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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 3-26-12, Caught up on sleep!

      by , 03-26-2012 at 07:27 PM
      Dream One: I'm at a bar and grill type restaurant, like maybe an Applebees type place. A friend I haven't seen in years, we'll call her G, was with me and we were sitting with three guys. I know there's someone that I'm there with, but he's not at the table, he's gone to the bathroom or something. G wants to do something funny, so she takes a picture of me out of her purse and tapes it to the booth beside us thinking she'll trick him into thinking I'm sitting over there when he gets back. Then she tries to drag me to the bathroom so He won't see me before the picture. I'm trying to tell her to knock it off but she won't listen and drags me about ten feet away. Luckily, the guy comes around the corner and asks where we're going. G says to the powder room, but I say no where and walk back tot he table with him. He looks at the picture and kind of laughs, then says it was a cute trick but the picture was way too revealing for public. I look closer at the picture and the front of the shirt in the pick is drooped so you can see the top of my cleavage, I'm suddenly pretty mortified and yank the picture down. One of the guys at the table laughs and I jokeingly say to him, "You guys are trying to kill me aren't you?" Then the guys are talking about something, it sounds like business, and I'm bored so I get up and go out the front door of the restaurant to get fresh air. The guy I was with comes out and grabs me by the arms. He starts interegating me, telling me that I have to be careful, and can't pull silly stunts that draw attention to me like my friend had just done. Then he tells me I'd better not tell the people at the table that I spent time in some other country. The he asks me what it was I was doing in that other country, and I have this flashback of me running with a Griffin across a rocky landscape. I refuse to tell the man I'm with about it though, knowing I'll sound crazy. Then the guy tells me I just need to be careful, because one of the other guys at the table would find out everything he can about me and use it against me if it would be to his advantage. I pull away about to tell him that I don't care, but I wake up instead.

      Dream Two: I'm in a library or community job center or something. There's a bunch of computers in a U shape, and a lady behind a desk on the only empty wall. The lady behind the desk is talking to a man at the first computer to my right, so I'm between them. I turn to look at the man, and it's Renji from Bleach! He's telling the woman at the desk about Skype and how to use it. I pipe in with a few things, even though I've only used Skype a couple times. Renji looks up at me and smiles like he's glad I'm there, then I feel the world around me going black and realize it was a dream just as I'm waking up. I hear a voice in my head say, "Dragon Parody Productions" as my body tingles and I'm finally awake. I usually don't feel tingly and unable to move before I wake up, but that's just sleep paralysis wearing off I think.

      Dream Three: I'm in a really nice rented house at the beach with My BFF's mom. My kids call her Mai Mai because they can't say her name. I notice that the roof of the place is glass, and round, like a giant round green house. The glass is blue tinted, and there are white wood beams radiating from a white wood circle int he center of the ceiling acting to support the glass. The furniture and walls are all white and it it feels very beach like. My husband and I are talking to Mai Mai and she's pointing out what she's calling the "atrium" outside, but is actually a real green house. I think this place is amazing and I wish I had a house like it with my own private green house. There's another building on the property and I think it might be a barn. It's storming and I spend a good deal of time marveling over how beautiful it is to see the rain hitting the glass roof and watching it run down the glass walls. I'm briefly scared, what if it hails and the glass breaks? but then it stops storming and I see a horse running around in the fence outside. It's just a tiny baby horse, and it's soo cute with it's little baby horse mohawk. I walk out to pet it, and my dad shows up and starts petting the horse too even though he doesn't like horses. Then he and the baby horse start chasing each other around the padock and the horse becomes a little girl around 4 or 5. The little girl wants to go inside, so we do, but my dad disappears. Mai Mai has a phone that the little girl plays with, but then the little girl pops off the phone keys and loses them! We look for them and start talking about my mom. Then I comment that this little girl is sooo cute and ask Mai Mai who's kid she is. Mai Mai says she's not a real little girl, but a robotic one they used to teach parenting at the school she used to work for. I think there's no way this little girl could be a robot, but Mai Mai insists and the girl agrees and tells me she never grows up! I wake up.

      Dream Four (Fragment): I dreamed of a dragon. I thought the dream was awesome and I wanted to be extra sure I'd remember it so even though I was so sleepy I wanted to go back to sleep I went to write it down. As soon as I started to lift my hand to reach for the phone, I felt this wave of calm soothing me to go back to sleep and not worry about writing it down. It almost worked, but my son woke up at that moment and asked me if he could go into the living room. That made me fully awake enough that I pushed back the sleepyness and grabbed my phone. As soon as I looked at the screen my mind went completely blank. all I could remember was that the dream had been about dragons. I spent ten minutes trying to remember what it was about, then gave up and went back to sleep hoping it would come to me eventually. SO far it hasn't -_-

      Dream Five: I'm standing in the middle of a storm, I call out to the clouds, asking for power. Lightening flashes, and I am sucked up into the sky. Suddenly I'm a child, looking up a spiral staircase. There's another little girl beside me whom I just know is my sister (even though I don't have one). We go up the stairs to find our mom, and see a door cracked open. We walk into the room, and my mom is laying there in the bed with a tv blasting away. She's not watching it though, she looks asleep. The little girl beside me calls out, "Mommy? Are you ok?" and mom snaps at us, she looks really scary and I'm trying to rush my sissy out of the room to safety. A female voice tells us not to worry, that everything will be ok, then she sets a red wand down on the nightstand by my mother and closes the door. I can't remember what the woman looked like though. I can hear her telling my mother to take the wand, and I hear my mother suddenly change to a nice voice and say she's sorry for being so mean and that it's hard for her to live right now. I turn away from the door, not wanting to hear her excuses, and then the light flashes and I'm big again. I'm dressed in blue, something similar to Aqua from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Two green wands appear in my hands, then they change color to blue grey to match my clothing. I hear myself saying, "The one that's fast is mine. The one that is strong is also mine." The wands glow white for a moment, then transform into a sword and a fighting staff. Then I see an ocean, and there are two ships on it. The first ship explodes, and I see two ninja like figures leap from the smoke to the second ship's mast. Then, another ninja like person jumps out of the smoke and the first two explode. I just know they've died. Then I see the inside of a ship, where people who look similar to Bleach captains and lieutenants are sitting. I say similar, because they don't look like cartoons, nor do they look like cosplayers, but I can tell who they are because their facial features match up to what the drawings look like. Their hair is normal looking, not spikey like a cosplayers would be. They are seated around a table, talking and drinking tea. There's a loud noise outside, and they open the door to have bad guys bursting in on them. They start punching and swinging their swords, knocking the bad guys into a purple misty like portal of some sort. Then they sit back down and are listening to some message from a fallen soul reaper. It's the ghost of one of the two ninjas I saw before. It's saying they had completed their mission, but on their way back they were ambushed. I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 25/03/2012 - FOUR LD's!

      by , 03-26-2012 at 02:19 PM
      This was a really long and interesting night for me. I went to bed late and quite tired, so I couldn't think of anything related to lucid dreaming, which just made me fall asleep. I only remember now short fragments of my dreams:

      1. Me staying in my classroom. About half of my class was there, along with a brother of an old friend of mine and an old classmate of mine, both of which weren't supposed to be there. The desks were arranged in a weird manner and they seemed to have round edges (while in reality they are just rectangular benches). A classmate of mine was sitting in my seat and he told me that about half the class wanted to go on a specific trip, but I knew that was untrue because most of them felt forced to go, being afraid of the teachers.

      2. I was walking with my girlfriend, and we were going towards some sort of family party (with my family). As we were almost there, my phone rang, and it was my girlfriend. It felt really strange that she was right next to me, and I was also talking on the phone with her (the person near me wasn't actually talking on the phone, so basically I was interacting with some clones or something), and I was wondering whether she was jealous because I talked to this clone of hers at the same time.
      When we got there I saw an older person whom I don't know that was really drunk and he said he was just "enjoying the moment while it lasted". I felt quite embarassed.

      3. The next thing I know I was in some sort of ghetto-ish area. It was very dimly lit, quite dirty, and there was really no one around. It slightly resembled something you can see in a Fallout game. I realised that something was wrong,and that I had no idea how I gotten there, so I told myself I must have been dreaming. I looked at my arm and two of my fingers were flashing (appearing and disappearing). I realised it was a dream, and I knew that the first thing I had to do was calm myself down and stabilize. Still, I had absolutely NO control on it, and my body started flying upwards. As I saw the whole area under me, the lights became really brighter and I woke up (in paralysis, seeing a skeleton sitting on top of me. More on this here.

      After I got out of paralysis, I turned around in my bed and went to sleep again, hoping I would sleep quietly until morning.
      The next thing I know, I'm somewhere in my town, close to a shopping mall and I spontaneously realise that I'm dreaming. I hold my nose and I can easily breathe through it, and once again I know that I HAVE to stabilize and calm down, but my body instantly starts flying upwards. The lights get too bright, I blink repeatedly in my dream and wake up (not paralyzed, this time).

      This exact dream happens again two more times, each time in a different area of my town, and with a different RC in them. In my first one I somewhere in my neighbourhood, and I looked at my hand and saw 6 fingers, so I knew I was dreaming. Instantly, the same thing happened again, I flied upwards and woke up.

      Then, for the third time, I get a very similar dream (in another part of town, close to a school). This time I see my fingers flashing again, I get lucid, start flying,and wake up.

      I really hope I'll be able to control everything better from now on...
    3. Recall frustration

      , 03-26-2012 at 02:06 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I am really frustrated with my dream recall right now.
      I'm not even stressed or anything, which would explain the lack of recall.
      Usually when I get adequate sleep, do the occasional wbtb, and try to remember my dreams when I wake up, my dream recall gets pretty decent.
      When I'm doing well I often remember 5 or more dreams per night.

      Looking at my recent dj notes though:
      No recall.

      No recall.

      No recall.

      No recall.

      No recall.

      In the U.S. walking through a pet shop. I find bearded dragons which I like.
      One of them has a really strong green skin color, must be a rare mutation.
      I then spot at least 15 pairs of eyes on him. Huh? How weird.

      No recall.

      No recall.

      No recall.

      I hear my father coming into my room to wake me up whilst still dreaming.
      I cannot recall the dream though, only that I heard him come in...
      Brain, why u no recall dreams? >_<
      dream fragment , side notes
    4. 3-25-12, Can't believe I dreamed with only 4 hours of sleep

      by , 03-26-2012 at 03:05 AM
      Dream One: I was at the river, in a sail boat. I see a tipped over sail boat, and decide to pull on a string attached to it to right it. I pull the string inland, but just as I'm about to reach the dock the string pulls me backwards and almost off my boat and into the water before I let go! I look back, and the sail boat has become a cruise ship and has tipped. I turn to look for someone to help, then turn back and it's a sinking Pirate ship. I wake up.

      Dream Two: I'm watching something about Psychic warfare on TV. My mom is there and when I ask her a question about the show, she tells me to talk to her Friend R, because R knows everything about psychic stuff. I ask R, and she starts to give me an answer, then she starts talking in Gibberish. I ask her what she's talking about, and she says she doesn't know. I ask her about Psychic warfare again and she tells me there's no such thing and not to be silly! Then I suddenly know there are soldiers outside the house and they're going to try to silence me because R did know something and let it slip before they rewrote her memories. A smoke bomb flies through my window, then I wake up.

      Dream Three: There were Skylanders in the dream but that part is fuzzy and I don't remember anything but seeing legendary Trigger Happy on the screen. Then my husband was talking to his father about snakes in the yard with swollen bodies. (This was during my nap because I only slept 2 hours last night due to sick kids and thunder storms) The snake and swollen body bit was actually reality bleeding into my dream. My husband had Skyped my brother in the living room in the front of the house (I was in the bedroom in the back of the house) and the kids were watching my brother feed his pet snake. My husband was asking how long the snakes body would be swollen with the mouse inside it, and apparently I heard it in my sleep and my dreams attempted to explain this.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Fragment #1

      by , 03-25-2012 at 11:42 PM
      First dream in a fresh journal. Woot!

      As I am restarting dream journaling, I am not recalling complete dreams, so this is just a fragment but I thought it was funny.

      A friend of mine was getting drunk with my roommate. I was off doing something else and I came home to her throwing up on the carpet. She had a toy poodle sitting next to her and told me that was drunk and she was trying to teach her poodle through imitation, 'cause it was drinking too.

      I forgot about the bizarre logic and backwards-rationalization used in dreams.

      This one put me in a good mood for the day.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Examen oral proceso administrativo

      by , 03-25-2012 at 08:53 PM
      Soñe que estaba sentado en un mesabanco en un salon que parecia ser el del cbtis pero sin el escalon del profesor, estaba copiando alguna informacion de otros compañeros para estar mejor preparado para el examen, supuestamente yo seria escrito pero entra y todo mundo se acerca por lo que me acerco yo despues y la profesora me llama y dice que es mi turno, todo mundo se aleja y entonces no me hace preguntas sino que me cambia el tema me imagino yo que para beneficiarme por lo que le sigo el rollo, no recuerdo lo que decia pero recuerdo ver que muchos se salian del salon de clases.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. March 25, 2012

      by , 03-25-2012 at 06:18 PM
      I got a little sleep, but when i dream iw as in a place that was really firmilliar. it was all the places i lived smashed into one... i rememb3er looking at a map and seeing how close i was to an area that i used to know. i remember black shorts and suitcases. it was night time, a summer night cool and crisp air, stars shine for miles in the sky. grass is soft and conversation is of how if i dont come back soon they will go looking.
      Tags: who knows
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    8. Balloon Joint

      by , 03-25-2012 at 05:56 PM (The Inner Workings of a Sound Addict)
      Only a small fragment again, but it was pretty vivid.



      In my uni flats, everyone is filing out on their way to the headmaster [as if back in school] for disciplinary action. Nothing to do with me, I pretend to be involved to fit in and head towards the exit with everyone else. However, I remember a baking tray that urgently needs to be returned to my room, and turn back.

      In my room, I find three guys, one of which I know, smoking. In reaction to my confusion, they tell me it's my fault for leaving my door unlocked. I agree, and join them. I light something balloon shaped, which is almost as big as my head, before putting it back down on a huge pile of tobacco.

      Updated 04-15-2012 at 05:09 PM by 52203

      Tags: drugs, uni
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. TWO in ONE

      by , 03-25-2012 at 04:13 PM
      I had 2 dream, wich i dont think they are related.
      the 1st ona:
      There was a "race" of beings wich i can compare to the Behemoths of FF-XIII. there was a Alfa Male that was Blue coloured, and his wife/women was Red coloured. they had a son that was Grey.
      Some kind of catastrophe happened and they had to abandon the place they were resided, and becouse of that they left. i have a hole here, and the next time i remember something is that Blue, Red and Grey (im going to reffer them as that, for i do not know their names) were in a glacier that was breaking. i do not remember if there was more of this "behemoths" with them. Grey was in the water, and his father and mother tell him to come back but he keeps swimming to the center of the glacier.
      Grey is in a COMICBOOK-STORE(i assume the one from the simpsons, i never been in a real comicbook store), with 2 humans. someone arrive screaming that X person(i do not remember his name) transformed himself. Grey asks him what X has become, and this man showed him a picture in wich you can see a human/behemoth (2 stripes going down from his head and back, big hands, etc..) that was BLUE/RED coloured, like those colours shifted all over his body. Grey get's angry and starts running to find X.
      There ended the first dream.
      The 2nd one starts like this:
      There was a group of people in the top of a mountain. They went down from that mountain and went trough a path, in wich i started to remember (or i was showed) who they are and what they did.
      The only one i remember clearly is the one from the "old man". i remember he entered a crypt, in wich he fought against skeletons and that sort of things with a sword. this goes on for a while until he reaches a grave, in wich he fights "death" and steals his Scythe.
      next thing i remember, a little kid from the group starts to run and get's into a sort of abandoned factory, half of it in still hearch and the other half in the water, with beams holding it. the kid started to move through this beams.
      i do not remember anything else.
      Thank You For Reading
    10. Destroy That Lucid Dream

      by , 03-25-2012 at 04:12 PM
      Lucid Dreaming has entered my mind but in an unexpected way.

      I am in the desert, possibly Utah or somewhere around the Great Salt Lake basin. There is nothing that identifies where I am but I recognize the scenery from real life as a familiar place. Behind me is a domed rock, or structure, out in the middle of this flat basin and I am standing in front of it with an ax. I bring the ax down swiftly right into the number 20,000, which represents a Lucid Dream and possibly Hall Points as well. The number smashes and releases color sprites and a burst of light, a colorful shower that appears beautiful and tacky at the same time.

      My perspective suddenly shifts and I can see the burst of color over my shoulder. I'm viewing myself from outside a vehicle, and I can see the scene through the windshield and out the back window of the car. I am in the car with two other people, neither of whom I recognize or focus on, though I think one of them wears glasses. The car is something heavy and powerful, like a Dodge Charger, and is a creme or white color. I start the car and drive away, and the dream ends.

      *I really should have gone to bed before 4A.M.
    11. Reality check failed .. Again!

      by , 03-25-2012 at 03:36 PM
      I was sitting in and open back container--thing of a trailer. My feet was dangling over the edge and I was "focusing"* on counting my fingers on the right hand. *I'm a total cloudhead during my dreams.
      I was counting them, as I said, and sometimes I counted two lesser, and sometimes two more, but I didn't seem to notice, because the counting didn't "count" when I was in wake state (IRL; Dream), and I was saving the REAL counting for when I was in a dream again... Why..?

      Updated 03-28-2012 at 07:22 PM by 53379

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. The Alchemist

      by , 03-24-2012 at 06:26 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      Another dream I had a very long time ago. I came up to an old shack and I went inside. There's a hooded guy in there sitting at a table and he's working with chemicals--I think he's an alchemist. He asks me if I want to help him and I said no.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 03:09 PM by 53119

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable
    13. Pestering Drug Dreams

      by , 03-24-2012 at 03:42 PM
      Dream Fragment - I was on some random psychedelic(s), as were lots of other people. I gave an old, old friend C and this guy D some psychedelics of their own and even some money to get more when they run out, but they still weren't very thankful and came running right back when they wanted more.

      Dream Fragment - Lots of my friends took some 2C-T-7, and a separate group of my friends also took it but with DPT, totally unplanned, and then they ran into each other while tripping. The dream was mostly the next day and I was just listening to them talk about how awesome their trips were.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. The town, the bunny and the highway

      by , 03-24-2012 at 03:21 PM
      hello people, i just woke up and i remember some fragments of a very weird dream
      this is the traduction(i will post the original, in spanish, if someone want's me to, it is easyer to understand):

      It was a town like "chacabuco". We arrived in a car to a church. it had a highway on the side of it (right side), and a bird was standing in the "wall" of the highway(you know, like when there is a pillar holding the highway?), "picking" the other wall/mini-stripe-of-material next to it. then my dad told me something and I STARTED TO FEEL, SMELL, HEAR AND SEE like an animal (i believe i "possesed" him somehow, like taking over his body). i/him started to run through a park/forest that was near the church and when i/him was eating a bird, A NUMBER WOULD COME OUT OF THE BIRD counting how many i already ate. this went for a while, and in a moment i jumped to the top of a small building, closer to the church. i saw a bunny, and i ate it, but the number didn't was from 3 to 4, or 7 to 8, it was like 12-19 or something like that. i looked back and i saw my father, who told me "did you see that they are better?" (that would be: "¿viste que son mejores?).
      I believe that the animal was a fox, a dog or a wolf.
      i did some childish drawing of a "map" of the whole place, i am redoing it again in paint and i will upload it
      thank you for reading
    15. 23/03/2012 - really good experience!

      by , 03-24-2012 at 01:03 PM
      I went to bed kind of late last night, after more than a few hours of gaming, do I think it affected my sleep quite a bit. I had planned a WBTB attempt so I set up an alarm clock for 5:30 AM but when it rang and I woke up I couldn't remember a thing. I got out of bed, got a drink of water and went back to try WILDing.

      It didn't quite work out, as I couldn't focus and switch off at all, so I decided I would just get my last 2 hours of sleep normally. When I managed to fall asleep I started a long chain of dreams.

      Firstly, I was at my old school with a couple of my friends. We were on the football field, but doing math homework for some unknown reason. A few minutes into this, I saw a few people that looked like junkies approach one of my friends. I pulled him out of the Nyah just as they lunged for him, then started running away.

      My dream then changed. I found myself visiting a friend. We talked a bit about games and about the math homework from earlier, but now I realize that the inside of his house looked just like my girlfriend's apartment, not like his house. His mother called him for a few minutes, and I thought it was time to leave by now so I went to the door too. When I got out I reached his courtyard (which, actually, looked just like my courtyard) and saw the garage door open . There were about 10 tall, fat men with large beards and moustaches, working on a strange metal machinery. I also saw a few of my friends there, and greeted them but it was all too strange so I left that place.

      Then my dream changed again. I was in my high school's grounds, wearing only my underwear, and running towards the exit. Then I noticed that no one was looking at me, which was strange, so I thought that this might be a dream. I decided to do a reality check. I looked at my hand and one of my fingers was only half the size of the others. This made me become lucid, but I was too excited and I forgot about stabilizing my dream or trying to control it. Lucidity felt really good, and it was like all of my senses had evolved and it was all brighter, more vivid, more realistic. I then told myself "Screw this! It's a dream, I can fly!" and I started running towards the sports field and then I jumped. I started flying upwards very quickly, and saw the whole city née beneath my eyes. This gave me a phenomenal sense of freedom, and a physical sensation that I have never experienced before. It was simply AMAZING! Unfortunately, it only lasted 2-3 seconds, after which I had a false awakening. I didn't RC so I couldn't know it was another dream, but I was really excited that I managed to get a LD and that it felt so good. I woke up for real quickly after.