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    1. Cars (Chained dream)

      by , 04-02-2016 at 12:08 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      Some things have happened earlier in the dream but forgot upon wakening. I'm outside with people and we are talking about something. My sister and brother along with my mom and her friend was there no one was talking to me some I left the group and wandered about. I ended up in a drive way that had a silver colored car there. It was updated and had dark colored windows yet I can still see the tree shaped, yellow, vanilla air freshener hanging around the mirror. I walked to the side of it and into the back yard that was over grown. I decided not to go back there and went back the way I came, not looking up at where I was going. I suddenly began to smell he vanilla freshener and when I looked up, I realized that I was climbing around in the back seat of the car. What the... It was dark inside with dark green reflections and I quickly got out of there before the owner comes out and gets me. The door of that car somehow opened but no one was inside, how the hell did that happen? However, my mom saw me and yelled at me about it. I tried to explain to her what happened but she was talking to her friend, ignoring me in the process. Pissed I stormed away from them but then my brother wanted to know what I had to say. What can he possible do about this? Nothing. I shook my head and then stopped as I find out that my path to where ever was blocked off by a web. Mom and them showed up and saw it too. "we are going to have to find a way through this stuff." As I looked at the web I seen what looked like little tiny gnats and some plump maggots crawling around on it. No spider. There was no way my mom was gonna be touching that stuff. I turned and walked away and neither was I.

      Updated 04-02-2016 at 12:18 AM by 13650

    2. #219 - Plane-jack / Sex lucid

      by , 04-01-2016 at 11:28 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Plane-jack
      I remember being in the sky flying a plane, there's some context about the Joker (from Batman) being a terrorist. There was another plane or two on my side, I think a black guy was the leader of the troupe and he seemed reminiscent of an actual comic character. I think I shot down a couple planes, and then swooped in to land at the airport. It was chaos here because of all the planes getting shot down nearby, I was now the Joker too. I hid my face a bit just in case the security recognized me and snuck out of the building.

      Dream 2 - Sex lucid
      I was in a house, I seem to remember having sex (non-lucid) and then progressing into the dream a bit more. I walked into a business meeting room with a large oval table and some nice looking chairs seated around it. There was a blonde lady in here which I approached and hooked up with. As this happened I realized I was dreaming, but I had the feeling that by becoming more aware I would wake myself up due to the precarious instability associated with sex-lucids. But it wasn't stable enough regardless and I felt myself wake up, though it was probably a FA. When I woke up I saw next to me my friend Sam, asleep. I woke up properly a while later to let my cat out I think.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. DJ#131: Airport, The Age & Race For Our Lives

      by , 04-01-2016 at 09:41 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      (I will be away this weekend so tomorrows DJ entry will come a day late hopefully)
      Dream 1: I was a master debater (lol at my subconscious) at a big company. I went into an elevator where a woman was already standing. As we went up she asked me what I did and I replied with that, things got a bit awkward after that.

      Fragment: Something about singing.

      Dream 2: I was at school in an art room. A student was giving a powerpoint presentation on some sort of -ism topic, all SJW like, so I was pretty bored. I started talking with a girl next to me who agreed the whole thing was stupid, then we walked out.

      Dream 3: I was at the airport and waiting for ages to catch a flight. In my boredom I read up on thievery in airports and discovered that supposedly every year $50 million worth of stuff gets stolen from airports in South Korea ( I don't know if that is the airport I was in or not). I went to a phone bank and picked up a phone. Someone was calling me, and asked my something in Chinese. I responded and they asked me if I was or had seen a university professor. I stammered and replied that I was just a student not a professor and I could hear laughing from behind me. I turned around and saw a Chinese guy laughing his head off and looking at me while on his phone. I walked past him and told him quite loudly "you are very naughty" in chinese. A whole bunch of people then turned and stared at me in shock but I kept on walking past them. This would have been good, but I slipped on my socks and fell over in front of everyone. They all giggled a bit but I yelled out "stupid qualitative research!" and they all shut up and began nodding in agreement. I then carried on and went down an escalator to a platform like a train station and found the rest of my family waiting for me there.

      Dream 4: The Age, a great newspaper in my area, was shutting down and I was distraught. A couple of friends and I went to their head office in the city to see what was going on and we were told because not enough people were buying the newspaper they couldn't carry on. We were all very upset and we went around buying the last ever edition to preserve it in our memories.

      Dream 5: (This was very long and weird dream) I was with three other people, all dressed like me, and we ended up somehow in a strange suburb. WE were lost and wandering about when we were approached by 4 people all wearing red shirts. They told us about jesus or some shit, I guess they were Mormons or jehoah's witnesses, anyway somehow it ended up that we were in debt to them and had to work at their shop to pay off the debt. WE did what they wanted but then they refused to let us go until we believed their lunacy. Eventually I saw an opening as one of their guys parked a car in front of the shop and left the door open as he was bringing stuff inside. I sprinted out and weaved through other roving groups of wearing different coloured shirts and dove into the car. I shut the door and spun round and drove up the street. I yelled out to my 3 fellow people who were returning from collecting something to jump in. They did and off I sped. The red shirts had saw me, though, and jumped into another car and sped off into hot pursuit. We made it down a few streets but they were catching up to us and our car had ran out of fuel, so we jumped out and began sprinting down the street. We saw a parked van with two people inside, so we begged for them to let us in and drive away. They let us, and we zoomed away, losing those red shirts.

      We drove away for a little bit and then talked with our drivers. They were a middle aged couple, and we asked them where they were taking us. They said we would head back to their place, and we started getting a little uneasy. I saw a giant mower in the back of the van, and I asked them if they were going to make us mow their lawns to pay off the debt. They said yes, and as we pulled into the driveway as the sun set I saw they had square kilometres worth of lawns. We did the mowing for a little bit, but then I decided to get into their car and try and escape again. Trouble was, they spotted us and began chasing. Long story short, they caught us again but we did manage to secure some money from the endeavour somehow. As they were going back to their house they needed petrol so we stopped for that, however this time I managed to find a fast car and upgrade it with the money I had found, and suddenly it was like Mario kart. We zoomed away and they couldn't follow us for a bit as they were refuelling. The race was on, 200km to home and us with a 5 km head start. A succession of people from the react youtube channels were driving us in turns, people like markiplier, Rachel, lia, a girl called andrea was really good, pewdiepie did as well. they were catching up to us but we had a secret boost with the last of our money and pulled ahead again. We made it into the final straight with 100m between us, and although we slowed down at the end we managed to just cross the line ahead of them, thus we were saved.
      Tags: non - lucid
    4. From one problem to another. (#266 I think)

      by , 04-01-2016 at 09:38 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I remember I was teaching at my second elementary school. (IRL, I went to two elementary schools. One was from first and second grade, and another was from third grade onward.) I remember I was an assistant teacher for a class of first graders in the first room down the main hall, and my Taekwondo master was supposed to be my assistant.

      I don't remember exactly what happened but I needed to get something from the art room. In the dream the art room was where the gymnasium was IWL, just down the hall from the first grade classroom. I went to leave and my Taekwondo master asked where I was going. I told him I needed to get something and if he could just watch the class for a minute. For some reason he started crying because he thought I was quitting being a teacher and leaving him with the kids. I just ignored him and figured he'd perk up as soon as I came back.

      (I guess this was trying to reference my waking life work at the Taekwondo studio in some way.)

      I went down the hall to the art room. It was very dark in there because they were doing electrical work. The art teacher said she had been expecting me and while she didn't have [whatever it was I needed], she did have an extra shipment of markers she wanted me to have. So she filled up my backpack with them and told me to take them back to the class. She also gave me an AV cart with some video tapes from the school library.

      I came vaugley remember coming back to the classroom with an AV cart and told the kids that we were going to watch Kung Fu Panda as part of our unit on chinese culture. I said something about how it was directed by a Chinese woman and was supposedly at least somewhat accurate.


      The movie was nothing like any of the Kung Fu Panda movies that I remember. It didn't center around Po but rather another bear, a brown bear who also knew kung fu and had shown up from another land. I remember he encountered Po in the woods (who was wearing a cape and straw hat) and the two started fighting.

      It was one intense fight too, they were kicking one another through trees and stuff. A thunderstorm started as their fighting moved into a field. They both began employing these energy attacks, kind of like a hudoken that would shoot these little homing energy balls at one another, and making magical shields. I feel like Po projected golden energy and the brown bear projected blue energy.

      Eventually they ended up breaking through the ground and winding up in some kind of spirit realm. (I think it started off looking like the spirit realm from the third kung fu panda movie.) But eventually the fight faded out to something else.


      Some narrator character explained that my dreams have two layers. One layer of dreams is based in reality, while the other layer is based in a sort of spirit realm. The difference between the layers is that one of them uses locations from reality and simply overlays them in different ways to create a slightly different dream experience. The other is a fantasy, where it can be any location. This was the lower layer.

      The lower layer is further subdivided into four sections. Mountian, Plains, Forest and Sea/Islands, with a city in a center and each of the four sections spreading out in a 90 degree slice from a central city. We approach the central city. I remember there was a huge spire, it looked like an oil refinery, but had to be over a mile tall. The entire thing was covered in pipes, tanks, girder structures and smoke stacks. There was a transition zone at the cloud layer, and at the very top of the spire was a small compact city skyline of glittering modern glass skyscrapers.

      Next to that main city were some huge docks. I remember there were these flying tanker ships. They were sections of huge spherical tanks held together by steel trusses. Four tanks, then a control tower, then four more tanks and a cluster of engines. On the bottom were two glowing blue energy conduits that presumably kept the things aloft.

      The world looked fairly sapped of color, everything was yellow, brown and toxic green. Even the top part of the city.

      I remember I realized I was flying at this point. I turned away from the city and flew around it. I remember seeing a cluster of volcanoes. But the volcanoes were capped by these oil-rig structures, and the lava was being channeled down the sides into collection areas. I landed atop a cooling tower. (It looked like one of those huge cement towers you see on nuclear plants) I was standing on the edge looking down at the lower levels of the city, where it looked like a shanty/slum.

      Someone said something to me about it still being Halloween at the train station. (I feel like it was Marcus.) I looked down at the train station and saw people loading giant pumpkins, three to a car onto flatbed cars of a train. I remember the pumpkins were really bright orange and stood out against the other colors of the dream world. I flew down into what I presume was supposed to be a park of some kind. I remember the ground was paved with rusty metal and crumbling concrete and there were areas of dead trees and grass.

      I began thinking clearly and decided to summon Manei. I didn't need to say the command, she materialized in front of me as soon as I thought of her, along with a computer desk, computer and chair that she was sitting at. Apparently when that manifested her in, the computer was disconnected from its power source and she lost whatever she was working on. She threw her hands up in frustration at this fact. She turned and saw me.

      Me: "I want you to come with me, I need to be with you alone, so we can talk."

      Manei: "No."

      Me: "Well then I'm going to look around the city myself. That part sure looks interesting... " (Looking towards a portion of the city lit up with neon.)

      Manei: (Still staring at the computer) "No."

      Me: "How about some dream reading. (The part of the city that is lit up with neon shrinks and ignores spatial relationships for a second, with the buildings becoming racks of books to read, then reverting to their original state.)"

      I look at the cover of what I have taken from the rack. It looks like a manga, though it reads left to right like a regular book. I can't read what it is titled, but it looks like mostly vertical characters, like a mixture of upper and lowercase I's, J's and L's. There is a picture of an anime girl on the front with white hair and silvery blue eyes. She is covering herself with a white blanket. I open to a random page. The right hand page is some kind of advertisement. The page has a red background with black text and seems to be selling some kind of robots. The other side shows the character from the cover, naked, talking to another female character while sitting on a bed for three panels. The speech balloons were in the same weird vertical language.

      Manei: "No, no reading, either!" she snatched the book from me and ripped it in half down the spine.
      Me: "Well then, what do you want me to do? I'm lucid and it would be a shame to waste it."
      Spoiler for Language (And not me swearing up a dream for once):

      Me: (Irritated by the laughing DCs) "Well, at least your direct about it."

      The dream shifts to my living room. She begins to take her clothes off, and I can tell the dream is starting to lose clarity. I remember we were both wearing disgusting dirty heavy coats from the previous environment. I think I stopped after taking my shirt off and realized there was one bit of business I need to take care of first.

      Me: Metatitakiatientes, (I rub my hands together.)
      Manei: What are you doing?
      Me: Stabilizing the dream before we start. You know how the dream will-
      Manei: That's not the right command word.
      Me: Yes it is, you're the one that taught it to me...
      Manei: I have to go to the bathroom.
      Me: Dream Guides don't have to go to the bathroom.

      She walked out on me anyway. I feel like I used some trick to fast forward time to where she came back. The dream is still losing clarity at this point.

      Me: Wait, you taught me the wrong command? Why? (No wonder that never seemed to work...)
      She doesn't really say anything. Everything starts to go dark about here. I snap my fingers and make a small flame to keep things illuminated around us.

      Me: Oh well, now it's your own fault we can't do what you want.
      Manei: [Isn't the pursuit of selfish desire while ignoring the consequences what dreams are]
      Me: [Not to me, not anymore, not in their entirety]
      Manei: [Why do you even bother, just give in to me for once.]
      Me: [You think I will just accept your mistakes you because of the physical nature of sexuality. I see beyond that. Marcus said it himself, your dream body is nothing more than a facade. It's who you really are that matters, and I will do no such favors for somebody who, on the inside doesn't deserve my affection, regardless of my own desires, or yours. This is exactly what I wanted to tell you about. Your role as a dream guide comes first, and you seem to have forgotten that.]
      Manei: [So you're listening to Marcus more than me now?!]
      Me: [It's the only logical thing to do, move to a more reliable person for consultation.]
      Manei: [You're not very loyal, using an outside source like that to get information.]
      Me: [You have to earn my loyalty back. Reliability ranks well above sexual desire.]
      Manei: [I want to fix this.]
      Me: [Me too.]

      I was so intent on the discussion that I realized I could feel my body back in bed, and everything was black now. I thought I would just wake up.


      I think there was a false awakening after this part that resulted in me waking up in my bedroom. I remember something was going on and I had to use my telescope to see it. I feel like there was much more. A 'Dream Computer Error' happened and I took a vacation in the tropics.

      For some reason that whole final thought-discussion was undertoned with the idea that Manei was some kind of impostor. I don't know what the heck is going on here, but I feel like I'm about to learn something I don't want to know...

      Updated 04-08-2016 at 03:20 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 04.01.2016 Smoky venue

      by , 04-01-2016 at 08:17 PM
      I attempted to go to sleep early, around 10pm. I have been planning all sorts of things (birthdays and other outings and such) for others so I have been mentally exhausted. I had a relatively easy time going to sleep, but when I woke up, I felt like I had been up all night.

      DR 1
      Feeling of being in a crowd of people, mostly men. We were in a dark, kind of smoky club looking place. Not cigarette smoke, but the smoke that comes from dance clubs. We were going to leave this place to go out to a restaurant/bar. There were a lot of dark figures moving around. There was a lot of laughing and shouting going on. I was just standing among them, quietly watching. I awoke, feeling as if I had been awake the whole night. I expected to still be in the venue.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Non-Lucid followed by a spoiler for content of the dream & dream signs

      by , 04-01-2016 at 05:50 PM
      Non-Lucid: I was in a flood & was helping a big family that was all split up & we finally found them all & no one seemed to be hurt. Then we were doing the normal emergency protocols for a big flood. Then I noticed we were in an unusual big manufactured home. There were alot of children. And then the dream took on some really odd turn, which I will now use a spoiler due to the content.

      Spoiler for Graphic nature, followed by personal life event:
    7. Medieval cross over

      by , 04-01-2016 at 03:32 PM
      D1 - At work trying to teach kids missing number problems ad nauseam
      usual dream sign of doing something over and over till I find a solution

      D2 - Staying in an impressive chateaux, of great white stone, big as a castle. I am looking out and an enourmous sunlight courtyard and above a great stone bridge between the two sections of chateaux. It is late evening and the owners of the property start to troop in, wearing all their finery.
      The men are suited in Louie 14th style foppish wigs and silk jackets, whilst the women wear silk gowns bared to expose their breasts.
      My eyes are drawn to their pink nipples Oo lol.

      D3 - At work I am caught by my boss on the way through a large room, staff room ? There are many chairs around with people lounging about drinking coffee and banter is flowing.
      He asks me to edit Elf the movie as he wants to use it for this years xmas story (omg I only just realised xmas is one of my dream signs).
      I agree under duress, I have the weekend to complete the task.
      At home I have forgotten about the task, and in a slight panic rush to complete the task.
      I find as I am editing that their is subplot after subplot appearing like russian dolls within the scenario, in exasperation I exclaim how on earth did he think I could do this.
      As I am finding the subplot they turn into a dream world of their own and I am inside the film. A medieval story of knights and beggars ensues.
    8. The Most Vivid Lucid Dream Ever

      by , 04-01-2016 at 03:21 PM
      So I was in a dream, and I remember I befriended a bear, his name was Blue and he was a grizzily bear. So I was running around with him in a house when suddenly something caught my eye. I saw the name of someone who I hadn't seen for a long time. I remember telling myself, "Wait, that name...I hadn't heard of that name for almost over a year!" Then it suddenly came to me. "This is a dream!" As soon as I realised, I became lucid and the enviorment around me became dim and dark. And the grizzily bear turned into a teddy bear and fell down on the ground. I looked at it and said, "I'm sorry Blue."

      And like always I decided to go search for my dream guide, I ran and opened the roof, it was snowing and everything was cold. Then as I was losing lucidity, I told myself, "No, I mustn't lose lucidity!" I tried rubbing my hands, pinching myself and since nothing else worked. I decided to spin and let myself fall.

      I woke up entirely but then as I went to sleep, I went into the dream with complete lucidity! I remember running around town in full speed. then I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Thanks for the tip✨

      by , 04-01-2016 at 11:16 AM
      Dild after wbtb wild attempt 🌺
      Went to bed around 9 pm and listened to WB audio book
      Had some dreams to record around 2am and lay saying mantras for a while feeling refreshed and awake ...till about 3 - then sat up saying mantras etc in proper wbtb till about 4am.

      Lay back down for wild with fan and earplugs and seriously supportive cushy bed I usually set up for wild attempts ✨

      Was in a dream where some wise ladies were helping me with an extremely painful lower abdomen...it was very painful and they were caring for me in a very comfortable place. They said they needed to perform an operation on me that had potentials to be dangerous and needed to be very exact with the surgery - They were going to have to knock very hard onto my abdomen at some point and then pull down that which did not need to be there any longer out through my vagina. I am terrified and ask for painkillers and rescue remedy. As far as I can remember I am getting ready for this operation ✨

      Later I find myself lucid in my dream - I am speaking with a girl who is encouraging me - ' I am lucid so I know I am dreaming!✨'
      ' Yes you are' she says
      ' How can I get better at lucid dreaming? Can you help me?' I ask her
      'You get better by having more Lucid dreams - it's the only way - through experience' she replies
      'Right - ' I say
      ' We heard you can fly right? So go and fly!' She encourages me kindly
      ' Yes I can - ok then I am going to go fly! 🌠' I am exited by her and the kind words she offers me...I feel she knows me well...
      ' OK bye then' I wave to her and gently put my hands then body very easily and fluidly through the walls that make up the room around us - it's an effortless move of my body throughout the wall, as if my body and the wall are made of the same pure light. I look at my body and at the wall for a few moments and see clearly we are made of the same ' partially invisible light ..,' - nice✨
      I move into the sky with a sweeping motion, gently flying not too high but up enough to get a feeling of the vast surrounding land. It's beautiful to fly again ...The light is bright and I feel very at home in the dream ... As I think this I have to be careful as my WL body becomes evident and the bright light comes in - ...I persevere and am steady again with my Lucidity ...

      I am suddenly beginning to fly back wards and feel I want to fly forwards towards the most beautiful sight that has just appeared in my view... I don't struggle too much but 'know' I will fly directly towards this magical looking place. And so soon I do - I have never seen anything like it but have heard of Lucid dreamers going to such like magical, heavenly beautiful lands! Wow - is this my opening to such a place 🌅 I can't help but think the girl who told me to fly knew I would see this amazing sight if I got myself up into the sky in fight, I feel very fortunate! The Heavenly Place looks like something from another world - nothing on earth like this - it's Amber and yelled hue's shine out showing a spectacular opening in the bright light that surrounds these twinkling gates. I so very much want to experience this place but as I fly towards it I feel my WL body ... I soon wake into the dream of my WL reality and lie in bed for a short time remembering the spacious feeling, sights I have just uncovered - it's time to get up

      🌺I am now determined to go to this place again ....soon 🌺
    10. WWE

      by , 04-01-2016 at 11:05 AM
      I remember being in wwe trying to sort thigs out with kane but whenever i tried to help stabbed me when we hugged. There where lots of people. I remember he changed so fast for the commentators, he was now sitting down with a nice grey suit on.
    11. Astral plane

      by , 04-01-2016 at 08:50 AM
      I emerged from my body on a large plane together with my wife... It was quite work to bring her there. It was featureless black glass like smooth surface And there was abyss on right side in about 25-30 meters distance. The sky was also featureless and black. Our bodies were the only light sources there, shining quite bright to lighten maybe 100m circle around us. It was soft light, it didn't dazzle our eyes.
      We communicated directly by thoughts.
      At last, I managed to bring you out of body. I told her.
      She asked me: where are we?
      I feel, that we are in astral dimension. I wasn't in this kind of place yet though. Please try to balance yourself I have problems to stabilize yourself.
      My wife was all giddy, running around, looking for something... and she got close to abyss. Then she got scared from depth of it and ran back to me.
      I doubt about this. I have only strange dream, she told me.
      Don't doubt things here, it is destabilizing yourself, I'm already losing you! I communicated to her as she was less and less substantial. Try to remember this please!I managed to tell as she vanished.
      I remained there for minutes... standing still, doing nothing but concentrating and observing my featureless surroundings. Then I was forced back to my body.

      My wife has no memory of this experience
      The only time I managed to have my wife act consciously in astral projection. Even if it is possible that she was projection of my subconscious mind

      Updated 04-01-2016 at 07:49 PM by 66278

    12. 1/4/2016

      by , 04-01-2016 at 08:14 AM
      1) I was in the dining room of my childhood house (again!) talking to a colleague(?) who handed me a wallet belonging to another doctor. I felt that there was something seriously wrong and felt something evil about the wallet. It fell to the floor and seemed to move by itself, I started to feel very uneasy. I phoned the doctor who owned it, no answer so I left a message. Then things started to get very strange. Things were moving around on the floor. The wallet jumped at me. I was stood in the corner and started to feel freezing cold, I could see my breath. I turned around and asked the person with me what was going on. We both knew that a very evil presence was with us, it turned into a nightmare. I was breathing very fast and woke up.

      2) Driving down a road came to a big dip in the ground that was full of thick fog. Drove into it very slowly, with bright headlights on I could only just see enough to crawl through very slowly. Came up the other side and went for a walk in some woodland. Had to drive back through. The fog was clearer now and I could see more and got through more easily.

      - set off for work this morning and immediately hit a thick fog bank - strange
      Tags: doctor, evil, fog
      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. Inside a Nuclear Plant and a Ranting Old dude

      by , 04-01-2016 at 05:04 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was at my friend Patrick's house and me, Pat, and Emily we're just chilling. Pat and Emily were playing what looked to be Halo 5 while I sat on his bed watching. Emily was sitting in a bean bag chair and pat was sitting on the edge of his bed. I remember they were playing split-screen and the game had just ended. The leaderboard came up and displayed their kill/death ratio in 3 different rows. The 3 rows were all different colors, one red, one blue, and one gray. I saw that pat had died once that game and now had a total of 66 deaths in his entire multiplayer career. Emily had died 5 times and now had a total of 7 deaths in all of her multiplayer because she hadn't been playing the game that long.
      It was my turn to play so I took the controller and played multiplayer solo, so I had a full screen. I remember activating God mode and flying around the map in the game. Suddenly I became a part of the game, and everything looked just as real as waking life. I flew over an enemy base and as I did so, I saw a ton of enemy droid looking robot things. "Be careful dude, the demon robots are pretty violent" Pat said from who knows where. I down below me as I flew over the base and I saw a few robots moving in an erratic motion. They were moving as though they were possessed or having a seizure. It unnerved me just looking at them. Suddenly I found myself getting shot at. Huge missiles started flying past me and exploding not far behind me. I knew I was going to die if I didn't get out of the sky quick. I looked around momentarily. The sky was partly cloudy and the moon was shining brightly. The weather was fairly cold and the constant wind only made it colder.
      Not far ahead of me I noticed a huge nuclear power plant. I saw 2 huge reactors and I thought it'd be a good idea to go inside of them and talk shelter from all of the missiles. "Surely the robots won't blow up their own nuclear plant" I thought to myself. I flew down into the left nuclear reactor. Each reactor was painted white with two red lines going across them in the middle horizontally. Immediately upon entering the left one I realized just how dangerous it was. All along the walls were rotating blades and all sorts of booby traps that seemed to be there in order to prevent anyone from going inside. I slowly descended down the many levels of this reactor. As I did so, I accidentally hit one of the huge rotating spiked blades and died. Seconds later I respawned just at the top of the nuclear reactor. Once more I descended into the reactor, but this time I was more careful.
      I slowly maneuvered around all of the rotating blades and went down to the 3rd level of the reactor where there was an open floor to stand on with no booby traps. I then realized why I was here- to shut down the reactor. I was now alone walking around inside of the reactor. It was fairly noisy because of all of the blades constantly rotating. On the right wall of this level I was on, I noticed a power terminal. I walked over to it. It looked like a giant futuristic computer of some sort. I turned it on and looked for a way to turn the reactor off. Seconds later I came to a screen that displayed all of the reactors functions. There were tons of functions, and they all had weird names too. At the bottom of the screen I saw a button that allowed one to turn off the entire reactor. I pressed it with my finger and everything powers down. It is now extremely dark and there is only one light on on the floor I am on, and it seems to be an emergency light.
      I continue looking at the screen and press another button by accident and everything turns on once more. "What the fuck" I say out loud before quickly pressing the off button again. Everything turns off once more and silence returns. Suddenly the area transforms and I now find myself in the living room of my house standing next to one of the lamps. Wade and his girlfriend Shelby were sitting on my couch and my other friend Alex was sitting on the floor playing with two large dogs. I look over in the kitchen and see my teacher Mrs. Koenig along with Mr. McGinnis and an Assistant principal from my school. "Since when did she have 2 husbands?" I thought to myself "That's really odd". I then noticed that Mr. McGinnis had completely jet-black hair whereas in waking life his hair is half gray. Behind Mrs. Koenig where my sink was I saw that there were a ton of dishes that needed to be cleaned. There were so many that it took up the entire back counter top. All of the dishes were either red, blue, green, or clear it seemed, so they were basically tupperware.
      "Cory, these dogs are so cool" Alex said from behind me. I turn around and see that the huge dogs are now all over alex licking him to death. I walk over to them and pet them. Their fur is really soft and white with brown spots. I notice that Wade and Shelby are now cuddling on my other couch. Shelby gets up and tells me something but I don't remember what it was.

      2. I was driving a car down what appeared to be a feeder. My friends Dylan and Emily were also in the car with me. I turned right into the parking lot of Kroger, a grocery store. As I did so I immediately found myself having been teleported outside of the car along with Dylan and Emily and we were now just standing in the parking lot. The car, however, didn't stop and continued at full speed into the main area of the parking lot. It was heading straight towards two cars. "Holy shit dude it's fixing to crash!!" I yell. Unexpectedly, as the car approaches these other 2 cars, it seems to acquire a mind of its own and it weaves right in between them without crashing at all. It then swerves around and starts coming towards a red van at full speed not far from where we were standing.
      Somebody is driving the red van and they are now pulling out of their parking spot fixing to leave. They see the car coming towards them and quickly pull ahead to get out of the way. The car zooms past it and goes out onto the feeder. I walk up to the red van. Inside of it I see an old man with short gray hair, his wife, and two kids in the back seats. He rolls down his passenger side window. "What the fuck are you doing?!?!" he asks me. "I didn't do anything, I've been standing here the entire time. Why are you mad at me?!" I ask him. Emily and Dylan walk over and start talking to the man.
      Just then I realize that I am dreaming. The man is still talking to me but I'm completely ignoring him as I am now looking around. "Later guys" I say to Dylan and Emily as the old man still tries talking to me. I walk down the parking lot and feel the breeze go all around my body. The sky is clear and blue, and the sun is starting to set. A wave of pleasure and power come over me. "Lets explore" I say to myself. With that I then decide to run back down the parking lot with immense speed. As I do so, I start off slow but then quickly gain more and more speed. I can feel the wind now strongly moving around my body and it deafens my hearing. I slow down for a moment and take in the realness of it all. I then take a deep breath and let it out. "Ahhh, this is good" I say out loud. Just then my vision goes out of focus due to instability. I gain it back for a second but then lose it once more and wake up.
    14. Dream #2 of 2 Today

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:39 AM
      So in my dream I was at this country music concert & gonna perform with a bunch of other ppl & Blake Shelton was there. We were all in a big dressing room & I dropped my eye shadow that had a bunch of colors in it & they all got jumbled & broken inside. Some woman suddenly started asking me for eye shadow & I told her mine broke but I have another one & she got all hoity toity & said she needed "high quality" eye shadow & I said sorry but I can't afford "high quality" eye shadow but she used it anyway. And I was thinking what a Bitch she was, lol. But after that we all went out to perform w/ Blake on the stage & per usual, my cat Meesha came & woke me up... Oh well, it was not lucid & it was only more of a sleep fragment anyway.. Hopefully tomorrow will be diffferent.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. My dream about a rocket

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:21 AM
      Dream #1 of 2 today:

      So that this makes sense to anyone reading this you should know the following. I used to work at the place where my husband works which is called Eagle Picher Technologies, & they build batteries that go into the space shuttle, rockets & secret stuff etc for the government...(Both my husband & I worked in Quality Control) I was injured there & that's why I can't work any longer. But we call it EP. And second Petra is from the tv show "Jane the Virgin" & "Blake Shelton" is a country singer/a member of the show "The Voice." But then again if you don't know who Blake is you've been living under a rock, lol ... Okay, so in my dream I was at EP & a whole bunch of use were taking turns with a welder working on a battery & then Petra comes in & I follow her, but not like normally follow her, it was more like remote viewing her at this point for some reason. She's trying to steal a rocket. But as I follow her we run into some Russian's who had gotten there first & they see both of us & then my cat woke me up in real life & it was over... It was a very vivid dream but unfortunately not lucid.
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