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    1. #41: WILD gone wild / Evil tree / Stadium parkour / Kitchen trouble / Fight again

      by , 11-27-2015 at 10:42 AM
      WILD gone wild
      I'm standing in the kitchen in my student home, behind the stove, cooking something. There's something unusual. I think it has to do with the pan that I'm using. I feel like I was really close to becoming lucid, or maybe I even was lucid. Suddenly I feel horrible. It feels as if I'm really drunk. My stomach hurts and there's some swinging back and forth of the dreamscene involved. It's destabilising.

      I'm not sure if I woke up or if I had a FA.

      Evil tree
      There's something to do with two sorcerers, Belgarath and Beldin [characters from a series of books I'm reading]. They're near a small airport during the day. The air traffic control centre is an enormous building which is capable of flight. It comes flying off from the distance and then lands near the airport. Apparently it's moved away every time the airport closes. Belgarath thinks this is outrageous and a word needs to be had with whoever is behind this.

      Belgarath (and I?) are standing near an enormous tree, just behind the airport. It's mining something from the earth with its roots. A red evil substance. It doesn't surface, so you can't see it, but we know it's there. I see an image of the roots of the tree extending down deep into the earth. The roots different shades of glowing red. Someone makes a surprised comment about where the evil guys behind this are getting this substance from. Every sea in the world has been mined for it already. I forgot the exact reply, but it was something sinister.

      I/Captain America (not sure if I'm him or watching him) am in the airport, full costume. I have an old fashioned bomb with a fuse. It should blow any minute really. I recall the last time I was in this exact same position. I jumped over some glass railings and shielded myself mid-air while the bomb exploded. This time I'm trying to run outside with the very limited time that I have and throw the bomb at the tree, despite the tree being on the other side of the airport and me not being able to see it. This is ridiculous. It's never gonna work. Maybe Belgarath can use some sorcery to steer the bomb towards the tree once it's in the air.

      Stadium parkour
      It's evening, not yet fully dark but quite a bit already. I'm walking towards my moped with a female friend. It may have been my classmate. We hop on and she makes me drive towards the security guard. She asks him for an alternative route of here and does so in Indonesian. That's the idea at least. I didn't really hear the words, but I recall that she asked because my language skills were a bit limited. She asks for the alternative route because if you go out through the regular exit, you have to pay a parking fee. The guard points us towards a stadium through which we can drive to avoid it. I give the guard perhaps 2.000 IDR for his help. I drive towards the stadium.

      Inside the stadium there are some people. I drive somewhere to the left. It's a bit of a maze in here, but suddenly I recognise it. I've been here before or I've seen it in a video. I'm not really myself anymore. Instead I'm controlling a freerunner called Luigi. There's unequal heights everywhere and I make great use of it. In the end I just want to exit, but Luigi automatically turns pretty much everything into a parkour move.

      Kitchen trouble
      I've had it with the dirty kitchen in my student home. I start exploring and it turns out that the kitchen of my mom's house is accessible from my student house. How did I not notice this before? This is excellent? Would my mom mind if I used her kitchen instead? The counter is quite small. Then I start to wonder: so all these years while I've been living in my mom's house, people from my student house were able to enter our home? I walk through our home. It doesn't entirely make sense to me.

      » I'm in the living room of my mom's house. My mom is very nearly passed out on the couch from being incredibly drunk. It's time to send everyone to bed.

      » I'm looking at my dreads. They're so long! They're real dreads now. Some of them are black, some of them are brown. I realise that must be because my own hair is brown and the extensions are black,

      My real hair is black.

      Fight again
      I'm sitting in my room at my mom's house. I'm sitting behind my desk, looking at video's on my iPod. The image is not fullscreen as it often is in my dreams. My little brother enters my room, with my mom in tow. They are having a fight again. O no, out! I've had it with their fights. They are unwilling to take my advice, so they shouldn't come to me with their issues.

      I feel like it's near midnight, or at least late. This plays out in the living room and kitchen of my mom's house. It's already bed time for my little brother, but he still wants to eat. He's arguing with my mom over it and says something along the lines of "you're not my mom, so you're not the boss over me". He heats something up in the microwave. I'm at the point where I feel like slapping him in the face with a flat hand. Not to hurt him, but to make him realise how retarded his behaviour is. Eventually he does go to bed without eating I believe. I take his food from the microwave. A cracker with cheese on it. I offer it to my mom, since I don't like cheese. She tells me I can eat it. I remind her that I don't like cheese.
      Somewhere in the middle of this dream I saw a tub in the corner of the kitchen. It was put on its side and pasta sauce was leaking into it from a plastic bag.
    2. #218. Witch vs. Witch

      by , 09-14-2015 at 07:12 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire...

      Infiltrating a sorority/fraternity and it's terrible. And my female SHIELD agent is covering for the fact that Captain America is terrible at undercover work.

      Now I'm part of a group of three people who are living semi-harmoniously in an older part of town. We have some interesting projects on the go, like improving playgrounds and adding giant transparent red walls to sidewalks so that people have to zigzag through.

      I'm looking through a catalogue that has sheaths for ritual daggers that are being advertised pinned to the pages. There are daggers for earth, air, fire and water, and unsurprisingly I'm interested in the fire one.

      And then I remember that I already have a ritual dagger. I turn it over in my hand. The blade is pure silver in the dream, unlike the real one.

      I'm walking down a road, trying to find my way back to the original path.I know that if it takes too long to get back, I'll lose the thread of the dream, so I hold out a hand to the end of the street and soar towards it.

      The street I want to take is the second from the end, but I can't find it, because the second path is now an alley that goes into someone's backyard. I follow the path and find a raspberry bush, and I look around for a basket. I decide that there will be one on the deck when I go to find it, but there's only a box that holds some kindling. I empty out the kindling onto the pile of smaller pieces of wood.

      I look around and see an old, dying tree, and all I can notice is that the branches are so dead that they'd make great kindling for the cabin owner's fire.

      There are workmen in the backyard. Apparently there are signs saying that they'd be in the area.

      I'm Dean Winchester now. Sam and I know that when you get caught somewhere, you pretend that you belong there, so we approach the workmen and strike up a conversation.

      They're vampires, as it turns out.

      There's a fight.

      I drive a stake into one man's chest—

      wait, that's zombies in this universe

      —and my silver dagger appears in my hand. I swing it around and slice into the vampire's neck as I throw my weight forward. The vampire stumbles, still off-balance from the stake, and I'm behind him, slicing into his throat and grabbing at his hair so that I can fully behead him.

      (There's an argument as to whether this works according to the rules of the game. I win.)

      There are bodies all over the back yard, now. We're going to have to burn them.

      I grab wood from the shed out back and set to covering our dead vamps with lumber and kindling. I'm lighting the shed itself on fire when I hear a shout.

      The man who appears was a friend of John Winchester's, and he's angry that his property is going up in flames.

      I'm trying to choke him out without killing him. He struggles, and it's not working, but then he changes tactics and tries to grab at my ears and pull.

      I decide that it's a trope of the genre that you can hit someone over the head and knock them out without being at risk of killing them, so one of us hits him over the head with the butt of a rifle.

      Fire burns, and the old tree from earlier provides us with as much kindling as we need. I go over to the cabin, and realize that there's meat drying in the racks along the outside wall. My stomach churns as I realize that it's cursed all to hell—I don't want to think about what kind of meat has gone into the ground meat patties that are sitting on the rack, but there's a telltale haze of angry spirits hanging around the meat. Somehow, at least one of them is an ancient, powerful indigenous spirit, how the fucking hell...

      I set it all on fire.

      A blonde, average-sized woman with curly hair enters the yard, looking curious. "What's going on?" she asks, looking genuinely curious.

      Because all we need is another civilian to knock out and haul away before they die of smoke inhalation.

      "Ma'am," I start—

      She looks past me. "You know, certain spirits are actually freed when you burn them."

      Witch, I think. Of the Supernatural-style variety. I run forward, brandishing my knife, and she laughs as I plunge it into her chest. Light explodes from the place where the knife stabbed into her, and she soars up into the sky, a being of pure white light and destruction.

      I turn around to deal with the spirit, and I think I'm calling up an explosion of—hellfire, soulfire?—and it's enveloped completely.

      My long black cloak trails out behind me as I crash into the other witch, tearing into her. I snarl as I grab part of her cloak—pull it away with part of her essence as a ripping, tearing noise fills the air—and shoot past her. There are three of us, beings of darkness and the night, tearing through the sky and tearing into the thing of light that wants only to destroy.

      Darkness can be a force for good in the world just as light can, and both can snuff out life as well as they can extend it. All we need—I think, flying at the other witch—is for some idiot to think that the good guy is being outnumbered here just because they're burning with Light.
    3. Lucid Flight Through a Cloud Break, Online Multiplayer Video Games, and More

      by , 10-07-2014 at 03:25 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was staring out the window in a house. It was nighttime outside, but I could see this weird break in the clouds that had a reddish tint to it, as if the sun was setting behind that small break, but it was nighttime. I'm not sure exactly what triggered it, but I figured out I was dreaming! Very cool. I examined my hands to stabalize. Then, just for fun, I did a nose pinch RC, which is something I've been practicing IWL lately, but have never done in a dream. I could breathe! So that's what it feels like.

      I then decided to fly towards the break in the clouds. I phased right through the window, no resistance or anything, which doesn't ever happen to me. I then started to jump to take off to fly, but once again remembered to just let myself float up. I did just that, and it was so easy! When I was in the air, I used this same technique to move to the left or the right. This is one of the first times in a long, long time that I have flown and not started to immediately lose height while in the air.

      As I approached the break in the clouds, it started to look more purple than red. I briefly thought of Dreamer because of the purple. I then went into the break and saw what looked like a Mario Galaxy world with all these giant floating black bombs with faces and red tops among other things I can't recall right now. I feel like I saw them all from a different angle than the one that I entered the break at.


      I felt myself falling asleep and entering the dream. I was with Dallas. I was sitting on the kitchen floor with him in the house I grew up in. There were all these kitchen utensils on the floor scattered about. I told him that since we were dreaming, he could do whatever he wanted to me (I definitely meant sexually ). I was kind of excited so I briefly lost the dream a couple of times, but went right back into it. I took off my pants, which of course made me more excited and once again I briefly lost the dream but went back into it immediately. Dallas then took this long straw-type thing with lube and inserted it into my forearm. Totally NOT what I expected at all, and if felt so weird! He kept sliding it in and out, and I couldn't even look at it because I was afraid to see it.
      "No! Not that! Don't do that!" I said.
      He kept doing it.


      I was at Dakota's apartment. Someone else lived there as well. I hadn't heard from Dakota in years, much less seen him. He was sitting on the couch smiling, but it was a sad smile. I talked to him a little, though I can't remember what it is we talked about. I noticed he was wearing a dark green sweater, and he looked so much thicker than usual. Not fat, just...thick. He had a really thick neck that was as wide as his head.


      I was playing this online multiplayer game where you would get put in a house in one of 8 places. The house would be themed randomly and would have a shop in it for food. The house would be where you "lived" in the game. I got put in one but I don't remember the theme. I went up to the counter in the back to buy something, though I don't remember if I actually did or not.

      I then was doing something else and not paying attention to what was happening in the game. Three girls came into my house. One had a short blue dress on but I don't remember what the others were wearing. They then started to change all my furniture and make all these alterations to the house itself. It then kicked me out of the house, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Wtf! I was then looking at all the houses in the area from an above view, kind of like The Sims.

      I then somehow got another house. I was then working in the food area, which, in this house, was in the front. I felt as if I was in first person now instead of third person gaming. Other people would come in and buy food from me. I was then making some kind of chicken pita sandwich when a girl came up and was telling me how it would be good if I did it a certain way. I was still doing it my way. I then noticed that the girl looked like one of the girls who kicked me out of my house before; I noticed her blue dress. I asked her if she was, and she said yes, and I cussed her out and she left.

      I then saw some sort of small purple pop up that came up when someone wanted to buy your house. It would give you an option on whether or not to sell it to them for a certain price.

      I then was on a menu area where you could pick a place to visit, one of the 8 places you could be assigned a house. They were represented by little icons. There were 3 areas in the "fun" category, which was off to the left of the screen, separated from the rest, and the rest were in multiple categories, all except the "fun" category. I don't remember anything about what the categories were called. There was a mountains area and a town/village area, but I don't remember any of the others.

      I decided to visit a different area, though I don't recall which. I then was calling a book store inside of the game with my phone outside of the game. Some kid answered and was talking really fast, so I couldn't understand what she was saying. I heard another kid giggling in the background. The girl kept repeating whatever she was saying really fast, so I couldn't understand her. She started to sound impatient. I then figured out she was asking me if I was over 21. I said yes. She then started telling me about a porn book that was on sale and a lesbian book. I turned to the person that was with me (I guess someone was with me now) and said
      "This is an adult bookstore!"
      I was amused, but not interested. I hung up the phone.

      I then visited the town/village area, and heard some music from KQ7 playing, the music from Archduke Fifi la Yipyap's party. There was a stage at the front of the town, which looked 16-bit, that had small flies moving around on it. The area looked quite primitive.


      I was feeling myself fall asleep. I would see images around me that looked like movie screens playing clips of movies. I then was in a dream where it looked as if I was looking through my cupped hands to see what was going on. I don't remember what it was now, but it looked vivid and stable. However, it didn't feel stable. I then woke up.


      I was playing this game, though I was inside of the game playing it. It was like League of Legends, where you pick your player, but it was an open-world game instead of a MOBA. We were underground in an area with lava and some very small erupting volcanoes that separated the sides of the cave. Right before the other side, there was a pool of what was supposed to be hot water. You still had a team. I don't remember who my character was, but Dallas was playing as Captain America, and someone else there was some girl from Captain Planet, the Asian one (was there an Asian girl on that show? I think there was). She had on a white shirt and a short orange skirt and white pants/leggings underneath the skirt. She was hovering around above the ground and shooting around magic spells. I thought that she was the weakest, but whoever was playing her knew how to play her so she wasn't as weak. I only saw her from the back.

      I then saw people from our team walking over the lava to get to the other side and getting hurt, but not dying. Dallas (Captain America) was trying to explain how to do this so you didn't die (you weren't really supposed to walk on the lava at all). He was saying you just had to avoid the small erupting volcanoes and the "magma" (he used the word magma) that was pooled around them. I think I tried it and died. I know someone else did too, someone who had done it without dying before.

      Dallas was then using a bucket to scoop lava out of the lava pools and dumping it in the water to try to make a pathway. The lava just evaporated and disappeared though when he did this. He didn't think it would work (like it does in Minecraft), but it was worth a try.


      I was telling Dallas about my dream and that he was Captain America.
      "How appropriate," he said.
      It made sense why he said this in the dream, but not IWL.
    4. Japan trip and Captain America

      by , 08-21-2011 at 04:38 PM
      My dream last night was interesting even though it was not lucid.

      The first one that I can remember is that for some reason I was going to be taking a long vacation to Japan. I was caling up family shortly after arriving there, and I was living in not one of the popular areas like Tokyo or Akihabara, but are more relatively unknown city. I think I was living in an apartment or hotel in a fairly tall apartment building, and I walked onto the street to check out the neighborhood. I found this small arcade and felt comforted.

      I talked with the store owner for a bit about how I'm traveling, and it's nice to have a place like this only a few blocks from where I'll be living. I asked him about the area, and if there were any cool spots to go since this wasn't one of the more known parts. I forget what he said but this is where this part of the dream basically ended.

      Second part of the dream I was Captain America. Except I was living in a type of wooden military lookout in the middle of a muddy field surrounded by trees on 3 sides, and a highway on my left. I set it up I think as a way that people could come and contact me if they needed help, but instead of actual people in need of a hero, all I would get are people who dressed up as Cpt. America with guns trying to kill me. I would just take their guns and shoot them back (which thinking on it now is very un-hero like). I inherently knew that it was because they felt I didn't deserve the title of Cpt. America because I'm not a real hero, I was just a man who was stronger than normal who's acting like one.

      One of the people visiting was this fat guy who looked like he was wearing a polo shirt that had his name on it, I believe he worked at a retail chain. I got a bad vibe so I punched him in the face and grabbed one of his wrists, but all he did was laugh as he absorbed the blows. He grabbed my chest and ran with his arms extended, pushing me through multiple walls. I forget what I did to defeat him, but after that he turned into a small paper sticker, and I remember saying to my gf "I don't mess around." as I ripped the sticker up, assumingly killing him.