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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. My father, the maniac

      by , 01-30-2013 at 07:49 PM (Exterminate)
      I remember a small fragment of Mckenna at the sound booth of our church, playing on the computers and treating the booth as her room. I remember her saying she had free internet access.

      I have no idea if that previous dream had anything to do with the main one, but I thought I'd mention it.

      The characters involved in this dream:
      My dream dad, who looked nothing like my dad irl. He was in his 30s
      My dad's accomplice, who seemed to have ill intentions. He looked like he was about 27
      Me, who was not me, but the son of the father in this dream. I was about 14 in this dream
      My friend, blond haired, never seen him irl. I am assuming he was about the same age as I.

      So dad picks me and my friend up from school, and asks us if we want to go watch him do his job with him. We enjoy the opportunity, and join him. My friend and I get in the back seat of this kind of car. Dad and his friend get in the front, with dad driving. I am not listening too much to the two in front, I am just enjoying the ride. The guy in the passenger seat mutters something about "You may want to take a turn here, there are 17 Microsoft buildings around here." Dad goes across the road, and then zooms off road, just barely avoiding running into some buildings. We end up going airborne a few times as dad races across town for reasons unknown. At one point we end up in a helicopter and fly across town. We end up on the other side of town but crash into a fence at the top of a hill. Down at the bottom of the hill is a small lake, enough to be noticeable. The area looks mostly desert-y, and it appears the place we need to be is on the other side of the lake. Even though we crashed, it didn't seem to damage the helicopter. I say as a sarcastic remark to dad "I think we hit the world border." The reason I said this of course is because we just raced across town for no reason, then carelessly crashed into a fence. I did not know quite what was going on. Dad pilots the helicopter over the lake, and to the other side, then says we need to get out. He turns the helicopter sideways so it'd be easier to get out. First comes dad's friend, then my friend, then me. We get out of the helicopter and land softly in the water below. Dad turns off the helicopter as he jumps out. The helicopter falls into the water as we make a break for it. We end up at the building, and dad and his friend start talking too quietly for me to overhear. The dream ends with me wondering what I'd just been through.

      Updated 08-06-2018 at 10:37 PM by 57282

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. A good night

      by , 01-30-2013 at 04:49 PM
      I don't remember a lot about the dreams I had last night, but I remember the essence of them. I stayed home from work last night to study and went to bed a little early, so last night just seemed to be everything I needed it to be for the moment.

      I went to bed around 11 pm and fell asleep within an hour (pretty quick for me). I woke up a few times during the night and each time I remembered parts of the dreams I was having.

      Most of my dreams were about studying for my test, which is very helpful for today! This has happened in the past, even to the point where I'm reading my notes and they look exactly as they do in real life when I check after waking. When I woke up today I felt refreshed and, while reviewing before class this morning, have found that I know the material much more clearly today

      Another dream that I remember is being sent to a building by my instructor for some sort of interview. It wasn't for a job, it was more for practice and information on the career I was heading for. When I got there, there were two middle aged women behind the counter in the Human Resource department (where I was suppose to go). They asked how they could help me and I told them I was sent for an interview by my instructor. This seemed to cheer them up somehow and they were suddenly eager to talk to me. They had worked in the career that I'm studying for and had enjoyed it. They were teaching in the building we were currently in (apparently it was a school). They asked what I liked/disliked about it and I told them the truth (I don't love it but don't hate it). I sometimes get confused if this is the right career choice for me. I told them that I don't really feel that I want to pursue a career in the field I'm currently studying, but that I want to continue my education to pursue a specific career that involves further study. They seemed excited about my choice and fully supported my decision. They gave me the impression that it would be a good choice for me. I was feeling really good and I knew it was about time to go. They started talking about other matters; one of the students kept parking in one of the teacher's parking spaces and it was becoming a problem. I thanked them for the interview and turned to leave.

      When I woke up this morning, I looked at my alarm clock and the number was just turning to 1 minute before my alarm would go off. I smiled. My dreams seemed to give me everything I needed to help me with the day and then I awake just before my alarm goes off feeling rested and happy. I feel prepared for my test and I feel a little better about the career I'm studying for.

      It was a good night
    3. 30th Jan 2013 Some sort of RTS, Robot Base Assault, Warcraft 3 Defense

      by , 01-30-2013 at 04:22 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Had major shift in sleeping schedule for this day due to some stuff happening IWL, didn't even had time to write DJ entry earlier on(i woke up like 12 hours ago), but still managed to keep it in memory, mostly fragments though.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing some sort of military RTS, it had pretty realistic graphics. There was moment where i had to direct column of tanks and some other vehicles through net of roads and tunnels while trying to get in least amount of battles(it was probably some sort of transport column).

      Dream 2:

      I was some sort of robot/mecha/cyborg. I was in some squad and we were assaulting the base of some other type of robots. We killed the commander but enemies kept respawning since our mission was to destroy some sort of antennae thingies and there was only one left. We had to retreat.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some custom map in Warcraft 3. It was some sort of defense map, it was maze-like and i think it was multiplayer. I was controlling some sort of demonesse and there were random enemies that were spawning from magic circles all over the map. I got defense set up on one of the corners of the map, near magic circle. Demonesse had ability to summon some sort of white wolves, place trees and ability to control mind on single enemy unit which required 10 seconds of concentration. I have made the mini-maze of trees for enemy units and had some unit with ranged attack captured with mind control ability which was attacking enemies in the mini-maze from the distance, also wolves were guarding the exit from mini-maze. Demonesse had some more abilities, but they were locked and the dream ended before that.

      Updated 02-04-2013 at 07:07 AM by 59854

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. My Wallet!

      by , 01-30-2013 at 03:43 PM
      I had many dreams but I only remember the last one, me and two other anonymous people were on a road trip and we stopped by a fast food station. The overall theme of the restaurant was mostly white with like blue and brown cushions on the seats. Usually my dreams have extremely weird architecture so this dream was rare because it was a normal set up. We sat in one booth and we all left temporarily at the same time, probably to a bathroom? the dream was really fuzzy at this point. At that point I realize I left my wallet on the table. I feel like someone is stealing my money because we are in a fast food restaurant. I go back to the table and theres three guys with one guy "exchanging money" and theres less money but he says he was just trading my 20 for his change. In the dream somehow this is something thats technically ok to do for some reason. I start getting angry and ask for my wallet back, they throw it at me and I catch it but my hand hits a guy behind me. The guy behind me starts saying like wtf why did you do that, i said its cause these three retards threw it and I would have beat them up or called the police or something but that's when my dream ended.
    5. out the door

      by , 01-30-2013 at 03:38 PM
      there was like an elevator and people would point guns at us when the doors would upon and we would have to burst out and run into like the enemies base and see how much damage we could cause or how far we could get. it always started in really nice hotels and there was beer in the hotel and iran by and drank it sometimes. then once i ran to the beach wer cut girls and 2 black guys were chiling it i thought i was cool in my black skin and sweats running into the water
    6. Little Kid Game Show, A Muddy Walk, and Pretzels

      by , 01-30-2013 at 02:56 PM
      I only remember a few dream fragments. I think I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about writing down my dreams right away, but I was too lazy, so … oops.

      1. In one dream, I’m watching some kind of game show, and all the contestants are little kids. I can’t really remember anything else about this one.

      2. I’m staying in some large house, and some of my high school friends are there. I decide to go for a walk with one of my friends––Alison––but I need to find my rain boots first. I seem to have brought an enormous pile of shoes with me, and I have to search through them before I finally find the right boots. Then I go outside with Alison. It’s very gross and barren looking outside. The ground is muddy and covered with ice/snow in some places. There are only a few trees here and there, and they’re all completely bare. When Alison and I return to the house, I see that all of our other friends are reading the books I brought with me. I notice that Catherine is almost done with the book she’s reading even though we were only gone for like ten minutes (which is funny, because she does read extremely quickly in real life).

      3. I go to this food store place with some friends. We’re all planning on buying pretzels. There are these pretzel sticks and they all cost like 25˘ or something. So I grab a handful of pretzel sticks. And then there’s this tray with change all over it, and I grab a few coins. I wonder if I’m stealing the money or whether I’m allowed to do this … but I do it anyway.

      I go up to the counter and put my pretzel sticks down. The cashier tells me that it will cost me $3.99. This surprises me since I thought it would be cheaper, but I don’t question it. I look in my wallet and I seem to only have quarters, so I start to pay the guy in quarters. It’s taking forever and I’m holding up the line, and the cashier is getting impatient with me and telling me to hurry up. Finally I find a $5 bill and put it down on the counter. But when I look up, I see that the original cashier is gone and now there’s this random girl where he was standing. And she’s like, “He got so impatient that he left” or something. So I’m like, “… Sorry,” and I buy the pretzels.

      I go outside and sit down on the sidewalk with my friends. I believe Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna are there. We all start to eat our food. Sarah Jayne has these big vitamin things that she offers to everyone but we’re all like, “No.”

      Somehow, we all end up sitting in this random tunnel. Megan is rolling around on the ground for some reason, and then Luna is asking her questions about her life and Megan has to answer them. I think Sarah Jayne is also asking some questions. And … I’m just sitting there. And that’s all I remember!
    7. 1/30/2013

      by , 01-30-2013 at 12:11 PM
      -Had the feeling the dream gave me false memories.
      -Went upstairs (In a house I do not recognize)
      -Went through the bathroom door, just a regular shower.
      -I was at a Husky gas station with Alex and someone else. (Nathan?)
      -Was back in the house. Saw Colleen from Husky. She told me the bathroom wasn't on the right transport mode and when I went through the door, the wrong portal was active. I was to take my laptop outside the door and hold "backspace". I did, and a green (yellow?) light turned on.
      -Going back down the stairs, saw through the walls, and saw Alex. He was singing the anthem, and in the middle, made a hilarious face and mouthed the word "Father" like an inside joke. (This was the false memory)
      -(Thought of Collin's classical guitar, thinking it was Nathan's) Trying to play it, it's horrible. Alex then said that was funny I mentioned it, because an old guitar teacher walked in, took one look at the guitar, and said "Huh. No kidding!"
      -I couldn't stop laughing about it.

      -Woke up here.
    8. Tagline for a Metier; A Colorful Death

      by , 01-30-2013 at 10:27 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Tagline for a Metier

      I was standing at medium sized red pick-up truck. It sat up high with a lift kit, it had roll bars, and the engine was in the bed. I read on some part of the engine where the owner had affixed some kind of sticker or embossed right on the engine block this tagline: "Unfortunately, nothing NO2 occurs before a gas line."

      I had a hard time reading it, but when I did, it was in plain English.

      A Colorful Death

      Some guy was seemingly just going about a typical day, but something happened. I don't really remember the circumstances. What I do remember is that it was like the Nightmare on Elm Street III in 3D. The guy was dreaming, he died in his dream, and so he died in real life.

      He died in his dream, which may have been more symbolic--that is, it may have simply been that he died in his dream story, but as I watched him in his own dream, I never saw him die.

      After I watched him in his dream sequence, my view turned to his actual bed. It was pristine white and didn't have any covers. There may have been a top white sheet pushed towards the foot of the bed. Then a head appeared and rolled just a bit. His dream death equated to a decapitation in real life, but without a body.

      The white bed was like a canvas, and a rainbow of color appeared on the bed. It was a rather striking contrast to the head.
    9. Pet tiger

      by , 01-30-2013 at 07:16 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Pet tiger (Non-lucid)


      I had a pet tiger that slept in bed with us.

      The tiger was able to reply to math questions. He would roar or play dead to reply the questions.

      While I was petting the tiger, I talked with my wife about dreams.
    10. Weird School

      by , 01-30-2013 at 07:13 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Weird School (Non-lucid)


      I was in my wife's medical class. She was not there and I wondered where she was at, since she could not miss class.

      The teacher was sitting on the back on the class and all the students were giving their backs to the teacher. I found that to be very weird.

      The class looked like when I went to highschool and I had some friends by that time as well.

      There were a couple of screens with a guy juggling popcorn moving their feet very fast.
    11. Bar in Earth 5D

      by , 01-30-2013 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Bar in Earth 5D (Non-lucid)


      I went with some friends to some sort of bar. This bar was not street level, but it was on a third floor. This place was like ascended. It appeared to be a bar from Earth 5Ds. Money did not existed and the music was very spiritual.

      Someone met with a girl that was giving him tips to stay in the ascended plane rather than going back to mundane Earth 3Ds
    12. Lizards and Snakes; Atourney and the Monster; The Dog and Flying

      by , 01-30-2013 at 03:15 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Lizards and Snakes

      There were a bunch of baby chamelions. Then a snake came and had one in it's mouth.
      A narrator started explaining how all the lizards were being eaten, and then there
      were many snakes and they were all eating a lizard until there were none left.

      Then the narrator started explaining how the lizards are vulnerable when they are out
      of their homes, and he started explaining about their homes. He explained that the lizards
      lived in a little hole, and I'm seeing everything that is being explained.

      The lizards would chew a little home from wood and have their babies in the home. Then
      the babies need to chew their own home, and in that time, they are vulnerabl. In this case,
      Snakes had eaten every lizard that was running around, but there was a whole where some lizards
      had been spared. They came out and there was a whole batch of lizards that survived.

      Then one of the snakes was making his home. It was an Eastern King snake, and it made its "home"
      by crawling "hard" into the ground, but again, the snake crawled in a piece of wood. The snake
      carved out an indentation in the wood as though it were crawling through sawdust.

      The snake was crawling around me. I wanted it to crawl around me, so I stayed very still
      so it wouldn't go away or bite me. It started crawling around me and I thoguht it was awesome.
      He was about 3 feet long and very pretty. Then I noticed that a bit towards its head, the snake's
      body was torn. It looked like the nylon from old pool chairs. I felt bad for the snake, but it
      also signaled trouble. Then the snake looked at itself pretending it was going to bite itself.
      This was just a ploy to not draw attention to the fact that it was going to bite me, which it did.
      It didn't hurt, but it was annoying.

      Attorney and the Monster

      This was such a cool dream. I was watching Perry Mason. His table was in the middle of a huge, empty
      room, and surrounded by a little wall all around him about knee or waist high. This scene later repeated
      with the wall a bit higher. Anyway, that was the opening scene. Moving forward, a man is choking a
      woman on the ground. He doesn't kill her; he merely scares her. She's fine, but she can't get up.

      The man runs away, she looks over and now I see where she is looking. There is a rock wall like a cave
      wall or something. There are jagged rocks. Right against the wall and kind of blending in, is a rock monster.
      He is made of a line of flat rocks standing on edge getting bigger and bigger as they go to his head.
      It is kind of like a snake, except made of increasingly larger, flat rocks. Its head is like a triangular
      rock, but the corners are way rounded. His expression is painted on with lines drawn in either pink or black,
      strange, but I can't really remember which. The eyes were just lines, as with the mouth, but the expression
      was eerie. He looked evil. The eyes were drawn like lines going up, over, and back down, so like a frowning face.
      the mouth was just a line also, but painted on this rock face, and that rock body, all on the ground, it was
      humble and miserable...and wanted to get the girl that had been choked.

      The Dog and Flying

      I had a dog that was in a cage I think, on a train. It got off the train. I held it by a leash, and someone
      told me to just try to get him back up on the train.

      I then saw a lady come down from a second story in an apartment, and then come out through a closet. I figured
      I could go up if she had gone up and come back down. I went in the closet and saw an opening in the ceiling. It
      would be awkward getting up through that opening, but I believed I could do it, so I jumped up to fly through,
      which I was successful at. I ended up in an up-stairs area. I knocked over a telephone because I was still flying,
      though I was heavy and not very skilled.

      I had something like a balloon or something that I put under me. It helped keep me afloat. Now I knock over a
      large, multi-line phone. It falls downstairs. I say, "Watch out!" but it hits right next to a woman who never
      even tried to move. She looked up. I said, "It wasn't my fault!" It wasn't, though it felt as though it were almost
      my fault.

      I dip down again as I'm not good at flying, and went back up as I worked on my belief.

      The End

      Updated 01-30-2013 at 02:52 PM by 41873 (To put dream titles in bold.)

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Let's just say it. January's dreams.

      by , 01-29-2013 at 09:55 PM (Exterminate)
      -Top dream cut and re-posted, just remembered details on it the day after- Look 2 posts past this for the LD

      1/05/13- All I remember is going through our old paper routes, unplugging everything we could see at people's houses, and taking down things for winter.

      1/08/13: Chairs from my tulpaforcing session last night, a player on a minecraft server telling me my town was griefed, and a haunted mansion-ish dream about monsters and that lantern thingy.
      Allow me to further explain my Minecraft dream, as that is the only one I actually remember. I logged on, or rather into, my main minecraft server. I have a town called Szabo, and found it to be griefed. Now this town looked nothing like it's IRL counterpart, but I noticed a huge chunk of water drained. I fixed it, and one of my friends on the server was watching me do it. She wanted me to see something, and so I followed her. She ended up bringing me to this cove on one of the walls of the town, and there was a blue-eyed spider there. She got killed, her items dropped, and I picked them up. She decided not to warp back to collect her stuff.

      1/09/13- Playing a mario game on my oldest brother's GBC;
      Doctor Who(Tom Baker) in a dream that I can barely remember..;
      Short continuation of previous dream, ended up running from a very pissed off carbon copy of someone.

      Only one of these I recall is the mario game. I was digging through Jeff (My oldest brother)'s stuff, and found this mario game. I started playing it on his Gameboy Color. Jeff was over my shoulder watching me play, and told me there are 32 levels in all. I play 2-3 and see this huge [?] block. I jump up, and this Prince hat pops out. I collect it and grow giant. I walk around and get killed by a normal sized goomba. I respawn, hit the block again, grow again, and am told to hit another normal sized [?] block. I keep hitting it, and it doesn't stop giving me coins. Apparently in this large size, I can get infinite coins from a block.

      1/10/13: Grocery store combo lock-
      This dream was longer than I can remember. We go in, and are stuck in this elevator like room. There is what seems to be a voice activated padlock. We must answer 5 questions correctly to pass. We just end up using google to get the answers. I only wrote one of the answers done before, so the only one I know is: "A man in outer space is at what temperature?" Answer: 41 degrees.
      Once we got in, we talked with the person behind the counter about it, and she said most people just give up, but it is a fun challenge. I think the ending passcode to get in was like poodle or something like that.

      1/10/13: My dad goes insane- (Copying from IRC, as that is more close to what happened than my memories.
      My dad decided it would be fun to try and kill me and him
      Luckily for me, we never hit anything
      After a few close calls, he seemingly gave up, and stopped at a stop sign
      He then went in circles in the crossroads
      Stoping all traffic from passing
      I jumped out of the car
      Others got out of their cars
      and made sure my dad wouldn't leave
      I told them what my father had done
      And then I stayed until officials came
      the officials tied my dad up, and I hoped to never see him come back home
      I wasn't wearing any shoes, and it was cold outside
      I went to a bus stop, because I was halfway across town
      And I live in a pretty big city
      A bus came fairly quickly
      I asked him if he could take me to my house, and he said it is too far for his route
      He told me I'd have to take multiple buses
      I asked how much it cost, and he said it was free
      There was only one other person in the bus
      I told the bus driver what had happened to me, and the dream ended

      1/12/13: Mckenna is dead- I do not remember much of this dream, I just remember it fooling me when I woke up. I know two Mckenna's, and in the dream they were both dead. I recall talking to one's dad and saying that his loss must be devastating.

      1/16/13: Mega Skype update- I woke up to a brand new version of skype. It was slicker, with a black and green design. Something seemed different about it though, it had more than just contacts. Upon further inspection, it had every picuture, movie, memory, show, song, dream, you name it all packed into it. I got so excited I watched a show to test, got 2-3 minutes in and tested a movie. It was so exhilarating to see all these memories right in front of me.

      11/16/13: Meeting my Sister-in-law :/ -I do not remember much here, I just see this run down mobile home where my brother Jeff and his wife live in the dream. We have to cross a highway to get to it, and inside is not much. It is kinda trashy, and I count 9 kids she has(She has 5 irl). She didn't really like us, and we didn't really like her.

      11/16/13: Jeff leads me to a haunted house- Again, do not remember too much, but I spent the night walking around this town I do not know with Jeff, and he ends up bringing me to this house. The door is open, and it has an eerie feel to it. I walk in the door and see plenty of people around, mostly teens, laughing and having a good time. I take one step forward, have a screamer come from the roof, and I leave.

      11/16/13: Remote viewing- I was in my old house, upstairs. I find that I am not really there, but continue anyway. I end up peeking into Jeff's old room and things do not seem the same. I concluded I was Remote Viewing, but it much be more like dreaming. I was on the verge of lucidity, but woke up from this experience instead.

      1/18/13: Not much to add to these posts from this topic-
      1. My brother was trying to get away from his wife, so he got in a relationship with mom o.O
      2. Some fragment about an old cannibal woman
      3. Saw some other form of 3D, not near as good as Real-D 3D
      4. Saw Harry Potter 1 in theaters, tons of stuff added.

      1/19/13: THC channel-(Writing directly from my DJ)
      A commercial plays saying "THC: Thai Networking- You piss us off, we show you bad programming.
      Huge minecraft world, with tons of machinery going on. It is a superflat world, with at least 3-4 huge robots doing different tasks. I saw shirts dragging one way along a huge metal bar, car seats on another, it was just too much to take in. I flew around just marveling at all of the stuff going on. I noticed a pattern happening, and decided to study it. The dream kind of shifts to another idea, like another show going on. There are 3 superheroes of sorts, all with their special abilities. One very smart one that could create chestnuts for emergency food, one that appeared to be a leader who could make fortune cookies out of nowhere, and the other could fly, but other than that, remained secretive. There was a longer plotline, but the show ended with the one flying, taking information from the smarter one. There were two people flying behind the one. One of the people behind was this technical genius, he had created some way to fly, and was after the good guys. The good guy ended up flying into the air, then headed straight for a huge banner that behind it were big dumpsters. He led the two in pursuit right through the banner and they ended up unconscious in the dumpsters.

      1/21/13: Late to a meeting with Superman- I was attempting to fly through a woodsy area, but never went very quick. I eventually spotted Kris (My older brother), and he says he is looking for Superman. He has to meet him at a specific time to hear a top secret message. We find the place, but are a minute too late. Superman has left, and others are closing in. They wish to kill us for whatever reason, but we try to escape. This dream had an involved plot-line that I can't really remember.

      1/22/13: Snow apocolypse- It snowed for so long that the snow ended up being about 3-4 feet high. Kris and I started shoveling it, but it just snowed more. The snow ended up being 11-14 feet high, snowing everyone in. I just make a short entrance into this huge mansion, and lodge there. There was one other short part about the dream where I was under layers of snow, in a make-shift igloo of sorts, and people needed what I had. My mom asked for nunchaku, and I had two types. I had fake plastic ones, and real metal ones. I gave her the fake crappy ones.

      1/23/13- I made a home made bass drum but it went over badly in the fair. I decide to go browsing around the neighborhood. I walk into about 3 homes in all. I recall one more vividly than the others, as I walked through the cracked open front door, and hear a man talking on the phone upstairs. He is talking to someone about his exquisite trees and gardens that he owns. I walk through the main floor and just marvel at how beautiful the place is. In the back I see extremely tall trees and tons of flowers and gardens. It turns out this man's specialty was broccoli, and it was everywhere: In the gardens, growing from the trees, in the architecture, lining the archways, everywhere. I was just in awe of how awesome it looked. The man comes up behind me and says how proud of it all he is, and then I make a break for it as I do not want him to find out I sneaked into his house. I had a friend with me most of the time, that fatter kid from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He ended up getting caught by the police at one point.

      1/27/13- Just random combinations of the MineZ minecraft server and my being sick, probably about 3 different dreams in there. I couldn't get any sleep this night. The zombies would kill me, the bandits would make me even more sick, and the healers would alleviate my sickness a bit.

      1/28/13: The dream machine- I am given this machine that shows all dreams from the previous night. It saves them into its database, and then in the morning you can post the dreams to facebook, or just view them for your pleasure. They were in a format that you can simply save them on a flash drive or whatever. The machine was revolutionary. I tried it for a night, and found awesome dreams on it. I tried it the next day and found the whole thing was a fraud. It did not really save dreams, it simply played a pre-determined recording of some dream programmed into it. It was not real, it was just created.

      1/29/13: Lucid dream(Completed a TOTM goal!)- I was exiting a building that I almost got killed in when suddenly I asked if I was dreaming. I decided quickly that must be correct and that made me so happy. I leaped into the air and found myself in someone's car. I recognize the driver as someone I know IRL. I kiss him on his head and say I am thankful for being lucid. This is an angry looking driver with short white hair, a short white beard, and quite the attitude. I look in the back and see two dogs--The dogs I have IRL. I start petting the dogs and the man says angrily that I have their names wrong. I say that I own them IWL and that's their real names. He says he had found them and they were his. He was on his way to get rid of them. The traffic stops and he says that I'll never get away from him. I tell him I was planning on the traffic jam.

      I then got out of the car and started flying. Or rather, I tried flying. I could not go very fast, and it was hard to keep the momentum of the flight path. I flew above the power lines, making sure not to touch any otherwise I might have gotten electrocuted. I somehow made it to my house. As I am landing I accidentally touch a power line. I do not get shocked so I keep going. I remember that I should do some lucid tasks, so I expect to see Jeff hanging out from one of the windows. He wasn't there like he should have been, so I started looking around and saw Kris on the back porch. I tell him that I'm thinking of a number between 1-100. My number is 88. He is muttering some difficult equations trying to pinpoint the answer. He concludes it is between 50-60. After a while I ask him if he has an answer. He gives up, and I tell him the answer was 8. I have no idea why I said 8 instead of 88, but I didn't question my answer at the time. I told my mom that I was going to China to vandalize the Great wall of China. She says in the least caring way possible "Alright."

      I walk over to the bathroom, expecting to see a portal leading to the great wall of china. Sadly, when I walked inside I just saw my bathroom. I started to try to dream spin but when I stopped spinning I was still in the bathroom. I decided to fall backwards, into China. When I got back up, I was still in my bathroom. I then gave up on this task. I returned to the back porch where Kris was and I saw a huge snow-covered mountain. This mountain exists IRL, just not that large and close to our house. I started flying to it, but again, I had difficulties. I was unable to fly very fast which made me irritated. I decided to land and find myself a motorcycle since it would be much faster than trying to fly. I actually did see a motorcycle where I landed, but I had a feeling that the speed of this motorcycle would fail me too. I hopped on and took off toward the mountain at a high speed. I go over a bump and take off into the sky. I make my way at a good speed up the mountain and get to the top in no time. I lose the motorcycle and find myself at a snow-covered cathedral shaped house. It isn't a very large house, but due to the shape of the roof I am able to climb on top of it. I wanted to view my surroundings from this vantage point. I was expecting to see a giant frozen lake up here but instead I see a somewhat smaller and unfrozen lake. I got into the water and noted that it was freezing cold. I was about knee-deep at this point, so before I went deeper I imagined it was warmer. The temperature did indeed warm up enough to be comfortable. I notice two girls are now with me. I see a little embankment as water goes from where I am into a much larger area of the lake, dropping a few inches. I follow it down, but the water here is much deeper. It goes all the way to my neck, and I notice at this point that I myself am a girl. Before I could figure out when I changed, I bobbed under the water, and accidentally breathed in some water. As I got back above the water line, I coughed out some water then the dream faded out.

      Updated 08-06-2018 at 10:33 PM by 57282

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    14. Dancing Ganesh with another deity

      by , 01-29-2013 at 07:19 PM
      *Dancing Ganesh with another deity
      *Flirting with mexican girl, we wear all black.
      *Roberto talking about his new love.
      *Random DC explaining the effects and profound experience of acid.
      (Never took it by the way and never will, but peoples experience of it is interesting to hear.)
    15. Filming a TV Show, Camping at Grandparents' House, Dancing, and a Parade of Hybrid Animals

      by , 01-29-2013 at 06:27 PM
      I don't normally write down my dreams in the middle of the night because I've just been too lazy. But last night I woke up twice––once at about 2 AM and again at about 5 AM and remembered a couple of dreams each time. This time, I forced myself to write them down on my iPod so I wouldn't forget them. So, I remembered a total of four dreams last night, which is pretty good for me!

      1. I’m filming a TV show with my friends, which I believe included Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna. The TV show is supposed to be semi-autobiographical I guess––that is, I think it’s supposed to be based on reality, even though it isn’t really but oh well. Supposedly we’ve been working on this TV show for a long time and now we’re nearing the end of the whole series. In the episode we’re filming, Sarah Jayne becomes a police officer. We’re all walking down the street together and Sarah Jayne is in the lead, talking into a walkie-talkie and being all police officer-y. There's apparently some criminal after us. We run down some stairs that lead down into a subway. Right about when the criminal is about to catch up to us, we stop filming. We all sit down on the stairs and start laughing and crying with joy, because we are overwhelmed since we're getting near the end of the show.

      2. My family and I are camping out at what I think is supposed to be my grandparents’ house. My little siblings are all sleeping in tents. Annabelle and Teddy spill mini candy canes in their tent. I can’t actually see inside their tent since I’m standing on the outside, but I hear my parents scolding them about it and I see the half-empty bag of candy canes on a table nearby.

      3. I'm at this weird dance place and I'm dancing with some random girl. And then we all have to switch partners and I have to dance with this really tall guy with a beard and a hat. Everyone laughs at us because of the height difference, because he’s like three feet taller than me. We're doing some kind of line dance. Suddenly there are lots of little kids around, and we all start to randomly sing.

      4. I’m supposed to go to drawing class but I wake up late. I go to this weird little bathroom that’s like a small wooden cabin built into the middle of the house. I see Sarah Jayne and we get on this wagon thing, which we apparently use to get to class. We ride through a field and this guy gets onto the wagon with us. He’s supposedly my teacher and he says this time he can excuse me for being late, but next time he won’t.

      We’re riding through a field and suddenly there are all these weird hybrid creatures walking by––like cows and giant chickens with human legs (who are also wearing clothing) and also couples of people sharing one pair of legs. We start following these creatures around. One of the weird chicken creatures starts peeing corn kernels. Sarah Jayne and I thin this is funny and we have some conversation about eating poop for some reason. Then we stop and talk to this lady who apparently made all these creatures and she explains to us how she did it. Something about sewing them together or something sketchy like that.