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    1. 1. day of competition

      by , 01-25-2015 at 11:44 AM
      4:30 waking up and recalling 2 fragments, taking 4mg galantamind + 500mg choline with water
      5:20 feeling the effect of galantamine and going to sleep
      6:00 I’m super excited about competition and lucid dreaming that I can’t fall asleep, I’m little hungry as well so I go eat pear muffins with peanut milk. Saving it with 600mg of Alpha GPC
      6:20 Fall asleep


      (my mother is staying in house over the weekend) I’m in my bedroom. It looks slightly different. I’m trying to fall asleep. Suddenly my mother came to my room holding some papers in her hands. She sits on swing chair. She tell me something, maybe even about lucid dreaming, but I don’t pay attention to it and still trying to fall asleep. I ask her a question why is she bothering me when I’m trying to fall asleep and have lucid dreams. How do you get in my room anyway? I remember that I locked myself there not to be disturbed. It’s impossible! RC noseplug – working! Yeeei I’m dreaming! Instanly remeber the three step task. First is mass telekinesis – turn to my mum. She is little spooked about me . I try to lift her and the other stuff on the table in the air. It works, she goes up really slowly which is unusual for my telekinesis. Her eyes are like . When she and other small things from the table are in the air, I try to swich the gravity on the ceiling. It’s my first try, but she quickly falls on the cealing and lying there splayed. Cool. I was suprised how easy this task was. I want to try it on myself. I practice the gravity thing on the walls and in the corners, but I couldn’t get my self to the celing. I don’t know why. At the end of the dream I notice small tv with james bond actor in.

      2. LD

      I don’t remember the transition. I see blurry a living room. I don’t have my dream body yet. There are lots of cuddly toys on the furniture. I try to stabilize the dream by focusing my sigh on a dark chair. It suddenly starts to waving at me. Waving chair, wierd. The dream stabilizes and I tent to find some DC’s to do naked month task. I find two women. I get naked. Cave man mode steps in and I have sex with both of them... Losing my lucidity. What a shame!
      lucid , task of the month
    2. 2015-01-25 Comp (SCoAA) night #1 boy scouts

      by , 01-25-2015 at 10:59 AM

      I can't even remember the last time I only recalled one dream. Usually on the worst night my memories are poor but still I recall at least half a dozen scenes, usually more.

      I took two capsules of motherwort before bed, concerned that they might suppress dreaming, well guess what, THEY DID. I slept OK, but no middle of the night wakings recalled, and only one short dream. At least it was more than a fragment!

      + in a car with new staff members from the boy scout troop (scouts who recently were promoted from patrol leader). I'm telling them about how the staff (later teen scouts who have graduated from the patrols but are still active in the troop, they basically run the camp under the supervision of a few parents/leaders) arrange their tens and sleeping bags. "We usually all set up tents in case of rain, but usually sleep out under the skies nearby the tents. Since you are all staff now", I look around and these kids they look really small, way too young to be staff members I think, "you get to set up your sleeping place on AR <staff hill>." We're then moving by AR and I look up on the top and see a few staff already standing there.

    3. Explosion, devil and vodka

      by , 01-25-2015 at 10:45 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      With a pack of classmates we were in an industrial area. It was cold, early morning. It was cloudy and a bit dark, the fog was covering the horizon. The place was a bit devastated. Fence was in quite bad condition, there was rust on metal elements spread all around. There were also chemical cisterns, huge, almost the height of skyscrapers. We were a bomb squad, and someone planted explosives in the middle of the front yard. We were searching for it, but when we found the bomb, we were frightened. The timer had only a few seconds before explosion. I took a body of someone else, as this person was closer to the safe zone. I saw everything from third person perspective. I jumped down from the platform, and opened the gate. It was old and rusty, and squeaked when I was opening it. I finally opened it, and jumped away, while the explosion destroyed everything, and killed rest of the bomb squad.

      Second dream

      I was a dark lord, taking over each settlement on the world. I took them one by one, often without unnecessary slaughter. When I ruled the world, there was only one rival to me, Devil! The world coudn't withstand two dark lords at once, so I decided to fight with it. I used magical power to give my minions angelic wings and super powers. The battle raged over the end of the world, over a gigantic pit. It ended with me being victorious, and now I was the only dark lord, ruling both earth and hell.

      Third dream

      My brother came back home from work in switzerland. We made a party in our house, and drunk vodka mixed with other alcohols. I couldn't feel any effect of it.
    4. R Brand

      by , 01-25-2015 at 07:25 AM
      Afternoon of January 25, 2015. Sunday.

      This dream seems to be a “repeat” or “replay” of a dream from the 1970s (or at least a fragment thereof), possibly due to seeing the same 70s Avengers comic book again (in PDF format though), though my dream is not directly related to its plot. It involves a more detailed version of Bloodhawk (original version, not the X-Men 2099 one to come up on Google). Actually, there are two Bloodhawk-like characters that fly around, with minor variations.

      I am being chased while flying - by the two characters that are somewhat manlike but with claws, wings, and bird heads. They may also have minor dragon-like (or lizard-like) characteristics but do not breathe fire. My dream is rendered realistically in terms of not having a drawing-like feel to it. I do not feel all that threatened.

      I fly into what seems to be either a church or an auditorium or some sort of composite of both (as typical features of either are in the environment). All of the movements are quite fast, with an actual mood of perceived acceleration. I am flying down an aisle (which is slanted at about thirty degrees) with one of the strange “bird men” on each side, just behind me (although they may actually be griffins at this point).

      Suddenly, I stop and turn around to face my pursuers (floating upright in midair) and raise my arms absentmindedly (but still with seeming intent by my in-dream persona) and unexpectedly, a large burning letter “R” appears about three feet in front of what would be the pulpit, about as tall as a person and with reddish flames, and this scares them off as they rapidly fly back from wherever they came. The flames make a whooshing sound as they sweep upward in forming the “R” and the letter hangs there in midair until my dream ends.

      I looked this one up in my dream records and associations and found that I had summarized in writing: “Letter R can relate to energy in a more complex or visible way.” This is only one potential association I had made but it does seem to fit somewhat and is partly based on how a child naturally imitates an engine (including that of an aircraft) by vocalizing the “R” sound.

      What does it mean to dream of a griffin? At the core level, a griffin is a flight symbol. A flight symbol is rendered in a dream in subliminal anticipation of the hypnopompic waking start. Additionally, a griffin is a mix of unrelated animals, which is likely to be a unique precursor factor of the coalescence of the preconscious and emergent consciousness.

      Some of my other dreams that feature griffins (links): (1) Griffin vs. Grandfather Clock, (2) Making a Griffin?, (3) Malfunctioning Griffin Game, (4) The Temple and the Tomb

      Updated 06-22-2017 at 08:49 AM by 1390

    5. Lost Package

      by , 01-25-2015 at 02:40 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #401 - DILD - 7:40AM

      I was really wanting to get lucid all night and had multiple awakenings. Later in the morning I wanted to try WILD, but felt super sleepy and a little distracted because my son ended up in bed with us all night and my wife had left for work. I was worried that my son way going to roll out of bed, but I finally decided he wasn't, I forget about WILD. Luckily, having LD on my mind gave me a DILD (however crappy)

      Lucidity scale - 4 then 8

      I am at work and someone plops a package in front of me. I pick it up and examine. The packaging is shifty and as first it looks like my Dollar Shave Club razors but then it transforms into some potted cactus seeding that I have ordered in waking life. I am excited at first but also confused why I am getting mail at work. When I take a closer look I see there is something like snow or ice on areas of the cacti. They begin to feel super cold and when I pick one it's as hard as a rock. I also notice that the soil has spilled all over inside of the plastic bag they are in and the soil looks like chunks of something brown. This is super annoying but I am mostly upset because they are frozen and likely ruined. The supplier said they only ship live plants on Monday to avoid this sort of thing. I falsely realize it's actually Monday and wonder if it was lost in the mail. I look at the shipping label and see an odd address. I laugh and take the package to another part of my work area. As I do, I notice the cacti now look like halved cucumbers set in soil. It's odd but I dismiss this and tell Crystal, a co-worker, how they totally messed everything up. I point out the address and it reads,
      [My full name]
      13[something with a lot of digits] Country RD
      Desa, ID [some zip code]

      I blurt out, "Idaho!?! Are you kidding me?" Crystal just looks at me and continues working. I sit the package down and turn around for a moment. When I go back for it, I see the package has disappeared. I look around for a moment and find a jar of brownish candies. I consider eating one, but I pause and ask Crystal if she minds. She tells me that its fine since she ate some of mine. I become filled with anxiety when I realize she must have eaten my cactus soil. I panic a bit not sure what to do when something finally dawns on me.

      I am at a low level of lucidity here and I randomly roam around my work place. I am going down a long hallway when my phone rings. I don't recall if I heard anything or felt the vibration or just randomly checked my phone, but I see a text and a Snapchat from my friend Vinny. I say, "Oh Vinny not now. I am trying to have a lucid dream here." I lock my phone and decide to reply after I wake up. Derrrr.

      I continue to wander around but my vision is deteriorating quickly. I feel myself hold my eyes wide open trying to visually stabilize.
      I suddenly now become highly lucid and begin to try to recall my goal. However, its all too late, the dream is crashing, and I quickly wake up. I consider trying to DEILD but I am way too awake and the sun is brightly shining in the window.

      Updated 01-25-2015 at 02:48 AM by 5967

    6. A ghost story, no life is cheap, a tango

      by , 01-25-2015 at 12:04 AM
      I'm being told a story. There's a man, a shapeshifter who can seem to be anyone, but when he smiles you see the shards of glass filling his mouth, grotesquely. I see the moment he'd died, falling from a horse and landing on a glass bottle full of something he'd been carrying, shattering it.

      The story shifts to the woman he'd loved when he was alive. She was called a witch, and a mob took her and chained her to a tree in the forest, with a circle of some kind of wooden pegs placed in the ground to prevent the body from leaving that spot after death. Her body's left there without her head. I 'hear' the body briefly feel a dim sort of awareness of the presence of something familiar and loved nearby.

      Over time, the body comes loose from the chains as it decomposes, sinks into the ground and is covered by - I hear the word 'loam', but I'm seeing moss growing over the body. The arms separate from the rest and hang from the chains. At one point, a horse that had belonged to her while she was alive comes to the tree and noses at those decaying arms, and they reach out and pat it. At another time, the body rises up from the ground and seems to dance, with those arms dancing along as if they were still attached - slightly altering how my vision works, I can see dark strings which would be invisible, manipulating the body like a puppet. That man with the mouth full of glass shards is pulling the strings.

      Later, a scene in which I'm using Mephisto as a pseudonym.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      On a ship after some incident in which several of the crew died, the captain came to me privately to ask a question. He's under the mistaken impression that I can see the future. I don't see the future, I just have more memories to draw on to recognize old patterns playing out again. The captain asks, essentially, whether any of those who died were important - he uses the word 'cheap.' I say to him, "No life is cheap." He acknowledges that this was poor phrasing, but "I need to know-"

      As he speaks, I see a go board. The point is made that certain moves will have a drastic impact on the outcome of the game, and others won't. The captain needs to know if any of the people we lost would have been necessary for this journey to succeed, in ways he can't foresee himself.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm looking at paintings hanging on a wall, a series mostly depicting figures of the zodiac, with one in the center of a man labeled Dream.

      I'm meeting with a man named Snow who'd initially tried to conceal his identity from me. He's disappointed to find I recognized him immediately. The persona he'd put on for me was this sort of affable type; the real Snow is - well, he gives the impression of being intimidating but I'm not personally intimidated, I'm just enjoying watching how complete his transformation is.

      The majority of the scene after that reveal consists of a tango, during which he leads - which is different, but I find I have no difficulty following. Great fun. He's proposing some kind of deal - there's something about him recognizing the way I've been challenging myself, and how working for him would be beneficial for both of us, something about working for a greater cause, a sense of direction - but when the tango's over and he wants an answer, I just start laughing. Man, have you got the wrong guy. I'm thoroughly enjoying every aspect of his presentation - the intimidating attitude, the seriousness of the deal he's proposing, the song and dance, his whole look - it's all incredibly appealing, but I have no intention of taking it seriously.

      Updated 01-25-2015 at 12:08 AM by 64691

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