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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. John tynan and other fragmentss

      by , 07-23-2013 at 05:47 PM
      i was at johns house and kept looking for my phone. i would go in his living room and everytime i entered his entire family would stop bowing before the TV screenn. It appeared to me they were practicing islam or some religion that required all day devotion. john tried to hide this from me. the family welcomed me to the papya on the stove. ihad some with jam it was really good.

      later in the dream i was with jackie and she was but naked and asked if i wanted dto fuck her . i said yeah then her sister showed up and i rolled on top of her

      last fragment was jerry peralta and me fighting about something. then olvia got brought up
      dream fragment
    2. Jocke155's DJ - Lucid, but really weird

      by , 07-23-2013 at 04:23 PM
      This night was not a successful one. I remember really bad EVEN if i'm lucid. :/
      and also, my best friend was there. I asked him if he knew that he was a part of my dream, but he didn't answer.
      I also had a few False awakening. I got the tough that i can't tell him that HE was dreaming, because i would wake up.
      He kind of knew what i was thinking, and he freaked out, his face got like a nightmare and everything got grey. He disappeared and i woke up.
    3. 23rd July 2013 Unstable nap

      by , 07-23-2013 at 01:45 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap, pretty unstable.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I am talking to someone about life and dragons, then i feel that i am dreaming, but dream fades out quickly. I wake up.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      Discussing some game with someone and it's features, then feel the dream again and it fades out. I wake up.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I am sitting with someone near table and there are various sweets on it, i discuss that with that someone then i feel that i am dreaming, and why not, decide to quickly grab and eat one of sweets from table as dream is already fading out, it tastes kinda unique, or at least, i can't recall anything tasting like that. I wake up.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      I am in my room on the bed, the blanket is weird so i realize that i am dreaming, i notice weird gamepad floating above doorway and a sconce on the bottom part of the wall, dream fades out quickly and i wake up.
    4. red watch

      by , 07-23-2013 at 09:27 AM
      fragment: I don't know much about this, other than it involved Mario kart and was surprisingly creepy.

      The dream, as many often do, started in my old high school. There was Darksiders 2 music playing in the background. Apparently, we were having some sort of reunion. During the course of the dream, I discovered that my best friend was being awfully distant and didn't seem to like me all that much. This discovery grew into a nagging doubt that gave me cause to reality check. Instead of attempting to punch the nearest DC, as per my usual dream sign (which would have gone dramatically wrong if I was actually in reality), I elected to check my watch, where I discovered that I was wearing two: my normal watch and some sort of red wristband with an LCD screen. This immediately made me lucid and, hoping to try out a new power, allowed me to attempt to phase through a wall (well, window. A window that looked uncannily like one from my grandma's house), which eventually resulted in success. I wasn't able to do much else though, as I immediately woke up.

      Or did I? I "woke up" in my room and discovered that the reason why Darksiders was playing, was because I had apparently been listening to it the night before and must have left it on. With perhaps a sliver of lucidity left, I was able to remember that I had in fact been listening to final fantasy music. Not only that, but my dream laptop actually booted up dramatically faster than my waking one. I immediately became lucid and just when I was about to decide what to do, I was woken up, for real this time, by one of Zeus' temper tantrums outside. Bloody storms.
    5. Fragment: vision(s)

      by , 07-23-2013 at 08:34 AM
      Something about vision(s).
      Tags: vision, visions
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 7/22/13 - baseball/ping pong theater

      by , 07-23-2013 at 05:49 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      I am walking right in the middle of a bunch of basketball courts right in the middle of peoples games, then I walk right through a base ball field and right through their game and disrupt their game, then I realize my mom is chasing me so I sprint and then hop a fence and run into a building, It's a theater playing a twilight movie, I watch it then leave the theater and my mom spots me and starts chasing me again so I run again, I go into the building next to the previous one, it looks like a theater again but smaller, I see people eagerly waiting for something to begin, I hear a bell and see people run to the bottom and grab copper metal squares with a square hole cut out, and they begin to play ping pong with it while the other people sigh because they didn't get to play ping pong that round.
    7. 22nd July 2013 Video game fragments

      by , 07-22-2013 at 11:39 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing video game, some variation of quake 4 or mod of it, i was exploring some dark complex building teaming up with other marines at some points and fighting with stroggs, at some point there was room with medic and tech and weapon upgrade, at that point AI became somewhat glitchy, also there was some BFG-style weapon.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was going through some level in another video game and then midway it turned into team fortress 2-like game, there was an ally AI controlled heavy that i had to defend through level which had really weak version of minigun, but on the other end i had a sniper rifle with high explosive ammo so all went fine. For enemies there were numerous scouts that were making bizarre faces(Almost GMod-level bizarre) and some snipers.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was helping some developer with video game, it was some kind of 3D shooter. We were going through level that looked like forest and were discussing ideas. Then we removed areas and objects, and added some different ones.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was in some video game with player class system, there was something going on on rooftops and some mod that added 'fireworks weapon', then i was talking with characters and there was something about dark place which everyone except me was scared about. I couldn't understand why they were scared so i went to that place. There were some abandoned corridors with set of invisible portals and potential of getting lost forever, i was almost stuck going back and forth through same two portals in one place by just moving forwards at one point. But in the end i navigated through somehow, found some entity, which looked like weird black and white colored semi-humanoid thing, and fought it. The fight was rather weird since i basically had to avoid the thing and it's world bending portal shenanigans for a while, then i ended winning and completing the level.
    8. Too Lazy to Elaborate (Again)

      by , 07-22-2013 at 06:32 PM
      I found an abandoned German Sheppard Puppy

      I played an annoying minecraft PVP game that I didn't understand very well
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The ONLY way to travel, Greenhouse shootout

      by , 07-22-2013 at 05:06 PM
      1. I was in a flying car, or something along the lines of it.

      2. This one is weird (another one of my nightmares). It was as if I had woke up from a dream, and I couldn't remember anything. Then my mom said "Your lucky to have survived in that!" I started asking questions and she said that I got shot by a crazy guy in a greenhouse.

      Note: In waking life my mom is in medical school, working to become a nurse. The only reason I say this is because in the dream she did all her medical checkout stuff on me.
    10. 22nd July 2013 A couple of miniLDs

      by , 07-22-2013 at 12:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was talking about some new games with somebody and then i was testing some pokemon game in debug mode, interesting thing about it was that there were conversations between player character and pokemons upon reaching certain levels that were not much related to game, and i thought that this addition was inspired by Fire Emblem: Awakening. I opened debug menu and could go through various conversations, browsing through the list i noticed that there were non-pokemon creatures in the game, also there were some dragons.
      Finished with the test, i am back at my room, i walk towards door and while opening i notice my hand being weird, i count fingers and
      realize that i am dreaming, i am about to start transformation but dream fades out before i do much and i wake up.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I am sitting in the bed, listening to something through headphones, suddenly sound gets distorted and i notice something is wrong with the cable, i break it somehow and sound gets even more distorted and similar to binaural beats i realize that i am dreaming but dream starts fading out already.
    11. A girl and my Parents - 22-07-2013

      by , 07-22-2013 at 12:32 PM
      I was with two friends of mine (R/A) at a place.
      I believe it's a place in the woods near an old football field at my home town when I was a kid. It doesn't exists anymore.
      The conversation is getting more and more scientific. My friend A is using a tree leaf laid on the ground to prove some point of view.
      I'm getting pissed because they're just ignoring me.
      The scenario changes and I'm with a girl friend of mine (AV) hanging in some stairs.
      Then a girl appears.
      She's brunette with big eyes and long hairs. her face is blurry. She's wearing shorts.
      We started flirting instantly. I'm getting fascinated by her.
      (I know that this dream is much bigger. From now on there's A LOT of fragments I can't remember.) I'm at her house. Se has one younger and one older brother. Her father is there too.
      They don't really like me.
      I'm cooking for them now.
      I know I spent a lot of time with her. We talked for ages.
      It's raining a lot.
      I live at the end of the street.
      My mom, dad and some person I don't remember are sleeping there. They spent a lot of time at the Hospital for some reason I don't know.
      I woke them and offered some bread and soup I made. They were really happy.

      Updated 07-22-2013 at 12:35 PM by 64282

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Dream Fragments - 18-07-2013

      by , 07-22-2013 at 12:32 PM
      Blurry Award Night
      I was at this really weird open air place at night. It so hard to describe.
      An old acquaintance of mine (M.P) arrived and out of nowhere he started giving awards (!).
      There was other people there. A friend of mine was there and started talking to me about being unemployed. He then told a joke and everyone laughed.

      Weeding Party
      I was at what looked like a wedding party at open air. Empty tables, lots of grass. It was really beautiful.
      My mom and an aunt (A.) were there. They were cooking something we call russian salad.
      I ask them why they're cooking since the party was already over! Apparently cooking the leftovers is the only way for the owners to count the remaining food for billing purposes (!).
      I ask to a bartender if there is any croissant left. I'm having the impression I know this guy.
      I believe it's a guy i knew (Yellow). He tells me to wait a second while he's going to check.
      There's one from the day before and I still have to pay for it. I tell him I don't want it. He offers me for a big discount and I still don't want it. I ask if is everything good with him. We talk for a minute and I left.
      I walk to a place with some bars and coffees. I entered and left some of them.
      I was not alone. It's getting blurry.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 13-07-22 General Weirdness

      by , 07-22-2013 at 08:35 AM
      I saw a tall skyscraper in a dark city. Someone was told in a stern tone to leave immediately, and I knew this was "how the war started". I thought about "they" stood no chance against "them" as "they were too well hidden". Accompanying that thought, I saw flashes of some kind of bunker tucked away between some other military-looking structures out in the sticks (red rocky environment, reminiscent of Nevada).

      I was running on the asphalt road next to my old home, towards the Renault garages that used to be there. The layout was a little different, it looked a little like a park I was running through as I approached our garage from the west (in reality there is nothing to the west, just buildings). Either way, I was running very fast. So fast, I couldn't possibly corner and turn south. I had to make an extraordinary effort to slow down first. Then I continued running south. An old man (on a bike?) passed me, heading norh. He mumbled something. "What did I do this time?" I asked out loud. "I said: good day!". I felt a little bad I thought he insulted me, when all he wanted was to say hi.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 2013, July 21, (Sunday): Where was I? Where are you? Where have you been?

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:54 PM
      Please take this with a bit slower thought than you normally might, This was a very strange dream to me.

      Note: Before I had it, I let my dog go outside sometime between 4 AM and 5 AM and I fell asleep on the swing (With a coat and long pants on, Mostly so I wouldn't get bitten by mosquitoes and it also helped me not catch a cold) and I woke at about 5:40 and went back to bed. Then after the first dream I wrote here, I woke at about 7:14 AM.


      I just have to say, Wow; Where was I?

      Near the start of the dream I met some relatives I didn't realize were related to me; There was a man and I think his wife and child who may have been an infant. This is sounding pretty similar to some people who go to a church I attend! After that I met another me in my own room and he didn't look quite like me, I think he wore a coat that looked like the one I wore outside earlier while awake.

      Some time after that, Things started getting weirder, I think I went into a deeper dream level so to speak because I normally don't have dreams like this. I may have talked about switching places with this other me for some reason.

      Next, I recall going outside and the house was not quite the same as it is in waking life; There were more parts to the building on the back end of it and then I recall explaining to someone that the sun and moon didn't work in the same way where I was from. I also said to someone that I was from another dimension and I saw some people in the side yard including a neighbor I know who attends the same church as I do and also plays a musical instrument as I do, But he wasn't my neighbor and he didn't recognize me.

      Later, There was some structure in that side yard and a man was in a small shack-y room with the door cracked open. There was another door behind a man who I was talking to and after I looked away from him and looked back, He had no head but was standing there with a breathing apparatus! And after looking into the red sky (And there were no trees nearby as there are in waking life) I saw some weird things in it like red licorice candy clouds, If I could describe them as such but I don't think they were edible. I had enough at that point and said the Lord's prayer,

      "Our father who art in heaven,
      Hallowed be thy name.
      Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
      on earth as it is in heaven.
      Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
      as we forgive those who trespass against us.
      And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil
      For thine is the kingdom, And the power, And the glory forever.

      (Note: I did not say the prayer exactly like this. But, I said it with the same meaning. BTW, There's a saying which is "There are no atheists in a foxhole" And I can't say I was as faithful as I may have believed in the Bible in weeks prior to this dream.)

      Then, I thought I woke up and I was in the back end of my Dad's caravan with the back end open which was facing the house which is a bit odd given the driveway. I thought I was awake and I went back inside the house with my dog, Talked with my Father (My parent) and some time after that, I woke for real.

      At times in that dream I was wondering if I would ever wake up because it was so weird and unlike the waking world.

      Later, I went downstairs and slept on the couch until about 9:15 AM. Some of the next dream was as this:

      2: I think there was some selection of this next part, As if it was a movie with some people deciding what to do for/with this guy described below or a video game level selection screen. A man drove a big truck in a snowy mountain pass, Parked his truck away from the bridge which was small if I rememebr right, Went up to the bridge that was closed, His truck fell off the mountain and he jumped off the cliff where it fell and found wings in the air quite far away from the mountain and flew around in places including my living room.

      If you have not seen something like the first dream I described here, Can you relate? I didn't feel like I was at home, I'm not about to call it a lucid dream as I didn't "Have the powers of dreamland at my control", So to speak, But it felt like I was painfully aware I was not so close to home.

      Note: How did "Nightmare" and "Task of the Month" get selected? I don't recall clicking those, I clicked "Non-Lucid" And "Side Notes" And then those weren't selected. I took so long to write this that my login session had expired and I had to log in again, So that might have something to do with it. But, The first dream was unpleasant and I imagine it is a task of the month to not have another dream like this, This month. So I left those tags there and re-added the other ones.
    15. You're only hurting yourself

      by , 07-21-2013 at 06:07 PM
      Date: 20th July

      Pre bed: 200mg valerian, 100mg B6

      Dream quality and recall: Dreams were quite vivid today. Generally, I wasn't feeling very comfortable in bed and had lots of these drink then pee moments. Took short key notes with regards to non-lds. Daringly reviewed the ld in my head then went back for more but fell into normal sleep and woke up shortly after.


      Dr1: In a place I used to live, a crow flies in. I use a pc/tablet to chat with other people about it.

      Dr2: I am in an SUV and have to deal with some bad guys outside. After I do, extra stars are added to my profile. Martin Freeman (the Hobbit) is sitting to my right and thinks I don't deserve all the stars.

      Dr3: Back to school. As I enter the classroom everybody is preparing for a 7 page History + Grammar test. I am very pissed off at my friend for not telling me about the test. She replies that I still have time to prepare by learning all the answers in the break just before the test. I cannot possibly do that.

      DILD: As I made the mistake of not taking notes and then going back to bed after the ld, the beginning of this dream is gone from memory. All I remember is that there was something going on in the building and I am talking to someone I know, possibly another classmate by the feel of it. After the conversation in this very large building with open spaces, like a mall, I suddenly become lucid for no apparent reason. I can't contain my excitement, so start running around like crazy. It feels really good until I sense slight destabilization staring to take hold. That sobers me up and I think it is time to do tasks. My mind feels a bit foggy but I nevertheless recall one that I can execute here - punch a President.

      There are lots of DCs passing by and my first idea is to get Mr. Sarkozy to emerge from the crowd, so I quickly scan the DCs in front of me and expect him to appear. He doesn't, so I grab a random male DC and decide that I will turn him into Sarkozy. As soon as I concentrate on his face, his features begin to shift right in front of my eyes, which is extremely cool! His nose changes shape several times, until it is a close match to Sarkozy's nose. I also succeed with the ears. The DC reminds me of Sarkozy, but the eyes are not quite the same. I would say he is a 70 percent match. I punch him in the face and the moment I do, his features change again. Slightly annoyed that I cannot properly punch and maintain the view of the right person I punch him again and again, while trying to change his features back to those of Sarkozy. As I don't project too much feeling, this DC simply stays there, staring at me, some distress in his eyes. Interestingly, after punching him, I begin to feel strong pain in the area of my nose, as if I am the one that got punched. Not fully satisfied, I want to turn him into another politician, but before I can transform him the dream slips away.
      I quickly pass through the void and into my sleeping body. Bad moment to go back as I was feeling uncomfortable in the position in which I was sleepy.

      Updated 07-21-2013 at 06:20 PM by 61764

      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , task of the month