I'm getting better with meditation, but I still need to improve on staying up straight. I don't make it a priority, but I just want to make sure I'm positioned in a comfortable position.
I want to consider meditating while resting on the bed, but that's an challenge simple because the awareness and willpower has to be augmented.
This is why I prefer the Indian style pose, or half or quarter lotus pose while meditating.
I'm definitely positive why I want to understand the concept behind the Akashic Records, and use them as a progressive base for improvement, seeing probabilities that I can take to the best of my abilities, and seek nothing ambition in making sure these possibilities are things that will benefit me.
I also realized that I'm still attached to a few things before I can even meditate. I realized that I tried helping too many people who continue to take advantage of my help. It's about waking life, not on Dream Views.
People are so amazing, wanting help, but not understanding how to actually appreciate the methods in which they receive it. Took passive in their thoughts, one moment they're so happy of the advice you suggested to them, and the keyword being SUGGESTED, not forced.
There's no point giving "advice" if you shove it down people's throat. I admit that I did that a few times with a few people, but that's only because I cared about them, or at least thought I did.
The important thing here when learning about Akashic Records is that I need to eradicate what people think about it. I know it's not a literal place you go to, but rather a frequency you align yourself into. If people don't believe in that, by all means, don't believe in it.
It's all for a high level of awareness of what one can do in their life and the steps they can take to understanding the outcomes that are most likely to occur if they partake in a specific action.
It's your life if you don't want to experiment with something like this, I shouldn't be responsible for your fate, and I shouldn't be interested in your life or your fate. The only thing that I can be sure of is my own fate, and that this is merely an experience for growth of knowledge, love, and much more.
The more I constrain myself with people I thought I respected and saw as people to look up to, the less likely I'll meditate with confidence.
People are absolutely entitled to their own beliefs, and I should just accept that. Some people change, some people remain conservative and blinded and ignorant because they are afraid of trying something new.
People who don't take failure so seriously and make it something negative that should be avoided at all costs are, in my opinion, just too afraid for change.
Ultimately, it's the simple fact that we can't conceptualize or understand something as abstract as the Akashic Records, or anything that sounds absurd at first glance.
Sadly, the only thing that would make it enticing if it's apparent that the person they think is absurd for believing in such things actually makes huge benefits from it.
Money Money Money Money....god people are so bothered with it that it's sickening. I admit money is necessary to get the rudiments of life established, but when you go into this indulgence where money only matters, just what are you?
I just need to realize that people are going to say a lot of things are crazy, and the more I consider their thoughts without doing the ambition through my own eyes, or...behind my eyes and into my mind, the less likely I'll succeed.
I'm sick and tired of my generosity towards others that I'm making slow by gradual progress in dissociating that with tulapforging, another concept people love spewing horseshit about and making it bad.
If you don't take the time to understand why people believe a certain concept, don't assume so much that it makes you look silly and completely lazy to learn.
There are many things that are crazy, but it's only because the concept is not understood in a practical way where it can consistently benefit yourself or society as a whole.