I woke up for a WBTB and took 4mg galantamine and 300 mg Alpha-GPC. Winter Competition 2024 Five (MILD) 01.11.2024 I spontaneously become lucid and start flying. I remember there is a competition and that I need to do my three step task. While flying I reach behind my back and grab something. I pull forward a small lemon. I take a bite out of it and it isn't very flavorful. I then put my hand forward like Superman and fly super fast. I hear the air rushing past my ears. Now I remember my personal goal is to take off a VR headset that is simulating the dream. I reach up and feel a vr headset that is much smaller than current waking life products. I take it off and... nothing happens. My view is replaced with the same view from before. Huh. I fly down to a city and get caught up in a dream plot that I have mostly forgotten now.
Went to bed around 11:30. The Hallway Theater I'm at my highschool between the P building and S building. It's snowing outside. I'm running late to English class. I'm concerned that I will be reprimanded for reading Harry Potter for my assignment because I have already read it. I reason that the choice is valid because my perspective will be different. I've gone through a lot of growth since the last time I've read it, political stance and puberty among those changes. ... I'm in an upstairs hallway that resembles S building, but it is much more narrow. Still running late to class. Hilary Clinton, wearing a blue suit, is power-walking behind me. I slow down and let her pass by, wanting to avoid an interaction. This tactic succeeds and I reach a dark section of the hallway. There are three rows of seats, split into two sections. It's some kind of Hallway Theater. My classmates are there so I sit down at the left section near the back. My friend D and a girl run by and I hear them say something indicating they are running late. "Ya'll need to get it together!" I say as they speed by. I get some laughs from the class for this. "Those are my best friends," I tell them, wanting to show I wasn't bullying random people. A couple people I was friends with in highschool (underclassmen from my senior year combination rackets class) S and possibly J, look back at me. I'm concerned that they are upset because I specified others as my 'best' friends, but they appear content. ... We're still in the Hallway Theater, but now there are VR headsets hanging from the ceiling. Classmates are putting them on so I do the same. There is a floating UI option for lives, and I set it to zero. It applies to the entire class. A pong game begins within a shared AR space, and somebody gets scored on. That person dies. Fear spreads and everyone starts taking the headsets off. Not wanting to allow anyone else to be killed by game, one person is ordered to keep playing so that nobody else gets scored on. ... Kris, Suzie, and Ralsei from Deltarune are in a VR-generated forest environment. The trees are massive and reach to the heavens. I'm playing this game as Kris. I think D and the girl may have been the other two. We are exploring as a team, and trying to eliminate other players. I set up an ambush and direct my team to sneak nearby. I creep my neck past a branch we are standing on and see two tanks. The tanks are the opposing players' avatars. I spring into action, and appropriate battle music plays. I transform into a woman in a military uniform wearing a beret and open fire on the tanks. Recorded around 8:30AM on waking.
Partway through a dream I entered a sort of virtual world, green like a woodland or jungle that someone had modelled (possibly as an academic project) and added lots of billboards all along it with floral and artistic designs and possibly some jokey / advert ones. It turned out my school friend J [DREAM SIGN: school / school colleagues] was walking along in the environment with me and he told me there was a hidden model of a military leader in an area of dense trees between two paths. I looked there and it was like a really giant statue. Around this point he told me he was having a lucid dream. I fairly matter-of-factly told him that I must be having one too then. (SEMI-LUCID / PSEUDO LUCID or LUCID DREAM?) We started climbing up something pretty close to where the statue had been but it was almost like a giant beanstalk though I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it. Instead I was asking him about how he kept from waking up or maybe was asking whether what we were doing would help to keep us from waking up. I think at that point the dream abruptly changed scene into us climbing up some kind of slightly cramped, gloomy, industrial or urban looking staircase (spiral or rotating flights of stairs) in ISTR either concrete or maybe red painted metal. I think in the back of my mind the idea of pronlonging the dream or avoiding waking up was still there and the dream seemed to literally fragment like these little rounded bits of glass or bits of an image with ISTR blackness maybe between. I possibly have a very vague memory of an outdoor concrete scene with white metal railings on a fence (like a school car park or something, maybe with a school or library building to the left) [though this could be a fragment from another dream]. Then it faded to nothing and I tried to see if I could get back into another dream but I just woke up after a few moments. I'm going to call this one a PSEUDO-LUCID simply because I didn't get to exercise any interesting conscious control, act on or think of any dream goals (other than an attempt at dream prolonging / dream duration control), or do any reality checks.
Pre-WBTB Fragment I'm in a labyrinth maze. Viewpoint is from above. Fragment The Youtuber ProJared and somebody else is giving an apology speech on Distractible. It's a video, and Distractible is apparently a streaming platform like Spotify. I'm looking up what their policy is. My girlfriend SB says that they don't have a policy. Post-WBTB Actually woke up moments before my alarm went off. That's pretty neat. I took my supplements, used the restroom, and wrote down this entry. I slept just about 5 hours and 45 minutes, so in theory I should be entering REM cycle 4 at its' end. Maybe unstable dreams then? Hope not. Maybe I can get into REM cycle 5 from the get go after that. I tossed and turned for quite a while. I was worried that I had wasted my time and the timing reset on the supplements (once a week for Galantamine if not using Piracetam). My phone goes off (who the hell is texting me at 7AM, savages) so I put it in airplane mode. That'll show 'em. Supplement Interaction Gone Wrong I'm tossing and turning in bed and I notice that I'm feeling nauseous. I fall over the side of my bed and struggle to get my vision into focus. Something must have gone wrong with the supplements and the alcohol. I feel drunk. SB is outside our room calling out to me. "I have four parents here!" she said. She probably wants some help hosting, I think. "Wait four? Are any of our friends there?" I ask. She replies in the negative. Great. So there are four people there that I probably don't know terribly well that I now need to entertain. And I feel drunk. I decide that the best thing I can do is try to sleep it off and then go help, so I get on the bed and rollback over. Post-WBTB Thank god. I'm awake and I feel better. There hasn't been an alcohol-supplement interaction. Nobody is visiting us at 7AM. I can resume my WILD attempts. I'm very relieved about this so I relax easier. SB has gotten up to start the day so I have the whole bed to myself. REM cycle 5 here we go. Vibrations eventually show up. I start to see images slowly forming. I remember my past success visualizing my hands to 'grab' the dream, so I try to recreate that. I see a pinhole image at the end of the void. It looks like a beach. I start thinking about things I could grab onto. I see some streetlights. Perfect. I imagine the feeling of gripping the cold metal, and visualize my hands closing around them. I can already see my arms outstretched, and my right hand closing around the lamp. California Chaos I'm standing on a beach reminiscent of the California Boardwalk, holding onto a metal streetlight in my right hand. It's a beautiful sunny day. I've done it again! Successful WILD #2! Beachside Bars. Made with Holara AI. The first thing I do is approach a portly-looking man at a beachside bar and side down next to him. He vaguely looks like RR from work, or Carlos Mencia. I turn to him. "Hey man. What if I were to tell you that this was a dream?" I say. "WOAH. No way!" He casually dismisses the suggestion. "Oh yeah? Then what about THIS!?" I attempt to put my right index finger through my left palm to demonstrate a reality check, but I can't do it. To be fair, I've never actually done that before. But looking back this is pretty funny. In the moment, it was also pretty funny. "Okay forget that... then what about THIS?!" I hold up my hand and count the fingers on it...1-2-3-4-5...6-7-8! "WOAH. That's insane!" He exclaims. "I'm gonna go cause trouble if you wanna come with me?" I ask him. "Nah I'm good." He replies. I get up. It would've been cool to create chaos with a partner in crime. I forgot all about trying to summon Aeon (name I've given to the dream-guide from the Desert planet). I'm wanting to get her advice on the dream world and see if I can ask her to make me lucid whenever she sees me in a non-lucid dream. I wander down the Boardwalk and come up to some cute girls sitting at a high-top table. I figure, it's a dream I can do whatever I want. Spoiler for Spicy Content: I ask one of them to stand up and bend over. She's wearing jorts. I spank her ass. Nice. Anyway, moving on. I continue walking along the Boardwalk and come up on a brick wall. I recognize that the texture would be good to help stabilize, so I start rubbing the wall like a weirdo for a bit. Can't recall if it did anything other than make me look like a weirdo. As I walked down the Boardwalk, I noticed that the dream started to fade to black. Instinctually, I started to focus on my arms, and gripping the dream. It is hard to describe, but I actively was resisting letting the dream fade. Miraculously, it worked. The dream was back, and I was still walking on that sunny day in the boardwalk. I come upon some stairs going down into a sewer-like structure down below. I think to myself: "Y'know, that seems like a great way to cause a nightmare...screw it! I'm going for it." The Tunnel and the Stairs. Made with Holara AI. I start to descend the stairs. As I go down, I think to try and summon KF from high-school. Sure enough, when I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see her but her face is obscured. The bottom of the stairs reminds me of the bottom of the wells from the Forest Temple in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. KF walks by me quickly and she seems upset about something so I don't bother her. I try to project comfort and warmness her way and say: "Hey K, I'm going exploring, do you want to come with?" I ask. I don't get a reply, but she does stop and turn, and then turned back and walked away. I decide to move on. I find some more stairs going up at the end of the sewer tunnel. There is a great big door. I think: "Ah! I can use this to get to that elven forest I've been trying to get to!" Which actually is one of my goals and has been for some time now. Really great memories of waking life in this dream. I focus on what I want the elven forest to look like (tall grey trees as far as the eye can see, fog) and open the door. Sunny neighborhood cul-de-sac. Nope. Not what I want. I close the door and try again. Again with the neighborhood. Come on man...I try one more time. Still the neighborhood. Well, damn it. I guess we're going to the neighborhood. I step out of the sewer door and into the neighborhood. There actually is a grassy knoll with the great big door leading into a sewer behind me, so I give my brain consistency points for that one. Maybe that's why it wouldn't give me the elven forest, because it couldn't find a way to drop a sewer into it. I'm walking up to the circular end street of the homes and enjoying the sun. I have another blackout-recovery episode and save the dream. Maybe I am getting close to waking. I look around and find no DCs or areas of interest. I decide to fly. I put my arms out in front of me Superman-style and takeoff. The feeling of flight doesn't feel as robust as it normally does. More like a light pickup on the wind. The dream starts to fade shortly after I am in the air, and I don't save it this time. Pixar VR Concert I'm standing in a central plaza. It makes me think of the Nintendo Wii U game Nintendo Land. It's all in virtual reality which is pretty darn cool. There are a bunch of concerts going on, maybe six that you can walk to. Each has an assortment of characters from famous franchises from Pixar or Disney or whatever. I can't remember specifics except for Mr. Hippo from Five Nights at Freddy's. Obviously he must be the main attraction here because his monologues are bomb as fuck. Some time later there is a tank of water and I'm helping clean it up. One of the characters is awkwardly making a pass at me but I don't recall details. Notes All things accounted for, I'm pretty happy with this night of dreaming. I interacted with multiple dream characters, successfully saved the dream from fading several times, summoned a DC, had some great recall for goals, and performed a teleport (although it didn't take me where I wanted, that's still progress). That also makes 5 uses of the Yuschak Primary Trigger, after which the author suggests that the reader has enough experience to try out other supplements. I'm not sure I will, but it is something to consider. Conditions 2 drinks of alcohol No workout, unhealthy dinner 5hr45m/10m WBTB 5th Yuschak Primary Trigger Attempt (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:02 PM by 99808
12/2/20 Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself. There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers. Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl) I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
Edit: Added in 16th August 2020 Dream: The dream was a bit like Final Fantasy somehow. Had a cinematic-like presentation, long dream overall. At a mall with H, meeting up with my mom and dad. There are three bad guys around and we help local security deal with them. I remember a rectangular area of the mall, it had four escalators or six, two at each end (four in total) and then another two at the central area? Then I'm walking outside with H, we're holding our arms together. Some Australian guy appears and makes a remark of some kind? I get annoyed by it and I sort of snark at him but not too much, as he looks well built and I'd rather not get into a fight. He kind of goes quiet. We go for a wee? At some point the guy apologises, something about being gay being illegal in Australia; I accept his apology and say I understand that he has a different background. A girl? At a castle/mansion place. I remember the outside walls of some castle tower buildings, we were walking along them earlier. The girl is from an earlier part in the dream. I remember being bare foot and feeling cold tiles but not being bothered enough by it for me to mention it. 18th August 2020 Dream: At the end of the dream, me and H were using some kind of Matrix VR headset. Were we watching or maybe participating in a show of some kind? Then I remember being with H in my parents' old bedroom. We're both naked and we're sort of just lounging about? At one point, H starts getting aroused and we both get a bit silly, making jokes or something. I remember making a Scorpius impression. I remember running water. Some kind of device attached to a wall. It was leaky, or poorly sealed. Then I remember something else about MB and I was upset that he was lying to someone again, and then he was pretending he hadn't done anything. 20th August 2020 Dream (DFLN Thread): Part of a very long dream. Something about some dream characters, within some big building. A girl who tries to tackle me I think? I seem to remember the building wasn't finished or something, as I remember seeing a lot of bare concrete and open sections. I dodge the girl's tackle and she falls from three stories high, and she comes apart into several bloody pieces as she hits the floor, but the "tearing apart" seems to not correspond to the impact that had occurred, as it seems lethargic compared to the actual impact and fall. Several dream characters and small interactions with them? (Like what... Nicely detailed!) At some point I was in some very distorted version of my old home but with my current neighbours. At some point me and H are in a version of my old room. I remember hearing the neighbour scream like we've heard it in some mornings before but we mostly just ignored it this time. I also remember the lady from the old couple had someone over, and she was talking so loudly we could hear her voice clearly through walls. By the end of the dream I'm looking at the computer. I'm on my browser, on the usual art site. Dream-generated art from other artists and I remember commenting or interacting somehow. Something about an art piece focused on a giant maw and its teeth. Then I remember being on DV looking at my DJ and seeing that I got my Roman numerals numbering wrong somehow and in more than just a few entries. It makes me wonder in the dream, if I should rename them all and just scrap the idea. Notes: - Although I don't get them so much anymore I still sometimes have these dreams with MB in them. What surprises me a bit is that in the dreams I don't react violently to his presence. There's usually a context of normalcy, as if contact had never been broken but with the subtext that he'd still done something wrong. - I don't remember any details of the VR headset thing but it sounds interesting. It's reminding me now of some very ancient dreams I had in my childhood (before I even watched the Matrix, I think?). - The girl that falls to literal bits, this was probably partly brought on from playing KF, in which the enemies come apart when killed and in, I suppose, quite gruesome ways; though when playing I usually find this to be quite amusing because of the physics effects and sometimes the slow-mo effect makes it all the more amusing. - The thing about the DJ numerals has occurred to me before as passing thoughts while on DV and away from it too. I have had thoughts about how the system will become cumbersome when it reaches very high numbers. - The second dream, in the part where I was looking at art; this may have been part of a subconscious process that recently pushed me to trying to do something creative together with another artist. But as with the rest of my dreams on this recurring subject the focus is on interaction, a part I feel deeply deprived of quite often. - Also worth noting that I was a bit lax with my recall and DJ efforts for about a week, in good part because of schedules and also because of tiredness. I often find it frustrating when I want to make note of dreams while feeling physically incapable of it (fatigue, pain, etc).
Updated 09-03-2020 at 05:20 PM by 95293
2019, 12-11 Skyrim: The Slaver Trap Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes I am at a mall with my mother. The fact my mother is coming with me into a mall should have triggered a reality check... she NEVER does that. But it seems normal to me. We go into the mall and start looking around. I have the idea the place is just about to close so we don't have much time. We go into a clothing store and I look to see if there is anything I like that will fit me. Neither my mom nor I find anything in our sizes. We leave and go to a video game / music store. There are both new and used games. I try a demo of a Mario Cart game, but I'm not doing very well. I keep driving off of the road. I start thinking the controller might be broken, because no matter how steady I hold it the car veers off to the right. I leave that and look for my mom. I don't see her. Apparently the game store is open later than the rest of the mall, it is still opening and showing no signs of closing. I go to another demo station. This has a cordless VR headset. I look at the price and cringe, it is almost $2,000. But I can still try the demo! I put the headset on and find I am in Skyrim VR. The graphics look great! I realize there are no controllers, but I can see my hands. My hands are the controllers! I want this sooooo bad... so I get into the demo. I find I am in Windhelm just outside the Palace of the Kings. I have a quest marker near the main gates to Windhelm, so I hurry to there. Ambarys, the dark elf from the New Gnsis CornerClub is there waiting. What does he want? He's one of the most racist assholes in Windhelm, along with Rolff Stone-Head. When I approach him he says he was about to give up on me coming. I wonder if I could help him get over his racist tendencies. I have decided I need a way to do this that doesn’t involve a fus to the face. That is not very effective. With this in mind, as Ambarys and I leave Windhelm I start singing the song See Who I Am by Within Temptation. “Is it true what they say? Are we too blind to find a way? Fear of the unknown clouds our hearts today. Come into my world, see through my eyes. Try to understand, don't want to lose what we have…” Ambarys asks if I’m now a bard, too? I don’t answer, I just continue. “See who I am, break through the surface. Reach for my hand, let's show them that we can free our minds and find a way. The world is in our hands, this is not the end.” Light energy forms around us and flows through Ambarys. I don’t know what brought him to hate those different than him, but this should help more than a fus to the face. We soon arrive at an isolated part of the road from Windhelm to Kynesgrove. I tell Ambarys to keep hidden, I’ll go out there and be a traveler to hopefully draw the orc out. Ambarys says if the orc gets me there’s nothing he can do. I say if the orc gets me it will be the orc’s problem, not Ambarys’. It is late afternoon as I walk down the street as if I’m in no particular hurry to get anywhere. I hear someone call for help from behind a bush. I carefully approach and find a male orc leaning on a tree, holding his side. I ask if he is ok. He says a bandit attacked him and he needs help. I get a little closer and he jumps on me. I respond immediately with a fus. FUS-RO-DAH! The orc is launched into the air. He flies out across the road and slams into a tree. He struggles to get up. I tell him I know he is the one who has been kidnapping travelers and selling them as slaves, that ends now. He is pissed and says I won’t live to tell anyone. I ask where he has been taking the slaves he captures. He says he’ll never tell me. I use my telepathy and read it from his mind. I tell him he just did tell me. He pulls out an axe and comes at me. It is too easy to cut him down with my Alex Mercer blade. I return to Ambarys and ask if he has seen anyone else involved with the slaves. He says no, just the orc. And he only made the one deal with him, he’d never done anything like that before. He seems desperate to make me believe that. He says I have to tell the jarl that. I say my word might not mean a lot since I fus’d said jarl in the face for being rude. He looks shocked and asks what the jarl did… I shrug and say he fus’d me back. Then I start to wonder if I screwed up and will have to load a previous save. Fus’ing Ulfric in the face probably isn’t the best way to get his cooperation, but maybe solving the slave trade issue will make up for it. I tell Ambarys I won’t mention his involvement, but I can’t say that for anyone else. Tell everyone it had to look like he was in on the slave trade to keep from tipping that orc off. And the orc is in multiple pieces, he can’t argue. We are headed back when I wake up.
I'm walking through a mall of sorts with my little brother. He stumbles upon something that he really wants to do. In the middle of the mall is a racing simulator where every seat available is in the form of a star wars character's vehicle. He asks if it costs any money and when the operator says no, I also head over to participate. I forgot which one he gets on but it was the one I wanted, so I look for another. Every star wars character is a Jedi, or a Sith, or any other saber- wielding person. I choose Darth Maul's seat with his vehicle being the speedy land cruiser used in episode I. The operator comes over and shows me what's what controls-wise, and then straps the VR goggles over my head. I'm immediately engaged in the new scene which is just a generic, pixelated race track that is similar to older racing arcade games. The controls feel the same as well. I can get up to full speed and stay that way the whole time, even going through turns. The turning feels weird, however, partly because I don't have a steering wheel but a joystick for my right hand. I think about how much better it would be if it was in my left hand since I'm left hand dominant. I get a good lead against my brother early on, but now he's catching back up. We are now in an open field following a faint trail, and I look down to see the racing vehicles we had are now bicycles. As he continues to gain on me, I attempt to cut him off which leads to him crashing. I stop to help him back up and we both start walking. The open field begins to turn into a rain forest as we continue walking . My brother points to something behind us. and through the leaves, I am able to just make out the outline of a hippo. Knowing how dangerous they can be, I tell my brother to start running away. We don't make it far before running into another hippo, this one being the mother of the first one we saw. It doesn't attack us, though, and just walks away.
2017, 08-22 Golf, Balloons, Packages, and Phones I was playing golf. Not miniature golf, but real golf. I was out on a golf course and I have a bag with one golf club slung over my shoulder. I found that discarded. I also find a few golf balls lying around, and I decide to take a shot at golf. I set up a golf ball, and smack it with my single club. I am surprised at how accurate my shot is considering I've never played golf before. I do this for a while, walking between different areas, then I'm thinking I should pay admission. I go to the entrance of the park to see how much it costs. When I look at the price, I decided I'm not going to pay after all. It's way too expensive. I go out into the course again, and play a few more holes. Now I am a little nervous about getting caught, so I am careful to play the holes that are farther away from the entrance. Soon some people come out there, and I think I better quit before I get caught. I quit by waking up. I see a party at a park. I go over to see what's going on, and I find Alicia is there. There are a lot of colorful balloons. The balloons all look like Pusheen. The party breaks up, and the people at the party take all of the balloons when they leave. I am a little disappointed, I wanted one. Then I see there's a deflated one on the ground. I'll pick it up and blow it back up. I realize it has holes in it. I find some tape and start taping the holes. An employee sees me doing that and says if I wanted that badly he will fix it. He takes the balloon into the back room. I have the feeling that he's not going to bring it back. Alicia says she wants a pink balloon. I was wrong. The employee brings the Pusheen balloon back, and it is completely inflated now. But I have barely put my hands on it when it immediately pops and I wake up. I am in my own house. My mother is there with me. We are sitting there when I hear a truck outside. So we go to the window and look. There is a UPS truck outside. My mom opens the gate and lets him in. The UPS delivery person gets out with a large package. I go out and bring the package in. My mother is asking if it is surely for me. She asks what I have ordered that would be that big. I told her I don't know what I have ordered that would be that big, but of course it's for me. And look at the address label, and I see it has the name Little on it. Why would James’ packages to be delivered to my house? In spite of the name not being mine, I open the package. I find a lot of stuff in there. I find some unopened boxes of brand new Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon cards. I am thinking I'm going to keep those. I also find some comics. I really don't have any interest in those. Then I find some really cool stuff. I find video games for the PC, some really good joystick controller's, and a VR set up. I am thinking I have just scored. I am looking at the virtual reality helmet when I wake up. I am disappointed. I am with my mother at an electronics store. We are looking at new phones. I am looking at a new iPhone and thinking I might get it. I see my mom is looking at a smartphone. I go over and see it’s a really nice one. The salesperson is explaining its features to my mom. He says it’s as powerful as any desktop computer, and the amazing thing is it can run either iOS apps or Android apps. I am surprised when my mom says she wants one without knowing the price. The man then asks how about me. I try the phone out and want it. But I say I need to know the cost first. He says the phone is free. I do a double take… free? I don’t believe that. He says it really is. He hands me the phone I tried out and says to keep it and get it set up on the service of my choice. I am still thinking there’s no way this phone could possibly be free when I wake up.
I wasn't lucid for this dream at all, and I can't believe I never thought of doing it lucid! I dreamed that me and a group of friends, which were all DC's didn't actually know them, where playing a Full Dive Reality game that was like a futuristic shooter, more like the Crysis series than Halo though. We ran a raid through some sort of high tech terrorist compound, but we were doing it all Splinter Cell like. Until about 10 minutes in we got spotted by a damn camera >.< unfortunately for the terrorists, they didn't have the badass suits that we had, that pretty much made us ninjas, and assisted with accuracy. Let me tell you, you haven't lived until you ran across a wall for a few seconds and managed to get a few headshots in. After we finished the raid we walked through the exit door and it become like a lobby type area, where cold drinks were waiting for us, nice couch and tv, and we sat and talked about the raid until I woke up.
My dream transitioned to a virtual reality version of Second Life. There were many people around. My virtual house was in the middle of a grassy plain. It was mostly made out of wood, and had a look that won't be out of place in a magazine for architecture. I was a buxom woman with a male's part. I just finished having my time with a black-haired, slim man, and is trying to convince a jovial, muscular, white-haired, soldier-looking man to let me top him. We were all naked. I did not recall actually sleeping with the black-haired man. Later, I was myself again, but I was still trying to sleep with the soldier. There were people going around my hosue and I was trying to convince them to leave. One of them kicked all of us out of the house despite not being the owner, teleporting us all out.
Updated 10-09-2016 at 10:06 PM by 50816
01.08.2016 (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was playing on a zombie mod in virtual reality. There were 4 other players. We were going through a wasteland and it was really dark. We were moving through an alleyway and a group of about 5 zombies (who used to be cops) attacked us. We were able to fend them off and grabbed ammo from them. We kept moving through the map and reached a laboratory. Inside the lab we had to go through a maze. We got separated and I was scared to turn each corner as I didn't know what to expect. I heard something above me and when I looked up there was a Licker from resident evil. I tried to pull out my shotgun but it was too late. It jumped on me and ate me. The next round was on a ship. There was a Zombie Megalodon and Zombie Pirate Ship trying to board us. There were probably about 20 humans left. We were fighting the Zombies trying to board. They had swords but we had guns. The Pirates of the Caribbean main theme was playing. eventually we were able to fend off the zombie pirates but we had no idea how to fight the Megalodon. It kept bumping out ship and people were falling overboard. I tried to take cover inside the cabin but the ship started sinking. I held on to a floating board but was suddenly devoured by the megalodon.
I appear in a car with someone I don't remember ever meeting before. He looks like he's 10 years old and somehow he is in the driver seat. We're driving and I decided it's best to look out the window to see where we are. Judging from what I can see, we're in the middle of no where through a desert on a one way road. Suddenly this other car showed up shooting behind us. So we decided to shoot at the car. We had more gun power and the car began to drive away as we continue to chase it. However as we're going faster than the speed limit and shooting at this random car. A cop car like in most typical movie is park on the side of the dusty road. He sees this and begins to drive toward us. I tell the kid in the driver seat to keep driving away. I continue checking the back of the window to see if we were losing the cop. Fortunately we did and I proceeded to tell the boy to forget life rules and just do what you're after. He nods his head with a smirk while parking to a near by Diner. We enter inside and my semi lucidity has now turn in to lucidity. I decided its best to act like I'm not dreaming but instead myself in to thinking I'm in waking life using some virtual reality technology. I look using my eyes to see if there was a person that could take our order? A woman in a green sweater and dark brown pants pass through the door. As I approach her the kid in the car taps my shoulder a few times. I turn around saying I'm with someone at the moment while asking what did he want? He leads me to a section in the diner where there were a lot of chairs. I sat down on one of them as he decides to sit on the floor. There was another kid sitting beside me and I figure I might as well act like I know the guy since we're in virtual reality. I say hey, he looks at me and says it's been some time and ask what have I been doing? I laugh and said just some bad driving. I look in the direction of the 10 year old boy. Just when I did this I had this moment that I knew his name. I ask Willie will he be working on that soon? He gives me this face gesture that says really? He couldn't believe I thought his driving skills were bad. He replies with yea we're going to have to talk about this after we're through here. This reminds me that I've been lucid for a decent amount of time. The difference in how I view the experience was working. It was after this that the two kids and I got up and went in to the back section of the diner. We enter this dark stairway, the dream scene look entirely different from the old 40's diner. The two kids have change to different dream characters and my lucidity went back to semi lucid. Later on I have an FA and then woke up. Lucidity Time: 4 minutes
Black: Non-dream Blue: Non-lucid Red: Lucid Dream 1 - Virtual world MMORPG I'm in a virtual reality MMORPG (think SAO or .Hack//) and another player takes me under his wing, guiding me and teaching me about the game (at first it doesn't feel like a game, and becomes more game-like as the dream progresses). We travel down a dirt road, the scenery is somewhat chaotic, like we're in hell or something... The sky seems red, the clouds are more like smoke, it seems like it was hot too. We come across our destination, a demon gate, my mentor leaps down and I follow without hesitating (it resembled a hole in the ground with a bright flaming portal a couple metres down). We get teleported to a new room, as we fall there is another portal beneath us and we air-jump to the side to avoid falling into it, it appears that this portal takes you to the next level of the game which I'm not strong enough for. Landing on the ground in this new room next to the portal, I notice the floor is made of sand, the room itself is square and a bit small, the walls don't really exist and there is darkness beyond (like the edge of a map in a video game). There is danger in this room though, tall sand people form from and spew sand at me, then collapse back down. If they spawn beneath you and you don't move, you die, and if they hit you then you die, so the whole time being in this room I'm just jumping and dodging. While doing this, the mentor tells me that he made a miscalculation and lost a great deal of his money by accident and that to make up for it we should try reach the next level, but it's about 9:35pm and my gf and daughter just got home so I want to spend time with them. At this point I'm circuiting the room in a sprint and the sand spews are piling up a dune of sand making it easier to get out or something, the mentor compliments me on this strategy. Dream 2 - A big shark made me lucid I'm standing at the edge of a deck, I seem to own a beach house that's right next to the water. I notice some beautiful starfish, sea urchins, seaweed, etc, and think to tell my daughter about them... Like posing a question to make her think about life or something lame like that . Suddenly I realize I have to be careful, then look to my right and spot a HUGE shark fin slicing the surface of the water. It must have been 1 metre high and a grey-white colour... I jump backwards and it comes close enough to touch the edge of the deck which should be impossible (since the water by the deck is only foot deep and is rocky as hell). Knowing that it was impossible I think to check if it's a dream, I get my hands in front of me and just look at them for a bit... My eyes start focusing and I see the imagery of my hands jitter a bit, I feel something in my mind changing as I become lucid, like a veil being lifted. I stand up and look for the shark, thinking to myself "whoa this is cool, I'll shoot a kamehameha at the shark!". I hold my hands in position (a bit different to the way it's actually done)... "Kaaaa... Meeee... Haaaa... Meeee... HA!" a subtle 'whoosh' 'brrrgh' 'splash' happens as an invisble orb shoots from my hand, flys through the air and smacks the water. Underwhelming, but it's progress. Moving on I decide to run around the corner of my house (internally I was thinking about doing a TOTM but couldn't be bothered in the end), there's water here and some waves (a bit inconsistent, like the waves were coming from the wrong direction) there was another shark that looked a bit handicapped. The water was still way too shallow for any of this, but there was also some people playing in the water. I feel like I'm not moving fast enough, the idea to fly crosses my mind, the last time I tried I had failed miserably, but this time was different . Leaping into the air I suddenly feel lighter, then WHOOSH! I shoot off into the sky and fly through the clouds. The feeling is euphoric and I quickly calm myself so as not to end the dream. I notice that the clouds are dark with a red hue, crackling red lightning from some spots. Not wanting to deal with this shiz, I wave my hands, signaling the dismissal of the clouds. They part and dissipate, and as I continue flying I see a floating cloud castle. It had brilliant hues to it, it seemed majestic and beautiful, a large cloud man floated out of a nearby window, he beckoned me towards him, it was none other than Zeus! I feel the weight of my body change, becoming heavier... Suddenly it's a bit harder to control my flying, and the next thing I know, I'm awake and I was having such a good dream >_< Note: Only used SSILD, no longer sick and had an awesome sleep the night before.
Updated 03-09-2015 at 08:34 AM by 71238
Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid Lucid #253: Miranda Gloves Wife and I are sitting next to each other on the patio of a restaurant, chilling out and enjoying the nice weather. I think that we’re near Disney World. Another couple enters the patio area and Wife asks them how they liked Disney World, but they look irritable and don’t respond. Wife gets annoyed at first, but then says something like, “Never mind, they’re having a problem right now.” Wife gets up and walks through a nearby door, signalling that I should follow her. Now we’re in a carpeted area that looks sort of like our master bathroom. She locks eyes with me while explaining what this woman is going through. I feel this big swell of lovey-dovey and amorous feelings and think to “look for the dream”, becoming lucid as I do this. Wife continues talking, explaining that the woman is frustrated by her life and is eager to disappear into virtual reality. I get a vision of the woman wearing a pair of haptic gloves that Wife calls “Miranda Gloves”. There’s something terribly sad about her life, but she feels real hope at the idea of her escape into VR. As the story concludes, I’m incredibly drawn to be physical with Wife. I say some silly line that I can’t remember (but I remember even then thinking it was really cheesy, ) and Wife looks unimpressed. I shut up for a bit, though, and now she’s interested too and we start making out. Things proceed quickly and we go to the floor for sexytime. I'm leaving out most of the details because this got quite graphic, but one part in particular was very striking. Spoiler for Explicit: During orgasm, Wife grabs up handfuls of carpet and the carpet bunches into her hands like she's grabbing up bed sheets. It's just one of those dream details, but it's probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen in a lucid dream. As we continue this, a woman dressed like a food vendor at a baseball game wanders by. The box of items she’s wearing contains haptic gloves instead of food! She notices what Wife and I are doing and looks interested, beginning to take off her box of gloves so she can join us. Wife waves her away, though, and she wanders off. A window to the left catches my eye and Wife and I somehow flow from what we’re doing to standing beside it, dressed again. We’re looking over a city skyline set against a reddish sky. Wife is surrounded by a faint red halo, too, and she looks stunning. I place my arms around her waist and lean in to be as close to her as I can. The building nearest to us towers above the rest. As I look at it, the other buildings fade into the red sky. This building has a large sign on top of it that reads: “Miranda Gloves”. After a moment of looking at this, I wake up.