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    1. Religious Honey

      by , 02-07-2016 at 09:47 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in my front garden, talking with a friend. It's sunny and the grass is almost neon green, the leave of the hedge shining. The breeze is warm, making my dress dances around my legs. As we talk a man in dark clothings come to the open portal and start talking about christianity, going on and on like a drone or a broken record, spewing aged nonsenses and franckly, offensives shit. It's hurting my friend and pissing me off, so I start telling his the more dirty, filthy things I can musters, in all the languages I know. He flees and I turn around to my friend with my biggest smile. She looks rather shocked, and it makes me laugh. I check the mailbox, in case the man put a pamphlet in it, and instead of that I fond a big pot of golden honey and a box of almonds. I shake the bow and the almonds rattle sharply, then I open the pot of honey. It smells wonderfully, it's a wild flowers honey, thick and shiny. I scoop out a handful, letting it flows between my fingers. Then I walk in, bus istead of my house it's my mother's place. The table is full of clean laundry, so I drop the box on the bar, alongside the honey pot.

      ... Once again I miss the more obvious dream sign ever. *shake first*
    2. First semi-lucid dream!

      by , 02-07-2016 at 05:09 PM
      Hello! I have not been active on this site for some time.

      But I got my first lucid dream!

      It started with me walking with someone through a snowy forest , suddenly a thought popped up . I said to myself "This is a dream!" I got really excited and I remember you wake up if you get excited.
      I tried calming myself down , but it didn't work . SOOOOOooo I was lucid for a total of 5 seconds at which point I woke up .
    3. Girl from college sends me computer virus

      by , 02-07-2016 at 05:01 PM
      Long story short, I knew this girl from college who was a secret witch in real life, and an all around freeloader. She was a computer science major and I guess a hacker too. In the dream we are having a fight over email, dissing each other and she sent me a computer virus called " Turning Stomachs" and it froze up my computer and locked it into what looked like an obama care terminal. It seemed like I was at work and using the work computer for personal email and this was going to get me in trouble. I remember thinking " That bitch! That fucking bitch!" I was thinking why would she send a computer virus to someone who knows where she lives? That's stupid as hell.
      This was on about 20 mgs of melatonin and the weirdness just continued. I had another dream about college and I was at a party for someone who was leaving the next day, but I never found out who the person was. I was in a fraternity and we had a party for just about every occasion though.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. DJ of 2/7/2016

      by , 02-07-2016 at 04:31 PM
      2/7/2016 No editing, very vivid, though, getting closer to LD's!!

      I was in this large recreational ball pit that was in some sort of a skyscraper and there were windows slightly above it so that we could see out. There were stairs on either side so that one could leave the ball pit. Now, there was someone in there causing trouble. I do not know who, but in the dream I did. (I was off to the side and just observing). I do not know exactly what he was doing to cause such a ruckus but people were leaving the ball pit unhappy and there was staff starting to come and see what was happening. There were multiple attempts to have him pulled out or “shot” out of the ball pit, none of which worked. They shot him with some type of bullets, I assume rubber, but he did not budge. Then after some while, people started to gather around this open room, and there was more and more staff that were there trying to get him out. It was all somewhat calm. Then all of a sudden, this “mega guard” that I assume was nothing to mess with, came out and went straight into the ball pit. There was no physical confrontation, they sort of shook hands and they walked out together. They were both wearing some sort of basketball sports clothing that were bright colours. As we walked out of there the people that came to watch this spectacle formed a row so that we could leave, patting us on the back and such. I did not like that so I decided if someone touched me I would strike back. (That did not happen) I enter into this cafeteria type of room with many tables, people moving about getting food and whatnot. (Same building, brightly lit and all) I come to this table where there is a laptop and I am working on building a website of some sort. That code was not real, as I do not know much about that, but I could assume it was dealing with <div>’s if you know what that is. I sat there alone, frustrated that my programming is not working trying different things to get it to work. It ends.

      No LD’s tonight.

      Updated 02-07-2016 at 04:41 PM by 89940

      Tags: non-lucid
    5. Zombie apocalypse

      by , 02-07-2016 at 04:14 PM
      Time slept: 11:00 - 08:30 (9:30 hours sleep)
      Date: Saturday 06/02/16
      blue = non-lucid/red = lucid

      Zombie dinner - (vividness: reasonable)

      I am in my house, eating dinner with my family, my brother is up stairs in his room and my dog is stood at the top of the stairs(she is afraid to go down them). i see a zombie stood at the top of the stairs so i alert my parents and begin packing bags so we can run, they don't seem too bothered. i shoot a arrow at the zombie and kill it. i see more coming from the direction of my brothers room. my mum grabs a mini bag out of my hand and shoves many arrows in. she grabs a bow and starts shooting them nonchalantly, i see my brother being carried away by a zombie. i know that if they get him we are doomed, i suddenly appear on the balcony and vault over the zombie, stabbing him in the head. i grab my brother and vault over the banister. i grab my dog also. i finish packing and we leave.

      Zombie mountain - (vividness: low)

      I am on top of a ruined mountain village, surrounded by dead zombies. blood has mingled with the snow to create a horrifically beautiful sight,my family are all here. a old man comes and tells me there is something i will want to see. he takes my to a ruined shack, a little away from the village. in it are 3 middle aged men slouched against the wall. i think they are dead by one of them opens his eyes, they are yellow. i find out that he got bit by a zombie yet still retained his consciousness.

      Retro zombie - (vividness: quite high)

      it is a retro game with a top down view like Pokemon, i am a retro character and i see my self in this top down view. i am running across a mountain pass from some zombies. i reach the end of the mountain, there is a little boy and girl holding a teddy bear, a message flashes up. i don't read it, and assume it means choose who i want to take with me. i choose the little boy. my character pushes him off a cliff and the little girl walks forward. a message says that i got the answer correct and that the little boy was the zombie. i begrudgingly accept and we turn to walk back up the mountain pass.

      School trip - (vividness: average)

      i am on a plane, on a school trip but all the school is separated onto two different planes. we land for a quick stop. i got off my plane and go onto the other one to talk to the people there. i sit on the wing and begin talking to some of them. then the plane starts to talk off, but the teachers are still on the ground, they shout at me nonchalantly to get off the wing seats and get into the plane(there is no run way but some how we fly over the airport). i do so and go and sit next to a friend. we both laugh at something.
    6. 2016-02-07

      by , 02-07-2016 at 12:31 PM
      + in a large outdoor park, with a friend. I'm concerned about a lion. A lion shows up, and we circle around a large patch of shrubbery trying to keep the lion on the other side from us. I make my way to the exit, and notice the park attendants (who are nuns?) are closing up the park, I notice multiple rings along the walkway, this is used to close the area by stringing a cable through them?

      + I'm in a room with a long piece of rope I've just constructed. I'm whirling one end of it around trying to crack like a whip. There are some people outside (the master and his apprentices) who are probably enemies. He enters and I hand him my rope to inspect. It is uneven in diameter and I mention this. Towards the end there is a very well done, smooth section, and he seems impressed with this part. Towards the end where the tubular casing finishes, he asks me, "did you run out of tape here?". He peels open the tape and takes look inside, I think because he wants to see how many strands the rope is made of. I think rope is made by braiding together smaller pieces of twine. My rope is really strong.

      A group is walking along the rooftops of buildings outdoors. Upon some signal, a bunch of them take out name tags and put them on, this is to disguise themselves when they start the attack.

      In the distance, a large floating air vehicle (blimp?) is rising up from behind a building into the air.
    7. [07-02-2016]

      by , 02-07-2016 at 09:49 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream, short WILD

      I appeared in a dark room, with a female standing in front of me. I could recall only her legs and torso, her face was hidden in the darkness. She was wearing a gray blouse and jeans trousers. I decided to have some fun with her this time, and opened slit of her trousers. Then I proceeded to lick her up, but trousers were an obstacle for a bit. I turned my head back and again at her. Her trousers were gone, so I could assume a better position, and lick some more. She was kinda like dummy, standing still. It was going really intensive, and when it was right time, I managed to stay in the dream, though everything turned black for a moment. I appeared somewhere behind some storages. I woke up.

      Second dream

      I was in my home. It was Sunday. My phone broke and I used an older one. I was eating a lunch. Then I was fiddling with that phone. Everything was weird, every member of my family seemed distorted, strange.

      Next day I was in school. It was afternoon. I was going to cloakroom, to take my stuff from locker. The main hall was crowded. Suddenly I felt weak and fallen on the floor. I crawled to the nearest wall, and sat. I heard someone talking about a heart disorder I might have. After a while I regained strength and got up. I looked at my shoes, they were untied. I had some trouble tidying it up, but I managed to do it and went out of school.
    8. #88: Birds / LEGO

      by , 02-07-2016 at 09:15 AM
      My recall for this night is quite crappy. I took way too long before finally writing anything down.

      » There's something that has to do with Harvey from Suits.

      Someone is telling me something about birds. (S)he mentions birds, predator birds, superbirds and superpredators. While that person is talking I see a parrot hanging upside down from a tree. A parrot counts as a superbird. An eagle or hawk shows up to prey on the parrot. The eagle/hawk flies away shortly after, though I don't remember what happened to the parrot. I also had one eagle/hawk sitting on my hand for just a moment, but because I didn't have a glove, his talons scratched my right middle finger. I should've worn a glove..

      I vaguely remember something that starts out as or resembles the Avengers and then slowly moves towards LEGO. I'm just an observer in this dream it seems. They're hatching a plan that's supposedly quite insane. They have to retrieve/steal some object. At one point they're communicating through a laser beam that got reflected off several walls to finally reach someone somewhere else. Ok, way too convenient that that's possible.

      When the dream switches over to LEGO there's something to do with a king. He's going out in the hallway with a small army of guards. About half off them sneak off because they are part of the Avengers plan. Really? Half of them? Don't you think that's a little conspicuous? Do you really need 20ish people to get the job done? The king and the rest of his guard keep moving. Everyone else in the hallway seem to be regular people, so for the king and his guards they are insanely huge. They make a stop somewhere and there's a balloon or something that floats down onto the pikes of several of the guardsmen, making it burst. There's also something with a liquid that's apparently quite tasty.
    9. Transition: Sailboat to Lungs

      by , 02-07-2016 at 08:07 AM
      Morning of February 7, 2016. Sunday.

      This dream, curiously enough, seems to be an offset “sequel” of one of several dreams of yesterday - “Unlikely Meteorite”. It mostly seems an unusual residual offset of the library scene just prior to the sighting of the anatomy chart. Even the same unknown female librarian is present (although she could be a version of my wife Zsuzsanna). This one makes more sense in a more discernible hypnopompic disclosure, when the meaning of a dream is more clearly revealed during the last stage of the waking transition.

      I find myself briefly thinking of a half-finished jigsaw puzzle that featured in “Unlikely Meteorite”. It was seemingly, as originally written, a simplified American clipper ship. However, I find myself in a transition where it simplifies into a modern sailboat. The librarian approaches as I look at the chart, which is now actually not a chart but some sort of three-dimensional model of a male human body encased in glass, similar to the “Visible Man” model kit but lifesize.

      The lungs of the seemingly holographic model expand and slowly deflate, then expand again, though after a time, transform into the sails of a sailboat (and I also realize that I am probably “seeing” my own breathing during sleep). I realize that, being that a sailboat is an autosymbolic dream component that can either be a dream self induction (into the dream) or a waking self transition (out of a dream), that it is also a symbol for breathing, especially as a boat is an autosymbolic extension of the physical body (as subliminally perceived in REM sleep). Watching the unusual “sailboat lungs”, I enter a lesser state of waking self perception, visualizing a sailboat on a river (as a waking conduit) to return to my full conscious self - my even breathing carrying me peacefully from my dream, the sails and lungs filling with air, turning, and relaxing, breathing outwards. It almost feels like I “completed a jigsaw puzzle” (a puzzle being autosymbolism for the subliminally perceived ambiguity between fictional dream self and conscious self identity).

    10. girlfriend and mushroomheads

      by , 02-07-2016 at 07:13 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      nope. nothing for you. i didnt write this one in a way for you to read.

      [SPOILER=most boring]dragonkin sorcerer but it summoned a minion? i kept summoning more until it was barely enough i had 8 or 9 or 10.

      girl who loves me, we go to theme park. k and n and there. i love the girl too. she recited some poetry in the bus i just was kinda childish and made jokes i think its because k and possibly n i felt awkward. we also walked together at that thing road with the old man with the thick cigar. we were walking there. she was beautiful and i loved her, she had blonde hair and i think a pale face. i didnt get a good look at k but she had green eyes. the eyes stood out. figuratively. i expressing my love toward my gf well and i may have hurt her feelings.[/SPOILER]

      mushroomheads. im naked in the hallway at medine yenges house and ezgi opens the door. lots of people are inside and i scream "close the door close the door". cut off perfectly so that 1 mushroom would grow out of my hair. yeah. people had either poofy hair or mushrooms on their head? and they had swords. i was fighting in an army with these people. these people are upstairs at medine yenge i think but it may also have been another dream.

      about a decade or so ago i had been with these people and i had a girlfriend but i did something stupid and got exiled (this is the story of the dream, this is just a memory, it didnt eggzshooly happen). i got exiled because i warned them of enemy troops attacking them. and it didnt happen. now i see a vision or i just see it by watching from somewhere that a strong army is coming for us. i dont know if i told them this.

      Updated 02-07-2016 at 07:54 AM by 61041

    11. Indoor theme park (lucid)

      by , 02-07-2016 at 06:48 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      [URL="http://imgur.com/94oSvJw"]dream 5[/URL]

      as far as i can remember, i was lucid from the start. it lasted about 10 minutes, vividness was normal and my mental clarity/awareness that it was a lucid was i think a 5. (on a scale of 1 to 10)

      indoor theme park/playground. there was a big skate ramp and people were saying its impossible to go off it and come back by bouncing against the wall. i dont remember having skates or a skateboard but the experience was like i had them. so i just went weeee off the big ramp, did some spins or stunts or something, bounced off the wall and came back. people were impressed.

      i dont remember this clearly but it was like i was having 2 different dreams at the same time. the scenes occasionally switched from one to the other. both were in the same theme park even. but i only remember 1 part of the dream where i actually remembered both "dreams". it was when i was getting beaten up by a giant black spider, bigger than a car. the getting beat up was slightly different in both scenes

      i asked a dc how to travel in time and he made a bucket full of butter mixed with something buttery. i dropped that on the spider after taking 2 hands full myself. it tasted alright.
      lucid , memorable
    12. Florida Beaches, trampolines and a question for you!

      by , 02-07-2016 at 06:17 AM (My Dream Journal)
      Absolutely CRAZY dream recall last night!!!! The one unfortunate thing that happened last night was my WBTB. I had the perfect opportunity for one last night, but when I got up I was too lazy. But, at least my recall was awesome!
      My brother, dad and I are planning a trip to New Hampshire. There is something in this dream about a parade, but this was the only dream of the night that I don't remember in detail.
      I am at a table eating dinner with President Obama and some other people. Obama says something that is funny because he is the president, and we all laugh at it. JSYK, there is someone underneath the table holding it up. using suction cups.
      At this point I'm pretty sure I do my failed WBTB.
      I am at a political event, sitting in one of the front rows. I turn around, and see my friend sitting next to the Bratayley family. She is motioning for me to go over, so I do. i talk to them for a bit and we get a picture together. There are several other people with us in the picture, but I don't know them.
      My family and I are on a beach in Florida at night. It must be some really famous beach, because I am telling my sister how cool it is to be there. Then the waves are growing higher, and dad tells us that we should go back to the hotel before a storm starts. I remember thinking that he was going to say that there was a hurricane. We turn to the left and walk down a path away from the beach. There is a little tower like thing that I decide to walk up. When I get to the top, there is basically a giant trampoline lined with a wooden deck. On my way back down, there are several kids there that won't move. I finally get them to budge so I can get through, but we keep throwing nasty remarks at each other. My last remark to them is "I have hair too!"
      I am in gym class, playing hockey on a giant trampoline. I remember feeling sad that one of my friends is not in that class with me.
      I am still in Florida, this time by the "run off water" of some sort of amusement park slide. My family tells me that they have to leave to look for something, and I should be the look out. All of a sudden I am at my house again. I am watching something going on in my backyard. My family has discovered jello out there! I start eating some jello, and it tastes really good. I tell my brother, and all of a sudden we are in a prison like thing. There is a woman(our mom?) with her hands tied together. A security guard gives me a remote control and phone, and tells me that they might be useful for me to escape with. I hide them in my scarf, and me and my brother escape from the prison. We are running up hill, faster than we ever have before. My dad is running close behind us, trying to persuade us to stop running. Finally we do. We turn back around, and suddenly we are on a nice family hike. My sister is taking pictures and we are sitting near creeks eating candy. Then suddenly I am back at my house in the bathroom. Katie, the mom from Bratayley is there saying that she is going to show us how Hayley overcame her fear of water. I get out of the bathtub so she can film.
      I am back at the beach in Florida, the same one, and my brother tells me that we aren't going to spend any more time there. I am angry at him, but we walk away, down the same path as before. As a I am walking away I can hear my grandma talking with an Asian person. We reach the tower, but this time I have to have a rope climbing competition with someone to make it to the top. As we are climbing the rope we have to answer questions about politicians. When me and my competitor make it to the top, I sit down with another girl on the giant trampoline. We start talking about Caleb and Bratayley. We then start using special crayons to draw pictures of memories with Caleb on the "trampoline wall."
      I typed this pretty quick and late, so I am sorry for any errors, And I probably forgot some extra dream fragments, but I'll add those later if I remember any more.
      Question!!!! Are Wisconsinites the only people that call physical education class gym class? Just wondering.
    13. Job offer turns out to be Circus

      , 02-07-2016 at 01:58 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night slept 2am-7am. Couldn't sleep more.

      Nap later at 10:38. No recall upon awakening. I was typing up something unrelated on the DV when I got a Total Recall 0_0

      I just arrived at my mom's place from abroad. Sitting in a chair, they hand me a stack of mail I received while not home. 3 of them are postcards - best wishes to my birthday. One is a letter from New York and I save that for last. (I read accumulated mail everytime I visit home in a dream. Very strange feeling.) There is also a shipment of something that I saw clearly in a dream but now I don't remember.

      Last I open the letter from New York. It has a nice rubber stamp on the envelope with small pretty font.

      It's invitation for an interview but doesn't say for what job. I assume it's related to my second job.

      I get to NY and to the building. I'm waiting for the HR person and I ask a few people in offices where to go. I end up in a conference room and they treat me as already hired. I'm suppose to replace a guy who's job was to collect text from others, put it in right format and print a small book from it. I hear he was taking his sweet time on it and people were getting impatient. I'm taking notes while trying to figure out best time to tell them that I was not hired yet, haha.

      Somebody is taking me to HR. I had a feeling they are not rushing to take me there for some reason. This guy taking me there has a severe limp and is almost falling over, has to hold on to rail and we are going slowly. Some starcases have a missing step, but they tell me to just use some small extrusion to step on instead. I walk down on same starwell later but this time I'm coming down on it.

      It's time to go and see the boss. We are walking by a hallway and some rooms that are completely flooded by clear water. Some girl is asking me if I can snorkle because we have to go through there to bosses office and she giggles with others like that s an awesome joke and feature they have.

      We get to the other side and enter a cave like semi-large room. As I'm walking down the stairs chiseled into the stone, I see animals without cages, but somehow restrained, maybe a chain. There is a tiger like creature on my left at the bottom of the stairs, crocodile on the right, some colorful flat tale beaver type of creature straight ahead and an alligator at the door my guide is opening. I'm saying "noooooo" "I don't want to go throught the door where you just almost stepped on an alligator. I'm not scared but I have a feeling this is all not right and anything can happen.

      Suddenly there is a fire. They call on a walkie-talkie for someone to come and help. Fire is spreading with lightning speed. I look above and there are fire balls rooling and now they are in front of me too, just below the low stone ceiling. It's getting hot and no matter where I turn, there is really no way out. I think this is it.

      Then my guide says we can try and get out into the salt mines. She punches in a code into the control panel at the door, but code is not correct. She tries many times till the door opens and we get out.
    14. Elephants

      by , 02-06-2016 at 10:18 PM
      -I'm at Alvin's with family, when I see the drop off some baby elephants in a gated off enclosure. My mother can barely contain herself, and runs over to play with them. I go over too, but before I can get to the elephants, I'm surrounded by puppies!. Is I pet and play with them, I notice there is animal shit all over the ground, and carefully step around it on my way to the elephants.

      -I go in a portable shower that looks like an outhouse to get changed in order to look good for some girl. The water from the shower is running, and as I worry about getting my clothes wet, my clothes get wet. My jeans in particular are soaked.

      -Walking through the field behind my house, looking at some notes I'd written on paper. I ball up the redundant notes and throw them into the tall grass, which almost looks like corn. As I walk I run into several school kids dressed in costumes. Then I noticed they have a big circle cleared in the grass with a central totem or statue. Obviously performing something, so I ask the kids if they're doing it now. They tell me no, this is just practice, but they'll be performing there most of next week. They ask if I'm going to watch, but I say I'll come back later in the week, since I live so close.

      [color=green][Really had to fight to remember these ones. My mother is always watching Nat Geo whenever I see her lately./color]
      dream fragment
    15. Obama's Secret Meeting with Muslim Leaders in my Living Room

      by , 02-06-2016 at 08:22 PM
      Sometimes it's almost painful (and, by this, I mean very very painful) to wake up from a dream where you missed such obvious dream signs. One of my most common dream signs is trying to take a picture and finding the camera won't work. And yesterday I read through the Tasks of the Month and read about the one to hand President Obama a baby. That wasn't one I was planning on trying first. I was going to go with looking at the sky and walking through a wall. But my mind must have remembered the Pres Obama task because it put Obama right there in my dream. It was trying to hand lucidity to me on a golden platter. And I blew it.


      I was in the place I used to live. Seems like a few family members were there but I can't really remember who.

      And all of a sudden President Obama walks in the door. With him are two older Muslim men that looked to be leaders of other countries. One was especially old and wrinkly but still very tall. Obama made himself comfortable on the couch while the two men stood right behind him.

      I was surprised to see Obama there in my living room without having any advanced notice (but obviously not surprised enough to do a reality check). I pulled out my phone and asked him if I could take a picture of him because I knew no one would believe me if I told them Obama had come to my house. He didn't seem to care. I tried to take a picture, but I couldn't find the right buttons on my phone. It was as if my phone were completely foreign to me. I fiddled around a little hoping that I would figure it out.

      Obama and the men start talking together in another language that I couldn't understand. I decided I wanted to text Jeff and tell him to come and see Obama, not because he particularly liked him, but it's not every day the POTUS is in your house conducting what appeared to be a very private meeting. Again, I can't get my phone to work. Nothing looked right or familiar.

      The meeting goes on and on, and I am starting to stress because I want to get a picture or contact Jeff before the meeting is over. But my camera/phone is not cooperating.

      At this point I should have gone lucid. I really should have. I practice this dream sign during my waking hours. This is my most common dream sign. It happens all the time in dreams. Most of the time I recognize it now.

      But not this time.

      The only thing that could have made this dream worse is if I had been holding a baby....or if there was an obvious portal there on the wall.

      Finally Obama and the men get up and go outside. I follow them, still messing with my phone.

      There are a couple black limos parked out on the road. I watched them all climb in and drive away.

      I then woke up.

      After kicking myself multiple times I tried to re-enter the dream. But it was too late.
