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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Wine tasting at a Chinese restaurant.

      by , 07-02-2010 at 08:18 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Wine tasting at a Chinesse restaurant. (DILD)


      Third dream of the night, I might had a split second of lucidity here, but I do not want to claim it as lucid, as it was very short.

      My wife bosses wanted to go on a date night so she had to work. I did not feel like wasting another night at their place, so I decided to go somewhere on my own.
      I went to a chinesse restaurant.

      I entered the restaurant. The decor was like the typical chinesse restaurant. Red and golden furniture, chinesse letters, dragons, etc. All the employees were not chinesse though.
      I was next to the host stand. I felt it was a little pathetic to go on my own on a Friday night, but I knew the reason of it. In front of me there were a couple. They were seated and the host left with them. I was planning to ask for a table for one. While the host was gone, I saw a computer were they ring their transactions and charge their credit cards. There was a waiter with a credit card in his hand and he triggered a program called, "Easy Debit Card" It was very unique and simple.
      I know how to program, so I made with Visual Basic the shell of the software I dreamed with, it looked exactly like this:

      The waiter handed me a debit card and explained to me the reason of their $45 charge, however, I said that it was not my credit card.
      I noticed they offered a free wine tasting, so I wanted to enjoy one. So I decided to sit in front of a bar. It was like a table, but larger.
      The waiter (we got along very well) explained to me how would the tasting work. While I was sitting there, another waiter said, "Champagne per le Sire?" I replied, "No thanks." He had a Don Perignon bottle so I knew it was going to be extremely expensive if I accepted.

      The waiter placed in front a bottle of wine and a glass. He invited me to read the label and the tasting of the wine before. I replied I was actually planning to do so. I can't recall what the label said. I was worried because they were very nice with me and I had no cash for tips. Only I debit card. I planned to ask the waiter if he could charge my credit card for $10 with the Easy Debit software and make them their tip. For an odd reason, I also drank water and blended water with the wine. I felt terrible because such think was very noobish. I would not do such a thing during a wine tasting. For a while they did not bring me more wine to taste, so I knew it was due my noobish behavior.

      Some of the waiters sat in a table next to mine and started to eat. All the food I saw was made entirely from raw veggies. Some where chopper and some where salads, but no protein at all and no chinesse stuff.

      My real dad
      (who is a jerk, I wish I was really lucid when I saw him mhuahahah) appeared. I was not happy about it. I wanted to try luck and request from cash for him. I want to try to be his friend hopping he would open his hand a little bit. I warned him I was in a dream. If I vanished or fainted, it just meant I woke up in real life. This is the split second of lucidity. I got reabsorved by the dream. Unsual for me, so I blame the dry spell My dad said,"So, something to share?" He was smiling stupidly. I knew he wanted me to say that I was all alone. I replied, "My wife is working tonight, that the reason I am alone." The woman merried to my dad was also with us. He pointed to a pendant I wear and asked, "What is that thing anyway?" I replied, "It's a pendant from my wife's mom who passed away, so some respect." He laughed at me. His wife got mad with him and told him, "I have something similar as well, you know?" I poked my dad, laughing at him and said, "You screwed!"

      After this I had a false awakening. I told my wife about what happened but I got interrupted by a text message on my wife's phone. Ana read out loud the text and said, "It's from Marta. She sais - Mr Euro-dollar is the one who does not want kids, not me."
      Marta is my real-jerk-dad's wife.
      My wife told me that I was going to meet with them today and they would explain to me. I told my wife that I was not sure, that I only dreamed with them. She said, "Well, they were dreaming too!" I was excited and though, "I have to share at DV. What a massive triple Dream Sharing." I woke up.

    2. I might crash, but I do not care, it is a dream

      by , 07-02-2010 at 08:09 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I might crash, but I do not care, it is a dream (DEILD)


      I woke up in the middle of the night but I remembered to not move. I fell asleep in a few seconds and I appeared in my car. I had to drive somewhere but the vision was terrible. The quality of the dream was very low (one of my lowests lucids) with some sound but very blurry vision. Even my level of lucidity was not awesome as usual. I started to drive and I could not even see the road well. I was worried about crashing my car and getting my car insurance to a very high price. I did not want to spend more money on car insurance. I again realized it was a dream and I remember that if I crashed, I would teleport to the beginning of the dream. This demonstrates the low quality of the dream, instead of going somewhere else and doing stuff I liked like on my regular lucids, I followed the plot of the dream with very little control. I hitted a road bump that I did not see and started to worry more, but I kept driving. After a few seconds, I felt like if I was going to crash, so I jumped out of the car.

      A second later, I was somewhere else and I saw a photo of my car totalled. It was something like this:

      I said to a friend that I was going to time travel to the begining of the dream, I did not wanted to have that accident in my driving record. I closed my eyes and started to concentrate. It was the usual way I time travelled (rewinded) a dream. I jumped and appeared in the car once more. This time, instead of turning right, I decided to turn left. I could see the road more clearly, it was getting dark. I saw the road were I crashed "in the future of the dream" it was clearer that the first time, however, I kept driving to the other direction until I woke up.
    3. I will satisfy you!

      by , 07-02-2010 at 08:07 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I will satisfy you! (DILD)


      I did not recall entirely this dream. It was a little poor and not really intense. There was a Chinese female who was nude tried to have sex with another guy. I've been observing for a while and he was "not working" properly.

      I suggested her she could have sex with me, I would satisfy her. We start to have sex.
      I realized that she was not my wife, and I was having sex with her. I knew I was dreaming as I would not even think in doing such thing in real life.

      While having sex, I checked my hands. They were blurry but they seemed OK. I checked again, same stuff. I had a little more sex and I though, "This is a dream, my hands can't be OK." I checked them again and one finger was missing. That confirmed and reinforced my lucidity.

      I finished having sex with her and I planned to do something else, but I woke up
      or maybe lost lucidity, however, I'm pretty sure I woke up as I do not recall anything else.
    4. Mushrooms growing indoors and lava hands

      by , 07-02-2010 at 08:06 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Mushrooms growing indoors and lava hands (MILD)


      I was in an appartment with some friends. I think we were talking about dreams. It was a big apartment with wooden floor. I became lucid without performing any RC. The image was pretty clear and I knew I was lucid, so I done none.

      I remembered the Task of the Month. I was happy because the basic task was something I suggested. I was still indoors and I saw no mushrooms. I took a small seed. It was round. My wife told me that the seed was not going to work in the wooden floor. I knew it would so I threw it and after a few seconds, some mushrooms spawned. They were small white mushrooms.

      I saw only a few of them. I remember that someone completed the task with about 20 of them, so I wanted more. I waited a while until the floor was full of mushrooms. I walked over them and when I was at the end of the path, I was happy and I remembered I had to use pyrokinesis. I'm not a fan of pyro so I just did the dask to earn my goal. I rose my hand and channeled my energy to them. At first, and odd orange-red liquid came out of my hands and fell on the ground. I heard my friends panicking. A second later, the ground was burning and I saw my hands surrounded by lava and fire. Task is done. I used no other weapon but my mind, so it was pyrokinesis.

      I was happy as my "duties" were completed, so I decided to explore the world. There was a big window so I just jumped out. The window was closed, but I was able to walk through it, glide to the ground and land gently. I'm very used to fly so it did not take a second of concentration.

      I was walking in downtown. People was scared for a reason and I heard a voice that talked about a giant wave. I saw one of the buildings that had a wave behind. It was odd because there was like a field force behind the building that retained the wave until the wave vanished.

      I remembered that I could also do one tasks of the year. I knew that I have not been dreaming for a long time and I was probably on my last rem. I recalled that before in the dream, I woke up at around 05:30 AM to write a dream I had in my journal. I knew I was far from waking. It's required one task of the year per dream, but nothing says I can't do the ToTM and one ToTY. I wanted to look for gladiators, but I felt that it could be fun to withness the meteor destroy the dinosours. I knew I needed a time machine for it.

      I was walking (and I also flew short distances to gain speed) looking for odd stores and odd places that would carry time machines. Nothing.

      I saw a public phone. I felt that it might work as a time machine. I grabbed the phone and I though, "If I type the year I might travel there." I could not find a "-" sign to go back. I though that if I went ahead it would be fun too. I typed a five digit number starting with a 1. A voice over the phone said, "Cannot complete this manofacturer. It will take over a month."

      Made no sense and I was cursing the phone. I falled into a semi-lucidity. I was still lucid, but I was not thinking properly. I knew I was dreaming and asleep, but I was worried that I would be asleep for a month if I made the phone (time machine) work and traveled.

      I walked away from the phone and woke up.
    5. Alone in the Mountain

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:53 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Alone in the Mountain (MILD)


      I was with some friends, I think at college (I'm not in college) They were all made up friends. I've been in this place before. I can't recall well this place. I knew I dreamed more before here but can't recall. I was talking with my friends and walking around.
      We were going to have a party somewhere in the country. We appeared in the country, on a mountain. The sky was cloudy and it was afternoon. We had fun, we did not that much but I felt happy. It was night and a big group of friends announced they were about to leave and disappeared. Despite all the rarities of my dreams here and before at the college and I did not become lucid yet. I performed no reality checks.
      I was alone with one friend. My friend announced he had to leave and he said, "I will summon a car"
      I instantly became lucid and the vividness of the dream increased dramatically. I could see the starts filling the sky, I could hear the noises from the insects and even feel the wind in my face. My friend was next to the road and suddenly, a white car appeared. The light beams of the car were on. It was a white rusty car. It was one of this old school large (very large) cars. My friend jumped inside, smiling and said, "Bye!!!" The car started moving and I said, "Oh yeah?" I started to smile and I walk towards the road blocking the way. When the car approaches me I said out loud, "STOP!!" My hand was open and facing the car. The car avoids me and keeps going until it disappears. I concentrated in summoning another car for but I fail as well. I think, "So, that's what is going on, huh? This is my freaking dream, so screw the car, I just fly home." I jump once, then I jump a second time (higher) then I jump a third time even higher doing a somersault and start flying. Usually this technique works very well for me. I perform three jumps ending in a somersault and I start flying. I was not flying very high, let's say around 30 feet high. I was following the path of the road. I saw several people running and biking. This reinforced my lucidity (it was late night in the middle of nowhere... how come there was people biking and running) I remember my task of the month. "Give a flower to someone." So I planned in landing, summoning a flower in my hand and blocking the way to stop a runner or a bike. I started to decrease height to land, when everything become blurry and starts to fade. I tried to spin to recover my dream, but the image of my room became vivid and more vivid until I came back to waking. I performed a reality check to make sure I was in waking life. Everything was normal so I looked at my watch. 08:10 am. I had to wake up at 08:15 am. I usually wake up before my clock does wake me up, so my inner alarm noticed me it was time to wake up. Darn... so close!!!
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Handling flowers to entities and jumping over the pit after mocking people

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:52 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Handling flowers to entities and jumping over the pit after mocking people (MILD)


      I had a false awakening. I always do RC when I wake up does not matter where, when or how. I was in my bed and my hands looked blurry. The entire room looked blurry and I realized it was a dream I walked away from bed and started to explore. I was looking for something to read so I would reinforce my lucidity. At the same time, I would hold tighter to the dream without exhausting my lucidity. I went to the main door of my house and there was a poster on my door. I knew that I have no such thing as poster in my waking home so I tried to read it. I saw everything blurry so I got closer to try to read it. As I approached the door I was able to walk through it. The door opened itself so I exited my home. The exit was the same, the same stairs and everything was normal. It was night. While I was walking I remembered I had to give a flower to some one. A weird entity appears in front of me. It was as big as a regular cat, but it was pink. It had two wings and a female voice. The entity was female. I pulled a stick from nowhere and tried to turn it into a flower. I placed my hand on the stick and the entity appeared to be happy. She knew what I was doing. A few purple sprouts appeared on the stick. I wanted to do my job well done so I kept concentrating. These sprouts became bigger and bigger until they became something like lilies. However, in the dream I felt it was a type of flower that you can find in a cactus. The stick was not longer a stick but a bouquet full of purple flowers. I handed it to the pink entity and she got very happy.

      I walked away. I was walking on the street and it was day. I wanted to perform another reality check to keep up with my lucidity. I looked at my left hand, my thumb was missing, I looked at my right hand, two fingers were missing. I also felt my phone vibrate in my shirt pocket, but my phone was in my pants pocket. I found it weird so pulled my phone And actually it was weird because my phone was in my desk and I have nothing in bed that vibrates. Nothing from walking life was near me except of my bed, covers, pillow and wife. I pulled my phone and I felt like staring at it to set what was going on. It was a phone I do not own and it was doing funny stuff. The vividness of the dream skyrocketed. Too many reality checks in a row and the detail grew. I could see everything very clear. They sky was very clear and blue. I could feel the wind in my face, hear the sound of the cars... everything. I felt very happy.
      I saw suddenly a few skyscrapers. I remembered I had to sky dive from one of them to complete the whole lucid task. All the skyscrapers where in the other side of the road. I felt I was for a while in the dream and it was very vivid so I was not afraid of waking up. I took flight. This time I did not need to perform my typical three jumps to fly. I just floated and started to fly. When I had a considerable height and I was heading to the skyscraper, the wind started to blow hard. I could not move, I was paralyzed in the air. Slowly the wind was pushing me back. I held to a tree and the wind blew even harder. I could hold still until the wind stopped. Then I kept flying towards to the skyscraper until I reach the top. There was a parking lot on the very top of the building. The sound of the street was low. I was pretty high. I walked around the parking lot. The whole lot was surrounded by a metal fence (so people would not fall off) I was going to jump out but I found something funnier. I heard there was a lady in the lot so I wanted to freak her out. She was parked next to the edge of the building. I jumped over her car and started to mock her. I started to make noises, to jump on her car and laugh and her. She told me she was going to call the police. She pulled her cell phone and started to call. When she was done, I jumped over the edge of the building. She started to scream. I reached the ground very fast. It was fun!! There was a policeman coming towards me so I decided to bounce back to the top of the building. The police man was dressed like a S.W.A.T. but he was a regular policeman. However, I crashed in the ground. Did not hurt a bit, but the policeman grabbed me. I started to spin to teleport and go crazy as my tasks were accomplished. However, everything became dark. I knew I was about to wake up, so I kept spinning. I woke up
    7. Getting a Red Honda Bike and getting it stolen

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:49 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Getting a Red Honda Bike and getting it stolen (DILD)


      For some unknown reason. I bough a bike. It was big, red and shinny. I loved the bike. I felt I needed that bike to go to work. Probably my wife got her driver's license and she was driving our car. I was excited about my new bike. I never drove one before (I only rode bikes) and I had to go home for the first time with my bike.
      The bike looked something like this:

      I started riding it. I could hear the engine and feel the wind in my face. I felt proud of my bike. It was night, and I was tired so I went to sleep to a hotel. Something happened here, but I can't recall.

      I have a False Awakening in the same hotel room. The first thing I though it was about my bike. I knew I had the keys with me but I wanted to make sure it was OK. I left the hotel. I started to ride my bike again. I've been riding for a while, I rode over country and on the freeway. I parked my bike in a mall. I was going to get some supplies for the bike and a helmet, for some unknown reason, I had no helmet. I spend a while in this mall, a few females wanted to ride the bike with me and I can remember I ate something in the mall, but once more, I grabbed my bike and left. I think I did not buy the helmet after all.

      Night falls again and I stop in a small house in the middle of a forest. I did not feel like leaving my bike outside, I was worried some wild animals could damage it. Both the bike and I entered the wooden house. It was warm inside and it was almost empty.

      Inside, there was a mattress and a small table. I lied down in the mattress and the bike was on my right. I fell asleep and False Awakened in the morning. I opened one eye and I saw proudly my bike next to me. The front wheel was touching my mattress.
      I had another False Awakening. I think I was in a car repair workshop. I was worried if my bike was OK. I saw that my bike was a little damaged, but it had minor scratches. Everything looked OK. I left the workshop and rode it. I've been riding for a while until the dream vanishes.

      I had a False Awakening in a small store. A couple of people entered the store and they had their face covered. I felt scared because I though they were going to pull out a gun and rob the store. I started to walk backwards slightly until they turned around and started to leave. I felt better as I saw the face of one of them. They were just covering their mouth and nose.

      I suddenly realize that my bike was not there. When I fell asleep, I was holding the keys of the bike and the bike was parked next to me, inside the store. (The wooden house appeared to be a store) I started to feel worried. The bike was brand new and it was already stolen from me. I had another False Awakening. I was suddenly in a different room, still thinking about my stolen bike. I was planning to go out of the house and look if the bike was parked there, however, I felt that the bike was really stolen because I knew well where I saw the bike before it was gone
      I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I was not feeling good so I just started to push my eyes and close them thighs. I was trying to wake up myself. The image started to fade until I realized myself, "Why I am waking up? My bike is not stolen. I can summon it back." I decided to move away from bed. I performed a RC and looked at my hands. They looked fine... or at least if what I first thought

      This might be because just before going again to bed, I read this:

      Quote Originally Posted by Serenity
      RC's have a 100% fail rate to me, I can't even do the standard ones anymore. I have to do other things like try to float. Looking at my hands actually seems to be okay, since they are usually missing
      So that could help. My subconscious mixed "my hands actually seems to be okay" and "RC's have a 100% fail rate to me"
      Sorry Serenity, no hard feelings!!!! I kept lucid after all, but your statement mixed in my dream!

      I looked a second time to my hands because I could swear they were blurry. I had all five fingers in my left hand, however, the Middle Finger was forked into two small fingers. On the right had I had some anomalies that I can't recall. I left the room and I realized that my house was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by mountains. It was a wooden house and it looked very cool. The house had two floors and I was in the top floor, so I started going to the main floor. I pinched my nose to see if I was able to breath. I was able to breath, however, I did breath like if I had a bad bad cold with mucus. I cleared my nose and kept walking. My dream was clear, but I wanted to make it crystal clear. I remembered that in other lucids after performing several reality checks I could reach that point. I was about to leave the house when I looked around for books, to try to read. I see a shelve full of books so I grabbed one. The title looked blurry but I opened the book and try to read. Everything was blurry and I could not read. I looked away but did not reach the crystal clear dream, so I stared at the book to try to read something, hoping the text would do something funny and reach perfect clarity. Bad choice. I did not remember that staring at something in your dream can screw it. My dream started to fade. I was thinking, "No, No, No, Nooo!!! And I started to look around to try to recover stability. The dream faded completely and disappeared along with my lucidity

      I have another False Awakening. I wake up in a room, similar to mine. Even I could see one of my cats sleeping in the pillow in the same position where she was before I fell asleep for real I grabbed my notebook and started to jot down my dream about the bikes. I could not write well but this time I performed no reality checks. I though I was about to fall asleep again, so I allowed myself to fall back. I think I had to beds and I was going to fall between them, but I did not care, somehow I know I was not going to get hurt. I started to perform a WILD and I could feel my body paralyzed and I saw some hipnagogic images (yes, in my own dream) until I felt asleep and woke up in my real room for real.
    8. The cat is outside.

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:42 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The cat is outside (DILD)


      I had a false awakening in my room.

      I somehow knew I was dreaming before the RC, but the RC confirmed it. I do a RC and it fails. I left my bed slowly as I did not want to wake up sooner than I expected. I walked around my house until I felt my dream was a little more stable. My house as usual was very dark. I decided to leave my place, so I opened my front door. It was not locket.
      One of my cats was right on the other side of the door. I was scared because I though she was going to scape. My lucidity was gone and the dream faded.
      lucid , false awakening
    9. The Earth melts while I enjoy a chocolate cake in the moon

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:36 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The Earth melts while I enjoy a chocolate cake in the moon (MILD)


      I was at home, in my room. It was day and I was going to leave somewhere with my wife. I became lucid instantly

      My wife was ready to go, but I walked around home to make sure my dream was stable enough. I had a small flight around home, but nothing fancy, I levitated a bit and flew around.

      I told my wife, "Hold on, this is a Dream and I'm lucid. I want to make it stable first!!" She looked at me like if I was nuts. I remember that I could blast the Earth and destroy it (for the "End of the World" task of the year) I rose my hand and created an energy blast. However, the blast was not stable so I decided to stop and hold tighter to the dream.

      I remembered that a user in this forum had in his signature "Pray" as a goal within his lucid dream. I prayed for a few moments to accomplish it (It's not my goal, but I wanted to do it anyway)

      I appeared at a theme park. I enjoyed the theme park, rode a few things, walked around and observed how fun were having other DC. I remember the park was very vivid. The sky was very blue, the theme park was crowded of people and I could see a lot of detail.

      I remember about doing the task of the year. I thought that a gladiator fight would be easier as I was in a theme park. I started to look for gladiators. I could not find any so I asked a policeman and to a couple of DC. They directed me and I kept walking without any success. I found a kiosk store for Cricket Wireless. One of the employees grabbed my arm and I pushed him abruptly. The other employee told him, "Hold on. Not yet." I asked him if he knew were the amphitheater was. He pointed me to it and asked me, "So, what cell phone do you have now?" I replied, "I have a HTC Mytouch. Cricket does not offer such phone, so sorry." Both salesman appeared sad.

      I kept walking and I found a weird restaurant were I was indicated. I asked one of the employees about the gladiators. She told me, "Yeah. It's here." I entered the restaurant and walked down a few stairs. I got to a room with not much light. The decoration was old school. There were a few tables around. The tables were round with a candle in the middle. At the end, there was a small theater. There were Mariachis dancing and singing in Spanish. I asked another employee about the gladiators and she told me it was going to be next. I was a little annoyed because I did not want to wait, I was afraid to wake up. I realized that if I saw the gladiator fight, it would not be valid. I was somewhere in the future and I had to be in the actual time in order to accomplish it, so I just flew away.

      I was walking with another friend. I told him I wanted to do the Task of the Year. He looked at me with a weird face. I decided that as I was in the future, I could complete the task, "End of the World" I knew that it was OK if I destroyed the Earth in order to provoke the End of the World. I remembered I could do energy blasts.

      I flew to a small building and my friend did as well. I've made an energy blast twice big as a basketball. It looked like this:

      The blast was intense, but it had not much color and I felt it was like a bubble. I threw it in the water and I saw it vanish inside the crust of the Earth. My friend laughed at and and claimed it did nothing. I was sure it would damage the Earth but I did not know how, so I told him to hold on.

      Suddenly, I see bubbles in the water and my friend says, "Oh... how scary." I replied, "Oh yeah? Just hold!" Suddenly, a giant gaiser showed up. The water was very hot and it reached the sky. My friend said, "Oh.. a geiser. Like if you are going to destroy the Earth like that." A few DC freaked out, but not many. I told him, "The gaiser will raise the Earth Temperature... but one gaiser may not be enough for you, how about several?" My friend stopped laughing and started to worry.

      I threw several energy blasts and the same effect happened. All the DC were freaking out, screaming and running. There were several gaisers and the whole atmosphere was turning into a wall of vapor. The heat skyrocketed and the North Pole started to melt. The water level started to raise very fast.

      I had an unfinished building on my back, so I started to climb it the same way an ape would do it

      My friend came with me until I reached the top of the building. The water level was on my head, so I decided to swim to a taller building. The water was very hot, but it was bearable. I asked my friend if we would have time to swim before everything starts to boil. I get tired of dealing with it and I just jump and reach the moon. My friend followed me. My friend had a chocolate cake in his hands. He claimed it was from his country.

      I was observing the fate of the Earth from the moon. The Earth was all blue, I could not see any of the continents. A huge mass of clouds covered the entire earth. This mass of clouds was thinker and thinker until I witnessed the Earth melting itself. The whole planet melted and disappeared.

      I was in the mood, enjoying the cake proud of my accomplishment. Neil Armstrong came to my mind, and I though in summoning him, however, I remembered that I was only allowed one task per dream so I passed.

      I observed the moon to see if I found someone such Raven or Wakingnomad, but I saw no one but my friend. I could see a few vagrant images from videogames floating around the moon. I also saw a pikachu's head.

      I was happy enjoying the moon but I decided it was time to wake up and write down the dream. It passed a lot of time and I was afraid of forgetting it. I summoned a bed, lied down and closed my eyes.

      I had a false awakening without lucidity. I told my wife I had to write down my dream. I ran out of my bed and went to the backyard. I sat in a iron chair and used an iron table (classic white garden iron table) I opened my DJ and it was full, no room to write the dream down. I was afraid I would forget the dream so I called my wife for another journal.

      She told me that before getting my first journal, I had to remove all the cash and credit cards attached to my dream journal (There were credit cards attached like additional pages of the journal and business cards from several companies) I grabbed a few $20 bills and put them in my pocket while I laughed. The dream vanishes and I wake up.
    10. Felt in the dreamworld abruptly and bounced back

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:32 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Felt in the dreamworld abruptly and bounced back (WILD)


      Trying a WILD for the first time
      I've tried for the first time a WILD, but if failed because my wife moved hard in the bed right after the visual and hearing H Hallucinations. I felt asleep and had a fake awakening.
      I was in my room, it was darker than usual and I think my wife was smaller than usual. I can't say for sure because it happened suddenly after failing my WILD and re-comforting myself in bed to sleep. I checked my hands My hands were blurry, and I could not focus well. I could not see my hands properly so I knew I was dreaming. I looked around my room and it was a little more empty than usual I woke up. Can't say the time, but I was trying WILD before going to sleep, so it was my first REM, I guess.
    11. Evaluating Satellites

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:31 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Evaluating Satellites (DILD)


      I was at my grandpa's watching TV. My grandpa was asleep and I was wondering why I was at my grandpa's. I started to realize how come I was about 2000 miles from home, so I knew I was dreaming I started to investigate my grandpa's place and everything was darker that usual. I tried to go to the room were my stuff was supposed to be. There were weird suitcases that I have never seen. I tried to turn on the light, but of course, the light was not working... I decided to jump off from the window as I knew I could to fly. It appeared to be around 4 PM, however, as soon as I jumped off the window, I realized the sky was dark. I was going straight to the floor but I pushed strong towards the sky. I knew I could do whatever I wanted to and I started to fly on my will. I flew over the clouds and I could see a beautiful view. Several skyscrapers full of tiny and blurry lights. I decided to fly as high as possible and I was in space

      At that point, I remember that I lost vision on the dream and then I lost hearing. I concentrated hard and focused on the dream. I was hearing some sound that appeared to be out of the dream. I was still in space... I knew I had to go to a few spacial stations to check out the cleanness and other stuff. I flew to one space station and tried to evaluate the quality of the station itself. There was a McDonald's inside. I was very worried because I was unsure if I had to evaluate that McDonald's too. I was going to call to my company and ask if I had to evaluate it As you can read... totally lost my lucidity at this point
      My phone was not working and I did not understand why. It was a new blackberry phone.
      I realized I was still dreaming. I investigated the spacial station but nothing was working. I flew to another spacial station but it was broken as well. I decided to fly around and se what was going on. It was day, however, I think it was still dark. I flew to a mall and it was full of people.

      I'm going to end it here because it was confusing from here. I think something happened with some cars and a dealership, but can't remember well... during that point, I lost vision and hearing was not well. Tried to keep in the dream but it started to vanish until I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Bottomless pit with a cork at the end inside a cave in the dessert

      by , 07-02-2010 at 07:30 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Bottomless pit with a cork at the end inside a cave in the dessert (DILD)


      I was inside something that looked like cave. I think it was dark, but it was lit inside as I could see everything perfectly. There was a party going on. There was a mix of human people and citizens from Bikini Bottom (Sponge Bob) The cave was brown and there was a large table with alcoholic drinks, non alcoholic drinks and random food. There was one fish lady (a female random character from Sponge Bob) asking for drinks.
      I do not know why but I was next to a well. The well was said to be bottomless.
      I knew if I jumped inside the well I was not going to die as I could not die in the dreamworld, or if I did I would just regenerate somehow So I jumped inside the well. It was very dark inside and I was falling for a while. I reached the bottom (it was bottomless with a bottom) I landed gently and I did not get hurt. There was a HUGE CORK at the bottom of the well. I removed the cork (it was bigger than me) and there was another hole. Darker. I jumped inside Something happened here but can't say, lost it while jotting it down I was in the party once more, inside the cave. The party was still going on. Same human and Sponge Bob's people. One character told me if I wanted to go to a room with her Can't recall if it was human or fish I told her, "Thanks but I rather not" She walked away. I think I ate something at the party, unsure though. Fake Awakening 1 I woke up somewhere. I grabbed my notebook and started to write down my dream. I was able to write, however, I finished too fast to write all the details. I did not try to to read what I just wrote. Fake Awakening 2 I woke up in the cave again. I jotted down my entire dream in a notebook and put it into my pocket. I walked outside the cave with satisfaction because I was able to wake up myself without a clock and jot down my dream. I exited the cave. It was dawn. I could see some soft light beams coming from the sun. The exit of the cave leaded me to a dessert. It was yellow. There was nothing but sand. Slowly the image vanished I woke up happy in bed real awakening because I was able to jot down my dream, until I realized that I wrote nothing. Grabbed my notebook and finally jotted the dream for real.
    13. 06/30/10 Revenge Served Cold

      by , 07-02-2010 at 05:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I fell asleep this night with my energy in a very unstable state due to some problems I had during the evening. When I say unstable, I mean unstable to the point where I was not able to finish my evening class in school… I had to tell the instructor I wasn't feeling well and then leave early. While I had managed to calm down some by the time I went to bed, I was still very unstable. A large portion of my negative energy was directed at the Templars who have given me nightmares on the previous two nights… so my main plan was to kick Templar ass. I had this plan in mind when I fell asleep, but I was not successful in entering my WILD. Fortunately, my intentions were strong enough that I still ended up where I wanted to be…

      I was in my room. I was in bed. I rolled over and thought about the events of the previous evening. I was a nice mixture of pissed off and depressed, basically quite unstable. I was thinking that was why I was being unable to sleep. I sat up in bed and stroked the kitty beside me. She purred. I got out of bed to use the bathroom. I thought I should try to stay in the habit of doing an RC when I wake up or get up in the night… even if I don't think I've been asleep… I did a nose-pinch RC and found that I was dreaming. I became fully lucid.

      I thought about what I wanted to do… I was feeling pissed off… and I wanted someone to take that out on. Templars! They were the origin of my current problems, so I would take it all out on Templars! I had told them that continuing to disturb my dreams and turn them into them nightmares would result in serious consequences. Now it was time to deliver on those consequences. I focused on opening a portal to find a Templar base, I would go straight to them and have a kill fest right there in their base. The portal opened and I went through it.

      I was now in a Templar base. There were Templars wandering around. They all were going about their own business. At first no one noticed me. Those were the bastards who had turned my past two nights' dreams into nightmares… they were the cause of the instability and the situation that had led to an argument between a friend and mine who had told me that he no longer wants to be my friend… I walked over to the Templar closest to me as the others moved out of sight. I could feel unstable dark energy inside of me… my energy had been unstable all evening, and now I could finally do something about it! I grabbed the Templar by the throat and slammed him against the wall. He let out a surprised 'glurk' but could not speak to alert the others. I squeezed his throat until I felt something get crushed, then I let him down. He grabbed his neck and was choking… he couldn't breathe… he coughed up blood, collapsed, and died.

      One dead Templar was not nearly enough. Time to start killing them in larger numbers. I went into a room with two Templars there. A big guard and another who looked more like a scientist. I used Master of Puppets on the guard, and made him beat the other Templar to death. I then made him grab a scissors from a desk and imbed it into his own throat, followed by using the scissors to cut the wound larger. He pierced his own jugular vein and bled out . I continued through the base. I met several Templars in the halls. I stabbed each of them with my hidden blade before they realized I didn't belong there. I looked into a large control room. There were 15 Templars in there at control stations. I let a tendril of Witchblade out, it went through the room and pierced the throats of each Templar. The instant I retracted the tendril, the blood flowed freely and they all died.

      As I continued on my way, I tried to think of a creative way to kill the next Templar… I found a lone Templar in the hall. He stopped and looked at me. I used Damage, Inc. to set him on fire. The Templar was quickly engulfed in flames. In a blind panic, he ran into another room with a number of Templars in it. He wanted someone to help him, but all he ended up accomplishing was to set several more of the Templars on fire… now there were five Templars panicking in the room, engulfed in flames and screaming in pain. That didn't last long; they all collapsed, dead. I killed the next few Templars I met with my Witchblade sword. Electrocuted a few with lightning. Crushed several more with gravity. And each Templar I killed was immensely satisfying. My unstable energy was simmering down to an icy rage.

      It was around here that I thought I was waking up… but I wasn't finished getting my payback against these Templar assholes! I focused on Allura's method of time dilation and the dream stabilized.

      I made my way down into a dungeon. That looked like the kind of place where they would carry out their tortures. There were hooks on the walls from which lanterns were hanging. I used telekinesis and lifted a Templar up, impaling him on a hook through his abdomen. He was still alive when I left him, coughing up blood as he tried to call for help. The next several Templars I came across met the same fate as the first one, hung from those iron lantern hooks. I found three more Templars near an open dungeon cell door. A couple of big guards and a smaller one. I could hear them talking, I could hear them clearly.

      "Ok… when she gets here," the one said to the others, "You grab her like last time. All you have to do is chain her up in this room, and we'll let the rats do the rest." He laughed.

      I was standing right beside the three Templars now, between the two larger guards while the smaller man was facing away from me, looking at a door. "So…" I said, "What's the plan here?"

      "Weren't you listening at all?" the Templar said with some frustration, "You two grab Raven, chain her up in the dungeon, and then we watch the rats eat her alive! Now get it…" the Templar had been turning around, and was now facing me. There was a big guy on either side of me. "There she is right now! Grab her, you idiots!"

      Each of the big Templars grabbed one of my arms and held on tight. I didn't even try to pull free. Time to activate Witchblade. Nothing happened. The smaller Templar held up a remote and laughed. He said the dampening field was up, so I could forget my little tricks. I told him it was their loss. Using Witchblade would have brought them to a much quicker death than the alternative… The smaller Templar told the other two to put me in the cell; the rats are hungry. He laughed again. I focused on controlling dark energy into tendrils. The tendrils wove from each of my arms and wrapped around the arms of the big guys beside me. At first they didn't seem to notice. Then both of them started screaming and let go of me… or they tried to let go. Each of them had a black tendril boring its way into their arm. Each attempt to pull free resulted in more pain.

      The third Templar just stood there and stared at us for a bit, muttering something about the dampening field he had mentioned before. He pulled out a sword and was apparently intent on just killing me so I would wake up and be away from them. A third dark energy tendril snaked out of where my 3rd eye would be and wrapped around the sword. The Templar dropped the sword and turned to run down the hall. The tendril was faster, and it bored its way into the Templar's back. Armor was nothing to the dark energy tendril. All three of the Templars were now screaming in pain. Their screams brought more Templars to see what was happening. The tendrils that attached me to the three separated, and I was able to direct those tendrils and more at the arriving Templars. Most of them didn't have a chance to react… a couple tried to cut the tendrils with swords, but that was completely ineffective. So soon all of the Templars in the room, the three I had found there plus 12 who had come to check it out, were writhing on the ground in pain.

      I went over to the Templar who had been telling the big stupid ones the plan. He was grimacing in pain and clutching his abdomen. I kicked him there and lifted him up. I told him I knew he would wake up soon, but for his sake he had better have learned a valuable lesson… don't fuck with me. And don't go back to fucking with any of my friends, either. Harm one of them and the results will be the same, maybe worse. Get the picture? He cursed at me. I slammed him against the wall and said if he was still failing to get it, there's a lot more trouble where this came from. So stay away from me, stay away from my friends, or there would be consequences. I dropped him on the ground where he continued to writhe in pain. I wasn't sure what the dark energy tendrils were doing… or maybe I was… they were eating the Templars alive from the inside out. Well, they had intended for me to be eaten alive, so their plan backfired.

      I went into the dungeon cell and looked around. Chains and shackles on the floor clearly meant to chain a prisoner so they couldn't move… cages with horribly underfed rats inside them; add animal cruelty to the list of Templar offenses… I felt my dark energy. It still felt like an icy rage… I was glad the Templars were in pain. But not the animals… they had done nothing. I opened the cages. The rats weren't in such bad condition that they couldn't make a run for it when given the chance. They ran for the cell door and out it. I heard more screams from the Templars. I glanced out and saw some of the rats were on various Templars. The Templars seemed nearly immobilized with pain from the dark energy tendrils… and now there were rats on them. A rat chewing on a Templar's ear, a rat chewing on a Templar's cheek, a rat chewing on a Templar's nose… The rats would be fed… but it was fresh Templar on the menu… I shut the cell door and was waiting to wake up. Now I was alone in the dark room with nothing but the background sounds of Templar pain.

      I was waiting in the dark room to wake up. The icy rage inside me made the Templars' dying gasps of pain sound like wonderful music… then there was silence. Ok… now to wake up? Maybe that dampening field was still there and I would have to leave here by normal means and then wake up… I formed a fireball in my hand… my abilities seemed to be working fine.

      "Raven!" came a voice from behind me. Wtf? Who had found me here? I turned and looked behind me, I saw MoSh was in the room with me. The icy rage I had felt inside had been starting to subside… but suddenly it surged back again, almost as strong as it had ever been. Now it was MoSh's turn… I would see him writhing on the ground in pain… I would… wait… no… I turned my gaze back to the blank dark stone wall. Watching Templars suffer… ok. But not MoSh… no. I focused on that blank stone wall and on The Curse by Disturbed, must stabilize the dark energy. It'd had its fun with the Templars… and that's all it was going to get. MoSh was saying something about dark energy and an attack. I said that telling me to stay out of his dreams doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he is just going to come into mine. He said he needed my help to stop the dark energy something… I said if there was a dark energy threat, get Walms or Tigress… and if it was simply an extremely powerful threat of any kind, get Vegeta… but don't stay here. My energy is currently about as stable as nitroglycerin… well shaken nitroglycerin, and could blow at any moment. And it was getting very unstable… it hadn't been very unstable earlier because I had been working with it to eliminate Templars, but now I was actively fighting it… and that was creating instability.

      That was it… I wouldn't be able to keep it inside any longer. I turned back towards MoSh… who took a step back when he saw how crazed I probably looked… I opened a vortex portal right next to MoSh that led back to his inner world, used telekinesis to push him through, closed it behind him and then BOOM! There was an explosion… and then I was no longer standing in a Templar base… now I was standing in a crater… um… ok… I hadn't realized the explosion would be quite that bad… although the icy rage was completely gone now. Completely vented off against the Templars. I looked around the crater… I didn't think a single Templar could have survived… which brought me to a chuckle. But I felt stable. Finally it felt completely under control. Now that control was restored everything faded and I woke.

    14. Brand new to this so I'll get started :)

      by , 07-02-2010 at 01:19 AM
      Last night I had a dream that I was looking at a newer camper or cabin with my boyfriend which was rather large had 3 bedrooms.

      In one of the rooms it was turned almost to an office and had a couple shelves with snickers and other candy bars and from that point my dream switched or i have no recollection of that part but I was sitting outside with a gorgeous girl I've seen from sporting events in highschool but never spoken to (she was from a different school.)

      There was a small basketball game going on near us so I do believe we were at a park and the girl kept smiling at me while we were talking and I remember she kissed me and I was really into her and we acted like a couple that was dating.

      I remember asking her if she was ready to go somewhere and she said, "Yea I guess so" with a smile then we ended up back at this camper/cabin I had previously been looking at with my boyfriend.

      He was there laying down on his side and had an empty plastic grocery bag in his hand and when I walked up to him he started laughing and then I asked him to leave because I had to figure out what I wanted in life and that I would call him in a few days.

      The girl stayed and I ran my hand down her cheek I was happy and very relaxed and comfortable around her and she explained that she was happy as well and shed a tear of joy. We started to kiss one more time and from that point I woke up.

      I have no idea what this means at all..I do have a boyfriend I've been with for over 4 years and have had some questions as far as my sexuality but I'm uncertain and haven't acted on any of it. any help in interpretating it would be much helpful thanks

      Updated 07-02-2010 at 01:22 AM by 33417

      lucid , memorable
    15. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 07-02-2010 at 12:55 AM
      Me vs. Voldemort (DILD)


      I was having a strange dream where I was trying to break open the glass door of a caravan to let somebody out. The caravan was in the middle of a forest. It was Autumn, and the sun shining through the falling leaves was giving the whole place an orangey tint. I tried throwing a garden gnome against the glass but it just bounced off. I looked behind me and saw Donkey Kong. He was sleeping on top of a grey van. I thought about waking him up to help break down the door, but I was afraid to, in case he went crazy, as angry gorillas sometimes do.

      Some time later, I had realised I was dreaming. I can't remember how. I checked my left hand just to reinforce the knowlege, and sure enough, lots of fingers. I was still in the forest. I looked up to see people flying past on broomsticks. I wanted to go after them, but couldn't make myself fly. Instead, I picked up a twig off the ground and placed it between my legs. It immediately expanded to a large straight branch. It wasn't quite a broomstick, but it worked just as well. I pushed off the ground and rose up to about 5m. I swung off to my left and flew in the direction everyone else had just gone. I weaved between tree trunks, following the base of a hill on my right. I soon came to a huge stone archway hewn out of a cliff face. I flew inside, assuming that must be where everyone went. Inside was an arena. It was a circular room with seats round the outside and a flat circular area in the middle. The floor of this area was dark stone, and covered in markings which looked Aztec. Standing in the middle was Voldemort, beckoning to me. I landed on the floor opposite him to get a better look at what he was wearing. He looked nothing like I expected. He was wearing a roman gladiator's outfit, and was buff as fuck. The only thing unchanged about him was his head, which looked just like it did in the movies. I was glad of the challenge, and took him on.

      The first thing that happened was Voldemort using telekenisis to send me flying against the wall behind me. In mid-air, it felt incredibly realisitic. Like being on a violent roller coaster. I dusted myself off and ran at him, not sure of my plan of attack. I bounced off an energy field he had created around himself. Trying a different tact, I made a grabbing motion in mid-air, and used telekenisis to grab him by the balls - from a distance. I lifted him into the air by the balls and bashed his head off the ground repeatedly. With his energy shield gone, I ran in and kicked him in the face FTW.