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    1. The Flight of the Phoenix

      by , 04-07-2014 at 11:46 PM
      An older dream from about a month and a half ago.

      I am running, no, I am blasting at top speed across a swampy field, or a forested coastline. Everything is a blur as I move at impossible speeds, dodging skeletons and zombies. I carry a package in my hands, over my head, seeking to protect it from damage. The landscape is minecraft-like, with squares everywhere in the coastline, in the trees. I lose the package as I pass over some water, but I continue running until I am literally flying, skimming over the earth.

      I see two towers in the distance, one bright red and white, made of bone and crystal and looking like a very fragile toothpick tower, the other looking like three massive carved trees all joined together, with the frightening visages of monsters carved in at the top. The trees were also stained or lit up with red, blue, and green light.

      I flew up to the top of the bone tower and saw a group of women in blue robes, playing crystal harps and singing the tower together. I clung to the skeleton of the tower with my claws, and it was at this point I realized that I had transformed into a Phoenix, with wings and feathers and talons. I breathed fire into the tower, then flew through it and onto the wooden tower on the other side.

      I clawed into it, tore bark off with my beak, and burned deeply into the center tree until I dug out a hole big enough for me to squeeze into. Then I sat and waited, hiding from something. I never figured out what it was, however, because that was when I woke up.
    2. April 7,2014

      by , 04-07-2014 at 08:54 PM
      I dreamt that a sunflower like costume was in front of me. I also remember I was looking for a Bing app.
    3. Red Stomach's my friend! :D

      by , 04-07-2014 at 07:29 PM
      This one is a very crazy dream!

      I was on a hill and there were pink flowers on the floor... and waterfalls on the sides. The sun was bright and then a panda came out... We played, we danced and we had fun!
      I was going to the waterfall and i told that panda to stay. So as i was going to waterfall i've saw a knife, evil thingies came through my head
      So.. i came there putting the knife in my pocket and said to panda... Hellooo my friend what should be your name? Oh! I've got an idea! What about.. Red Stomach???
      And then we danced and suddenly sky became red... Trees bloody, flowers became roses with some deadly spikes on them and waterfalls were Bloodyfalls... Yeah! Blood came out of them.
      My eyes became red and i put out the knife out of my pocket slicing panda's stomach it became bloody and then i stabbed him all over his body then kicking him and stomping on him then i was -ing!
      It was really fucked up dream!
      Tags: blood, hill, knife, panda
      lucid , memorable
    4. Royal Concern

      by , 04-07-2014 at 06:36 PM
      I was riding in an open carriage through the countryside, possibly somewhere in Denmark. There was a woman sitting next to me, and she leaned over to whisper, "I heard your stepmother tried to cut you out of your father's will. Do you need help?" I turned to face the woman and realized it was the Queen Mother. I also noticed that my sister and my (now former) stepmother were sitting across from us, which is why the Queen Mother was whispering. I reassured her that all of my father's assets were put into a trust before he remarried and my ex-stepmother could not change it.

      I returned the fancy house where I was staying. It seemed that it once belonged to a wealthy aristocrat who had died and my family may have been distantly related, so they were evaluating us to be heirs to his title. The staff at the house showed me to my room, which had some fancy bed. I laid down for a while but quickly realized that I had gotten my period and leaked all over the sheets. The staff was horrified; apparently the bed linens were also priceless antiques. I was told that this was probably going to count against me in the evaluation.

      I went down to the kitchen, which seemed really crowded with furniture. There was a breakfast bar with seating, something that I've considered adding to my current kitchen. However, I couldn't figure out why there was another table shoved right in front of it that kept me from getting to the bar.

      Continuing my explorations, I found that the house had a second kitchen. Now I was really confused. What was the purpose of having two kitchens in one house? I moved onto the living room, where there was a party in progress. I spotted the actor Brent Spiner sitting on the couch and had the brilliant idea that I should try and take a selfie with him.

      I left the house and made my way to what seemed like a convenience store, except it was full of space posters and NASA administrator Charlie Bolden was working behind the counter. I looked at a poster of an astronaut posing in front of the space shuttle and decided that I should get ready to go into space.

      Updated 04-29-2014 at 03:51 AM by 54978

    5. Spider and Scorpion

      by , 04-07-2014 at 05:46 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Me and my friend Darius were in school. We saw our 2 french teachers and there was a lottery thing or whatever where you spin. And beside that was 58 trillion dollars. I spun the lottery thing and got 56 thousand dollars and I turned into a spider while my friend turned into a Scorpion and then the french teachers turned into mice and we start to chase them cuz they had cheese and we went in a sewer and it just got weird. Thats all I remember
    6. Monk; Argentina; Class reunion

      , 04-07-2014 at 05:38 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      4.7.14 Monday

      Last night bed 10:30pm - 8:20 am

      (This one made perfect sence and I remembered all details while replaying it in my head. Lost it almost all by the time I got to my notebook 5 sec later)

      I'm walking in a circle on the streets of my hometown. I'm walking through the intersection of 4 crossing streets. I see a monk in a robe with a rope for a belt. I ask him something and he gives me advise?

      I'm in an airplane. I see the ground close by. I'm standing up, when I feel some gentle bumps and I realize we have just landed. I wonder why the flight attendant didn't tell me to sit and buckle, when I was just talking to her in first class about getting an upgrade.

      She tells me we are in Argentina. Pope is visiting, but he is in the hospital, because of something happened. He got some mild illness, nothing serious.

      Our group gets to the hotel and now we are in the lobby, waiting to be shown to the dining room for lunch. I see a camera on the table and I know one of my classmates left it there while he went potty. I'm also watching this guy, who is eyeballing this camera furiously. My classmate is rushing back and he can see what's going on. I tell him not to worry, I stayed behind to watch his camera, while others already left to the dining room.

      I get to the dining room and find a spot saved for my at one table. The flight attendant walks in with a clipboard and is looking for me. She asks me what did I do outside. I tell her about the camera and she seems like she is glad that I just confirmed what she already knew.

      She proceeds to praise me and thank me for taking a customer survey, for asking customers opinion. I'm like "uhm, that's not what I did". But she insists, makes a fuss about it and she gives me some kind of a reward.

      I'm in a few diff environments here. Some kind of a farm or vegetable processing plant. I see people cutting some greens. One of them is my former classmate. He is telling how someone else used to work there.

      Another place, can't remember what. But all places have a common theme - me looking for former classmates wanting to get together for a cup of coffee and talk and have fun.
    7. Regular Dreams

      by , 04-07-2014 at 05:23 PM
      Dreamt last night about being in a church with some old school mates. One who I remember as being white was now black which stuck me odd. I saw an old friend from the farm who was helping with the sermon. He saw me and we were both very pleased to see eachother again and both cried. Now I am looking through what seems to be like little cups representing graves with coins and paper money in them. It started outside and I found a coin from the 1700's in one of them. Now it is inside a church and I'm finding some VERY old coins along with many silver coins that I am replacing with money I have in my pocket. I am switching out many coins. Now I am leaving and going outside and along the side of the parking lot pavement where the grass is growing is a lot of sand and garbage. I am finding coins all the way down through here as well. My sister is here and they have a semi show up. I think they are shipping something. Now my dream has moved to a theme park. Walking up a hill along the roller coaster is a power cord and a fence. I am looking along this for coins as well. I am finding a few periodically but now I have found an area where I see a hoard of them. I am telling Joe that this is the most I have ever found in one spot. Dream fades.
    8. Strangeness At Sea

      by , 04-07-2014 at 02:38 PM
      So this was quite a while ago but i still remember it quite clearly. I was standing on a beach looking at the sun when some of my friends wanted to go riding on a boat so i did and it was nice but all of a sudden the wind began to pick up and the waves grew higher and higher and the small boat turned into a massive ship and there was a captain yelling at the crew to keep the ship afloat as we were getting pounded with wave after wave. I was holding on to some netting and that is all that i felt that was keeping me on board. The captain yelled very loudly as a massive wave came rushing toward us . The wave had thousands of zombies in it for some reason and as the wave came over the boat the zombies came on too and started tearing everybody to pieces real gory like and i started to freak out and i realized this could never actually happen so i realized i was dreaming but i couldn't control it and i got up and ran up the boat past the captain who was shooting them with his pistol( idk where he got it from he just had it haha) i ran into a room on the boat and shut the door. I was inside of an entire new surrounding inside of an apartment or something. Yet i could still hear them knawing at the door outside. There was a man with a shotgun that told me to follow him so i did, we went into his apartment and there was a big door that was covered in metal. He shot the door four times with the shotgun and i began to discourage his efforts of trying to open it. On the fifth shot it opened as he walked by me with a grin. And i woke up.
      lucid , nightmare
    9. A Dream of Ghosts, A Dream of Shame, and A Dream of... Lettuce

      by , 04-07-2014 at 02:34 PM
      A very rare triple dream.

      The first dream happened towards the beginning of the night, after I first went to sleep. I was watching a ghost-hunting movie about a very gloomy young girl who wanted so desperately to be a boy that she carried two atrophied testicles in a skirt pocket wherever she went. (It may have even been in her underwear.) The whole class was laughing at her, and passing on some word that I can't remember. Annoyed, I passed the word on to the next person and went straight back to the movie. After it was over, I somehow ended up in the movie, hunting ghosts with a ghost scientist Johnny Depp. We went into an abandoned house which was flooded with eerie purple light. A ghost clock sat in the center of the room, and we smashed it with out feet and poured anti-ghost fluid into it, like black oil. A floating urn in the corner caught our attention soon after, but the dream faded.

      Lightning woke me up towards the end of my sleep, around 7:45. I got up to use the bathroom then went back to sleep and had a second dream.

      I was sitting in a McDonalds that was about to close, but I needed a ride. (I don't drive irl so it's very common for me to get rides from dream characters.) I was sitting on a bench between two people, and my ex-boyfriend was sitting on the outside of the building, on a ledge that lead down to a back parking lot for another building. We were avoiding each other. Anyway they turned out the lights, and I ended up with a ride, leaving my ex there in the shadow of the building. I was sitting in a cramped back seat of a surprisingly roomy van, wedged between two people and resting my head on the shoulder of an old friend of mine. I suddenly remembered I left my backpack at the McDonalds, though we did end up turning around my brain skipped that part. They take me to my apartment complex and drop me off, and I walk from the front gate all the way up to my apartment door.

      After that dream I half came out of my sleep, but I was still asleep enough for one last very odd dream. I was lying in bed, only moving my fingers, continually shoving lettuce leaves into my mouth. I couldn't feel the lettuce in my hand, nor could I see it, but I could feel it enter my mouth, and I could chew it and hear the sound. I also couldn't taste or swallow. As I chewed the lettuce just vanished to make room for more lettuce. I essentially became an endless lettuce-eating machine.

      Eventually I woke up fully at 8:45.
    10. Ndr

      by , 04-07-2014 at 02:07 PM
      No Dream's Recalled.

      Had a good 8 hours sleep, i even woke up a few times in the night and willed myself to dream vividly, just vividly, not even lucidly, just vividly for now but nothing happened when i went back to slumberland.

      It seems my dream recall over the past few days has gone down a heck of a lot, just before i joined DV i was remembering 4 to 5 dreams a night sometimes,, maybe i am trying too hard to remember them, can one really try too hard?

      I do do all things necessary, i do a recap on the journal in bed last thing at night, then do my mantra's*, then when i wake up i try to be as still as possible, but i am still really sleepy when i wake so i end up shifting my body without realizing it, if only i can remain completely still in bed then i might remember more of the nights adventures.

      As a side note, i am still immersing myself with dream related literature, i have now read ETWOLD by LaBerge, as well as Daniel Loves Are You Dreaming, and i am now almost midway through Charlie Morleys Dreams Of Awakening, usually i am a speedy reader, but i am taking my time with these books, more than i usually spend reading them anyway, i often find myself taking a step back and analyzing what i just read.

      I will continue reading these books for now, but for the time being i will relinguish the pressure to recall my dreams, obviously meditate before bed, but i wont be willing myself so hard to remember my dreams.

      * My mantra is this... "When i wake up I shall remain perfectly still, and will remember my dreams completely"

      Mantra's can be very powerful, so it would be reassuring to know that i have chosen my words wisely, if not, and if anyone has any suggestions as to how i could word the aforementioned mantra, please do leave a comment or invade my dream or something, maybe not invade, just knock on one of my dream doors and ill let you in
      side notes
    11. The caravan spiders -060414-

      by , 04-07-2014 at 01:46 PM
      I was going through buildings and caravans looking for spiders and bugs to clear out. The owner of the park who I didn't see kicked me out of the park and town, because we don't have the same beliefs and that I was a distraction to the group and would do damage
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Down the beach

      by , 04-07-2014 at 01:02 PM
      I'm just getting aroung the beach, playing volley, and sweating a lot under the sun.
      The net is really high and I tell the referee that he confused us with men. But he makes me notice that there ARE some men in the court.
      I look around and I finally see that a girl, even wearing a bikini, IS a man.
      I feel ashamed, as having a man in my team, is cheating.
      I decide to play in second line, to stay away from him, and I start to bump the balls.
      I notice the players of the other team always throw the ball to the girl next to me. She is not good at all and I always push her away to bump the ball.
      At once I understand she PRETENDS to be unable to play, just to make the other team winning!
      I'm really angry and every time the ball go towards her, I push her on the ground and get the ball.
      Finally she gets angry at me and comes towards me pushing ME to the ground.
      She is too stronger for being a woman, and in fact she is a MAN! And he puts his foot on my chest. I take his foot with both my hands in order to breathe, but I'm unable to free myself.
      At once a girl identical to the one with the foot on me, gets close to us, and says 'what now?'.
      She looks at me badly, ready to kick my face, and I bite her leg. She screams and then gets closer to kick my face, and as I'm desperately trying to avoid her foot I woke up.
    13. 00:00 Monday 2014-04-07

      by , 04-07-2014 at 11:47 AM
      @ My (country) lucid hideout

      01:30 Bedtime. Was (re)watching Firefly, cand ouldn't help "just one more episode...just one more...". Room temp: +21C


      (definitely some from earlier wakings)

      + helping police catch crazy redneck drivers who are speeding

      + at work I finally figure out the strange little device in the kitchen is a refrigerator for personalized water cups and that the group assistant had prepared my personal water cup with my name on it loooong ago, I feel foolish that I'm only now figuring this out. The device holds the cups, about 4-5 in a row, on a slightly inclined shelf.

      + go into a meeting room with a bunch of coworkers where a guy is the keeper of the cupcakes, they're everywhere, some are tall and irregular looking like dripped sand castles, a guy says he's working on the last generation of product that we'll have to support for 3 years but will make the company a lot of money, I agree with him on this. Walking by my cube on the way to the meeting I think I see a large strange sign over my cube.

      + some indoor space there's an irregular hole in the foundation, I see another one further on, some guy asks me what kind of animals(s) make that whole (he knows), I don't know he tells me it's two animals (I forgot them) then I see a 1/2 meter diameter tortoise it's on my leg I kick at it I'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt it then it lunges at another guy's leg and he kicks it away, too.

      + I'm walking outside in bright daylight, walk by a van, I'm on some empty street , blue sky, green grass, bright daylight, I'm thinking this would be a good place to live with this much sunlight but it might not be good for my skin.

      + I see my face as if looking in a mirror (but I don't have the sense of looking in a mirror), I'm about half my age and clean-shaved, I say to my wife "oh I must have shaved without knowing it" (I had no memory of shaving), I'm amazed at how young and bright I look after shaving, I see myself very very clearly, I think I don't see any jowls like my wife says I would have if I shaved.

      + At MR's restaurant he's preparing me a margarita, I'm going to have chips with guacamole I realize later I never ate it, at the time Im not sure if I can pay for it

      + sitting at a table with other people I look at one woman and realize she's former colleague Pa Wo and her husband, I say to her "I didn't realize it was you!"

      + on a phone call with the orchestra conductor, he wants to go over the music with me, I'm singing my instrument's part. I see the notes, read the rhythms, and hear myself singing and making harmony. Later on I realize I'm not on the phone with the conductor any more but I don't recall hanging up, I think he's probably pretty angry about that. When singing I'm thinking about B-flats.

      + Before rehersal I see my instrument disassembled into many parts I'm gathering them up to get ready

      + Pull a huuuuuge book: tall, wide, think, from a bookshelf, the title is "Dogs of War: Dachshunds" written by the Nazi party. I'm looking through the book which my sons, it looks like a giant Yellow Pages directory with nothing but advertisements in it, I wonder where all the articles were and if Nazis read all of these ads.

      Room temp morning: +17C
      side notes , non-lucid
    14. Dj 4/7/2014

      by , 04-07-2014 at 11:40 AM
      Date: 4/7/2014 (Mon)
      Total sleep: 7 hours
      Daytime Techniques: RCs, Visualization, Text Search
      Lucid Techniques: Mantras, Meditative Visualization
      Recall Techniques: Meditative Visualization Mantras
      Fell Asleep: 10:00 pm
      Dream 1 Title: Car on the beach
      Dream 1: I am with Gwen and some other people. We have driven an old blue car (1970’s car) onto a beach and parked it right near the wave line. We are having some kind of beach party. She asks me to go and get something. I walk off the beach and end up on a very thin road (more like a bike path). There are many houses and stores along this path. I see a man grilling with his family. I go down one side path and end up in a place that looks like something from a theme park. It has a very “middle ages” feel, like I am in the castle of a knight of old. The dream fades and I awake.
      Awake: 5:00 am
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) D1 = 3
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) D1 = 3
      Length: (how long it felt like! Because that matters) D1 = 10 min
      Emotions: General happiness
      Dream Signs: Car on the beach, strange situation, bike path with many houses, theme park area
      Notes: Took Melatonin and Magnesium before bed. I have struggled this past weekend with LDing. My dream recall on Friday & Saturday night was horrible. I can only attribute this to my weekend schedule being so different than my work week schedule (to bed much later). But, the horrible dream recall is frustrating me. Last night my dream recall was better. I woke up from the first dream at 3:45 am. I had clear memories of the dream. I jotted down a few tags in my note book, ran through the dream in my head one more time, and then dozed back off. I awoke to my alarm which startled me. This destroyed my recall of the dream I was having just before the alarm, and negatively impacted my dream recall of my previous dream. I forgot to set the light alarm for my clock (must be set separately). I had a rough weekend. I injured my knee (this is a knee I severely injured in the past, so I have reoccurring issues) this weekend which is now impacting my morning workouts. My wife is having some health issues which are a struggle. Work has also been a struggle lately (the end of each quarter is always very busy, plus some other issues). On top of all that I am having issues with dream recall (which could be partial impacted by all the other issues). Hopefully things will get better soon.
      non-lucid , side notes
    15. Strange Art

      by , 04-07-2014 at 10:07 AM
      Morning of April 7, 2014. Monday.

      I am in Cubitis in my father’s original music room (southwest corner of the house). I am not sure of the time. It may be early afternoon.

      An unknown girl is in the room and, in fact, it seems to be her room. (Of course, it is possible that a girl, or even a female artist, occupies this room now in real life - I have no way of knowing.)

      There are various sets of A2 sheets of paper, mostly in several pads. There are also a couple unfinished cream canvases. She is some sort of well-known artist, it seems, but I do not know her name at any point.

      The main scene involves me making art “for her” or to help her with the foundation of a pattern somehow, as she is somehow behind on her drawings or paintings (not sure what the situation is). I end up drawing various curving random parallel lines from the left to the right. That is mostly all that happens. I make at least two, the second being far more sparse, with only a few lines. There is no discernible form or shape.

      A little later, I notice a thin dark-haired man in glasses kissing her. I ask her if she has three boyfriends and get a “no” from her. Somehow, I am also thinking of a male at a bus-stop somewhere who is “also” supposedly her boyfriend, but not in actuality somehow. It does not make much sense. It may very vaguely relate to a movie we saw last night, “Le battement d'ailes du papillon”, fairly interesting but a bit contrived (though an amusing look into cause and effect).

      Parallel lines “never meet”. This may be a play on the two lines being the girl and I - and us “never meeting” in reality, even though I do not have a clear idea on who the girl might be or represent. However, looking at it in another way, it may mean that I remain (or should remain) in uniformity and balance with the females in my life (especially including my wife and daughters).
      Tags: art
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