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    1. 1/25/11 - Attempts at Lucid Control

      by , 01-27-2011 at 03:21 AM

      I'm in my mom's van coming home from my grandparents. I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming. I remember that if I rub my hands, it's easier to continue dreaming. The dream fades out, and all I see is the back of my eyelids, but suddenly, I'm back in the dream, and we're pulling into our driveway. I try jumping up to my window, and I failed. I walk into my room normally. It's absolutely pristine compared to the mess it is in real life. I was half expecting a friend to be there, but it was absolutely empty except for my bed and the mirror that I had never gotten around to hanging up. I go to close the door, but I remembered that I won't have another light source- the light in the hall is on, but the lamp in my room is off. If I close the door, I won't be able to see, so I left it open. I opened up my window and took a running start. I tried jumping through the window, hoping to fly, but I failed, and landed on the soft snow below. I give up.

      It appears that I managed to DILD and WILD the same night, but I'm unsure if the WILD truly was... it was so fast. It was nothingness and then I was back where I was. It really was something amazing. I only wish I could just control more of what happened...
      lucid , memorable
    2. Emotional Dreams aplenty

      by , 01-27-2011 at 03:12 AM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I am not an emotional person in life. I might get angry and grumble, but unless there is ABSOLUTELY no other way, I do not yell. And when I'm sad- even grievously sad- I almost never break down in tears.
      When my grandmother died several years ago (I was closer to her than to my mother), I held her hand as she drew her last breaths. And when it was all said and done, I couldn't sit still. I had to clean and organize everything.
      So, all that said, emotional dreams are exceptionally interesting to me.

      In one dream, my brother (whom I have never been close to in real life) had died. It was confusing... he died of something like West Nile Disease, but he had also been caught in flood waters where he ultimately died. He had been in the water for a day before he was discovered. When someone (?) broke the news to me, I hit the floor on my knees- tearing at my clothes and wailing.

      Interpretation: I have no idea. I have never wanted a richer relationship with him. We are completely different people. I love him in a sibling sort of way but he's never been so much as "friend" to me. I don't mourn the lack of a relationship I never had. To me, relatives = chaos (i.e. DRAMA) and sadness so I keep my distance without actually shunning anyone.

      The other dream was of me in a car at first. I left my 4 kids in the car for something like 6 hours. I have no idea what I was doing at the time, but their bio-dad ended up getting them. My kids were really young. My oldest is now 18 years old, but in the dream he was around 5. In the dream, my ex-hubby thought they had only been in the car for 1 hour and I wasn't about to set him straight!
      His dad was there, trying not to get involved. But I could tell he did NOT approve of what I had done.
      My ex-hubby then started giving me hell about how I was raising the kids and I blew a gasket.
      My voice was very raised as I told him we hadn't seen or heard from him at all in several years so he had NO right to jump my case and tell me how horrible a mom I am.
      Then the dream switched somehow and we were arguing about a manuscript I was writing. I told him I was open to ideas and criticism and at that he threw his hands in the air and turned to his dad who just casually rolled his eyes at the "logic" of women.

      Interpretation: No sure. I still have some anger toward him for abandoning us... but in truth, he rarely ever even crosses my mind.
      So, does he represent the man I'm now married to? They're both very controlling and demeaning at times... my ex was never there as a father and my current hubby has never been a father to my kids either. But I'm older now, just a tad bit wiser lol, and I'm not quite the doormat I used to be. I now tell my hubby when something he does or says upsets me. My biggest problem, though, is with finances and I brain-washed myself so thoroughly as a child that I still find it exceedingly difficult to hard-ball over my allowance. He has the job. He's worked all his life. I'm a slacker who plays facebook games all day. I have no right to make a fuss about anything... Or so I tell myself.
      I always wanted to be a novelist but it's slipped away. Hubby kind of scoffs whenever I've mentioned writing. So, I connect writing with creativity AND financial freedom (yeah right, I know lol). The first part of the dream was me screaming about how the men like to give orders and complain, but they've never BEEN there so they should shut the heck up.
      This interpretation feels true. I was yelling in the dream because I'm ever the mediator, so even when I'm unhappy about something, I sugarcoat the issue when I really just want to scream or punch a wall.
    3. Super-Pterodactyl and the Forest

      by , 01-27-2011 at 02:37 AM

      Part 1:
      I spawned in a jungle, near a beautiful waterfall. I can hear the water flowing, and the waterfall was extremely clear! I heard birds in the distance and the wooshes of the water. The dream characters were dressed like people on a safari (like Tarzan!) The dream characters and I were excavating near the waterfall, trying to find some sort of green gem, that possessed the power to shape-shift into ANYTHING, as long as you wore it! An evil woman possessed the red gem, which held the same powers.
      The dream spawned at school, the evil woman was there! I walked to the sixth grade bathroom. I noticed a girl, she looked strange, she looked like a schoolmate of mine, but she seemed different. I saw a dream character next to her, I shape-shifted into him, and approached her, i said,"Hey Elissa, hey what's up?" Which distracted her! Then I hit her in the stomach, then I hit her on the back causing her to fall! I stole the red gem from her and transformed into a cheetah! I ran around the school multiple times, after running, i said,"Oh well," and became a pterodactyl and flew away!
      Now, this was part of my assignment, which was to fly. But I was supposed to be at a concert and fly. But, before I went to bed, I had "flying' in my mind, which is why I still dream of flying! I need to focus more on the concert and becoming lucid, visualizing the becoming lucid, is the part I'm having trouble with.

      Part 2:

      I woke up at about 6:30 and fell back to sleep at about 6:36. I appeared in a forest. Everywhere i looked there were pine trees. I entered a village, it reminded me of the village in the beginning of "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess." There was a tall building that looked like the shop in LOZ:TP, there were bubbles coming out of the chimney. There was a bathroom that looked as if it was from my school. I found my friend and a dream character that "felt" like a friend. Some lady started yelling at us, and I couldn't stop laughing for some reason. I went to the bathroom (which was pretty big) and looked in the mirror. I saw myself, and said,"Awww! I forgot to comb my hair!"
      I was back in the village. I went up to the "Bubble Building" and there was a girl, in a karate suit with a red belt. She was in front of this... machine that had three buttons. The girl said,"Hey watch me do karate, and I teach you!" The first button turned red, the girl tried to karate kick it ;D but failed. The machine let out a buzz and said,"FAIL!" The continued for all \the buttons.

      THE END
    4. Dream Fragments

      by , 01-27-2011 at 02:25 AM
      #1- I was with my friends and we were going some place and then someone yelled and then i saw my bestfriend

      #2- was with my Brah-man michael and we were just walking not doin much
    5. Pet rats and talking to a construction guy.

      by , 01-27-2011 at 02:24 AM
      Dream Lucid

      January 26, 2011, Pet rats get loose: I had my two pet rats (died a long time ago in waking life) in Adam's old house. One of the rats was the size of a young cat, the other was the size of a mouse. The bigger one didn't like me. She got loose and wanted to play with the cats. Then the smaller one got loose and lost in the house. I told Adam's mom about it. She was not concerned. My Dad was there, making annoying jokes.

      Other dream: I climbed a building, onto the roof. There was a construction site, partially inside the building. I jumped and glided through/over the construction area, grabbing a basket of laundry in mid-air.
      The laundry belonged to the main construction guy. He talked about a fountain in a nearby building that I had not been inside. He said he was the best.
      He told me that I was annoying everyone, but if I enjoyed it then it's OK because it will bring me "comfort and joy."
      Then a cop showed up. He had a very large syringe, almost as big as himself. He stabbed me in the bottom of my feet and it made me wake up.
    6. Yuya explains a few things about energy and magic.

      , 01-27-2011 at 02:06 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I've been working on a project, programming all day.
      I'm very tired and take a short break.
      I remember that last time I was so exhausted I managed to WILD during a nap quite easily.
      Sounds like a good idea.
      I turn on some ambient music, set myself an alarm clock for 30 minutes and lean my rather comfortable chair all the way back.
      It takes little time for HI to appear, though I didn't even notice any of the usual SP signs.
      I can't really remember how I transitioned, but I was trying to visualize Yuya and Teraluna.

      I fall on my ass.
      Yuya is sitting in a chair close to me, looking at me slightly confused but mostly amused.
      I get up, slightly amused myself, but try to block out any thoughts related to waking life.
      Yuya looks different than usual. She's wearing more casual clothes, and her hair is shorter, dark blonde, and kept in place by some sort of bandana.
      It's definitely her though.
      I greet her and ask her about her appearance.
      She explains that she likes to change it when she leaves Teraluna.
      I notice I'm indeed on a different planet, but it is confusing the hell out of me.
      I try to focus on Yuya rather than on my surroundings, which aren't very clear.

      I take a seat next to her wondering what I should talk to her about. A thought suddenly pops into my head.

      "Hey Yuya, tell me about magic."

      She looks at me, slightly surprised, but she also seems quite happy about the question.
      She shows me her hand, as if she was holding something, but it's empty.
      A small ball forms over her hand and starts growing.
      It's clearly water, but unaffected by gravity, it just hovers over her hand.

      "There's an infinity of different kinds of Magic.
      Magic is basically a manifestation of energy."
      I make sure I don't focus on the water bubble too much, but rather on what Yuya is telling me.

      (I don't remember the conversations exactly word for word. I remember the content of the conversation and some snippets. I filled in the holes with what I think seems right)
      "If you use your energy for something, that's magic.
      You've opened a portal before, you've teleported, you've reinforced your own body, all of that is magic.
      But everyone has a certain affinity for different kinds of magic.
      Creating water may be very easy for me, but it may be very hard if not impossible for someone else."
      "So, considering that you used to be the goddess of water, it makes sense that you have a very high affinity for water based magic?"
      "Yes, exactly."
      I ask her about music based magic, but she says that she's not very skilled with it.
      "So what about me, what did I use? I've recently remembered that I can use dragonic powers?"
      That puts a smile on her face, she's excited.
      "Yes! You're a dragon! ... I mean... you can use the same powers as a dragon, which is quite rare.
      You see, most dreamers use shamanic magic. They transform into something stronger than they are, often an animal, and acquire more powers that way.
      What you usually do is different though. Although the basic idea is the same, it couldn't be any more different.
      You understand on the lowest level how a dragon uses his energy and you adapt your own aura so it mimics that of a dragon perfectly."
      "You see, many people can transform into a dragon, fly and spit fire, but they cannot discharge energy with the same brutality a true dragon can.
      Although this is very powerful, being able to quickly transform into a set of other creatures has it's upsides...
      By the way, you can use more powers than just those of a dragon, like the wings you use to teleport."
      She asks me excited:
      "Can you awaken the dragon within?"
      I focus on the core of my energy and try to change it into that of a dragon.
      The energy flows faster through my body, it starts to vibrate and the power discharge feels dirty and slightly uncontrolled.
      I feel the dragon tattoo on my back growing over my right arm and parts of my face.
      It's not really visible, it's more like heat inside of my body.
      I feel insanely powerful and get very excited.

      Yuya looks at me amazed:

      "Next time, let's go on an adventure, just like in the old days... you are ready!"
      I get super exited at this point... too excited, and I wake up.

      There's another 3 minutes until the alarm clock is supposed to go off.
      I'm surprised since the dream felt quite short, less than 5 minutes for sure,
      yet so much time has passed in the waking world.

      Note1: I clearly remember creating a story for a manga when I was much younger, inspired by the dreams I had at the time.
      It followed a similar set of rules, and the hero learned to use dragonic powers at some point in the story.
      Even later in the story he learned to use special wings to travel through dimensions, which strongly remind of how I teleport in dreams.
      No-one was able to transform into other beings in this story though, but I know that I did modify quite a few things so the story made more sense.

      Note2: holy shit! I want to have insane dream battles, now!
      Tags: dragon, energy, magic, yuya
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. A Returning Memory

      by , 01-27-2011 at 01:32 AM
      Part 1:
      The dream starts off next to a Barnes and Noble bookstore. It's then I realize that this dream is a replay of a memory I had about a year ago, but it's like totally DIFFERENT. Well first of all, while I'm walking with my dad over to the bookstore, and the second I'm looking away, his clothes change into his work outfit. The next thing I notice is that the glass entrance doors just disintegrates and out comes two wooden grand entrance doors. We walk in and he speaks some type of gibberish. From the real life memory, he was telling me to go find the book I want, so in the dream, I just go ahead to the book shelves. I grab a random book from the biography section and head over back to the counter where my dad is casually talking to the woman. The trip over there is a lot longer than usual, my pace is fine, but the time to get there is long. By the time I get there, my dad scrunches down a little and puts his hand on my shoulder. He tells me that he's being sued by Barnes and Nobles for no absolute reason. Now in the real life memory, it was him telling me that he forgot his money in the car and he had to go back and get it.

      Part 2:
      The scenario switches to us and the rest of my family in front of my house with all of our belongings in boxes. Images flash that show how my family was supposedly summoned to court and how my dad confesses he does not have he money to pay back for what ever he did. We lose our money and our house, and the dream switches back to in front of the house. The dream ends as we are trying, but failing to get jobs.

      Yeah, this is pretty sad, but I'm sure we would've survived.... barely.
    8. Weather Balloon

      by , 01-27-2011 at 01:30 AM

      This dream may or may not have occurred after the previous dream, but it was definitely a dream from last night. I find myself in a neighborhood I'm not completely familiar with. Possible the neighborhood of one of the two people I was with. We had heard there were weather warnings in the area and decided to go out to see what there was to see. I was with my girlfriend and a close friend of mine. I don't remember faces, but I remember the feelings.

      We decide the best way to get a look at what was happening would be to take up a makeshift hot air balloon which was in the yard of the house we were standing in front of. The hot air balloon takes off with all three of us securely on board. This hot air balloon was not ordinary. It seemed to be fashioned together as a parachute like section attached to a large block of wood. My two companions stood on the wood while I held on tightly to the rope that was holding the two pieces together.

      The wind was so strong, it took us above the clouds to a point that no longer felt safe or fun. I motioned to my girlfriend that I was scared and wanted to board the platform with her, but I knew there wasn't enough room. I held on tightly. We could see what the weather reports were saying. There were several tornadoes in the distance which, at the time, seemed more awe-inspiring than frightening. We floated above the clouds for a good twenty minutes until we hit a pocket of air which allowed us to slowly sink towards the ground.

      When we burst through the cloud covering we saw that were were falling towards a large body of water, something of a channel for large boats to pass through. There was actually a boat there which appeared to be covering the surface of the water with crude oil. It was to our understanding that it was to prevent the storms from developing even further. We landed close enough to the edge of the channel that we were able grab onto the ledge and climb onto dry land, without even getting wet. This is the last significant thing I remember.

      Updated 10-20-2011 at 07:30 PM by 33186

    9. Baskeball Party- The Awesome Story

      by , 01-27-2011 at 01:19 AM (Lynn's Lucids)
      I had a great adventure last night, it was wild and was like watching an interactive movie!
      I was a young male wanting to succeed in basketball. The field trip to the main place (the final game) was a whopping one billion dollars. I was a great athlete in the dream, and I wanted to make it. The dean and everyone told me I needed the money, or else I wouldn't make it. Everyone else had the money and were off to an amazing adventure. Then, all of a sudden, the fairly odd parents came!? They told me I could make any wishes I wanted. I thought you are not allowed to make a wish to get one billion dollars, so I just wished for fun stuff. At the end, I asked, "Can I ask for one billion dollars?" with modesty. The said, "Go ahead!" So, I did and when my wish was granted I was at the HUGE basketball staduim. And it was HUGE! There were many lights, and thousands of fans. I went in the staduim with my dreadlocks, and I saw the dean/coach. "WHAT are YOU doing here!?!" he asked with rage. I told him I got the money, and smirked. He told me I better not mess this up, so I went and started playing. Before I knew it, I was called in a timeout or something. A cute girl with frizzy hair in a ponytail caught my eye. I turned to Cosmo and Wanda. "Will I get my dream girl?" I asked with the irony that it was a dream. They told me, yes and no. Confused, I went back to play. At the end, I won and the crowd went wild. The two deans put their hands on their hips and made an angry face. It was like the ending to a super hero movie. Then, the girl with the blue shirt came up to me. "That was great." She said as I hoped she would ask me out. "So, you wanna hang later?" She told me I was too arogant, and walked away. I was sad, watching her leave through the doors. The crowd's cheering helped me no more.
      Vividness: 4/5
      Non Lucid- HAHA YOU FAIL!
      Mr. Stinky was in the dream, aGAIN! I asked my friends to give him my book and they said they would. They handed it to him as he stood in the hallway. He saw it and put it on the desk, no comment. He told everyone in the hallway if they wanted to leave, it had to be for the bathroom, in which case they didn't have to ask. So, I stood there, writing a note on my book saying, Got switched out of class to Mrs. M's class. HAHA! So, as I wrote that Lauren gave me a hand guesture to come sit with her. I don't like her, so I said, "Oh, I'm writing now, sorry." And she looked disappointed. Everytime I dream of her, we are friends. Weird, because we're solid enemies. After he got the book, I ran out to tell Stephanie and Lulu that I just ran away from him without asking. They laughed, as usual. Then, I hung around school which looked distored, and woke.
      Vividness: 3.5/5
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Last 3 nights

      by , 01-27-2011 at 12:16 AM
      I was wanted for a crime i didn't commit and remember sneaking methodically through houses on the edge of a dark, lush valley. They were pretty nice houses, the one i remember most had a huge tv and a fireplace. I end up in my home town. Once there I go to where Waitrose is in RL, but it's a lidl instead. There's somebody else trying to escape with me and both decide we have to sneak in and get some supplies. We're doing fine but I spill marmite on the floor and we're spotted, the private detective from 21 is trying to catch us. He chases us down the alleyway which somehow becomes Bournemouth seafront where he continues to chase us as we leap over the groins and sand piles of rock etc. He has turned into iron man's silver friend at this point.

      Next night

      Once again wanted for a crime I didn't commit. My flatmate helps me sneak out of our halls of residence via a fire escape which isn't there in real life. He hits a release door button and we exit into a car park. Here i am trapped by the people who are hunting me down and after being chased through cars for a bit I managed to capture them. They are in a sort of yellow submarine and I magically shrink this and tie it down so they can't escape.

      Last night

      I remember my dream at one point, but over the day it has faded.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Concert Incubation 1

      by , 01-27-2011 at 12:09 AM
      Concert Task.
      Visualising being at a concert - the crowd, the music etc. Mind wanders abit remembering bits of all the concerts I've been to over the years as I fall asleep.

      Dream: Non-lucid.
      My friends arrive to pick me up to go to the concert in a huge white 1950's Plymouth. The car is immaculate and very impressive. As I walk towards the the car across the gravel driveway to get in I say "Wow Ric (the driver) I feel presidential being picked up in this!" The friends in the back hang out the windows and say to hurry up, get in, we gotta get there.
      I get into the back seat and the inside of the car takes on tardis proportions. I'm looking at the back seat as we speed along the road. Back seat is a red and blue velvet bench seat against an 8 foot white brick wall. I think "gee Ric's driving really fast" I consider turning around to see if we are OK on the road, but stop myself because I trust Ric's driving and am consciously trying to be less controlling.

      Dream then changes to me in an apartment on the seafront getting ready to goto a concert (possibly just before friends arrive above but dream sequence is after above). I am getting all the things one needs for a concert - I find my lighter in the bottom of a tub of spiral pasta in the fridge. I think "ahh good found my lighter"

      Post Sleep:
      Quite happy about dreaming about going to concerts. Realise that dream incubation needs to be held more precisely on scene at concert and becoming lucid. But impressived and excited with potency of incubation effect in general terms.
      Disappointing that gigantic scale of car + back seat and incongruity of finding my lighter in a tub of pasta were accepted as reality by my dream consciousness.
    12. ----

      by , 01-26-2011 at 10:38 PM

      Updated 03-08-2011 at 08:12 PM by 41207

    13. First Entry

      by , 01-26-2011 at 10:29 PM
      i've decided to keep my dream journal personal! sorry everyone! if something super extraordinary happens. it will most likely go here.

      Updated 01-27-2011 at 12:17 AM by 41304 (to personal!)

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. 0/2 Tue: Hotel, Mall

      by , 01-26-2011 at 10:12 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Hotel Rooms
      I am staying in a hotel with my girlfriend and a few other friends. We are in a large suite, but I want to have a room for just me and my girlfriend. I talk to the other friends about changing or rooming arrangement. Something about the bathroom.

      Games in Mall
      I'm in the video game store of a mall. I see two guys watching StarCraft on a TV screen. I talk to one them and learn he is a pro gamer. He is very friendly and encourages me to join his clan. Then he leave but has forgotten his copy of the game in the store. Then out in the mall hallways, a group of people are playing laser tag or something. It's disruptive to the other shoppers as these players run amok in the mall.
    15. First dream as Jinnyah.

      by , 01-26-2011 at 10:01 PM
      I'm writing this one in story form. In the dream i am the character Jinnyah, but i'm writing in 3rd person. I'm going to start keeping track of all my dreams as Jinnyah, there were already a few and i'm going to recall them.

      There was a large evil Ifrit on one of the fisherman’s boats. The inhabitants of the fishing docks were in a panic, other fisherman were cowering in their own boats. A Jinniyah flew down to the boat, a small green fairy following her. A great battle ensued between the Jinn. The Ifrit’s large eyes were burning blue fire, his skin green and tough. The boat was being quickly destroyed by the fight as the Ifrit’s massive knuckles bust through the ropes and wood. Finally, the Jinniyah drew out a fiery sword and cut off the head of the Ifrit. It rolled into the sea and the body dissolved into smoke. The Jinniyah did not wait to hear any thanks, but the entire fishing quarters cheered loudly. It was all just fun for her. The Jinniyah flew away, laughing loudly with her fairy, and they grasped hands out of joy. She named her fairy Titi, the Jinniyah herself did not have a name, or did not remember it.

      Immediately after the fight, Jinniyah decided to have a little more fun. There were fancy people from the north that started settling in their country, making inns and various other shops. There was one of these inns just below Jinniyah and Titi, owned by a pompous man and woman who cover themselves in big ugly jewels and puffy clothing. Jinniyah pointed to the building and Titi nodded. They flew down and just before Jinniyah entered, her deep purple silk pants and her embroidered top turned into the biggest, bell-like gold dress. Her black braid turned into golden curls piled high on top of her head. Everything she wore was golden and studded in jewels. Jinniyah walked into the inn like a queen. In the corner of the inn was a pleasant fire and a big cushion seat in front of it. On the other side of the room there was a table where the bird-like woman was hunching over an object with a few gentlemen. Jinniyah caught their eye, and their expressions made her laugh. Suspicion was in the eye of the gentleman who owned the inn, the woman’s eyes had hate and envy.

      Jinniyah bounced into the inn, light as a feather. The owner was following her, watching every move she made. She sensed that he knew she wasn’t human. The bird-like woman continued to hunch over the contraption on the table, talking to an old man.

      “you see” he whispered to her, “you put these in here, touch this handle, and voila! Sapphires come out!”

      A bunch of tiny blue stones spilled onto the table. Jinniyah thought she’d have a bit more fun. She flew towards the old man, put her hand under the table and out came emeralds, diamonds, rubies, and every other kind of gem. The woman and the old man were so excited they didn’t even notice Jinniyah. Jinniyah laughed and flew up the stairs, the owner running behind her. She flew to the very top of the building to the attic and the man slammed the door behind her.

      “I know what you are!” he yelled, “And I won’t let you go!”

      This made Jinniyah laugh even more. No door could keep her locked in. She flew over the man’s head, bust down the door with an explosion of red smoke and flew right out of the building where Titi was waiting.

      There was a little boy right outside the door of the inn with a little box of kittens. The boy held one up to the Jinni with wide eyes and Jinniyah took it.

      “I will name you Huma!” she declared, and flew away with Titi.