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    1. Roller Coaster House

      by , 04-29-2016 at 05:18 PM
      Non-lucids only.

      had a dream about my cousin Brad & we were in his childhood house. His room was in the basement. I wrote down a couple of things about it but it was illegible so basically I couldn't really remember enough to write about it.

      Meesha kitty was bored because of all the rain so she kept waking me up over & over which lead to chaining my dreams. About 6 or 7 but I wasn't writing them down because I was so exhausted & would just fall back to sleep.

      I was being chased by some guy but I had this other guy with me. We were in this big white house & couldn't find a way out. So he started to create this roller coaster which went through & around the house. I watched it assembling itself in the air little by little, which was pretty amazing. It was a detailed process. We never got out. We just kept riding while he would try different ways to try & catch us. We just kept laughing at his attempts..... My mind amazes me sometimes! This was very visually appealing!

      I've noticed that this big white house keeps appearing in my dreams.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Tags: non - lucid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Graduation meets the office - non lucid

      by , 04-29-2016 at 03:31 PM
      In the very beginning there was a lot of driving, and a lot of police chases. An adult friend was driving us in a steamwhistle vehicle and got in a chase with the cops. He escaped, and then we headed to the humber river for more driving. After that it was Greenwood graduation. My class was partying in this big open room with island stages down the middle. I went to the very end of the room to find the photographer. All my friends were there, Thomas, David, Seth, all the boys. We took our last photo, and then went to write something on the wall in yellow pastels or something like them. I was going to write something like "I can still feel these last four years like they are happening today." The problem was that I couldn't do english well, being a dream. Eventually I wrote something and then I went to shower. I realized that I was in the foyer of the bedroom of Christine and some new hot girls who must have joined in grade 12. They all came out and I was in my boxers, but sadly they all passed quite quickly. After that I left to find my friends, and met them at a pond. At this pond was a MAJOR dreamsign. Levitating fish, a whole school of them just levitating a foot over the water. The ultimate fish advantage was what I called it. There was a second species of even larger fish living under the water that would wait for them and then jump out with massive mouths and try to swallow them whole. After that I left to find my friends again, but this time I was Michael Scott. I was on the phone with my wife explaining how I had spent all our savings on a business venture I was removed from, and I said "I am not a salesman, I'm a sales manager." In the house I got to, which was a big octagonal wooden cottage, I found my friends in the basement waiting out the winter. They had all the food supplies out on the floor as the fridge was dead. I went and looked in the fridge at all the rotten food, and then I woke up.

      The Office
      Greenwood graduation
      Police Chases
      Thomas Cole

      Updated 04-29-2016 at 03:35 PM by 90608

    3. Invasion; Self defense murder

      , 04-29-2016 at 03:27 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Bed around 9 pm. Set my alarm at 4:30 for WBTB, recalled a dream, but didn't stay up.

      DR 4:30am
      We are looking out my mom's living room window into the yard. There is at least 50 puppies. We bring some of them up for a child.

      Suddenly there is an invasion. Many people are in the house, not where we are upstairs, but they are downstairs. Somehow they grab my little brother and I decide to go get him. They will not recognize me in hat or work uniform.

      DR 7:30am when I woke up
      This was a very long dream. I'm walking, skating, driving through streets which I think is Chicago. (Watched a movie with B. Stiller how he was skateboarding on Island).

      I have 2 backpacks that later turn into purses or something and the theme is that I always leave them behind unknowingly and when I get back, I am amazed that they are still there.

      There is some disagreement between people of different nationalities.

      Me, my mom and brother and some other people are at a house of a distant friend. My dad with some other man are deciding to kill us all. They are about to start, when I get behind my dad as he is sitting and stab him once. He dies. We are all very distraught.

      After about an hour I tell my mom we need to call the police. After trying to find out the address of the house we are in on some junk mail, I call and go outside wait for them. A police SUV arrives and officers are heading towards me when my mom says goodby to me. But in the meantime my dad started to move and it looks like he was just playing games. So police is there but crime didnt happen and I'm confused.
    4. 29 April 2016 - Midnight Oil, An Intelligent Knowing Orb

      by , 04-29-2016 at 02:25 PM
      >Dreamed I was watching a video of the band Midnight Oil allegedly playing "Generals Talk" at 4:55 in the video, similar to the "Oils on Water" concert in 1985 but the actual song playing was "King of the Mountain"

      >Had instructions and a code "cookie" for a hidden elevator in a specific location off 70-something west in a city. Got in, used the code. Music at some point. Section of dream mystery. Next, used code again and went down under the surface of the planet and saw Mary Kate & Ashley as pre-ten year olds next to this gold orb which talked very wise deeply knowing things yet what did it speak to me again? One thing was "A few seconds is enough to kill 78,000 people", though I may have the number somewhat off it's still between 70,000 and 79,999.

      Note: I went to Dreammoods.com and looked up "Orb". WHAT I FOUND THERE ACTUALLY CHECKS OUT AT LEAST SOMEWHAT!

      To see an orb in your dream symbolizes truth and a sudden understanding or realization. You have clarity on some nagging problem or issue. Alternatively, the orb refers to your subconscious. Something from your subconscious is trying to make its way to the surface. The color of the orb indicates whether the dream is positive or negative. If it is multi-color, then it is positive.

      Updated 04-29-2016 at 02:47 PM by 61868

    5. 29.4.18

      by , 04-29-2016 at 12:50 PM
      I was with this detecive l
      looking like girl. she is awesome and gorgeous and she assigns me to go and work with her. I take it because she is fit as fuck aswell haha. so, I'm at my secondary school, which looks different and there is a friend who wants to 'catch' me, not sure why, but I feel like he wants to catch me, too kill me. there are times in the dream where he couldn't catch me, I remember how I managed to disguise myself in a car while he walked past a road which I know in waking life. I don't remember too much about this women, but i do sure know that she spends a lot of time in bed. she set me alot of challenges and was a fast typer, she likes to joke about how and then. I was on a road and I seen these kids, I am walking past them and they go "what" I ingore them and walk over the road to avoid trouble even though I wanted to kick someones face in. I remember how the girl was telling me too hurry up and, so I did and I find myself with an old friend working with him and trying to figure out when he is leaving, I look to the side to find the girl and she's joking again laying on the bed acting like she's asleep. I go in and she immediately gets up and smiles. I notice how there are php an mysql tags on the window.

      I went back to sleep and carried on with this dream, kind of like a detective. I don't remember a great deal off it. I recognised who the murderer was, alongside with the help from my sister. me my sister and her boyfriend where at dinner, just the three off us, I got her some wine, I was talking about how the wine is fitting in the glass, very weird haha. we got talking about the pictures, pictures where shown, tears where shreaded, both of them where crying, my sisyer clearly didn't want to hear anymore but at then end ot his dream she finally revealed the truth. she said it, "you killed your parents" he had no memory of doing so my dream took me back to when he was a kid and showed me that he was holding a knife.
    6. Sold my car and jealousy

      by , 04-29-2016 at 11:30 AM
      D₁- Kealin needed a car so I said he could borrow mine to go to Texas. Somehow it got twisted and he thought I said he could buy my car. He gave me a duffel bag filled with money to pay for it. He leaves and then comes back. "Hey Kealin I need my car I've got to go to work." "I thought I bought it from you?" "What! No haha, why would I do that I've got to get to school and work?" "What did you do with that money I gave you?" I shrug my shoulders. We continue teasing each other while in my head I'm worried I won't get my car back.

      Dream skip

      D₂-I'm in a group with some of my friends. We are all holding hands becuase for some reason if we don't we'll loose someone. I end up holding Jerry's hand. I look over to his other side and he's holding Megan's too. She is obviously not ok with it so I try to hold someone else's hand. He won't let go off my hand. Whatever, we keep walking foreward. Somehow Jerry's hand is around my waste (not cool) I remember trying to move his hand but I couldn't. We approach a door and everyone lets go of each others hands. Him and Megan immediatly hug. I wake up.
    7. DJ#158: Beer & Basketball

      by , 04-29-2016 at 08:35 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was in the Mexican army, there was a controversy where two people were caught having sex. There was a debate about whether it was consensual or not, and it seemed like it started off fine but then he got violent.

      Dream 2: I was walking along local streets with my dad and grandpa, trying to get home. About halfway there we found a café and stopped in there. My dad ordered this strange beer for us and My grandpa an I got a newspaper and started looking at the sports section. We starting talking about the football and the injuries for our favourite team.

      Dream 3: I was at basketball training and everybody was stuffing up the passing in a weave drill. After a while the coach called us in and yelled at us for our terrible skills lol.
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. #136: Girl / Girlfriend

      by , 04-29-2016 at 07:15 AM
      Bed: 23.00
      Wake up: 07.45

      It's daytime and I'm waiting next to the bridge that leads into the city centre. There's a girl I'm waiting for, though I don't remember what my relation to her is. We meet and can't really decide on what to do. There's a bus to the central station that we let go, in favour of a bus in the other direction. My idea was to go play pool. Turns out that she doesn't like pool. Damn. We let the bus in the other direction slide as well. I'm not sure what we end up doing. I remember thinking that she's cute.

      I think it's within the same dream that I'm still with the girl and we have a weird camera. I'm trying to figure this thing out and I think she already knows quite a bit about it. Overall the vibe of the dream was very pleasant thanks to her presence.

      I'm somewhere with my girlfriend. At one moment we're walking, at another moment we're lying down. In the mean time we're checking someone's social media account. It's an Instagram-like medium, because there are only pictures. It's the account of a pornstar, who is posting a lot of pictures of herself with a pornstar friend. We've made a bet on this account for some reason. In the mean time we also start making out.

      Found out while writing this entry that Chrome's dictionary doesn't know the word 'pornstar'. How prudish
      Tags: girlfriend
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Roan Unicorn (DEILD)

      by , 04-29-2016 at 06:00 AM
      Ritual: Was working *really* inefficiently yesterday—took me almost eight hours to finish a 22 page article (one with lots of pictures, even!) because I kept looking things up and building my powerpoint at the same time. It was already after midnight before I started reading the 50+ page article (with almost no images) that I was also supposed to finish before bed, so I crapped out at 2:30am without getting it done. I woke at 8am and continued reading in bed, then napped again at 9am—so it became an inadvertant WBTB. Woke at 10:15 after this amazing dream, so I guess all the stress and angst paid off (though it is now 11:15am after writing up my account, and I am no closer to finishing that article! Yikes!)

      Earlier NLD: Some interesting features actually. I'm in what I take to be the sheriff's office of a small lakeside town. The building is rustic and wooden. I am one of the cops, a man like the others. They're all macho, gruff, with mustaches. I notice a small boat in the lake just off shore. Although it looks like an innocent fishing expeditiion, I have a definite premonition of what is coming next. I know that someone is lying prone in that boat with a gun pointed toward us, and there are other shooters positioned strategically nearby, and any minute now they're going to fire. I know my colleagues brought this on themselves so I leave them to their fate, diving into a side room and locking the door. There's a random guy in here so I tell him to get down, we're going to be under fire. Meanwhile I make use of whatever time I have left to arrange the furniture to better blockade us, turning the tables and chairs over so that we can crouch behind them like shields. All of this feels like it has happened before—not in the vague sense of deja vu, but a very concrete and specific way like when you replay an encounter in a video game. For this reason I know that if we just position ourselves correctly and keep our heads low enough, we'll make it through this. The bullets start flying. I feel one zing very close to the left side my body, provoking a strange vibration. Did it hit me? Not quite. My sense of repetition is so strong that after the bullets stop, I predict even before lifting my head that I will see a bullet hole in the lower right hand corner of the window behind me. I turn around and there it is, just as I had predicted (not so astonishing in a dream, after all, but I hadn't realized I was dreaming yet). I pull out my phone and snap a picture of it to document this remarkable event before going back outside. I decide the only sensible thing to do is slip out of town immediately, so I take a side path through someone's backyard.

      DEILD: Around this time the dream destabilizes enough that I become lucid. I wonder if I can restabilize and continue. I remember the principle I've devised for this: don't worry about visuals, focus on physical movement. Tactile integration is what is needed, then the visuals will re-establish themselves naturally. I dance my way back into full dream state. Now what? I remember my goal to continue with the TOTYs, and decide to try the Unicorn task.

      I set my will to summoning a unicorn and soon see a suitable animal galloping toward me down a lane that bisects the fields. This is no ethereal being, but a sturdily built strawberry roan that just happens to have a horn on its head. I found a picture online that gives a good sense of the coat color, only in mine the red hues were more pronounced across the top of its rump.

      How old is everyone here?-strawberry-roan-2.jpg

      After it reaches me, I realize I don't actually know how to climb on a tall horse bareback, so I command it to kneel so that I can get astride. Now we need to find a portal and travel to another land, but I had a plan for this: I've been wanting to visit the Wood Between the World.

      I canter the roan unicorn back down the path it came from, priming my expectations to see a pool of water as we round the corner. We get halfway around and I still don't see water, but I keep my anticipation high. There it is, after all! I didn't see it at first because it is a very small pond, not much more than ten feet across, but sufficient for my task. "The Wood Between the World," I murmur, imagining what it will look like as I canter up to the pool and have the unicorn jump in. Although I've done my best to maintain conviction, we splash into the pool and... now the unicorn is standing in water up to its knees. We haven't gone anywhere.

      This portal was a bust, so decide to look for another, passing a group of teenagers as I leave. I travel down the road until I find myself in what looks to be a luggage store room, like the kind you might find in a train station. The oddest thing is how familiar it looks: I have the distinct impression that I remember this place from an earlier dream this very night, but I can't tell if it is false memory or true. Nothing useful here, but as I leave I spot the group of teenagers again, and ride up to them. I ask if they know of any portals nearby. They mention the pool.

      "I already tried that one, but it didn't work." The kids confirmed that, yeah, they don't work anymore, the magic is too weak. But the magic may not be gone entirely—one kid points out that if you stand near the pool and the background music fades, you can still hear something. This brings my attention to the music. I hadn't been paying attention to it, but a song has been playing in the background all along since I became lucid, like a soundtrack. It is a woman singing in a foreign language—it reminds me of the second half of the song "Bjarkan" from Wardruna's album Gap Var Ginnunga, which would make sense, because that's the main thing I've been listening to lately.

      The kids can't think of any way to strengthen the portal magic, so I ask if they know of any other portals nearby. They point back across the field and tell me to look for a small shack. I ride over and find the door slightly ajar, so I go in. The door swings shut and clicks behind me—it seems to have automatically locked. Nevermind, I was planning to use this as a portal anyway. How do I pass through? Maybe I should stand here astride the unicorn and let the environment around us shift phase. I begin to try to reimagine my surroundings... but I am interrupted by a cry of alarm.

      It comes from a young couple, a boy and girl, who had apparently been making out in a sort of nook or loft halfway up the side wall of this shack. They are startled by my presence and furious when they discover that I have accidentally locked the door. "We'll die in here!" wails the girl. I look around. This shack wasn't built of terribly sturdy materials, I'm sure we can find a way out, even if we have to dismantle it. Distracted by the unexpected crisis, I forget about portalling and even forget that a locked door should be no barrier to me as a dreamer.

      "This wasn't designed as a prison, we'll find something." I reassure them. I look around carefully and notice an opening halfway up the side wall in one corner. It's six or seven feet up: all we have to do is climb to it, then jump over a gap of a few feet to the low flat roof of an adjacent shed. I dismount and give the girl, Sarah, a boost to help her climb up. Next I go to help the boy, Tom. His head is now attached to a long pole, like a broomstick, instead of a body, so this is easy: I pick up the pole and pass it through the opening to Sarah. Now my cat is here for some reason and also needs rescuing, but there is a paper grocery bag handy, so I put the cat in the bag and try to hand that across to Sarah. Suddenly uncooperative, Sarah threatens to dump my cat out of the bag. I am flabbergasted. Why would she suddenly turn against me?

      "But I showed you the way out and helped you!" I protest. Sarah and Tom are unsympathetic; it is clear that they feel no obligation to return the favor. My annoyance reminds me what I am capable of. After all, there was another way this task could go—that wasn't how I planned to do it, but now that I've been provoked, maybe that's how this will play out. I look back at the door, remembering the classic "Knock" spell from D&D. "Unlock," I command, pointing at the door, and the latch obediently clicks open. I get back on the unicorn and walk calmly out. Tom and Sarah, who have just climbed down from the shed, are astounded to see this. They are even more shocked when the unicorn gores Sarah through the chest with its horn, tossing her body aside like a limp rag. Tom watches in horror, and then his turn comes. Despite my scruples about killing, once I felt that these DCs had justified it by their treachery, I dispatch them without hesitation or remorse. Instead, I find myself wondering if my unicorn will be transformed by this dreadful act—I was envisioning something like the "bog unicorn" in Dragon Age: Inquisition—but it remains a roan horse with a spiral horn protruding from its head.

      Okay, apparently now I'm committed to the murder version of the task, so I need a third victim. [Note: I was mistaken about this; the task only required two.] I remember that earlier in the NLD I had encountered some unpleasant people in town, so I ride back in that direction. On the way, I see a number of people working outdoors. I reflect how easy it would be to pick one at random... but that would be wrong. I can't just run up to a random DC and spear them, unprovoked. I do try to maintain *some* ethical standards.

      The people working outside resemble medieval peasants. Actually the whole scene has become more medieval in appearance. Just past the peasants I see the remnants of an old ruined stone structure, reduced to its foundations and a few half-standing walls. Congregating around it are men that I take to be warriors. They have brown or red hair, some balding, and many flaunt long beards decorated with bands and beading. I ride up without attracting any attention. What if I just pick the most evil one? "Show me a rapist," I instruct the dream. Surely among a band of what appear to be tribal warriors from some feudal period there must be no shortage of those, given that it was a standard aspect of warfare in many early societies. So I'd better be more specific: "Show me the worst one." The results are inconclusive: I look over the men again and there is no clear candidate.

      I recall D&D includes a spell that can be used to check alignment. Maybe I can frame it this way? I instruct the dream to reveal the most evil person by making them glow. Now I see one: the glow surrounds a burly guy with his back to me, looking out over the water. He has short brown hair shaved into a distinctive flat line where it meets his neck, and his head is bare on top, either bald or shaved. As I approach, he moves away and I lose sight of him, the glow fading. I study the crowd but since I only saw the guy from behind at a distance, it is hard to be sure which one he is. I don't want to pick the wrong guy. I attempt to cast the spell again, but now the glow seems to be targeting someone else. While trying to sort out this confusion, I spy something across the field, even better—no, perfect!

      It is a jousting tournament!

      The jousting is already under way, but I ride up and boldly demand to enter the lists. The organizers comply without too much fuss. But I also have demands to make about my opponent: "I wish to find the most immoral among the contenders."

      Meanwhile, the more honorable among the knights point out that without a saddle I will surely be unhorsed. Worse, without the protection of armor or a shield, the lance will surely pierce and kill me. I shrug off their objections, thinking that without saddle or armor maybe I can do some stunt riding and duck down to the side, avoiding the lance entirely. After all, my intention is not to strike my opponent with a lance—my unicorn's horn must fulfill that function to complete the task.

      I continue to insist that I be matched against the most immoral of the prospective opponents. There is some debate about who that should be. A man wearing ecclesiastical robes and a cross seems to be the top choice, which makes sense given everything I've heard about the medieval church. I realize that this is all taking a very long time and add to my demands:

      "Also, I demand to go next!"

      The organizers comply with this too. My bout is set up. But I'm not entirely happy with what I see. Facing me at the other end of the lists is a tall black woman on foot, wielding a club in each hand. This isn't what I had in mind: she is not even a jouster! And I sense that she is clearly not the right match: did they assume she was immoral from a medieval sense of racism or xenophobia? Or is she immoral in the fun kind of way, a free-spirited woman who lives large? Either or both seemed likely. This wasn't what I was looking for. If I have to dispatch someone, I prefer that they be genuinely evil.

      "No, this is not the right opponent!" I protest. "I mean, who is the most immoral to the people?" There is no response at first. I have the impression that people are intimidated from replying aloud, so I ride up close to the audience in the stands and ask again. Listening closely, I hear a whispered name: "Lüsswig." I ride along the stands and the whispers of "Lüsswig... Lüsswig..." are unmistakable, repeated everywhere by people trying to speak anonymously under their breath.

      I return to the center of the lists and announce: "I shall fight Lüsswig!"

      Lüsswig turns out to be a guy wearing a long grey cloak with a hood that is closed in the front, completely covering his face. He removes the hood, revealing himself to be a man with short dark brown hair and full cheeks covered with several days worth of stubble. A smug, sinister smile spreads across his face at the prospect of the coming match. [Note: I've spent a long time trying to figure out who Lüsswig resembled, and the best I can come up with is a badly shaven Jonathan Frakes.]

      "Yes, this is a better choice," I declare. His glee is slightly unnerving—he clearly thinks he will best me. I mentally prepare myself by deciding that it must be his destiny to die by unicorn.

      We take our places at opposite ends of the tilt and... I can feel the dream fading... oh fuck fuck I was so close... hold it together, surely I can... no, I'm in my body, in my bed, it's gone. Lüsswig you bastard... I guess you win after all.

      I can only assume this will augment Lüsswig's dastardly reputation. Stories will spread of the mysterious unicorn rider who disrupted the jousting tournament, arrogantly demanding to fight the most evil of men, but then fled the moment she realized was it was Lüsswig!

      Notes: So close! So very very close to completing the unicorn task! I could have finished easily had I taken the practical (but vicious) route and chosen a third victim at random. But no, I had to be honorable and look for someone who *deserved* it...

      Oh! Oh! I just looked up the terms of the task. For once I misremembered the details to my benefit—I thought I needed to murder three DCs, but now I see it was only two. So I did it after all! And then my mistaken conviction that I needed a third actually led to some pretty cool extra scenes.

      Updated 04-29-2016 at 07:01 AM by 34973

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year
    10. Perplexis sperm ball

      by , 04-28-2016 at 11:42 PM
      Non-Lucid= My dreams were really jumbled today for some reason. The last one was really confusing. Me & a bunch of women were all around a Perplexis Game Ball. Instead of the metal ball inside of it that you use to navigate the maze while you turn the ball, there was sperm going through it & we were all hoping to get it somehow. Yup, that is so weird! I was so confused. So weird.

      stupid little balls-perplexis.jpg
      Tags: non - lucid
      lucid , dream fragment
    11. #135: Tooth

      by , 04-28-2016 at 09:50 PM
      The details are very blurry. I remember very clearly though that a tooth was bothering me. It was on the upper right side. I started fickling with it with my tongue and perhaps also with my finger(s). Eventually it dropped out of my mouth. I immediately realise that this never happens in real life, but does in my dreams every once in a while. I must be dreaming. I immediately try to push my fingers through the palm of my other hand. They don't go through. Hmm.. Perhaps I'm not dreaming then. I continue the dream, not realising it is one. It hurt a bit and made me think about my recent wisdom tooth extraction. I had some concerns over this tooth though, because it wasn't really supposed to fall out.

      At some point I am at what appears to be in a dentist's office. The walls are all white. There's a 'blood meter' somewhere, measuring how much blood people lose, I think while having their tooth extracted. Creepy.

      I also was talking about my thesis. One conversation was with my real life supervisor, another was with a lecturer from my bachelor, who in the dream is my second supervisor. They disagree about what I should do. Great. Caught in the middle.

      There was more, but I can't recall it.
      Tags: tooth, university
    12. Hedgerow at Dusk

      by , 04-28-2016 at 09:04 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Laying in bed, my eyes open and I do a reality check by looking at my right hand in front of me. Something still feels strange about the situation, so I do a nose-plug and breath. I'm fully aware I'm dreaming, and I get up but for some reason have a difficult time with the gravity in the dream. I think critically to myself that 'this is a dream, just get up!'. I realize that I am in a room strongly resembling my childhood room at night time. I look left and decide not to go down the darkened hallway as I am more interested in the natural environment outside and possibly changing the dream scene. I make my way over to the window, yet have a tough time flying for some reason and feel a bit frustrated, yet I grab on to the windowsill, propel myself out and I finally start flying. Flying is pretty easy at this point, and I make my away along scattered shrubbery to a body of water resembling a pool. I take in the surroundings which are at the dead of night. The environment is filled with bushes, hedges, and trees. This area looks very similar to my childhood backyard. I start to work my memory to remember dream goals and start working on them. I shout out to the dream to help me build my lucid abilities. I then try to remember part II of my goals as I look toward the dark trees at the far edge of the area. I begin to shout to the dream to ask how to become lucid more often, but the dream cuts out midway through this question. I find myself talking to a co-worker about a crazy lucid dream I just had starting with an interesting FA experience .
    13. [28-04-2016]

      by , 04-28-2016 at 06:16 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      False awakening

      I woke up on a shelf in my kitchen, covered with bed sheets. The shelf wasn't hard for some reason, it was really dark, I could only see a clock lighted up on an oven panel. I wondered why I was lying there and then I woke up.


      I was in school, it was a cloudy afternoon. The building was a mix up of my previous and current school (as in my most school dreams). I wandered corridoors, going up and downstairs. Finally I sat down on a bench with another dude. We took towels out of a shelf and started hitting each other with them. Teacher - a blonde woman in late thirties came to stop us. She was wearing a black jacket and black skirt. I decided to go to another room - it was a huge storage, there were enormous shelves with towels lying on them.
    14. 28 April 2016

      by , 04-28-2016 at 03:35 PM
      28 April 2016

      I was in a parking lot, talking to an elder lady in regards to something hospital related I believe. Then somehow I was skateboarding but without a skateboard, only using my shoes. I was hopping over cars at times and eventually ended up at an outhouse in the middle of the parking lot where an MLP: FIM character "Tree Hugger" was in Human form along with her uncle (who resembles Asgore from Undertale) and a few other relatives in the distance. Tree Hugger was vomiting in the outhouse for taking five of something she should have only taken one or two of. I high fived her uncle.

      Later, I saw inside some building that had a pool of water at the bottom, designed that way. Being as if I'm playing a video game, the person I'm playing with is in a lower level of the building. There are rakghouls (or something?) chasing him and he uses some ridiculously overpowered nuclear weapon against them. I'm laying down on one of the floors above next to the railing, and this weapon causes quite a vortex as if it's out of the movie "The Arrival" with one of those devices that sucks everything (and everyone) around it in. I'm nearly taken from laying down on the floor above over the railing, but I'm not. The pool is now a deep blue. I then climb down the ladders around the pool to the only ladder that goes to the lower level, into the pool; it's incredibly radioactive as shown on the Fallout 3 esque Rads meter (the level per second is in the 500-600 range) and I can't stay in it. I then climb back up. The man below is wondering how to get back up. I'm out of the area and, first person, at some point am talking to him on the surface world with him sitting down and I'm wondering why he needs to get out if he's up here. The answer of course is more or less that he's the man I'm talking to while the one below is in the video game, I'm guessing. I then had in mind and believe I told him in essence "Go east then dig upwards in a spiral staircase fashion like in Minecraft" while I visualized doing that.

      EDIT: I didn't see him use the radioactive weapon. I also am not sure why I tagged this with "Undertale" so if you came here because of that tag, sorry. Maybe I dreamed of Undertale at some other point and didn't write it down.

      Updated 10-10-2016 at 12:23 PM by 61868

    15. Chimera

      by , 04-28-2016 at 03:22 PM
      Medium LD #401
      Something is wrong with my phone. It keeps playing the wrong video or music. Then I see that the curtains have been stuck out of the windows which are now closed, meaning the fabric is on the outside. I open the windows and pull the curtains back inside. While doing this my partner's car pulls up on the driveway so I rush downstairs to open the front door.

      Back inside the front room there is a game going on. I collect dice that are scattered on the floor. In a corner of the room is a d10 that is glowing bright white. Dice of power! Alright. I walk through into another room and someone attacks me. I reveal the dice of power clutched in my hand and they back off. Also, in my other hand, a blue triangular stone with a spiral inscribed on it has appeared.

      This makes me lucid and after a moment inspecting my hands and arms I look around seeing my sister and another DC. The only exit is a window. At first the glass is solid and resists any attempt to pass through it but after some effort it starts to stretch like molten plastic.

      Outside is a garden with a street at the far end. JR and a couple of other DCs are walking along it. Remembering the task of the year I call out for a goat.

      From the rocks and bushes at the side of the garden a rather small brown goat tumbles out. It bleats and picks itself up unsteadily. I check it is solid and can feel its coarse hair. "Now unleash the Chimera!" I gesture at the goat and tranform it. It grows to 3m tall and its body turns more lion like while its head and face become an angry predatory bird with a hooked beak.

      There's no one here though. "Attack!" I command the Chimera while spinning around and seeing some DCs further up the garden.

      The Chimera leaps up onto the rocks and the DCs panic. "Use your lightning powers!" The Chimera becomes covered in an aura of flashing blue lightning that electrocutes several DCs that fall to the ground.

      "Use fire breath!" The Chinera spins around and unleashes a flamethrower style gout of flame that incinerates a man running towards it. "Use your poison tail." The Chineras tail whips out and stabs a man in the chest. He staggers and falls down.

      The dream is starting to destabilise though... noooo...

      Before the final part can be completed the dreams fades. I stay perfectly still and DEILD back in.

      The reformed dream has me lying in bed though. Something in my mouth feels loose and I pull out a weird metal bracket. I'm still semi-lucid and trying to get back on track. There is a computer screen near the bed, so I use that to try and control the dream. The Chimera is on screen waiting, like a computer game. I'm about to send it off attacking enemies again when I realise the first part about transforming a goat... so I attempt to turn it into a goat and it shrinks into some weird little squid thing. Uh...

      The next attempt has it become a large cartoonish goat, in fact the graphics for the entire dream become 'warcraftish'. A DC tries to distract me by asking something but I ignore them. Waving my hands and chanting some magical made-up words I tranform the goat into my Chimera monster again. It has a similar form to before but more cartoony in fitting with the whole dream.

      This time the Chimera is under my telepathic control. Waves of enemies with swords and spears start charging in so I use lightning and flame breath kill them.

      The Chimera is perfectly under my control and breathes out an ice cloud that solidifies two more DCs. "Smash the ice!" Dutifully the Chimera raises up onto its hind legs then smashes down on the frozen figures with both front paws.

      Oh yeah poison tail... last one. The Chimera has a long lions tail but it is whipping around and is easy to imagine as a snake. It buries its fangs in one DCs neck but now the Chimera and myself have merged into one being and the enemies are swamping me. The crush of numbers starts to destabilise the dream and I wake up.
      lucid , task of the year
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