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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Julia

      by , 09-08-2010 at 02:11 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 4, 2010 - 1/5

      Most of the plot of this dream is lost on me now. But my notes say there were zombies. I remember Jack, Julia and I being at a store. And there was something to do with food. As in, we were trying to order some. We decided to go to a new location, and Jack left ahead of us. Julia and I got into the truck, and she drove.

      The next point I remember is Julia had vanished. I was adamant that we needed to wait at this point for her, because she was a dreamer. She vanished because she woke up, and when she chains back in, she'll reappear in this spot. I said it was like the guy in the Time Traveler's Wife... whenever he time-shifted, he generally shifted back to the spot he left.
      lucid , dream fragment
    2. nature imitates man

      by , 09-07-2010 at 10:53 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Nature imitates man
      I walked outside and headed to the utility room where the freezer is at. I looked inside and saw a lot of Klondike bars. I closed it and I saw some strange insect walking around. It looked like two glade plugins next to each other, and the lights actually worked. I was pretty amazed for a second and I called my pops to come look at it. And I thought about RCing....and I did. Pops came over and looked at it, and tried to say that it wasn't nothing in there, and as soon as I headed off, I woke up.
    3. Yes!!!

      by , 09-07-2010 at 10:14 PM
      This night I only had 3 hours of sleep, so my mother allowed me to stay home. When I got up I decided to sleep on the couch instead of my bed.. After a good long while... I finally decided to go back to sleep..

      I lay down and suddenly I get that Sleep paralysis rush... Lucid attempting time I think.... So I open my "dream eyes" and I see a couch... But not ours... It's the loveseat.. I KNOW I'm not sleeping on the loveseat right now

      It's very hazy and I have trouble keeping my dream eyes opened... I have A LOT of trouble moving my dream limbs.. It fades away...

      -After I wake up again I instantly close my eyes and enter SP again.. The exact same thing happens to me.. Eventually I find myself somewhere... I have trouble remembering exactly where.. I do an RC (Finger through palm) but it doesn't work.. I do other things like try to Jump super high and fly but that doesn't work either.. I remembered "Spend your first few lucids getting used to the dream world.." But I had know idea what to do... How do I increase vividness?
    4. September 7, 2010

      by , 09-07-2010 at 07:13 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      asked a dc for dg location, went there, no dream guide. nothing.

      Lost Dream Guide (dild)

      I am in bedroom and outside my window I see the neighbor's house oddly painted a bright yellow. I look at my hands and have too many fingers. I slowly walk downstairs and through the kitchen. Taking in all the sights and sounds. I go outside and hope the fence into the parking lot. I see a co-work approaching with two dogs. They attack me. I am bit and it is a reasonably painful sensation. I toss the dogs off to the side and they run away.

      "Where is my dream guide?" I ask. "...I dunno." he replies.

      I go back to my porch and yell "Mom!". She walks out. "Where is my dream guide?" I ask. In, let me think, in a sort of shower" she she said. "What? Dammit, what shower? She tells me what I already know. She smiles. "In the neighbor's shower"

      I do some spiderman shit. I jump up on the railing, a huge leap to the fence, on top of his roof, and jump down in front of the door. I enter.

      I enter and the house is still quite messy and the same layout from
      (Part 4). So I know right where the steps are and bathroom. I go up and in, tear down the shower curtain and there is nothing in the bathroom.

      For kicks I close my eyes and spin. My hands hitting the walls and sink. I keep my eyes close and do back flips. I open them and I am back in my kitchen. My whole family is there laughing at me because they say I am just spinning like an idiot. I wake up.

      Updated 09-13-2010 at 08:14 AM by 29419

    5. 7th of September 2010

      by , 09-07-2010 at 09:19 AM
      [COLOR="dimgray"][I](note from now on I will only be recording dreams online in the nights I've been lucid, because recording every single dream is too time-consuming)[/I][/COLOR]

      1st Lucid Dream.
      [B]7th of September 2010[/B]

      My friend said to me ''I want to be a goth so I can have cool hair'' Me: ''It's strange how some people become gothic only for the fation, and eventually ending up as a manga character'' Friend: ''Yeah'' Me: ''It's like at the point of loosing dignity when you dress up as your favourite manga character just for the hair''.


      I was sick and spent most of the day in bed. While I was watching T.V in bed, my Grandma came in with a computer. On the screen was one of my old illustrations scans of a nautiloid mollusk. She told me that she thaught my illustration was ''very good''.
      Later I decided I was going to drive to the hospital. I was in the back-seat of the car and the car was driving itself using the G.P.S for direction. After a while I noticed the car started to be following a car infront of me, so I worked out that that car must be going to the hospitol also. I climbed into the front seat and took control of the steering wheel, I thaught it would be good practice for driving for when I get my driving licence. I kept following the car infront of me until we arrived at a gate that was partially opened. The car infront of me was slightly smaller and was able to scrape through, I realized my car was too big, So I was about to open the door so I could get out of the car and open the gate wider, when the car rolled forwards and smashed the gate down. I quickly drove away and looked behind me in the car. The police man was yelling ''we need to close down the road''.
      [I]At that moment I questioned myself:[/I] [COLOR="darkred"]''Since when has any of this been normal? I can't drive a car, I must be dreaming!''.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="dimgray"][I]Woke up[/I][/COLOR]

      Updated 09-08-2010 at 10:52 AM by 36115 (Colour edit)

    6. Second short lucid, in the woods

      by , 09-07-2010 at 08:13 AM
      This morning I sort of screwed up my dream recall at first, by thinking I didn't remember anything, but turned out I just didn't try hard enough. Therefore, I almost forgot my second, short lucid! It's still a bit hazy, but at least I know most of the lucid parts.

      As for the dream: Me, my sister and my old friend V, who I haven't seen for years, were out in the forest near our cabin searching for something. One of the things were a BB gun. We were right nearby. There was also a mouse and a rabbit there for some reason. I walked a bit away from the others and found the gun. As I picked it up, it struck me: "Why am I doing this, again? And why is V here, haven't seen him for years. Oh shit, it's a dream sign!" I quickly did the nose plug breathing RC, and I could breathe freely!
      I touched some stuff around me to try and stabilize the dream. I went back to the others and told them there was no point, as this was just a lucid dream. They just looked at me with a strange look and kept searching. I didn't really care, I just wanted to explore the LD. But I wasn't 100% lucid, so I didn't have full control of what I was doing. I first wanted to fly, so I jumped up. Only came a few meters, and for some reason I blamed it on the forest. I then tried to change the whole scenery. Not only teleport, but actually to change the whole dream world around me. The whole ground started shaking, and it was like it all "bended" upwards, as if there was a volcano about to break loose. Then it all just slapped back in place, making leaves fly everywhere. I was so disappointed with the unsuccessful change, I lost lucidity.
      I continued searching around for a little while, but then it struck me again that I was dreaming. I didn't do a proper RC this time, I just shouted out "this is a god damn dream," and stood there for a while looking at my sister and V, still trying to find the mouse or whatever. I had a real problem knowing what to do with my lucidity, for some stupid reason I couldn't think of ANYTHING! The dream started fading away, and I had a FA, which I can't even remember if I realised or not.

      The whole thing only lasted for 3-5 minutes, but it was still great when I realised in the morning that I had had another LD
    7. The Sorta Great Werewolf Recue...9/2/10

      by , 09-07-2010 at 04:42 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was with a small group of people. We came over to a big hole in the ground. A man was trapped at the bottom. I went down and got him out, and then my friends helped me out. Soon, we returned to our lair, and we somehow were wearing necklaces. A man came in and said they were evil. So, we all turned into werewolves and went postal. I came into a school(DS) and turned back to normal. I then became lucid realizing where I was. I tryed hard to get someone to help me. It was no use. I went outside and saw a young couple. They convienetly had silver chainsaws on them, and they wanted to help. We went in and won. They came with me to my friend's house. The girl invited me upstairs. We started to make out. The guy came in and ran away cyring. I went downstairs and came back up. Now she was making out with my friend Elliot! WTF, TWF, FTW? Elliot got up, and he ran away lighting fast. Then, I went all-out wereolf on the girl. Then, I awoke.
    8. ineverwakeup13's Super Dream Journal Volume 3: Mandalorian Rescue Attempt 2: Failure...8/29/10

      by , 09-07-2010 at 04:29 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Lucid Dream
      I dreamed I was at a water park. Oddly, I saw Sandy Cheeks, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward Tenticles from the show Spongebob Squarepants...wtf? So, there was this water challenge. We had to grind on poles across the water all the way to the end. I took the challenge, and won. Now I had to do the "blind" part of the challenge. It was the same challenge, but eyes closed. As I was about to launch into the water, someone mentioned school(DS). I did an RC, and became lucid! Sweet! Then, I hit the water and fell out off my raft. Eyes still closed, I was prepared to open them and risk waking up. I opened them...and was still dreaming. I climbed onto the raft. Now I did something amazing. I turned the water solid! Technically it wasn't ice, cause it was neither cold nor slippery. So, I ran to shore and hid. I summoned a small Roman town and prizon. Now some Romans came out of a building. I was somehow already in my Mandalorian armor. I pulled out my blasters and fired away. More came. I took the risk and used my jet-pack. A Roman grabbed my leg and I killed him. I flew into a building attached to the prizon. The Romans flooded in. I pulled out a Westar-33 blaster rifle and mowed them all down. I landed by a civilian. She'd seen everything, so I had to kill her. Now another girl came in. But she was an actual soldier. I fired at her, and she dodged the bolt! "How'd you do that?!" I asked. No reply. She charged at me with a spear. I grabbed it, and bent it. She took it back and swung it at me. I tried to dodge it, but she sliced my lower lip! "Wait.." I said. Like an idiot, she waited. Dumb DCs. I ran outside, then flew as high as I could go until I awoke.
    9. Rescue Attempt 1: Total Failure

      by , 09-07-2010 at 04:02 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was with a battalion of soldiers. We were crossing a chasm. After we crossed, we reached...my back yard? Odd. I went into my house. Suddenly, a giant beast approached me! This thing was far from friendly. I ran outside to the troops. We had no choice...we were gonna jump into the chasm. As I jumped in, I didn't just fall like normal...I soared fifty feet into the air. I suddenly became lucid without dreamsigns! Time to save my Mandalorians! Then, I had a false awakening! Then, I awoke for real.
    10. 09/05/10 Dolphin Encounter

      by , 09-07-2010 at 03:55 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I woke up from the previous dream and got out of bed, I had to go use the bathroom. I left my bedroom, went to the bathroom, and took care of business there before heading back to my room. A few days ago I got some letter stickers that I used to spell out "QUESTION REALITY" on the inside of my bedroom door. Those letters were not there when I had left my room, but they were there on the outside of my bedroom door as I was going back into my room. I pinched my nose, did the RC, and found I was dreaming. I became lucid.

      Ok, now what was my first goal… to meet MoSh and find out about Romano! I used the door across my bedroom door and turned it into a portal to MoSh's inner world. I stepped through the door into the area outside MoSh's house, so I went right over to the house and knocked on the door, I wanted to be sure I got there and cloaked myself before Romano showed up, but I also wanted MoSh to know I was there. MoSh showed up, he opened the door and asked what was up, I told him why I was there, and he laughed a bit, then he said I was too late. Too late? I'd missed it? How could I have missed it already? I told him I had come right there as soon as I had become lucid… MoSh said Romano had already come and gone, so I had missed it… then he disappeared, apparently he had woken up.

      Um… ok… that had not been expected… did I have another goal? I was pretty sure that I had more goals, but I was a bit unsure after the previous epic fail on reaching my goal… yeah. I remembered that the next goal involved meeting Nomad on the moon, we were going to talk to dolphins, which seemed unusual, but sounded interesting, so I opened a portal to the moon, to the biodome. When I got to the other side of the portal, Nomad was already there, he looked at me and smiled, then said we were going to go see the dolphins, at which point he jumped through a portal that had formed in the ground. I jumped through the portal after him and found we were falling from the sky into the ocean, I transformed into a mermaid as I dived into the water, Nomad also fell into the water, but I didn't see if he transformed.

      Nomad and I swam for a short ways under the water until I spotted some dolphins, they were swimming around and playing with each other, then a couple of them came over when they spotted us. I noticed Nomad's form for the first time, he was part jaguar, and the first thing that came to mind was that he was a catfish… I started laughing, which drew weird looks from everyone, but I didn't mind. The dolphins, Nomad, and I were all communicating telepathically, Nomad asked if there was any hope for our world and those that live there, one of the dolphins clearly spoke above the others, she said there is always hope, as long as there is life there is hope. I was thinking to myself that yeah, there might be hope for the rest of the world once humans have all killed each other off… One of the dolphins said that all of that hatred is not good, he said to purge my heart of hatred. She said she had heard the saying that money is at the root of all evil, but it is not, it is hatred that is at the root of all evil.

      I paused, then I asked if they didn't hate humans for destroying so much of the ocean, they responded that as a species, humans are young, like children, and when a young child pulls the tail of a dog, not understanding the harm they do, that child has to be taught, not hated. The dolphins were talking about how the purpose of living through this life was to learn and to teach, learn from those who know more and to teach those who know less, and thus exchange knowledge and allow everyone involved to advance to the next level. She said it is this knowledge that we all get to keep and take with us to the next world, the knowledge and the energy we create, whether it be positive or negative, is what we are, not these bodies. She said for an example, cats and dogs are working towards teaching humans about unconditional love, the dolphins had spent a lot of time watching humans and interacting with some, and were willing to both teach and learn, though they had found very few humans who were yet ready to learn what they have to teach. She said some other species were learning in the company of humans to care for other species, a mother tiger adopting piglets as her cubs, foxes befriending hound dogs, birds befriending cats, animals that are normally predators developing friendships with those who are usually their prey… She said that as with teaching any child, patience is needed.

      I looked over to see what Nomad was doing, he was not there, I wondered where he had gone off to. Had he left with other dolphins? Had he woken up? Was there really any way to know for sure? I looked back to the dolphins I was speaking with, and I could tell they were smiling, they headed for the surface, got a breath of air, then came back down and floated in front of me again. She said that was enough of being serious… life is too short to be serious all the time… let's play! She swam off, grabbed a fish and ate it, then moved in strange patterns and pushed what seemed like a ball of denser water through the water at me. I caught it and threw it back, the dolphin batted it back with her tail, I used my mermaid tail to bat it to another dolphin, and we played with the ball of water for a while, it was fun to be in the ocean and playing with the dolphins. I continued having fun in that manner until I woke up.
      Tags: dolphins, mosh, nomad
      lucid , memorable
    11. Mandalorian Failure...8/19/10

      by , 09-07-2010 at 03:50 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was at a store. I noticed some flyers. When I left, I asked some girl to grab me one. I waited...and waited...and waited. I finally went in myself, and became lucid without dreamsigns! I came into the store's playroom. It was full of little girls. Just for my amusement, I turned them into hot girls my age. I went outside to a road. I saw some friends. Time to battle some Romans. I made my friends suit up in Mandalorian armor, then summoned some more. I went out to scout for a school bus, since it's what the Romans showed up in last time oddly. I see the Roman bus, and I activate my jet-pack. I pull out my Westar-33 blaster pistols. I mow down Romans one-by-one. My soldiers did a number on them too. Suddenly, a javelin came at me from behind and hit my jet-pack. My jet-pack exploded and killed me! WTF? Oddly, I didn't wake up like normal. I was now a ghost looking down at my dead body. Now I was really mad, because my soldiers surrendered! Now I awoke.
    12. It's Godzilla!...8/19/10(early morning)

      by , 09-07-2010 at 03:36 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I dreamed I was in my mom's car with my mom and brothers. We were on our way to a toy factory to get Godzilla toys. On the way there... I became lucid without dreamsigns! So, as my brother went into the store, I turned into a human sized Godzilla and terrorized the people. When he finally left the building, I turned into the real 330 foot Godzilla and smashed the building. I continued my smashing until I awoke.
    13. 09/05/10 Barely Lucid

      by , 09-07-2010 at 03:20 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I started off this night with three major goals, the first was to meet up with MoSh and see if I am able to be with him when he meets up with Romano, the second was to meet up with Nomad and go into the oceans to communicate with dolphins, and the third was to go through time and view a dream Walms had where it seemed that some insane version of me was attacking him for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, I was not successful in entering my WILD upon falling asleep, which made remembering my goals in the dream state considerably harder than it would have been had I been able to use my WILD.

      As I was heading to class at ITT Tech I was convinced that there was something I was supposed to be doing, someone I was supposed to meet with, but I couldn't think what I was supposed to be doing or where I was supposed to meet with someone or even who I was supposed to meet with! That was driving me nuts that I couldn't think of what I was supposed to be doing and who I was supposed to be meeting! I was so distracted by it that I drove right past ITT Tech… well, that was easy enough to fix, I would just have to make a U turn and head back to the school. There was a lot of traffic coming from the other direction, so I wouldn't be able to make a U turn, so instead I waited for a brief break in traffic and turned left into a neighborhood. I was going to just turn around and head back to the main street, but there was a concrete median in the middle of the road and I couldn't get to the other side to head back. So I continued driving down the street looking for some way to complete my U turn, some way to turn left and then head back in the direction I had just come from.

      So I kept on driving along the winding road, there was no way I was going to make it to class on time now, so now not only would I end up defaulting on whatever it was I had agreed to do with whoever it was I was forgetting I would also be late for or miss my class. This was not going well at all. At least I had a pleasant drive, though, through a curvy road lined with nice houses and a lot of trees, it looked like a very nice neighborhood to live in. I came around a curve and drove up an incline towards some nice homes at the top of the hill. There was no longer a median in the center, but I had ceased caring about turning around and heading back to school. One of the houses at the top of the hill looked strikingly familiar, though I couldn't place where I had seen it before nor could I think of how I might have seen it before since I had never been down that road. I pulled up next to the house, going slowly as I tried to think of where I had seen the place before and what it might mean, when a man came out of the house and looked right at me… great… now he was going to think I was some kind of crazy person casing the joint or something…

      I moved to drive away from the house, but right as I pushed on the gas my engine died even though there had not been any signs of trouble just seconds before. The man was coming over to the car now, I was wondering if he realized I was having problems or if he thought I was a nutter, I figured I could tell him I had slowed down because my engine was making noises and then it stalled. At least I would have a good excuse for having stopped right in front of his house. He came over to my car and peered in through the driver side window, smiling in a friendly manner, it was a young man who looked to be in his 20's, he had short dark hair and a nice smile and I found myself staring into his beautiful brown eyes… He asked me what I was doing, and I realized it was rude to stare at his eyes or any other part of him, and I said I was just having car problems… He looked at me strangely and asked what I was doing using a car for anyway when I normally just use portals.

      The man paused, then he said what I needed to be doing was cloaking myself so Romano wouldn't see me if he was to come tonight. Romano? Who in the world was Romano? Was Romano the person I was supposed to meet? It didn't sound like it, since this man was saying I should be hidden… or cloaked… how was I supposed to be cloaked? I must have been giving him a puzzled look because he asked me what was wrong with me, get out of the car and get cloaked, Romano might be arriving at any moment, and he wanted it to look like he was alone here… I was still confused… He asked me if I really had no clue as to what was going on, he asked me if I wasn't lucid, didn't I realize this was a dream? A dream? This is a dream? The man said yes, it was a dream, so hurry up and cloak myself, Romano might be there at any minute, I still didn't know who Romano was, but I was realizing who this man was… it was MoSh… and this was a dream, so I would be able to cloak myself. I got out of the car and focused on making my energy invisible, then I focused on Of Wolf and Man and changed into a cat, a black house cat… I did that and hid my energy.

      Now I followed MoSh back to the house, I was a little kitty trotting along behind him, he seemed a bit impatient and acted as if there was something that wasn't going well at all. I was going to ask him what was wrong, but all that came out was a meow. I rubbed around his legs and purred, purrs are supposed to soothe anxiety, and it seemed like he had too much anxiety right now, he absent mindedly reached down and scratched me behind the ears, so I purred louder. I saw a dog entering the room,

      a big dog I didn't recognize, MoSh reached down and scooped me up into his arms and started petting me, I continued to purr. The big dog came over in our direction, and sat down in front of MoSh, he was looking at me strangely, then at MoSh. I thought I heard voices, telepathic communication? Between MoSh and the dog? Was the dog Romano? Maybe… I was trying to tune into the communication and hear the voices when everything faded to black and I woke… it seemed I woke awfully suddenly…
      Tags: lost, mosh, romano, school
      lucid , non-lucid
    14. 5 Sep: fragments, giant cats and lucid hot date

      by , 09-06-2010 at 05:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      Game like dream. Can’t recall content.

      0:00 GMT

      Bus ride to village in distress
      Just as two nights before (the hovercraft ride dream), I am on a bus with more people crossing dangerous mountain roads with dangerous manoeuvres from the driver and we almost fall down a cliff. We arrive at this remote village in a valley, surrounded by woods. There was some kind of catastrophe there and the basic services are disrupted. More madness is expected soon, riots and violence. A muscled guy comes and starts orienting us. For some reason he seems to befriend me more than the rest of the group. We come to help and we evaluate the situation sitting on a picnic table outside: we try to evaluate how much food, water and other essential goods there are and how long they’ll last and we realise it won’t last more than 4 or 5 days. Because everything is torn apart, I see this village name plate half covered by debris and the only letters remaining visible say “...have ...fun...” I think this is highly ironic.

      I’m inside a house, with a big window facing the street. It has something like an advertisement stick on the window and I’m trying to read it on reverse, when some guy outside knocks on the window. He wants to speak to me and seems a bit angry. I exit the place.

      Mourning a dying man
      I’m now entering a room at my neighbour C. house. Her dad is extremely sick (in some kind of coma) and people are all gathered around him, mourning him, as if he was already dead. Strangely, some of my cousins and even my late grand-grandmother are also there, even if they don’t belong to this family or are alive at all. I feel this is very uncomfortable and wonder if they have no hopes that he gets better? On my way out I meet my dad and he says I have to be more loving towards him because one day he’ll also be lying dead like this guy. Sure, but I already know that, no point in stressing that out!

      2:30 GMT

      More details of a previous dream
      Regarding the mosque lucid dream I had had a few nights before, someone comes in this dream to tell me it is actually surrounded by English-style gardens but doesn’t know anything about sacred stones, only that there was some stone-sculpture exhibition there and that a few days some people gathered there to celebrate some ceremony.

      I’m no dancer
      I’m on some place where it’s playing music and I feel like dancing. I actually think I’m doing ok, when more people join me. I can tell they are professional dancers and compared to them I’m just not good enough, but I’m having fun, so I don’t care. Then I realise I’m in the middle of some dance class final exam. The teacher comes to me and asks me “Do you think you danced well? and I say that on a professional level, of course not. Then she asks some other dancer “Do you think she danced well?” and he says no. Then she says she rests her case and turns her back on me, like outcasting me. I feel a bit upset. I mean, I know I am just an amateur, but my dancing is not that offensive to anybody’s eyes, no need to be so tough on me. Some fellow dancers show solidarity with me but in the end I say it’s ok, in fact she is right. Then I invite them to come along with me to a Vivaldi concert that will happen on some nearby auditorium.

      3:40 GMT

      A lucid hot date
      I’m with Nighthawk watching tv on the couch on a living room. At first we're apart from each other, but slowly we snuggle with each other, our noses are barely touching each other, we look in each other’s eyes and we kiss. He whispered “My god, it’s so good to kiss you.” and I smiled, my heart thumping. He says ”Marry me.” I don’t know what to say and I say it’s complicated. He knows, he gets up, determined about something. I don't stop him, but seconds later I decide to go after him. On the corridor I remember to do a reality check . I put my hand on the wall and it sinks. I get lucid and for the first time on a lucid dream I actually feel frustrated that it is just a dream but I still decide I want to see how this will go on.
      I find him on the next room with Riverstone, who is completely focused on something like a book and holding a cup of tea in his hand. I put my hand on the wall, I make a hole on it and I ask them “Do you know what this means?”. Riverstone looks totally disconnected and doesn’t react. Nighthawk has a misterious smile on his face and I don’t understand what goes on on his mind. I grab a piece of dissolved wall on my hand and pour it into Riverstone cup of tea telling him “This is just a fucking dream!”. He says I’m telling nonsense. I turn to Nighthawk and I say “He is always like this, he never believes me!”. Nighthawk, on the other hand, seems to be understanding exactly what I am talking about. Then he surprises me by replying “Well, I, on the other hand, know for sure this is damn real! I am really here with you!!! And I know we're dreaming!” Really? WOW! I was amazed.
      I ask him “How...?” and he continues saying that he doesn’t recall those many dreams, but he does recall a few once in a while and that this might be one of those he will remember. I tell him he must absolutely remember this one!
      At this point I realise that Riverstone is no longer with us. I turn to Nighthawk, absolutely thrilled and exhilarated with this totally lucid dream encounter. We smile and we kiss each other again, more passionately. We fall on the bed. I feel delighted with everything. Then his image starts to flicker and we realise he is losing lucidity and waking up. He says “Damn, not yet! I want to stay with you!” and I try to keep him there with me, grabbing him firmly. But he becomes just a blur, a shadow, until he totally disappears, like sand through my fingers. I find myself in this empty room, happy and sad at the same time. I sit on the floor and I stay there for a long time, hoping that he might re-enter the dream. But when I no longer feel the residues of his presence I decide there’s no point in staying longer, so I also wake up.

      5:00 GMT

      Excursion on the USA
      I’m with Riverstone on some excursion in the US. We’re on a bus. A pregnant lady is just sitting in front of us. We’re passing by N.Y. and Riverstone is screaming joyfully every times he sees a landmark he recognizes. Later we’re outside any city, on some road leading to some other totally different place. We find ourselves in a swamp area. We see alligators on water and for some strange reason there’s a black guy swimming bravely among them. I worry for the guy but also comment that is so funny to be seeing alligators as I just had some conversation with someone about alligators during the day.

      6:35 GMT

      Love letter
      I am again on a bus and some stupid guy/kid reads out loud a love letter I wrote to someone else. Although he doesn’t mention my name, he knows it’s mine and I believe everybody else will also know it’s mine. I wonder how he got it and feel terribly irritated. But instead of reacting, I just ignored him. I guessed this way I wouldn’t actually reveal myself and people would be in doubt. Only when the bus stops and we start coming out of it, I step on the guys passage and confront him with his action. I put my finger on his nose and make a threatening look and tell him something that scares him. He looks asian and familiar, but I have no clue who he actually is. He doesn’t like being threatened and tells me “Ok, ok. But why don’t you just tell the guy your feelings?” And I respond “But I did! What do you think that letter served for! I just wonder how you ended up with it in your hands.” He doesn’t confess.

      Camp of giant cats
      When we get out, we’re in some kind of camp and everybody starts smoking or is coughing. I comment it must be the lung cancer camp and the joke is not well received. Someone scolds me. We walk a bit further and I start to see lots of big houses, like an entire village and the most surprising of it is that I see giant cats looking behind them or inside them. Cool! I don’t kno if the cats are dangerous, but I start taking pictures of these amazing site.
      [inspired by the cat sanctuary of this guy in the US, that collects abandoned and wild cats and takes care of them in this lovely sanctuary with tiny houses for the cats, as a real village.It even as a church and a wall-mart.]

      8:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 11:12 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    15. #140. Ultimate Knowledge

      by , 09-06-2010 at 05:13 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I watched The Last Exorcism last night. It was boring, and the shaky cam made me nauseous.

      I'm sitting in the hotel lobby, because it's really hard to sleep after a dream like this. Everyone else in my party is still in dreamland, of course.

      I just have more fun there.


      In which I'm confronted by a creepy little demon girl.

      The case contains four Books from the Akashic Records. I pull off the lid reverently, and the three of us peer into the box.

      I pull out a dusty, leatherbound edition, and turn it over in my hands. The cover is blank, but the unwritten words pop out at me in red script.

      To read this text is to risk eternal damnation.

      I open the Book without another thought. It falls open to a spot near the center, revealing an illustration of a beast with horns, wreathed in flame. So this is the comprehensive guide to demonology. I skim the Latin text, translating automatically. The demon has a name something like "K'nushekkal". I turn the name over in my mind, not willing to risk saying it out loud.

      Actually, I think about it. Just to see what would happen.

      I'm more interested in the other two books.


      I hear movement, and wake up in a dark room. I feel like it's my bedroom, but the place bears no resemblance to anywhere I've ever lived.

      The blankets are bunched up at my feet, and I sit up, bringing my knees up to my chest. I'm looking at my hands, trying to count my fingers, but I can barely see. It's just light enough for everything to take on a dark blue hue. I peer at my fingers, touching each one with the other hand.

      "One, two, three, four, five, six." I mutter. The number's not right, but I think I might be seeing things.

      No. I can see the pinky digits twisting into each other. I'm dreaming.

      I feel a puff of breath on my ear, almost a laugh. "You're a natural," says an otherworldly voice. I can hear the smile in it.

      I turn my head slowly to the left, not moving another muscle. A little girl in a white nightdress, maybe twelve years old, is leaning against the side of my bed, grinning up at me. Her irises are such a dark brown that it looks like her eyes are all black. The whites of her eyes seem to glow.

      And her nails are digging into the skin of my forearm, holding me in a vice-grip.

      Before I can react, she's pulling me through a tear in the dream, straight through the back of a bookshelf. Dark grey mist howls around us, and I can feel her pulling me down. Screams linger at the limits of my hearing, and a tendril of fear slithers through me.

      What the hell, I think, giving myself over to the sensation. I want to see where this goes. I close my eyes.

      When I open them, I'm standing in the bedroom, across the room from the demon. Her hands are clenched into fists and she's scowling.

      "Hm," I say, tilting my head to the side, "You're one of the demons from The Book. I recognize you." Not by sight, of course, but the pages left an imprint.

      I cast a glance around the room behind her. Like I thought, the demon is standing next to The Books. That's irritating. I really want to read the other three.

      The demon tenses, and I grin as I rush her, landing a hit that sends her sprawling to the side. I keep up my momentum, going to grab the box.

      She hits me from the back. I spin around to face her, but she's running at me again. We land on the ground, each trying to pin the other down. I can feel her demonic form at this point, even if I can't see it.

      I have her pinned by the arms when I realize that I won't be able to contain her. Calmly, I come to a conclusion. Without a physical weapon, I start to sever her limbs from her body. I pick up an arm and throw it away from the rest of her, cut off her head and kick it away from the rest of the body. I'll scatter the pieces around the house. In the time it takes the demon to pull herself together, I'll have read at least some of the other books.

      I'm sawing apart a Barbie doll. Then I wake up.

      Scare Factor: 5/10
      Rating: 6/10

      I'm not crazy.

      Updated 09-07-2010 at 04:48 AM by 31096

      lucid , false awakening