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    1. Fight To Survive, False False Awakening?

      by , 03-05-2012 at 05:56 PM
      My recall's starting to get pretty poor, I think I need to start reading up on some ways to increase it, and also some lucid stabilization guides. I had two lucids, but it seems like every time I have one that lasts more than a few seconds it's spent fighting the dream to keep it alive, and often failing, and I don't get to focus on anything like finding Linkzelda41 or exploring powers. :T Hmm.... (Though, I guess I did get to briefly attempt one thing that would be useful for that this time, but it didn't really work.)

      Fragment - "K, tripping, freak out fan on/off, zombies, his phone too warm."

      Fragment - "Giant valley filled with water, pink Star Fox fighter battle, on DS. Water level dropped at end."

      #1 - Fight To Survive [MILD]

      I'm in high school with O and D, a history class I think, and our teacher is giving us a lesson along with some humongous white snake with no eyes that still somehow stares into your soul. Some guy in class was browsing the internet (on his laptop I guess, kind of hard to remember) instead of paying attention, so the snake caused him to become a cartoon and switch bodies with a female anthropomorphic bunny. o_o After class we're getting ready to leave as if class was totally normal, and I became lucid after talking to them about the snake. O walks through a door with some girl on the way out (like literally, they phased right through it) and I follow him (phasing through the door as well, the first lucid power I actually had to work to get good at, and can now do flawlessly ) to try to get him to come back but he still walks off. I decide to open the door to change where it leads to, and it kind of works but not really, it just leads me to a different school hallway. The dream starts to fade so I start rubbing my hands together and feeling the walls and looking all over the place for new input but it's not really working, so I jump forward and start licking the wall as well, three senses stimulated! It doesn't taste as bad as I would have imagined, just sort of neutral. I start walking down the wall (never removing my hands or tongue from it) trying to find something to do, and the dream clearly doesn't want to last. My limbs are slowly failing as if I'd been fatally poisoned or something. Finally I see one of those little bins they had at stores with different ice cream cones and bars in them, and I run over there and just grab a regular vanilla ice cream cone. I started eating it and it actually tasted pretty good, but then I woke up. I guess it wasn't a total waste.

      #2 - False False Awakening? [MILD]

      I was talking to K about some politics related to lucid dreaming (mostly gibberish I think, but something about how some politician was claiming that lucid dreaming was equivalent to passing through the gates of hell ), and then I get a... well, it's odd because I can't remember far enough back in the dream to know if this was actually true or not, and I want to say it's not, but suddenly I had a feeling of clarity and said "Oh, this is a false awakening." and that made me lucid. I just looked at K and said "You're not even going to remember this conversation." And he smiled at me, then I woke up. On to the couch in my den, which seemed perfectly normal. I thought the conversation we were having was funny so I wrote it down to tell K about it later, but once I finished I actually woke up in bed, and I don't really remember much about the conversation now.
    2. Cute Animal Class, Our Fate Is Sealed

      by , 03-04-2012 at 04:57 PM
      I can't wait for Link to read this one.

      #1 - Cute Animal Class [Non-Lucid]

      I'm back in a middle or high school class, but it's taking place in my room at home. I don't perceive it as my room at the time, though. The class was strange, and generally involved petting cute animals. I spent the first part of a dream petting a black cat that was sooo fluffy, and I remember a white cat walking around in the background, and at some point some dog that was cute but upon waking up I'm pretty sure was horribly mutated, or at least not remotely what a dog should look like. I think she was based on N's dog, too. Class ends, and I remember thinking that winter break was about to start. I reach down and grab a random blue jacket that's sitting on my bed and struggle to put it on for a minute, then I turn to look at the door and notice that Linkzelda41 is there! I said something along the lines of "Merry Christmas" or "happy holidays", and I ask him to wait up for me while I grab my stuff so we can leave the class together, but he heads out. :< I try to grab all my stuff and run after him, but I start to notice that there's a LOT of my stuff in this classroom. (Still haven't realized that it's my room. ) I start panicking and grabbing as much as possible, thinking "I can't just leave all this stuff here, I need it at home!!", and my arms are starting to get really full and I'm not sure how much more I can carry, but then I wake up.

      Fragment - "Large class, black midgets with dog heads that turn into trucks, singing, P."

      #2 - Our Fate Is Sealed [Non-Lucid]

      I'm with a bunch of other people my age in a house (based on D's?) sitting on a couch facing the kitchen counter. Apparently, we perceive it as being stranded or locked in somehow, and we have been for a couple days. We're trying to keep spirits high, and one guy has been smoking weed with the guy who's cooking our meals because he was freaking out, and we all joke that the food is way better now. A girl tries to play a prank on them after they're coming back to the room from smoking a bowl, but isn't fast enough. He makes some small plates of food and hands them out (and I mean really small, but I suppose we're rationing), and I offer some to the girl sitting next to me on the couch but she declines. Finally she says "It's going to happen... we're all going to die." She has some prophetic powers or something and laments that after all this being trapped it's just going to end. She warns everyone that if they want to make the end of their lives worth it they better do it now. She points at me and says she can't say why but I'm the only one who can go home, but it still won't save me. She also claims that some of us may temporarily come back from the dead but not for long. As a result, when I get home she wants me to make a list with all of our names on it, that way it'll add to the mystery when we die, and when she comes back to life she can get the list and sell it for millions. I woke up after she said that, though.

      Updated 03-04-2012 at 04:59 PM by 50803

      dream fragment , non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Experimental Drugs, Lucid Nature Walk, The Monkey Loop

      by , 03-02-2012 at 06:45 PM
      Two more lucids! The first one was fun, the second one was really interesting but short. Since I've started telling myself to look for Linkzelda41 when going to bed I've also been adding in things like "I will remember my dreams." and "I will become lucid.", so I guess that means I'm not allowed to list them as DILDs anymore. Time to start working up my MILD counter.

      #1 - Experimental Drugs [Non-Lucid]

      This one was short, but interesting. My parents were going out to a party so I'd have the house to myself for the night, and my dad decided to synthesize some brand new psychedelics for me to try while they were gone. :O He managed to sneak me three different drugs, which were named "Kaomea", "Kaomea's lucid", and "carousel". My mom almost caught him doing it though and seemed suspicious for the rest of the dream, during which I was pretty much just waiting for them to leave. I remember that at least one of the drugs looked like a big rock covered in gemstones.... How am I supposed to take that?

      #2 - Lucid Nature Walk [MILD]

      I was at a store looking at Yu-Gi-Oh! cards with D and we meet up with some kid, and I don't remember why but they end up going outside to do a duel to the death (with guns, not a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel lol). The store is also a restaurant run by my old European history AP teacher, so I go over and pay her for the food (which I don't think we had any of...) and also a card I wanted to buy because it had a 5 at the end of one of its stats. :3 (I can't remember if it was ATK or DEF, but no monsters have stats like that.) I went out into the parking lot to watch their duel, and as they were talking I became lucid and the kid became this guy J who I haven't seen since around middle school. I take the card out of my pocket knowing it'll have changed to see what it is now, and it has a 2 at the end of its ATK stat and a 3 at the end of its DEF stat, and it's now an orange. The image on the card is literally just the inside of an orange, and the border of the card looked like the outside of an orange. I laugh and throw it down, and then tell D and J that I wish there were more DCs to talk to. There's a small forest on the edge of the parking lot, so I tell them we're going to go walk through a trail I see. I start yelling commands to become more lucid and have the dream be more vivid, but they kept coming out wrong and confusing me, like one I yelled was "I'm aware that I'm dreaming, but I do not have control." Though, after I said that one it kind of felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I sat down on the dirt and squeezed it to feel it run through my fingers, it felt awesome. And then I had a great idea! I stripped naked and laid down in the dirt. I knew it was going to be terrible to do this, but I closed my eyes too. It was fun and felt so comfortable. When I opened my eyes I was in a false awakening (and still didn't do a RC! ) where I was still naked and walked into a room where N was sleeping and K was inviting him to go get frozen yogurt with him and S. I told them I'd be coming too as soon as I got dressed, and N started telling me about a dream he was having, then I woke up.

      #3 - The Monkey Loop [MILD]

      After school, D and I are in a cul-de-sac when my car breaks down and we don't have a spare tire. There are some kids goofing around there that don't like us at first but we bond in a weird way (though I don't remember exactly how) and we find a spare tire by the road, but it turns out to be a bike tire. I try calling my dad to come pick us up but my phone never works correctly or he doesn't answer his, and we eventually decide to call the cops as backup to get us home. In the meantime, we see a big house and D accidentally breaks through the front door somehow. That part is hazy. We go inside and I say oh snap, this is S's house! (Even if it was, which it wasn't, the following reaction doesn't make much sense.) We all ran out of the house trying to get away before the cops we called show up, and at some point a gigantic monkey had arrived for one of us to ride, and now a lion was arriving for the other. I grabbed the monkey's reins and jumped on his back and D jumped on the lion, and we said goodbye to the kids and rode off. Suddenly I was riding the monkey through my parents' bedroom, and I became lucid. We went straight from one end of the room to the other and walked through the mirror behind my parents' bed. As soon as we did it looped back to the other end of the room and we got stuck in this infinitely looping cycle. It was really intense at the time, and I started noticing that depending on how I focused my eyes, despite the fact that the mirror was not really in my line of sight, things would repeat infinitely. First I had my eyes focused near me and the monkey's skin and fur was growing closer and closer to me and I was afraid that the dream was going to end, so I focused my eyes away and saw my reflection below, I watched my face multiplying and getting further and further away. That caused the dream to end into a false awakening where D and I realized we had fallen asleep in study hall and school wasn't even over yet. That was quite a ride!

      Updated 03-02-2012 at 06:48 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. Moving Too Fast, Losing Control

      by , 03-01-2012 at 07:24 PM
      #1 - Moving Too Fast [Non-Lucid]

      This dream was fairly long, but I really only remember the stuff that happened near the end. I remember that my dad's car had been rigged to explode and some guy had the detonator to set it off whenever he pleased, but we had removed it from our parking lot so we weren't worried. And yes - I said parking lot. We were living in some big fancy house that I'm totally unfamiliar with, but I could see through the window out back to where we had our own tiny parking lot with five or six cars parked in it. Clearly we were well off in this dream! I went into one of the bedrooms and saw a lot of random people, mostly people from my high school but other people too, just hanging around a TV which a bunch of game systems connected to it. I sat down and joined them, and we were testing some new device that lets you play Xbox 360 games on any system. (But with what purpose? ) It stopped working properly when we tried to use it with a Dreamcast, though. I don't remember what I said next, but this one girl, C, that I've known since elementary school decided to take my idea and make an X-rated video game with it. I remember them discussing briefly how it needed to be virtual reality, and I believe I saw an image of a naked woman in front of me, but then they started talking about how they would need to sacrifice a large number of some small animal to make it happen. Someone who I didn't quite recognize at first (and may have just been really hazy in general) gets up and says they refuse to take part in that, and left the room. I just stared in the direction he left in for a minute, and then I thought to myself, hold on, was that Linkzelda41!? So I got up and followed him out of the room.

      Here you go, Link.... Make of this what you will. When I walked outside, the scene changed to a school I'm not familiar with, but it was fairly wide-open. There was a large crowd of people and I saw Link way up ahead, and I tried to catch up to him but he was moving too fast for me, he kept getting further away and there were constantly people getting in my way, and since I was non-lucid after a while they caused me to get distracted. I eventually lost track of Link so my brain invented a new problem for me, the fact that I was about to be late to class. I ran into some other people I knew from high school in the hallway (though I don't remember who) and we walked past what looked like it was about to turn into a fight, but everyone there started singing Christmas songs instead. I started telling people about the porn video game that was being made by this guy, J, despite the fact that he wasn't even there, and then I went off to find my class. I wasn't able to though, I just got really anxious about it until I woke up. :T

      Fragment - "Man of Shred, infinite theory". That's what I wrote in my phone when I woke up. Hmmm....

      #2 - Losing Control [DILD]

      I was in high school and I went to see an old teacher (not one that I actually had, or even exists) that a younger friend now had and liked but he turned out to be totally senile. :< That part of the dream is pretty hazy. I see a beautiful girl walk by and feel a crush coming on, and I'm like damn it, I shouldn't have come back to high school. >:T I left out the front door and a crowd of people followed me and I can't remember how, but somehow I was proving something to someone. I think the whole crowd of people was following me to my car, followed by this girl M who's in a lot of my dreams lately (but not the same one that I got drunk with from the last entry, I should come up with a better naming system...), and she was wearing braces though I don't think I ever actually saw her with any. Suddenly I became lucid, I think seeing M might have tipped me off to the fact that I was dreaming. I turned around and started walking backward so I could see the crowd, but the dream started fading. I said "Come on, people, let's stay lucid now!" and it came back. But I let my stupid emotions from the non-lucid seep into me and still felt some lovey feelings, so I grabbed M and tried to give her a kiss, but she backed off a little and then her lips vanished. o_o She also gained some freckles she definitely didn't have before.... After that, the dream ended.

      Updated 03-01-2012 at 07:28 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. DC Mod Practice, Reminiscing

      by , 02-24-2012 at 06:02 PM
      Well, I tried not taking my melatonin tonight in the hopes that my insomnia would come back forcing me to wake up tons of times all night and remember a ridiculous amount of dreams, but instead I slept just as well (almost even better) than normal and all it did was make my dreams less vivid. Oh well, I still became lucid, but I didn't get to use it as well as I would have hoped.... I'm actually becoming a little concerned about my DILDs, I'm afraid that they're starting to become less exciting to the point that I just don't even pay much attention to my lucidity, it's like I'm aware that I'm dreaming but I just let my non-lucid mind keep doing its thing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though, I'll give it a few more lucids to say for sure....

      #1 - DC Mod Practice [DILD]

      There was some very long and strange dream leading up to this point, but I only remember brief flashes of it. Part of it involved being in this gigantic building that was also several of my old friends' houses combined. I vaguely remember being in the part that was D's house, something involving E with a sword (a katana, I think) that magically spilled oil and they were mad that we'd have to clean it up, and J's family being pissed that they had to come home to check on us. Or something like that.... Anyway, eventually I went out the front of the building, which at some point turned into a school, so now I was in the school parking lot. I was with this guy A and this girl M who I went school with, and I guess I was giving them both a ride home (I very vaguely remember a conversation about it) so we were looking for my car. We went to the left side of the school (from the inside looking out) and passed through a garden of really psychedelic-looking flowers to a back part of the parking lot but didn't see it, so I went back around to the right side of the school to look there. While there, I actually saw myself in the distance with K, N, and I think O, and we were all standing by my car. I started walking over there but but by the time I got there it vanished. :T There's a point in my memory here that's fuzzy, and I think this is where I became lucid because I don't actually remember that part, I just remember being non-lucid and then suddenly being lucid. Like I said though, my lucidity level was very low so I didn't really think to try to work toward any of my goals. (Well, except the sex one, I guess. ) First I flew back to the front of the school, then started going up to random cars and opening doors and trying to modify the DCs. I went up to some ridiculously fat man (gotta be at least 500+ lbs) and said I was going to change him into a skinny girl. I grabbed his arm and he visually vanished but I could still feel him and I felt him changing into the girl, but then I got distracted and went to the next car. I tried another one hoping it wouldn't vanish, I saw a guy through a car window and opened the door expecting him to be female when I did, and it sort of worked but she was really blurry, I don't actually remember any features of her now. The next car I went to had a cute guy in it so I started trying to do something sexual. I honestly don't remember quite what it was though.... I think the dream was falling apart at this point. I do remember the guy just stared at me, and then I noticed a group of girls also in the back of the car with him, and thought briefly about the oddity that there were so many people in the back of this tiny car, but then I woke up.

      #2 - Reminiscing [Non-Lucid]

      I have very little memory of this one, except that for some reason I had to become a ball and roll down a long tunnel of dark patterened squares so that I ended up in some kiddie restaurant with a playground in it, where I ran into an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. We hugged and walked off and reminisced about one time we were in that restaurant smoking some really good cigarettes together, which never happened.
    6. New Emoticons, Mario And Yoshi

      by , 02-18-2012 at 08:47 PM
      My dreams from this night were kind of hazy, I went to bed mildly hungover and still have a bit of a headache. -.- But I did manage to get something down.

      #1 - New Emoticons [Non-Lucid]

      I was talking to FancyRat, who had apparently just become rich and famous for some reason I can't remember, with Facebook messages but still using DV emoticons. There were a lot of really strange emoticons on the list and I was distressed because they had removed the panic one. But I did find one that whenever you looked at it it made your screen get sucked through some crazy psychedelic tunnel with dragons flying around. Meanwhile, I was at a restaurant with my dad (I had my laptop with me) and we had some snooty butler guy as our waiter, and he asks if we want an appetizer or anything and my dad starts telling him about how we HATE appetizers so we never get any and how could he even ask that... to which I'm just like what the hell? Let's at least get some chips or something. >.> After that I woke up.

      #2 - Mario And Yoshi [Non-Lucid]

      It starts out with me watching K play a Mario game where there was a side story which was like a copy of Luigi's Mansion, so I was telling him how to get to that. Skip forward, I go back to high school for some reason to play an online Yoshi game with D in the lunch area and and up seeing a bunch of annoying people but also this guy E who was a grade below me and pretty fun to hang out with. I don't remember much about the game, except that nothing we were trying to do was working correctly but we kept unlocking a bunch of random Yoshi colors anyway. After that I get complemented on my game skills by Dianeva who's in a chat room and logged into the game in a way that just lets you watch other people play. That's it for that.
    7. Creating A Troublemaker, The Wall And The Robot, The Car Thief

      by , 02-17-2012 at 06:33 PM
      Nothing too insane tonight, though I suppose maybe a little wacky. I smoked some weed yesterday so I guess that's to be expected. I know I had one dream before any of these, but my phone battery was really low and it's acting kind of odd right now, so I wanted to just let it keep charging and never wrote down any notes, so I forgot it.

      #1 - Creating A Troublemaker [Non-Lucid]

      I'm in high school and I inadvertently get some guy I don't know as well as this girl S who was in my Chinese class to take ecstasy with me. (I'm not sure what I meant by inadvertently, that part of the dream is hard to remember now, that's just what I have written in my notes. ) We're in a class being taught by my old European History AP teacher. Afterwards the guy and I end up sticking around until everyone's gone and I ask him how he's feeling, he's starting to get a nice strong roll going so we leave and I'm getting him all set up to have a good experience. He wanted to drink a tiny cup (like one of those things you can get for ketchup and mustard at most fast food restaurants) of warm pee, and I was trying to tell him he didn't need to do that as long as he made sure he had lots of water. I got him to try smoking weed too to increase the psychedelic edge to his roll and he started taking massive hits from a joint, like so big that the entire hallway we were in was suddenly filled with a haze of smoke. I had a joint too but I never started taking hits from it. :T Anyway, so this guy is showing off his incomprehensibly iron lungs in the middle of a school hallway, and I'm just saying "Uh, dude.... >.>" (not that I wasn't holding my joint out in the open as well, but at least I wasn't smoking it ) but he keeps walking further and further ahead of me and I get separated from him through the crowd of people walking around. I could tell that all the stoners around were mad that he was smoking weed so openly and blatantly at school, so they decided to go beat the crap out of him. (Not a stonerly plan at all!) So the dream ended with my watching that from the distance without being able to stop it.

      #2 - The Wall And The Robot [Non-Lucid]

      I was in a new college class on the first day and hoping for some friends to have the same class as me, but in the end they didn't. There was a girl, M, and a guy, J, who I both knew though. I had been wanting to sit at one of the long tables with a friend but since none of them showed up I wasn't sure where to sit, but then I saw that there were individual desks too. M was sitting in one and J had taken the one in front of her, so I went to the one in front of him but the chair there was only half there so I went one further and sat down. I turn around and thank M for making me realize there were desks. She asks why it seems like I never do anything myself, and J and I simultaneously answer that it's because I'm lazy. Then he goes on to talk to her about me texting in class and stuff. I turn around and start contemplating my laziness, but then I notice that our teacher is a... is a... well... like... a gigantic wall of colored squares (from what I recall, mostly blue, green, red, yellow, and orange), and each square is on a bar so they can flip around forward or backward and act independently, but they tend to move in patterns, like waves or symbol designs. My view goes third-person and zooms up to the wall so that I can stay directly above wherever the current pattern is in flipping the squares, so I quickly zoom all over it to follow it, and the wall tells us a story about some robot he knows that's in the hospital, that is apparently not true but one of the conditions of listening to the story is that we have to act like it is. After his story things go back to first-person and he tells us that we have to go visit the robot for him, and we point out that the story wasn't true but then he calls us on breaking the condition. Then, all the squares go flat again, and then several rows of them flip over to reveal a chart that stretches pretty much all the way across the wall. On the bottom of the chart there is a row of names listed sequentially, and he starts reading them off in order slowly and awkwardly, claiming that this whole thing was the robot's name (I think it was mostly an extremely long gibberish first and maybe middle name, followed by the last name Hillary). And then I woke up. o_o

      #3 - The Car Thief [Non-Lucid]

      With an old friend, D, I go to my old community college to pick up some food (Subway, I think?). On the way there we were talking about some "Taco Bell girl" who had apparently done something bad at the college and gotten arrested, possibly involving my car. We get there and park by the side of the building right by a bathroom first because I really need to pee, but when we do there are a group of girls from my high school standing there looking strangely at us. I could tell this girl N wanted to get into my car for some reason, and when I had walked far enough away from it she started running toward it, so I ran back to catch her. She started trying to jack it and almost drove off, but I stopped her and she just started digging through all of my stuff. I finally ruined her efforts and she told me she was sure I'd have a trophy from the Taco Bell girl incident or at least my laptop on me or something worth stealing. I pushed her out of the car and D (who had done absolutely nothing to help) and I drove off, talking about how not only did we not get food but I didn't even get to use the bathroom. Suddenly we're back at my house and joking about how we hope next time she doesn't try to brainwash us into handing over our cars or something because I'd be fine (even though I wouldn't because it's my car she wants??) but if they got D they could use his car to bribe me into handing mine over, and then I said "Yes, finally it is mine, hahahaaa. " and we laughed and D says that if I had his car I'd probably put a gigantic tank cannon on top. >.> And that was it lol.
    8. Tiny Girl, Shifting Stairs

      by , 02-13-2012 at 06:07 PM
      Lucid again! I smoked a couple bowls of calea right before going to bed so that may have contributed a bit, at least in the vividness and detail of the dream. Actually, I know it did, I'm familiar with calea and for me it always creates what I'm now calling the "crowd effect", where my dreams tend to have at least some part that includes huge amounts of people for whatever reason. I'm not sure why that effect specifically happens, I guess it's just an easy way to add more detail to a situation lol.

      #1 - Tiny Girl

      There was something going on in the dream already before this, but I come in when I'm at my friend M's house (it's not actually her house, though) and I'm waiting for her to finish something so I decide to go swimming. Apparently, I'm a shapeshifter (still non-lucid at this point) and I turn myself into a little girl (not myself) for some reason. I already had my bathing suit on so I jumped in the pool and swam around briefly, but then it started raining so I got out and went inside the house, perfectly dry. I went down a staircase (apparently I was on the second floor despite having just come in from the back yard ) and walked past anderj101. And as I did he started chanting "tiny girl, tiny girl...." in a trance-like voice. After that I turned back into myself, and at the bottom of the stairs I found myself at some kind of party that took place in this huge building and spanned several floors. The building had one of the openings in the center where you can look over the railing and see the other floors above and below it, and there didn't seem to a end to either direction. I walked around and just talked to people for a bit, but I kept hearing people doing the "tiny girl" chant but each time I did that person would add an extra line to the end of whatever the previous person said. Eventually I found my cousin P and told him that G (his little brother) was crazy (he was one of the people chanting) and that I was afraid I might have accidentally started some cult or something.

      After that there was a total change in subject and I said to P "I bet I can jump over this railing and land two or three floors down and be perfectly fine." to which he disagreed, so I got ready to do it. I had a brief moment of "what the hell am I doing " but then I became lucid! I got an adrenaline rush and laughed to myself and ran forward and jumped. It was a long fall down the few floors, but I landed on one below and the impact felt like nothing at all, as if I had just jumped in place and was landing back on the ground, and everyone cheered when I made it. I walked off and noticed a cute girl standing there and made a move to kiss her, but she backed away and some people started laughing, so I shrugged it off and kept walking. I saw a counter with people behind it and immediately knew that they were selling movie tickets. I thought that might be an interesting avenue to explore so I walked up there and asked for two tickets for Pokémon. There were no movie names listed, I just chose that by default, and I'm not totally sure why I asked for two. Maybe I was losing lucidity lol. I was a little nervous that there wasn't enough keeping me lucid, so I told her to hurry up and got the tickets and kept walking. She told me to go "where the TVs are", but I walked around and didn't see any. I found a bunch of people standing around doors that looked like they led to lounge rooms where the movies were probably being held, but when I opened one and started walking through it the dream become extremely dim and fuzzy, so I backed out and abandoned that idea. The dream picked back up briefly, but as I was walking down a hallway trying to figure out what else to do, it fully faded and I woke up. Oh well, at least that's another lucid in a really short amount of time.

      #2 - Shifting Stairs

      I'm in school and after class gets out I end up talking to this girl I used to see from time to time named M (different from the previous dream). Eventually I ask her if she needs a ride home and she says yes, but then her little sister shows up, along with an enormous crowd of students. I go to get something out of my locker (a couple folders or something, once I pull them out and they drop out of my line of sight they're never seen again ) and get stuck in the crowd. One short girl is trying to reach above the lockers for something, and I stand on my toes to look up there and tell her there's nothing there but she keeps reaching. Another girl keeps opening my locker for some reason and looking in it all confused, until finally she says "Ooooh, that's YOUR locker!" and looks at me with an embarrassed smile. I smile back and walk off to catch up with M and her sister again. We're on the second floor so we walk to the staircase which is divided into two sections with a small median in between. We get there and turn around and I notice that the second set of steps actually leads back up to where we just were, they both lead to the same place. M's sister just walks up them like it's the normal thing to do, and I'm seriously perplexed. I turn to M to say something about it but hesitate, then look back and the stairs have corrected themselves. M walks down to meet up with her sister who's already down there now, and I go too but then they just leave without saying anything, and I feel kind of lonely. The next part of the dream I don't really want to say but it involves me thinking about some old friends that I don't really get to talk to anymore because of some stuff that made us not really friends anymore.... And then I even saw one of them walk by and it was really awkward. >_< I finally made it to my car and started driving off, then the dream ended.

      So the second one was kind of a downer. :T The first one was fun, though!
    9. Lucid Sex Attempt #1, Hard Happies, Best Prison Ever (Part 1), Best Prison Ever (Part 2)

      by , 02-10-2012 at 06:13 PM
      Two more lucid dreams!! This was a pretty awesome night of dreams. I smoked some weed a few hours before going to bed and got a pretty happy, energetic high, and I think that carried over into my mood in the dreams, and I'm sure it made them a bit crazier too. The one downside is that it also made the feelings a little more fleeting when I woke up, but at least I still remember them.

      #1 - Lucid Sex Attempt #1

      The beginning of the dream is kind of hazy, but I remember being at school and I was a superhero or something, and I met a fan of superheroes. That was an important part of the beginning plot, but where my memory comes in is in a classroom when I suddenly become lucid. There was no stabilization required to make it last a little while, but I kind of wish I had so it'd be a little easier to remember. :T Oh well. I had tons of energy and got to remind myself of how awesome I am at my tried and trusted lucid power, flying. I zoomed around to different classrooms at supersonic speeds spouting nonsense at people because I just felt like acting insane (seriously, I had way too much energy ) I remember flying down a hallway in what I perceived to be the music class area of the school, and I pass a girl whose face I don't see, but I perceive her as Dianeva and I slow myself down and try to look back and see her but she's gone. Since I'm already back on my feet, I decide to walk into the classroom next to me which is in a pretty big open room like it's for Band class or something, but it just has normal tables with people sitting at them. I go up to the front of the room and yell "Who wants to have sex me!?" This one girl in the front row smiles at me so I think "Lol, sure." and leap over on to her. I'm getting ready to do something but then she starts fading away and the dream is becoming blurry. I say "Hell, I'm not wasting my time with you, I forgot that time is of the essence. Who ELSE wants to have sex!?" I look around and see a gigantic, buff, shirtless guy with dreadlocks standing in the back. I run over to him and rip off my clothes and he rips of his, and people gather around us to watch. Ahhh, he got it in and everything, and then RIGHT before he actually started the DREAM ENDED! Oh well, it was a good first attempt.

      HI - Quick hypnagogic stuff about being drunk with my aunt and still having tons of energy, then being at a hospital where the image suddenly dissolves in a really trippy way.

      #2 - Hard Happies

      This dream was kind of long as well, but I only remember it as one fleeting thing followed by haziness and then the ending. So first I was walking through an airport talking to this guy D about how the planes were all "down" but they were letting them fly again, and then suddenly there was a massive swarm of planes all coming right into the area around us in a way that if it were real life they would have all crashed into each other. Of course, I looked away and it was never mentioned again lol. Then blur.... Then my memory picks up with my having created some kind of department store/house fusion with someone, though I don't remember who. We had made a bunch of "virtual food" and there was a crowd of people there eating it. Suddenly I remember having flown waaaay over the area up into a jungle, of course. I watched a stream of water that looked like it had a raft coming down it, and at that point I became lucid and snapped back to the store/house. (it was mostly just a house now). I heard Minh and Kahn from King of the Hill arguing about getting some Japanese food, and I noticed that everyone in the house was eating some. That made me want to try to find some Chinese food to see how it tasted, so I went looking around the house and the first thing I found was this weird lump of meat that was solid and cold and sort of slimy. I decided against that and went back out to the table. Lily from How I Met Your Mother was one of the people there eating, and the asked me about the "hard happies", which are apparently a type of fruit. They were in slices exactly like orange slices, and they looked exactly like oranges only they were white except for the tip (the innermost part) which had rainbow blotches on it, mostly dominated by cyan, magenta, and yellow though. I picked one up and she said "Hard happy, happy hard. " Yes.... happy hard, I agree. (DCs are awesome. ) I start eating it and it's DELICIOUS! It's also making me super energized again with every bite, to the point that I'm frantically walking around the house like I'm on a load of speed. I finish and grab a regular orange slice next, which also tastes really good. I notice someone sitting down on the ground so I stop to talk to him and try to keep myself calm and centered so the dream won't end, but it does anyway. Oh well, it was fun.

      #3 - Best Prison Ever (Part 1)

      I have a hazy memory of being in some boat escape involving German kids, but we get caught out in the middle of the ocean by a bunch of prison ships or something and end up at this weird confinement camp. Apparently, I'm also some kind of cyborg and have been having memory problems, so where I come in next is after we've already been there for a while but my memory of everything that's happened since we got caught was erased from my mind so I had to relearn it all and meet everyone again. I'm sharing a three room suite with my friends J and S who were also caught with me, and I later find out that D (a different D from the last dream) is there as well. I say a suite because despite this being some kind of prison camp it's actually like the happiest place on Earth. One of the first things I do is smoke a cigarette with S and it tastes so unbelievably amazing, so smooth and refreshing, and makes me so exhilarated that I say "Holy crap, this is like weed in tobacco form, it's so great." We go to the food court and there's tons of free food and also a whole grocery store's worth of food that you can buy. I get introduced to everyone again and then go buy myself some black Gushers. When I go back and talk to everyone it turns out I don't even remember how we got caught correctly, and they're about to start explaining it to me but then I wake up. I honestly thought to myself right when I did that I almost wish I could go back, it seemed that awesome at the time. And now I especially can't wait until the day I remember to smoke a cigarette in a lucid.

      #4 - Best Prison Ever (Part 2)

      So back in the prison, I start to learn the way the building we're in works. The food court is on the floor above our rooms, and our rooms are on the main floor, but it's not the lowest floor. Each floor has different "rules", even things like weather are different for each. On the main one everything is normal, but it amazes me to find out that below us there's a floor that's totally covered in lava. :O I decided to trek down there through some sort of... well. (That's really the only way I can describe it.) While down there I discover it's really risky and almost don't make it back up, so I decide not to go down there anymore. Next day (I think?) it's snowing outside on the main floor and inside the well, so I want to take this opportunity to get a picture that has both snow and lava in it on my phone. I get right up to the edge of the well to get a good point of view, and some couple comes by and asks me what I'm doing. I tell them and the girlfriend gets all excited and jumps down there. I tried to stop her, but she ends up getting stuck down there and the dream changes to me watching some anime about this happening in third-person perspective. I don't remember much about it except that there was a fight when the boyfriend got mad at another character and that she made it out alright. It zooms out to me being in my house (but it's still registered as the prison) in my parents' bedroom with a bunch of other people who were all watching the anime. I say "Aw, I was kind of hoping one of them died." (A little morbid considering that it was my fault she jumped down there. >.>) I remember to look at my phone and see a picture of R2-D2 from Star Wars, when I had been pretty sure I got a picture of a snowman. Not that I remember that happening, either lol. So I put away my phone and notice that some more of my friends have shown up there. There are old game consoles and Gameboy games with Gamesharks in them spread out all over the bed, and we start discussing how the owners of the prison must have put them there so we can play any game we want and even however we want (normally or cheating). We can't stop thinking about how great this place is... and then the real mindfuck comes. I start to consider that the truth is that I'm dead and this is the afterlife, and that's why it's so amazing and all of my friends keep showing up. O.O Of course, it didn't even occur to me for a second that I might be dreaming. After that I looked at the consoles a little more, then woke up.

      So that was quite an interesting night. I'm so happy I got two more lucids, I think that was the first time I ever had two in one night!
    10. Fun With LEGOs, Video Game Fragment

      by , 02-03-2012 at 06:55 PM
      Nothing too remarkable today. :T

      #1 - Fun With LEGOs

      I was walking out back by our pool, and then suddenly I was in a high school class with a bunch of blurry DCs I can't remember and this one guy, D, who I've known for years and years and used to smoke weed with from time to time. He was building some LEGO castle or something which I accidentally destroyed and he got mad at me. D: When class ended I walked out of the door which actually led to the hallway in my house (with the door to the class being where the door to the bathroom normally is) and ended up just going to my room. D comes in and is still angry with me (like really pissed!) so to calm him down I grab a bunch of already made LEGO sets (which I apparently have ) and let him start smashing them.

      #2 - Video Game Fragment

      I was too lazy to really write this down fast enough to remember much, but I do remember that my life was a video game and I had gotten accidentally fused with someone else. And together we were the main character.

      I really wish I wasn't so lazy, that one seems like it'd be interesting to know more of lol.
      Tags: high school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Hypnagogic Delirium, Just Another Middle School Dream, Just Another High School Dream

      by , 02-01-2012 at 06:19 PM
      Well, I didn't really get to remember too much last night, but I did have some interesting lead-up into it. After I kind of almost accidentally did a WILD, I went to bed and had a good amount of random hypnagogic imagery before I was actually able to fall asleep that was made a little more solid by my lingering dissociative feelings. What I remember of that was that I kept seeing my living room form around me, so at first I would think I was in my living room sitting on the couch where I normally sit when I'm on my laptop. I had American Dad! playing in the background so I know I was still awake at this point because I never stopped hearing it perfectly fine, I just wasn't really registering it. After a while it would become apparent to me that something wasn't right and I'd snap out of it, then it would start over again. At one point I definitely saw Ash and Pikachu running at me, pretty much exactly like this but with Pikachu on the other side.

      And half way through the run they started doing some really weird and jittery dance, and the setting behind them which I hadn't focused much on crumbled and I snapped out of it again. XP I know there was more, but that's all I can really recall from before I actually fell asleep. So anyway....

      #1 - Just Another Middle School Dream

      All I really remember from this one is that I was at my middle school with my cousin who's six years younger than me for some reason, though at some point I start thinking that she's actually Mew (the Pokémon), and whereas I had originally left her in the front office, at that point I was thinking I had left her in the Box 2 storage on my game file. One of my old friends was there and acting really depressed, and after class got out he started smoking one cigarette after another (even though he doesn't actually smoke) and half way through each he would just give up trying and sit there as they burned away, and I had to make sure the ashes weren't getting all over the floor and making sure he didn't start a fire by just letting them drop out of his mouth.

      #2 - Just Another High School Dream

      This one I don't really remember too much of either, except that I was in a class that actually took place in a huge tent covering a king-sized bed and nothing else. The class was Treasure Hunting, and involved me looking around the class (like just sitting in the corners of the room or digging under the bed sheets) for treasure. I found a good number of random things, but all I can really remember getting were Pokémon cards and two of the chaos emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog. I was pretty sure I was going to get an A in that class, but next I had to go to History, and I was afraid I was going to get an F because I had no idea what we were supposed to be discussing and I forgot to do the homework. :T And that's it from that one.

      So yeah, not the most amazing night. The first part was interesting, though lol. I wonder why my mind was so focused on Pokémon?
    12. Ordering To-Go @ Restaurant, New Areas in University, Terry Crews Misses Dog, Tennis Courts

      by , 01-31-2012 at 04:19 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      These dreams probably did not occur in chronological order.

      Dream 1: Ordering To-Go at Vietnamese Restaurant

      I'm at the Vietnamese Taste Restaurant I occasionally go to so I can get some of the Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice. I wait as usual for my meal since I'm ordering it To-Go.

      Usually there's a bell that the cookers use so the waiters know the order is done. One of the DC waiters (can't remember their faces in the dream) did not hear the bell the first time.

      But I go up to go to the cash register since I knew my order was ready, and the cook rang the bell again for the waiter to hear. This time, the sound was lower than before, but the waiter came up to get the order through the small shelf they put the order through the kitchen. (Maybe because the waiter saw me near the cash register)

      When the employee was wrapping the meal up in a bag for me, I see a huge jar to the left of the bag that had a lot of Fried Rice, and this was supposed to be my meal.

      Faerie dream guide-empty-jar.jpg

      But when the person was done tying the bag, which they did a horrible job doing in the dream, I ended up ordering something on the bottom of the bag (which was most likely my Sweet an Sour Chicken with Fried Rice), and on the top of it was another To-Go Box with Fried rice and a California Spring Roll (crispy version, not the Sushi kind).

      The box with the Fried Rice and Spring Roll alone was open slightly, but I didn't pay too much attention to this. I get on my bicycle and go to the typical route back to my apartment, which is probably 2-3 minutes to get back to on a bicycle.

      I'm getting near the Stop Sign at the intersection, and usually I don't stop completely in waking life on a bicycle since not a lot of cars pass through this area anyway. But I see a police vehicle hiding somewhere (clever guy), so I used the breaks on the front wheel to stop completely (I was holding the meal with my right hand most likely, but I probably forgot I had it in my hand in the first place).

      I turn to the left and kept heading straight until I get to my apartment.

      Now the dream scenario changes turns dark all of a sudden when I get near my Apartment. I think I saw two guys talking to each other near the Apartment complex, but I couldn't recall what they were saying.

      I can't remember anything else from that dream.

      Dream 2: Searching New Areas at my University

      I'm at Texas A&M University now, and it seems that I'm checking out new areas in the dream. I see this DC that looks like a dude named Brian who also goes to the same University looking for something. The setting is probably set in late afternoon, and he's just slowly walking and observing what's inside of the tinted glass doors.

      I follow him, but I don't think he pays attention to me following him. I pull out a piece of paper from my pocket, and a map of the area I am appears. The map I'm holding is pretty accurate, and most of the buildings are colored in maroon on it (just like if you went to the map website on the college's main website), and it had the building abbreviations as well.

      If I remember correctly, to the left of where I was standing, the building was supposed to be be labeled "SVC" or "SLC." I think it was the latter more likely, so I put the map back somewhere (probably in the pocket of my jeans, I just don't remember doing it).

      I go inside the building that is in front of the SVC/SLC building, and I see it's like a study area for students. It was basically bigger than the area in waking life where they have a study area that was so hard to make reservations at times because so many people would be there.

      It was really spacious, with a lot of DCs. I still think this is reality though, and like in waking life, I tried not to pay attention to all of the DCs around me. It was pretty busy, and I saw one familiar face when I entered the building.

      She looked exactly like the girl I worked in a group on a Biochemistry drug project on Eldepryl and how it can help patients with Parkinson's Disease. Let's call her Anna.

      Anna was sitting down somewhere with a small group of DCs, but I didn't pay attention to her, I just remember her smiling a little bit. I turn to my right in the building and move forward towards some open door.

      I go in and there are more students sitting down near computers, and there was this female DC who was asking them for certain numbers, and these numbers ended up being how many people they planned to bring into this large study area, so I guess these were just reservations.

      I can't remember what else I did in this area, but I do know that when I decided to head back, I see another familiar DC. Let's call her Alejandra, she's wearing a really weird outfit.

      She's wearing a gray shirt with some black lettering to it, and I think she was wearing pink leggings as well with a really small skirt over it. She was talking about how she got 2/50 for her grade on something.

      I didn't focus too much on it other than acknowledging to her on how it must've sucked getting that grade. Then a small child to the right of her, who was blonde I believe, told me that she got a 1/50 on the same assignment (most likely), but she added that she didn't have to worry about dealing with her parents.

      I wondered what she meant by that, she obviously made a horrible score on the assignment, but I just smiled and continued going back to where I started. Then I find myself following this blonde female child for some reason.

      We were going up the stairs, down the stairs, almost everywhere, even the elevator as well. Then after a while of this random journey in random areas of the huge study area, I start to ask the DC if she's trying to joke around with me.

      I think I ask her this when I'm up the stairs, and I hear a voice saying "Okay Okay, I'm just joking around" or something along those lines.

      So I head downstairs,
      but at this point, I forget what else I was doing. I was so confused where I was because there was just too many places to explore. Everything was wide and spacious to even remember the smallest details here. All I knew was that in my peripheral vision, there would be tables, chairs, computers, etc to verify that this was a large study area.

      Dream 3: Terry Crews Misses His Dog

      Apparently Terry Crews misses his dog, and he gives some deep and emotional speech that appears in black/dark blue text over a green background. It was like a poem to a point, and he was talking about how that whenever he goes to do a film or movie, his dog would miss him and would watch him on T.V.

      Faerie dream guide-mv5bmje1ody0nze4n15bml5banbnxkftztcwmty5mzk0mw%40%40._v1._sx214_cr0-0-214-314_.jpg

      He said that when he comes back home, that the dog will really show how much it missed him, and that they'll finally have time to be with each other.

      Dream 4: At Tennis Courts

      This dream was realistic compared to the previous one, but on the same level on the two dreams before the third dream I mentioned.

      I was inside the Tennis Courts that resembled that ones at Cypress Lakes High School. I think I'm trying to throw Tennis balls over to the other court for the other guys. I have trouble throwing them over the wired fence, some almost reached over, but they recoiled from the fence and came back to me.

      Faerie dream guide-picd_tennis_hard_court_red.jpg

      Then there was one ball that goes over the fence, but not to the other court, and other DCs were trying to throw tennis balls to the other side, but one did a complete fail by throwing it on the field where some people did long distance running. Which meant that they had to get someone to open the gate, but luckily the balls I threw didn't go over there.

      I get out of the tennis courts to dash towards the tennis balls outside the court, and then I'm in a different court overall. It's like seeing a portal of another set of Tennis Courts from a different High School. I saw an older DC wearing glasses and some blue sports shorts and was wearing a white vest.

      He was busy rallying with some other DC, and then I went back to finding the Tennis balls. Two tennis balls were on the bleachers, and I see above me on the left someone was sitting watching the DCs rallying with each other.

      His back was facing me, so I asked him if these Tennis balls are theirs. He said "No," and I grabbed them and was transitioned back to the Tennis Courts at Cypress Lakes High School.

      Oh my way, I see a group of the girls who were on the Tennis team when I was in the school my Sophomore and Junior year sitting down near the wall to watch people rally with each other. I mostly saw females sitting down rather than males for some reason.

      Then there's another familiar face that should've made me do an RC because I never saw her in the Tennis team. The girl was in the Art 3 class I had, I don't want to reveal her whole name, so let's call her "Bena."

      "Bena" was sitting down near the wall like the other female DCs that a person would use to rally with the ball if there wasn't someone else to play with, or to warm up.

      I asked "Bena" if I could borrow her racket. It looked like a Wilson K Factor, K tour Racket
      (my memory of racket names is limited since I only played Tennis in High School).

      Faerie dream guide-wilson_kfactor_ktour_racket4.jpg
      She said "Sure!" in a happy tone, (she was always a positive and cheerful in waking life), and she gave me her racket, and she also mentioned what was bulging on the side of my pants with a giggling smile.

      I just tell her that it's just tennis balls inside my pocket. She probably made the "oh okay" expression, and I turn back to finding a vacant Tennis Court to play on. The one to the left of me had people playing, so I think I headed to the one on the right of it.

      Then I had the urge to just practice serving some Kick Serves and some Slice Serves. So I probably headed to get a small crate of tennis balls, but I can't remember anything else after that.

      Spoiler for Random information...:
    13. Lab Experiment, Comm App Teacher Asks Questions To me...

      by , 01-30-2012 at 07:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Lab Experiment, Communication Applications Teacher Talking to Me


      Dream 1: Lab Experiment

      I was part of a lab experiment. I was working with 2-3 DCs. We had to fill some vial to a certain level with certain chemicals without causing a huge reaction. It seemed that our group tried to finish as quickly as possible before the others did.

      Not too sure on the what else we did, but I do know that we made several mistakes before reaching the ideal mix of chemicals.

      Dream 2: Comm App Teacher Asking Questions

      The Communications Applications teacher I had in High School the first semester as a Senior was asking me a few personal questions.

      He started to mention to the class on how I was alone with just a few people (don't want to go into that, it kind of freaked me out because it was a personal lie that I started to accept).

      Before he started to get deep though, I was sitting in a chair. I know I was wearing a Hoodie or something of the sort. I was resting on the desk while keeping my face up to the teacher.

      The time has come...-class-desk-chair-sf804-.jpg

      Then when he started asking me some more questions, I started to look at him weirdly, got up to rest my upper body to the seat and start responding to what he said.

      I can't remember what I told him though. But I do know that I felt myself moving, but I wasn't lucid.

      Updated 01-30-2012 at 07:18 PM by 47756

    14. Fucking Hornets, Fickle Emotions, Third-Person Control

      by , 01-30-2012 at 06:01 PM
      Got another lucid this time! Short, but interesting. I got a little more abstract with my control of it, too. Other than that, a couple other interesting dreams as well. Not a bad night.

      #1 - Fucking Hornets

      I'm making some kind of video game with a lot of old friends (and a couple current), a guy I haven't seen since high school, and OpheliaBlue. Ophelia and the guy from high school are talking about adding some cinematic to the beginning of the game, so after we discuss how that would fit best they go off to start working on it. My friend O, still my current theory for who my dream guide is, starts talking about how we're going to do the opening credits, and he shows us what he has so far. I don't remember what they were, but I remember that they were pretty funny. But J gets all bitchy about the font size being too small, even though O hadn't actually tried to set it to what it would be in the game, he was just showing us the text. :T Oh yeah, also, we were doing all of this discussion in my bathroom, in front of the mirror lol. Possibly using the mirror as a screen to project things on, now that I think about it...? But anyway, J was standing kind of behind me, so when I turned around to listen to him talk I noticed that there was a gigantic map of the world behind him, one that was clearly not visible in the mirror. As he's talking, he pulls out a much smaller, handheld-sized, map and starts talking about some "red bee therapy" (which I take to mean red hornets) then comes and stands right behind me to try it out and says their are a bunch of the red hornets right behind the map, which he's holding up to my back. Hornets. Now, for those of you who don't know, I hate bugs. They're... soooo nasty. >_< But hornets especially, they're like my least favorite bug there is. So I'm freaked out at this point. I look down at the counter and see a pair of scissors, which I quickly grab, and say "J, get those things away from me right now, I'm not even kidding, I will fucking stab you." He backs off, but one of the hornets gets left behind my back (somehow... ) and I reach back there and feel it. I feel a sting and start running around freaking out, and I grab it and squeeze it to death, something I'd never do in real life but I was desperate , and I threw it down on a table and saw it dead, but then it CAME. BACK. TO LIFE. It's comically large and red with black stripes, and I grab a tissue box and start smashing it but even though it keeps getting nastier it never dies, and it's so gross it makes me feel like I have to puke, and I'm shaking. Then I woke up.

      Thank god.

      #2 - Fickle Emotions

      I'm in high school in an English class that I never actually had, but it's boring so I leave to go find a different class, then pay that teacher $100 (two separate payments of $50) to let me be in her class instead. She shakes my hand and says "A gentlemens' agreement!" (More How I Met Your Mother references from my subconscious. ) But, she turns out to be a hard ass to the point that the other kids in the class are "troubled", like there's a guy not far from me to the right smoking weed in the middle of class, and the girl I sat down next to on my left is single and pregnant (but not visibly). However I learn through the course of the class that she's actually just a really nice girl and pretty cool, and I develop a little bit of a crush on her. I start messing with the teacher to make her laugh, and we end up getting along really well and she's even starting to act like she has a bit of a crush on me too, and it's so obvious that some of the guys in the class are visibly jealous. Somewhere down the line the teacher turns into my old Chinese class teacher and someone says something about him which gets me distracted, after which the girl just never shows up or is even thought about again. Class is over so I get up and walk around the hallways which turn into an enormous and clearly very expensive and high-end mall, and I'm trying to find my locker but it's too hard to navigate, I even pass through a jail cell on the way. I woke up after I found my way out of that lol.

      #3 - Third-Person Control

      O and I went to a head shop or something, and we saw someone getting arrested in the parking lot, so we quickly got in my car and drove off. While I'm driving, I notice that the accelerator keeps getting stuck, so I'm slamming the breaks to make the car slow down, but eventually it just goes faster and faster and faster until the car pulls up off the ground and we blast into the sky. But I became lucid at this point! I started steering us around the city, as we were in a downtown area with lots of tall buildings so it was fun just zooming around in our rocket car. Before too long I notice that my vision is steadily narrowing down to a very small area and I'm afraid that the dream is going to end if it gets all the way down to a dot, so I consciously switch it to third-person perspective control, which still feels like first-person. (Kind of hard to explain.) It worked for a little bit, though! My full view of the city was restored, and I could see that the car actually had turned into a plane. I start flying off to the side of my vision so that my camera angle moves over and we transition from the city to a mountain range, and the sky starts turning dark blue, so in order to keep the dream changing (rather than ending) I kept up. I had the mountains be just dunes in the background with the sky being underwater, and I transformed the plane into a fish, and I just swam around in the water a little bit, but then I finally woke up. :/ Oh well, it was fun!

      So that's it for this entry. I'm definitely happy with the number of lucids I'm getting lately, even if they're brief.
    15. Let's Go To The Mall! :D, Take A Third Option

      by , 01-27-2012 at 07:22 PM
      Just a couple this time, but one that was sorta interesting.

      #1 - Let's Go To The Mall!

      I'm in a class, in high school I think, with LOTS of old people from my schools, and also Robin from How I Met Your Mother! (That show is entering my dreams a lot lately. ) At one point, "Let's Go To The Mall" comes on on the overhead announcement system.

      (For those of you who don't know, in the show this is a hit that Robin had in Canada as a pop star that she's really embarrassed about, and for the sake of the joke it's a pretty ridiculous song, but super catchy. )

      All of my old friends and I start singing along with it while Robin looks really embarrassed, but then she eventually gets in and starts singing with us! Later one of my other friends shows up and I try to tell him about it but he starts yelling the words right after I say them so I stop in mid-sentence. Weird lol.

      After that, the teacher gives us a 100 question pop quiz. >.< She gives us a set of instructions which I remember thinking seemed pretty meaningless, and then I notice that all of the questions and answers (it's multiple choice) are really bizarre and don't seem to be correlated in any way. I keep wanting to work on the quiz anyway but at some point ketchup got smeared all over it somehow. Though I should be worried about the fact that my paper will be messy and soggy, what I'm mainly concerned about it how I'm going to put my paper back down on the table without smearing the ketchup on the table.

      #2 - Take A Third Option

      All I remember is being in another class with a different friend, and we were told we had to choose between going light side or dark side (like in Star Wars). Though, after we picked, we were given point deductions for not picking the neutral option.

      Nothing too exciting, but the first one was fun.
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