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    1. Night of Tuesday 12/5/23

      by , 12-06-2023 at 08:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Fixing the Plant:

      I'm at my current home in waking life, out in the yard.
      I've started to plant something. I vaguely recall it may have been a hunk of meat.
      HM from the Tots and somebody else are there.
      I go back in the house for something and then return.
      The two of them have 'fixed' my attempt at potting the plant by adding sugar to it.

      Peachy Party:

      I'm at my Grandma's current basement. There is a party going on with a large group of people.
      There's a football team with blue and white colors I'm sarcastically following. I'm watching them play a game on my smartphone.
      The team is here now, and some of them are jocks. One of them is holding up a sign. It is all symbols.
      I intuitively understand it to mean "no girl delivery people." The symbol is a smiley face with long hair, circled with a line through it.
      Later I'm hooking up with Princess Peach at the same party. We are under a stairwell. It is pretty vivid.
      After the deed is done, we pass out on the floor, not concerned if anybody finds us.
      In the moment I consider this a chad-move.
      At some point in the night another person puts a blanket over the two of us.
      We wake up and it is revealed that someone has taken pictures of us during the act.
      The pictures are crudely edited, with cutouts over faces. I see us over by a TV center.
      We are both embarrassed that there is evidence now.
      I'm standing at another part of the room with YK from college.
      Lights are dark now, and the scene is more sinister.
      YK is scared that somebody is going to get him.
      He is trying to hide and I follow suit.
      I go to hide in a back area near the water heater, but YK tells me that hiding place is too obvious.
      I turn and go to find a new spot, but now I'm out in the open.
      I see my bike and my girlfriend's bike there, and I accidently bump into them.
      They make a loud noise as they fall.
      An old lady carrying what looks like a harpoon gun appears from the top of the stairs.
      I ask her why she is here.
      "I'm here to kill you," she replies simply.
      She points the gun at me, and I grab it, trying to point it away.
    2. June 20, 2020 3:50 am

      by , 06-20-2023 at 07:45 AM
      I live with two guys, one plays musical instruments and talks about his synthesizer while grabbing his saxophone, I think they might be robots.

      We were having dinner in the dark, I'm not sure if they noticed that the dinning room lights weren't on, I forced myself to wake up when ot became super dark.
    3. Shifting DILD

      by , 01-23-2023 at 06:18 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was in a dream where I was fighting a metal robot while being a high jumping metallic rubber band. I decided to run from it and run in to the darkness. I wanted to end my dream as I wasn't enjoying it. During the darkness when the dream faded I became lucid and realized I was waiting for the next dream to form. Once it did it was nighttime and I was in third person. I thought about positive things and sunlight. That's when a grainy sunlight came in to the background but wasn't good quality.

      I ended up losing lucidity not too long afterwards.
    4. 14 Mai: Get lost in some sort of moldy dark backrooms

      by , 05-14-2022 at 09:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Waiting for my mom outside some empty store. Seems like a bankrupted travel agency. Inside it, there is a couple behind a computer working on something. There's some supports with some advertising outside. I grab a leaflet and I kinda break the support and then I struggle to fix it. Meanwhile the couple inside noticed it and is looking at me with blaming eyes, but they don't say a word. I say I am sorry and stop trying to fix it. Then the guy gets up and walks towards me to say it's ok. Embarassed, I go meet my mom who is next door with some old coworkers, instead of waiting here. They are debating that they want her to lead them into a strike and legal fight as she did decades earlier sucessfully. She declines several timas but they persist. I am feeling disturbed and want to leave. I am bored to death and my stims are about to explode. But she says she can't and aks me to wait outside the room they're at. I look around the building and besides this room, everything else looks basically like a damp basement with endless corridors like the backrooms. I go explore a bit and at some point it gets really dark and the corridor is very narrow. In the dark I encounter "the smiley" entity. I punch its face and it is made of metal. I grab it and throw it against the wall, over and over until it is crunched and unable to harm me. Then I walk back to a more illuminated area but I am chased by two other entities. They look like crash test dummies and they are made of hard rubber. I punch them too, but to no effect. I am about to be subdued by them and see a third coming over, when I finally manage to escape to the main corridor I came from originally. I find another strange moldy and smelly room with people living in sub-human conditions. They lie on wooden bunkbeds like the ones on nazi concentration camps. They are dirty and scared as if prisoners of the entities that control the corridors. Some kids ask me for my help changing a babie's diaper. I agree. But the baby isn't humam, seems more like an entity itself, a living doll. Doesn't seem harmful though, so I help taking care of it.
    5. 5 Apr: Haunted house and demonic presence in haunted objects

      by , 04-05-2022 at 12:43 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With a friend or brother and my supposed dad, staying at some old house for a night. I am sleeping in the same bed as my friend/brother and my dad is sleeping in an armchair in the living room. Something falls and wakes me up. Then the door opens up by itself. I wake up my dad and we see a radio turning itself on, then a closet door opening and some bag falling down from it. The house is apparently haunted and I ask dad if he can sleep with us in our room. He agress. I go back to the bed, but everything goes dark and I feel myself falling slowly down a black void. I can feel the bed cover but I can't see or hear anything. I call out for my family, but no sound comes out of my mouth. It's like sleep paralysis inside a dream. It takes me a while to get back to them. I ask if they saw me struggling and they say yes, but could not understand what was happening. There is some kind of plastic ball in the bed touching me and I throw it into the ground and smash it, scared about it. Someone who knows the house comes by and points to some items he says are haunted. We throw them away, but I feel like the haunting is everywhere. Some friend helps us take away some items for the trash, but later I visit her studio with my mom and she still has them there and I have a bad feeling about it. Two heavy wooden shelves fall down on her and other people, but I was keeping an eye on it and manage to hold them for a bit, saving them. Then something flies across the room and the floor is looking weird, like vibrating. I tell them to get out fast. The ground starts shaking, the walls open cracks. We head for the door and outside everything is apparently normal, nothing is shaking. But there is a road going downhill and I notice that some wster that is flowing on it is coming upwards, not going downwards. We all realize something is really really wrong with the objects from that house, like they are possessed by a strong demonic presence.
    6. cccxxiv. The spaceship in darkness

      by , 09-07-2021 at 11:04 AM
      2nd September 2021


      Aboard a spaceship. It's dark in most hallways and rooms and there's a general eerie feel, like how I used to feel about the dark as a child. Some parts of the ship look like the Nostromo in a Weyland-Yutani style. There's discussion with some characters and we're talking about Vulcan. I seem to have future knowledge that it will be destroyed by an explosion but I keep it to myself. A guy is talking about his brother having gone to Vulcan as a trader.

      I see out a central window in a dark room and there's a planet with a green atmosphere, framed perfectly by the round window.

      I go away from the rest of the group on my own, I think just through into some other nearby rooms. There's a WY wall-mounted bulky junction thing, over a doorway (resembling corridors in the Pods). This thing has a flashing red light, possibly beeping too. I notice that the flash seems to slowly be gaining speed. This unsettles me, telling me something is wrong. In the dream I can't seem to remember what the thing is for and when I ask nobody else seems to know or care, being preoccupied with their own conversations or thoughts. Nobody takes this seriously. I feel there may be an alien (xeno) aboard.

      (recall gap)

      Then, I'm in the mess hall, which is nearby to where I was before. There are two or three dozen people here, all eating from bowls and stuff, but there are no tables or chairs. There are a few kids too. An adjoined kitchen has workshop-like tools, like buzz saws, table saws and the like. All of this just makes me feel uneasy and I imagine or fear accidents relating to these tools. One kid in the mess hall has a cyborg hand with a circular saw attached. He's cutting beef jerky with it, or some other kind of stringy meat.

      I am or become one of the kids at some point, possibly early teens? Everyone eventually leaves except for myself and a couple of other kids. This unsettles me, like something terrible is going to happen, still because of that eerie feeling about the darkness. The other two kids, a tall slim boy and a short fat boy, start picking on me and won't let me leave. We get into a slow struggle but I eventually break free. I forget the rest of this part.

      (recall gap)

      Somewhere outdoors-like and sunny, but I just walked there in the ship, it's just some section of it. Some other characters, I'm accompanying them I think. Despite the changed environment the eerie feeling remains in some places that are indoors here. I forget most of this segment but at the end I'm talking to a male doctor, a psychologist. We're sitting at a bench in an outdoor cloister bit with benches. There are other people around, passing by or whatever. We discuss some problems of mine (which specific to this dream-life) but I forget what is said exactly.


      - For quite some time I have been wondering if or when I'd ever dream about one of the Alien films. Oddly enough, after waking from this dream, I didn't remember this, despite realising there were some similarities between the dream environment and the setting of the first film.

      - I haven't known or felt that fear of darkness in a number of long years, it's a fear that I think I must have worked a bit to overcome but that also kind of just went away on its own.
      -- It's notable that I can't remember ever having felt this eerie feeling in a dream before, but it's possible I just don't remember any specific instance anymore.

      - I couldn't notice any outer details of the ship from the windows.
      -- The planet I saw was probably based off space games I've recently been playing. But the (vivid, tending toward yellows) green atmosphere is probably symbolic, as it's a colour I associate with death, envy and other sinister feelings or effects. This seems pertinent with the rest of the setting and mood.

      - The unwillingness of other characters to cooperate or listen probably relates to how characters are often portrayed in the sort of film like Alien, where you always seem to have stubborn or ignorant characters that make everything worse.

      - On some level, the ship having the self-contained outdoor-but-indoors environment is probably related to a story I've been working on for a while now.

      - Despite the feelings in the dream, this wasn't really a bad dream, especially since I've been waiting for something like it to come up.
    7. ccxlvi. Backwards ride, Last settlement

      by , 04-04-2021 at 03:01 PM
      3rd April 2021

      Some in-line thoughts and notes.


      I am in a car with H. We are driving down a hilly area. I'm sitting facing the back of the car, but I'm in the copilot seat next to H who is at the driver's seat. The steering is not on the side it should be. It's sunny and I can see sharp shadows from the sunlight. H doesn't seem to b ewearing sunglasses or straining despite direct sunlight in his eyes.

      Behind us, or in front of me, I see a teal van coming down the same road. As they get close I see through our windows it's an old man and his young daughter. They are somewhat playfully fighting over the wheel but it concerns me. It's not somethign to fool around with, I feel. And I fear they may collide with us as they are going past us.

      There's a transition but I don't become aware of it in the dream. I am now walking towards a table which seems to be part of an esplanade on a plaza. It's in a tight spot between two buildings with white painted render.

      H is sitting down at the table and I take the seat directly in front of him. Adjoining our table is another table. Sat to my right, is the girl from before. I try to tell her something about some dangers? And then, before I talk about the whole steering thing, H tells me not to bother and I realise at this point that I have no memory of the last few minutes.

      I think I ask about what happened but don't get a clear answer and now the father is also coming back and sitting in front of his daughter at the table. We each have a meal, but oddly enough I don't pay any attention to mine.

      Before all this. Me and H are in a town. It's dark and night time. Can't see too well except for some faint light at the edge of street light fall-off, away from where we are. We are going back to the car but H can't remember where it is exactly, but I did know exactly where it was. The car was like dad's car?

      Before that, not sure what the place is anymore. Looking through a cabinet of some sort. There are drawing pads and other things. Me and H talk, they apparently belong to a childhood friend of his, called Tania. I ask what kind of things she drew? He tells me that when they played in the garden she would pretend to have superpowers she'd imagined/come up with and she drew some furry characters, in answer to my question. I vaguely recall seeing one or two drawings, focusing on faces and muzzles.


      Before the other dream, before the first morning awakening. Something in a town, medieval-like but also old home like? There's a WoW feel. My old best friend, D is present in the dream somehow and we talk or something. There's something about T3 gear and tanking. I can't remember anything else but even writing about this made me feel nostalgic for some reason, not just for the game but for this friend too.

      4th April 2021

      Scraps and fragment:

      Dream recall mostly faded and no notes taken. I remember at the end of one dream, I realised faintly that I was dreaming and so it was time to wake up or something. There was a hazard situation? But I'm not sure in what context now.

      I had a very long dream sequence. In the dream I am in a dark land. I think it was brighter before, but it was night time and I am in some countryside area. In the distance I see burning towns and things like that. The path I am walking along is patrolled by demons accompanied by a dog-like creature on a chain lead. I am able to use some sort of invisibility ability, every twelve seconds or so. It lasts just long enough that I can hide in a corner and when they go past me, I use the ability to make sure they can't see me. I feel like there's some kind of spotlight on the three of us.

      The dog senses me on some level but they leave and my invisibility fades and I move along. There are other patrols and so instead of continuing down this road going downhill I instead take an uphill fork in the road, which is narrower and seemingly goes unpatrolled. I don't feel any negative emotions, but I suppose I just feel neutral about everything.

      Transition? I am at a town of some sort. It's seemingly the last surviving settlement in this area. At some point I see the settlement from an RTS-like point of view. There are many sub-cultures in this town, who are seemingly self-segregating in cultural terms. But I also remember going into shops and talking to people. Life seems normal and there is a modern feel to most things. There were many little plots involving interaction with others in this dream but I don't recall any in enough to detail to remember any of them fully.
    8. 17 Feb: Turning away from a dark cave I remember from other dreams

      by , 02-17-2021 at 09:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am walking down a dirt road in a sunny and dry place, accompanied by other people. There is a rocky wall to our left and I spot a hole in it. I go check it out and find it is an entrance to a large cave. It feels very familiar and I recall I have been there before in other dreams, very dark dreams. I remember that as I progressed through chambers and underground levels, I encountered a really dark realm, horrible ghosts and monsters and a sense of despair pervading it all. Yet, I am pondering going in again. I feel an attraction to the idea of reliving those things. Then I wonder why I would want to go through that darkness, is it just for the thrill? I ultimately decide not to even step inside, because I know the power of that dark place is like a drug to me. I stay outside in the sun and breath calmly. The others ask me what it is about and I lead them away from it. I spot something else to which I bring their attention to. I see a funny sculpture installation, completely out of the blue, composed by a table, a chair, a lamp, a mic and smaller items with a very vintage look, all carved in rock. I sit there and pretend to be some character from the past making a radio broadcast or something. They are surprised and amused and wondering whom could have made it. Then we find a wallet with documents inside and apparently bank notes, except the notes are fake.
    9. Recent after long dry spell

      by , 12-11-2020 at 12:49 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      I’m with a coworker visiting a city, we arrived at night, there’s no street lights, we can barely see in the dark. I asked him if he got some place to sleep. He tells me we got one with three beds, and laughs. We try to walk on the street but it’s impossible to see for me. The cars have all lights off. They look like shadows and seem to be very damaged. I notice I forgot my bag somewhere else while we went out of the subway station, which is the last spot of light I can see now. Get back to look for my bag. I complain about the darkness while I put my hands on some surface in front of me. I wish it’s daylight while looking down my hands. It turns into daylight on the borders of my vision! No need to think about it anymore, I know what this means. Lucid again! I get excited, go back where we were, I don’t want to leave this dreamscape. Want to explore and enjoy. My coworker is not there anymore, I see a very tight street, on my right while walking down the place, there’re kiosks selling newspapers on both sides. I’m curious to see what my dream mind will put there. The place silently starts to fall down like it was an earthquake, on my left side. I see people between the mass of earth and papers. I wonder for what could it mean. Keep on walking until I get into a very known non-lucid dreamscape cemetery. There you are! I say, while I immediately recognize this cemetery. It’s still the same, like I was here yesterday. I wonder for what does it mean in my mind, what have changed along the years in this place. Then Start to walk among the graves amazed because of the very old memory view. There I see something new, a tall wall covered in plants… slowly woke up to write a draft for this entry. It was the first dream of the night when I saw the clock.

      Updated 05-26-2023 at 07:27 PM by 18736 (Edit colors)

      lucid , memorable
    10. Strange creepy gaster dream | [27.08.2020]

      by , 08-27-2020 at 12:06 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strange creepy gaster dream
      It was sort of about Undertale, but not really. The only real character from Undertale was Gaster. They were sort of travelling worlds, but I don't know if it'd be permanent or not. I was happy for them, though. But then Gaster told me something unsettling. He said that the darkness was coming. My happiness faded away immediately. I tried asking him what he meant, but he didn't reply, and then they were gone. I saw that they were flying away, but something was wrong, they were only flying into a void, everything around them was the blackest it could have been. I tried warning them, but they disappeared. In the evening in my home, with my parents doing stuff around the house, I heard some documentary saying "Imagine if it was entirely dark and you couldn't see anything." or something, since apparently this darkness is like a natural disaster. I looked out the window, and no light was there. I was afraid of the window not being closed, and I didn't remember how the handle of it looked when it was closed, so I thought about opening the window and closing it again, but then I thought that'd be a bad idea. I don't remember anything else.

      This time I remembered to do my mantra when I went to sleep. Now I just have to keep it up and I'll have some lucids again.
    11. cxxiii.

      by , 07-25-2020 at 06:00 PM
      21st May

      Bits from one or two dreams? Didn't make notes in the morning, was too tired.

      Dream Fragment:

      I was in a desert or barren canyon type of place. I was driving some kind of motorbike, called the "MotorBeast" or something to that effect. I remember accelerating with my right hand and making note of the extremely loud roar from the exhaust. I did some acrobatics or was in some high speed sequence?

      Next thing I remember, different place, but related in some way. There was a dream character, he was simultaneously my teacher and an avatar of Anubis. But we had to fight and so he was like a boss of some sort. I remember chasing him through this dark and ancient Egyptian temple/crypt place. There was a dark red tint to everything and even though daylight broke through the ceiling in certain parts, it was still dark, like the exposure made dark places appear brighter but bright places appear much darker.

      I remember the character taunted me from behind a half wall and pillars. I couldn't reach him but shot him with a Torgue grenade launcher set to sticky mode. I remember the feeling of holding the weapon with only my right hand and the feeling of pointing it. It felt intuitive, but in retrospect it seemed far too light for what it was. After emptying my clip, the explosives went off in sequence, causing him heavy damage. He was nearly dead (I knew through some interface display?) but he was able to run very fast through a narrow hall crowded with unknown dream characters, which were his minions. I believe they looked like mummies.

      Eventually I caught up to him, finding him in a small room around a corner, where he was using some kind of self-bandaging ability (like in WoW). I tried shooting him to interrupt it, but I think something happened right after I did that, and the dream ended.

      - The bit where the Anubis character ran away at high speed when on low health now reminds me that some boss in Killing Floor did something similar.
      - The Torgue weapon was notable because I'd recently been playing BL3 and I always loved the Torgue shotguns in BL2; it should have been a somewhat obvious dream-sign here since it was somewhat out of place in the rest of the dream's context.
      - Though I didn't think of this at the time of this dream, I now feel as though there is a bit of a link between the motorbike and the Torgue gun since those guns are typically modelled after big engines and the like. The dream felt more randomly put together at the time but I feel like I could unpick it better now in terms of contextual/schematic associations.
    12. Bad Nightmare DILD

      by , 06-18-2020 at 02:55 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Haven't been having the best kind of dreams lately. Woke myself up from this one.
      Tags: darkness, gun
      lucid , nightmare
    13. Darkness and Light and Cellos

      by , 05-16-2020 at 10:00 PM (Night Vision)
      I am hanging out with co-workers and getting to know somebody who’s apparently just been hired. Her name is Marie, and she’s from Canada. In addition to working here, she’s a grad student working on a music degree, which she's now almost done with. She's currently working on the composition that will be her thesis. She shows it to me – via some sort of electronic device, I think.

      The music is notated on manuscript paper, but instead of the usual note shapes, there are little horizontal rectangles that stretch out for as long as the note is held, rather like a midi display. The inside of each rectangle is patterned in ways that indicate something about the music. I hear it in my head as I read, with the patterns calling up images and connotations in relation to it.

      The first bar begins with two long Gs an octave apart played by instruments in the violin family – I don’t identify them explicitly in the dream, but given that it’s written in the bass clef, almost certainly cellos. The rectangles contain the patterns signifying darkness and light. The impression this makes is hard to describe. Poignant, maybe – a suggestion of a cavernous space vast enough to hold them both at once. It continues, but I can’t remember the part after that so well.

    14. Feeling Lost DILD

      by , 03-26-2020 at 12:26 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself falling through the dark. I was lucid and saw that I enter a different world where it was like I was trapped in a huge black square. The bottom of it was a shiny rainbow color platform that kept going up and down like a huge ocean only the ripple effects was so intense. Inside this square, I could heavy vibrations and a lot of different kinds of energy. I continue bouncing up and down and feeling the pressure of it all.

      It was soothing for the most part. Then all of sudden I was gone from there and in a mall. I flew around there and bump in to a guy who was holding a lot of rice. It all fell to the floor and he quickly tried picking up as I apologize. He said it wasn't a problem and I continue in till I saw a woman who waved at me and told me about the area. I then found myself in embarrass when my pants just magically disappeared.

      I look around for some reason I became calm cause yea I'm dreaming. I then went to sit a table to wait for an order that I knew was coming. A lot of people came to my table all of a sudden and sat next to me. For some reason I lost lucidity here.
      Tags: darkness, mall
    15. Strange Feeling GA+WBTB+DILD

      by , 02-06-2020 at 07:34 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was at my job working and they gather us all up to tell us that we will be leaving early. As we all got in to two lines, I was standing next to another co-worker. She began to hold my hand from the other side which I thought was off. I then felt her hand clench mine and soon everything was dark. I couldn't see anything but I could still feel her hand holding mine tightly. I began to hold her hand even tighter to hold on to the dream.

      At some point with in that I knew I was dreaming but there was now no dream just the darkness that surrounded me. I could still feel her hand but now the feeling had change to a weird sensation all over my body. I got out the darkness and could see my actual self laying in the bed but from a different angle. My brain was making such a huge buzzing sound that I began to panic. My body was feeling odd and to be honest felt like it was dying.

      I knew that I was in between transitions from the waking world and the dreamworld. Overall my panic made me unable to transition back in to the dreamworld and I began to move my physical body as I had now control over it.
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