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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Fragments of Sobrigade

      by , 08-17-2010 at 07:45 PM

      I dreamt that I went on a vacation with my family and my friends family to some Caribbean resort-type destination. I remember tidbits while being there like hearing audio clips of Boondocks coming from the bar in the pool and just walking around with friends. I also remember that we went in this giant rubber boat-plane thing and we flew down and across several waterfalls. They were beautiful and the experience was exhilarating.

      I also remember that when we were in our rooms, I had my macbook with me and I wanted to watch an episode of the Boondocks. (really had this show on my mind, clearly) My friend started an episode from Season 2 and I got pissed cause I wanted to watch one from Season 3. I remember how the episode was about this gay guy being pissed off that the grandpa was making fun of him for being gay, and that he was a gangster willing to kill him.

      In a completely different dream i remember chilling with a whole bunch of people that I went to highschool with in some room with a staircase. All the girls were drinking like crazy and felt sick, as they kept repeating "sloow down, slow down".

      I also remember being in a Wal-Mart type location with people from highschool again but there are no employee's. For some reason a teacher is there, not one that actually exists though, and I remember contemplating whether I should make a move on her or not. I showed her that the sports section is the best area to crash because it has the most comfortable places to sleep. I think that I bumped into another guy from school that wasn't originally there, who was drunk off his ass, and I was trying to show off by doing some crazy shit figureskating stuff....except I kept totally failing.
      Tags: me this, riddle
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Fighting for my life

      by , 08-17-2010 at 06:06 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      It seems that the fish oil is working well. I am able to recall at least a fragment of a dream almost every night.

      I am at a school of some type. Somehow, I've gotten into disfavor with the leadership of the school as well as some of the tough guys at the school. I am constantly threatened physically, but I buck up, and face it. I get into several fights, all of which are a blur, but I seem to do well. I have a hard time moving my arms to make a fist and punch, but my rhetoric seems to work just as well. I'm tagged as the bad boy, and put under house arrest. If I don't mend my ways, I'll end up in jail. Sorry, I don't take to bullies, so I continue. I push people to the edge, and attack my enemies with my fists.

      The source of this dream is obvious to me. Yesterday I wrote a very passionate letter talking about the terrible state our country is in. I was extremely agitated as I wrote, pissed off by OBama, Pelosi, and Reed. The devil's triad. This dream is a representation of me fighting back against a government that is slowly but surely taking over every aspect of our lives, and ruining our country. This is my opinion, please don't rebut it. It has nothing to do with anything but to form the basis of my dream. If you disagree, so be it, but this is not the forum to argue.

      Fell asleep: 1:00 am
      2400 mg of Omega 3-6 Fish Oil

    3. My firt recalled dream in like 3 days.

      by , 08-17-2010 at 05:12 PM
      Non-Lucid, But I might have been Semi-Lucid because it was about something that was going on in my life.

      I was taking my friend's broken xbox 360 back to him, and he had one of my games for mine. I got to his house and as I was holding his xbox, we traded for the game and xbox. I got into my car to go home, and my dream started to fade.
      dream fragment
    4. semi-lucid

      by , 08-17-2010 at 04:16 PM
      I just remembered now after being awake for a couple of hours... The actual dream is very fragmented and i can't remember specifics. however there is one small piece of the dream that i remember.

      I'm standing on a road with my mom(?). I walk off the road into a small clearing of grass, it is some kind of small park. Now i don't know if I was imagining this but i started thinking about dreaming. and then i thought what if i'm dreaming now? I tried doing a RC by counting my fingers. Now this part gets really blurry and now that i'm awake i can't prove to myself that i ever actually did the RC successfully and ever became lucid. But the fact that i was questioning whether i was dreaming seems like progress... would you consider this a semi-lucid dream?
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. These entries from day before yesterday.

      by , 08-17-2010 at 04:09 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Too tired to write down my dreams last night. These two were from the night before.

      I'm working at brew and grow and it's crowded. Alex and mike are working in back and I'm alone up front. I'm helping one customer and then a small group walks in and stars asking questions. The lead guy is wearing some sort of rain coat. I start trying to help him and I realize that the computer isn't working properly and that our sales system seems really screwed up. As I'm talking another woman walks in and i glance over and ask if I can help her. She points behind me and tells me to tell president bush we have a roof leak. I smirk and tell her I can tell Obama. I then notice bow bad it's leaking and sprint to the back to ask Alex to help these customers because I'm so frustrated with the system that I'm about to cry. He does and I grab a ton of buckets and run back up front and start layin them out to catch the leak. One bucket has a ton of sand in it. The leak is pretty bad and then I notice mike crouching in front if the hop freezer with a basket of hops in his hands. He's putting them back in the freezer. I'm immediately frustrated because he ditched the counter duties to stock and I ask him if he's stocking. He says yeah and that a customer just left these there. I peak in the basket and it too is full of sand. I remember thinking that hops don't need to be constantly cold and he shoulda helped me anyways. I wake up.
      Giant bathrooms in a mansion
      I keep going to the biggest stall in the corner with my laptop and watching adult videos. Brazzerz. Kitty corner in another stall someone left their laptop in there. I go in Again and this time choose a tiny stall closer to the entrance. Once inside a video starts playing of pro bowl Tommy Harris in a locker room with some half naked chick doing a wwf style interview. Camera cuts ahead to a college football game where his team wins a super high scoring game and all the players leave the field and throw their cleats into the air and they land on their bus. The q.b threw for 187 yards 5 TDs and 3 int.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Night of August 16th. Lunch on the highway.

      by , 08-17-2010 at 04:09 PM
      We all, (people from New Paltz) went on a school trip to the beach. I remember asking Lakendra to come with me to the bathhouse to get my stuff, because it was getting dark and I was scared.

      Me and my mom go to eat lunch on top of this very high pole, that was sort of birds eye view of some high way in New Jersey. I was so scared for my life, but after a while I got used to it.

      I was bragging to my little cousin about all the famous people that went to my school, like Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber.
      Tags: beach, dark, highway
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. weird dream

      by , 08-17-2010 at 03:08 PM
      first thing i remember i was walking down the aisle of some church with a few of my friends going to sit down for mass. We sand a few songs when all the sudden shit started getting weird at the church. All the lights went dim and voices started bellowing from the walls. Natually, my friends and i left. When we got outside the church we were walking up this large dirt mountain for a reason i dont no. When we got to the top we looked at the beautiful view of the entiree world. When we had enough we played a game of tag and slid down the mountain on our behinds. when we got to the bottome two men were having an argument looking like they were about to fight, i was egging them on but one of the guys kept chickening out. I said fuck it lets go then i remeber waking up in my room.
      Tags: dumb, short, weird
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Vauge impression of Raven Knight

      by , 08-17-2010 at 01:56 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I wake up and lay in bed.


      The word appears in my mind and won't go away, Unusual. My thoughts usually fade to nothing in a few seconds. Does this mean I had a shard dream? Hmm, I don't remember anything... I say "Raven Knight" in my head. to my surprise, I get a vague impression of Raven standing in front of me, slightly to the side. I can sense something in her hand, a paper of some kind, I didn't look at it, but I knew it was there. I noticed other entities, but at this point my thoughts where starting corrupt the memory, they may or may not have been there.
      dream fragment
    9. astronauts and scuba diving in caves - amazingly vivid

      by , 08-17-2010 at 01:13 PM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      The earliest I can remember is trying to fit in and out of a "space station" thats on earth in astronaut gear and talking about how I'm gonna have a real problem with claustrophobia. Later I'm cave scuba diving with A, D and C. We have cool masks that enable us to talk and we're squeezing through these tight crevices with our oxygen tanks scraping and eventually we swim into a cavern where we can surface but it only has the one underwater entrance. The dream is amazingly vivid and despite my fear I'm really enjoying it. We swim back, the caves are lit with underwater lighting and the contrast and colors are awesome. We surface on a wooden jetty that is built for scuba divers. As we're leaving Ross and Nick are going in the opposite direction coming from a scuba class in a pool. They seem impressed that I was in the caves. Later I'm back in the caves with them (could have been a later dream cycle)

      I wake up at 7am take the kids to school and go to have a nap at 8am since I'm really sick and off work today. I try to wild and get really close but I wake up every time my body does weird stuff (noises etc.) Eventually I fall asleep and dream about playing soccer at the italian club, apparently Sias from 5fm is gonna show up. One of the guys headers a ball and it looks unnatural so I realize I'm dreaming, I do a nose pinch and my consciousness shifts to my real body (I'm not counting this as it was too short)
    10. A guy with a gun.

      by , 08-17-2010 at 08:10 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      A guy with a gun. (Non-lucid)


      Well, my new business stuff is still in my subconscious. It was hard to impossible to take it away from my mind last night, but I am happy, its bringing a lot of good stuff for waking. Two dreams:


      - Two men.
      - A guy with a gun.
      - He tried to kill me, he shot a few times and missed all the times.
      - I tried to catch him. I grabbed an iron bat and approached at him. He spotted me and started to shot me, he failed all his shots, or he probably hit me but I did not feel a thing.
      - He ran to other part of the place where we were, my wife came out of nowhere and threatened him with her gun. He pointed my wife with his gun and asked me to throw my gun. I was afraid he would kill her.

      Missed dream Signs:
      - I had a gun.
      - I was shot and felt nothing.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Talk with this guy and ask him what is going on.
      dream fragment
    11. Police

      by , 08-17-2010 at 03:44 AM (The Midnight Train)
      A police crossed out something with a red marker.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Aug 15-16

      by , 08-17-2010 at 03:17 AM (cluelesspug's Dream Journal)
      All I remember is something about people fighting in an arena. That's it.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Fragment only

      by , 08-16-2010 at 09:25 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Having trouble sleeping, which may account for my sporadic dream recall.

      Two dream fragments. One from last night, and the other from the night before.

      1. I am at work or something. Something has happened. My boss tells me I'm getting a pay cut, along with others. We have to make ends meet....

      2. I have no idea where I am, there are loud noises and people running and shouting. Everyone is drenched with water, and you can see through their clothes to their underwear. I can't tell if everyone is happy or upset...

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. First Post

      by , 08-16-2010 at 08:11 PM
      Yesterday I decided to learn how to lucid dream, so here's my first attempt at simply remembering my dreams. I'm actually surprised about how much I remembered, but I suppose it was because i was writing on a notepad through the night. I'm obviously no where near lucid dreaming, but here we go.

      Falling asleep was really weird for me last night. I'd get very vivid images in my head before I was entirely asleep and I'd write some of them down, but others I'd just keep falling deeper into sleep, then a couple times I got those jerks that feel like you're falling. I know that has a name, but I can't think of what it is.

      Here's a few dreams and fragments:
      A drawn face that looked like the mad tv kid, on the front of an oregon trail style wagon.
      Walking down a sidewalk on a very bright day, grass on both sides, that seemed to stretch forward forever.
      I was on a boat, for some reason I think it was the titanic, with two people from when I was younger. One boy I was friends with when I was 15, and a girl that I went to kindergarten with and see on the bus, but never talk to. It was dark, except for a strong yellow light, almost like a light on a set.
      My sixteen year old sister announced that she is legally able to drink alcohol. We had a lot of beer in the my parent's kitchen, and they were asleep. I thought, "ew, lager." she was chugging and i grabbed a bright yellow beer with the word lemon on it. I spilled it by the kitchen door, which was open.
      I saw cartoon mice very briefly, reminiscent of old school disney.

      This was the doozy for the night-
      I dreamed I was visiting my aunt in Tacoma (who actually lives in Puyallup). My two sisters kept shifting- one minute I was with my 10 year old sister, next she was my 16 year old sister. We were trying to find something to do to pass time. We decided to go to a place called Tacoma Land, which was apparently a bunch of roller coasters over a swamp. Shift to my best friend's apt. It doesn't look anything like her actual place- it is carpeted and decorated with lots of mirrors, and is very clean. We're throwing a party, but I don't see anyone except my two best friends. The skunk that is always outside her place was wandering through the halls- it looked more like a black persian cat than a skunk but it was spraying like crazy. I'm at the table with my mom and a boy I went to high school with who made fun of me. My mom is drunk and he is being nice to me. Everyone except for him and myself went to another party downstairs. He says he thinks I'm cool, but that my mom is a profanity that i don't remember. i think he said bitch, maybe? I went behind a bunk bed to a random toilet to go to the bathroom. There's pee on the floor, and a girl tries to walk over, I tell her to leave, I'm using the bathroom. She was wearing navy blue clothes of a canvas-y material and either has short hair or it is in a ponytail. She is completely silent, and I think that she is a mime. I dodge the skunk and go to my own apartment upstairs. It's furnished similar to a hotel and I think that it was nice of the apartment manager to furnish it for me. I walk to my bedroom and there is a sliding door with a patio. I see tibetan prayer flags and walk outside. The grass is dead, and my yard has a perimeter of flags. These are triangular, not prayer flags, but they are the same color. There are a lot of neighbors outside the perimeter and they look, for lack of a better word, like hicks. I stand near them and stare but don't say anything and they don't say anything back. I try to pet one of their many dogs, but it walks away. I try to walk inside, but suddenly the neighbors are angry and chase me inside, the leader looked like annette benning. They trash my place, and open my mini fridge, which has lots of food, but the only thing i recognize is hummus. She is yelling at me for not introducing myself, she wraps her hand around my neck and puts me into a trance- i remember seeing a piece of paper explaining exactly what was happening to me, but I don't remember what it said except there was a pencil drawing of someone being choked. She jammed her leg between my legs and i fell to the ground and woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. August 16th, 2010

      by , 08-16-2010 at 05:56 PM
      At first the night seemed to be a bust. I woke up around 4AM and didn't recall much. Little did I know the night would turn out to be awesome! I went to sleep thinking of the imagery of trees and forests, still trying to incubate the dream for our classes' first task. As far as incubating dreams go, I'm not doing so well. but as far as turning lucid goes..

      After I woke up at 4AM I decided to try to WILD. I was at the same point I normally get to, my heart was beating loudly, my eyes were flickering fast-- and then bam, interrupted again.

      I decided to just go to sleep. I ended up having a dream where Alyssa, her dad and I were watching TV and there was nothing on. This was clearly daily residue from my activities of the day. I was so concentrated on trying to find the CNN channel, but her dad informed me that it was a hard channel to find, and only showed up sometimes. I also remember seeing a selection of 6 PSP ads, selecting one, and the group of us laughing because the ad was exactly 1 second in length.

      I woke up. 6 AM or so. The next dream I would have would be key to obtaining my lucidity, however I didn't recall it until after the second dream. However, for the simplicity of following the dreams..

      I was in my room at my Dad's smoking a Joint with my friend Mo. I don't know why, but I remember I had a keyboard with a keyboard on it. That is, a musical keyboard with a QWERTY keyboard on it. I ended up throwing it under my bed and my bed frame hit some keys. It was then that I realized the keyboard was playing music from my collection. It was entirely bizarre. I remember hitting specific keys, it would play a random song from a specific band assigned to that key. It was then that the doorbell rang. As usual, I ignored it because I wasn't expecting anyone. It persisted. I went out into the hall only to see my old friend Josh breaking into my house and bringing 6-7 people in with him. One of the people had started walking up the stairs with a bong and I remember freaking out saying he couldn't smoke pot upstairs (though I failed to realize I just was) and he had to go downstairs if he wanted to do that. They eventually all gathered around the kitchen table and I threatened to call the police. I dialed #11 by mistake and they all laughed. Upon dialing 911, there was no response, only several beeps that confused me. This clued me in to the strangeness of the scenario.

      It was then I had a false awakening.

      I looked at my hands. What the hell was wrong with them?! I'm dreaming. Things were kind of fuzzy. I decided I should try and stabilize the dream. I looked around trying to take in details. I picked up an ornament to the left of me and felt it. The hard stone was so realistic. I started shouting out that I wanted to see my dream guide, but nothing happened. Alyssa ended up walking downstairs. At first, I was having trouble moving. I still need to work on controlling my dream body better, I have issues with turning my head. After that was fixed, I looked at Alyssa and she told me "You complete me!". I didn't reply. I said lets go for a walk. "why not," she said "seems like a good thing to do while dreaming". As we were walking towards the door outside I said "I'm not going to put on shoes, I don't need them, I can summon fireballs!". "That's a good reason to not wear shoes.". When we got outside, it really clicked. I could summon fireballs. And I did such. I shot off 2 or 3 small fireballs from each hand one after another. It was this action that made me think if I could shoot a fireball, why not bring it a step further and try and shoot a hadouken? I shouted "When I go around this corner, I want to see Dhalsim!". I was intent on playing street fighter for real in my dream. Sadly, I had a FA. when I opened my eyes, I saw an intense image of bright light; it was Jesus playing guitar, but he was shining like a reflection and looked like church stained glass! It was almost cliche, but the guitar sounded amazing. I realized I was laying down and I needed to try and stabilize the dream again. I picked up the rock once more and rubbed it on my cheek, and then I licked it. It tasted just like a rock would. Plain and earthy. I wanted to experiment more with taste, so of course, I said "when I look under the bed, I'll find a plate of nachoes!" no sooner than when I grabbed the plate, Alyssa jumped on the bed in real life, causing me to wake up for real. I scrambled to write everything down in my DJ.

      After the Lucid I fell asleep again, recalling the first dream I already had. I had a FA and told Alyssa I remembered how my lucid started, and she informed me she already knew. This confused me since I had just woken up and there was no way she would know. I looked out the window and the world looked strange.. by the time I realized I was dreaming, I was already opening my eyes. I kicked myself for not becoming lucid again, but was still happy with the previous experience.

      Looking forward to more Lucids in the future!

      Updated 10-14-2010 at 05:38 AM by 34689

      lucid , false awakening , dream fragment