Say what? Just a bunch of dream imagery of shelves of make up and jewelry stands. I can hear Jamie's voice saying, "Robert's gonna buy me all my make-up and jewelry." Yeah GL with that. In today's economy both people of a household should have their own jobs. Want extra cash? try side hustles. Hair Braiding for example, or if you have a truck, couch flipping, also vending machines. There are tons of options out there. I had one nonlucid dream i can't remember the details. Sleep over A dream where I have a sleep over at Jamie's, But we're both children. So we have sleeping bags in a living room by a fireplaces. We tell jokes and play games like children would. It's a lot of fun. (Lol, She's trying to keep the dreams pg-13 now). Last night: Crash I'm driving up a hill or mountain on a dirt road. My dog is in the back seat. I start swerving and lose control of the car. I try to hit the brakes but land in the ditch. The car keeps moving and I notice I am in the backseat now. The car is heading for some trees by a cliff before I wake up. Another non lucid I can't remember... Visiting A dream Raven came to visit. She seemed mad or something that she had to drive to canada. She puts a briefcase on the table and inside I see two roadmaps. She asks me why I haven't come to Arizona to visit? I start ranting that I don't have a steady job right now. ( you'd think someone with 9 years restaurant experience, good references and a reference from an owner/operator, would find a job here. All the jobs seem to go to the TFWs here.) After I'm done ranting I pick up one of the maps and ask if it's for me? Raven says no but the other map is? It's all pretty confusing so naturally I wake up. Hmm I'm sitting at a table with Jamie I have a silly diagram on the table which I call: The trinity. I have three psiral lines which go to 3 symbols. One representing dreams, another representing thought communication, and the third is physical reality. The two representing dreams and thought are colored in, with the physical one not colored in. I say something like, "So you see, we have to now just activate the physical one..." Jamie is just looking at me like: WTF... Not a mused at all. upon waking up it made no sense to me either.
I’m sitting towards the front of a coach bus with a smaller group of unfamiliar others. Sitting on the right side, i watch as the bus starts to tilt to the right. At first it almost seems as if it’s just settling, but then the lean intensifies, and I can feel tension arise. It hesitates and then unavoidably completes the lean, tossing us out of our seats as it crashes down on its side. After it’s over, I think it’s not as bad as it could’ve been. Everyone is walking away, just shaken. The driver, a lanky older man, walks away completely, looking embarrassed, which I find cowardly. Now Melissa is here and we’re going through the luggage we have. I notice that I’ve completely forgotten a toiletries bag. I’m in a house with Melissa (it feels like our house in the dream and looks nothing like our house in reality). I’m in what feels like the living room, which feels like a big open room with a single-level pagoda built into it. It extends up to the high ceiling, its own roof just below? There are some hanging plants on the structure - in mostly ceramic pots - and Melissa has taken them down, I think without intending to return them. I liked how they looked, but I think they were the previous owner’s.
The Gym Kitten I'm at my childhood home laying in my parents' bed. I have a longhair black kitten. Reminds me of Oreo a bit. Kitten is very cute. Sleeps a lot. At one point I went downstairs into the kitchen. It is accurate to how I remember it in waking memory. A bit unorganized, dirty. I'm standing by the shelf left of the fridge (where there were often fruit flies from uneaten fruit). There is a plastic container of frosted cookies that have been picked over. Half cookies, cookies eaten out of order. Later, I'm at the gym. It resembles the gym I frequent in the present day. The kitten is still with me. It is laying on one of the benches on its back. I have an ACME 5-piece package but I can't recall what was in it. Maybe a container like a lunchbox. The 4th piece of the set might have been a type of ink-pen, "nothing ink" and it was a golden tube-like object. I had a toothbrush, and remarked that I didn't need something from the pack due to that. Recorded at 5AM, just after sleep cycle 4. Crashing the Banquet I'm in a banquet hall at a round table. Reminds me of the reception from KB's wedding, but don't think it was one. My brother A is there with his wife K. He is wearing a somehow formal version of an Ace Ventura shirt, with the buttons undone. My friend D is also there, and he tells me I look hot. There was some discussion about whether I was going to attend the event (while I was already at the event). I eventually decided to attend. When I come to this conclusion, I'm in a sitting room that reminds me of my ex H's. Since I am going to attend, I will need to go home and change. I get up and leave. Later I am in a palace-like building. It's like my previous rental home, except big and fancy. My girlfriend S' mom is showering in the bathroom, which is open and around the corner to the bedroom I am in. I wander over and accidently see her, but don't make out any detail. Embarrassed, I worry about whether she noticed me. Then I'm driving my car now down a snowy highway road. I start to lose control of the car and spin out. The car spins very fast and I try to stay calm. When the car stops spinning, I am in a neighborhood reminiscent of a childhood one. I haven't hit anyone or anything. A man approaches the car and I feel his bad intent. He starts to flip the car. I notice the car is now a white van. A couple other men help him. I get upset and try to yell at them, but I can't. I get frustrated. I get out of the car and try to confront him, but I can't move or yell. The man gets into the drivers seat and starts to drive off. I try to chase and yell but I just create mumbling noises. There is a box that has some kind of monster in it on the driveway nearby. Maybe a large scorpion. Recorded at 7AM, 33% through sleep cycle 6.
Updated 09-08-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808
This was a fun one to have while flying home... Day-time Nap Painless Crash My flight back home is ending soon. Something is wrong. I’m watching us land out the window and I’m seeing a lot of greenery. The plane is making a bunch of mechanical and beeping sounds. Feeling some Light turbulence too. We are approaching the ground very fast. I see a large grey structure, a part of the building, approaching rapidly. Somehow, it doesn't hit us. But we keep going and eventually break into the building through some other way. There is a lack of collision, but I can see the insides of the building structure breaking around us. I wake up. Night-time Sleep No recall...exhausted from traveling all day.
Updated 06-14-2023 at 10:54 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a spaceship like the ones in Star Trek. It is a very large one and we're dangerously close to the surface of planet Earth doing some high risk maneuver, trying to escape some other spaceship in pursuit. This maneuver was never accomplished and our ship is shaking and creaking like it is falling apart, but it holds up. The other one doesn't and we watch it be ripped appart. Then, I am not sure if by the effect of our massive ship or something else happening on the planet, but the ground below is also breaking apart, I watch a road cracking and breaking apart and some high pressure water jets coming from underground hitting the ship. There is a part of the ship which was severely damaged, which breaks apart when hit by these water jets and falls into the surface. It brings me and a couple collagues down with it. We don't know what to do when on the ground. First we run after the ship (as if we were running after a car) but it is massive and it isn't stopping for us. Then we run through a town to find some specific place, I think maybe some place from where we can communicate with the ship. I and another girl, we lose track of our male colleague who was running ahead of us and he is the one with the coordinates. We emd up inside the building of an airport and I look for clues of where he might have headed. Anything. I find a decorative flower bed with some plaque identifying plants by numbers and I notice some numbers are not correlated to plant names as other numbers are and I assume it is a coded message he left for us, but it seems incomplete. My colleague thinks I am reading too much from nothing and that this was not made by him, it is just some random incomplete info on an abandoned airport. At my mom's, very early morning. But she isn't home, she is enjoying some well deserved vacations. Unexpectedly I have other family members with me, like my deceased uncle Zé F.. I am looking for bread, coffee and cereals to prepare breakfast. We have a TV in the kitchen and I am looking for some news or show to put on for my uncle and whomever else is with us. But all channels are playing weird stuff. On the public network they are playing some videoclip of hispanic rappers singing about gangs and I wonder why the hell they are playing that on what seems like a weekend morning. The videoclip grasps my attention as it is filmed in Lisbon. Then I am there, walking through old Lisbon. It's still early morning, so there are very few people on the streets, but groups are arriving and descending from buses. We're near some church or cathedral and I spot some weird poster on a wall that reads like a newspaper and ther is some news story that Greta Thunberg is dead in a car accident with her father. I am shocked and turn around to discuss it with someone but when I try showing them the poster where I read it, the poster is gone and I am confused. I decide to keep walking and I see a bunch of tourists hangin out and listening to a guide in front of the church. I realize they are catholic devotees. I think to myself this could be a lucid dream and I would use the chance to prank them. Then I realize it really is a dream. I think what to do and have no concrete idea, so I just lift off in the air to try to prank these believers by claiming to be some celestial apparition, but it doesn't go as planned. I feel a very intense undescribable sensation in my mind, as if I am not just flying, but dissolving from this dream reality and I get very dizzy. I notice the dream characters don't even notice me, so what's the point of trolling them. Instead I fly away from the city and over a hill full of trees and just enjoy the landscape while thinking what to do. I latch on to the top of the tallest tree I see and wonder what would it feel to shrink to microscopic level and explore its microscopic life. So slowly I shrink myself to the size of a bug and I go down inside a crevice on the tree trunk, feeling the textures of the wood and mosses and water dripping. Then slowly shrinking more. But I eventually reach a dark crevice with dirt and I can't see a thing and feel my body stuck and unable to move. I try not to panic, think about either shrinking more or just expand to full size and blow up the tree to get out. But I doubt my abilities for a second and then I no longer can't do any of it. I wait still for a little bit but the dream isn't changing, it's just me in a dark tight hole and I feel like I can't even turn my head. I am starting to panic and wondering if I am just experiencing sleep paralysis and not on a dream anymore. So I decide it is not worth it and it is better to wake up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some dream in which I was lucid but passively reacting and at some point I turn to my DCs and ask what should I do with my lucidity and because we are near some rail tracks and trains, someone suggests making a train fly. I find it interesting as I never did any such thing so I make a train fly, but it goes horribly wrong and crashes some 100 mt ahead. There is a fire and victims and the blame goes all to the poor train conductor. So then I and my DC friends try to help the conductor escape the scene and avoid a public lynching. We decide to hide her in a wooden box that is on the ground near some construction materials and take her away inside it. But the box is incomplete so I use my powers to duplicate the wood panels and finish the box. As I do it, I am surprised by how perfectly I can clone wooden planks and other materials but failed keeping the train flying. I am at some foreign country with my dog Hachi. I need to take a train and have no clue if dogs are allowed on the train so I take my chances. Then mid travel I see the ticket inspector coming and remember I forgot to buy a ticket to myself. As I go through a slight panic, some nice eastern European dude seems to want to help me by holding Hachi's leash, while I look for my purse for money, to try to pay my ticket now. The trains stops at some station and the inspector is gone, so I am relieved, but turn around and so is Hachi. I look for the guy and see him near the door, but he is not holding Hachi anymore. I go after him yelling and he points to a lady sitting some rows behind me and says she has the dog. Then he leaves. I run to the lady, but she is holding some puppy, not Hachi. I tell her he is not my dog and she says something like "so what? keep the puppy". I am mad and panicky because the guys who kidnapped Hachi got out of the train, which started moving again and I feel like I might never see him again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Student protests in Coimbra. They invade shops. I am at one of those shops with a friend. They want to lock us in with the owner. I protest and they say I have to join them if I wanna stay free. At vacation, on some hotel by the sea. it has balconies literally over the water. A shark jumps out of the water and lands on a balcony and tries to attack me. But I get out of the way and someone else picks the animal by the tail and throws it back into the water. I go to the souvenir shop, feel like buying something but wonder "why waste money"? Anyway I find nothing that I might want. Driving through a scenic road by the side of a river. See some car crashed against a wall. Then I see a dog getting in front of my car and I also almost crash. I turn quickly but encounter another dog ahead. This time I lose control of the car, which flies over the river and lands on other side. The dogs, kindly jump on the water and swim to go save me. People I know come looking for me and organize a rescue. I say I am fine and that the dogs saved me and they are the ones who should be rescued not me, hoping someone will adopt them.
I am in some large, many-storied building, seemingly near the top. I think Mom works here, and it’s almost like it’s the preschool. I think Nikki is here also. It seems dim, cold (atmospherically), and pretty empty. I am either getting done working or just visiting. Either way, it seems later in the day and like I am going home. I step into an elevator, and as the door closes behind me I realize that this elevator seems to be significantly slanted. The thought that I should not use it briefly occurs, but I press the down button anyway. As soon as I do, the elevator makes a grinding sound and starts plummeting straight down. There is a sick jolt in my stomach accompanied by a pang of fear as it free falls, sending me up into and suspended in the air. It then catches on something for a moment, jolting me to its floor, before falling a ways again and crashing to the bottom. I feel like it has landed below ground level. I let everything settle for a moment and then realize my leg has been hurt. It feels bloody, but I can’t see any blood seeping through my pants. I call a number I think was inside the elevator to get help. I am very calm and so is the girl that answers. She asks questions, and I tell her what has happened. As we talk, I discover that I can get out of the elevator by unzipping a large zipper on its side. I crawl out and discover that the elevator looks more like a large duffel bag lying prostrate on the desert floor. It is very dark out, and I seem to be far away from anything. I call the number again to let them know that I am out of the elevator. I seem to be in a shallow ravine. I see headlights approaching up above. My phone flashlight is on, and I hide the light, not wanting them to see me down here, not knowing if it’d be a safe situation or not. After it passes, so does another. I walk up the small incline and onto the dirt road. Later, I am inside with some girl what has come to follow up on the elevator incident. She’s saying she’s sure it was scary, etc. and I just say it was fine and ask how often it happens.
Last night bed 8pm - 3:30am I recalled this dream as soon as I sat in my car on my way home from work and was about to buckle my seat belt. DR: I'm sitting in a luxury sedan. All white interior, everything leather. Looks brand new, shiny, beautiful. I see the driver stepping on the breaks frantically, but they dont work. I look down and I'm not buckled. He says we are about to crash. The force of innertia is making it hard for me to move, and everything is in slow motion, as I race time to reach for a belt and buckle up if even just a second before we hit the wall. Not sure if I made it on time.
Beach I'm on the beach, there's been some sort of accident or phenomenon causing sea life to wash up on the shores. Sharks and jellyfish are being washed up by the waves, everyone is panicking and trying to put them back in the water... The sharks have weird teeth too, the teeth are all connected as if it were just one big serrated tooth. My family are there, bustling around like everyone else. I remember the sharks snapping at my feet, ungrateful bastards. I also remember a jellyfish jimmying around the shore which made me think it looked a little dopey. Motor Cross This dream was pretty enjoyable, I was on a motorbike driving on a circuit in a race. It was kind of dark and pouring with rain... The road was slippery as hell, cars and motorbikes were zooming around so fast. I was on a dirt bike, I remember thinking that if I wanted to win then I would have to up my game. I was behind by too much to take it easy, so I did some risky things. I start hugging the corners tighter, taking the turns at faster speeds, driving across dirt patches.. There were others taking similar risks too. I remember other motorbikes smashing brutally, taking the risks I was taking but not succeeding. It was scary, because I knew how close it was for me too.. It happened a few times, and eventually I slipped up. The crash was minor but my bike was too cracked to be of use anymore.
Dream 1 - Train crash There was a bit more to this dream but I'll start from where I can remember clearly.. It was snowing outside, nearby was an old run down rail track with a shitty small train. I had a little white dog with me, he had cute curly hair and resembled my friends dog from when I was at uni. I got into the train, the driver is an old man and I see him get on the train and we start driving. My dog is on the ground somewhere near the entrance. There's a big crash nearby and a bit of shaking goes on. The train stops and the driver comes back to check everything is okay, the sound came from where my dog is. He picks up a large metal bell that had apparently fallen off, my dog jumps up on me and I'm relieved he's ok. The driver continues driving, there's a few missing pieces in the rail track and the train goes 'off-road' in a sense as it goes between these gaps. There's a gap that's a bit bent and the train ends up capsizing, I hold onto my dog as things get momentarily fucked up. I hop out of the train, OH GOD. The drivers legs are sticking out underneath some snow, his top half completely covered.. H- help! Help! I try brush some snow away, I see a person nearby that's walking towards the direction we came from. He's an old man with a strangely expressionless face. Hey, you! Help! He continues walking on, I chase after him as he rounds the corner.. He's peddling along a vending machine that has a dead man attached and I think that he must be a murderer that is trying to get away. I turn around and head back to the crash site, I see a car in the distance and think I may be able to get help from them. Dream 2 - Casino lucid I realized I was lucid pretty randomly, I was in a casino like building that had a lot of people in it. I distinctly remember a blue haired girl sitting on a catch to my right. I continued walking forward past everything without doing any RC's, kind of not tuned in or understanding the significance of being lucid. Nothing really happens from what I can remember, eventually I have a FA and recall typing my dream up on DV and sending a message to my dream buddy.
Went out last night to a house party which was a first for me in a long time, had a great time. I was surprised that I remembered 3 dreams despite going to bed late and drunk. I probably waited way too long to write any of this up so it's not as good as what it could have been, but man they were pretty damn vivid - the heli crash dream particularly so. Dream 1 - Club It was late at night and I was in town with a friend. I remember there being a junkyard around that was quite dark, it was just off the side of the main road. I went in and then some other people entered, I think they were thugs that attacked some dude in there. It had nothing to do with me, but I think I snuck the guy out or something. I remember grabbing a wooden baseball bat quite clearly, I had a feeling that I needed at least some kind of protection in case those thugs came after me instead. I started walking down the road with my friend, at the corner was a club lit up in red neon. I almost walked in with the baseball bat, but I quickly ducked back and dropped it around the corner, it rolled off a bit since the road was on a slope. I think I woke up here.. Dream 2 - Heli crash Wish I could remember this better, there was a lot more to it.. I think I had just came from a party with a bunch of people, it was night and we walked up a grassy hill towards a helicopter. I remember getting in the helicopter, it took off but the pilot really screwed up. The chopper blades tilted forward clipping the line of trees that ringed the mountain. Next thing I knew the engine was on fire and the whole world tilted to the side as the helicopter tilted sideways on its axis and went sprialling down. I felt horrible, like I knew this was the end and that there was no way I could escape, it was all up to luck to see if I survived. Dream 3 - Ball and invading scarecrows I woke up around 6 to get a bite to eat and drink some water, then went back to sleep knowing that I'd regret it if I didn't. I remember playing kickball with a brown skinned guy on a really wide staircase during the day. It was outside, leading up into a university or library maybe. The rocks that the surrounding buildings were built from was clearly sandstone, nothing like what we had where I live. Seemed like a sandy country maybe, especially with the sun so hot. The guy I was kicking the ball around with left at some point and I was just kicking the ball by myself, at some point it rolled off down the staircase and I chased after it. There's a lot of people, but not a single person intercepted the ball! Geeze just help out already >_< I'm bolting down the staircase (far more acrobatically than I am IRL, doing flips and shiz) to catch up to it but the DCs (I'm somewhat aware that if they're normal people then they probably should be helping) don't do shit. Luckily the guy I was playing ball with earlier was walking up the staircase with a white girl and he jumps out to kick the ball my way, the girl even helps a bit too. "Thanks!" I say to them as I pass by, nodding at each of them with a smile. At this point I managed to catch up to the ball, but there were these scarecrow monsters jumping down from the top of the staircase now. It turned into a bit of a monster slaying game at this point, I was really strong. The first scarecrow was an advanced monster, I slammed it with a right hook in its face, but instantly knew that it was too strong so I darted off to the left. The rest were all the same level and I could one-hit them. My reasoning in avoiding the strong one was that I could save more civilians by killing the numerous weaker monsters rather than the ONLY higher level one.
Technically it's not the first one but others were just too short or limited to count them (and I don't even wrote down every). So I think that this is the first one which is worth anything. Also I need numbers so here we go: Non-lucid parts Lucid parts #1 LD I was on the meadow close to my house. There were some animals: bisons (?) and black fox. As usually in my dreams I didn't have my camera so I went back for it to my house. I was there very quickly, like with teleport. Then I started to realise that something's odd. I was on the ground floor and again - teleport to my room (maybe with a very little lucidity). I was still going through the dream way. I get my camera. Again - feeling that this can be a dream. So I did RCs. My camera was working fine (vivid, display was on, I took a photo of the church with flash - it was night outside, I checked it on gallery). I switched on and off the light - it worked. I went to the kitchen where my mom was watching TV. I looked on my hands. I had brown gloves and my two fingers was close to each other but it wasn't that odd for me then. I asked my mom if this is a dream and she told me that I'm talking rubbish and I should eat a cucumber. Well, that's my mom. Nothing odd. I was looking so badly for the sign because I wanted to jump through the window and if it wouldn't be a dream - well, not so good RC then. So finally I tried to levitate and it worked! I was flapping my hands for it. It was hard to control the flight. I flight/went to my room, jump through the window and crashed. Fortunately that didn't wake me up, also I didn't feel any discomfort. I flied a little to a different part of the yard. It was day, grass was green, there were many flowers (i.a. red poppies). Everything was beautiful. If I was focusing on some detail then it was more sharp and vivid but also a little 'shaking'. I didn't have many ideas what to do because of excitement. I tried to summon my boyfriend then. I imagined that he comes from behind the tree. It was easy. But he did strange faces, didn't talk anything. Anyway I started to lose control, emotions and stuff. I hugged him. I saw in my mind (still in dream) his dog. Then I woke up. It was maybe 5 minutes between alarms on the morning. So it was short and I didn't do anything special but I liked it. Also I think it was a sign to start putting more interest in dreams, maybe to help myself with some things. I wasn't thinking then about LD or anything, I didn't even wrote down my dreams (last ones are from October).
SC1) 02:12 (my alarm had been going off for about 10 minutes) I don't remember anything except waking up planning in my head and talking to myself in my head about a book I was reading. SC5) 06:39 Dream - Bus crash I'm on a bus driving around, it's a double decker with an open roof. I'm on the roof at the front and it seems like the driver is struggling to get through the narrow roads. Why is it so narrow? There are parked cars on both side of the road and the road narrows even more at an upcoming pedestrian crossing. The bus shakily goes forward and clips a car, then it scrapes through the pedestrian crossing. The other passengers are students like me, they all snicker at how the bus driver hit something. The bus made it out okay and starts heading downhill but it's veering from side to side and I feel like it's going to capsize. *Bang*, it collapses over and I smoothly hit the ground running. Glass shoots up everywhere, some of it gets in my mouth but it melts like ice. I think about spitting it out but it's just ice so it doesn't matter. Some of the other students go and start crossing the road, hmm good idea. We might as well keep going. There's a bus at a bus stop on the other side of the road that few of us get onto, I pay with a $2 coin I think. Hmmm? My mate got onto the second bus behind us, as my bus starts moving I decide to run out the door just as it closes, Indiana Jones style. I run and leap, landing in the doorway of the next bus as it starts off too. Oh, my friend is asleep >_< what a waste. The other students look at me and I consider where I should sit since there isn't any space next to my mate. The bus driver is a lady who is crippled from the waist down and sits in a wheel chair. She looks at me and I get the impression she doesn't mind that I haven't paid because she knows I paid to get onto the bus in front of us. Had some intense body fatigue yesterday from exercising too much during the previous few days, it seemed to really affect my recall. I felt like I barely dreamed last night as my body was spending more time restoring itself. I slept like a brick
With my mother I was driving through a city. She phoned someone and haven't payed any attention to the cars. I tried to control the car, but whenever I tried to speed up, even a little, the car moved with insane speed. In one of these moments I almost had a crash with another car, but when I got close to it, everything went black. After a while I saw that I'm still driving and that nothing happened.