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    1. Night of Sunday 3/17/24

      by , 03-18-2024 at 03:51 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at my childhood home's basement with my brother and my friend D.
      There were some other people, maybe my sister's friends.
      They are talking about some back pain they are having.
      I remember that I have been working on that, and tell them that I have some stretches that might help.
      I start to demonstrate, but I can't get the movement quite right.
      One of the girls points to the window, and says my sister is coming.
      It's dramatic, like when Azula shows up in ATLA.
      I'm holding a goose-stuffed animal.
      Later at night time, I'm sleeping on a mattress up against the wall in the same room.
    2. Goose and Goat Chase

      by , 04-18-2015 at 12:10 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was on the mountainside. Or somewhere in the province at least, where I'm surrounded by trees and low or cut grass. I was walking and then I was chased by a goose. It wasn't scary. It was more amusing than anything. It was a big goose though. I ran around. Then there was a goat and it chased me too.

      Something about the beach.



      - Slept at around 3 a.m.
      - Set alarm 6 hours later.
      - Woke up a bit to the Stephen LaBerge audio in entering dreams. Wrote keywords.
      - Slept for 1.5 hours more.
      - I was watching Parasyte before I slept.
    3. Connecticut is the Roof of a Temple

      by , 09-18-2013 at 11:15 AM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/18/2013, 10:00-6:00

      I tried to say mantras to LD in bed before going to sleep, but no lucid dream. I woke up once at 1:49 till 1:52.

      Dream 1:

      My family and I were driving to Connecticut. We ended up at a forest. There was this temple. My dad was driving on top of the temple when he said that we've made it to Connecticut. I wanted to get out of the car, so I did. Then the car fell onto the other side of the temple. It started to tumble down the temple and into some trees, with my dad, mom, and brother still inside. They were then outside of Connecticut :/. My family was perfectly fine.

      I then found an opening into the center of the temple (Connecticut) and I jumped inside. I found this little statue, a few pedestals, some statues on the pedestals, and a window looking outside. My brother J was then outside the window. I grabbed the one statue not on the pedestals and put it on one. Immediately, there was a Canadian goose that flew down and started attacking my brother. There was blood everywhere. The dream had a sad feel to it.

      Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:47 PM by 58207

    4. Deleted

      by , 01-19-2011 at 11:00 PM (Torra)
    5. 12/16 Uneventful

      by , 12-17-2010 at 06:00 AM
      This one is boring, you probably shouldn't read it. I'm only posting it because I've had so few this month that I've been able to remember when I wake up. I'm curious though, the first 2 months I was keeping a dream journal, I'd recall several dreams a week, even multiple dreams per night, but now... slim pickins... Well, here it is anyway.


      NonDream Non-lucid Lucid

      I'm walking outside of the house in which I grew up. My family is living there, and I've been away for some time, possibly at college. My sister and mom are playing in the yard, and my dad is presumably inside. I head for the side yard, and where it used to be a large grassy area with a cherry tree in the middle, there were now stables and a large, fenced in area. I look into the stables as I walk past and see miniature horses inside, a few chewing on some hay, others roaming the pasture area, and still others chillin in their stalls. There are also Canada geese walking around, as domesticated, not free roaming animals. I approach my mom, and we talk bit about the changes they've made since I've been gone. I think it's pretty cool that they've built this stable, and it will be so good for the family to have the extra income coming in from the geese and mini horses.

      Time Lost

      I'm outside with my sister and my dad, near a campfire on the far side of the pasture from the house. It's daytime, mid afternoon, and the fire has burned down to red coals. My sister is lighting small fireworks, watching them shoot up and explode. I approach them, just as she lights a new firework. This one shoots up about 15 feet into the air and explodes into silver powder, which then erupts into a massive fireball. I can feel the heat and the change in pressure, though I'm about 30 feet away. It seemed almost as if there were a hydrogen balloon behind the cloud of silver dust that was burning, Idk. I came closer, making some comment about that last one, when my dad hurriedly runs over and picks up the spent capsule the firework was contained in with tweezers. He tosses it into a beaker which contains some kind of milky, translucent mixture. He swirls it around, and it begins to foam up. He stirs it some more, and it does so again. He is trying to save some of the explosive material to make more fireworks.

      Time Lost

      I'm heading back outside, looking for something, I'm not sure what. I head over towards the stables, and go through the gate. I head inside, looking at the miniature horses. They're all in their stalls now for the evening. It's about 6pm, the sun is still up, but the light is beginning to fade. I walk through the pasture, and whistle for a horse to come over to me so I can pet it. For some reason, the horses are not all in their stalls now, a few of them are standing in the space between the stalls in the middle of the stable. Then I make the Click Click thing with my tounge, and the horse looks up at me and starts my way. Unfortunately, a goose is attracted by my whistling and clicking, and decides to come over to me. The horse looses interest and bends down to graze. I'm a bit annoyed by the stupid goose, but will settle for petting it instead. I hold my hand out and the goose pulls its head back, investigates it and allows me to touch it. I touch the side of its head, and go to stroke its neck, but it takes a snap at me. I try this a couple more times, and get mad. Finally I decide that I don't care what it does, I want to pet it! I quickly stick my arm out, and stroke it all the way from its head to its body. It's now the goose's turn to get mad, and it takes another snap at me, this time, actually nicking my finger. I reach out to tousle the feathers on its head, and it chomps down on my fingers, as if it were trying to gnaw with it's little beak teeth. My fingers are inside the goose's mouth for several seconds, and I remember thinking that I had always believed it to be really painful to be snapped by a goose, but it didn't hurt that bad at all!