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    1. June 14, 2010

      by , 06-17-2010 at 06:20 PM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Weird and Odd, possibly Scary and Perplexing:
      I was on some trip, possibly to Toronto. I was on a ship or a train but with no roof looking at the scenery. I ended up getting onto this train and tried to find a seat. I was signalled by a girl who I knew. I told them I didn't want to be a bother but they said it wasn't a problem. I ended up sitting next to one of the members on this forum(keeping his name anonymous) across from these two girls. I still didn't feel satisified though and they could tell. It was something to do with the guy. I think we were friends but we had a recent fight and weren't talking to each other. The next thing that happened was the strangest thing. While in his seat, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek(bleh). It was supposed to signal that everything was ok between us and we can be friends again, although, his expression didn't seem to match that. Dreams skips and we have arrived to where we were supposed to go. We walk around near shops and restaurants and it's pretty dark. We pass two girls who are laughing at something.

      Thoughts: Soo weird and pretty random. I guess I fufilled the mysterious mind part that I was talking about at the start of my DJ It was pretty quick, so, I don't think much of it. Lucky for him, I wasn't lucid or else Anyways, odd dream and pretty bad recall, since, this was a fragment
      Tags: scary
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. June 5, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:00 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      I can't recall much of how and what happened. I was near a large pillar, mostly because I saw a small portion of it close to the ground since my eyes were squinted. I was shot and was wounded. The shot penetrated my shirt and was embedded deep into my body near my heart. There was no pain and there was no hole left in my shirt to indicate that I was shot, the only proof is the color of the blood that was left where the bullet went. The amount was small, but, nevertheless it was slightly visible under my shirt. I folded up my shirt to see the wound. I knew I had to act fast. Pretty soon, my heart started beating but it seemed to have changed position. It was now near where my stomach and intestines are and was beating very fast. I could feel myself panic. I started to slightly blow up the region where the bullet was and soon enough, I could see it's end. I put my hands around it and pulled it out. I put my shirt back down. Later on, I was functioning normally and was asked if I went to the hospital. I said no.

      Thoughts: Seems that guy who was trying to kill me in my previous dream almost succeeded
    3. Psychological Bind

      by , 06-11-2010 at 11:06 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was sitting down on the carpet in the freshmen center of our school. There were combination locks on the ground. I was trying to solve them because on each one of them the middle number was missing and it was my job to figure out the missing combos. However, each combination lock also had a sound clip embedded in the back of it.

      As I was sitting in front of one of my old teacher's doors, I listening to a sound clip.

      Thump, Thump, Thump...

      It was the sound of a beating heart. I continued to listen carefully and the heart beat grew irregular. I heard the sounds of a teacher yelling, telling them to let the student die. He was killing her.

      I looked up at the teacher in the classroom. He was sitting at his desk. He was the same teacher from the same sound clip. He looked up and stared into my eyes as my facial expression turned to fear and disgust. He quickly realized what I knew and bolted from his chair and began to chase me. I attempted to make a run for it out the door but I was instantly put into a psychological bind. I collapsed to the floor as I shook with regret and fear. I dug my fingernails into the floor, trying to escape the bind. My friend Joe saw me, and tried to shake me out of the spell but I only screamed louder...
    4. Man of Shred's New Dreams

      by , 06-10-2010 at 02:11 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post

      I'm in my bathroom. I am at a mirror tending to a scratch on my arm. Some creepy old lady is behind me and laughing at me. anyway blood keeps pouring out of my wound. no matter how hard i try to fasten the wound the blood keeps coming. There is no pain. I become semi lucid. I try to do something else but I wake up.


      Starts of very vague. At first I'm in some apartment building with some girls. We are talkinga bout doing something. I remember my guide being there and saying if we wanted to get ice cream with him. I follow him outside but he disappears.

      I go back in the building. I am walking up and down some strange hallways. I find one where a woman, who is pretending to be a monster or something. She throws two marble sized bombs a short distance, and then two more bombs at a longer distance, after that she jumps ahead and repeats her actions. I time it perfectly to jump away, right after she throws the first two. I jump ahead timing it carefully each time. At the end of the hallway i find some stairs and go up them.
      I enter a room with an eMac computer in it. but it's edges are sharp instead of round.

      I suddenly become lucid. I stare at the computer a bit and then point at it with my pinky. When I do, an image of a PSP comes onto the screen from the left side of the screen. when I drop my hand it goes back. I then wonder if I can pull the PSP from the screen. I point at the computer again and the PSP re appears. I reach into the screen and pull the PSP from the computer and put it down on the counter.

      I then Remember to try and use walms's method of time dilation. But first i try to telepathically contact Asuka. I say that I'm lucid and most likely will remember the dream, so she better come quick. While I wait for her I then try the time dilation technique. I see on the computer screen there's a sharp corner. I focus solely on that spot and begin counting upwards. Immediately I get some intense sensations. It feel like Another part of my being is being forced into my dream body. Everything becomes super vivid. But after a few seconds the dream starts to stretch out literally. The computer screen starts stretching and the edges of the mac begin folding in on themselves. The rest of the dream is doing this. By the time I count to 16, the dream destabilizes.

      Entering another LD

      After some blackness from the other dream I find myself on a street fully lucid. I think "Yes, It's working! I can continue counting.

      but too late. I have an FA, I'm with my dad in my room. We talk for a bit, but the dream fades.

      HH flashes

      i had quite a number of lucid flashes as I kept falling asleep. Maybe 5 in total, just me walking around looking at my one hand and counting the fingers. One time i counted only four fingers on one hand.

      Back at the apartment

      Another dream of being in the apartment. It was very long but I have forgotten most of the detail. I remember there was a TV i wanted to watch but one of the girls kept borrowing it and not giving it back.


      A vague dream of lying in bed with Asuka naked. We are talking about someone, some girl who is 14 or something... weird.
    5. Lucid Nightmare!

      by , 06-09-2010 at 08:05 PM
      Type: DILD (nightmare).
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was my first-ever lucid nightmare. Not fun.

      I was in a false awakening from a previous dream, which I became lucid from just as it was ending. The room was dark, nighttime, with just a bit of light blue coming in through the cracks in the blinds. I managed to catch this false awakening and turn it into a DILD by using the nose-plug technique while still lying in bed. But before I could even get up more than a few inches, I suddenly became paralyzed and was thrown back into my bed, onto my back, by an unseen force. I aimed a forceful "stop now" at whatever was rendering me incapable of moving, but it continued. For a few more seconds it did this, and the next thing I know, I felt a presence in the room and could almost "see" dark, fleeting, moving shapes underneath my bed, although I wasn't actually looking there. It's like I had two sets of eyes for a moment.

      Next, I felt myself being pulled up into the air, as if being sucked through a vortex. I saw a huge pair of sharp teeth surround me and engulf me. Everything went black when they closed on me, and then I was floating in darkness. "I told you to stop, now", I tried to say again. But nothing happened except I got the sense of a presence again, floating around in the dark with me. I then felt light touches all over my body, as if something really was there.

      I woke up, making sure of this by performing a reality check.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:00 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare
    6. Awakened by a Ghost

      by , 01-09-2007 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I dreamed that I was sleeping on my bed. I woke up in the dream and saw that there was a small rectangular mirror beside me. I picked it up and tilted it towards me but intead of my reflection, there was a reversed image of a transparent male figure. I knew immediately that it was a ghost and it startled me because it looked like the figure was hanging over me and about to strike or grab me or something. It freaked me out so much that I woke up for real!

      This is not the first time I had a dream like this. In late November or early December (2006), I had a dream where I was laying on my stomach on my bed and a male, bearded ghost walked into my room and placed his hand on my right shoulder. That too startled me into consciousness. I had forgotten about that dream until now because I had not written it down at the time.

      nightmare , non-lucid
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