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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Pitched To Mike Trout

      by , 07-29-2012 at 04:34 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      A couple of vivid dreams today:

      Dream 1:

      I am on some sort of mission with JW and JF. I am driving, I take a short cut through an alley and almost hit a woman. I am holding something out in front of me to get it past her.

      Dream 2:

      There is a huge party at my house. The yard is really big and we have a huge side yard with veggies and nectarine trees. WW and some other girl and the party say they like my wife (want to have sex with her). There are tons of Asian people and I am playing football with them. I throw the football over the roof by mistake. My wife is putting together some massive cabinet outside against the wall where the oak tree should be. There are 8 cats (all variations of my cat, S) sleeping next to each other in order of size.

      I woke up and thought about the party dream for a while, then went back into it.

      Mike Trout shows up to the party with his girlfriend, a tiny, cute Asian girl. I tell him that I HAVE to pitch to him so I go looking for a baseball. I find a bunch of baseballs but they are all nasty except for all of my autographed ones. The autographed baseballs are all signed by family, friends and myself. Next I am at Guadalupe Elementary School on the field pitching to Mike Trout. There is a catcher there too in full gear.

      The first pitch I throw is a fastball on the outside corner for a called strike one. Next I throw a slider which I aimed (I was hesitant to throw it). It's not a very good pitch. He swings at it and barely gets a piece. After the pitch I realize that I am standing way too far away so I scoot up. Next I throw a beautiful slider and he fouls it straight back but he pulls something in his leg. I think this happened because I was thinking how much it would suck if I injured Mike Trout.

      There is a doctor at the party with an x-ray machine. He examines Mike's leg and informs us that he has cancer. I'm not sure if it is real or a joke. Mike Trout and his girlfriend start to leave and I beg his girlfriend to send me the video of me pitching to him (she filmed it on her I-phone). I think she did. I hugged her and shook Mike's hand. He has pretty bad acne and was really nice - he reminds me of my younger self.

      Note - I think my wife was pregnant at the party.

      Dream 3:

      I am at a huge mall that looks like an airport. I am full of confidence. I stand in line for the directory but forget what I am looking for. When it is my time to look at the directory I just walk away.
    2. Recall Galore

      by , 07-28-2012 at 11:14 PM (The Infinite Domain)
      Non-Lucid - Lucid - Notes
      1st Dream
      I'm sitting in a glass elevator with two people I don't recognize. I know for certain that this is no ordinary elevator, as when I look outside, I stare into the vast expanse of a curious looking star system.

      I didn't take note on what I was wearing, but it was rather uncomfortable, so I ripped it all off. Something happens and the elevator stops and opens.


      2nd Dream (fragment)
      The girl I've been talking to for a while, M, is helping me put a condom on because I was having a slight amount of trouble wrapping my tool.

      3rd Dream
      A very, very, VERY long sex scene with Wonder Woman. No idea why this even happened.

      4th Dream
      Playing Nazi Zombies with a good friend of mine, Z. We get pulled into the game itself and are eventually eaten

      5th Dream
      I'm standing on an exotic-looking island, probably inspired by the game "Dead Island".

      There were dead bodies everywhere, and people mourning for their loved ones. This was the site of a recent terrorist attack. I walk around the broken docks, and hear a helicopter landing in the distance.

      I run over to see who is visiting this godforsaken island, only to come face-to-face with Barack Obama in a crimson-red suit dual wielding two .50 cal. Pistols.

      At this point I've come to the realization that I'm dreaming, but that doesn't stop Barack. He shoves past me and I get a glimpse of him finishing off any survivors of the prenominal attack. I find this to be entertaining, yet disturbing, so I finish him off by summoning lightning from the clear blue sky. I wake up feeling both satisfied and refreshed
      I fall back asleep around 6:00 A.M.

      6th Dream (fragment)
      My mom smells the cigar I smoked earlier on my clothes, and I convince her that it is simply my cologne infused with marijuana extract. WTF?

      7th Dream
      Listening to M sing. She is unusually talented, for someone who doesn't sing for shit in waking life.I become lucid for a short while in realization of this, but the dream is unstable and I wake up.

      8th Dream (FA)
      I "wake up" to a phone call from M, but "fall back asleep" because I'm far too tired.

      8 "Dreams" in 1 Night. Needless to say, I'm satisfied.
    3. Randomness, Precious, Fragments

      by , 07-28-2012 at 09:21 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)

      I am at ex-wife's parents house. I was dropping the kids off. My older daughter was sleeping in a bed. I go outside and see a car speeding out of the driveway. I look my car over and see my trunk open and empty. All my stuff was stolen. I go tell someone. And come back but my stuff is there like it should be. I drive away but I have some blonde chick with me. I know that she is my wife's friend. I take her to GA church. I walk her inside and get playful with her by poking her in the ribs. It was all non flirty but more brother/sister teasing. I see a bunch of bible students there and I say something funny to one of them and walk off.

      I was thinking how boring the last dream was and I found myself looking at a strange scene. There was something about people going missing. Then I see a peach tree in a pot with a few peaches on it. It was like I was watching TV some said something I can remember now. Then the peach tree was on this old ladies head. There were threads of lightning branching out and I saw shrunken heads hanging from it. It was like peoples souls were captured and the old woman was gaining power from it. I saw a ghostly visage of here next victim. It looked like Tommy from Rugrats and next to it was his dad and next to him the Arab guy from the Quickie Mart on the Simpons. I was appalled that she would want to kill her own son???

      I was trying to WILD and I got all these fragments. I didn't put much effort into remembering them because they were not LD and I was specifically going for lucid.

      My blackberry bush had multiplied several times and was full of blackberries. I was shocked and happy.

      I see a pack of black wolves coming. I take two deer in my arms and tell my wife to get the dogs. We hid in a garage from a childhood house. There was remodeling going on in it.

      The hermit crabs came back to life and somehow survived being frozen.

      Something about my black cat being an ass.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Alas! The WILD

      by , 07-28-2012 at 06:56 PM (Sleep as a Hobby)

      I finally succeed in WILD which was not wild at all. ^_^
      I did not expect it to happen.
      Last night I was very tired and slept late,
      But I strongly will myself to wake up between binaural beats.

      I must had been between sleep and awaken; a drowsy stage.

      I was in a mustard seed coloured room.
      I quickly did RC; bending my right hand, plugging my nose and looking at my cellp…
      It was not there.
      My smart phone with a little fur attached to it was not there.
      So I knew this must be a dream.

      After all…… I was floating.

      This is THE first time to realize I am dreaming.
      Like a person who first encountered a concept of internet,
      I was thrilled.
      I can ‘think’ as if in real life! This IS a revelation!

      However I did not want my excitement to ruin this new experience,
      So I calmed myself down.

      I moved slowly towards a ceiling with a little shelf painted in white.
      There were pottery dolls; delicate and fragile, but pretty.
      I saw them at Costco.
      They were twinkling and shining.

      I wanted to try summoning my imaginary character,
      But I must have thought too hazily. I could not do it.
      On a side of the wall, I tried drawing a window with my finger.

      I noticed a weird sensation.
      I could think fast, but my body moved like scrolling a slow moving mouse; stifling a user.

      I failed my task.
      Probably because I did not know how my imaginary character would look like.
      Not enough imagination and clarity, I stated.

      I opened my eyes from sleeping.
      It was still a middle of night, I could try another dream.
      Unfortunately I was too well asleep after that.

      But it was a nice dream.
      Tags: first wild
      dream fragment , lucid , memorable
    5. Bits and pieces of a dream

      by , 07-28-2012 at 05:27 PM
      I don't remember the beginning of my dream, but I was in school, as in the dream the school year had started again. Despite it being my usual school, it was somehow different... Specifically, it suddenly had a lot of really attractive guys in it. We were doing some sort of introduction thing in my class and it didn't take long, but we'd stay and wait until the attractive people would finish their classes in order to see them. I thought it was silly - the whole situation reminded me of manga bishonens that had swarms of girls following them everywhere. I was wondering whether I would be able to woo any of them(there wasn't a lot of distinction between them...). I made a note of some sorts to one of the guys that I was waiting for. I'm not sure what it was, but it was something supposedly useful for him, like a mini calendar?? Anyway, by the time the hot guy came by, it was already quite late. I saw him and his group of fangirls(It was much smaller than most times of the day, but it was still at least 7 girls) and ran after him. I said I had something to give him, so he stopped(his fangirls continued walking without noticing?). At first I gave him the wrong note and he got confused, but then I realized I'd dropped the real one. I ran back and found it, then gave it to him. His fangirls were pretty far by then, I was concerned that he wouldn't be able to catch up to them. I apologized for it being just a silly thing. He looked at the note I gave him, seemed like he was a bit confused and forcing a smile, but he was still much nicer than you'd expect of a person of his popularity. He said bye to me and went home... without his fangirls. Then I realized I should've just drawn him something cute instead, since it would've made a much better impression U_U

      It had gotten really late by the time this was over, so I went home. However, I got lost since the dream city isn't at all similar to the real city I live in and I was trying to navigate it like the real one... I rode a bus that went the wrong way and ended up in this pedestrian alley crossroads thing. I got completely stuck, not sure which direction I should go to when these people appeared. They seemed to be lost too or something? They became my companions for the rest of the dream. We went to this dead-end alley to see what was in there, but while in there the theme of the surroundings changed... we were still in a city, but it was old and really weird. I don't remember what exactly the deal with it was, but it made me think of a video game(dragon age maybe?) for some reason. I don't remember a big chunk of this, but we went around the city some more and weird things were happening. I was a girl and there were... antennae things on my head? I was feeling really warm, then I realized there was heat underground and I was supposed to release it somehow? Me and my little dream brother went around these heat pipes, randomly popping up in people's houses and luring them inside??? A heat surge hit my brother(he was chibi-sized) and he grew up to be a man. I was looking at a colorless globe of the earth and someone was speaking to me. Said the old man, the storyteller had intended my brother to be a grownup to begin with(he was crafting a legend and trying to make it true...? like he was creating a game?), and imagine his dismay when he got that pipsqueak instead...! I don't remember any more.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. King and I'm friend with a princess.

      by , 07-28-2012 at 02:43 PM
      Someone lead me to a beautiful palace. What stunned me there was the colourful and beautiful tile pattern. It have roses pattern with white smoke.


      I encounter a king by accident. My friends and I were having conversation with him and suddenly he talk to one of my friends. As they talk we realise that she was a princess which country was destroy.

      Then the sultan retreat with her sending him away.


      Next I was at the top of a building. It was night and I look below where neon and car lamp were beautifully visible from above.
      dream fragment
    7. Acting offer.

      by , 07-28-2012 at 02:31 PM
      I was at home thinking about how I was being offer to act in a love story movie. The offer was for me to be the lead heroin.

      But I refuse the offer.
      dream fragment
    8. Giant

      by , 07-28-2012 at 05:32 AM (Dimension X)
      Well this dream I had a while ago... But nonetheless it was kind of a bad one. Ok so I was in my backyard, and all I remember is that there was this giant person standing about 80-100 ft tall. And they saw me and they actually tried to reach down and grab me. So I saw a freakishly huge hand coming at me. ...But for some reason, I couldn't run away, so instead, I was on my back just backing away using my arms. I actually got through some bushes and escaped though. The dream was supposed to be a bad one I guess, but I got away. Freaky though...
    9. Bacteria Gas

      by , 07-28-2012 at 04:25 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      I recalled a couple of strange fragments today.

      Dream 1:

      I am at an Indian wedding. I wake up with the thought "keep up or you will forget."

      Dream 2:

      I am walking down the middle of a vacant Westwood Blvd. I am an expert bread baker. I take some kind of strange bacteria gas as a test for something. I think it removes marijuana from your system. The chick from Total Recall (Arnold's girl) is the person administering the gas. It stings my eyes really bad because of my eye condition at first but then I get used to it.

      Dream 3:

      My cats are fighting and V turns into a ferocious bear and pounces on S with incredible force.
    10. Dream fragments and lucidity

      by , 07-28-2012 at 12:35 AM
      So last night I had more than one dream. Each dream I had didn't seem to have a beginning nor end. The first dream I can remember I went Lucid shortly.
      It started with me being in this huge creepy (Not old just scary) Mansion of some sort. The inside was endless and I was looking for a way out but each door I opened led to another completely different looking house. For example I would be in a middle class house and could see a yard out side in the country then I would go through a door and I would be in a very expensive looking apartment in the city. I couldn't go through the windows for some reason and there were no exits. The harder I tried to leave to deeper I seemed to go. The new rooms grew more and more dark and warped. Everything started to feel wrong I got a idea in my head that I had to leave or I would die there. At some point I opened a door and the room looked like space yet I knew if I fell I would fall forever. I had to go along this ledge to get to the next door. I opened it and was in a normal yet poorly let house. It looked really familiar but I couldn't figure out why . (When I woke up I realized it was the house I lived in in a dream I had a long time ago) Anyway I'm standing there and suddenly I understand why nothing makes any sense. I was dreaming. I walked around intently looking at everything. I kept saying "This is cool....I'm really asleep.....everything's so real...." I was picking stuff up and feeling it and looking over everything. It was cool. I went and looked out a window and was like "SSSSPPPPAAACCCCEEEE!!!! >:3" At that point I didn't care about leaving because I knew it was just a dream so I just explored some. Ate some point I must of woke up shortly or had a major dream change. The next dream I had I didn't go lucid.

      I was in a movie theater getting my ticket. I went in the the show room and looked around for a place to sit. That when a guy walked past me that look just like one of my friends but older. He stopped and was like "Hey long time no see" He was referring to us not seeing each other over the summer but he looked way older the he was. He is 17 but looked 20. Anyway turns out all my friends were there. I go to sit down by them But someone says they are saving that seat. For some reason I get offended and sit away from them (Would never happen...I love my friends) They are like "Awwwww come back" I ignore them and the movie starts. I don't get to watch it though because the jerk next to me start talking and everyone tells him to shut it but in the end a guy asks him to leave ALONG with me because the think I'm with him. I'm like "I don't know this guy! I'm not even involved." My friends come to my aid even though I was a jerk but they still kick me out.
      Dream shifted
      I'm at a construction sight and I have no idea why. My parents are apparently rich and own the place but there not my parents and I know it. I walk around and everyone acts like they know me but I don't know them. Then my little "brother" whom I don't know ether tell my mom said to inside. I'm just like "meh..." and go with it. I go inside this cool looking rich person house. Inside there is this guy who says "Hey come look at the full moon" He hands me a pirate like telescope (I don't know what they are called - _ -) I look out at the moon but its green and blue. Then I realize its the earth....and I'm not on it. So naturally I freak out.
      Dream shift
      Ok now I'm on my road that goes to my house. I walk past a park were they are opening a new pool. I hitch a ride with this guy to my house (I guess I could have just walked...idk) So I'm going down the street to my house and I pass a lot of stuff that didn't mean anything in my dream (when I woke up I remembered That a lot of places I passed were more places I had been in other dreams...so that's kind of cool) Then he dropped me in front of my house. I think something else happened my it's foggy because my grandma woke me up soon after.
    11. Two Punks - Chase Dream

      by , 07-27-2012 at 04:37 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      July 26, 2012

      Synopsis: two men break into the house and then chase me

      Two Punks
      Im in a mansion again, living with friends and family. Our happy little world was ruined when two guys decide to break in. It was broad daylight and they had no shame. They busted into my bedroom, attacked my friends and started to tear the place apart.

      I wanted to get their attention away from my friends, so I attacked them using magic "over here!"

      They focus on me now and I jump out the window. They followed me as I planned, now I just have to lose them. I fly over the stone wall (dream wall) and on top was an abstract landscape. It looked like a maze arranged with potted plants in giant concrete planters.

      The plants are too short, they can see me. I couldn't lose them in the maze. I was hoping to find a forest to hide into, but the maze led to a wide clearing instead. Damn.

      They're still following me. I take a sharp turn to the left and find some city folk to mingle with. Theres some sort of festival or concert going on in the park. I thought for sure Ive lost them in the crowd.

      Just past the crowd was a forest - yay! I race towards the forest when - the two guys step out of the crowd and block my way.

      "Going some where?"

      I didn't like their feeling. They didn't feel like the rest of the dream characters. I wake up, but its actually a FA.

      I felt uncomfortable, as if two entities were in my bedroom - just hiding in the corner. It was daylight in my FA. I write on the wall in big fat letters - MICHEAL. As in Archangel Micheal. The wall was already doodled with stars, ready for me to write his name.

      I felt more comfortable and went back to sleep - which made me wake up for real.
    12. Crate lifter and old friends

      by , 07-27-2012 at 04:13 AM
      All I seem to be able to recall is a crane-like machene that lifts large metal crates and then drops them over a edge to fall a few feet before hitting a metal floor. And meeting my old friend Saul, I told him that his phone number now belongs to another person.
    13. Now I'm a student?

      by , 07-27-2012 at 03:35 AM
      I was enrol in a new high school. It was a hostel school too.

      A school setting that I always dream about. I went in the hall for entrance ceremony. Seems like there was dinner or is it lunch? But I missed it.
      dream fragment
    14. I'm a spy!

      by , 07-27-2012 at 03:26 AM
      I'm in a room. Not sure what I'm doing there.

      Someone came in and someone beside me told me to hide behind a door. He was wearing a suite and a hat (as a detective should be) As I follow him there's another one who follow behind me. So we cramped behind the door that we hide.

      I was worried that our third company would be seen by whoever was in the room. There was someone talking and I can hear them quite clearly but can't remember it.
      dream fragment
    15. School event

      by , 07-27-2012 at 03:09 AM
      I drive on road before in front of my high school and I saw there was event there. The school was broadcasting a theme song that I assume as the event theme song.

      I didn't remember what the event for but later I was involve in the event too. Inside I stare at a backdrop, made by a white cloth. There were some writing there. I read them once then when I want to read them again they seems not there.

      Dream signs.

      Action related sign: 0

      Form changing related sign: 1

      Odd context related sign: 1

      Inner awareness related sign: 0

      Updated 07-27-2012 at 03:15 AM by 56644

      dream fragment