Stufwell: I'm at a party scene. It reminds me of C&B's wedding reception from a few years back. I'm standing over by a carpeted area near the bathrooms. It looks like a similar location from work now. There is a person telling me that there is a tiny man that lives inside my car. ... I'm in the bathroom now standing in front of a mirror. I'm holding a shotgun, and the end of it is formable like clay. I'm fiddling with the end of the gun. ... I'm outside at night by my car with somebody. We are opening the hood of my car to look for this tiny man. We call out to him, and silence. Then, we hear a voice that sounds like it is deep underground. The voice tells us his name is ____ Stufwell, and he is on his way up. He has a fun accent. I notice that there is a rat standing in the hood of the car, and try to warn Stufwell.
Updated 03-23-2024 at 07:55 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a warrior, maybe a samurai. I am protecting a large group of inahbitants in the mountains. My guru is among them. There is a big eruption in the mountain and the ground is oepning up and lava flowing out of it and everyone running in all directions. I manage to escape and lead many away with me and to the safety of some caves in another mountain past a bridge. Then, some sort of alien monster attacks me, the size of an elephant with tentacles. But I find a weapon that also seems alien to me, quite big, like a staph with a large bulb on top which shoot lasers and I manage to kill the monster with it. The villagers gather around for some decision making in a safe room around a table. I see my guru there and I still crave for his kind words and attention. I am expecting something from him, but he doesn't address me. I decide to stay humbly in my position by the door and guard people. But at some point I feel like I need to leave for good. I have done my job and need to find my peace of mind again, away from everything. So I announce I will be going back home, for which I need to cross again a dangerous path through the land of other monsters. They try to change my mind, but I feel too hurt to stay. As I cross the bridge separating the mountains, I see spectres approaching and I find out I have achieved super speed like Flash and can move away from them without them ever posing a threat. I call the guru from afar, hoping he too has the same powers and can meet me later wherever I am. I am staying at some kind of posh old hostel, maybe in the 30s. It is early morning and I am starving, so I go get a snack from the cafeteria. The lady serving the food says I must eat and pay for the proper breakfast but I explain I just need some sugar as I feel lightheaded and will come back later for the breakfast, so she agrees to hand me some snack. Then I am planning to take a shower and look for the bathrooms on my floor. Realize I am wearing a transparent baby doll and not exactly adequately dressed to go around the corridor, so I find a ladies toilet and go inside looking for a towel to wrap myself on. Find a strange looking mirror on the wall. Almost got lucid when wondering why there is no reflection of my image on the mirror, only to find out it is actually a door with a window covered in paper on the other side. I feel like any pervert could open a hole or lift a corner of the paper and look inside and that is stupid. As I think that, a guy peaks in from the next compartment and I get pissed. I go outside, open the door of the next compartment where he his and I punch his face. But wonder who the idiot was that put the paper on the side of the men's toilet and not on the ladies'. Some other girl comes rushing to defend him. She is his lover or something and won't believe that he was peaking. Accuses me of teasing men by being half naked on the hallways. I decide to leave and get dressed. Then I get lost in a corridor that connects to an abandoned area of the building. I go down some stairs and find a basement full of trash. I remove some stuff blocking a door and I find 4 or 5 kids with terror in their eyes. But they are not really kids, but living and moving cloth and yarn dolls of animals and other strange characters. But I consider them as kids. They don't talk, but I know what they feel and think. They've been kidnapped and are afraid their kidnapper will come back soon. I bring them with me. Meanwhile their kidnappper comes back and she is some woman wanted for murder. People thought she had died, but she has been hiding in here all that time. She sees me, she blocks my exit and I need to find a new exit. I am carrying the kids against my chest, as they are actually dolls. I find a window at the street level and I break and jump through it. She chases me. I run to a bar or casino whose owner is by the door. He ows me a favor, so I tell him to call the cops and the media and bring them to the tailor shop. I go there, because the tailor is the murderer's father. I assume he's been helping her out, or at least that bringing her to him will have some emotional effect and give me a chance to escape. And in fact he is surprised to see her, but not that much. Clearly he just wasn't expecting to see her there, but they've been seeing each other. I am blocked inside the tailor's shop and they think they got it under control. They discuss how to kill me and hide the kids again, but then the cops and press appear and they are caught in the act. I announce that she's the killer they've been looking for, that the father was her accomplice and then to top if of, I show them the children I have been hiding insde my jacket and ask them to check for matches with missing kids. Everybody treats me like I am the hero of the century.
Updated 07-05-2022 at 11:56 AM by 34880
2nd May 2021 Fragment: Initially something about Terraria. I'm on some kind of mini MMO server. It's 2D at first as it should be, but then starts to become 2.5D and eventually blends into normal reality as I exit some caves I'd been mining in. There was a lot of ore in the caves, but mostly copper and iron. I exit the cave to an exterior location. It's sunny but I'm under the shade of a metal canopy of some kind. I have guns like in UT or something. There are some flying enemies nearby, to my right, and I think about shooting them with a beam weapon but I don't for some reason. They have wings? Are they eyes, maybe? Some kind of stereotype fantasy creature, at any rate. Then I climb or jump down further ahead, where there's a lower roof, using it as a midway point to the ground. There's a human but he's some kind of boss? I'm talking with H at the same time, discussing what's happening I think. Some recall is missing but I eventually change to a traditional sniper rifle and fire at point blank range against the man's neck. I can imagine the bullet and it goes through the front of the neck but leaves no visible wound or blood and it gets lodged under the cranium at the back, on the right side. But then the person becomes H and I turn the head to inspect and there's the lump of the bullet about where I thought it would be. I tell H it's fine, we'll get someone to remove it. 4th May 2021 Fragment: Something about schools part of a network/group called "plus (something)"? I'm in a town but unsure where. Reminds me of my native country and there's these small and perfectly laid out buildings, which are taking over everywhere as if they are invading and replacing other things. The buildings are alien in origin or something, the dream implies, but they look like regular buildings in a modern style, though having something to do with this group of schools or something. There's some kind of instancing effect going on and things phase in and out of reality depending on where I stand exactly; in the phase space there are only two specific things to eat for some reason and this becomes a way for me to identify that I'm in this phased space. I think something about the colour of the atmosphere changes too but recall is somewhat muddled and partly gone and some bits of this feel as if they were from an earlier awakening. Some recall is missing but later on, there's some bit in a kitchen underground in a bunker of some kind and this is like the headquarters of whatever is going on. In this kitchen, there are two women, they are busy cooking and concocting things? I think they have aprons on but I don't recall any other details other than that maybe one had her hair tied up. They are the masterminds, it's implied somehow. They don't seem to care about my presence. The door to the kitchen is locked with some type of electronically controlled lock and some people want to get in here because a meteor is crashing soon and this is the safest place, even within the entirety of this bunker. There's a large window into the next room and there are random groupings of people through there. I remember interacting and talking with the two women but I'm not sure what any of us said. Then the meteor hits and some people outside the room get scared but nothing much happens other than some prolonged shaking. (recall gap) Outside with someone, implied to be after the meteor hit on the surface. I was here before at some point in the dream but it wasn't like this, everything looks kind of orange and wrecked now, debris and general mess everywhere. There are dead headcrabs? The person I'm with is cooking and eating them. (gap) Some other bit where I see a city like London (which layout I know vaguely) in some kind of overview and it's broken up by ravines and mountains. Someone wants a new map made to reflect all this or something and I or another dream character draw it on some kind of black sandy stuff with a stick or rod? The lines are a dark blood red.
Been having motivational issues around dreaming because of how mornings (and days in general) have been lately, but really need to finish catching up my DJ. Will also try to give this some relevant title... 22nd August 2020 (DFLN thread) Dream: Something about being in a town and visiting a cultural centre thing with a group of people, like a field trip (from how I remember them at school). There were some little statuette things atop a doorway bit at the entrance of a museum area? The statuettes were the legacy of an Aztec culture that (in the dream) had existed in Europe until the 800s. I remember some people in the group were old classmates of mine. Many of them were simply messing around and some of them got some chairs to try and reach up to the statuettes to touch them. The statues had some visual resemblance to football players? Or to table football figurines. The statuettes were very blocky and maybe made of some kind of painted terracotta. I was completely uninterested in messing around like them and so went for a walk. I remember the inside of the museum looked dark, no lights were on inside since it was daytime. I think I went with one of the teachers around the area. There were gardens of some kind and it was sunny. There was a little artificial water feature, like a mini concrete pond. Then I had walked a really long way. Eventually I'm jogging or running? And then there's a guy along the pavement and I sort of prompt him to race with me. It's night time now but bright from moonlight (I vaguely recall a sunset transition as I walked); we're in a suburban type of area, reminds me of North American suburbs. I don't quite remember how, but eventually we're very high up, we climbed or ran up some thick steel cabling to get here. We're higher than some of the tallest buildings' rooftops in the area. This is some kind of construction site. Then a thunderstorm begins and this guy I raced with tells me about some villain he has to assassinate, like I'd earned his trust or something? I somehow have a focused zoom-view looking straight down from the girders we're on an I see what I can only describe as a convertible white limo. The villain steps out and he looks like King Pin. I use some kind of oversized (comically?) rocket launcher, featuring a red colour scheme. I shoot straight down at the limo, I don't remember exactly what happened but the dream went on for a while, but at this point recall had faded too much. Notes: - The area the museum was in was very much like the areas around my old home, but more so of the town next over from mine (Bran).
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a street or avenue, I get lucid and remember a thing I read on some instagram post about teleporting to a place we see in a dream. I try teleporting to over a roof of a building, instead I start flying. I don't stop at the roof I go fly around. Trump wants to offer me a job, it is not the first time he offers it. Wants me to run his farm. He takes me on a tour, it has really impressive facilities. The chicken pen is gigantic and chicken really have lots of space and conditions to climb and shelters to hide. We find a puppy inside having fun eating eggs. Trump doesn't have a farm manager, he just goes there on sundays to check and do some work himself []. He tells me about the plants and places he liked as he grew up playing on this farm. I am almost convinced he is actually human. Then he takes me to follow him around a whole day trying to convince me. Says he'll pay me handsomely and I think about how I would like the money but also how bad it would be accepting the job. He would probably try to seduce me, he would probably fire me sooner than later and my reputation would be both increased and destroyed depending on the audience. Then he goes to a casino, I hint I wish it could be my lucky day and hit a jackpot, and he says it might be. But people start looking at me wondering probably if this poorly dressed hippie is his new lover. I am approached by someone pretending to know him while he goes to the toilet, just to try to find out who I am, and I clarify he is just offering me a job. But this person is a journalist. Trump gets angry and takes me away to some clothing shop. I think maybe he wants to change my looks so I can hang out with him, raising less questions on others, but it is actually about himself (obviously). The ladies look at me as the ones who looked down at Julia Roberts and Pretty Woman. They ask me what I want and I say I'm with Trump. Then he says he bought something he is not happy with and wants to buy a new one that is in promotion. I look around the shop and anyway it is really bad taste conservative clothes I would never use. I tell him my bigger problem with the job offer is the distance. I say it does not compensate. He thinks about it, offers me a load of money, so that I cannot reject anymore. The movie Purge meets The Hunger Games. I am with some friends at their home, that has steel window blinds, but the bad guys override the system and they open up. I escape through a backdoor to the outside, but have to go through some dudes who were trying to enter from there. I hit one with something heavy and get an ax and a hammer from a shack nearby. I open my way through whomever I encounter, some are hard to kill, some try to steal my weapons. I manage to come together with my friends again and we go through the city. We try to find hideout in parks and less populated areas. But this doesn't end in one day, it lasts for some time, so we decide to try to escape the city or we will end up being killed. We find the edge of the city and we discover it is a floating city, miles high in the sky. Seems a dead end. But we meet a guy that claims to be coming from the outside world. He tells us there are two points where there is a climbing system on the wall, with ropes and that we can escape through there. We sleep a night in an abandoned hotel room. I dream with the wall thing, I see the rope mesh going down and that the wall has a sort of inclined platform before it dives vertically. I share the dream with my friends in the morning, taking it as a vision. I can't find my weapons and suspect someone infiltrated the group. But nothing happens and we head to the place with the ropes to escape.
This certainly wasn't the standard type of lucid dream for me, and I'm happy it lasted longer than a couple of seconds as well, here goes. I was in a big city, and I had my bike and my smartphone with me (I don't own a bike in real life). And then... a talking monkey stole my bike, I was uncertain what to do at first and considered calling the police. Instead however I decided to run after the monkey and got my bike back by kicking against the back wheel and knocking it off. I went back to where I was first, all the while that monkey insulted and threatened me. That's when I got angry, and lucid. As it often happens in my dreams, even lucid, I tapped into a certain power as if it was the most natural thing ever. I called upon the moons of Tibaro. ("Moons of Tibaro" is the clear sentence I remember I said or thought in the dream. A really interesting side note is that I thought about the dream while being awake and still had a piece of information imprinted on me when I thought about the moons, one of them was called "Shadow of Pria". I might be wrong about the Pria part but I know for sure it was a short word starting with P. But yeah, I didn't remember that from the dream, the information just popped up in my mind as if I was still dreaming.) What I essentially did was some sort of telekinesis/summoning to call in an outrageously devastating storm of meteors from the moons of Tibaro (I think there were 3 moons and I brought debris from all of them). The impacting objects were all mostly black, maybe a bit gray, and had a structure and sheen like obsidian. With time the talking monkey transfigured into something entirely different, something that I almost killed a couple of times but every time I almost had it finished it regenerated before the final blow. It didn't even have a defined shape anymore. At some point during the fight I also got to see things from a system view. I could see the moons of Tibaro, a large but uninvolved object which I presume was the planet Tibaro, and another... planet or moon that I was on. I really wonder what that place was I was on, considering it seemed to have the size of a moon, was very close to Tibaro, yet was not considered a moon of Tibaro. And here I also got the impression that the moons of Tibaro had some consciousness of their own, and they disliked the object that I was on. This is also why I said telekinesis/summoning earlier, because I feel that I've both called upon their power as well as using my own in the form of telekinesis to direct the meteors towards me. The fight was so huge the city was turned into fine dust in which we continued to fight, and soon the planetary object I was on got a large part of its surface blown off by the fight, up to the point that the once almost perfect sphere was now VERY unshapely.
I am with my dad's extended family. We go to a shopping mall. I find a place selling weapons and buy a telescopic baton. Me and my mother are walking through an abanoned aquarium, that is in the process of being turned into a restaurant. My reflection speaks to me from one of the glass pane, asking for my help. I accept and me and my mom walk into the mirror. We travel through Parabola, the world in mirrors between all worlds, and exit into a world just like ours. I become lucid. The voice from the mirror says that we have arrived in his apartment, and he will physically be here soon. My mom look around the place a little bit and unconsciously used powers like a lucid dreamer. I tell her that she's a DC in my dream, and she should blend in until we need powers. We go back into the apartment and wait for the voice. I wake up.
Updated 11-02-2016 at 06:31 AM by 50816
Only remembered a small part of the last dream I had, and it wasn't very vivid. This might be because I ended up vomiting my guts out violently for no reason before going to bed last night. Dream Me and some others are in a wooden rampart + wall building, we're running away from guards. One of the people I'm running with is a bear I'm pretty sure... As we're running we grab makeshift weapons like sticks, I remember hurling them back as I see the guards round the corner. There are some moments where it's like "No, go on without me" and then we grab them and pull them onwards. No man left behind . Apparently the people in this world have devices similar to walky talkies or phones which they can contact each other with. Though they don't have screens. As we're running we loot a whole bunch of them and spread the word that there's a revolution coming.
-A particularly violent and vivid frag involving me fighting an older military type man with a spear and winning when he decided to commit suicide. -Something to do with 'Interstellar' -Something to do with my mom's friend's kids. -Something to do with wanting a weapon for Christmas being a good thing. -My friend K's dad had taken up metal-sculpting and he had made all of these hilarious cartoon statues of people screaming and pouting.
It all started in a car. It was a red renault 5 i was driving with my friend ojki. And I starred at the window wipers. I was amazed. Waaw.. i have never seen a wiper cleaning a window like that before, everything was so clear. And then my friend said.. we must hurry because they guys on the radio said that a torando is aproaching. We looked at the sky far away in front of us, and we saw a big mass coming our way. And on the right side of this superevil cloud there were small lightnings. It started to rain. And we were near a river. There was an radio tv transmiter antena.. like 50m high. it was in red and white. And because of the weather forecast they were putting it down. It was like a lift bridge. the antena just went down on 90 degrees angle over the river and locked itself. So it looked like a bridge. And when it was all the way down.. my shirt was stuck between the antenna and its holder. I said great and pulled with great force.. i did save the shirt. Then we drove further and we stopped at some house. now there were 3 of us. We went into the house like we were swat team. I heard something in my ear.. because apperantly i had headphones on my head.. and there was chief comander speaking.. that this should be no problem for us.. because we should know this house till now. Ok i said.. i guess they know what they are doing. Then i tore down a door. And there were lots of people in that room. I pointed my gun at one of the guys. It was a double barrel shotgun. But i thought it was a machine gun. I said everybody stand up.. and face against the wall with your hands up. One of them didnt want to listen. He was walking towards me, and i shot him in the leg.. ratatatat.. so it is a machinegun i said to myself. Now everybody was standing as I said.. but they were hidding behind a curtain.. but all of them were facing the wall with their hands up. I told them, they should stop hiding before the next one will get hurt. And they didnt listen again. I tried to shoot the next one.. and my sound from rifle was just.. shit.. it is empty.. i ran out of the room, into another one.. where my boss was located, it was a she. I approached her with such anger inside. I screamed at her.. what is wrong with them.. i have no backup.. no ammo left.. give me a gun. .or ammo, beacuse i will shoot everyone down there. and she refused. she said im not in the mood now. And she has pissed me more.. WHAT!!! you are too lazy? Ok then.. i hope they come up here and shoot you .. you lazy bitch! those were the exact words i said to her. And then these guys really come in.. but they were appologizing for what they have done. We all left the building together and a party begins. We were pouring wine from big canisters. 20l. And then i said to my friend.. well i think it is better that we leave now.. because we should not drink more if we want to drive home.. and we left...
I lived in the country during World War 5. One of my friends had a job as a mail carrier, and she hated it because she has bad knees. I was riding down a road on the back of a flat-bed pickup with a bunch of noisy teen boys. They were all carrying rocket launchers and machine guns and grenades and stuff. As we drove down the interstate, we would occasionally drive passed a big billboard. At that point, the boys would all jump off, run up to the sign and just DESTROY it with their weapons. Pretty epic.
My last lucid was already weeks or months ago, and my last lucid with good control and details was defnitely months ago. It began with some kind of event, it was night and there were many people in something like a stadium. There was some kind of woman with a deo-spray goblet (WTF...) on a pedestal, closely surrounded by people. During this part of the dream I was not yet existent and only observed. The woman flew away with a missile and some dude clung to her missile with a rope. He wanted to get up to her, there was some dialog I could remember, but honestly it was pretty nonsensical stuff, like comments from the dude about the age of the woman. He eventually stopped on a clocktower or something, held the missile and let it rotate around the tower so it would speed up and he could get up to the woman. The physics here we're pretty broken. Eventually one of them, the dude I think, dropped down from the missile into the city. I then assumed his position, searching for the woman, but there was no one anywhere in the city. I came around a corner, it was day again, the street was empty, and there were boring buildings to both sides of the street. My mind suddenly became a lot more clear, I wanted to do a reality check, but considering the events that previously happened I knew that I was dreaming and no RC was necessary. Instead I focussed on stabilizing, imagined wings, flapped my arms and started to fly, immediately it was like the gravity was largely negated for me. I couldn't properly imagine the wings but kept on trying to train myself a little. When I flew up I got to see an absolutely astonishing panorama of nature with mountains and greenery, the closest mountain had a sharp stone peak at the top, but none of the mountains were covered with snow or something like that. I could see at least as good as in reality, maybe even a little better. I kept flying for many minutes until my mind got clouded a tiny little bit again. I flew into a building, probably a school, and there I met a particular weird monster with a magic wand (both from UT2k4, the so called magic wand is a different version of the shock rifle). It fired at someone and I planned to rob the weapon from it, but then I lost my focus on the dream for a moment and woke up. It somehow was similar to dropping something out of carelessness, I might've been able to continue the dream otherwise I guess. Unfortunately I didn't remember any of the things I wanted to do in my lucids, and so only flew around.
[Part1] This dream immediately began lucid, it started just some 2 or 3 minutes after I fell asleep. I was directly chasing some henchman of king rufus through a small stone valley and already summoned a shock pulsar above 2 stretched out fingers of my right hand, but the dream faded before I really got to unleash it. I guess they still wouldn't have made it. Side note: I'm surprised that I managed to dream about this story arc again so fast.
Updated 01-01-2014 at 05:06 AM by 48127
23rd of December 2013 (1) This is only a dream fragment. It started somewhere at a beach. There was the water on the one side and huge cliffs around on the other sides. For some reason I was fighting my friend Ashe with a sniper rifle. We both tried to kill each other. However we never hit each other except once, when I hit her knee with a yellow soft-air bullet, but it seemed to have no effect on her. I didn't have enough real bullets, so I sometimes put soft-air bullets into my rifle. There were other friends and family members around, but they didn't do anything to help me except once, when someone threw some real sniper rifle bullets on the sand. I had to pick them them up. Ashe had a different weapon, which was much smaller. When I used all the real bullets, I had only soft air bullets left. I realized I had to get ammunition. Me and another friend went to my father's car and drove to a store. 23rd of December 2013 (2) This is only a dream fragment. I was somewhere in France and wanted to go to London with a friend. We were looking for a nice house to rent there. We wanted to go there by car, but after a few kilometers we ended up somewhere in the hinterland. There were fields with wheat around, but no road to London. The next thing I remember is when we were in London and could see the houses of parliament next to a dirty river. We were on the other river bank. We finally found a house we could rent. It was huge. It was really close to the city and there was enough space for both of us. My friend didn't like it, because she said it was too close to the city and there was no green around it. When we got into the backyard she changed her mind because right behind the house there were fields and woods. This is unfortunately when the dream ended.
Updated 12-24-2013 at 02:05 AM by 67061
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am invited to go down a wormhole and on the other side I find a "Wonderland" type of place. As I walk down a hallway, I encounter tiny doors, which open to tiny worlds or encounter strange living paintings that suck people into really dark places. At a gate I find some guards and some stalls with weapons and all kinds of acessories. We are to enter an RPG game and must "wear" the character of our choice. But the best weapons are gone, I look for a sabre and can't find any, nor long swords. All there's left are big knifes and whips. I grab the nicest looking big knife, a handbag and then I look at the shoes and instead of all the heavy boots, I go for the only pair of white vynil bowling shoes that match my black with white stripe outfit I am wearing. Inside the gates, is not like I expected. It's a complex world, with flying palaces and I end up in one. Everybody is dressed up like for a ball and I feel dislocated. On this palace it seems to be happening some kind of event with workshops and I find it all so odd. I decide to attend one workshop to see what's the topic and they are discussing the "Theory of Everything" and I hear them advancing the explanation for the link between quantum physics and general relativity. It has something to do with dark matter and I am wowed because it makes sense and appears to be so simple.