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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 19th July 2013 Various fragments

      by , 07-19-2013 at 10:09 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about dragons and possibly i was talking to one.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some Serious Sam-style game, the map looked kinda like green plains withg normal and lava rivers. There were various weapons and i had to fight through some place full of cargo containers later. Then there was multiplayer mode that supported bots, but they were pretty bad and were mostly repeating some phrases instead of shooting and also were getting stuck in terrain somehow.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching videos of various RTS games, there was one that looked like Starcraft 2 graphically but gameplay-wise it was different, maybe custom map. At one point player was just commanding small group of very powerful floating mechas and had to fight some powerful enemies and bosses.
    2. G Experiments

      by , 07-19-2013 at 09:59 PM
      Comment: So I got tired of this heat plus other distractions reducing my ld count and decided to try with G

      Preparation: I had pre bed insomnia, too wakeful plus nagging thoughts. Still, I decided against setting an alarm and going for a natural wake.

      WBTB: Of course, I missed my desired WBTB but decided to go ahead. I was very sleepy due to the heat so walked around a bit. As soon as I took the pill and went back to the bedroom I saw this huge moth (a real one!) that came in last night and we couldn't catch it. It started flying around and caused me some additional wakefulness. I tried to ignore it and went to bed.

      Started my usual induction mix and internal dialogue was fine but I felt too alert bodily to be able to fully fall asleep and be absorbed by those dreamlets/HI. Here are some that I remember, some were lucid, some not, I don't think it matters much in this case.

      Mini-dream: I am somewhere and to my right is a guy that I identify as Xanous. He is holding some kind of a brush that I next take and inspect. White bristles, strange shape. I wake up. (Not much time to observe appearance, but in my mind it was him)

      HI/dr: The head of state

      HI/dr: The best lucid dreamers in DV [Names]

      HI/dr: The tree of plenty from HMM game

      HI/dr: A very large tropical plant plus other greenery

      Micro-ld: I am standing on my grandma's balcony and it is night. I can hear nice music playing and look down to see a strange guy in front of the building. He is performing for a new place that has opened up just in front of grandma's. I have positive feelings towards the guy as he reminds me of a friend of mine. But most importantly I am very happy to have finally made it to a dream. The air is very stuffy and warm but I feel some kind of pleasant power in the air. I try to move my head to look around but meet some resistance as if my dream body isn't quite ready yet. I'm thrown out of the dream and into my super awake body.

      I try to go back to sleep for some time but in vain so I give up and go to meditate in the other room.

      I spend appx. 50mins meditating then go to the restroom. Moving from thought to thought and by means of association I remember my phone, see a quick phone image along with the thought, then another image quickly flashes by - the true location of my phone.

      I have looked in the place two times but couldn't find it before. I decided to give it another try, this time a fully thorough search until I got out every little piece of crap from there. And at the bottom was of course - my phone!

      Background: I bought a new phone but put it somewhere in a hurry in April, while preparing for guests. I totally forgot about it in May, looked for it everywhere in June, gave up in July and decided I would ask a DC where the hell it was. Asked a few times, got some nonsense and the best answer that came from DCs was "outside". Well, it was inside and not outside. Lol! Anyways, one task less.

      Updated 07-20-2013 at 03:44 PM by 61764

      side notes , lucid , dream fragment
    3. Random Dream Frags - July 19th

      by , 07-19-2013 at 09:45 PM
      Aight, so I wasn't going to post this but decided eh, why not...

      First Frag

      I was on an old wooden ship, like an old pirate ship. I was in some sort of water holding tank within the ship, attempting to keep my calm. The water was so blue, a gorgeous hue, but my fear of open water was causing the panic to rise more every second that ticked by. My boyfriend was on the deck with a rope, slowly trying to pull me up from the holding tank. He was reassuring me it was going to be okay, there's nothing in there. As I slowly rose from the water, I periodically closed my eyes, and all I could see was blue as if I was deep in the open ocean. My heart jumped into my throat, fear rose. My boyfriend kept smiling, and making jokes as he kept hoisting the rope up, pulling me to safety. Once I was a few feet from the edge of the dock, he looked passed me to the tank and calmly told me he was wrong, there was a bull shark in the tank as well. When I looked down I saw no shark, but a swirl of blood in the water, and droplets of blood coming from my leg, then a splash, and a shimmer of a tail fin before it disappeared back into the water. I was out, I was safe in his arms now. He was still smiling down at me, but I was so angry and frightened from being in the tank I couldn't muster a smile...

      Second Frag

      I was floating around. I was not part of the dream, I was just an observer, watching the dream happen. There were kids on a beach, floating in the water. It was cartoonish, but not quite an actual cartoon. The kids realized they had drifted from the beach their parents were at. My view changed from being right beside the kids, to seeing a map of them moving back a few beaches to where their parents were.

      Third Frag

      I was in a house I dream of somewhat frequently. It's a plain house, white walls, beige carpets. There wasn't much going on. My boyfriend and I were walking around the house in search of something, but I don't recall what. As we walked around we found his dad sitting at a large wooden dining table. I had a feeling of being in trouble as his dad calmly ate his food. We walked away, heading for the door that led to the backyard..Once I crossed the threshold of the door the dream change. I was now at an indoor skating rink. We sat down on some bleachers with other spectators. There was a small hockey game going on. There was a young boy sitting with his mother beside me. My boyfriend poked me, and then to the kid. The kid asked if he could have some of my poutine with pulled pork on it, to which i glared, said "No, you had some already" and kept the delicious food to myself. I continued watching the hockey game.

      I think that's about it for last night's dream..Can only recall these frags for now. Hoping tonight is more eventful!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 7/19/13 - sneaking/sinking

      by , 07-19-2013 at 09:17 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm with and older cousin and her husband and children. We're in front of this gate that leads to this disneyland/college campus, but my cousin seems irritated that there is a women in a toll booth looking thing saying that it's not free anymore and that we have to pay to get in. So we start walking away, the toll booth lady gets distracted, and I see my cousin running into the gate opening so we all follow her in. then I walk off a little and the scene turns into like a costco store and I find the purple beach cruiser that my sister had as a child and I get on it and ride around a few aisles and I see a boy riding a blue version of the beach cruiser and we laugh because we both know we shouldn't be riding the bikes around the store, we decide we want to check out the other bikes for sell because we're more into bmx bikes. We get to the bike section but there's all these different acoustic guitars for sell there. We stand there confused wondering where the bikes are as an employees approaches us and tells us we can't ride bikes in the store so we ride away around some more aisle and find more bikes, they spread out one or two every aisle it's strange. And the bikes I find are ugly mountain/bmx bike hybrid looking things with 90's paint job on them. Then next thing I know me and the boy are getting ready to teleport or something, something big, and he tells me to sit in a chair and wait for the woman to come, when she comes she teleports the boy one body part at a time, next she does me, I sit in the chair and she sees my face and freaks out so I run off and she chases me and now we're running around this pool that is in the middle of nowhere, like a opening in a huge corn field, I threaten her that I'll jump in the water, so I do and I sink, then I get pulled to the shallow end by her and the boy, and now there's lots of other people there in the pool and out of the pool just watching the situation.
    5. Stilt Houses, Flying Elevators

      by , 07-19-2013 at 08:06 PM
      These dreams took place over the course of the last week.
      Recall has fluctuated a lot.
      L.K means the K-th dream on day L.

      I am sitting in my high school AP Gov class, debating a book's usage of a Ben Franklin quote. I don't remember the quote itself. Maybe the exact quote was never actually in the dream, but only the concept that a Ben Franklin quote was just read aloud. I said that the usage couldn't have been what Franklin intended, since "America's founding was based on Athenian democracy." I asked the teacher, who was the one who actually taught my class in real life, "So is this story supposed to be post-present? Then why is the government fascist?" (In retrospect, none of this sounds anything like the AP Gov curriculum, nor does it sound like an even remotely intelligent discussion.) Friend AF was there too, but didn't say much.

      Kinda related to dream 1.1. Was it the last day of classes for that year? My classmates and I had been sent off to buy party food at the local market. (The one where we'd occasionally buy lunch.) I was supposed to get frozen deserts: ice cream and popsicles. The popsicle flavors were unusual: lime, coconut, oreo (what the heck?). I was buying vanilla ones, as directed. (They seemed like creamsicles really.) It seemed like I'd been sent on the trip by my AP Gov teacher, but also by my math teacher. But it seemed like only one was doing anything like throwing a celebration in class. It was either/or, but my dreamstate was logically foggy enough to tolerate the potential contradiction there.

      A dream on a beach. Grey sky, 30 degree sloping sand. I am with my dog, but a big black and white dog (a Border Collie, maybe?) is chasing us. (It looks very similar to a black and white dog I painted as a kid, though I didn't realize this until I woke up.) I have to push the dog out of the way; my palm redirects his snout away from my smaller dog. Oddly enough, when I looked back over at my dog, her snout looked shorter, and was a bit upturned. She looks vaguely princess-y, which doesn't suit her at all.

      Another dream, in a watery world with lots of greenery. There is a big lake full of 20-foot diameter lily pads, and a bunch of stilt houses. In the distance there are mustard-yellow sand dunes and palm trees. I recall very little of what happened. It sort of seemed like part of a movie I was watching, and sort of like a video game. I eventually seemed to fight some boss battle against a creature resembling the Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime.

      Another dream. Vaguely Harry Potter-like. (Similarities with the Gringots transportation system, the Ministry of Magic's toilet entrance, and Hermione Granger.) Me, Emma Watson, and some other random people enter a public bathroom in the subway station. The florescent lights are out, save for one, so it's pretty dark. The walls are made of cinder blocks and concrete. We all step into the wheelchair-accessible stall, where there's an fancy old-fashioned steel-cage elevator. We all get in. Emma Watson presses a button to take us all back to "the apartment." (Do we live together?) The elevator goes up, slides along the high ceiling, through a ventilation shaft whose opening is oriented perpendicular to the ground. The elevator exits the ventalation system. We turn right, and right again, and hover above an empty stall in a different subway station bathroom. The elevator plunges through the floor, and drops me and Emma Watson off in a stairwell.

      The stairwell resembles the one in Eddy Morra's chinatown apartment (from the movie Limitless). The main difference is the stairs go up the opposite direction; the torque of the stairs is downwards in the movie, but upwards in my dream. Additionally, there's a large window situated to the right of the stair steps we've been dropped off at. Outside the window is a street, and across the street is some random inner-city shops, grey sky, trees with waxy circular leaves and light-grey bark. I am about to open the front door, but I hear shouting and furniture banging around. I knock on the door. A bullet whizzes past me, from through the door. I move to the right side of the door, back near the window. I jiggle the door handle, so that whoever is doing the shooting will think I'm still there, and will waste bullets. He shoots so many holes through the door that one could easily push a big chunk of the wood from the door right through. I wait silently. The shooter approaches the door, and pushes a big portion of the door's wood through. Just what I thought would happen.

      The shooter sticks his head out. It's Tracy Morgan. (Lolwut?) He sees us and tries to shoot. I push Emma Watson out of the way, and move in front of the door. He'll have to turn his gun, a silver six-shooter, about 90 degrees in order to shoot me. But I won't let that happen. I grab his hand with my right hand, and the muzzle of his gun with my left. His wrist strength against two arms? No way. I turn the gun on him, and blast his brains out. Geez.

      Anyway, I open the door, and walk in. The place is poorly lit, but there's light creeping in from the dusty horizontal blinds on the windows. My parents are inside; my Mom is at the narrow end of a ceramic table with tiles embedded in it, and my Dad is sitting in the middle of the long side, with his chair turned to face the TV. They seem unaware of the whole Tracy Morgan incident that just took place. They tell me they're about to watch a movie, and ask if I'd like to join them. I ask what they'll watch. I begin reading the decription on the DVD envelope. It's not that great-sounding. I hesitate, and ask if we can watch the movie from dream 2.3. (I didn't ask verbally though. It seemed more like telepathy.) My Dad points out that Natalie Portman is in this movie. I decide to watch it. I sit on the light-beige carpeted floor, leaving against an unoccupied grey couch behind me. In the movie, Natalie Portman has shoulder-length lavender colored hair, but I hardly found it unusual, (nor should I, necessarily) since "it's just a movie."

      After the movie ends, I get up and go to the fridge. There are shrunken heads inside, in glass jars. They're marinading in something. I freak out, and wake up.

      I go to a shop with beige walls, with depth about 100 feet, and width about 20 feet. The far end of the otherwise barren room has a sloped refrigerating shelf, (kinda like the place in Starbucks where bottled drinks are, but much steeper angle and many more levels). The shelf is taller than I am. There are lots of elixirs and nootropic beverages on the shelf. I pick out a JustChill which has a greenish color in place of the customary blue. I also buy a second drink, whose details I don't remember or maybe never dreamed up.

      I head to my Dad's office, which seems to be in the Physics research building on campus. Huh. His office is long but not deep. About 30 feet wide, 7 feet deep. There are two windows, each with has black horizontal metal window shades. A yellowish light radiates from from the ceiling, onto beige walls and a chevron-shaped desk, made of glued together bits of recycled-wood. It's nestled into into the corner. I tell him "these drinks are great for focus," and that "they even have blueberry flavor," although that isn't the flavor I bought. He thanks me for telling him, but declines to try one.

      I am in a girl's dorm room. The room has royal blue walls, and a 2 foot wide square window, across from the door. Between the door and the window is a desk of opaque tempered glass, like the one in my room. I'm sitting sideways in her swivel chair. Outside the window is the top of a tree, and the pale grey sky.

      The girl has red hair, green eyes, a blue sweater, and a pink skirt. God she's cute. The rest is R-rated.

      At an odd sort of apartment, where the wooden stairs come up to a wall, without there being a platform to stand on before getting to the wall. It kinda resembles Friend NH's place. Running parallel with the stairs' horizontal component is a hallway, with yellow wood floors, and white walls. Friend MZ has let me in, and I ask why he hadn't collected rent the money I send him a while ago. He gives an unintelligible answer, and I ask if it needs to be a paper check. He says no, and as he does so, he turns into Friend LM, but with an egg-shaped head. What the heck? He directs me to go down the hallway. He opens a white door full of glass windows. I see Friend MP inside the sun room, which has olive-colored shades covering the windows, and light creeping in through the edges. He raises a drink in greeting.

      My alarm goes off, I wake up.

      More border collies. A recurring dream? The context seemed a bit different. All I remember is that black and white dog from dream 2.1.

      Updated 07-20-2013 at 10:45 AM by 63741

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    6. 19th July 2013 Fragment

      by , 07-19-2013 at 09:58 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      There was something about dragons.
    7. Liquorish sticks

      by , 07-19-2013 at 09:39 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      1. [non-lucid]
      I'm walking a child home from his school, he has a white bag with something that looks like sticks of liquorish, he was told he was not allowed to eat them.
      As we were walking home he decided to go ahead and eat 1, this annoyed me so I tried to ram him a few times (with my wheelchair) to punish him but it didn't do anything, randomly a woman appeared and slapped him, this seemed to do the trick, we carried on walking home.

      2. [non-lucid]
      I for some reason end up on a dock unable to get off it because the only way off is via a ladder...I cant use a ladder due to being in a wheelchair so that is quite a problem right there, someone approaches me and its Vinnie (A dick from my old College), he laughed and said something then climbed the ladder.

      I'm in some sort of game where I am speeding through moving platforms and dodging obstacles
      Attacking and killing big n scary monsters in an indoor pool thingy.

      Notable Items & People:
      Ladder, Pool, Vinnie, Dock, Liquorish Sticks, White bag, Child
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. War in Hawaii

      by , 07-19-2013 at 05:28 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Not Lucid

      I find myself in Hawaii for some unknown reason. I'm walking down the sidewalk on a beautiful evening. Suddenly, I start to become really tired for some reason and begin drifting in and out of "sleep" as I walk along. Some people take notice and walk with me and keep me awake. We stop by a ledge and see another one of the islands of Hawaii. There is a battle taking place. I can see explosions and whatnot on the island. Someone explains to me that the Hawaiians and some sort of rebel force are having a war in the state. We now see two rebel tanks coming down the road and we jump for cover. The two tanks pass, and we move along.

      Some fragments of the dream in between scenes are forgotten, but I now find myself in the passenger seat of a van on the highway. We're still in Hawaii and the red evening sky is still present as well. As we get on the highway I see the speed limit sign reads 75 MPH. That is faster than normal where I live(usually 65, then 70 on the turnpike). We speed up to pace and move towards a tunnel. We see cars driving crazily on the road, as if they're trying to get away from something. We now swerve out of the way of three SUVs moving the wrong way. Shortly we enter the tunnel which has no lighting in it. The driver turns on his lights and we come to a three way intersection, seeing it last second. The driver spins the steering wheel but can't make the turn, smashing us into the wall. We get out, lucky to be even unharmed. Then a group of armed cars stop just down the tunnel. Armed soldiers come out and begin to open fire, but that is all I remember before awakening.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 18th July 2013 Various fragments, FA or HH, and some WZ2100-like game

      by , 07-18-2013 at 10:04 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(Fragment):

      Something about a dragon and magic.

      Not sure whether ultravivid HH or FA:

      Briefly wake up, very sleepy, seeing my chair near balcony with kinda wizardy hat on top, thinking it's HH, accidentally fall back to sleep.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some old video game about roller skater racing(Can't recall name but it's actually a game i played IWL ages and ages ago), and i was playing it multiplayer with somebody.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was playing some FPS, that possibly had something to do about zombies and some kind of meat processing facility. Then later it turned into something more futuristic, one of levels was a base with alot of orange color.

      Dream 4:

      I was playing some RTS that in ways looked similar to Warzone 2100, but different. I started some custom map where there was huuuuge tank that i had to escort towards enemy base, it followed the path while i had to fight off enemy tanks that attacked it with my tanks, i mostly had ones that looked like classic Heavy Cannon - Tiger - Tracks combination of parts from Warzone 2100. At some point huge tank was going through canyon which i was surprised it did fit into in first place and i got access to unit builder. I used my resources to build some more Heavy Cannon - Tiger - Tracks tanks and enemy kept attacking, but AI of both my and enemy tanks in canyon was pretty faulty and tanks were getting stuck or lost at times. I almost ran out of resources and went to tank design window to make more cheap tank, i was somewhat confused around since some parameters were different but i ended up making Lancer - Leopard - Tracks tanks with the small bit of resources i had left. Then my tank group joined back with huge tank and assaulted enemy base, completely destroying it.
      Done with that i went into some editor program for a different game and it was an online editor, so i was working together with someone. The level ended up being somewhat post-apocalyptic style and i was searching for specific item in list of objects while other person couldn't find specific decoration. We ended up arguing whether decoration or item is more important.
    10. July 18th

      by , 07-18-2013 at 09:17 PM
      This one was long but I forgot a lot of it..
      - I've forgotten my black backpack at school by the art room. I know where it is but when I look for it, I can't find it.

      Dream 2
      - I'm outside by a fairly large lake. I think the sun has just gone down; it is dark but there are still some shades of purple on the lake and in the sky. A man who looks like Gandalf comes over and gives a little, pink, bipedal creature. This creature is very affectionate and keeps hugging my leg.

      A fragment..
      - I see my best friend B sitting at a counter with 2 of her friends. They're all tightly wrapped in ceran wrap. B looks very uncomfortable, like she doesn't want to be there.

      Dream 3
      - I'm in an unfamiliar 2 story house with R. R isn't doing much, but he's here. We're on the bottom floor and I know there is a lot of food here. I think I take some crackers. Now I am upstairs; R Is gone, but I'm sitting by my mom who is talking to some doctors. They are saying that I could have pneumonia. I think this upsets my mom so we leave right away, but right before we do I get something else to eat because I am still hungry. Whatever I get, it comes with a beer. There are four choices; I pick a peach flavored one. Now, my mom is driving us home but I am outside the truck, somehow attached to it and able to sit down. I drink the beer, really noticing the prominent peach flavor, and think that I'd like to move to Scotland.

      Dream 4
      - I'm driving my cousin down a busy, main street to some burger place. We finally find it, and enter the building through some secret entrance. It looks more like an old house and I get the feeling that we shouldn't be here. We continue on anyway, and reach a big window/opening in the wall. Looking out, I see a huge, grassy feild far below me. On this feild there are many marching bands, each wearing their school colors.

      Dream 5
      - I'm at an indoor concert with my dad. We are seated in a row close to the small stage. My dad gets up and leaves for a bit; when he gets back, he has already missed the ending.
      **I wake up after this dream ends and haven't moved or opened my eyes. I try to imagine myself back at that concert cheering with everyone else, but not a thing happens?
    11. The Sims 3 For Real

      by , 07-18-2013 at 08:45 PM
      Ok! I'm a Sim and a random female is my girlfriend to whom we have this connection. The thing is some NPC comes onto my lot and kidnaps her. With only a players eye view I can't see where she is and later I confront the guy only to find her dead. With progress not saved I turn back time but the same thing keeps happening from different viewpoints.

      Eventually I see from her point of view and it turns out she was taken to some tomb and potentially had the chance to escape but was fatefully poisoned by a dark matter acid not from this world. I could never save her and it made me sad. The only thing I did manage to do was attract authorities attention to which they put the guy down in a satisfying manner.
      dream fragment
    12. 18th July 2013 Fragments

      by , 07-18-2013 at 12:11 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was playing Doom coop with someone, to be exact, Brutal Doom mod. There was some level that was set up as multiple series of rooms and passages connected through central hub. I kept forgetting that enemies take less shots to destroy with mod and ended up using more good ammo than needed. At the end there was boss that looked like powered up version of arch vile and it used some kind of charged laser attack and summoning swarms of missiles.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      There was some anime discussion.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was looking at the global map, which looked similar to earth, but different, americas were separated. On the map were drawn dragon flying paths.
    13. 2 fragments: Big Boys Don't Cry and Sad is Just Cold, Kids Learn from Homeless

      by , 07-18-2013 at 11:05 AM
      Big Boys Don't Cry and Sad is Just Cold
      I dreamed that my older son had learned that if one is feeling sad what one needs is physical warmth (because sad is actually just cold) and big boys don't cry. There was also something odd about taking off his shoes to get warmer. I corrected this misconception.

      Kids Learn Life Lessons From the Homeless
      My husband had gotten our two boys into a community service project which involved us dropping the boys off with a community of homeless people, and we would not stay, and there would be no one else just kids and homeless people, and the homeless people were teaching the kids about life. While I was a bit nervous about this, but at least I knew that a homeless woman we know and trust would be with them all the time.
    14. forgetting

      by , 07-18-2013 at 09:39 AM (Welcome to my dreams!)
      I had a dream, but i forgotten it unfortunately :/

      My recall appears to be sinking somewhat.

      I see many doorways.

      I seem to remember doorways quite often. Wonder what that means.
      dream fragment , side notes
    15. July 17th

      by , 07-18-2013 at 01:20 AM
      One dream about astral projection and two about deilds....

      Dream 1

      I've been sleeping and am suddenly awoken by the feeling of intense vibrations. I wonder what's going on but I decide to 'roll out of my body'. When I do, it feels like I am on my floor, so I stand up and open my eyes. I look back and see my body on the bed and know what has happened. I start to walk out of my room but then everything fades away..

      Dream 2

      I'm in an unfamiliar house, at the kitchen table. An acquaintance is here; she's been waking me up so I can have a deild.


      I'm watching short videos that are supposed to help me have a deild.