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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Fragment: Looking for non-catatonic fish or dreams

      by , 03-06-2013 at 10:49 AM
      In this dream fragment I remember looking for non-catatonic fish in the petstore, but during the dream also thinking that fish may stand for dreams (!).

      Note: This was not a lucid dream, but just another example of a dream about dreaming, which I have been having a lot of.

      Also note that Fishkeeping is another hobby of mine, and looking for new fish is a regular occurrence right now (about once a month), since I am in the process of slowly stocking my aquarium. When looking for new fish, one looks for lively ones, and thus non-catotonic kind of makes sense for fish, though it is an odd choice of words.

      However if fish stands for dreams, and the choose off odd word matters, here is an online definition of catatonic from word.com website:

      "1 : of, relating to, being, resembling, or affected by schizophrenia characterized especially by a marked psychomotor disturbance that may involve stupor or mutism, negativism, rigidity, purposeless excitement, and inappropriate or bizarre posturing

      2 : characterized by a marked lack of movement, activity, or expression"

      It makes sense that I would look for dreams that are non-catatonic!
    2. 6th Mar 2013 In-dream drink induced lucid dream anyone?

      by , 03-06-2013 at 03:01 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Pretty fragmented dream recall from non-lucid naps, also was lucid for a few seconds at the end.

      There was something going on about GTA-like game and in game there were some military characters that were saying something about forever being stuck in military. Later there was cook character that was saying that he's forever stuck being cook and that he had to make 95 cakes per day or something.
      After that i went to kitchen but it was apparently restaurant. There was lot of very expensive tableware, partially made of gold. The owner of restaurant suggested me to drink alcoholless champagne and gave me one for free. I drank a bit and got completely and utterly drunk, everything was wavy and i could not even drink properly.
      I somehow got lucid from that, knowing that i am in dream, but was still drunk, also my pants disappeared( ). Dream faded out shortly as well.

      Worth noting that i haven't been ever drunk IWL.

      Updated 03-06-2013 at 05:52 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. A planet, and it's moon.

      by , 03-05-2013 at 07:24 PM
      There was a star system, and there was a habitable planet with another habitable moon orbiting it. It was the future. The year was probably 2162. This dream took place in this time period. The moon was predicted, that in a couple of days, it would impact the planet. The military had proposed a plan to save their planet from the moon. They were going to push it away from the planet and destroy it. Now how they could do this, I don’t know. The second day, I witnessed a smaller impact from an asteroid. The asteroid impact was catastrophic. It didn’t wipe out the planet though. I witnessed this impact from a orbital station above the planets atmosphere. There technology was advanced greatly in this period. The dream faded. This concludes my dream.
    4. A planet, and it's moon.

      by , 03-05-2013 at 07:24 PM
      There was a star system, and there was a habitable planet with another habitable moon orbiting it. It was the future. The year was probably 2162. This dream took place in this time period. The moon was predicted, that in a couple of days, it would impact the planet. The military had proposed a plan to save their planet from the moon. They were going to push it away from the planet and destroy it. Now how they could do this, I don’t know. The second day, I witnessed a smaller impact from an asteroid. The asteroid impact was catastrophic. It didn’t wipe out the planet though. I witnessed this impact from a orbital station above the planets atmosphere. There technology was advanced greatly in this period. The dream faded. This concludes my dream.
    5. Fragment about dream competition

      by , 03-05-2013 at 08:35 AM
      Frqgment: In my dream a real life acquaintance mine whom I usuelly see about twice a year were in a dream competition of sorts.

      She was trying to learn how to "suck out" the nightmare part out of dreams.

      I was trying to learn how to "suck out" lucidity out of dreams.

      Upon waking I was struck by the odd use of the word "suck out". Did we mean like a succabus?

      Meanwhile, my son was the one who had woken me up (at 2:30am) saying that his leopard and some other plush toy were stuck together and he did not know how it happened. I suggested he bring them to me, and I would look into it. He said he did not know where they were. Realizing that what was bothering was probably a dream fragment, I suggested he go back to sleep, and we would look for them in the morning.
    6. wierd dream

      by , 03-05-2013 at 03:51 AM
      I was non lucid, but i was with my sister playing some game in which one person lead a team to the other side of a set of courses. we had to defeat a boss at the end.

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. A Fragment of Italian Truth

      by , 03-04-2013 at 07:14 PM
      Sadly I can only recall an interesting fragment of my dream but I know it involved searching for a video on the internet which showed once and for all how the Italians had learned the ultimate secret to life and happiness and had put it in a video which starred Hobbits and Mario Bros. characters.

      Sadly, I saw it but then lost the link and could never find it again. :(
      Tags: happiness
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 4th Mar 2013 Fragments

      by , 03-04-2013 at 07:02 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Was having problems waking up, thus meh recall.

      Dream 1(Fragment):

      Dream was happening indoors and there was trapdoor of sorts.

      Dream 2(Fragment):

      I recall watching some sort of walkthrough of some jumping puzzle game.
    9. Dreaming - Chicken or Egg Dilemma

      by , 03-04-2013 at 12:17 PM
      This dream fragment was about dreaming. Upon waking it occurred to be that it was a chicken or egg type dilemma. But that that's all I remember.

      Updated 03-04-2013 at 10:43 PM by 61501

      Tags: dreaming
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Non-Lucid End part of an extremely long dream

      by , 03-04-2013 at 02:29 AM
      I only remember the latter part of my dream, but here is is.

      First thing I recall is being in an oddly small hallway which I have to crawl to go through. There are many doorways on the walls, but only one seems to be occupied. I go over and open the door and see a man inside a tiny room. (Normal sized man, small room)

      He welcomes us (there are a bunch of others with me, 4-5, who I feel I have some relationship with, maybe friends? At least one has a feminine feel, but I never see them) and tells us to make ourselves comfortable because there is no way out. We can take any room we would like. I check the ends of the hallway, and there are no ways out. So we all pick a room.

      I'm fuzzy on what happened next, I remember checking out all the rooms and seeing what the others put in there, but next thing I really remember is walking with some creepy guy. He is talking to someone who apparently knows allot about me. He tells the creepy guy how I can't go out into the sun or it will cause me to Time travel, and things like that. He looks interested.

      Later we're on a boat on a river, paddling back to the keep where the hallway is. It's during the day, but the creepy guy has something that blocks out the sun for us. We are bringing ice back. Suddenly he pushes me out of the boat, into the water and sun. I feel something happening to me, so quickly get to shore under the cover of a tree. There are a bunch of people around whom I watch as I stay in the shadow of the tree.

      Then a fight/battle breaks out. I feel compelled to help them, but there is the problem of the sun. I put the hood up of a black trench coat which I had apparently been wearing all along, and pull the sleeves over my hands so no direct sunlight can get me.I then grab my staff and go into the park like field. The hood cuts off my peripheral vision, but I am able to knock 2 or 3 people down as I go. Two women charge me at once, but executing some cool staff work I am able to knock them both down. I ask them to stay there, then proceed to capture them. I don't want anything bad to happen to them.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Teacher's Pet

      by , 03-03-2013 at 09:56 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I have been having a hard time recalling dreams, but this one shocked me, it was a semi-nightmare, I suppose. Now that I recalled it, it is pretty stupid now.

      I'm in the computer class, and the teacher was being butthurt about me not handing it the first assignment from the last term (which doesn't exist IRL by the way) and was getting on my case all the time. For some reasons everyone in the room were from my previous school, but the room itself is something I have never seen before, and the teacher is a New Zealander who speak Thai with perfect fluency. I got him a paper and asked him to get the topic for me, but he started writing up a transfer note (AKA kicking me out of class) instead. I was distressed by this and started sobbing and bowing at his feet while he acted like a smug bitch about it. Then I woke up.
    12. Preliminary Trial

      by , 03-03-2013 at 09:18 PM
      At approximately 12:45 PM I decided to ingest 30 mg of a Rauvolfia serpentina extract, reportedly standardized to contain 30% rauwolscine. I followed this up with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, potato chips, and two trefoil cookies. (Girl scout cookies! ) Shortly after I finished eating, I decided to go on a walk.

      The walk was overall uneventful. My anxious mind payed attention to a few mild things that were likely placebo, such as slightly increased heart rate and stimulation. Once I moved beyond those thoughts they seemed to mostly disappear. One thing maybe worth noting is that I yawned a lot, which I guess is a good sign if I intend to take something before bed. I didn't like how it made me feel like my chest was a little tight though, but again, this disappeared when I stopped letting myself worry about it. It's only been about an hour and a half now and that symptom isn't noticeable, and I'm guessing it was just a gas bubble, since I get those a lot. So far the only thing that's really stood out to me is increased appreciation of food, since it's the one thing I didn't think about beforehand. The fruit on the counter and some more trefoils tasted better than they did before I dosed. I wonder if it's linked to rauwolscine's 5-HT2A antagonism? This is said to increase appetite, after all. Hmm....

      Final decision? So far, it doesn't seem like it'd be too bad before bed. I was afraid of the potential stimulation, but if there even really was any then it wasn't any more significant than caffeine with tolerance. The only thought that really comes to mind is that this is probably best to avoid on days where you don't feel at your most physically fit, but I say that about stimulants in general. This may be worth experimenting with....


      I guess I'll include this really quick, too. I smoked myself to sleep with a friend last night so my recall sucked, but I did get this one fragment down.

      Dream Fragment [Non-Lucid]

      I remember being at the bottom of a mountain range and watching people climb up this big wall, and at the top there was a door just sitting there. Beyond that, I just remember that Gajeel (I think it was him...) from Fairy Tail was on the opponent team, but that's it.
    13. 3rd Mar 2013 Fragments

      by , 03-03-2013 at 07:27 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Downhill recall again, but i think i found what causes it.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I recall something about seven masks of war that were arguing between each other about something.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I recall arena of some kind, at the end of the dream there was lucidity switch but my dream self didn't payed attention to that...
    14. Dogfights, Criminal Training, and Being Evil Superman

      by , 03-03-2013 at 06:08 PM
      I was in a dogfight with some Germans over some islands in the Pacific Ocean, though most of these islands were small and uninhabited, and only consisted of small, ambient buildings. I shot down a few planes, before I got shot down, I ejected, landed in the water, near a few of my teams, and they were all swimming towards a near by island. Once I made it to land, alot of my team were soaking wet, exhausted, some wounded, and others just standing around. I kicked around, until I found a large rock hidden underneath the sand. I began to dig it up, and it turned out to be a large human vertebrae! I dug even deeper, and found another one! Even deeper still, I found the Mandible, and below that was the top portion of the skull. I dug up 4 giant bones, which were seemingly human, and it occurred to me that these were the islands of Lemuria, and this was one of the inhabitants! I was extremely astonished at the discovery, to where I called Miyuki to tell her about my findings! She was blown away as well!

      Next, I was with a female criminal in the city at night, learning how to become an efficient killer and thief, avoiding police officers, car jacking, and jumping over fences and other obstacles.

      Later, I found myself to be superman, except I was evil, and I was flying around schools, highways, and streets, causing mischief and confusion amongst the on-lookers. I recall flying very very close to cars on a busy roadway, making drivers drop their jaws in awe, and at a point, I caused a traffic jam, and I Stopped in mid-flight, turned to a car, and kicked in gently, and the side crumpled and smoked began coming out from the car. I then decided to really kick it, and it crumpled up, and shot far off to the side, somehow causing all the surrounding cars to crash into them selves, and it was a big violent mess of twisted metal and screaming. I noticed someone trying to stop me, they were also 'super' and I tried flying away, and we ended up having a 'cat and mouse' chase around this town, jumping on roofs and cars and such.
    15. Another fragment dream about dreaming

      by , 03-03-2013 at 10:02 AM
      Even though I was careful not to move as I remembered this dream, and I thought I had it, but when I did move, the fragment became even more fragmented.

      This was another dream about dreaming. It started out with a question asked on DV. I don't remember the question but it was asked by someone experienced for the sake of helping teach beginners. It had to do with differentiation of dreams, categorization of them.

      I remember thinking that the distinction was easy for me, and answering the question.

      This was not a lucid dream.

      EDIT: after more sleep around 7am did not remember additional dream or fragment, but remembered a bit more from this one:

      Question: Experienced dreamers, how do you change entries in a dream journal to help prepare for lucid dreaming? (Note: Upon waking this question is weird to me and has no clear and easy answer, but in my dream I thought it was easy.)

      My dream answer: Focus on dream signs. Do not concentrate on what makes this dream unique. (Note: I know there was more to my dream answer, but that's all I remember.)

      Updated 03-03-2013 at 01:04 PM by 61501

      Tags: dreaming
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes