I've been feeling s little sickish and could feel that in my dream as well, I had a dream about work, and although I cannot legally disclose what I do at my job (9 to 5 office job), this dream felt like an official "first day" where I'll br doing yhe first thing by myself, but in the canteen. While talking to all other worker who exactly found myself at the same place I was standing at. I also moved to Austria and I met my only friend from Austria, or at least a version of him generated by my subconscious. I had this moment where I thought "I'm going to work and I'll be the greatest I've ever been at it" and that's when my alarm went off. It's almost as if they felt my brain waves lol
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a chemistry class. I start feeling bad and with pain, so I just get up to leave. Teacher asks where am I going and I say I need to go. She then starts mocking me, saying "oh, so what's streaming on the web that you so much need to go watch?" And I reply, not amused "I am sick, I am very sick and maybe if you actually cared, I might tell you what my problem is and how much I need to leave right now. But I am going anyway." And as I said this to her, my voice started to fade until I no longer could talk. She said nothing else as I packed my bag and picked stuff from over a couple tables and left. Outside, I meet a couple ladies, one of which is a blond girl I detested from my former office and they are trying to sell me some hair products based on coconut oil. They are super expensive and I wonder why. Seems like they just mix the oil with some other shit that turns it pink and then put it in oversized jars to overcharge. I tell them I use a much cheaper version of simple oil and I have a small package with me and put it in my hair to prove my point. They want me to give them a ride and I really don't want to, but they keep following me outside, not taking a no. When crossing a street, I take advantage of some truck passing and sneak out to the next street to lose them.
Updated 09-16-2021 at 08:31 PM by 34880
The environment is dark colored and I'm with a party of grown ups. I'm able to choose a companion that will help me out and I scroll through the selections. They are all grey looking and pretty boring but with different shapes. One is formed as an egg, one is a bit scary, one is looking very tired. I look at about 15 of them until I am interupted. A party member's zombie is eating her up. The zombie is streching its mouth really much so that the whole head fits in its mouth. I'm in my brother's bed and I'm sick. Every time I breathe out a green round rubbery candy with white powder on it rolls out. Some older people from the last dream walks in. They are telling me I have some kind of disease and they seem a bit disgusted. I taste one of the candies and they are pretty good. Notes: I hid in my brother's bed yesterday. I notice it's a dream and fly up. I hit a cloud wall and fly through it. I keep on flying and hit another cloud wall. I keep on flying and see the third cloud wall but the dream becomes unstable and I can't remain.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:13 AM by 97565
I'm laying on an air mattress on the floor and waiting for the other people to walk out of the room. I just want to be left alone. A leader, about 25 years old, comes to me and ask me how I'm doing. I tell him I'm okay but I hear that my voice is trembling and I feel that my face is getting red because of tears. I look down on the ground. He says that he don't think that I am okay. When he says that I feel how my head is getting warmer. It is getting very warm. He takes me outside and I only feel worse. I puke on the porch and he seems upset. It comes in two waves, first a small one, and then a big one. The puke is slimey and won't leave my mouth easily. I have to spit the last out. Notes: I had a bad presentation yesterday. I'm with dad and my brother on a restaurant/store. We buy some things and sit down by a table. Dad and my brother eat some kinds of pastries with chocolate. I want to be nice to the cashier and want to buy him something he can eat. I ask dad if it is okay and he says it's okay. I buy him a chocolate pastry but regret my decision, the strawberry pastry with whipped cream looked better. Notes: It was the same strawberry pastry dad and I ate by risk 2:an.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am coughing a lot. Feeling lots of mucus down my throat. I go to the bathroom and spit a lot of mucus out and then feel something coming out up my throat into my mouth and I grab it. Turns out it is some kind of worm and I have to pull it hard and I think I rip it apart and only get the head out. Disgusted and worried, I go to the doctor and while there I have another cough attack. I explain what's going on and the doctor mobilizes a couple nurses to help me with puke it all out to some container. I puke a lot of mucus again, but no more worms. The doctor analyses the worm that I brought in in a jar and says it is really just the end of a long tapeworm still inside me. He prescribes me a pill to kill the worm - although probably already dead without the head - and for my body to expel the rest of ot, but even the doctor isn't sure if that's gonna work. I am with Riverstone at some foreign country to help a couple scientists who we know and are in trouble. The world thinks they are dead, but turns out they were just hiding. They are an old gay couple and look cartoonish, with big curly mustaches and strange shaped heads, also one is tall and thin as hell and the other is basically a dwarf. Thy also wear early 1900s clothing style. I have so many questions, but what matters is that they are ok. They have been staying in the house of a lady scientist, who gave them shelter. We meet them at some mall but then they take us to her house and when we arrive there, her kitchen floor is flooded with water. But apparently it is on purpose, she is fostering some odd looking ducklings and leaves the water running. She tells us on the phone that she has a drain under the cabinets that keeps draining the water so it doesn't go after a certain limit. They then take us along with them to the university, where she is presenting the discovery they made that is the reason they went into hiding. Nobody in the audience knows what she is going to show. It's just some lecture about cell biology. She basically shows microscopic videos inside cells and everyone is amazed at the quality of it, totally mind blowing. People want to know the technique. Then she points to some very small structures I have never seen in a cell and ask us all if we cab guess what that is. Riverstone jokes that it is the Instagram logo and in fact it looks like it. Nobody else seems to have a clue to what it is, but I do. I say "it is an eye!", to which she confirms it is in fact a synthetic microscopic eye that can be planted at the cellular level, is totally organic, functions like an organelle and can watch anything inside the human body at the cellular level, but also somehow sends out an input to a computer interface so that we can actually see what they see. Everybody is mind blown. I go out to eat something with someone, but everything around is so expensive, we decide to go to a small fast food deli with good vegan burgers. One of the cooks is Beta, a lady that was one of my educators when I was a kid. She and a colleague are baking some delicious orange cakes and they get a bit annoyed when we order burgers and fries, like that was not on their plans. But they manage actually pretty fast. They ask if we want dessert to complete a menu and I say I want one of those orange cakes. They say no because it is some important order for someone to pick up and are not available to other costumers. I insist on just a small piece but Beta is adamant and very protective of her cakes so I settle for something else. I also notice somehow the cost of the menu is now 3x higher than what they said it would cost at first, but I don't say anything.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Visiting the GoT set with the cast, been snacking with Daenerys (I don't even watch GoT!). Night is falling and people are going to sleep, right on the set, like a big camp. One actor challenges me for a jazz dance on the floor. I also try bonding with a cat who cuts my face real bad with his claws. As I clean the wounds I start swelling. I panic, but there is an MD and he examines me. He removes something from my neck that is kind of a yellow jello foam. I enter into shock and he lays me down, turns me over, injects something in my buttocks, then inserts a probe up my ass until I feel it reaching my throat and I start vomiting more of that yellow foam like there's no tomorrow. I feel relieved. He says that's what had been hurting me for some time. At a campus in London I re encounter school friends. We attend and art presentation, I spot Mara with a friend. I talk to someone from my university who is telling me stories about all the troubles he is getting with job interviews. Then I take a bus, it only costs 12 cents, find it cheap.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Visiting a tv studio, a lady friend shows me old cameras and other old equipment, shows me a wardrobe she made, very basic stuff, she explains why they don't use normal clothes. I am coughing blood. At the beach, some kids from somewhere go trough an area of the ocean shore that is full of rocks and get trapped and are drowning. A media circus installs. I wanna go away, I am with my friend Zilla in the 40s, we are taking the last cruise ship leaving London just before the war hits. People are very emotional saying bye to us and vice versa.
Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM Woke up at: 6:00 AM Fell back asleep at: 6:00 AM Woke up,again, at: 7:00 AM Nightmare: I'm in my room, reading notes on this particular bug that, if ingested, could cause a slow and painful death. The scientists shown on the paper are Albert Einstein and Michio Kako for some reason, though both aren't exactly biologists. They both have opposing viewpoints: With Einstein's being grim and Kako's being optimistic. I'm drinking out of a cup of water and there I eat it. I accidentally swallowed the nightmarish bug, causing my body to slowly go limp. I inch out of my bedroom and make my way over to the restroom. I can barely stand on my own two feet, and slowly approaching death's bed. I look in the mirror, a foggy one. The whole room was humid. Someone probably took a shower before me. Anyway, I wipe off the fog from the mirror and see myself, barely keeping my head up above the sink, with droopy eyelids that show the tissue behind them. Then I wake up. NOTES: 1. A very vivid dream. I remember waking up with a sense of dread today and it took a few hours for it to wear off.
Date of Dream: MON 11 SEP - 2017 Dream No. 194 - Separated Sections Dream 194 A - You Took My Spot I don't remember much of this dream. I was in my mum's car driving somewhere for practice. Eventually, I can feel some invisible force pushing me out of my seat. My mum somehow got into my seat and took over the driving... I wasn't happy. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream 194 B - Personal Assistant I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was at Brandon Park Shopping Centre and saw NW in the car park. She told me she was waiting to get her legal marks from GA. I then saw GA further up the car park... I asked him what he was doing. He was entering marks into some very complex spreadsheet system (it was nothing like Excel). I was worried that GA was going to take forever to enter in the data. GA ended up teaching me how to enter the data... I then took over and entered it instantly for him. I then went over to Coles and saw RH there, he was entering marks into a mobile system as well. I told him I could help, took the device off him, gave one tap and then gave it back. The dream afterwards made it so I had a really bad sore throat. I was shopping around and at the same time, trying to avoid a particular person. The dream eventually ended. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 01-15-2020 at 02:52 PM by 93119
For some reason Mike got sick & has been for over 3 weeks. He NEVER gets sick but maybe some small 1 day event a year. I guess I finally caught it. He has a crazy good immune system where mine is almost non existent. My nose won't stop running & I have a fever. I've slept most of the day w/ horrible dream recall. Then I woke up to find I had to spend 3 hrs of dealing w/ the phone idiots over keeping my phone number while I changed carries over to my new iphone (which is really cool so far). I will comment on other peoples pages when I feel better but right now I just want to go back to sleep. I have yet to miss an entry since I began DV & I will continue to do that unless I just absolutely can't.
I woke up with a runny nose & it took my attention away from my dream. Hence no dream recall that made sense.
Baby Kennel: I go visit my niece in the hospital. Incubators with malformed and sick babies line the halls. The incubators are stacked three high. Some of the babies wake and stare at me. I should acknowledge them all but if I do I will never get to visit my niece. Perhaps on the way out I will talk with the babies. I get to my niece and my sister tells us the hospital has changed to a sick baby kennel. Unplugged: Noise in my basement leads me down to it. The lights won’t come on. The whole basement is pitch black except for a single beam of light shining through the window onto a very old Kurt Cobain. He sits wearily in the old armchair. I ask why he is in my basement and he answers with songs from the unplugged album. I sit and sing with him. Fat Gibson: At a gala and people gather around a celebrity. It's Mel Gibson. He is very fat, his belly literally looks as if a giant beach ball is stuffed inside it. The shirt has jumbled flags, stars, and stripes all over it. He acts like a pig. Star Search: I spend too much time with my telescope trying to find an elusive comet in a night sky overly packed with stars. Dreams for Sept 21st 7 hours sleep
Updated 09-22-2016 at 01:55 PM by 91601 (add date (dreams actually fr day before))
Definite flu. The puking has begun. I was able to write down my dreams but now I only have time to write this short excerpt. I'll post it tomorrow. Non-lucids but really colorful & interesting. Stay tuned.