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    1. 02/01/2016 | "First" LD

      by , 01-17-2016 at 10:46 AM
      Technically it's not the first one but others were just too short or limited to count them (and I don't even wrote down every). So I think that this is the first one which is worth anything. Also I need numbers so here we go:

      Non-lucid parts
      Lucid parts

      #1 LD
      I was on the meadow close to my house. There were some animals: bisons (?) and black fox. As usually in my dreams I didn't have my camera so I went back for it to my house. I was there very quickly, like with teleport. Then I started to realise that something's odd. I was on the ground floor and again - teleport to my room (maybe with a very little lucidity). I was still going through the dream way. I get my camera. Again - feeling that this can be a dream. So I did RCs. My camera was working fine (vivid, display was on, I took a photo of the church with flash - it was night outside, I checked it on gallery). I switched on and off the light - it worked. I went to the kitchen where my mom was watching TV. I looked on my hands. I had brown gloves and my two fingers was close to each other but it wasn't that odd for me then. I asked my mom if this is a dream and she told me that I'm talking rubbish and I should eat a cucumber. Well, that's my mom. Nothing odd. I was looking so badly for the sign because I wanted to jump through the window and if it wouldn't be a dream - well, not so good RC then. So finally I tried to levitate and it worked! I was flapping my hands for it. It was hard to control the flight. I flight/went to my room, jump through the window and crashed. Fortunately that didn't wake me up, also I didn't feel any discomfort. I flied a little to a different part of the yard. It was day, grass was green, there were many flowers (i.a. red poppies). Everything was beautiful. If I was focusing on some detail then it was more sharp and vivid but also a little 'shaking'. I didn't have many ideas what to do because of excitement. I tried to summon my boyfriend then. I imagined that he comes from behind the tree. It was easy. But he did strange faces, didn't talk anything. Anyway I started to lose control, emotions and stuff. I hugged him. I saw in my mind (still in dream) his dog. Then I woke up. It was maybe 5 minutes between alarms on the morning.

      So it was short and I didn't do anything special but I liked it. Also I think it was a sign to start putting more interest in dreams, maybe to help myself with some things. I wasn't thinking then about LD or anything, I didn't even wrote down my dreams (last ones are from October).
    2. Competition day 7: I DID IT

      by , 01-17-2016 at 10:23 AM

      Non-lucid dream fragment 0.5 points:

      Driving down a street near home with family, talking about how we bought the car

      DILD (10 points):

      Walking through some long building, walk into a room with a big double bed and DCs, scenery changes to my parent's bedroom and DCs disappear, I notice I'm dreaming, RC (1 point, probably by nose-pinch and trying to remember what I'd been doing) because I can't believe I did it after a bad week with little recall.

      I try to compose myself and go through the list of things I was going to do for the competition. The dream is not especially stable at first. I jump/glide/leap from the front of the bed to the side and back for some reason, as there is some suitcase preventing me from walking this route (This jump would have been impossible and painful IRL, so Change Gravity - 5 points), then remember what I was going to do and pull out my phone from somewhere vaguely near my pocket (Basic Summoning - 5 points, First three-step task - 5 points) I think I was wearing my pyjamas which don't have pockets and in any case I don't carry my phone on me at home, so the phone shouldn't have been there. Dream stability peaks around this moment.

      As per the plan I'd made earlier for chaining tasks, I try to use the phone to summon a DC. The dream begins to fade. I press something on the screen, which is nearly black (Use an Electronic Device - 5 points), and turn around clockwise, but think halfway through the turn that it didn't work and only see a white wall closer than usual when the turn completes. I turn about 45 more degrees in the same direction, see that the door is ajar but the hinge is on the other side from real life. The dream starts fading and I say "normalize" or something, but by then my vision is completely black. Gravity switches from "down" to "behind" and I wake up IRL with my eyes shut, lying on my back. I try to WBTB (2 points), look at my watch, realize it's only 06:30 AM, eventually go to sleep.

      Non-Lucid Dream (1 point)

      Approaching, on foot through water, an island created by a nuclear explosion, only accessible at low tide in the morning. Some tall, male DC and my brother is with me. We find a torn bag of rubbish, then approach the island. I start worrying about radiation. Eventually we start returning the way we came and debate on what to do with the bag - leave it there or dispose of it safely?

      2 fragments of one dream (1 point)

      This was a very long dream but I only remember fragments. Standing on a cliff on one side of a frozen river, looking out over some large tall structure in the river. Some villain DC is with me.

      Later near that building, on the ice.

      Fragment (0.5 points)

      Looking at some book or film about 2018. In my mind it is still 2015. It is snowing. The world's climate seems to have collapsed. I ask how this is possible but a DC reminds me of the 'China floods' a few years ago in this timeline, and that I'm not old enough to remember.

      EDIT: One more fragment (0.5 points): Chatting on DreamViews IRC!


      Updated 01-17-2016 at 05:59 PM by 89290

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. #189 - kotor2

      by , 01-17-2016 at 06:09 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      KOTOR2 = Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: Sith Lords

      Dream - KOTOR2
      The start is a bit fuzzy, kind of resembles the forest world from Star Wars 7. I recall running onto a large ship as a battle was taking place. Later on I'm on Peragus II mining facility from the Star Wars game KOTOR2 (google it) and I've just beaten the bad guy leader. There was some dream-forged history about how this bad guy had been beaten before and had been rescued (like Palpatine rescue Anakin style or something) and he'd come back to get revenge. We're in the mining tunnels which are really hot and I've just cleaved him in two (possibly with a lightsaber?). I look at his body and see the modifications made to his brain, there's mechanical implants used to enhance his memory capability (some similarity to the protocol assassin droid in KOTOR2) and another implant which can control him. From this I gather that there has to be someone who was control the Sith but I don't know who.

      I probably shouldn't have stayed up so late playing KOTOR2
      Tags: kotor2, star wars
    4. 1/15/16: Girl Got Me Lucid (Love/Lucid Madness)

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:49 AM
      - Still further into WBTB + request method, and this is getting better and better.
      - Most control I've had in a lucid yet.
      - REALLY gotta fix the gyroscope turning problem.

      Lucid Non-Lucid Non-Dream

      [Enter dream]
      I’m in an accurate version of the weight room. I’m sitting on these bleachers by the windows. Suddenly, while Ms. N is talking, H comes over and plops herself right next to me. I ask her, “So who are you dating?” In reality, she seems kinda interested in me but has a BF. She tells me that that’s the issue and that things are kinda rough between her and J, so she was wondering if I “wanted to have sex?” And I’m like, “Whoa, whoa, what do you mean by that? Do you mean like ‘doing it’, like, sexual intercourse?” And she says “Not quite, I mean...” But then I leave and move over to one of the lockers. I open it up and find a bunch of magazines inside. Then I realize, “Wait, I just talked to her. That would only happen in a dream!” The lucidity sets in. I start saying “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming!” I turn around, look around, and then look at my hands to stabilize. I remember that I wanted clarity and say it. Things get a little clearer, but still not nearly as clear as I want. I turn around (which sends my POV kinda lopsided… definitely gotta fix that problem.) I’m laughing to myself and see PG looking at me with disgust. I look at her and say ”Shut the ___ up!” And I side kick her whole box apparatus into her and knock her over, knowing she’s a DC. Man, I’m a dream jerk. I run off and find some more boxes. I just start throwing them around the gym, and I drop kick one. No one notices. Then I just ran a lap around the gym. This is easily the longest and most controlled lucid I’ve ever had.

      [The dream fragments...]
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    5. 1/14/15: Vertibirds and Flying Gym-Trebuchets (Epic/Near-Lucid)

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:40 AM
      - This took place later into the week of WBTB + nightly personal requests.
      - Woke up with great euphoria

      Lucid Non-Lucid Non-Dream

      [Enter dream]:
      I’m in my yard, in the spring, coming up from the creek with Dad. There’s this massive vertiberd that comes frling over us. Dad notices that it uses the wrong turn signal when it turns, and I confirmed. Then, the pilot must have noticed me, so he started doing flips and stuff, and kinda glitching out really. He eventually comes down and lands in the driveway. I think to myself: “Wow, this is sick. Imagine if I was lucid! What would I be doing?” The pilot gets out (Brotherhood of Steel?), introduces himself and tells us we’re gonna have some fun. We do, and a lot of people are at the house... someone was wrangling with our antenna.

      I’m in Diamond City/ish. There are a couple of super mutants hiding around with a couple of feral mongrels. I get detected and run away, just to get found again. I’m hiding out in an alley…. chillin? there was something about having this special porridge.

      I had to make S and A food. I made A some Asian noodles with tossed veggies and a thick soy sauce and it was actually pretty nice. I made S some strange dog food + corn mixture… it’s what she wanted! Mr. S appreciated the “tossed vegetables” in A's dish.

      I was driving to school from over T Hill. I turn onto the road and end up sliding a bit… everyone does. It’s real snowy and nasty out. I eventually get to school and walk into the gym 31 minutes late (it was 8:31 on my phone). There’s these weight cages and crap. I walk around the place (it was huge). Inside of the weight cages were these these lifts. You could get lifted super high up into the air real fast with a push of a lever. We lifted and dropped them a few times. W messed with it for a bit. I hopped on, and flew up a bit. ART DEPARTMENT? Hangin with Ms. C in the studio art class.

      I left the gym, and I was in space. I was flying in an X-Wing to the scene of a current battle. This was in the first trilogy. I fly out of another ship and make my way over. Some flagship spews out a massive line of fire, like a square, apparently so the attack on the planet could be made immediately. I flew in and…. yeah.

      I was in this room with a doctor-ish person (kinda run down place), and this is in the same vein as the vertibird. Then, someone knocks on the door. I heard their monotone voice, and immediately was suspicious it was a synth. They come in, and it’s this ex-senior Asian guy. I grab a broken crutch and get ready to fight. He tries to say he’s not a synth, and tells me to prove it, and I cut his belly. There’s no blood. Then he starts to brag about how powerful he is and everything I straight-up knock his head off by stabbing him in the neck.

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    6. 1/10/15: Emma Watson and Warframe (Semi-lucid/Love)

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:32 AM
      - This took place after I requested to myself to have a dream with intense feelings... and it seemed to work!
      - This is result of my new nightly WBTB practice.
      - There was a moment of slight lucidity in here.

      Lucid Non-Lucid Non-Dream

      [Enter dream (post-WBTB?)]:
      There’s a paper that I forgot to read and respond to, and almost everyone in class forgot to do it as well. They would be trying to get it in late with no penalty (Freya, Reyna, etc.) I talked w/ my teacher in a small side-street with one-seater Fallout cars and she said “Maybe.” This may have taken place in the week before spring break?

      Warframe. Sophia is a “supporter.” She has these gummies... We decide that we’re gonna go to the citadel of the (Brotherhood of Steel?). We start talking about it when I’m about halfway through the stairway. Then she starts getting a little flirty. We stand by the door, deciding, and she kinda turns into Emma Watson and tries to kiss me from over the shoulder. I kinda slough her off and ask why she'd try to do that so early. Then she says that it was for "trying to get a leg up on her in the stairway." We go to the citadel and as we enter the main building, she kinda sneaks on me and grabs my hand. It was intense, and I've had this moment in many dreams before. I say, “I’m sorry. I know it’s been a long time coming.” She says, “I know.”
      Then, as we start to go down the steps, I realize that it’s only ever been in my dreams that I’ve held her hand, and I say “Oh, wait. This is a dream.” I continue to walk with her to our new place. On the way, I grab a random thing and read it, saying “Gotta maintain my lucidity!” We’re in the back of the building (very rocky), and I find my desk, and she finds hers. We put down our stuff, and move up to check out. She puts down her gummies on the checkout, and I put a card-thing in to sign up. There was apparently a discount for supporter as opposed to warrior… loophole could let me get stuff for less. Boosters in a hexagon map thing...

      SJ was building a bunker/shelter out of some metal that started with “s.” I couldn’t pronounce it in the dream either.

      French guy named Jean meets this girl and asks if she wants to Skype with him (in a suggestive manner).

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. Two Houses

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:07 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in my hometown. I was going to ride a plane. I was packing my things and thought I was late. I hurried out to the airport, which turned out to be right beside our home, where the municipal building was supposed to be. The plane is no longer there. I was told that it's near the market area, and it turned the roads to a runway. I walked to the market. There's a fair. It was a sunny day. When I reached where I thought the plane was supposed to be, it was dark, night, and flooding. I think it was raining. I was on top of some sort post. I looked down at some of the debris being swept away by the flood. I didn't feel fear. A bit of fascination.

      I was walking along the road with mom and sis in a subdivision. Sis mentioned about renting a place. The one she's currently in is horrible. The space is small, the light is dim yellow, security is awful. It also looks cheaply made. I led them down the road. There's a bit of flood on the road. It was raining. There were cars passing by. I was impressed by one car that looks expensive but was able to go through the flood without sputtering. We reached the place, a house I was renting (all on my own or sharing?). I pointed out how the setting is perfect. Sunlight does not go inside too often, only on the east where it rises, and on the west, there's a building that will block it. The house looks decent. Mom wanted to hurry back home. I thought sis was supposed to back home with mom but apparently she's staying. She was in the living room working on her laptop.

      I was in my hometown. I was going to ride a plane.



      - I woke up pre-dawn and wrote keywords for the first paragraph. I slept and woke up around 10am and wrote keywords for the second paragraph.
      - Had a hard time sleeping. I went to bed around 2am.
      - I tried going to gamma through alpha but I keep getting distracted.
      - I will have to go back to basic meditation.
    8. [Dream #4 - 1/16/2016] WILDing Attempts & Multi-Scenarios

      by , 01-17-2016 at 05:00 AM (The Book of the Multiverse)

      This is Squall Leonhart

      I honestly, wasn't really feeling like posting this journal entry but I decided to post the notes I had in my physical journal anyways before it got too late in the night.

      • Scenario #1 [Woke Up @ 1:08AM]: I was underwater, drowning, while looking at the pretty scenery and colorful coral. The gagging effect was very vivid and felt real and has brought me back into a fully conscious state.

      • Scenario #2 [Woke Up @ 1:13AM]: I was looking for Shadow the Hedgehog in this large campus sized area of a college at night. I headed over to the men's dorm area where I somehow got stuck in-between this small star case up at the entrance door. Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8 came out side in a very happily, almost flamboyant personality. I called out to him to help me up. With a flick back getting his brown hair out from his face, he smiled as he reached his arm out to me. Grabbing it I lifted myself up. Then I awoke...

      • Other Small Scenarios #3: [Woke Up @ 3:46AM]: While laying in bed in the middle of WILDing, I have encountered random scenes playing through my head, one of such involved Sonic the Hedgehog and Silver the Hedgehog sitting together on a red couch as Silver grabbed Sonic's leg and held him up in the air. This was more of a dreamlet (hypnagogia).

      • Scenario #4 [Woke Up @ 1:26PM]: This is fragmented a bit since I can't really remember most of what was going on clearly. I was at another college-like campus and there were tons of people all around. I was with some emo-looking guy I had a crush on and who supposedly knows me. We got separated in the school's enormously large library and I was trying to find him. While exiting past the metal detector and proceeding to head back in. The lady at the desk stated that I couldn't come back unless I payed the fee. We argued about it as I stated, "Why do I have to pay money to go into the library!" I then woke up.

      • Notes: I cannot think of much to say for that night. I been awake and back to sleep many times throughout the night and all through the morning. I have been trying to keep Shadow the Hedgehog as my focus for a while (I'm trying to achieve the first goal in my workbook). Imagining him and I walking up stairs for instance. I will say that eventually my busy mind settled to only the thought of the creature as his face would constantly show up in dreamlets (hypnagogia) but have never gotten farther then that sadly.

      I may try WILDing again tonight.

      Date — 1/16/2016

      Went to bed — 11:50PM

      Woke up — Fully awoken at 1:26PM

      *Time logged — 1:26PM (in physical dj)

      Total sleep — You do the math...

      Stress level throughout the day — Moderate


      *Daytime — Reality Checks, daydreamed (of Shadow The Hedgehog)

      *Recall — Mantras (Stated to myself that I would see Shadow the Hedgehog in my dream and that I would remember it)

      *Inducing Method — Looked at pictures of Shadow the Hedgehog on Tumblr

      Dream Signs — N/A

      Perceived Length — N/A

      Emotions — N/A

      Awareness — N/A

      Updated 01-25-2016 at 04:28 PM by 89722

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The bark monster

      by , 01-17-2016 at 02:18 AM
      So I had several dreams last night, all non lucid I only remember the first one though because it was my first nightmare in a long time. I kept waking up during the night so I rolled over (I sleep without a shirt on) and hugged a pillow and fell back asleep, well my room got very cold and it started to tickle/hurt my back and I dreamed that there was this half tree bark/half porcupine monster (tree bark on front the porcupine side on back and I tried running away but when I turned my back he grabbed onto me and started merging with my body and it started to really hurt and in the middle of it I looked into a mirror and seen myself shirtless and bark started to cover my skin and I could see the super jumbo sized sharp needles the porcupines have sticking out the back.
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