7th September 2020 Dream: At a village of some kind, there's a crypt building? It's hidden away behind bushes and completely blocked in by trash and rubbish, the locals don't care about it anymore. I hesitate because of feeling like things will be dirty, but I start to lob some bin bags out of the way. I'm expecting I'll uncover a stone staircase down into the crypt but eventually I uncover a metal lid instead. I see an axe, it's been together with steel sections, it looks new. I pick it up and wedge it in between the lid and the floor and pry it open with some leverage. It works and I go in, down a ladder? Then I'm in some sort of ancient dilapidated engineering section. There are catwalks, everything's metal but nothing seems rusty or oxidised in any sense but I think the metals appear dull. The structure I'm on seems to be over an endless black pit. For some reason this doesn't bother me, it feels solid? Then I'm holding the axe in my left hand, my phone on my right, using its torch. I realise that if danger were to show up I'll be having a hard time swinging the axe this way, so I swap hands. I wander and go through several different sections of this area. Some zed-like clones start appearing. Using the axe, I swing aiming for their heads, my reach seems to exceed what it should be but I seem to be having trouble killing them. I don't remember what happened, but then I'm further into the compound. I find something in a different area which is more office-like. A magical artifact of some kind? It's why I was here, but what was it? Some golden dust bracers or something? There's a tiny bit of a Fallout feel to the whole place but I'm thinking now it also reminds me of Stanley's parable and the back-areas of Portal. At some point some back-up power comes on. (Transition or recall gap) At a mansion of some kind. It's connected secretly, I'm speaking to someone and some dream character is a dear friend of mine, apparently. Vague memory of Patrick Stewart or Captain Picard? But I am hesitant to share details about this artifact thing. But I tell him that it could be used to control all of humanity, despite the fact that it could also be used to usher some new era of technology that would be of great benefit to everyone. Visions of this. In the mansion place there is some kind of lift thing in an ornate square room, wooden panelling. The lift is cylindrical? Floor is made of glass, lots of teal/cyan light coming from below. (Chronology of the dream is messed up) I'm in Un'goro, I'm a hunter and kill a Horde hunter, level 68. Don't see my level but assume 60. Get him with an aimed shot. Some bit out in a street. There's a Toshiba drive-by? They fail but then I'm shooting arrows at them. (gap) Back at the secret bunker place. I remember lifts several times. One time, one of them leads to the surface, something about the artifact. I remember sea all around and then when I get the artifact out of a bag or something there's 59 notifications on a UI from admirals and 100+ from other individuals or nations. They all want the artifact. I did read through the messages from the admirals but it's basically all crap, demanding the artifact some more politely than others. (gap) Back at the bunker place. In an office room with lobby. I leave the room, and I'm outside but still within the premises of the compound. There's lots of wild vegetation and some wire fence delimiting the premises. H is with me now, he's doing something with an odd-looking metal door. I wait while he does this and look around. Then I see a mini-helicopter thing. It's right here next to us but they don't spot us right away, it's flying no more than a few feet off the ground and there's a military man riding on top of it, doing weird acrobatics involving the helicopter's blade. I tell H to look and we both greet the man casually. I was afraid he'd alert someone but he didn't. (transition) Then inside the helicopter, it's massive, impossibly big, but still low in terms of headroom. This military guy and the pilot are sitting on a cushioned bit and we're talking. They are about our age or younger, I think to myself how they don't seem very imposing even as military without their uniforms, as they are now in casual wear. I wake up at some point here. Notes: - This dream was incredibly long and many details are missing, including character interactions. The recall chronology was a bit off too somehow. - The themes in the dream seemed to mostly revolve around exploration and finding some kind of rare/valuable treasure, effectively.
I was looking for this girl...but I didn't know where to look for her. then at a point , in the dream I was in this village that for some reason felt a bit like those dangerous neighborhoods, and also knew that she lives there at a point someone told me that she goes to this psychologist who conducts crazy experiments with her on some rooftop in a warehouse me and and some other guy from the village went around ,we didn't know what to do, but then we looked up the places in the village on google , and there was a private detective office we went there , and the guys spoke a scandinavian language, which I could mostly understand somehow... We asked whats the address of the psychologist and they quickly found it on the internet ,gave us name , number ,and address too ... So we paid them and went on our way to find out what the hell is going on there. We stumbled upon an abandoned looking warehouse, there wasn't really a roof ,it was open to the air , there was a ramp there instead that controlled two panels that seemed to be the roof we went up there and we found nothing.... I thought there's no session ,or this place is a fake address....but then I saw a control panel on the ramp ,and pressed it . The roofs moved and there were perforations in it, little protrusions or holes on which you can climb up or down. And the two halves of the supposed "roof" could be moved in different ways ,but it was really dangerous , if you were to let go of it , you would've fallen into the lower floor of the warehouse. There were only two stages that you could land on if you jumped ... And then it clicked, this is the experiment, the psychologist uses this to challenge the patients in physical challenges and place them in danger in order to harden their mind in critical situations...I could see in some kind of vision that sometimes they even threw off bombs into the deep and watch them explode in the air . Then somehow I found myself on the wall, some cartoon characters appeared and fired bombs on me to get me off the wall... I somehow managed to evade most of them and get back on the ramp on the top.. And then we booked it . I was planning to observe the place from somewhere else ,or come back when they are there .... but then I woke up.
The dream was at my dad's old house. Usually these dreams are more like nightmares with ghosts and a sense of wanting to leave but it wasn't quite like that. I was waiting for my dad to get back from the garage. I had another dream a few nights ago in a town that backed up into the woods. The sky was grey. There was this massive structure that was like a tower but much less fortified, it felt like it could fall at any moment. The idea was that someone was going to jump off possibly to hurt themselves. The dream ended up shifting to this modern house that had been abandoned. There was a pool that had been emptied out. One of my coworker's R was there and we were flirting or something like that. At some point there was a hottub in the house and there was a group of people in there that I knew. Another dream about being in the woods. I had ran up this tree a few steps and suddenly I'm clinging to the top limb of this wobbly tree and I just want to get down but I'm afraid of falling.
Jamie is still reading. So right after my last post here, where Jamie projected herself into my dream. This was similar. I had a nap right away and I had a dream she was reading from a computer screen. She's very ,"Hum dee dum," in her head. Strange I was in a fortnite game or something. Some guy went up to me and said he was my Twin Flame or something and tried to cuddle with me. But I wasn't feeling that at all. Also had a feeling that it was really Jamie. Well, I guess I'm not gay. And if that is Jamie, stay away from that Twin Flame garbage. The title sounds nice. It just seems to be mainly dictated by familiar spirits who seem more interested in keeping people apart to have them develop psychic abilities. I honestly don't care for it. I just read that stuff sometimes to read how similar my experience is to other people's. Just want a steady girlfriend or wife or whatever.I didn't ask for all this crazy shit. they put you on a path where the goal is no longer coming together. What did Jesus say in a dream? "I want you to come together now." Well, he says it can happen now. So I trust him more than unreliable spirits. We have his blessing after all. Crazy I'm in a strange town looking for a secret underground abandoned cavern. I have dream memories of going there before and that there was a sequence to get there. Once I found the street I started the sequence by walking to this park. It switched to night time and there was lots of trees. I entered the park, but it was a private park and there was someone with a flashlight looking for people who were breaking in. I hid behind a tree to avoid this guy. Suddenly, the dream changed to being inside some giant abandoned office. This is was the next part of the sequence. I was with the other people. They were looking for the entrance to the underground cavern. i said I knew where it was. I found the closet where the hoke was but there was some garbage and sheets covering the whole. So I pulled them off and revealed a hatch that I opened. inside was pitch black. I went down and inside it but my memory fades here. Other Jamie dreams Don't remember much actually. just lots of hanging out with Jamie. Things seem more chill than usual which is good. One of them had to do with Stranger things, i think. Why is every show I binge watch in my dreams? when I was waking up. Some spirit guide or something flashed in HH ,"Concentrate." Concentrate on what? No, I'm done with learning this useless shit.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A tv showing some house full of abandoned stuff, neighbors talking about the people who died or left, cops going around. They say they'll open up the house to people interested in taking things away. Me and mom apply. it's like a game, they choose people and divide into 4 family teams each with a coach / guide who explains the rules and guides us orderly into pre-selected divisions. We feel very anxious because there is a team who is being clearly favored, they are some 6 people and they are the first ones allowed in the house, while our coach is just stalling us with talk. We pressure her and she starts saying she will block us if we pressure her too much. She finally takes us to the living room and explains what we can take. We look around to choose because we can't take everything. I look at the bookshelf and see some books I really like, but leave it for the end. I'm certain the other contestants won't care about books. I find family pictures and realize our late friend's Nela family members and there's pictures of her so I grab all I can. I tell mom and she agrees the pics should stay with us. I am at home. Riverstone arrives. It's a summer storm like we never seen. Strong winds. I suspect by the sounds I hear that our gutters are not holding on. I check through the window and they break, ending up pieces on the roof and others on the ground. I go outside to pick it up but it's very dark, so I ask Riverstone for a flashlight. He hands me a wet sponge. I'm puzzled and say how did he heard sponge and why would I need a sponge? Then he goes back and brings the flashlight.
Thanks guy I had a dream that featured YouTuber moe sargi, In it, it seemed like i was watching a video of his. I saw a computerized map that showed an island. He was saying how he's going to buy a house on that island. I saw a dot glowing red on the map. Suddenly I was on a ship going to the island. I was sitting at a large table with Moe. He was counting cash and just randomly handed me $2000 worth of bills. i counted it and was so happy. He seemed drunk and wandered off somewhere. I was contemplating using the money for a trip. Moe again. Dream of being in his livestream playing fortnite. Don't remember much. Jamie A dream of Jamie that I was looking through her eyes. She was watching my youtube channel. On the screen the view counter said 629. (A number which I use to see a lot randomly when i knew her). I hear her saying, "Robert, You're perfect!". I instantly recognize the sound of her voice even though it's been several years since I have heard it. Jamie again I am walking with Jamie in an abandoned house in the dark. I keep thinking she's ignoring me or something. I confront her on it and she says, "I'm not ignoring you, We are just older so it's a little different." She grabs my hand and we start walking into a dark green room. The wrong movie I was in my living room wanting to watch a movie. My aunt said to pick something. For some reason I wanted to watch The Dark Tower again so I clicked it and saw the intro. I remember a different intro than the original one and I wondered if I was watching a different cut of the movie. I walked outside to have a smoke and I was trying to remember the original opening to the movie, with the kids being strapped in chairs. I look through the window into the living room and see someone I know from work sitting there watching TV. I walk inside to say hi to him and that's all I remember.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:40 AM by 6012
I was with a group of friends returning from an adventure. We're coming down from a mountain and sort of swinging or flying down and the scene below is massive. In front of us is this expansive view of an abandoned city. I remember it felt like this place had been abandoned for thousands of years. The strangest part was that it had a bunch of small buildings and sky scrapers, and cutting straight through each building were these massive gaps. They weren't the streets but they were going right through the buildings. We get to the other side of this abandoned city that had gaps through it and we're now at a cliff. Above us is trees and some sort of village up on the cliff. I somehow latch and jump up to grab this wooden post. I'm now hanging onto this wooden post very high up on the cliff. My friend Owen is there with me. I start to tell him about Ayahuasca explaining a story about the snake. Another fragment I'm in this dim shower area. Someone is hitting themselves with a rock on their head. He hits the ground and says that he is seeing into another dimension. Another person standing over him is concerned.
In the first dream, I was outside on a parking lot somewhere. I was with a group of others at first, but I lagged behind and I got left behind and couldn't find them anymore. I remember finding a bicycle? Not sre if it was mine. I forgot most of this dream. In the second, I was playing what looked like "Duke Nukem 3D". However, the graphics looked different and reminded me a lot of the leaked "Duke Nukem: Forever" screenshots that leaked in 2001. I remember fighting the final boss, the Cycloid Emperor, but he was in some kind of massive armored vehicle instead of on foot. I shot at him and he died rather quickly when his vehicle exploded. I was surprised the game was so easy. In another scene I was going through a level, and encountered two Cyberdemons (from the classic "Doom" games). Then a secret wall opened, revealing alien green goo, explosive barrels and a Battlelord Sentry from Duke 3D. I blew up the floor and fell through. At some point I discovered my save games were compatible with my older save games from when I played the "Megaton Edition" in real life. At some point, it turned out I was playing the game while actress Hayden Panettiere was with me in the room (sitting on the couch opposite of me). She talked about the game and I was amazed she was into video games. Needless to say his made me like her even more. The conversation changed subject a few times and in the end (right before I woke up) we were talking about my motorcycle accident 6 years ago.
Morphing Store: Me and some friends find an abandoned plaza with a broken window. W climb in and investigate. It looks like a party place, junkfood wrappers, liquor bottles, clothes, blankets, graffiti. This saddens me. I climb out and mean to board up the window but when I look back inside the place has morphed into a clean, freshly abandoned shop. We try to leave but a pack of angry dogs won't let us. I talk to the dogs to keep their attention while the others try sneak off. Beggars: I am starving and filthy. I try sneak into a hotel to scrub up in the bathroom. I am caught and tossed. The guy who tossed me comes back and gives me a half pack of hotdogs. How nice. I hate hotdogs. I accept them. Beggars can't be choosers, right? Friends suddenly appear. We split the hotdogs between us. As eat the last one I look into the pack and see various sizes of maggots squirming around. I want to puke but I don't. I hold the food down by telling myself "at least the maggots weren't crawling through shit and trash". Horrible how a seemingly kind deed can turn out so hateful. Air Attack: I lounge in the sun and three drones fly over. I give them the finger. Shortly after fighter planes, bombers, helicopters, and tanks roll in. I run. People follow. We hide behind a stump, as if that will conceal us from wildly attacking forces. I can't stand the sound of the bombs. I cover my ears and am filled with hatred but can do nothing. A soldier finds us, lays by the stump and tells us he will let the others escape as long as one of us surrenders. Of course I'm the one who surrenders. The others dash into the forest without so much as a thank you. Oh well. Moments later planes fly over and incinerate the woods. I am dragged along into the heart of the battle. River Hill: A hillside river appears in many of my dreams. I never remember much about these dreams. Last night: I forge a new path to the river which lay frozen over in the middle of summer. I think I had to save what little water was left before it froze over completely. Others were involved. I remember horses. Nothing more.
I'm with my parents and a smattering of other family members in Shrewsbury, visiting grandparents. We're going on a day trip in the car to Ypres. I say to Dad, isn't Ypres in Belgium of something, and he says no, it's just down the road. Who knew? Apparently it's a giant war museum these days because it was all but destroyed in the second world war. In the way we stop at some traffic lights and Dad hops out to pee in a bush (world's smallest bladder) and the lights go through several changes but it's not our turn for a while, but when it gets to our turn I'm shooting out the window for dad to stop faffing about (by this time he's standing in the middle of the road looking at clouds or something. There are several cars behind us waiting for us to get on with it! Eventually, we pull up at the end of an inauspicious country land onto a grassy parking area. There's a massive, grandiose but partially ruined Gothic edifice that appears to be the official entrance, it's somewhat reminiscent of the hollow shell of Coventry's old cathedral but made of a very blackened limestone. We go inside and look at the entrance fee and rules. It's only a couple of quid, but we're only allowed to spend two hours there which we all agree is a stupid rule. We go in and are on a coach driving through abandoned houses and other buildings, most have bricked up windows presumably to preserve them. I think that the rule about only spending 2 hours here sends even sillier given the obvious size of the place. The coach stops and we all pile out into a slightly fake looking street full of period shops with mannequins depicting typical historical activities. There's a tour guide who starts telling stories about the various buildings and other features. Somehow we've ended up with a Dutch speaking group so u don't understand much of the tour guide's stories, only catching that apparently the rule for washing was that you must use exactly 37 wipes of your flannel. I investigate a couple of the shops, the signage is all in English and I furrow my Bros trying to decide whether that is surprising or not. One of the shops seems to be a working but historically themes gift shop with the people behind the counter in character as people of a bygone era. Another is apparently undergoing some kind of fitting out and is essentially empty but for a woman moving boxes and such around. To one side of the street is a broad stream which on closer inspection turns out to have large alligators in it. There's a boy standing right by the edge of the water and I'm concerned that he might get attacked by an alligator. As I'm trying to decide if I should do sobering about that, I realise he's now walking along the back of one of the alligators and reaches down to rub the back of its head! The alligator seems to be happy enough with that and even rolls over for a belly rub! As I look closer, I realise that all the alligators have badly deformed snouts, most of them look like they've suffered some kind of fairly severe and partially healed crush injury. I figure with some confusion that these crocs have been selected (or maybe even deliberately inured) in order to be "safe" in this place. Harriet is here and reaches up to hold my hand, which I accept with a smile and we walk off into a gentle waking up...
I lived in a country where all people were killed once they reached the age of thirty. However, once a year three convicted criminals were released from prison into an abandoned city, where they would fight to the death. The last man standing was allowed to live a normal lifespan. I was apparently one of the three, and I was being chased relentlessly by the other two men through a dark, overgrown alleyway. Ivy climbed up the walls of the brick and steel buildings.
In this dream I live in a big two-story house with a decent amount of land; I believe it is quite a few acres. The land is full of big oak trees, pine trees, and grassy areas. There is this other two-story house probably 300 to 500 feet away from our main house. We own it as well, but it is abandoned. The front door is missing, and the minimal number of windows makes it look dark and creepy. The building has not been decorated. The walls are plain, or at least they were plain concrete-colored walls until some kids spray painted nearly every part of it. The paint wasn't art, as it mainly consisted of tags and other creepy phrases. Glass is shattered throughout the building, and many concrete blocks have been destroyed. My friend, "Prez", is notorious for going there. He spends his time there with friends but he doesn't paint the place. I was looking at the building from my house, and my parents approached me. "I don't want you to hang out with him" They said. "He goes to the building." It feels like it's just another spot teenagers go to do teenager things and like we don't own it. Even though it's so close to my house, I've never been there. Even though it's so close to my house, so many kids hang out there, and so many illegal activities have been committed. I disregard my parents statements and hang out with Prez anyway. We are in the building and I take note of all the details of the place. The big ball-room like structure and all the glass shattered all over the place. I noticed columns holding the building have collapsed as well. We are in the eastern part of the building. It feels like this place is haunted. After a while my parents arrive. They aren't happy I'm here. Meanwhile, as this is happening, I didn't notice it at the time, but the dreamscape changed. It was like I was in one of those 3D Modeling computer programs. That's the best I can explain it. The building was still there but it seemed like I was on a grid that was already designed but the background was all black. Anyway, my parents are here now and they are tired of kids coming here. They started coming up with ideas on how to stop this. The idea that they seemed to like the most was to make the place look less creepy. We painted the walls white, and painted cartoon suns on the walls too. Teenagers can't get the thrill of being in a so called "haunted" building when it's a lot brighter and there are cartoon pictures painted on the walls. Even though it was ours, they still wanted to avoid being seen by cops. We did this stealthily.
July 27, 2014 More fragments Me and my brother were out at night trying to climb a school. We ended up getting on the roof but noticed a security guard so dropped low as he went past. We got down and met up with jake and decided to go to the abandoned hospital and on the way we saw cops again and ran into a abandoned school that I saw in another dream, and hid in a room full of smaller rooms. Was pretty decent inside for an abandoned building. White walls, wood doors and trim, decent whit and gray carpet. When we thought it was clear to go we went out into the woods and picked up supplies from a 240sx to keep going on. The rest it hard to remember tho.
Me and my sister go into this movie theater, there is no one here except two workers. One at the food stand, and one and the beverage area. We are handed a ticket by the girl at the beverages, and then the two workers silently run out of the theater. We think nothing of it, until we realize we are here alone, and we grab all the hotdogs and popcorn and boxes of candy and then I run to the beverages and fill a cup with root beer so I can go back to the snack section and put ice cream so I have a root beer float, and essentially we were like no face.
Updated 01-22-2014 at 08:01 PM by 61831
I was at home (hometown?) and saw an old man through the window, and I thought, he shouldn't be here/there. And then, I must be dreaming! Immediately, the surrounding became darker, until I can't see anything but darkness. I was then inside our living room (hometown for sure), but surrounded by darkness, and crystalline sparks. I kept saying "Clarity" hoping that it will clear everything up, but it just got darker, and I just got confused. I also focused on breathing. As everything went dark, I thought, I must be waking up, but told myself, no way. I was outside on the backyard. I felt like it was ours, but it doesn't look anything like it in real life. It was night or just dark. There's a small field for planting. JV's mom was working on it, tilling the soil, and I started to worry. Some things are out there that might cause harm. Some small things. After I secured my own mom, I dragged her to the sidelines and then I fought the small flying... thing. A small robot. It flew up what looked like an elevated garage. I kept focusing my powers of electricity to shoot it, but once I raised enough electricity, they turn into paper. I tried moving stuff with my mind instead. I raised metals and threw it at the robot. Eventually, I forgot all about the robot (which wasn't retaliating in any way) and I practiced my dream powers, trying to lift a heavy metal pipe with my mind. I kept failing, but eventually I succeeded, but not by much. I thought, This will be cool practicing this all the time now that I can lucid dream! I was inside an abandoned building with others. It was night outside, and it was dark inside the building. We were avoiding some things. Bad things. Evil things. (Guh... so that's how Good Omens affect my writing...) We hurried to get out of the gate (invisible, which is quite silly) before something inside caught us. We didn't look back. I was outside, still night. I looked back. I saw happy faces of my high school classmates (quite clear was JG's face) as if they just finished playing basketball. Daylight. We're supposed to escape by climbing some sort of really tall statue that reaches way up in the clouds. A companion commented how there are some snakes up there now, which didn't happen before. A short scene near the beach (or the road near Victorias, where the road is elevated from the sugarcane fields on both sides): someone was walking on the fields. I was walking on the elevated area (road). I was up on the statue. There's a platform where barrels and/or snakes roll out, and we have to jump over them and avoid them, which gets more difficult as the level increases. (I swear to gawd that's what I thought in the dream) There were monkeys somewhere here. At first I was just watching, but then I went into first-person view, and I slipped under the mouth/area where they barrels/snakes go out. I ended up outside a building, holding up a window. I had to, or else the whole factory (house like) will collapse, and all the white monkey workers inside will get crushed. After a while, I let go, and the monkeys were able to escape. The area felt provincial, like the areas I used pass by via Don Salvador Benedicto. There's something about a chosen one, a child, but that part of the dream mostly escaped me. Spoiler for WARNING: Violence: I was reading a book. I'm reminded of Florante at Laura and the whole rhyming thingy. The cover's drawing looked like it was evenly spaced out trees on the water, but from a top view. It looked old, the book. I opened and read. There was a woman being threatened by a man (the drawings looked Old English, or something). The woman protected someone (the chosen one?) or some people, and the man threatened to tell the authorities (?) unless she has sex with him. I saw the line drawing in the book where the man was pushing the woman on the wall facing him, which represents him raping her (although both were clothed in the drawing, I felt the cries, despair and humiliation of the woman). Under the table very close to them are two figures hiding, one a child and the other another woman, presumably the mother. The woman was looking at them in the drawing, still protecting them. Although the rapist was looking in the hidden people's direction, it suggests that he didn't see them. I was watching small girl (the chosen one?) talk to God (he looked and felt like the one on Facebook, but full-bodied). She was asking him questions and he answers her with funny responses. I forgot the details of the exchange. NOTES: I slept around 4 p.m. I woke up around 5:44 p.m. I meditated before falling asleep. I was listening to Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) and The Gorillaz playlists the whole day. I thought about how the music I was listening to connects to my high-school memories.
Updated 01-04-2014 at 12:01 PM by 47454 (Added notes)