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    1. Short lucid from a week ago

      by , 05-25-2017 at 08:27 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I got lucid by talking to a girl I haven't talked to a long ago, like 4 months I think.
      I confirmed it by looking at my hands ,that had 20 finger approximately.
      Then I stood up from the computer, walked to the window , and tried to float out , at second try I succeeded.
      Outside the weather was kinda bad , it was a about to rain, the street looked a bit different than irl but there was no major differences.
      My vision was bad, as always, and the dream started to fall apart. I tried to stabilize it by touching myself, rubbing my hands together but I woke up in the end.
      Tags: frag, lucid, short
    2. Dawn

      by , 05-25-2017 at 05:37 PM
      I was playing melee with my brother and in it you would get points for jumping and landing on the small island playforms in the sky. I managed to do it many times with DK as we fought but than I became lucid and left the room. My brother than shouted "vampire!" and bit me in the neck. I pushed him away and as I hurried away told him never to do that again.

      Next I ended up non lucid and walked into the street. As I got in the car I told my mom to hurry up but than suddenly two guys jumped in the front seats and locked the door. "Good thing we got the keys" one of them said as they began to drive away with me. I kept trying to unlock it but couldn't. I contemplated calling my mom but than they would see me. I than felt like breaking the car window but it was impossible. They than drove me around the corner and into an alleyway, next to a red building. After worrying about them killing me there I became lucid. "I can go through the car!" I shouted than went through it than into the building.

      I ended up walking into a school lab where steven universe characters were secretly alive and Rebecca Sugar was the evil genius contemplating how to use them against society. I wasn't lucid as much there.

      Skipping that part I exited the place non lucid and bumped into a boy who wanted to give me a free yellow textbook from his bag. It was raining though and his books in his bag got wet. I tried to tell him to forget it but he brushed it off with a laugh. Next his friend who was also a guy ran him into the ground to hug him. He laughed, hugged him than pushed him off. Somehow another book ended up on the street. I gave it to him than went on my way.

      It stopped raining and I found a girl jogging home and singing. I saw her before so I ran behind her playfully as I was going to race her. She smiled, said hi, than kept running home. I stopped at a street light than waited to cross impatient since it was now dark. Right when I crossed a truck was turning. It tipped over than a man approached me to tell me it was my fault in Spanish. I said no than hurried away. It got to be afternoon again where I heard a guy mention he was going to get his neck shaved. He went into a woman's barber/hair salon and I kept going my way.

      I ended up on a narrow street that was interesting in layout. The color on the ground was like a golden rocky color. Next I touched the side of a platform to find sticky blood.Lucid now I kept walking noticing a fence than saw Dawn with another anime character. They were dressed in white robes and were searching the area to clear an entity. Seeing my panties on lines I felt uncomfortable though."Do you have to attract it with my panties?" I asked. I just got a serious stare so I said nvm. I managed to catch the entity with a small white staff than the other guy with Dawn grabbed onto it with his staff until we broke the blue entity and he snapped in pieces.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. FB group and the magic mirror

      by , 05-25-2017 at 04:48 PM
      This was an interesting dream. It was very existential. I was at some giant mall with a girl who reminded me of brittany. We were getting pretty close, when I noticed a guy next to me vomit extremely hard into his backpack. I puked too in solidarity with him

      I went downstairs for a bathroom and found some bunk rooms that I knew were mine, and Lotts and the shitty shed boys were all hanging out together. I emptied the puke and checked facebook messenger and found out that Lotts had added 120 of his shitty friends to the dankerton chat, and ruined it forever. What the fuck. I freaked out on him and spent a few minutes using advanced tools to kick them all out at once, but it was no easy task. We could not abandon that chatroom and all it's history.

      When I finished I went back to the bunks to talk to them and they were gone. I caught them outside leaving to their cars. When I confronted lotts about it he was being a bitch. His ghetto friend started asking me if I knew how hard he was and brought out a big bag of shrooms. It was at this moment that simon messaged me. It was his graduation party tonight and he was calling me asking me where the fuck I was. Lotts' bullshit cut me off from the information. I teleported back home and found the boys in suits. When I walked down the hall, I saw chris and his date for the night. She was beautiful. I immediately felt a pang of jealousy. Chris finally had a girl, and now I was the only one left. Why me? Why am I not good enough?

      I entered the bathroom to prepare and escape the envyous view. But when I looked in the mirror, she was standing next to me. So beautiful. An amalgamation of all the girls I've been attracted to in recent months. As I stared in the mirror, something incredible happened. She was gona and replaced by me. I could look at myself from a side angle, a new, unbiased look so different from that head on view we get used to every day. I began to think out loud. "Is this who I am?" I looked deeply into myself, and admired my hair, giving me a devil-may-care look at that moment. I tousled it a bit, and suddenly I was an entirely different man. An older man, with facial features highlighted so differently I may as well have been a stranger. I looked at this man and admired him, but decided to go on. Another tousle, and my hair was long, slicked back, and I had the features of someone in slytherin. I could not recognize myself at all. I began trying to return to my old self. Feverishly messing with my hair, trying to find my way back. I never could. So I just gave up, and accepted this person I had turned into through random chance, and walked back out that door to go to this party. Maybe on this night I would find something or someone.

      I wake up.
    4. A Brief Visit to Hootin’ Holler

      by , 05-25-2017 at 11:25 AM
      Night of May 25, 2017. Thursday.

      I enter into a state of (visual) hypnagogia and eventually decide to go into a “Snuffy Smith” comic strip when the opportunity presents itself. I wait for the sketchy rendering of the drawing of a river and a forest rather than a “real” setting to “step into”. I think it is a marvelous idea to visit Hootin’ Holler - as I want to spend some time with the amusing and friendly “people” there even though they are not real. (I did not yet script out a foundation for this concept. Note that I never post scripted dreams or those of certain levels of lucidity, as there would be no point.)

      My dream is not consciously fully thought out. I find myself in Snuffy’s shack (seemingly in late morning) and get the idea that if he or Loweezy sees me, they will probably just take me to be an imposer or even a thief. I walk around in the dark featureless room and see gaps in the wooden floorboards as well as thin vertical gaps in the wall where thin slivers of light shine through. I also remember that nails stick out from random areas (including on his porch) and I do not want to poke myself (especially as my dreams often have an extremely enhanced sense of touch).

      Snuffy appears in the doorway in silhouette (initiating the very common threshold dream type scenario). I remember that his house is near a cliff and decide to jump out of my dream. I walk out to the back without being seen. The valley below seems rendered as “real” trees. Perhaps Snuffy has a rifle and wants to shoot me for trespassing (though this is not based on evidence within my dream). I consciously jump with only a soft hypnopompic jerk.

    5. Dream - The Hairdressing Scam

      by , 05-25-2017 at 06:47 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 25 MAY - 2017

      Dream No. 119 - The Hairdressing Scam

      My mum and grandma took me to the hairdressers to get a haircut. It was when I sat down on one of the chairs next to a wall that the lady put some glasses on me and started doing all these optical tests on me. Then all a sudden, this lady who is doing my eye tests is yelling across the room at another customer. She yells something like “Stop disrespecting the need of the business!”. Only then did I realise that this wasn't a hairdresser. I felt scared that the lady would yell at me too but anyway, I said to my mum, “This isn't a hairdresser, it's an optometrist!”. My mum started crying from shock and I got out of the chair and walked out of the store with her. As we were walking away, my mum was making all these remarks at the lady. One I could remember was that we weren't giving any of our money away.

      So we joined my grandmother back in the mall and decided that they would go back to the car early and have their chips. I followed them down a strange looking street with all these op shops but I was distracted all these racks of jewellery and I soon completely lost them. I eventually came to an area that looked like normal housing suburbia and there I noticed a complex where the lift to the car park was. At first, I was thinking of going down by myself but when I stood and looked up at the big metal doors, I started freaking out and said to myself that I couldn't do it.

      I went outside and once had the idea that I would call for Dreamy WB to help me down the lift. I walked around all the streets, calling her name but nothing happened. A few times I'd call “Dreamy WB” with the loudest voice in dream history. In this dream, I found that my voice was very loud and clear and was not restricted in any way. Also, every time I called out, I found myself trying to imagine that she was behind a corner of an object and that she would eventually come out if I called her enough times. Still, there was no change and so I decided to call out for her by her alternate guardian name, Miss T. There still wasn't any response and so now I was panicking. I went back to calling out “Dreamy WB!” until I was back at the lift complex.

      I now noticed a ramp leading downwards as well but I still wanted to call her just to what would happen. Then this room, looking like a public bathroom, appeared next to the lift. All these young girls were coming out of it, including a handful of Killester girls amongst the unknown ones. Still, I couldn't see Dreamy WB anywhere. I went outside again to wait for her. Then when EL comes out, I ask her, “Where's WB?”, she tells me she's coming. It takes a while but WB is one of the last girls to come out of that bathroom and when she's outside, no one else is around anymore. I tell her I need her help. She said she would go with me but she had something else to do first. WB pulled out her phone and used one hand to text someone. She invited me to stand next to her and so that's what I did. I full on hugged her while she put her unused arm around me, while she continued texting. Once she was finished, we walked up to the lift complex but I woke up before anything else could happen.

      Updated 05-25-2017 at 07:05 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. What did I do?

      by , 05-25-2017 at 03:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Orange is the New Bjork

      Bjork and I are thrown in Jail because we broke into Donald Trump's dream a few nights ago. I am in a visitng/cafeteria area. Bjork is at a table with her boyfriend and they keep whispering and giving me dirty looks. Don Juan from the Castaneda books is sitting at my table laughing.

      "You should know..." Don Juan laughs and almost chokes on his own laughter, "That Three pronged Naguals and Four Pronged Naguals don't belong together." He laughs uproariously at his own joke? and then he starts slapping his knee. "You didn't think that would actually work did you?"

      me, "No, not really. I mean once I considered the 'reality' of it I tried to stop dreaming with her. It didn't work and after I told her she followed me into every other dream and convinced me to continue dreaming with her. I did what she asked, I was just trying to make her happy and now look at the mess I am in. I am done with this!"

      "No, Youre not done yet." He said and laughed again, "Oh you wily sorcerer of old! You're not finished with dreaming and neither are you finished with her." He said and looked serious.

      "Oh I'm finished with her. I should have been finished when I first realized it was a mistake. But no I had to listen to her and not reason. These drams were driving me mad! Literally mad. Well I'm glad the madness is finally over."

      Don Juan chuckled, "It's not over yet kid, In a way you'll always be after her, and her always after you."

      me , "What does that even mean? Because she's CLEARLY after me." I said sarcastically indicating to her table. They looked at me all confused, "Look I'm done with Nagual BS. and I'm done with draming about Bjork, 'cause that is also BS. You're BS and your eternal life with your energetic nod past the eagle is BS. I already have Eternal life with Jesus Christ!" I began yelling. At some point I had stood up but not remembered when I did. I looked down and saw that Don Juan had vanished. "See," I said, declaring to everyone in the room. "His spirit even flees at the mere mention of Jesus, what does THAT say?"

      "Shutup!" Someone yelled and complained I was disturbing their visiting time.

      "You know talking to yourself is the first sign you're going crazy!" Someone else yelled.

      "Oh yeah?" I said, "And what's the second sign genius?"

      Bjork grunted and threw her tray at me.

      SJW school

      I was wandering a highschool after leaving home room. I wandered and tried to find the class again but couldn't.

      I wound up in a cafeteria with some event going on. Some Transgender and non binary people sat at my table. some guy/girl was hitting on me but I was ignoring him/her.

      Some girl was talking on a microphone. The thing seemed to be a wedding reception. She started talking about meeting her... and that got my attention. The rest of what she said was garbled in tears. Her and her new very tall wife began dancing to a slow song. The tall one was twirling the shorter red head around.


      I was walking down a street outside. Bjork and her boyfriend walk past me and she spits in my face.

      I guess I got what I deserved? In other news: Freedom!!!

      Updated 05-25-2017 at 03:55 AM by 6012

      Tags: björk, don juan
      non-lucid , dream fragment