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    1. My First Lucid Dream... I Hate It!!!

      by , 02-03-2011 at 02:00 PM
      This is my first Lucid Dream... Nightmare more like it! :I started in a room I never saw before. I then fell of the bed and looked around. I started telepathically playing with the old Cheerios (Cereal) on the bar of the bed. I stopped doing that after 2 minutes and yelled,"Metal Worm!," even though there was nothing there. I ran into the living room and sat on the chair. I did a nose RC and very quietly said,"Oh... CRUD!" I saw the shadow of metal worm in the room I was just in. I closed my eyes because I was scared. About a minute later I opened then and saw that I was in my bed with my cat: Kali. after that I did a million Reality Checks! Wow! Thanks a lot, Subconscious! putting me Lucid in a Nightmare like that! Screw You!!! The End
      lucid , nightmare
    2. Batteries

      by , 01-30-2011 at 09:04 AM
      Hello, everyone! My nightmare starts here: Me and my brother, Killian, were going to our grandmas house to get new batteries for our Game Cube controller. We get there and our grandma gives us some batteries and we go home but on the way there, unsuspected maintenance is needed on the road. So we ride our bicycles down this eerie forest. We go over this big hill and I fall of my Bicycle. The batteries fell out of the controller and suddenly Killian yelled,"Run MrPWNGE, Run!"(Not my actual name, lol)
      I look up and see the grudge but she was a he and he had a knife!
      i was stubbed and woke up insistently. Thank God!!! lol
      The End
    3. My Epic Nightmare

      by , 01-30-2011 at 07:25 AM
      Hello, everyone! This is my epic nightmare: I woke up in bed (Dream, also non-lucid) and I noticed one of my big stuffed animals (Lion) were gone. I go outside my room and into the kitchen and see him sleeping in the laundry room. I slowly walk to my parents room and I don't see them anywhere. I walk back out and trip on something and hear a growl. Take a wild guess what that is. I don't even have to look around, it is clearly my stuffed animal lion. I do a back flip and the dream go's into 3rd person view, also it becomes slow-mode. It then zooms at the lions mouth and my finger, nearly a inch away from biting it off. right before the back flip ends, I do a back-wards kick so I can kick the door open. Kind of a matrix nightmare, isn't it?
      After I kick the door open, I close it as fast as possible. I then go to the back of the room to open the closet so I can hide in it. apparently, my family had the intention to do the same! I found everyone, my two brothers, my mom and dad, everyone. They were all just hiding there. About 6/7 seconds later I woke up scared to death! (Hey, give me credit! I was 4 or 5 when this happened! You my think it's funny but to me it was no laughing matter, lol) I was scared to sleep after that but I eventually got over it. One more thing: Read this again with Inception music (cough Mind Heist) and see how epic it is!!!
      The End
    4. Piece of a dream...

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:24 AM
      I only remember bits and pieces of the dream I had last night. But I know I was in a car and it was nighttime. I felt this sense that everyone was in danger from something bad happening. At that point I saw all these streaks of fire in the sky like missiles being launched. It felt like the end of the world. But instead of missiles, I saw this huge light up Happy Star from Carl's Jr dropping out of the sky. And someone told me that instead of bombs being dropped, they were sucking up fast food signs and dropping them back down to the ground to cause destruction. I was scared, but somehow I felt that whatever this was about wasn't going to affect me.
      Tags: scary, weird
      dream fragment
    5. October 18 electric run

      by , 01-05-2011 at 01:52 AM
      I was on a run with my cross country team my senior year, and i remember seeing Isaac and pony. we went through a parking lot with weird construction bins stacked on the side of the building. I lead us through the building down a hall then through a library book section we then turned around and then I heard the electric clearly sounded dysfunctional or operating off. So I head towards the nearest exist and while i do so I hear a woman say "it feels like a dark depression has hit the building" and when i got to the nearest door ( a push bar door) I pushed and got electrocuted feeling a surge of negative and bad energy tingle through my body, I stood up slightly bending my knees because of all the energy coursing through my body. apparently Peter shiel got blasted back.
    6. Improvement From the Last Time I Dreamt This

      by , 12-08-2010 at 06:04 AM
      Dream 1 : Gotcha! But Not This Time!
      I was in a very short parking garage it was about a yard (meter) high. I felt like I couldn't stand and had to do everything on my side in order to move. It was dark and scary and when I came to the end these monster things wanted to fight me. That's when I remembered this place, it was a long time ago and I had a terrible time getting back out. So I reversed direction and moved back to the entrance. Every now an then a totally black glob thing came out of the shadows and slashed a sharp sickle at me. I would dodge him and just knew he couldn't out smart me. I remembered last time I was here he kept getting me and when I got out I was holding my gut with blood gushing out wondering how long I could stay conscious in order to get help and if I would even live. This time I slipped out easily and felt like I had passed some kind of test of my mind. Afterward I looked around and saw it was night and there was a will lit city around this place with a all Chinese people walking around it.

      Dream 2 : Money In Your Face
      There are these 2 guys talking and I am holding a cashiers money draw that they take out from the registers. One guy is discussing something most and then he gets louder. Then he comes over to me and hits the draw up into my face but before it hits I wake up startled.
      my first poll...-cash_drawer_photo.jpg

      Dream 3 : Whirlwind
      I am at a dusty place where there is a whirlwind close by. I am not frightened at all and the whirlwind come to me. As it comes overhead I wake up realizing that my head was starting to whirl around in the direction of the whirlwind!
    7. Dead DC in my half-dream?

      by , 12-01-2010 at 02:25 AM
      November 18, 2010

      It is 11:49 PM

      -Just as a note this is one of those dreams where you kinda fall asleep then snap back awake.

      I'm driving down a local street in my town and I approach an hill going up. It is night time and there are leaves falling from the trees as it is autumn. As I'm passing over it I see a guy in the middle of the road dragging a dead guy across the street. This literally freaks me out so much that I wake up. I just had to write it down it was so unique of an experience.
    8. Lucid Dream #18

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:22 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 20 Min.

      I woke up and was looking at my bedroom door. I was completely lucid. And it was completely dark. Almost pitch black. Then someone came out of the shadows. It was a tall green cape with arms, legs, feet, etc. But NO head. That made me so scared. So while saying "no, no, no" a million times because I couldn't believe that I could have such a horrible nightmare.( I also tried to scream but nothing came out.) Got up. When I did I thought about it and he wasn't very scary. I imagined a piece of cloth on his head. And there was. Also that he had no means to hurt me. We shook hands and greeted each other. Then I was in a court yard and I was talking to some black guy. I can't remember what he said, but then someone else came in. Then we fought for some reason. While I was fighting I thought "wow, it's really dark here" and it was. It was creepy. For some reason I had a book or something and didn't want anyone to touch it. And of course he tried to touch it. Everyone did. By now I wanted to wake up, but decided I might be able to make it a better dream. So every once and a while someone would try to touch the book and I tried to stop them. Then someone did. I thought that the book would warp people to a different dimension. And it did. Then I went into that dimension. When I did I immediately looked around. I was on a long road. With weird things on the ceilings. And I was in a desert. Then someone said "look we already changed the store" or something like that, showing the store. Then it went back to my perspective. When it did I said "wow, this dream sucks" and stuff. Then I was on a field fighting over that damn book again. Sahara Winder fell over and looked hot. She was wearing sweat pants. So I went down to her and stuck my tongue up her ass. It didn't taste like anything and I didn't think about what was on it because I was dreaming. It felt exactly like one. The End.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 11:27 AM by 33643

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    9. another lucid

      by , 10-10-2010 at 08:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Waking up

      I wake up in bed. I'm in a large white bedroom with a large window overlooking the sea. It's bright in the dream but there seems to be no definable source of it. Next to me is a woman. She seems really familiar, she's also waking up and smiles at me.
      I go, "huh. what? what is this place where am I?" or something. The woman shushes me. She smiles. I say "I thought weren't going to..." She cuts me off and tells me it's not time to get up yet. She says something about this place we are in exists out of space time. This is the past present and future she tells me. I'm confused. She tells me to just sleep, and that it's going to be ok. i lay my head back down to sleep. The woman is fiddling with a piece of my hair and humming softly as I fall asleep.

      town wtf.

      i'm walking along a street in Olds when some guy in a van drives by. I recognize him, he tells me it's time to go to work.
      I hope in the vehicle and now it's a white car with no roof. There are 3 others in the car that I know. I recognize one as Gino. We drive on the highway towards disbury. When we arrive in Dids the car stops at some farmer's market. I begin questioning why I'm in the car. What work am I supposed to do? Why a farmer's market.

      missing time

      I'm in a large truck being driven by Sho. We are in didsbury still and heading towards the old run down fourplex condo's that bears the nickname "chicken coops". Sho keeps telling me that we have to arrive here and leave before the police come. Apperently he's making a drug run and decided to drag me into it unwillingly.

      We turn into the coops and I tell him that I'm not interested in doing any illegal favors for him, so just let me out please. He says ok and Drives on the lawn. i jump out of his truck which is now a big garbage disposal truck. I am standing on the lawn and see another truck run and hit sho's truck. He ges out of the trucka nd starts running. The other truck chases hima nd runs people down. Sho finds a dead end wall and the truck runs over him. His body isn't crumpled, but the truck keeps rolling back and forth over his body. I am mortified. I hear sirens nearby. Soon an ambulance crew arrives and tries to aid all the people that got run over. The have large scissors and are severing off useless body limbs from the people. sho is clearly dead. I get sicka nd run into one of the fourplexes.

      when i arrive in the fourplex I realize I am at an apartment of some kind. I try to fly to confirm I'm dreaming. I only manage to jump and float a bit. I do the Nose pinch RC, but can't breathe. I'm still positive i'm dreaming, I try to think how I got here. I remember the ride to the town, the farmer's market, and the thing with Sho. But I can't remember waking up from my house. so i must be dreaming.
      I look around my scene a bit. Every time I blink the stairs I am looking at alters. At one point it looks impossible and i feel myself losing the dream.

      I wind up non lucid. Somehow I get into my dad's truck and we start driving towards Olds again. He tells me I should work on my long weekend since we have 3 new houses to coat. i think he's lying because I don't remember us starting any new houses.

      pre dream hypnagogia.

      bunch of mini lucid flashes of seeing my hands, and then some of me holding various objects.

      what is the question?

      I am on facebook chatting with M. I can't remember the conversation much. Our convo boxes are on the left hand side of the page instead of the right. I get an answer to a question that I forgot I asked. I even forgot the question. all I know is that i clearly saw her answer as "Yes." not expecting that, I woke up suddenly.
    10. All over

      by , 10-06-2010 at 01:31 PM
      From what I rememberr I am at a hospital taking home a baby that I just had. It is snowing terribley and hard to see out the windows. I put "baby" in the back seat, and then a guy comes up to my car and threatens to beat me up. I run back into the hospital, which then turns into my house. Im on the phone with the cops and they tell me they will look for them and press charges. I realize I forgot my baby. Then my grandmother comes to pick me up and she has my child. I begin to cry and the baby looks at me and starts crying as well.

      Grandma walks in and tells me I need to feed her. So I give the baby my breast but I cant lactate so I repeditivley keep poking myself with a needle to poke a hole, when i finally get it and have the baby feeding from me, she begins to push and pull at my breast. It gets so intense and it hurts so bad. I look down and my child has turned into this demon creature!

      Probably one of the most real and spooky dreams Ive had in a long time.
      Tags: baby, scary
    11. Scary O.B.E

      by , 10-06-2010 at 05:26 AM
      I started feeling vibrations and ringing, so i stayed calm and still. After the vibrations passed I opened my eyes to see me bed, turned 90 degrees around so the end of it is facing the wall and there was lighting outside. There was a demon beside my bed that looked about 14 years old with no shirt on and his face was dark. I tried to yell but it came out quite and distorted. I broke the trance and woke up.

      The detail of this O.B.E was amazing and when i woke up I was very excited.

      Now I am going to have an O.B.E tonight and control what happens and not let fear get to me by realising everything is fake.
    12. My Dream 1

      by , 09-19-2010 at 12:14 AM
      I was talking to my friend about raising money for my friends mum and my crush walked in and sed he wud give it to me i sed no no no but he sed yes... so his mum sed i only want his money nothing else so then i wanted to talk to him and we was in a dark black room with 2 sofas and i sat infront of his and sed i love u for who u are not what u are i dont want ur money i want who u have inside u and i started crying and i was expecting him to hug me and then after 6 seconds he kissed me and it actually felt like he was kissing me and i could taste it and everything. Im really freaked out Someone help me!
    13. Let's consider this my first DJ entry...

      by , 09-02-2010 at 01:23 AM
      For the online DJ system, that is. I have two books filled to about 350 pages total thus far and it's been a long time since I shared any :l so here we go, I'll start by retelling some of the ones you all have missed out on:

      The New House

      My family hears word of my Aunt Brenda buying a new place a couple hours from where she used to live. Invited, we pack up via time lapse imagery and begin our 3 three hour drive out of our way to meet the new house. They'd only moved in yesterday, and hadn't even come close to exploring all 50+ different rooms in the house. It was a mansion that somewhat reminded me of the manor from the Resident Evil 1 in size and complexity. However upon entering, the place seemed much unlike that mansion in RE1, for it was clean, tidy, and welcoming.

      After the expected greetings and whatnot with my Aunt and cousins, I naturally follow my oldest cousin, Dale, to his new room. I complimented his TV, which was a forty inch plasma with crystal clear picture. Dale corrected me, saying that it was his computer screen. Amused by this, I took advantage by watching youtube videos on it for what should have been hours. Soon, I went downstairs for dinner; apparently, I had missed the tour of the house from what they had explored thus far. Supper consisted of great homemade stuff.

      After dinner I was shown to my room, (there was just a transition to the moment my Aunt opened the door for me) and I immediately collapsed on the cozy bed. A brief lurch forward in time, a few hours. I hear crying, and then a brief scream. The door to my room opens and then slams. Heart racing. I contemplate and idealize what could possibly be happening, but I can't summon a reasonable conclusion. Determined to convince myself it was just the wind, I forced myself to try to sleep for the rest of the night.

      In the morning I went downstairs to see if anyone was up yet. There was nobody. There was a paper note on the fridge that hadn't been there the day before, which read, "The small room with the small door handle-- we don't go there!"

      I paced until everyone was downstairs and awake. We ate. Dale had a friend over as well as the friend's mother. Dale and his friend would just sit staring hypnotically at the computer screen, waiting for his mother to speak to which he would immediately reply with an aggravated "Shut up." and grimace, possibly swearing under his breath in anger.

      I said I was going to the bathroom, so I walked downstairs and turned a few corners and found it. Upon opening the door, the tap erupted violently without any of the handles being turned around the faucet. So, I went upstairs to find the other bathroom, ignoring the impulse to ask where it is. I walk through the room of my other cousin, Marina, which was sort of like a dual entrance-way room (a door on either end). I also notice another cousin of mine, Pam, was crashed on the bed. I emerge into a small hallway from her room, and immediately hear reverberating footsteps at a fast pace, sounding quite close. The door behind me slammed shut. I was completely alone in the narrow corridor; I could feel no human presence.

      It was illuminated with a nostalgic sunlight, deep and warm and hard on the eyes. There were three doors along the wall beside me. The door on the left had a shuddering handle. Hearing my heartbeat echo in my ears, pulsing madly and loudly, I open the handle out of overpowering curiosity. The sound of a thousand dying screams at once all hit me in one concentrated outburst, windy. Visions of decaying corpses, mutilated half-deads, and the tortured all dance around my peripherals. In the back of my mind I have an image of fingernails, rotten and overgrown, peeling slowly off the fingers of these leathery people, and it headaches me greatly. I slam the door shut. It immediately opens again as soon as I shut it, and the room looks fine. An old record player sits in the corner, spitting out some distorted jazz out of the brass trumpet. I close the door, my heart thumping being more vivid than ever.

      As I look over to the sunlit windows I see a shadow moving underneath them, along the floors, and quickly away from me. At this moment for some reason I realize that there are no lights installed in this part of the house. I walk to the end of the hallway and look both ways. The hallway becomes darker, the carpet rusty, the whole atmosphere dirty like that of an old cheap motel hallway, even the smells. I turn my back and return to Marina's room. The bedsheets were torn off and Pam was gone. As I made to leave, out of the corner of my eye, I see multicoloured toe socks peeking out from under the bed-- Pam was under the bed.

      I leave the room, but as I step away from the door I see a terribly vivid image in front of me. It was a woman with greasy and dirty gray hair, accompanied with a rotting gray face with cracks alongside, tearing away at the remaining skin on her face (not a lot). She was wearing a silver night-gown. Stains of red here and there, and many puke stains, particularly down her middle. She ignored me, fell to her knees without acknowledging me, and screamed the same scream I had heard only last night. She got up and glided away, sobbing to herself.

      I ran downstairs, turned a corner to find my Aunt and a few other people crowded around the bathroom door downstairs. The other things that had been in there before were gone, and now was a urinal, which was also backing up.

      We left the house, assuming, never to return.
    14. Clowns, Cults, and China

      by , 08-27-2010 at 06:10 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was standing on the edge of a sidewalk that was next to a railroad in the city. I was with my boyfriend. We were both Chinese. We were cuddling and talking, until he becomes quiet.

      "Did you see that?" He asks.

      "What? Where?"

      "That man...I've never seen anything like it." He points across from us into an old, dark shed. I can just barely make out the image of a man putting on white costume makeup. He was very pale.


      He leaves, and I go home. Everything red around me starts to resemble a clown, like the one from It. I start running home, and dart upstairs to my room. I turn on the computer, some dolls still resembling that messed up clown. I try to keep my eyes from looking in the reflection of the computer screen because I'm afraid I might see something I don't want to.

      I try to log into IRC but the computer freezes slightly and no seems to be responding in the channel. I google my condition and it seems that I am not alone. Other people have been attacked by this clown and then they are slowly killed off.

      I'm teleported somewhere else now...Maybe these people can help me? I look around. I'm in a giant church...But this looks nothing like any of the modern religions. The ceilings are high and gray and the lights are dimmed. People are chanting in tongues and a man, who resembles Dumbledore, is leading them.

      I take a seat on the western side of the 'church' near the front. In front of me are tall, metal torches that are unlit. A caretaker in rags slithers up next to them. It is explained to the procession that if the caretaker does not truly believe in their cult religion, that he who lit the flames would catch fire.

      I watched as the man lit the torches. A different colored flame sprouted in each one. When the man was finished lighting the torches he turned back to the head speaker. The flame started at the bottoms of his robe and worked their way up until they engulfed him. The head speaker made a halt sign with his hands and the flames stopped. The head speaker explained that because of the caretaker's doubt in their religion, that he would be sentenced to a life without a left eye.

      I was back now in my house. Who were those freaky people?? I decided to go wash up in the bathroom. I couldn't let a man with a little make up freak me out, I'm tougher than that!

      I heard a banging on the door, and jumped a little.

      "I just wanted to say good night to you," My mother in the dream said. She was also Chinese.

      "Thanks mom."

      "What is this on your back?" She turns me around so that my back is facing the mirror. In the reflection I can see that I have a vividly shaped scar of a dragon going down my back! On either side are scars of traditional Chinese houses. WTF

      Mom tells me that I'll be sleeping in my aunt's room tonight. How could I ever get to sleep?
      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. The Masked Man

      by , 08-25-2010 at 05:17 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was floating in the waves, and washed up on the shore. I pulled myself from the water and looked up. Around me it looked like a post-apocalyptic zombie town. Buildings were caved in and I didn't see anyone.

      I walked along the shoreline a little more until I heard a man's voice coming from one of the buildings. I followed the sound and peeked into the room where the wall was destroyed. An older teenage boy was sitting across from a teenage girl who looked like Megan Fox. He saw me and beckoned me to come inside.

      "What's your name?" He asked. I did not know. He moved a large piece of fallen wall over to reveal a hidden passage. He said that we would be safe here. We met his family. They told us that in their town there was a man with a mask. He liked to sneak into people's houses and murder them. They also told us that we would never know when he would sneak in.

      I decided to check out the house. Looking around, I found an extra bedroom. My phone was there, and I had a text from Mike. I responded to the text, but when I turned around I felt a creepy presence...

      Everyone in the house was getting ready for bed, and I was the only one left still up and not in the main bedroom. I left the extra bedroom and walked down the long hallway. Turning around once to look behind me, I saw a dark shadow standing at the end of the hallway!!! The shadow had the silhouette of a man, but I couldn't see if he was masked or not.

      "Get inside the bedroom!" I heard the family yell. I ran to their bedroom and bolted the door shut behind me. WTF was that?!

      I slept peacefully that night. The next day we went to eat with the other townspeople. They had a large room that resembled a cafeteria. Our family sat down and ate our meals while I thought over what I had seen last night.

      The cafeteria got quiet. I looked up and saw the masked man standing in the doorway. He looked like the man from Friday the 13th.

      He stood there for a moment before silently pointing to me. He walked over and grabbed me and pulled me away into the kitchen. He said that we were going to play a little 'ice fishing' game.

      Point of view changes and I am now the head of the household. I am running around trying to find where the masked man took the girl. Our family runs into the kitchen. The sink has iced over. We pull a string out from the drain and we see that the girl has frozen in a solid ice cube. We set her down to let her thaw. We also find another string in the other sink and pull out the frozen version of the masked man. We decide to kill him while he is unable to move. We grab a large pole and shove it through his neck. We think he is dead for now but I think he wakes up again, can't remember the rest.
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