. I was crossing the street. Then, all the sudden I was home, though it didn't resemble our apartment at all. Dallas was laying on the couch. I noticed that we didn't have as many kittens. I said "Dallas, did you give those kittens back to Blake and Sarah (my brother and his fiance')?" He didn't answer, so I knew he did. I was also referring to a different set of kittens; we still had the ones from the lady. I continued. "Why???" I asked. Again, no answer. He was getting up from the couch. ~ I was at a gay dance club. I went in and bought a ticket at a ticket booth to go to the dance floor. It was still quite early, so no one was dancing yet. I went through the doorway beside the ticket booth anyway. This is what I always did when I went; I always got there early and was always the first to be on the dance floor. The lights were still on on the big dance floor. There was a stage in the front as well where the DJ was. I don't remember if there was music or not. I then was going to leave for the night, just as it was starting to get busy. I walked out to where the booth was. I was now standing beside the booth, and felt the need to fart. I meant to keep it quiet, but it was super loud and gross. No one laughed, but a lady in the ticket booth asked if I was alright. "I hope so," I replied. I then went into the bathroom and into a stall. I don't think there was a door on the stall. I then was at home in the bonus room, but it was at the house I grew up in. It was quite late at night, probably about 4am. Dallas was there and was still awake. He was on the computer. I saw a kitten run by that looked just like my cat, Belle. I pet her as she ran by. I thought about how she had Belle's personality. I then saw another cat that was slightly bigger, but also looked just like Belle. At first I thought it was her, but I saw her next to the cat that had just run by me and saw that they were relatively the same size, but, like I said, the other one was just a tad bigger. I pet that one too. That one also reminded me of Belle. My phone then rang. I saw on the caller ID that it was Brittany, a butch lesbian that I hung out with at the club a lot (I don't know this person IWL). I was hesitant to answer, but picked up and started to talk to her. We talked for a bit, and then I had her talk to Dallas while I got ready for bed. I did some other things as well. I had hoped that maybe she would have hung up by now, but she hadn't, and Dallas gave the phone back to me. We talked a little bit more. I tried to steer the conversation to an end, but she kept talking. I really needed to get some sleep... I then was in my room at the house I grew up in. I was standing by a chest of drawers with a TV on top of it. My bed was across from it, against the wall that it was against when I was in elementary/middle school. It was morning now, about 7am, and I still hadn't gone to bed. Laying in my bed who also hadn't slept yet was Brittany. I felt a little uncomfortable about sleeping next to her, especially since I was married, but I didn't think she'd try anything. I was talking to her about how tired I was going to be at work. She then said "Crap." "What?" I said. "I left my thumb drive." She had left it at the club. I don't remember my response. I doubted that it was still there unless someone had turned it in, but I think she doubted that as well. I still hadn't gotten into bed. I was stalling. I thought about me sleeping next to her. I'm sure it would be fine, but I was still uncomfortable.
Updated 09-09-2014 at 03:40 PM by 32059
Non-lucid dream, but still pretty.. ..interesting. Prelude: I've had a crush on Robert Carlyle since I was about 13 (he would have been 38 at the time) and have only recently admitted publicly that I do. [Dream] I'm in a supermarket, working as a cashier. Suddenly Robert Carlyle is brought in, in handcuffs, as he had stolen something in another store. They didn't have any room to keep him, so he was sat down right next to me. We exchanged a few looks, but he was really pissed off. I just continued my work. -time gap- My work day ends and I'm told to escort Robert to prison, which I reluctantly do. Out of freaking nowhere a massive vampier vs humans fight breaks out in the prison, and I'm fighting alongside Sam Winchester (one of the main characters in "Supernatural"). The vampires have found a way to chemically freeze humans (you know, for conservation) and threaten to freeze everyone. (Funfact: they call it Vitrification) Sam and some other guy sacrifice themselves to be frozen so the rest of us have a fighting chance. The floor in front of them turns to ice, they step on it and freeze from their shoes up to their hair. It looks incredibly painful, but we have to fight the vampires so I sneak my way up to the balcony from which the vampires were looking on. The entire floor below is now ice and I start pushing them off of the balcony and onto the frozen floor, where they freeze just like the humans. Victorious, I stand up, turn around, and there is Robert Carlyle again, looking at me with sadness in his eyes. It hits me like a brick: he's a vampire too. A new one, I'd say, as the top of his head is missing (remember that scene at the end of KILL BILL? The one where O-ren Ishii is standing there with the very top of her head chopped off? Yeah, that's how Bobby looked.). I look back at him and shake my head. "You really need to get your head checked." I tell him. He half-smiles but it disappears soon as we both know what he has to do now.. [end dream] Luckily for me, nothing happened next, but that feeling of understanding and sadness is still with me. In case anyone didn't grasp it, he was supposed to kill me at the end, as I was the only remaining non-vampire. As I lay awake afterwards, I did imagine that there was another way: conversion. If he had me converted into a vampire, we both could have lived. But in the dream, it didn't occur to either of us, apparently.
Updated 08-11-2014 at 02:12 PM by 51317